Far-right figures, including members of the AfD party, reportedly met in a Potsdam hotel to discuss a “remigration” plan allowing the deportation of ALL people in Germany that have a migration background. Austrian activist Martin Sellner presented the plan, targeting those deemed burdens on society, even including naturalized German citizens. The AfD had previously excluded German citizens from such plans. The meeting details are disputed among participants.

    Link to @dwnews video:
    1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vgf2epDy1iI
    2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEkqOy5_pug
    3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBTxq8Sidxo

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    #HasanAbi #HasanPiker #News #Politics #afd #germany #deutschland

    Thoughts on the millions of Germans protesting fascism right now after the afd party was exposed for plotting to expel 2 million ethnics to Africa bro Germany is such a weird place I don’t know how to describe it I I I know I got some German Chatters in here I feel like

    Germany is completely insane now migration and the economy are the top of the list of concerns for Germans that’s according to the latest numbers from the polling Institute infr test dmap it shows dwindling support for the governing Coalition while the farri right afd is gaining ground over its

    Stance on migration all the warnings have made little difference recent polls show that support for the afd remains firm 22% of people are ready to vote for it it’s in second place behind the conservatives and well ahead of the parties in the current coalition government tens of thousands of people

    Have taken to the streets of the German city of Hamburg to protest against the farri it follows Revelations that members of the alternative for Germany party held a secret meeting to discuss the mass deportation of immigrants and German citizens of foreign origin the streets of Hamburg overflowing with

    Protesters giving voice to the postwar German promise of never again to right-wing extremism I’m actually demonstrating for the first time in my life I myself find it threatening I know stories from the Nazi era from my grandfather and I don’t want that to happen again protests erupted after it emerged

    That alternative for Germany members and neo-nazis met to discuss plans to deport millions of people with migrant Roots including German citizens the party’s leadership has tried to distance itself from the so-called master plan um I I don’t know how to describe it it’s like uh it feels like neoliberal fascism is

    At the Germany’s at the tip of the spear on neoliberal fascism I feel like they’re writing the agenda because all things considered Germany has a massive Muslim migrant population Germany has a massive migrant population after World War II they needed to uh you know beef up industry and uh they brought in uh

    They brought in Turkish uh migrant workers obviously uh Western Germany specifically was not Den ified like it was not it was as a matter of fact reified specifically by the United States of America and Western Powers uh because they had a much larger goal at hand the goal of the eradication of

    Communism right a spectre is haunting Europe we must defeat communism that’s the real evil here and who are the greatest Kami Killers well the Nazis that we didn’t kill you know they got a lot of combat experience and my point is I think Germany’s very strange on that

    Front because like one they have one of the higher uh Muslim Refugee populations in Europe they have a higher Muslim population in other countries in Europe as far as like you know uh the Turkish uh diaspora that lives in Germany and what I find really really really strange

    About this is that in spite of all of that they have a growing momentum of of obviously the afd and parties such as that that are openly fascist but Turks are more secular Muslims don’t no not not the not the Turkish Germans I I think German Turks are are becoming

    Increasingly more disillusioned and increasingly more segregated on economic boundaries and it’s causing I feel like a lot of uh German Turks to become more and more reactionary more and more right-wing you know what it is German Turks for some weird reason turn into like the the the uh the fundamentalist like Muslims in

    The the UK not every not every uh Muslim is like that obviously in the UK but some of them go so aggro they’re like way way more reactionary than like the Muslim populations in their attitudes towards like uh towards Islam in the respective uh host Nations right like

    Their nations of origin this is something I’ve criticized quite a bit I’ve talked about this quite a bit as far as like German Turks like Turks in diaspora and how Pro outon they are for example it’s like really annoying something that Turks back home hate

    Right they they do not like that at all and I don’t know I just like it’s very I think it stems from like the racism that they experien and the economic hardships that they experience and uh the the class Dynamic that exists there that is racialized of course just like in

    America the class Dynamic is racialized heavily between you know black and brown population in the white population and uh I feel as though that is part of the reason why people identify with like more people identify with more reactionary attitudes and and they get like they get defensive they posture

    Defensively and I’m a firm believer in integration for all of America’s faults and failures like they do a relatively decent job this country has done a relatively decent job in Immigration it can do significantly more of course but um there is very real integration in the United States America especially by the

    Third generation instead of creating uh economic enclaves that also then feed back into that same cycle of of uh feed back into that same cycle of just like despising the rest of the population and the rest of the population despising them because that’s where it’s born out

