One of my closest allies has been paid millions to stay out of the huge war that’s coming. Poverty and desynchronisation spread through Europe like wildfire. It’s going to take skill and determination to get through this, as well as banter & rule-lawyering, in this latest episode of Failing to Form Germany – your favourite Victoria 2 multiplayer series.

    Check out Gilded Destiny here: Wishlist Gilded Destiny on Steam: – this is an upcoming grand strategy alternative to Paradox that I’m genuinely pleased to have as my first ever sponsor. It’s my own war on poverty.

    For the record, Nurse Reno returned to the community some time after this campaign was played and produced Igor_puir mods which are known for having a good economy.

    Bavaria Series Playlist:
    New PC build specs:

    Poverty mod:

    00:00 Intro & Recap
    03:27 Gilded Destiny Sponsorship
    04:42 New PC
    05:26 Judas (The planning phase)
    08:05 The War Begins
    12:31 Poverty
    15:22 Mental Breakdown
    18:23 Stimulus
    21:12 The Silent Scandinavian Offensive
    27:14 The Battle for Central Germany
    34:57 It’s a trap!
    39:08 Professional Rule Lawyer, Big Sneedvil
    42:59 It’s so over
    46:04 Analysis & Outro

    Music used in order of appearance:
    Germany Bismarck war theme, CIV5 soundtrack
    “Allied Nations” Mercenaries soundtrack
    “Pioneers on the Frontier”, Gilded Destiny soundtrack
    Symphony No. 4 movement 4, Brahms
    Ride of the Valkyries, Richard Wagner
    Poverty, Victoria 2 soundtrack
    Suleiman war theme, CIV5 soundtrack
    Movement Proposition, Kevin MacLeod
    “Kurdilihicazkar Pesrev”
    “ Frühlingsstimmen”, Johann Strauss
    ‘Legionnaire’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
    A Faust Overture, Richard Wagner
    Badenweiler Marsch
    Battle 1, March of the Eagles Soundtrack
    “Saul Goodman 3D but its an epic Orchestral Version” by Veedah Music:
    Ein Deutsches Requiem second movement, Brahms
    Träumerei am Kamin, Richard Strauss
    Oppressive Gloom, Kevin MacLeod

    Second channel for Twitch stream archives:
    Third channel for memes:
    My Discord:

    Well gentlemen God has L burgundy live another week and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem oh no welcome back to the Bavaria series everyone war is coming first of all in this intro I’ll give a recap of the situation in the campaign then I’ll tell you about this

    Video’s sponsor guilded Destiny followed by my usual updates and links then we’ll get into the action of this crazy War full of massive battles mental breakdowns out of syns rule arguments all to come in the latest episode of failing to form Germany in the last part the jewel

    Monarchy declared war on burgundy to seek revenge for the humiliating 1 V1 loss he previously had but this time I joined the jeel monarchy who is my traditional long-term Ally I prevented a skill issue and we were victorious burgundy is a loose can and he was starting to get very powerful and

    Slipping out of the control that I had over him in that amazing war that we fought together in Parts 14 and 15 the player on the duel monarchy is being replaced however as I said at the end of last episode by the most recent Vinland player who Big Weevil The Arcadian cycle

    Crushed to form Arcadia there are a few more substitutes and roster changes as usual as we head into this new session Poland Lithuania the Ottoman Empire India but also the Russian Empire SAR virtual Rock is now on the throne in the last episode Russia went through a devastating time the entire Asian hugbox

    Attacked and Poland Lithuania opportunistically joined to get his ruthenian accepted pots the PLC and Albans are very closely Allied which means that Russia and all that entails is my natural Ally the Asian hugbox the gigantic Alliance encompassing that entire continent is now interfering in Western Affairs and moving towards

    Europe Russia is their first Target but who knows what’s next in the last part of the Ottoman Empire was absolutely terrified that they were coming for him and accordingly he mended his relations with me apologized for joining Wars against me so that his western border is safe as the incoming hordes from the

    East attack that’s mutually beneficial cuz I don’t want to have to worry about the Ottoman Empire will I fight my main rival the Albans the final thing to recap is that Scandinavia who hasn’t intervened directly on the European continent for decades is seeking his CES on Holstein

    And Pomerania now that the British Isles are secure without any possibility of a jeal monarchy comeback his deao vassel England is securely in place to defend that Scandinavia is very powerful he’s pretty much the only true Naval power in the world and he has a vast Empire including most of Africa surely he’s

    Very wealthy throughout this campaign you’ve heard many countries complaining of a terrible economy it’s been a common theme and I haven’t actually touched on it yet in any intro or analysis section to sum it up there’s been an issue with this version of The Mod which I do link

    In every description in the series one there are less gold mines in the world overall which does something to the money supply and messes up the economy two clergyman really want to buy luxury goods more and this is funded by your education budget so everyone’s education budget is massively overinflated to

    Combat some of these economic problems Dempsey added a stimulus decision on sikim which gives every player in the world some money and also the pops of every player country some money to increase the overall money supply now onto the sponsorship of this video gilded Destiny which may interest

    You gilded Destiny is an upcoming Grand strategy game set in the industrial revolution where you can guide any country through a detailed economic simulation an in-depth population system politics diplomacy and war with microm manageable units does that sound familiar to anyone as I said this is an

