Welcome to J House – an imperfect family trying to improve. We focus on learning, serving, and playing together as a family. We (Jeremy and Kendra) have 5 kids: Isaac, Elise, Caleb, Laura, and Janae.

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    – I fell. – [Jeremy] You fell like into traffic. – And I fell into traffic. – [Kendra] This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Whoa. – [Jeremy] That is a big, big old rat. – [Kendra] The drive into Paris has been beautiful. – [Jeremy] Do you guys see it? – [Kendra] There’s the Eiffel Tower. – [Jeremy] So I was really concerned about parking in Paris because it is hard to find good parking. – Jeremy was a genius and reserved our parking spot

    Ahead of time, last night. I am just floored that that even exists. He had to like download an app and learn all about it. But driving down to Paris, we were like, okay, how is parking going to work? And it was so easy. We drove up, it scanned our license plate,

    And then there’s these green lights that showed us where the available parking spots were. So, so simple. – Well, we got here early enough that Kendra’s gonna go to a bakery and pick up some breakfast. The girls are playing at a park

    And it just feels good to actually be on time to something, to be early. – This is our handshake for the world trip. – [Jeremy] Yeah. ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪ – [Jeremy] Ends with a hug. ♪ Green, green grass ♪ – Oh, keeps going. ♪ Blue, blue sky ♪ ♪ You better throw a party on the day that I die ♪ – Whoa. – Whoa. – And then it ends with a hug. – That’s the end. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Great handshake. – Woo, hoo. – So I can’t pronounce what this is called croque maybe? Anyway, it is their version of grilled cheese – Yummy. – And the family on the train

    That I met recommended them, so. – [Jeremy] I see bacon and cheese and bread. – Yeah, I figured you’d like it. I think I made a mistake. They asked if we wanted it hot or cold, I figured cold would take less time and it would be less like messy to eat.

    This would taste really good warm. – Two, one. Grounders. – Dad, this park is perfect. – Perfect for grounders. – Because look, this thing. – [Jeremy] Caleb got himself stuck on the monkey bar guillotine. Fixed it, he got through. – A little free library. Love this kind of stuff. – [Jeremy] Yep, three gears. – [Bike Assistant] Try this one out. – [Laura] I like it. – [Jeremy] Here’s the tandem bike for Janae and I. Does that work? – Yep. – How do you like your bike? – I love it. – It’s so high, I have to get used to it.

    – [Jeremy] Do you wanna put the seat down? – Can I? – Yeah. – [Caleb] Isaac, such great riding. – So we’re getting ready to start our tour. The weather could not be better. – It’s ideal. – It’s 63 to 65 degrees and I was so worried that being here at this time of year we were gonna be hot and miserable. – But we’re not.

    – We’re comfortable. – I’ve got my sweatshirt on. I’m cozy. – We’ll see if we get rained on. – Nice to meet you Janae. I like your jacket. – [Kendra] I’m Kendra. – The more confident you feel in your biking ability, the farther to the back I’ll ask you to go. All of ’em are named King Louis, unfortunately. So to make it easier, instead of Louis 14th, 15th and 16th, we’re gonna say Sun King, Fun King, Done King. – This first up was the main military school, that was set up by King Louis, that went through the revolution and eventually Napoleon graduated from this military school. This was the last holdout, where the Nazis were after they occupied France and then the allies came and removed them from France.

    It was in this building that the final standoff was. – Look at that. – [Guide] Of our three kings, Sun King, Fun King, Done King, Which one builds this tower? – [Child] The sun King, ’cause it’s gold. – [Guide] There you go. – [Jeremy] That is real gold. – [Guide[ To be honest, I’m not so sure. – So this obelisk is 3000 years old. It’s the oldest monument here in Paris. And then this square is where the guillotines and the beheadings took place. So apparently the last public guillotining in France occurred in 1979. – This is delightful. – [Jeremy] So we’re here at the Louvre. We’re coming later today.

    So it’s fun to see a little preview. – It’s huge. He just said that there’s enough art in there that if you spent 30 seconds looking at each piece, it would take you two months. – [Jeremy] So what are you thinking of the tandem bike? – I like it.

