In the summer of 2023 Martha and I decided to take off to Europe for 5 weeks. We cycled through France, Switzerland, and Italy. Here’s a bit of our journey.

    We have finally made it to our wonderful destination of p p and after getting lost in the airport and not really knowing where our bikes were but we could see them with our um our our air Tes uh we did find them but that took an hour I’m

    Exhausted um but James has I’m energized James is energized he got all the energy to uh build my bike first uh like the gentleman that he is and then he’ll be moving onto his priority all my GoPro is broken snapped right off the Jaws but it still Works after finally tracking our bikes down we built them up and headed 40 km East to our first warm shower host of the trip it happened to be one of the best choices we made but you’ll have to stay tuned to find out why sunlight’s coming down Lama the one right to your Left a type of hello [Applause] Amazing make their stove did you want did you want some coffee okay make some more okay and was fine yeah I get even in win like yeah first morning are warm showers H and their home is just gorgeous All right we have started day two along the canal day Shala it’s like 1: in the afternoon ni slow start to the day and Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo here we go nice little Canal Path all right stopped on a little path got some sort of IV or Nettles an Ivy ivy you can see my arm there got hit by a tree as we were coming down the path you got some mine aren’t as bad a little bit there you took the Brent

    Yeah and we’re going to head down this little path and it should be to a little Canal path we’re getting here the next sharp right okay we’re on a real Road This is our very uh nice cute little roadside lunch spot we got to use our awesome little chairs um we got the shade of this beautiful tree thank you tree and this was our view gorgeous Fields all right we’re on another Kimo Shortcut it’s been a bit of a rough day but Martha’s found some turn ups by a cornfield and she’s trying to yank them up so we can have them for Dinner here got some pasta going to throw in some shaved almonds and maybe half an avocado and pasta sauce and it’s going to be dinner tonight Bowa Petit all right so we just packed up this lovely piece of grass as you can see it’s full sun this is where we slept was very soft and awesome under these trees that made sounds all night um to the point that we were both thinking that something was going to

    Attack us but now we are packed up the sun is full on us um would have shown some of us packing up but we were in our underwear the whole time because it was so hot Let’s Ride let’s ride on roads today on roads today we out here starting the day on a

    10% climb for what is it about 700 M but we’re just about to crush the top it’s already a beautiful sunny day we’re ready to rock cruising the town of sh it’s very quiet no one’s out in the boat it’s 10:00 a.m. on a weekday all right made it to our first

    Cemetery where there is always water so we’re going to fill up uh it’s noon we’ve only done 7K so we are we are slow starters so far and we are going to try and put some miles in like a dam over there take the next ride here we are crossing Lamar again

    And we’re going to take this baby all the way to Bassel or Basel Switzerland so we’re walking up something that is absolutely ridiculous it wasn’t even as bad as the little Alleyway we came up yay yay the river down there there uh we just came up here in like half a

    Kilometer yeah there the car so we pushed up I think we’re going to have a lot of that oh look at the view that house wow that house has in this View which is about 10K away and we’re going to stop for lunch somewhere in the shade here nothing about potatoes tur Rines over the train to the highway before back on the M we want to chase the want to dance to the P from the just two hearts running wild never sleep never stop sh from the top we’re going to we’re going to be two hearts running Wild morning L awake again 300 M left of You feel energized yeah look at all sugar and caffeine wins the Day getting stealing the mice Yeah CR in the mar is nice look what we’re riding by more sunflowers more sunflowers and they’re huge we’ hit a a snag yeah let see how you do this tryy limbo it oh my gosh how are you going to get your hands to your bar now oh my God Limbo so if you don’t want to limbo this little cage singer moves just got to Ram it oh it moves a little don’t get stuck look at that nice and look at the MN in the Sun the beautiful Hills and we’re 8K from the campground and we’re looking forward to a shower To take a Photo what we do and E some chips there but we are absolutely loving this this is what um makes my bicycle heart happy oh


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