    Upcoming game and it’s in development so this sponsorship is just about raising awareness wish list guilded Destiny on Steam and follow their Kickstarter page if you should choose to support them on here later down the line they’re offering a lot of parks such as Alpha access now I’ve already covered gilded

    Destiny a bit on some live streams where we analyze some of the dev Dy videos on their YouTube channel and if you want to learn more about guilded Destiny I’d highly recommend going there and watching those it was the one about Warfare that first really piqued my

    Interest as’s a very cheeky nod to a certain other game and a certain other company in this video I have to say that the team at Aquila interactive have been so kind and receptive even when we critiqued their game or gone off on completely nonsensical tangents as we

    Often do in those streams and if you join their Discord they’re very welcoming and to feedback so overall I’m quite excited about seeing what guilded Destiny has to offer let’s let them cook and yeah they are completely perfect fit for this Channel and a very natural thing for me

    To do my first sponsorship on you know there’s another subplot in this series which is you can see me going through YouTube monetization issues and then getting a sponsorship but the main plot is that everyone’s mobilizing and the Albans is preparing to attack me but just before we get into that remember to

    Like the video subscribe if you haven’t already check out the following links to support the channel and engage in the community I just built a new pc as you can probably already tell this new pc is completely silent so there’s less annoying background noise in the microphone and it’s already speeding up

    The video editing process it’s so much faster and smoother to work with so I’d like to once again thank everyone so much for all the support whether it’s on patreon on my streams or just your general viewership and engagement it’s allowed me to invest back in the content

    Creation with a great new pc like this what country are you I’m du monarchy oh right okay Ben Ben a single word invokes so much dread it’s kind of a predicament right now right been told Italy’s dipping out like he’s been paid off to not help you

    In your War because it looks like elans are going to attack you soon right now I’m not really of the mind that I’m going to abandon my La my you know game long defensive Ally for nothing you know they just came in and were like yo quit

    The war but it’s kind of a predicament cuz you know it will be a hard War it’s it’s kind of far the borders are a little you know scuffed you are able to send troops to me through uh okay lizard yeah lizard you need a I don’t know dude

    This is a private conversation no it’s okay we can let we can let Judas in here yeah Mr Carri it look I know it sucks but I’d rather take literally 5% of the world’s money then like fight a war that’s dead broke and doesn’t get me anything million is not worth our

    Alliance it’s actually cool it’s fine lizard yeah I get it I want to be clear I don’t want to throw you under the bus but if if you look at my country like I need money and I need like a navy and I need yeah I know to do some actual test

    And we need to finish off Aragon once and for all I mean I can give you guys Money traders no don’t say that all I’m worried about is them getting a bigger Alliance so them maybe getting Poland well I mean we could pull Russia in he

    Would like to get the Polish land yeah are they still Tru not sure bar you will probably join the other Site now I’m just warning you heads up I did take a lot of boot camp and watch a lot of tutorials and stuff but this is my first technical competitive game in real war ah you’ll be fine I’ll tell you what to do all right hopefully I won’t

    Make a blunder but I’ll follow your lead yeah you’ll have some atach is telling you what to do yeah oh yeah we’ve got scandy ah okay opens up a whole new front that’s good yeah and they can take care of the blockades I’m actually surprised G’s doing this cuz I know he’s

    Doing that stuff in Asia well there’s going to be a naval Coalition going in on Japan so that’s going to at least put some damage on the hug box like they’re going to be taking Japanese States who’s in this uh naal attack on Japan Americans Scandinavia I think that’s it well once I get my Navy

    Up and going I’d certainly like to join in maybe snag Taiwan or something oh [ __ ] there’s going to be a Waran panic Mo everyone Panic Mo be who were you yeah V Rock you’re going to be in the war because Poland’s in it and we can’t have Poland have all his troops over against me and you know makes sense for you to fight him do you

    Have trues with the Asians yeah you do you got a couple of years of safety okay I have I have burgundy spared so that means I can declare very soon sure we’re ready got L is okay Jo monik you can stay there okay that’s fine the rest just behind the lines

    Behind my front lines somewhere ready for ready to defend from enemy attacks we’ll do bro what is this you guys are going to call in half the world against the elans man oh what’s it like to get half the world called in oh no I think that sounds like a serious diplomacy issue

    Nothing personal I just want my Pomerania it’s extremely personal okay DM here’s half a million dollars enjoy thank you thank you Execute Order [ __ ] 66 boys then we can finally do it all right we’re ready ready for battle virtual Ro you need to join ASAP no you

    Already did it got nenta too wait we got you we got Naru the [ __ ] is that it’s for bavia man it’s for bavia bavia you don’t get to bring friends come on man I’m the war declarer man I declared the War I’m actually ging the full front border DM oh where’s Poland the absolute State oh I have a trus of burgundy as well for two years oh nice I still need money man I still need money God damn it the poverty mod is really good though very engaging I just

    Noticed I thought all ofation what the actual [ __ ] they’re all in a hug box are you serious yeah that’s that’s that’s the game you got a problem I love playing the O welcome to this campaign some of these troes I didn’t even know about spun you havia remember you gang banged Burg

