Free pattern: Pattern is in tutorial format only. More information about this pattern here:

    Learn how to use 3 stitches in a spiral application for a never ending granny square appearance. Get started with tips and also how to finish.

    0:00 Start
    0:01 Pattern Overview
    1:07 Beginning Chain
    1:47 Rnd 1 – First Colour
    4:36 Rnd 1 – Second Colour
    8:27 Rnd 1 – Third Colour
    11:37 Rnd 2 – First Colour
    14:54 Rnd 2 – Second Colour
    16:43 Rnd 2 – Third Colour and Beyond
    18:05 Adding Border Ideas

    #crochet #grannyblanket #crochetblankets

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    Welcome back to The Crochet Crowd as well as my friends at Today we have a Spiral Afghan and I questioned to myself can this spiral concept  be done in um texture format. So my one boss used

    To say the short answer Michael is yes it can. So  the short answer is yes I can. So today I’m going to show you how to get started on this thing and  the stitch counts matter. So this one whenever you

    Have one color it’s always gonna be the same  stitch. The next color is always gonna be a different stitch and then the final color is gonna  be another stitch. This white here this vintage white that you see with the Bernat Blanket you  use less of it the most but you’ll still need two

    Balls of each color for this particular blanket.  If you want more information on the colors and etc you can see the video description to get a  link for that information. So the key element is

    How to get around the first time and to make sure  you stay in balance. And I was so addicted to this I did this in three days uh, three evenings and I was  like completely over the moon. Without further

    Ado we’re gonna get started. If you want  this version it’s a a 10 mm, size ‘N’ crochet hook with Bernat Blanket yarn and I’m gonna  just be using spare yarn on camera today. Let’s begin. I’m just gonna be using Patons  Alpaca Blend today on camera with the 5.5 mm,

    Size ‘I’ crochet hook. Start off with a slip knot  and I need you to chain a total count of 16. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Once you  have 16 when we go to start our first round we’re

    Gonna go across the chain, around the corner and  then back on the underside of the chain and come around and we’ll begin that in a moment. To begin  whenever we use this color it’s just gonna be

    A straight double crochet and you are gonna  go uh fourth chain from the hook. So 1, 2, 3 and go fourth chain from the hook and I always like to  grab the back hump of the chain. If you don’t wanna

    Do that then don’t. And all I’m just gonna do  is double crochet myself across until I get to the very last chain. And so just put me on pause  and keep double crocheting until you get to the

    Last one and I will be there in just a moment. I’m  coming close to the last chain and the last chain is what I wanna do different. So it’s right here  so when I start this chain I’m going to apply two

    Double crochets into the same chain. So 1 and  2. And I wanna turn a corner. So whenever I turn a corner it’s always gonna be a chain two  and then in the same chain I need you to put in

    Three double crochets this time. So we have 1, 2  and 3 and then we need to turn a corner again. So we’re going to chain two and in the same chain  once again only two double crochet. There’s a

    Method to the madness so just stick with it. And you  are going to then proceed along the first chain or the first chain here on the underside and you  are just going to put in one double crochet into

    Each. If you go right up over top of the starting  chain uh straggler and get it stuck underneath it’s something for you less to deal with later. So  you won’t have to deal with that so much. So

    Just continue until you get close to over here  and I’ll be there in just a moment and I’ll be right back. So I’m coming across and what I want  to do is that I wanna look for the final chain

    Work right here and it’s right it’s not the top  of this one right here and I’m gonna continue till I get to that moment. So just don’t go into  a space go right into the chain work. This is part

    Of that um beginning and you are going to put  in uh, one double crochet only and you have to trust this and chain two and then into the same  one right here you’re going to put three double crochet.

