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    “Strangeways – A Prison Officers Story”
    My 1st book (published June 2018)

    ‘Strangeways Unlocked’
    My 2nd book (published March 2022)

    How do as promised hmp Forest Bank I used to work there Keith lived there only 4 months ago 11 months he did in there we’re going to do as much of a tour as we can little bit of a walk and talk and tell a few stories hopefully

    You’ll get an idea what the place is like and the atmosphere so here this is age CR Road this and here we got Keith hmp Forest Bank look like you’re looking for business mate what you selling I I’ll give you 10 p in a Mars bar no I don’t do Mars

    Sckers all right so Keith why is Forest Bank a dangerous place obviously wait for it wait for it wait for your queue obviously young staff inexperienced staff not many staff yeah but let’s talk about spice okay so before that sound you said about staff yeah all these problems that are

    Happening in prisons now is because there’s no staff and the sooner they get government get a grip of this the better because if it kicks off on a wing and you’ve got two 18 19 year old kids hang on a minute stole that a minute let me

    Get the mic and and you the mic keep talking yeah if you’ve got two 18y old girls and it KS off on a wing what do you expect them girls to do yeah and how can they control anything that’s going on on the wing so you talk about

    Spice the spice is Rife it’s Rife in every jail but this jail I think this is where it’s seen the most just just right there is people who don’t understand drugs and won’t know what spice is okay yeah yeah so synthetic cannabis y um I believe it was a fish tranquilizer that

    You could buy in shops at at one point it looks like um skunk weed yeah but it isn’t skunk weed but you can spray it on stuff now can’t you right so you can spray it on paper so people are get it in deposition hold the mic up to your

    Mouth people are getting it in in depositions so your court papers your statements you know anything that’s come from Court your solicitor you might get 4 500 pages just explain what your depths are legal documents prison officers cannot search can they no no realu 39

    39 um they might ask you to open if they can open it in front of you but even then it’s paper so they’re not going to see anything no um now you have ID cards um which are what about 3 in Long 2 and

    1/2 in not that M maybe two two and a half inches long be an inch and a half right so you got ID cards if you put the ID card on one piece of paper an AI piece of paper and you cut round it you

    Have an ID card worth of PayPal that is 50 Quid in prison now you yeah how do you take that drug so you just put it in a you put it in a like a pipe so they make pipes um out of whatever they can

    Uh in alas for Asma they put file in that you can smoke it through that you can smoke it in a rollup if you’ve got Tob back or you just make strips of paper off it put it in the roll up and you smoke it that way then so you

    Probably made make about I’d say about a grand yeah off off an A4 maybe a little bit less but if you’ve got four 500 sheets of that and then someone else is selling it then you’re going to get Wars then because you stepping on someone’s told was a lot of money involved Walk

    This Way behind me so going to make a grand out a piece of A4 yeah how much money are people making in that place tens and tens of thousands either again people don’t understand so let’s just say you’re a spy said yeah how do you pay for it

    You’ve got no money in prison Z I have seen people sell everything they own clothes stereo trainers give all the Cen away then they can’t pay for it and then what the dealer will do then he’ll pay someone a car a spice to go cut that lad

    Or to go and H that lad and people will do that and people will do that no problem for that spice it’s it’s more addictive than truck how’d you stop it Keith oh how do you can you stop it I don’t believe you’re never going to stop it and well

    You’re not going to do anything until you start upping the staff the staff levels right for me the reason drugs are so rif prevalent and people are using them now is boredom yeah we’ve gone from what uh up to about 8 years ago yeah you had a regime strange ways we had a

    Regime prisons will be out every day to pretty much a lot of Prisons 23h hour bang up and more at night some up to one point yeah it used to be at Forest bank here 8:00 you stop them at 7:00 in the morning they’d be out at dinner so

    Listen listen to this they’d be out in the morning uh they’d be out over dinner you didn’t lock them up and you’d be locking them up 8:00 at night they were out pretty much all day private prison time well private prisons used to get paid