    H you did that remember I mean yeah you did but there’s also this Troth of Russia and Poland which is uh also interesting hey DM join this attack in berno in Mia let’s do it since Poland’s not in there’s Poland ber po wait Poland isn’t how did he join oh he held a

    Defensive call right don’t launch this attack forget it foret it forget it okay Russia do you want to join this we can get you in I’m already in are you already in he’s in it mate okay great great yeah mooving into Poland China’s got troops in Poland look

    At this dsei doesn’t want them to be in months or launch troops for 3 months so be aware of that cuz he should have announced three Months okay right um okay so uh basically um let’s attack the Albans we are on a time limit until burgundy get his ass in this all right I’m going to give Russia 200k and DM 200k thanks man I mean if there’s no battles going on you could Shadow

    Front yeah anyone who’s not in a battle can but I’m I’m doing a battle so see how let Go oh who’s this [ __ ] gizer that took over the battle Joe Moni move up to the front Lane I have lizard deal right now why you guys only fighting one battle you see there’s something called money that none of us have yeah poverty mod don’t get me wrong but if you’re in poverty wouldn’t be the idea just to attack fast before you completely run

    Out I think we have though that’s that’s the thing that’s the thing why would you deck a war if you don’t have M I’m researching all the Texs to get money I’ll be able to make money soon I mean if Scandinavia is not making money then who the [ __ ]

    Is this is why Asia is going to surpass Europe because we’re all poor while they’re like living it up in their Ivory Tower uh can you just do your three attacks up in the north I’ll launch another attack on our F I can’t reinforce that’s the thing I’m still

    Shadow funed is there ever a situation where you will not be shadow funed in this War uh if you give me money we upgrading factories man okay man I have like 200,000 unemployed [ __ ] people from the [ __ ] vland I mean you’re going to have to do something because

    Those Tru is here we have until 2 years 1886 yeah those two years will pass pretty quickly when this war ends up being a two-p speed War cuz we’re not even doing anything yeah I think we need another stimulus yeah let’s get another stimulus where’s Dempsey when you need

    Him we need another stimulus so this is a pretty stressful first war let’s got a stimulus first war there’s only one battle where is it the elans are just sitting on their money I’m sick of it yeah they had 10 million in the bank took half of that so they only have like

    3.5 million so Rob treasury CB right listen wait where’s scandi where the [ __ ] he’s there tell him to get his finger out his ass and fight the war this is where they tell him they’ll give him like all his close has given us any money no money

    All right I am now producing more iron than I use I got a four tank General still losing well first of all defunding Sawmills because apparently that’s not a good investment anymore poverty mod Is that attack going well uh no cuz we get out rolled it should be okay just keep it going keep it going keep your four attacking it okay just make sure you do not cycle him out yeah he yeah all right anyway scandy can you land behind the elans please

    Behind the Elan like Pomerania yeah that’s what you mean what you can do you can launch your three battles okay but you can also land ining behind them thre an encirclement You [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the Ottomans again this I hate them like every time [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you do to keep the Ottomans off start of last session I talked to them hey we’re cool right just go after yeah cool then they join a war against me and then he’s all

    All apologetic about joining that war against me okay I definitely won’t fight you this time joins again fool me once no one’s getting fooled they’re the ones who goes the suicidal [ __ ] War getting my voice is gone from this [ __ ] I’m done just going to fight the war I

    Got attack you got like the Christian Bale Batman voice right now where where where I’m [ __ ] done with this Commissioner Gordon reinforce this battle I’m Batman the Ottoman Empire can we trust him reinforce the battle men just want to watch the world men just want to watch their pop

    My for attack sit in my for attack where’s my John [ __ ] H Cena his middle name is H I’m in my four defense that’s what I me I mean you guys do have a lot of this country occupied if you just keep these battles I have no

    Money and no [ __ ] many such cases I mean if a is joining there going to be taking [ __ ] off SPID join I’m going to be asking Italy and Spain to join because they got the otoman cancer again cu yeah [ __ ] them get Ethiopia too I don’t know what that

    Doing cond you’re the least manipulatable Victoria 2 player come down a channel dude just call me in honestly [ __ ] it okay come down a channel door please yeah’s why you guys why you in your SP you want yeah get I want to talk to the otoman player in a

    Different Channel that’s why I’ve said it three times do you have any idea the past Diplo that this ottoman country has done uh Nar didn’t send me anything and I’m being yelled at by all of his allies to join so I’m assuming this is what those people aren’t his allies they’re

    Literally [ __ ] they were Honestly by who them it was crafter and Dempsey as well Dempsey is bullshitting like if you can show me like screenshots of your Diplo or whatever with Nar then I won’t join I have I have no idea try I don’t know it was all verbal last week oh yeah

    I’ll [ __ ] message Nar no I don’t have any written Diplo with him he’s more of a verbal guy yeah I’m leaning towards is not joining cuz I’m probably being manipulated or whatever oh I think you are I’ll get back to you in a few minutes sure okay Cool right okay I might be getting the aans to stay out by telling him the actual Diplo that was done with this country cuz nark gave him nothing and those guys have just manipulated him really to join oh okay cool this war was so stressful it [ __ ] my voice oh my Lord