    Of usually I I think that it’s just like becoming a a dangerous Prospect having said that there are no real there are no real options there are no real leftist options there are no no real actual Progressive communist socialist Alternatives especially in a place like Germany I mean you’ve seen the German

    Anti-fascist movement they were like breaking down the doors of a bakery for hosting like a talk for Palestinians and dumping like pig fat that’s what their anti-fascists are doing and I just feel like I mean I don’t want to make I don’t want to make jokes but I do feel like

    The the some of these German fascists I mean sorry anti-fascists have one speed they got they don’t know how to do anti-fascism perhaps that’s what happens when you wipe out the partisans and all the Jewish socialists and trade unionists in your country during the Holocaust and then you don’t have like a real

    Institutional leftist momentum there and the dudes that think that they’re doing like leftist Progressive uh momentum are just being insanely racist I think they just get mad and when you don’t have any me mechanism of push back will with no LOD materialist and now so all you can

    Do is become reactionary yeah that’s a subsect of German antifas I’m just saying it’s odd when you got anti-fascists who are who claim that they’re anti-fascists and then what they’re doing is dumping pig fat on a bakery that hosted like a pro Palestinian talk that’s the most

    Psychotic thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life that’s like you’re insanely racist it’s also ironic because like pig fat is also not Kosher either it’s not like it’s anything it doesn’t do anything to the Muslims like the idea that like pig fat is going to like somehow make Muslims perish is is

    Insanely stupid and racist but yeah it’s anti- DOA right anti-german political current that’s the movement anti-d is the generic name applied to a variety of theoretical and political Tendencies within the left and mainly Germany and Austria the anti- Germans from uh form one of the main C in the broader antifa

    Movement alongside the anti-zionist anti-imperialists after two current split between the 1990s and the early 2000s as a result of their diverging views on Israel the anti- Germans are a fringe movement within the German left in 2006 do estimated the number of anti- Germans to be between 500 and 3,000 the

    Basic standpoint of the anti-germ includes opposition to the German nationalism a critique of mainstream left anti- capitalist views which are thought to be simplistic and structurally anti-semitic wait what they think anti- capitalism is anti-Semitic okay these guys are literally okay all right never mind that’s pretty funny this is like the classic yeah

    That’s full circle that’s full circle baby no that’s that’s literally anti itic saying anti- capitalism is inherently anti-semitic is an anti-semitic statement why because you’re automatically saying Oh you mean Bankers yeah that’s right you mean Jews which is an insane thing to say because it’s inherently the exact opposite of

    What anti- capitalists are saying I love this dude I love these guys they’re awesome hey man that Geer counter is coming in handy again hold up hold up wait a minute uhoh that Hitler particle’s going crazy dude Hitler particles detected again it’s pretty funny for Germans to say that anti- capitalism is actually

    Secretly anti-semitic why is that additionally funny because dude one it it has it has the underlying premise that like all Jews are somehow powerful Bankers that’s number one and number two no the it was the partisan Jews in the KPD that was resisting the Nazi movement and then you

    Killed them like your grandfather literally killed them what are you saying it’s insane to have your own grandpappy play a role in the execution of communist socialist trade unionist Jews and and non-jews alike and then using the same exact arguments that your grand papy used but this time it’s like

    For uh supposedly in defense of of Jewish people that’s cool yeah this was what I was talking about with the pig fat these guys went in uh the German Pro Israeli antifa attacked a bakery run by leftist with migrant background with pig fat for hosting a pro Palestinian leftist for hosting Pro Palestinian

    Leftist organizations someone said to me that first generation migrants are more docile because they’re new and don’t want to risk anything but second gener more as troublemakers not because they come from migrant families but because they’re acting more like the citizens of that country but it’s a problem because

    They’re seen as migrants it’s actually a really interesting take sure Germans are unironically invoking their Nazi grandfathers to make that argument German Elites have convinced themselves that they get anti-Semitism in a way that Jews simply can’t they seem to have gained Enlightenment through genocide an example when D spegel did a bizarre

    Takedown of GTH fenberg the only climate activist in the entire world they could find who didn’t support Palestine was Louisa no no Bower a leader of Fridays for future in Germany No Bower was ready to accuse the entire climate movement of anti-Semitism how does she know is she

    Particularly close to the Jewish culture has she been a scholar of anti-jewish discrimination no the only qualification she referred to is that her great-grandfather from the RMA dynasty was an SS member who donated huge sums to the Nazi party inheriting a ton of money from Nazis seemingly offers a