    For going the extra mile as it were you know time out of sell that’s what they got paid for so you know how you stop the spice you’re not going to stop it are you no no you know and and you know what Sam whatever drug you’re taking in

    Prison a lot of it is boredom but the other thing is blocking it out they blocking everything out whether they’re thinking about the families the sentence what they’ve lost what they’re going to lose you know or childhood issue whatever it may be some they’re trying to block some

    Out I’ve just got to say this me Nan used to say if you can’t fate that’s fight where a d at carry on you’re going to block it out yeah you whatever you’re blocking out some psychological whatever it is yeah and that’s why most people take drugs

    I’ve done it myself lot damag people in prison Kee yeah there is a lot of damage people in prison yeah there’s a lot of people in prison that shouldn’t be in prison that should be in mental institutions and getting real help AG Cheaper to Keep A me up yeah what what

    Do you think about private prisons making a profit no I don’t like private prisons full stop me S I just they just I’ve been in two I’ve been in alt course I’ve been in this one and you I don’t feel safe in any of them but what do you think about making a

    Profit see for me well that’s what prison is now it’s business for me you need more staff in prisons yeah yeah so you know what you take your profit yeah you put more stuff in prisons spend money on equipment you give them all body cams yeah I didn’t

    Used to believe in body cams I do now you know no you need them dangerous times body cam now I think will make people think twice most people 99% of prisoners are going to think about what they’re doing you’re always going to get that percentage that just kick off in

    The moment and they’re going to assault someone aren’t they yeah do you know you know you saying about time out of sell what used to get in strangeways and whatnot I mean I remember when they used to have Brit laying they used to have plumbers C they used to you know they

    Used to have they used to have everything yeah where you could you could actually learn a trade before you left prison so you was doing meaningful activities even when you’re out yourself now you’re not doing meaningful activities you might have a game of pool you know and then you have your dinner

    Purposeful I call it mate yeah personal activity there is none no exactly and and you know I think that’s a big thing come back with that come back with that put some money in give some stuff open some some workshops proper workshops where people are gaining some from it

    Not just going screwing screws in plugs like they are doing in the N listen let me tell you now mate so the two best workshops at strangeways best attended attendance records where you could learn a skill were uh um Plastering shop and bricky Shop yeah yeah they both got

    Shot they both got shot them two shops for office space yeah so we got rid of the two shops where people could learn a skill bricky Plastering you can go out earn I don’t know what can you earn Keith a lot of money Grand a week yeah

    Is that is that yeah and like I said it were well attended Lads loved them they got rid of them for office space people are not bothered about purpose full activity in prison no you know Lads just used to be happy to out self a bit of Association that’s all they want it’s

    Just containment now CU it is you don’t rehabilitate anyone I I’ve said that got into numerous well discussions shall we say with people there is no Rehabilitation yeah people can change absolutely can change and do change yeah life changing uh they have a bad experience in prison Keith new thought

    Process when he met me mhm yeah he just a little thing kids kids come along misses that’s it if you going in again we’re done that sort of thing yeah but there’s no purposeful activity and now this bang up we’re going back to 70s and ‘ 80s brutality people getting smashed

    All L uh bad assaults serious assaults lasses are getting assaulted as well yeah just going to cross out roads so we get a view at prison we can’t really go much further I told you some that old the mic dude the I think I think she was

    I think she were Romanian as I started on our wing there we go um and within a week someone had threw a bucket with piss and bleach in her face what yeah that was within a week piss and bleach look she came into the onto the wing right and she was barking screaming

    Shouting orders she was talking down to people not the way to do probably in mid-30s but I think that’s the way she was told to be and she’s coming to the winds and started being like that well you know yourself Sam you you can’t be like that on the wings no so right