    Why is my where is she see you know I know where the money is it’s all where’s Rachel wait wait say where’s Reno where’s Reno Adrian where is God of cheese where is heedy said stimulus man where is she where’s Reno you’re my lawyer i’ I’ve murdered a

    Lot of people God of cheese with an ice pick I murdered God of cheese with an axe to the forehead that’s that’s exactly what there’s a funny message disolving in a btub in Hell’s Kitchen I said stimulus and them said yes yeah he said yes stimulus boys this is going to

    Bring me some infrastructure I’m going to be able to help pay off my 700,000 debt all right guys here’s what’s going to happen we’re going to have somebody request a grant that’s over 10 million we’re going to say it was an accident but then we’re going to launder that

    Money to each member of the alliance so when they check the save later they don’t see 10 million he’s requesting the stimulus is this a certified lizard pause I mean I do have to announce so he knows it’s the 19th I think I got him out I don’t know I’m [ __ ] bankrupt or

    Not well not yet technically but I’m I’ve got no money we’re getting a stimulus mate oh good okay basically Italy just Garrison the Automan area with hills if that happens hey 100K that’s all I get to be honest it’s a bit disappointing your pops also got a ton of money

    Too separate events go buy some cracks oh what the [ __ ] I’m getting money dude I’m funding my Army and I’m losing 18,000 a day now instead of 700k I’m only 600k in De a wasn’t in the game apparently either good we’re not reverting we are not reverting let have his

    That that’s completely on him if you can’t get in the game fast and you can’t even tell anyone wait I didn’t get the the stimulus thing because I couldn’t click it because I was tapped down you rehosted so quick I think that’s that is quite literally your own fault ha we got

    Stimulus and you did it logo haha be quick or be square why do you keep playing the Breaking Bad theme Jesse we have to get the stimulus we have Jesse use the stimulus build iron factories Jesse you have to do the mining Tex we’re all broke give me the

    Damn stimulus s Saul I need you to launder me more iron I will give grants to your son I will give grants to your wife is the Alman still joining the war I don’t know cuz I thought he de mode but that was the a can’t you encircle that battle that’s

    Going on right now it’s con the it’s not connected to M yeah but the provinces around it are open just move around just encycle the battle yes they are you need all right attack Dortmund he needs you think I’d actually move around all those he can’t get the

    Good again bro he can’t get the good we won that battle what now yeah we won it let’s uh you could also just go in cycle in cycle Dortmund right now we can do that now because that that batt landed it makes it easier to do it what the

    [ __ ] is burgundy waiting for burgundy’s Tru and he’s feared by Scandinavia scandi if you he’s probably draining you money by the way with that sphar he’s probably also giving him goods for a war so Scandinavia is launching three battles oh he did he didn’t communicate that Jesus Christ wait where’s my John

    Cena where is my John Cena U John Cena are we following up on this wind we’re about to get in Castle no I’m going to attack dund now instead and move around and circle it and we’ll also attack Minden D I might attack M right now with your units now yeah

    You can literally move everything on that now attack M go go go yes kind of in Circle M if you move around a lot I’m going to give it a goal okay I’m only going to like send stuff to the B oh scandi broke through this is best this is some best apartment

    See this is literally what I said you don’t need to wait just attack when you get yeah uh reinforce dman hey scandi I know you’re microing but just move up your troops that are in my country you’re going to get a attacked SP gun yeah I am but no they’re going to

    Scandy right sure oh they’re going to me I think you’re about to like wipe them in [ __ ] yes get wiped crafter yes very nice no he’s retreating don’t follow up um put troops into Castell and cycle that DM I think we’re low on or money yeah scandi yeah we’re winning that I

    Can’t wait to attack Hanover now I’m looking forward to it he cannot wait all well here’s where we see if Ottomans is bling I re the war’s already in a way over here so we could go in on Ottomans after this we that’s attack Han over scandi we can encircle it do it

    Scandi right I got hello scandi you let him move away hello I listen can you communicate can you communicate he retreated at a cancel we can attack Brunswick is there anybody I feel like there was a multipro I’m attacking Brunswick yeah could have been scandi attack it come on

    Man uh on January 19th Ottomans can’t join anymore so I reckon he’s waiting for the last second I’m blow I’m blowing through good job vir China’s taking a bunch of land from tyrania he literally just shifted tyrania over a bit a Burgundian communist is that what they’re doing every time they beat

    Russia in a war oh is he joining January 19th trip match Trav this is just they know the war’s over he’s not going to be able to help them why would he join come on well do you want to dck on him and two no I genuinely don’t want to fight

    The automans that’s the problem never wanted to make an enemy he just keeps joining against me all the time yep he’s in hman are in cool I mean this this is going to really get him really far Ohan did join this is going to make him do great

    Things do you want to join lizard yeah call me in yeah kill those am I the war leader no I’m not someone is scandi scandy call me in are you muted scandy this is just your warning to unmute your mic it’s muted bro he’s AFK no he just called he just called me

    Right um if he’s talking his mic isn’t working if your mom is in your room pause the game twice link twice if you’re being held hostage mik is [ __ ] damn okay can you uh write in the use the in-game text Jack to communicate your micro who’s mik something you can’t do in Victoria