    Unique education to Liberal humanist values I’ve heard this before that like Germans think that they have a unique experience with the Holocaust because they did it right or because their grandparents did it and I didn’t realize it was like it was actually something that they openly say guys I know I I

    Know a thing or two about the Holocaust cuz my you know my my great grandparents did it directly right like they supported it so I know it’s like yeah but you know in the wrong direction you know what I mean like you’re you don’t know in the right direction here’s a

    Great example apartheid South Africa Post aarte South Africa they know what it’s like to to withstand ethnic cleansing campaigns and and exist under an apar tide because that’s in the right direction those are like the victims right those are the victims that that took power and now they’re the ones who

    Were launching this investigation so having the guys that did the Holocaust partner up with Israel to yell at the guys who with stod their own ethnic cleansing campaign to be like no no no you don’t understand we know how to do the Holocaust real good is not exactly

    The argument that you want to present if you argue with them they love to say well you just don’t understand how evil Germans are no I understand it okay I understood it historically and I understand it now no I perfectly understand it oh I

    Understand it let me tell you like I I I like Germany okay I will reluctantly admit this as a Turkish person Berlin kosberg many parts of Germany have a massive Turkish diaspora I visited many times while I’m not super fond of the boxy architecture in East Germany um I

    Do think that they have great Don you know this is like it’s just it just makes me really sad to see how intensely how intensely these guys have been like pro-israel in the most racist ways you can be and here in Berlin thousands of people gathered in solidarity with Israel at the

    Brandenburg gate on Sunday among them were relatives of hostages taken by h during its Terror attacks two weeks ago meanwhile several protesters were arrested at Pro Palestinian at a pro Palestinian March which authorities had banned for security reasons protecting Jewish life is something Germany’s government says it has a special responsibility to do

    Figures show incidents of anti-Semitism have risen since the Hamas attacks while this demonstration here has gone ahead peacefully local authorities across Germany have banned many many pro Palestinian demonstrations from taking place at all over fears of incitement to anti-semitic violence nearby police clash with protesters at an unauthorized Pro Palestinian demonstration something seen

    Repeatedly in Berlin in recent days but the bans have led to Fierce criticism many accusing German authorities of censorship and political repression some Pro Palestinian demonstrations have gone ahead without incident you said you don’t like Germany before that it’s your least favorite place to visit I think

    It’s boring I’ve said that but overall I love the food the donut is really good and I do feel a sense of closeness due to how large the Turkish diaspora is there but it is definitely yeah I’m not a fan of uh brutal architecture it definitely is is not great it’s not

    They’re not they’re not doing a great job this year dodging the tanky allegations I hate brutalist architecture I just I think it’s kind of boring and I don’t like brutalist architecture I like the utility of it and I want everyone to have a house but I don’t like brutal arcitecture that’s

    Fine that’s fine saying a whole country is boring as kind of stupid dude it’s always going to be reductive don’t don’t lean into it too much it doesn’t mean anything U all that significant okay H in 1962 the Socialist German Democratic Republic mapped every West German ambassador with links to the Nazi party

    Revealing a stark political continuity and a clear failure to densify what we are seeing now is among the many consequence of the West Victory in the Cold War yeah this is 100% true I’ve talked about this before Bez D Marx has done a uh phenomenal job I believe they’re a

    German uh socialist they’ve done a phenomenal job of like talking about how the German government reified instead of actually densifying after World War II at the beest of NATO and the United States of America specifically for reasons that that I just described to you it’s like part of the reason why I

    Oh there’s Swiss okay um it’s part of the reason why I I am not too fond of NATO as well historically and the thing is however there’s a lot of spots there’s there are a lot of spots where people are voting for afd in in East Germany too because it’s always the same

    Principle it’s economic volatility since the reunification and the dissolution of the USSR afd afd has grown in power and in momentum this is true the point is it grows in power and momentum because one there’s no real socialist alternative both in the east or west and two there’s

    A lot of economic instability especially in the East the whole world got nazifi when the US decided to not make illegal Nazi propaganda and when the USR NATO kept all the Nazi Engineers it’s not even just the Nazi Engineers like it’s it’s literally not paperclip it’s not paperclip is greatly overstated I like

    The joke about it as well but this is in in my opinion this is significantly more important NATO openly deliberately aligning with anti-communists who were Nazis right because they were the best most effective like anti-communists is a legacy that still very much exists to this day it it was