    And we can’t go any further because we  have to add more color now and more strands so we’re gonna pull a large loop let it  hold and then grab your next color and we’re going to begin that next. So make sure  your balls are not tangled. So if you find

    They’re tangled, untangling them because uh  you may create words that you regret later. In my case never but in your case it could be.  So I’m going to start again right here and we’ll begin another color. Let’s begin with  a new color and I am going to put this onto

    The hook and I wanna come up to the top  of this first chain work right here. So not in the first double crochet it’s right in the  chain work and you are just going to attach in and just attach with a slip stitch and chain  two. That’s considered a double crochet so just

    Go with it. The next one right here is going to  be a Bean Stitch and this whole color when you ever use this pink is always gonna be a Bean  Stitch. So how you do it is that you go into the

    Stitch so just go right in, yarn, over pull through,  yarn over and into the same stitch, yarn over pull through and one more time. So yarn over and in,  pull through. Okay so now you see all of this

    On the hook. I want you to pull through everything  but the final loop and then yarn over pull through two and that finishes your Bean Stitch. And then  you’re going to chain one and skip one stitch

    Down here and go to the next and do a Bean Stitch.  So just going on in, yarn over, pull through, yarn over and in, yarn over, pull through, yarn over  and in, pull through and then to finish it yarn

    Over, pull through everything but the final loop  and then yarn over pull through the two. Okay and then you chain one to move on. So I’ll show you one  more time. So skip the next one and just going on in, and just going on in,

    Pulling it through everything but the final,  pull through the final two and chain one to move on. I want you to continue until you get close to  the corner and I will be right back in a moment.

    If your stitch counts are right when you’re doing  the Bean Stitch the last bean will be in the second one before the corner. So this one before  the corner should be empty. You are still going to

    Chain one after that last bean and in the corners  even on the Bean Stitch is going to be the same thing with which is going to be in the future. It’s  always gonna be two double crochet into the space

    Followed by chain two and then two double  crochet. So whenever you turn a corner on this blanket no matter what color it is and stitch  you’re using that’ll always be the same. You will

    Chain one to start and you will skip the first  one and you’re going to Bean Stitch in the next one. So the way that I design the counts is that the Bean Stitch will always be equal from each other.  Once that bean’s done chain one and

    Then you happen to be hitting another  corner so it’s gonna be two double crochet, chain two and two double crochet. So chain one after it so you skip the  first one out, Bean Stitch in the next and you’re

    Gonna do this all the way across until you get  close to the next corner which I’ll meet you there in just a moment. So put me on pause now. As you’re  coming up to the next corner after the Bean Stitch

    Chain one, you should have one just before the  corner and then your corners are always the same of two double crochet, chain two, two double crochet. Now because this is the second color and we’ve

    Not gone all the way around yet you can’t go any  further from this. So you’ll have to stop here pull a large loop and get your third and final color  ready. Make sure the balls are not tangled and

    You can see that you have a different color and  a different stitch let’s begin our final color. So coming back so I never turn around to the back of  this project I always stay on the front side and

    I’m going to attach in to the top of the beginning  right here. So not the Bean Stitch but right here. And I am going to join this color with a  slip stitch, chain two which counts as a double

    Crochet and I want you to double crochet in  the top of this Bean Stitch right here. This round is so quick because you can clearly see  the stitches. So you’re gonna chain one and you’re going to skip until you get to the next  Bean Stitch right here. So just skip these chain

    One spaces go right into the tops of the beans  itself so double crochet. So chain one top of the bean. So this particular color will use the less  of it because you’re not doing anything really

    Much to it and it’s just more of a spacer and  these rounds of this particular stitch will go so quickly for you that you’ll get addicted on  how fast it will go. Well at least I did. So you

    Continue all the way until you get close to the  corner. So chain one. So when you get close to the corner you are going to skip the next space  and go right into this first double crochet

    Right here and double crochet in, chain one and  then jump right into the corner. So there should be a double crochet sitting there empty and you  jump right into the corner with what you already know. So two double crochet, chain two, two double  crochet and then you start a fresh side again.