    3 oh my God that game I [ __ ] I’m going to go to Sweden are we going to attack stand out who’s betrayed us please I need money scandy are we doing this type yes in the chat if we’re doing this you could go for magur after Brunswick and I could go for

    Airort I was just going to attack U oh you can occupy Yar you can occupy Yar and the for all right my troops have arrived in Germany I’m just we’re just going to hold these here in um Austria uh where where is [ __ ] Ethiopia are we even

    Talking to him yeah take the sez bro get that [ __ ] built if you want to take the sez in this war absolutely [ __ ] take yeah I will think Asian hug box is going to join this war okay I’m back [ __ ] how are they going to help the Albans it’s

    Over span I did not say they were going to be thinking rational I’m going to be preparing to add tickers momentarily that well for me right now I I’m having trouble reinforcing but I am reinforcing now this one really upsets me we have an out of player

    Here do you think you’re out of sink do you think you’re out of s yes I will take one state scandi is going to get Pomerania Russian cores might be cheaper so you could get two maybe and we’re going to get Suz yeah you can definitely take Sinai for pretty

    Cheap what the [ __ ] happened to Tania dude that guy literally gave away half his country it’s okay I got the cazic accepted I’m fine they’re just they’re just moving him West they’re going to try to make him into Russia he literally gave away half it’s literally a nomadic country it’s [ __ ]

    Poland you cannot make this [ __ ] the the hord has migrated oh the hords are restless eu3 event well scandi watch out Retreat Retreat from pritzwalk just just Retreat from that that’s too bad no no don’t don’t sorry bad advice oh he did it come on man okay get some to lunenberg

    DM DM move into lunenberg Now cover that scandy someone o PLC just got a [ __ ] of nationalist oh can we guarantee a win for them uh send troops to help Slovakia attack berau and you might be able to do it Italy can you do you think we can

    Launch this attack on berau but now I can send some stuff but it’s going to take me a while oh the ottomans are moving through hungry I think to get them they are oh the I forget it with the Ottomans they’ll [ __ ] sort it we can attack the Ottomans in PLS when he

    Gets here I guess oh [ __ ] SL nationalists uh if we win if we win Brunswick we need to hit them in um magn and air Russ you’re quite the bit overextended right now we should we attack airort and go from South holy [ __ ] talk about extension yeah oh [ __ ]

    Yeah pull back to like the forest we can attack effort actually wait let me get my four attack he he left Bohemia open Russia why are you retreating get in there get in there get in Bohemia take the take the house take the house a you were so close to a

    Stack W oh wait wait wait life sake let’s push through There follow up magur and hit this yeah go to go to Alig and stuff go to i’ pull get behind your lines there yeah he was already standing there we just moved around him oh should I attack holla I’ve got a 40 stack I’m going to take this Forest

    Follow to H okay oh he did hit me reinforc life [ __ ] death out all right I I crush them in life we can follow this up oh we won should we follow up no no no no no just reinforce the current battles go into magur there I’m going to cycle

    Profusely cycle we should hit Des [ __ ] yeah yeah I’m I’m going to get some stuff ready and hit Des India is justifying a transfer on the Ottomans the otomin is literally losing territory to be in this oh my God that’s so bad that is so pathetic scandy you should go back and

    Reinforce completely depleted stacks back in flansburg oh was SP can you SP me yeah oh yeah you had 100 SP me oh 10,000 in holla this is not looking this is nasty I got to go back I’ve taken some heavy casualties what’s going on here’s got the majority of

    Fresh troops yeah come on scandy okay yeah good I got a reinforced I got to go back dude I’ve got nothing oh my shit’s so [ __ ] okay my troops are reinforced now taking a beating it looks like you’re out reinforcing okay death out death out okay good good holy [ __ ] I’m

    Out of money already what the okay I got some nice reinforcements they also did get a fat reinforcement there oh my liberals didn’t do anything did you just overextend yourself again virtual Rock you’ll be fine when someone says not necessarily their answer is yes Source trust me bro we could attack him

    Bia he he only has like 12K in this province okay limited attack there okay nothing else yeah yeah yeah just just burn her let’s just push him out I think think we’re generally out cycling them here except that Northern battle which was candi’s responsibility okay I just got an economic Tech we’re

    Safe also you guys should really go all in because burgundy is thinking of joining their side we know they have a truce okay oh we just want holla we just want holla don’t don’t follow up just just hold this stay where we are the truth uh buo is looking

    Good Bur trues and 86 October oh death all right hold where we are oh they re attacked holl they re attack H that’s a skill issue nice watch out virtu rock they’re going to send troops to you right see this this Bol battle is not really ideal I need money for reinforce I’m

    [ __ ] depleted as [ __ ] yeah man I’m I’m pretty [ __ ] you got it GG I’m sending some mobos up Loco on server mute me please you’re winning right there you’re winning that’s this is going this going I need I need [ __ ] money like really DM and everyone can you commit Fu right now

    Oh oh well PLC is full sieged and there’s a bunch of oh oh I’m Number Eight oh let the Jack win let the Jack win let the okay stay out prag do not move to prag ju monarchy do not move to prag under any under any circumstances