    – [Jeremy] You’re really, you keep pushing me. So after seeing the Louvre on the bike tour, we’re stopping at this cafe in the little gardens here. Then we’ll get back on the tour. – Gluten free, savory crepes, gluten-free. – [Jeremy] Gluten-Free crepes – With avocado? – Yeah. – [Jeremy] We found some bathrooms. Is there toilet paper in here? – Yeah, – The last one didn’t have any. Oh, yay, toilet paper. – Paris is awesome. There are just like so many things to do. – Nice bike riding. – So the light bulbs are, Thomas Edison put them in and they were the first light bulbs here in France. – [Jeremy] Yep. On this bridge. – I can’t believe we’re here. It’s crazy. – So they rotate through which lawn they use. This lawn is gated off right now, but that lawn is open. – [Kendra] Two, three. Can we do a silly face one? Okay, now one smiling one. Ready? – [Jeremy] You guys see the elevators going up? – And if you were chosen, You got to do a zip line from the summit all the way down to the Champ de Mars.

    – Cool. – That’s so awesome. – They only chose like 200 people. – So next summer, the summer Olympics is here in Paris. They’re gonna do beach volleyball right here. And several of the buildings are already being prepared for the summer Olympics next year. – [Kendra] This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Go Janae, go. – Hey Janae, you’re doing it all yourself. – [Jeremy] Hey, what’d you guys think of the bike tour? – Awesome. – It was so good. – I learned a lot and we had the best tour guide ever. – The tour was amazing. I would 100% do another Fat Tire bike tour. – We probably will. – I did have

    One little hard moment when I fell. – You fell like into traffic. – And I fell into traffic and it was, I was looking behind me to try to help a kid and then I like wobbled and anyway, thankfully the taxi swerved around me. But anyway. – That’s scary. – It was.

    It was actually scary. – You twisted your ankle. – I like bent it a little bit. – I’m so sorry. – But ironically, after saying that, what was amazing is having somebody lead us through the town was so much less stressful for me as a mom.

    I feel like we didn’t have to worry about where we were going or where we’re going next. Having done that in Copenhagen on our own, this was nice because it was like, okay, we’re just doing it. – And you didn’t really have to go too fast.

    Like it’s not like zooming through the city. – It was more chill. This is the subway system in France. It’s gonna take us to the Louvre. Walkthrough. We still have a lot of day left, but it did start early. – We’ve only been on this metro for like two stops. We tired her out. – She really was peddling hard on that tandem bike. Sometimes it feels like Paris is Disneyland without any rides. There can be long lines.

    Luckily, so far we’ve avoided any of the lines. I don’t know if that’s gonna be the case for the Louvre. – Is that the museum? – Yeah, that’s the inside. The Louvre is just another one of these iconic places that you see all the time. And it is overwhelming though. Like there’s so much art here, so much to see. It’s hard to decide where to go and what to do. We’ve heard that the line is much shorter

    If we go to a different entrance that isn’t right at the pyramid. So here’s the back door. Doesn’t look like as big of a line here. – [Elise] Nope, there’s no one here. – Well if this is the shortcut, then the normal line is insane, because this fills so much space of line.

    We’ll see how long it takes us to get in. – Somebody woke up. – We’ve been in line 30 minutes and we can see the entrance now. So. – We’re getting close. We’re making progress. – [Jeremy] We’re finally in the Louvre. – Bernini sculpted this in 1619. This is the Venus de Milo. – The Venus? – What’s so amazing? – It’s so old. How old is it? – A thousand years old. – It’s 2000 years old. I actually am interested when I am out, hey, we found some people who know about our videos.

    – This is a statesman from Athens and it’s like 384 BC. So, this is like over 2000 years old and it’s of like a politician from Athens. – Wow. Just sitting. Anyway, I was saying it’s fun to watch people at a museum sometimes as much as the art.

    And you can tell which ones are supposed to be significant or famous because of how many people are gathered around taking pictures of it. – Oh, it’s the winged one. – Winged Victory? – Wow. – Alright, we’re going into the room or at least getting closer to the Mona Lisa. – This is by Leonardo da Vinci. – Wow. – And it’s the mother Mary and baby Jesus. And the other woman is, I believe, Saint Ann, which would be Mary’s mother. Just like the Mona Lisa, you can see how Leonardo da Vinci brings expressions into his paintings.