    1,000% it was 1,000% something you saw in the American State Department as well we had a lot of people who were kind of fasy in both the CIA and the FBI American fases who just hated communism and we still do obviously but I’m just saying like historically speaking people

    Were uh like once communism was presented once Chad shock to find out that the US had former Nazis in their ranks have never heard about this yeah but it’s not just Operation Paperclip right and the USSR did a version of this as well but not to the

    Same degree as the United States 100% for the record um but yeah Gordon ly is a prime example 100% but my point is my point is is it’s bigger than just Operation Paperclip it’s more so that like ideologically once we decided that communism was the real villain here right and socialism

    Was a real villain because it was a threat to Capital the people that we elevated into positions of power and all of our institutions were fasy as hell because those are the guys who hate communism the most also a lot of just stayed in power in Germany after World

    War II due to a lack of evidence because of course they hit their crimes out little addendum the afd is a deeply neoliberal party and they don’t even deny it in their electoral Manifesto they don’t differ too much from their OG post Reich Nazi party MPD but their

    Rhetoric is a lot more Bourgeois than outright fash well because they can’t be outright fascist that’s why they also substitute the Nazi uh sloganeering for uh VI wear Germany right like this is the reason why they use the old German flag for example they fly it because

    They are not allowed it is illegal for them to to be openly fascist openly Nazi yeah they use the Imperial German flag I think right all of this is just stuff to consider when analyzing why Germany is the way it is and trying to develop a better understanding of why postor War

    II A lot of people you know took positions that they took and how that is still impactful in our culture to this day because you can draw direct line from postor War II attitudes in the Western World the America Le West world in the aftermath of World War II were

    Defenders of capitalism Global Capital right and uh they saw the USSR and its influence as dangerous very dangerous a threat to Capital which is understandable because it was a threat to Capital and in that interest in the continuation of that interest uh they went as far as to align with the most

    Rugged anti-communists out there and those guys were always fascists in the direct line you can point point to between that is the SS Galicia division Ukrainian veteran who voluntarily joined the Foreign Legion of the Nazis who ironically considered ukrainians to be slav dogs by the way just as all of the

    Other Eastern European countries that they invaded and killed a ton of people in how do you get a guy who was a literal Nazi to get a standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament well that guy was a literal Nazi a part of the SS division’s foreign uh Squadron but he

    Came to Canada because he was a anti-communist that’s how he was able to operate yeah sure he was a Nazi but he was anti-communist and we hate communism way more than we hate Nazism why did I talk about all this because fascists uh in in uh neoliberal America and in the western

    World have uh always made made for good bedfellows with the supposed liberals who would never they hate white supremacy they hate racism they hate bigotry of All Sorts but simply just end up aligning with that kind of thing when push comes to shove I mean look you

    Might not agree with a lot of uh Stalin’s opinions behaviors but if if there is a preent take from him it is the notion that if you cut a liberal and a fascist bads it’s just historically how that has worked and he was go right on that front because what is fascism

    But capitalism in Decay capitalism in crisis brings about fascism because fascism is seen as a way to at least restore order by force when capitalism is in crisis


    1. "Remigrating" 2 millions is an understatement of what the meeting that sparked this outrage was about.
      They essentially planned to expell every non-German in general in addition to taking away dual-citizenships (to then expell those people) and even those who support the "unwanted" that are ethnically German.

    2. lol "Palestine" flags on these "anti-Nazi" protests while Palestine Nazi Islamists want to murder all jews. Germany is unsafe for jews these days but its not because of far right Germans.

    3. The definition on Anti-Deutsch you present is nonsense. I know many Anti-D Anarchists and Communists. Meant is the shortened marxist criticism, oftenly found in German Anti-Imp movement. Nevertheless dumping an Arabic store with pig fat is barbaric and is far from being an anti-fascist move.

      Thank you for presenting Germany's current problems with the new right wing to an international audience.
      If you want to gain a deeper understanding of some aspects of the new right wing radicalism in Germany, I would recommend to have a look into the works of modern propagandists and demagogues as Götz Kubitschek, Martin Selner or Björn Höcke aka Landolf Ladig, as at Groups of Neo-Nazis who are actually training in street fighting with the goal of attacking leftists an "Knockout 51" or "Barbaria Schmölln" and organized groups like "Turone" and the common international ones like "Combat 18" or "Blood and Honour" and especially on how protagonists from all of those groups are networking. The infamous "Hannibal Network", a fascist network of cops and soldiers who had plans to throw over the German government, who had a hit list, body bags and large amounts of ammunition, was even linked directly to AfD. Also I would recommend to take a deeper dive into the political development af the last 15 to 20 years, including the mass shooting on a Shisha Bar in Hanau, the attempted mass shooting on a synagogue in Halle with two people shot and the murder of the politician Walter Lübke, for him being to friendly and welcoming to refugees. In this cases AfD-propaganda was one of the reasons for the murderous violence and barbarism.