    They attacked me in they scale issued in rad laava everyone remember never go to Prague well I think they’re clearly trying to do an offensive to get the Prague no that’s not a real offensive that’s an accident oh the iron price is dropping really quickly that’s good yeah

    It’s cuz I iron price yeah lizard and I did a bunch of Texs so mhm that’s good maybe it won’t be poverty mod soon oh my God my my Factory is actually making money now this is this is heaven this is bliss oh okay wait we can like go to the VC

    And pressure them to surrender so they can kill the rebels yeah that would be a good negotiating tactic you want to pause it here it oh the burgundians are moving in to kill the rebels oh yeah that’s a good that’s a good strategy on there where are they going exactly

    They’re going through our territory that’s [ __ ] like really they’re going through territory we control who had G they can move through pretty sure they can move even if we occupy ITP these Polish names money I mean like literally most of their Alliance is full Siege by my level three ports are finally building

    They’re just waiting until they’re asan right I’m going to add a German region I’m not going to do banded B since we don’t control I’m going to take I’m going to add tering I think and that’s what I’m taking out of the war 30 War score just add a ticker I’m actually

    Good to Shadow fund right now I’m going to do it okay you’re going to beay me for all the money SP it’s okay you already got 5 million from the ALB to not join this war no I’m I’m actually going BR I spent way too much money

    On what’s the eventuality of uh burgundy actually joining the war he can join really soon let me talk to burgundy you might want to actually Retreat from pritz SW now yeah let’s just pull out oh [ __ ] um okay going to commit uh I think they’re gearing up for an Attack silia lean skits I’m going to go there it’s pretty safe I think yeah it’s safe oh that wasn’t empty oh my God I got [ __ ] skill oh yeah W [ __ ] hiding Ottomans troop oh Indian troops are here that means they’re joining no that was a transfer no he was transferring [ __ ]

    Land oh okay are you sure you want to be pushed up that far do you need to occupy all those planes in the middle of Poland you could pull back virtual Rock to Forest two weeks later they tank virtual Rock H you might want to pull back they’re actually taking massive losses right okay yeah just keep it going but you can always pull back cuz that’s not really a good shape for you can you put

    Something into B cell virtual Rock just for my peace of mind that’s the only reason to put anything in there just so can I have a small sliver of money from anyone who’s making it oh [ __ ] I can give you 20K I think I convinced uh bur

    Not to join I mean I mean this is a completely lost cause I don’t know why they’re keeping this going they’re doing an all out encirclement Russ’s entire Army just got Circle oh right so let’s launch our attack okay let’s launch an attack on pritzwalk in Berlin sure sure

    Sure I’m on Shadow funding no more money for udm sorry all good I’m already at Shadow too attack attack attack let’s Go my plus four we roll a nine I think you guys should just do an allout attack straight up we are we are corus we’re Hing corus help oh [ __ ] I accidentally attacked the forest next to my bad skill okay the rolls are not going well but I think I can still do

    This virtual Rock I think there’s two things I told you to do that you didn’t do that would have prevented I was doing them could have pulled back I mean you’re getting encircled again are you going to get wiped there what’s going I’m going to prevent the wipe it’s

    Actually delaying them from reinforcing the other battles if anything you know actually [ __ ] it I’m keeping this attack going reinforce it the problem is I just don’t have any money the problem is your entire Army gone in circle the money doesn’t contribute to how you had your

    Army in a position where it could get instantly encircled all right it did because I would have I’ll send over my four tank if you have any backline move up through that open province in Pomerania and just encircle two of those battles scandi yes do it yeah I don’t

    Have units for this man like dude what why does scandy not have units you’re like the number one world P hey reinforce Berlin all right nice my four my four guys in there pull out the forest DM as well skner Navy I’d try to commit to that prow attack because like just take

    All those units from that Forest battle and you can like encircle batt not going to get my for is [ __ ] him up in Berlin [ __ ] great Oban is 50% L exhaustion like when he gets to like 70 he’s pretty much [ __ ] scy help that this that’s a massive I don’t know if it’s something we can sustain but I’m doing it you also have to attack that 30k we can just reinforce SW M now go go into the force too yeah oh [ __ ] dude this is this is

    Massive this is encircled man this is encircled this huge history happening isn’t it it’s bigger than that Chris it’s large I mean you can reinforce pres oh God I think burgund is still jum I was gone SP he still joining we won cop boost oh follow up uh

    Yes you have to um reinforce that battle Pomerania you’re currently no Commander with a SC send something into there I’m doing it I’m doing it I mean their entire Army maybe pull some of your excess out of Berlin cuz you already have that one we have encircled all but like 70k they moved

    Into the forest how’ the Polish get there I think this is where they sign how’d the Polish get there come on that’s not CED anymore how the poish they retreated from Mas pritz walk okay we’re just going to have to follow up okay is that a retreat behind

    Lines retre behind L clearly a retreat behind lines okay yes it is H wait why are we paused uh it’s they retreated behind lines that is behind lines that is literally the most blatant example of behind lines I’ve ever seen you got delete where the [ __ ] is demp he’s in their