    The smiles of representing the motherly love. I think that’s amazing. – Alright, so they do literally have like a line, like Disneyland, to get close enough to see the Mona Lisa. So I put Janae up on my shoulders and they said, “Nope, that’s against the rules.”

    I don’t know how she’s supposed to see. There’s gotta be a better system than this. – [Attendant] Keep going please. – [Jeremy] We did it. – That was a cultural experience. – So Leonardo da Vinci did the Mona Lisa. It’s an unfinished painting, and Leonardo would take it with him from place to place until he ended his life in France

    And the painting was bought by a king in France, which is why it’s now here. – [Kendra] This is an amazing picture. It is huge. Like here’s the size of my children and here’s the size of the picture. This is the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife.

    And it took place in Notre Dame in 1804. – [Jeremy] Janae found the air conditioning. – Fixing up her dress. – [Kendra] Isaac just figured out something. – This is by the same guy. – This is by the same person. A bunch of these are, oh my goodness, he was a prolific painter.

    – Me and the little girls are ready to go to a park. So we’re separating. The older kids are gonna hang. We’re gonna find the bathrooms on the way out before we go. But I’m glad they were able to experience this. It’s a unique experience. Art is just an interesting thing.

    Like, the Mona Lisa is an interesting painting and it’s fine, but it’s humans that make it famous. – And I have a new favorite artist from today, Jacques Louis David. Wow, wow. It was amazing. He painted, among other things, The Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte.

    But so many of the works in this hall are his. So realistic. Amazing really. – [Jeremy] So what’d you think of the Mona Lisa? – I Loved it. – Loved it. – Do you think it was worth it? – [Laura] Yes. – Because we were booking things too late

    We weren’t able to get a guided tour. I think that really would’ve made it better for everybody. But regardless, I wasn’t even sure if I was gonna bring the kids into the Louvre because I know they’ll have more fun at a park. But I’m glad the little girls got to see

    Some of the main features and then we’re gonna go play. But we had to stop in the bathroom. And of course there’s a line for that too. – [Kendra] Elise found the air conditioning. – I’m so hot. – [Kendra] It is so hot in here. – It feels so nice.

    – I can’t imagine what the Louvre would feel like on a hot day. ‘Cause we’re, it’s not even hot today, but there’s so many people. Oh, this is amazing. Okay, this is the highlight of my visit right here. – Well, we were following the signs that lead to an exit,

    But it’s only an emergency exit. It’s funny how hard it is to get out of this museum. The tricky part is that there are so many exits, but you’re not allowed to go through them. So that makes it kind of confusing. Or a sarcophagus. – We made mummies with Barbies one time.

    – Yeah. – Is this real? – [Laura] Yes this is a real mummy. – It’s funny, I told the kids that if any of them get lost that they should meet us out in the pyramid section. I’m not lost and I’m still having a hard time finding it. – [Kendra] Whoa, this room is intense. – That is the crown of King Louis the 15th. – [Kendra] Whoa. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. – That crown has 2,490 diamonds on it. – [Kendra] It’s incredible. – And we’re out. – Finally. I don’t get this building. – What is it? – Is it full of mirrors? – It’s just mirrors. Look. – Really? – Isn’t that crazy? That is a building. – That’s a building? – It’s like it’s not even there. See that? – It’s so funny.

    – [Jeremy] We found a bakery on the way to the park. Had to stop and pick up something good. – Well, this was obviously just a taste of the Louvre, but that’s all we have time for today. I am amazed. This is the busiest art museum I have ever been to, ever.

    And I’m so glad because that means lots of people are interested in and want to appreciate the amazing art. So, we’re done. I really like art, but everything’s starting to look the same. That means I’m tired and hungry and ready to be outside. – Do you see it? – Yes.

    – [Jeremy] The girls are climbing up. All right, I got another one of these sandwiches, but this time warmed up. It looks a lot better. Whoa. That’s cool. – It’s a little bit tiny. I’m gonna go down the slide. – We made it out of the Louvre, which feels like a personal accomplishment.