    So chain one after it so you jump so you come  to the second one so you’re skipping the first coming to the second, double crochet in, chain one  and then just jump to the top of the bean that’s next. Chain one, in this case the corner is next so you’re gonna

    Jump over the chain one space and go right into the first double crochet. It’s the second one before the  corner chain one and then do another corner. Okay so chain one, skip the first one out  a the corner go to the second, chain one, you’re

    Skipping the chain one down here just jump right  to the bean and just double crochet in the beans only. So chain one and keep focusing on the  beans. I need you to go all the way to the final

    Corner right here which I’ll meet you there in  just a moment. So I’m coming close to the final corner and I can’t go any further beyond this  corner so I’m just gonna finish the corner. So

    Two double crochet, chain two, two double crochet. And now all colors are now in play. So keep your balls from tangling and just pull up a large  loop and we’re gonna grab our very first color that we started with down here. Grab the  loop put it onto your hook and make make sure

    The ball is not twisted uh coming to your hook  and we’re gonna start with this color. This is the most critical of the rounds. So I now  have this color in my hand and this counting

    To get to this corner is the most critical of  them all. So it took me several tries to figure it out. So let’s just go through it slowly. You  have your three double crochet that was already

    There and you’re gonna go and do your first  one in the connection spot so it’s the first one will be your double crochet there. Your next  one will be into the chain work right into this next color. So don’t go into a space itself  just stay within the chain work it’ll look better.

    The next one is at the connection spot right here. The next one is just right above the connection right here. Okay and then the next one will be the first corner. So in this chain right here so not the top of this one but right here is going to be

    Two double crochet, chain two, two double crochet all in the same stitch. And before you move on I want you to  double count your stitch work to make sure that it works. So you have 1, I’m just counting  off camera so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So after the

    Three double crochet are here you should have six  stitches before you get to this corner. So after the three so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. if you do not see six  make sure you see six because it won’t work. Here’s

    The other critical point. Once you’ve turned the  corner I need you to skip the first double crochet that is here. Okay so skip it. If you don’t skip  it what happens is that this blanket will then

    Make a weird turn like this. So skip that first one  and go right into the space as your first double crochet on this side. It’ll work out. So this round  here you’re going to apply one double crochet in

    Every stitch and every space and you just skip  that first one. So just ignore that and that’s the only time you’re ever gonna skip a stitch  when you leave a corner and this will keep it nice

    And balanced. So you’re going to apply one double  crochet in every stitch and space and when you get to the corners it’s just what you already know.  Two double crochet, chain two, two double crochet

    And I need you to go all the way around and get  to the final corner right here and I’ll be right back in a moment. So I’m finishing up this color.  So whenever I have this color it’s always gonna

    Be a double crochet. Nice and easy going and I  finish with my final color and the final uh corner here and pull up a large loop and then we’re gonna  go back and pick up the next color right down

    Here and we’re going to start. So we’ve already  established the first rotation and so everything will follow suit. So again pull up the next color  and we see this was the Bean Stitch round so we

    Continue to have this as the Bean Stitch as we  start this round. So the corner is already done so we have to chain one before we start and we skip  the first one and go and do a Bean Stitch in the

    Second. It’s no different than what we did before.  And now that the round is established with the color below everything should work out. So a Bean  Stitch, chain one, skip one, Bean Stitch in the next. Skip one or chain one, skip one, Bean Stitch in the next.

    Chain one, skip one and so when you do  this you’ll end up just like you did before is that you’ll end up with the second one  before a corner. So chain one, skip the last one before a corner and your corners are  always the same, two double crochet, chain

    Two, two double crochet. So you’ll start a  new side just like you did before so after the corner chain one, skip one, bean in the  next and so on. Please do this all the way around until you get get back over here. I’ll be  right back. Coming up to the last corner because

    I cannot go any further so I chain one after  the last bean and I do my corner what I already know. And then we’re going to go back and get  the next color and you can go around as many

    Times as you want to on this one. So pull up a  large loop after the last one. Make sure that the yarn is not tangled to the ball. So just  untangle your balls if you have to so just

    It’s really quite easy. Um, I wouldn’t um let It  go too long though like as far as like letting the balls get tangled. It’s a neat concept but  you gotta stay organized. So then pull this up

    And we’ll begin our next round. To begin our next  round just chain up one and you are going to skip the first one out and double crochet the next and  chain one and go on the tops of the Bean Stitches

    Then all the way to the next corner. Just make sure  you chain one in between each of the double crochets. Nice and easy to see the  stitches that’s why this one’s fast. Now if you don’t drop your yarn off  your hook then it’s even faster right. Okay