      Currently, this is not the first time the fascist ideology of AfD politicians was pushing the envelope – Alexander Garland called the Shoah a bird shit in German history and told the other parties, which they call by the Nazi-word "Systemparteien" ,after election "we will hunt them"; Björn Höcke is writing about the necessity of "well tempered cruelty, said in a speech that some parts of "Volk" will "have to be sweat out" [müssen ausgeschwitzt werden] as a dog whistle for Auschwitz and called the berlin holocaust monument "a monument of shame" and every time something like that happened a crucial number of people especially in former GDR were agreeing and applauding – it seems only this time, after Correctiv launched their research, also parts of the centrists finally understood that AfD is a dangerous neo-fascist party and join protests in large numbers so now it's on the news everywhere . If you ask me it is a little late. In some federal states already a third of the citizens will vote for AfD at the next election, not because they don't know better, but because of the fascist ideology of AfD.

      Thanks again for sharing the issue.

    4. commentary on Islam is soo of putting, this is why i don't understand why he wouldn't talk to Mohammad Hijab or Uthman Farooq, you clearly r promoting something it's not ignorance about Islam-Muslims

    5. One of our biggest parties which provided the Bundeskanzlerin (most powerful person in the German parliarment) is conservative an deeply corrupt. A consequence of this was a austerity policy and a growing gap between rich and poor. Long story short: we only served the economy, people got more and more disenchanted with politics and poorer and poorer. That made them very susceptible to rightwing populism, especially since we had the „Flüchtlingskrise“ (when many refugees from syria came in 2015) and during the pandemic.
      The point is: I‘m not surprised, that fascism rises in Germany. Even the other parties assimilate their politics to the AfD.
      The AfD has btw actual Neo-Nazis and fascists in it. Not just racist and sexist and anti-queer people; people that actually say, that they like Hitler.
      The AfD is basically like the Republican Party, but a little more Nazi

      Even post-Fasscists from Italy and rightwing extremist politicians from France find the AfD to extremist

    6. really disappointed to see how little hasan knows abt the left in germany. I did not except him to be well read on this, however this is fox news quality information

    7. Yeah our antifa movements are pretty f-ed. Which sucks when you just genuinely are antifacist.
      But I also have to say Hasan was wrong on a few facts. The afd was founded in 2013 and very quickly rose in popularity since then, so it doesn't have much to do with reunification. Except it is much more successful in the east of germany, like you legitimately can compare maps of the ddr & west germany and maps of where the afd is the most successful. And I think he grossly underestimates the nazi problem in eastern germany, like it's genuinely becoming really dangerous

    8. The edit in the beginning us definitely useful for people who don't live in Germany but also I'd like to say that it grossly downplays the numbers of people who were on the streets. In just one weekend it was over 1 million people on the streets and it has continued since then and the numbers have risen to over 2 million people

    9. You should stop reacting to fake news. The protests were organized by government factions who fear AfD upswiings after they fail in virtually every regard. And the whole narrative of "secret meetings" and "mass deportations" is a hoax. Yes, we have millions of illegal migrants in Germany and they ought to leave. But deporting them is not a controversial new idea. It is law.

    10. im feeling a bit of an understatement regarding the disorganisation of antifa, from my experience the pro/anti israel view is quite regional and as presented led to a huge split within the antifa, although i feel like pro israel orgs are also becoming more and more frequent/popular

    11. how does he keep giving his takes on world politics while obviously knowing nothing about that country? every second thing he says is just wrong. Thats really bad cause this is such an important issue.