    Channel he’s going to rule in their favor unless we move him in here everyone move into their Channel everyone move into their Channel doesn’t matter it’s behind look at how we did our encirclement that’s how you’re supposed to do an encirclement how we did it in Russia you guys can notot do

    It like that what’s your opinion Dempsey making [ __ ] up muted and if those were the rules we would have just left wait wait wait wait hold on hold on guys it’s pretty obvious the line is from like swimmer and day to Pres to Berlin no like that’s the

    Line should have had troops should have had troops there that’s not how the line work doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter you this all the my argument actually changes depending if I’m in the room you are such a hypocrite you say this be you know why the retreat behind line rules

    Exist so you don’t have to have units on every [ __ ] no bro that’s not behind L what the fu this J I made my choice what’s your opinion dempy I’m going to agree with the DM and and inside don’t wait wait wait no no no one

    Second look at how we did no in Russ it doesn’t matter if just because you choose to do something doesn’t mean what you’re doing is not against the give me one second just for your favor what I saw is I saw troops go from scharen to Nan then attack North so because there

    Were the last troops that were there were from the danubian um danubian hey hey virtual Rock Virtual Rock Retreat to Brasov now you’ll be safe and that’s not behind the lines apparently oh if it if we have to delete it then he has to delete when we no you have you have to

    Delete it just delete it just it’s that simple I still haven’t deleted yeah if the host say it’s fine it’s fine if F Rock does go to bosy would have to delete that I deleted bro I deleted get out of our Chanel get out of our chel all right pleasure doing business boys

    It’s been a pleasure frequenting your establishment good job good job guys was I the one who had to notice that to be fair we should have had something in that [ __ ] BR the one who had the GM demp like the whole point of the retreat behind lines rules is that you don’t

    Need to have units in every [ __ ] Province I love that we have to the when there’s a rule dispute cuz he’s Tapped Out playing fox very cool this is why I tell people to play the [ __ ] can you C the game professional rule lawyer big Sneedville just focus on reinforcing

    What we have here please like the northern battle yeah yeah ctin let’s get some stuff in there can funnel in okay we need to reinforce PR I’m going to be making I’ll I’ll put some stuff in there I mean if you can’t sustain it you can’t sustain it classic Weevil

    Mic uh reinfor reinforce the northern Pomeranian battle please yeah I’m not getting oh yeah you you might want to pull out a CO I guess if if you’re like I think we should it’s not it’s not covering any encirclements let’s pull out who sted up on my right who good

    Good right hold what we have SS in November by the Way You can’t remob here yeah sad you should be able to but you know rock this is a very bad performance on your part yeah yeah let’s just keep this line up all right do you think we can get the Pomerania ticker there no even that’s not enough I mean p is

    Huge okay that’s wiped it’s not it’s not like it’s going to tick against us they should really surrender like right now I don’t know if they’re waiting for China what is China unironically going to do they can see on R they want we we can literally depopulate the alans right now

    It does not matter it matters for my future land well I’m going to let my Army reinforced a bit than Shadow fund China what a Joke oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] up my plans this [ __ ] up my plan this is [ __ ] [ __ ] okay this these [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] these [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] is their problem man whated I was going to kill Japan man none of these countries can do a single

    [ __ ] thing we’re going to just ticker them out just just S freaking out about we have to be careful about botom in front though oh they’re attacking us inow right defend that they’re attacking in many different battles okay okay okay in the north right in the north right in

    The north hey China is joining on an offensive guys dies that’s not going to work doesn’t work like that you can’t get them to announce and then that suddenly means you can win the war by just launching them Offensive well this is where this campaign’s going then Ians and seing Nation ruining and calling in China that won’t help him nice where where have spok where have I seen this before where have we seen it people Nation ruining and calling in China I guess that’s pretty common

    Happens a lot it doesn’t actually wait I think I did that a bunch of times didn’t I yes you Did wait nunaa is on our side they’re going to get [ __ ] they better not get [ __ ] krono oh krono anoun to join July 29th Ethiopia as well what the hell why doesn’t make sense what they have mental dumb Think the things I have to do just to try inform Germany well that’s it ladies and gentlemen in the next episode we’re fighting the Asian hugbox the albian Confederation Poland Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire have fought well to hold on to the land that they still have left

    And they even encircled and destroyed pretty much the entire Russian army as it is now let’s do some analysis of the war the strategies and the diplomacy I didn’t end the episode on a rehost so there isn’t a save to take a war analyzer from right there so I’ll

    Show you one from the pr previous year 1885 you can get an idea of the casualties they’re roughly even 1.2 million each at this stage of the war but let’s go back in time now and look at what the Brigade counts were before the war one of the main reasons I

    Didn’t show it is cuz it sort of spoils which countries will be in the war like burgundy there’s always more to the Brigade counts in Mei the jeel monarchy wasn’t mobilized at the start of the war so those 95 brigades only came into play a bit later and he also hasn’t built up

    To his Force limit of about 50 he’s a newer player which is absolutely fine we were able to help him with micromanagement or the stuff that we could see but we couldn’t help him with internal things unfortunately something much less excusable from someone who should know better Scandinavia has 78

    Professional brigades sitting in Africa doing nothing at the start of the war so we can chalk them off those brigades have remained in Africa throughout the war lined up on The Batavian border alongside new Saran troops to combat a bavia that never joined the war in the