    So we’re just gonna chain one and then we  go to the second one before the the corner, chain one and then your corner is two double  crochet and then chain two and two double crochet. Okay so you’re gonna do this all the  way around. I’ll see you on the final corner just

    Do what you already know and I’ll be right back.  So I’m coming close to the final corner. So what I’m going to review with you in just a few  moments is that say you are happy with the

    The size of it you can go as much as you want  to. I used the maximum amount I could from the six balls of Bernat Blanket. The color that  is the Vintage White that was using these spacing

    Use a lot less cuz there’s a lot less density.  So when you’re satisfied with the size of it what you can do is that you wanna pull your  blanket back so that it will be flat on the

    One corner. So start with the first one and just  keep pulling back until you can you think you’re you got enough gone and then you’re gonna pull  this one back until you think you got enough gone.

    Okay so I’m just gonna leave one there actually  I’m gonna pull right out and then I’m gonna pull this out. So I only wanna leave in one  double crochet right here. And I am going to

    Put my hook into that color and I’m going to trim  that yarn and pull that through and that’ll lock it and then you’re gonna use a tapestry needle  to hide it. This one here I would end with the Bean

    Stitch. So after the Bean was done just trim your  yarn and then just pull through. So don’t worry about that extra chain one after a Bean Stitch.  And then here with this one I’m in the top of

    The Bean Stitch here this is where I would end.  So if you want a border this is what I would do. So just end this color and pull through. The only  place that you cannot see this uh equal amount of

    Spaces is right here and because of that we have  to look at the tops of the spaces. So what I want you to do is come back over here with whatever  color that you decided to do let’s just go with

    The pink because I like it. And I am going to show  you doing a corner, a corner here. And I’m going to start off and I wanna make my border solid.  So come right into a corner and attach and

    Chain two. That counts as a double crochet. And  then put four more double crochet right into that corner. So I don’t want any open gaps on  a corner. And get used to the distance of the stitch work as you’re going across. So here you’re  going one into every stitch and every space.

    And pay attention to the top of what the stitch looks  like as far as the distance because when you get over here you’re gonna wanna match that  same look. So let me get close to the next uh

    Corner right here and I’ll show you what I mean.  So I’m getting close to the other side here and I’m looking for the last double crochet here and  the top of the last double crochet is gonna

    Be in my official corner. We just have to fake  it or make it right. So going into every space and stitch and the next one is the top of the  last one. So right in the top of this last one

    You wanna put in five double crochets  into that top of that stitch. So we have 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Turn your blanket and now when  you start look at the distance of the stitch and see where you’re gonna put it. So don’t go  right into uh open space just double crochet

    Into some chain work it’ll hold it better. And  I’m just looking at the distance of the stitch on how far I’m gonna space it from each  other. And once you get the first round done

    You can relax and you can add more to it and  all I’m trying to do is that I’m just trying to get myself to where it the stitches are the  same distance from each other on regular stitch work. Okay so I’m gonna come right into here.

    And if it’s buckling meaning it’s pulling  in like this it means that you’ve gone too quickly and if it’s ruffling and not flat  like this it means that you’ve got too many stitches in there. So once you get back to  the regular stitch work you just continue

    With what you already know with just one  double crochet in each space and double crochet and or sorry yeah and then put five  double crochets into the corner to come all the way back around and therefore you would  have a border attached to something like this.

    That’s it for today and we hope you have a great  day and we’ll see you again real soon, bye-bye.


    1. Free pattern: Pattern is in tutorial format only. More information about this pattern here:
      0:00 Start
      0:01 Pattern Overview
      1:07 Beginning Chain
      1:47 Rnd 1 – First Colour
      4:36 Rnd 1 – Second Colour
      8:27 Rnd 1 – Third Colour
      11:37 Rnd 2 – First Colour
      14:54 Rnd 2 – Second Colour
      16:43 Rnd 2 – Third Colour and Beyond
      18:05 Adding Border Ideas

      #crochet #grannyblanket #crochetblankets

      Right Handed Tutorial is
      Left-Handed Tutorial is

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