    12. Germany is fucking up completely and I am saying this as a German. Regarding the clip of the Israel rally at the Brandenburger Tor, I passed the demo because I was on the way to a Palestinian demo just down that street and I had a sign saying "it's called apartheid" with me. I was shocked to see so many people at that demo and people spat on the floor and yelled at me when I was holding the sign. A politician was holding a speech and I listened for a bit and heard him say "it is ridiculous to call this a genocide or apartheid, it is antisemitic to say this. Israel is the only democracy in the middle east and it is Germany's Staatsräson (reasoning of the state) to protect it." I felt so helpless in that situation and just rushed to the Palestinian demo just to see how it was stopped by the police(half an hour after it started) and people were sent home aggressively by the cops and yelled at. My image of the police, media and politics changed completely over the last few months. Pretentious and corrupt is an understatement

    13. as usual, hasans inability to criticise the soviets makes him say stupid shit. Denazification did not happen to the extent it should have, but there was definitely more of an effort made in west germany. hasan just talking out of his ass like he always does. Using the example of one racist attack from shizo Antideutschen to discredit the whole antifascist movement in germany…

    14. Hasan obviously doesn't know much about Germany. He should look into why AfD support is stronger in the former Eastern Germany territories than in former West Germany – especially if he talks about denazification.

    15. i know it's a common misconception but neither east or west Germany were denazified. there is a Myth of anti fascism in east german parts as the former self-declared antifascist state. under closer inspection this state imposed self-image does not hold up and we can see the effect of the the lack of denazification in east germany partly in the inclination of voting for neo-fascists. still, the myth persists as the east german state successfully presented itself as antifascist by e.g. publishing the Braunenbuch or use of the Sachsenhausen trial.
      Sources: Fulbrook, Mary. “9. Judging Their Own: Selective Justice in the Successor States.”, Friedman, Jonathan. “The Sachsenhausen Trials.”, Haberer, Erich. “History and Justice: Paradigms of the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes.” , Douglas, Lawrence. “History and Memory in the Courtroom: Reflections on Perpetrator Trials.”

    16. I think thats also an issue in America 4:10 , in some places at least. Such as the town that has very religiously Islamic dominated governing, banning public display of pride flags, and many Muslim youth in that town, literally egg people’s pride flags, break the flags, and vandalize property.

      I also saw this in Maine, when going to school, there was a sort of group-thing, in which teens who had moved from the middle east, would group up in the school, harass women, harass lgbtq students, and there was even a situation in which 2 highschoolers from the group, attacked a white middle schooler on the basis of racism. They were also very racist to the asian and black students.

    17. as a German I have to say, even though Hasan obviously isnt always 100% right, its still surprising how good some of his points are. I personally think that Germans are "overprotective" towards Jews because of our past (which doesnt always need to be sth bad). Denying the holocaust can even send you to jail in Germany (which I find great). So I guess if there is even a chance of antisemitism on a demonstration e.g., it will be prohibited. Which, as it seems, happened to the Pro- Palestine demonstrations in Germany. If banning them really was the right thing is a whole new very complicated topic. And the rise of the right wing party "AfD" simply is happening because of Germany's current situation; rising prices, rising inflation, decreasing economy etc.. The people don't trust the current government anymore. And the only 2 real alternatives to the current parties in the government are the CDU/CSU and the AfD, currently both the most popular parties. Imo the big problem why AfD is rising, isn't some kind of new fascist movement. Unlike Hassan said, the AfD isn't openly fascist. Probably 90% of AfD supporters just see it as a conservative party which wants to get Germany back on track. And if something like the meet up of AfD members, Neo Nazis (and btw also CDU members) happens, it's always "just a few black sheep inside the AfD". So in my opinion the rise of AfD is mainly because people ignore the ongoing radicalisation of the party and not because people themself radicalize (which obviously still happens, like inevery European country during bad times). And that's all a result of the Ukrainian war, Russain propaganda etc.. (compare the pre Ukraine war elections in 2021 with current surveys). In general even things like the blown up Nordstream 2 and the government remaining silent about investigation on it increases mistrust towards the current ruling parties, the west and especially the US (Trump's statement on it doesnt help neither). Which again strenghtens the AfD which is quite anti EU and anti NATO. Even though I don't think that the AfD will ever become politically relevant in Germany (all the big parties rule out cooperation with the AfD), the current times still are scary.

    18. Hasan proves again that he does not understand anything at all when it comes to foreign politics. The extreme right wingers in Germany have most of their support in the old GDR, I.e. old communist east Germany, which was allied with the soviet union and not in the western part, which was allied with the U.S. So, the far right Afd has its main base in the eastern ex warsaw pact parts of Germany. Hasan, sorry, but you are totally wrong. Educate yourself before you talk.

    19. Isnt the association of bankers, capital etc. with jews to a point where its synonymical inherantly anti semetic? wtf?! feels like some ops in the 90s were feelin it

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