    We’re gonna try to meet up with our family. It is starting to sprinkle, so I’m not sure what’s gonna happen with rain, but it feels so good to be out here. We just need food. – Food and ice cream. – [Kendra] Oh my goodness. So beautiful.

    All right. What’s your bet rain or a gorgeous night? – A gorgeous night. – Yeah, you think so? – Looking like rain to me. – What do you think? – Gorgeous night. – [Jeremy] Well, it’s definitely raining now. I don’t know if the boat tour is gonna happen in the rain.

    We’ll see if this clears up. Should we keep going or do you guys want to just hang under here for a little bit more? – Just hang under here for a little bit more. – [Jeremy] Just hang here. – Well, the last little bit was hard for me.

    I couldn’t figure out the gluten-free food for Caleb. I didn’t have the bag, which had a bunch of stuff I needed and my phone wouldn’t work. And so I literally could not get a hold of Jeremy and we could not find each other. Anyway, it worked out. It worked out.

    But I also think I was like extra sensitive to it from what happened on our way to Paris. Like I’m like, okay, like we saw each other again and I just like laid on his arm and I was like, we are never separating again on this trip.

    Like we’re just going to stick together. It’s just, oh, that was hard for me. – Alright. We’re barely making it onto the boat. We have to go through all of the walkways. Well, this is pretty relaxing after kind of a stressful moment of being separated and then finding each other, getting rained on. We’re just enjoying Paris on the boat. I’m glad we made it. – Yeah. – Is that a yawn? – I think everyone’s getting pretty tired. Here’s the bridge that we were on. – [Elise] That’s the Thomas Edison light bulbs. – Yep. – Like he installed them. – The amount of gold everywhere is amazing that it doesn’t get like stolen. – [Kendra] Hello. – That was surprisingly kind and fun. – It reminded me of, “We’ve got spirit. Yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how about you?” – I think they won. They had a more fun boat. – These people. – They did a wave. – That was epic. – I like them. They are fun. – Well, we made our predictions earlier

    About whether it was gonna rain or be gorgeous tonight. It turns out we were all right. It rained for a while and now it’s gorgeous. – And that’s Notre Dame. – Notre Dame. – Why is it so famous? – Just a lot of important things have happened there

    And it’s been around a long time. – What is that? – It was almost about to be like taken down, or something in the 19th century. And then Victor Hugo’s novel, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” – Notre Dame”, yeah. – [Isaac] Kind of restored its popularity.

    – It’s so sad that there was a fire here. Phone call in their awesome gibberish. – Nojoo. – Nojoo. It’s their gibberish language. So we just got off the boat and under the bridge there’s some kind of band playing music. It sounds like an army of French horns. French horns. We’re gonna grab some macaroons because it’s a dessert that’s gluten free. So we have to give credit to Paris. There’s actually a free bathroom and a water spout, we haven’t found that very often in Europe, is free bathrooms and water. – So we got lots of different flavors. So now we’re gonna do a very elaborate choosing system. – [Janae] I get one.

    – [Jeremy] She’s smelling them all. – Yeah, no, no, no. You gotta choose. – It’s like a box of chocolates, you don’t know really what you’re gonna get. – It’s good. – It has sprinkles, that’s for sure. – It’s lit up. – [Jeremy] It happened. – Whoa. – Oh my goodness. – That’s magical. – It’s so cool. – [Jeremy] It just happened outta nowhere and we found this like perfect spot to watch. – [Caleb] And it’s like secret and nobody’s here. – So I hear on the hour it sparkles.

    – [Jeremy] This is a fun moment to a hard day you guys. – [Isaac] Alright, I’m gonna take the cocoa passion. – Cocoa passion. – If you want Nutella this is your only chance to- – [Jeremy] Snab it. – Which one’s pistachio? This one? – That one. – I’m gonna go with pistachio.

    – Solid Pistachio. – That’s a classic flavor of macaroons. – [Jeremy] It’s so good. Kendra and I are gonna have, she got the French one. – This is called, So French, get it? Red, white, and blue like they’re flag. – Hmm, this one’s good. – [Jeremy] They’re all good.

