In this episode Martha and I travel along the Marne River. We have our shortest and longest day of the trip take us through the Eastern French Countryside.

    So I have one job to do each morning and that is to make the coffee so we’re rocking a beti system water in here coffee in here lid goes on and percolates up into here when we’re going to yeah it’s like right where that D interest sign Is oh these people were at the campsite I think yeah I think it’s oh it’s this one this is it Yeah Oh Wo how’s your butt shamed shammy creamed M her booties hurt it’s day four I don’t know it’s Thursday yeah day day four we’re kind of in the throws of booty adaptation yeah I’m so glad we’re not doing Hills today no Hills just flat yeah but it also means we can’t stand on a

    Downhill but that’s okay we creamed up and we’re ready to ride the mar So we are on this beautiful bike path going along the marn it’s pretty much what it’s like all day today um I’m just Tak it a moment to film The Beauty James got the Drone out it’s so turquoise the water it’s like a creamy turquoise water we don’t know

    Why yeah but look at these beautiful trees just covered in Ivy all the way up I don’t know you can see that but yeah beautiful day for biking on this lovely Veo Route All right we’re going Surgical Martha’s going to perform a surgery on her shoe cuz it’s pressuring the side of her right foot it’s not working out marked could I just keep this plastic going here yeah you know so we get Three tight yeah I’m just going to cut right there make a little incision so just a little haul it’s all I needed couple little Cuts one right there one here in here just to create a little bit more space yeah now only our hands and our butts hurt yeah and our

    Knees and our Legs I don’t know it’s like an old bridge an Old Bridge hey Dude there’s the far we camp that and where are we headed back to the m woohoo the M another day on the M bodies are a bit taky we’ll take her easy today and we’re going to do a bit of a shorter day and stay at a shat

    Campground it’s also kind of rainy it’s also kind of rainy sprinkled this morning we got we got packed up under a roof and doesn’t look like it’ll be anything bad today it’s a rainy day in the middle of Eastern France cruising through the town of Mario mar back to the mar

    So there’s a [Applause] barge there a bit of rougher road on the mine we are flying again look at that 19k an Hour Hi hi we’re eating nectarin and we got cookies Minos cheesec crackers Pickle Sausage a Red Bowl mango juice and more candy we’re fueled to [Laughter] Baruk Just doing a little climbing in the farmlands All right we’re Highway grinding about 5 5 1/2k from the campground and looking forward to being done a little earlier today There all right we’re about a kilometer from Camp ready to be done just a little bit further and a left hand turn I think we got to go up and then we’re there oh and it’s a bumpy finish either way we’re just hoping to get a spot somewhere This go scout out over here this one right under this tree all right we’re going to go walk through town and get some dinner what time is it it’s Bakery time and if there’s a cafe cafe time how many kilometers on on Deck today 16 16 rest day mhm get the booties

    Prepped cuz tomorrow might be a big day tomorrow we might try and make it to Nancy which will be like an 85k day so 16 today 85 tomorrow and then after that we’re going to jump on one of the V routes mhm which will be nice and easily navigable navigable navigable navigable

    Is the word okay yeah right navigable no navigable look it up whoa they got scooters in the back there now these guys are living yeah and they’re cow scooters yeah cow scooters and their cow motor home all right here I go don’t hit a bag oh yeah there’s a campground all right

    Oh may be a library Now the butt is that way to the but it’s a bike for bikers oh yeah seems pretty smooth I have not looked but there’s a Cathedral imagine that imagine that and we’re both learning French so I’m going to learn French soar I have learned J visite J Vis J visite I have

    Visited it’s all I [Laughter] know l a hello Hello we’re going to go find a spot set up go into town relax ooh and visitation places so we’re going to be toury today we’re back we went to town got coffee food saw wedding we have veggies and bacon pasta matah in a bag matza in a bag we

    Bought some pepper and some four cheese sauce we’re going to have full bellies where are we going today for sure that’s all we know all we know that’s good and then we’re going to see okay after a lengthy climb out of the town probably about 5k though not overly steep we’re rolling

    Beside the N4 which is a major freeway on this kind of farm cattle Goble Road but what was supposed to be a bit of a headwind is actually a cross tail so we’re making good time little bit up bit down but after that climb out of the city we have a net downhill

    Tattoo that was tough very slow semi steep decently steep Martha killed it she’s leading the way she just powered it out really good riding and we’re just about back to the Road getting a little Adventure she’s flying up there smooth cruising next to the freeway little wind our back come on is what it’s like in the afternoon early afternoon in Fr everything’s closed up and To the South because um Spain are very Hil yeah Italy too Italy crazy drivers yeah croaa Italy uh it’s just amazing um uh we are brothering like they on Race you know yeah yeah there goes Mara woohoo I’m going to go try and catch her oh those are like

    Kebabs where are we what did we finally find the vending machines that have Fresh Products there is a this is the the meat beef meat Ving machine that looks like a whole roast down there and I guess it’s refrigerated sausages yeah and then there’s a pizza and Fred and we’re back on the

    Mine for one last go we’re going to take this all the way to the Mel River where we’ll jump on a Euro route or a yeah National illa route and start heading south and we’ll take that all the way to another hero route and then we’ll take that into

    Bassel all right we’re just traversing this and there it is I’ll never understand how this was made ever so there’s a concert so we couldn’t really go in for another half hour so we’re going to take it off but it is ridiculous but I’m sure we’ll see More this is the bumpy roof back to the River all right we’ve been grinding our way on the bike path we got a little off-road bit here uh we’re kind of in an industrial area there’s a bunch of waterways that we kind of got to navigate around and through just keep rolling okay okay we grinding 18K to

    Go just trying to bash out the last 8K it smells bad along the canal and we’re ready to be done one k to Camp we’re just rolling in so we are going to set up eat shower sleep tomorrow will be what it’ll be we got to figure out where we’re going

    Where we’re going to stay yeah I feel like that’s the name of the game


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