    War of the hugbox removal Squad in part 14 and 15 we really learned that the total Brigade counts at the start of a war aren’t the most important thing and they can be misleading it’s no question that we significantly outnumbered them at the beginning of this war and that

    The Ottoman Empire joining did balance that out a bit regardless of the Diplomatic context for them joining but the most important thing was how the lbn and PLC messed up the start of this war in their opening position and strategy I don’t know the extent to which the Albans knew Scandinavia was going

    Against him and I also don’t know how much the Poland Lithuania substitute knew knew about the situation but assuming they both had full knowledge then the albian shouldn’t have been pushed that far up and the PLC should be there supporting with his entire Army it would be no use trying to split his

    Forces between the Russian front and the Western Front we have an overall much larger Brigade count but we are separated into three different areas Scandinavia Russia and the danubian if they concentrated their forces effectively against one of those threats first they could have had some very good

    Early results in the war and even if Poland gets occupied by Russia look what happened later this exposed one of our shortcomings in how we handled the war there wasn’t that much coordination or communication with Russia we did fight mostly independently there was no talk of any overriding

    Strategy to link up our forces with Russia and unite the fronts somehow I’m not sure how we could have done it but we didn’t try it at all and we didn’t talk about it Scandinavia has completely unlimited access to the Eastern front he can just move there with transports and

    He even borders the PLC but there wasn’t a single Scandinavian troop on that front I think a better strategy would have been for Russia to focus his efforts in the north along the coastline instead of pushing through Central Poland and completely exposing himself and it would give us a very good chance

    Of linking up fully with Russia as we dominate the coastline and it was on that Coast that we saw some of our biggest successes and huge encirclements furthermore the southern area of the front is dominated by the Ottomans so any attempts to push through Silesia or Slovakia wouldn’t go very well speaking

    Of the Ottomans a big mistake that I made was when trying to pressure the Ottoman Empire to not join in the war I didn’t point out the elephant in the room the Asian hugbox I failed to mention the ottoman Empire’s main diplomatic reason for not joining the

    War which was born out when he had to transfer land to India I’m sure the enemy Alliance was telling him a lot of reasons to join the war like he’ll get Hungarian land and that obviously ended up being a lot more compelling than some vague reasons about the main ottoman

    Player’s past diplomacy which I couldn’t produce cuz it was all verbal anyway during the war the Ottoman Empire transferred two regions to India who’s also being substituted and there was also a money transfer which is very helpful to the enemy Alliance the Asian hugbox funding that Alliance means that they pretty much

    Have no economic problems whereas for us it’s been absolutely devastating even some of our friends who are not in the war like England and Arcadia have terrible economies in a situation like that you’d be expecting them to fund us but we had a lifeline and it came from the albian Confederation in hindsight

    His massive Grant to Italy of anywhere from 3.5 million to 5 million don’t know the exact number was a blunder because he ended up joining later but it was also a mistake in general because Italy used that money to fund our alliance in the war I understood that Italy

    Receiving a massive Grant could help us which is one of the reasons I didn’t overreact or complain about him making that deal so those millions that the Albans gave to Italy flowed through our alliance until it dried up all of our economies were in the red for the whole

    War but there’s a big possibility that that money might have been the difference between us going bankrupt and not going bankrupt bankruptcy occurs in this game when your interest payments exceed the total income of your country with we’re all spiraling further and further into debt but we’re not reaching

    That point yet the albian confederation’s massive treasury that is built up for years was one of their alliance’s biggest assets and he sort of squandered it I just wish that when we occupied Prague again we could have raided his bank vault and gotten the rest all right thank you so much for

    Watching I hope you’ve enjoyed the longest episode of the Bavaria Series so far I know there was a huge gap between the last episode and this I had a Christmas holiday I built a new pc and it also happened to be the longest episode have had to edit but as I said

    In the intro this new pc will now make editing faster in the future remember to check out this video sponsor guilded Destiny go look them up join their Discord wish list them on Steam and whatnot I will talk more about them on my next live discussion stream on

    YouTube with py chucker as well as talking about sponsorships in general and what that means now please do give this video a like if you haven’t already and subscribe consider supporting the channel on patreon follow me on Twitch for amazing live streams and join the Discord thank you so much everyone I’ll

    See you in the next video PG it was fun see you guys next week I’m assuming I don’t blow my Braes out which I might


    1. In the one (and only) multiplayer Vic2 game I played, this is what I hated MOST. Is every war became a world war and nobody was willing to lose a province or two

    2. I think one of the best differences between this campaign and others we’ve seen in the past is the general attitude of the players. While there’s some of the typical doomerism or getting mad or whatever, the players here are almost all actually being fairly positive about things, even when they lose. Elbians didn’t get super mad when he lost. Even burgundy, who lost everything, didn’t rage, he just lost it (turned into the Joker). It’s not a game where it seems like people get particularly angry.
      Another great example of how these players have more composure than other games we’ve seen is the gentlemen’s agreement war. I cannot imagine that happening in any other game we’ve seen so far.
      It’s amazing to see, I think it’s one of the reasons for this being such a great campaign.

      Edit: it’s so over

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