    All right, it’s getting brighter and brighter. – [Kendra] Janae won the game with whatever that white one is. – [Jeremy] Mom declared it the best one. – Absolutely best. – I’m so French right now. – [Jeremy] There’s a rat. That is a big, big old rat. – [Isaac] I think it heard us.

    – It’s like “Ratatouille”, we’re in France and it’s like the rat, Just like Rattatooty. – Rattatooty? – I said it wrong. – [Jeremy] But you said it right the first time. – Rattatooty? – Ratatouille. – Rattatooty. – Rattatooty. It’s ratta too ee. – Rattatooty? – [Jeremy] No, it’s not tooty.

    It’s Ratatouille. – Rattatooty. – What’s wrong with me? Ratatouille. – [Jeremy] There it is. That was it. – I did it. – Yeah. – Rattatooty. – No. – I’ll be honest. I never thought I’d see the Eiffel Tower or the Mona Lisa. – [Kendra] And you saw ’em both today. – Yeah. – [ALL] Let’s go. – I’m already so dizzy. – It’s a spinning contest. Just don’t hurt each other. Oh, that was an ice skating move, Isaac. He pulls the hands in for extra speed. – Janae’s down. – Janae’s down. – [Elise] Guy’s I think it’s starting. – It’s starting, look. – So pretty. – Look at it. Isn’t that fun? Do you love it? – Yeah. – [Jeremy] Janae and the kids are laying here to watch the Eiffel Tower. Is it so beautiful? – [Laura] My spot. – [Jeremy] Laura’s joining in. – [Elise] Okay, I might need my jacket. – As I try to look up, I’m literally getting raindrops in my eyes. – I love this so much.

    – [Jeremy] All right, it’s over. – No. – Wait, Mom, I still wanna- – The lights have come to it’s end. – Goodnight. J House out. But at least you saw Rattatooty. – Yeah. – [Janae] Goodnight, J House out. – Here comes our train. I don’t know if I’m going to Paris alone, with five kids. There’s people running to catch it and I still don’t see him. We are on the train to Paris. Is dad here? – No. – Well, this is discouraging.

    – He didn’t make it. Jeremy missed the train.


    1. That bike tour was beautiful for sure!! Aww Bless Janae's heart,she is already worn out!! The museum was amazing!! The boat ride was fun!! The Eiffel Tower was amazing looking lit up! Thank you for sharing!! ❣❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❣

    2. Jeremy saying hi to the fans was so cute! How do you feel as a family if people come up to you like that?
      I hope you’re enjoying Paris!
      European countries are notorious for scams so be vigilant! I see others have commented tips and they’re all correct 💛

    3. Love the forest gump reference Jeremy! Also if you guys ever go to Italy, there are fresh water fountains everywhere!
      People love to wave at other people on boats, one thing I love but I’m not sure why people do it. It’s like “hey I’m on a boat!” “Oh no way, me too!”
      Humans are funny😂😂

    4. Even though things in my life means I'll have to wait till I'm over 18 to travel watching you guys travelling from one place to the next I'm earning so much and it's amazing what your showing you kids it's a trip they'll never forget

    5. Wow I have been to Paris and seen a lot of this but it is not the insides but the outsides and it was only a 3 hour tour so it was cool when you were on the tandem bike it was soooo cute I hope your loving your trip 😊❤

    6. I'm having so much fun following your videos! It's even more fun when it's a city I've been to as well, and finding out if you are going to the same places as me 😀
      I wonder, do you get recognized a lot by fans?

    7. I love that the background music changes wherever they go, Jermey is really giving us the whole experience.✨ I’m learning so much from the educational places they visit, the different foods, even the simple grocery stores, and all the different cultures. Thank you so much for this Jeremy and to the whole Jhouse family. 🫶

    8. I'm really enjoying your videos. The places you show in the videos are somewhere I'd love to visit with my daughter as well. Wishing you a happy family. Thank you.

    9. This vlog moved me to tears. Thank you for taking me to a Louvre and Eiffel tour cause I couldn't afford to go to Paris. Just hope I can go there someday. 🥲

    10. i love how so real these last few videos have been 😊like ur no perfect family like no family is!! i just love how u show the good times u have and the rough times u guys have had❤❤❤ 😊

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