    You’ve got staff carpart there guys you got the main wall at the far end is the main gate right let’s go this way let’s what we’re going to talk about so if somebody in that prison Works in that prison I know really well uh you know what I’m talking about

    Don’t you Keith y I’ve always told you you guys yeah treat and speech people I want to be spoke to and Tre yourself that’s what I did seen lots of lads on the out when I lived in little o do a little Vlog in little I lived there 5

    Years every single day I come out of my masonet yeah I saw somebody yeah Lads I used to know they knew where I lived which was my car which was my garage where me motorbike lived no either I never had no either no bother at all Let’s cross all this way

    Keith so you were saying Keith I mentioned a name we’re not going to yeah we’re not going to mention his name no so he’s he’s in enough trouble for me because Lads used to turn up at strange ways when when I were there telling me

    About the things he’d get up to so yeah he fanc himself as a bit of a lad MH and well you you tell Keith sort of stuff that he gets up to Big fell a big fell you know hands like shovels um don’t really work the

    Wings not say where it works but it don’t really work the wings but when the officers have got trouble on the wings or someone’s refusing go behind the door or whatever for whatever reason he’ll come on get him in the sound give him a good hiding and I witness that myself

    Big hard Lads is he doing that too oh no he’s yet no yeah no no he’s not not doing it to big hard Lads yeah one lad who I call a mate now yeah I’m going to interview him last time he was in that place he’s on a wing he’s gone onto a

    Wing yeah they rubbing him over the staff he was polite as you like said you know I’ve I’ve got some trouble on here which he really did have he said can you just please put me on a wing polite as you like he stood there yeah hang on

    I’ll get one at managers yeah this thing wearing about come on walked up look what’s your problem let’s have a quick word got him into office bent him over kicked the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him yeah he ended up bleeding out of his backside smashed his face up

    Yeah big man e big man they’re the sort of people one day something’s going to happen and people are going to say you know it’s terrible prison officer this prison officer that there are consequences most people people I was in incidence with people I have cenard restrained no problem no problem at all

    Seen him on the out yeah you get to know him some Lads you get to know him that’s how you get to know him your first Contact you know you’re fighting with them putting them in irops taking them to segregation and the life bullies you know they usually get their own anyway

    Keith we’re going into the through Shrubbery now as it were come here you’ve gone out a picture I’m trying to do a a Fant yeah fantastic piece of film workk we’re going into Shrubbery now I’ve got shorts on there’s lots of nettles and stuff like that but I’m doing it for you guys

    All right are you ready for this ke I’m ready for it yeah let’s do it big man bigger man how do how do another walk into so so we at Forest Bank prison as promised it’s not raining bit of atmosphere you can see the lights on the end of the

    Wing that’s the non swing there yeah that’s VPS alt sex offenders and pedophiles didn’t used to have a wing a sex offenders Wing Forest Bank they built that on a games pitch it went from approximately 1,00 let’s have a look here main man Keith it went from approximately 1100 to hold in about

    1,600 so when VPS used to come in before that Wing that you’ve just seen was built they used to tell them to get a story and they used to go on the wings as VPS undercover and yeah they did get found out and a lot got battered Keith how we

    Doing I’m all right mate I’m all right when was the last time you were in here I’ve been out about four months now four months spent about 13 and a half months in there is this first time you’ve ever been in there yeah is there anywhere you’d rather less

    Be I’ve done jails all over the country I’ve done years and years in strange ways but this place no mate this this this for me is is somewhere that well I’ve labeled it most dangerous prison it’s got to be one of them yeah I get I get that lot of dangerous prisons we

    Talked about woodill me and you just now aren’t we that’s a dangerous place I assaults but this place here let’s let’s have another quick look this place here lots of assaults they don’t get reported on staff as well on staff snitchers get stitches people don’t report things but it is a [ __ ]

    Dangerous place this let me tell you so we’re going to have a walk further around see whether we get a better view of the prison I’m going to tell you a few stories yeah so I’ve just stopped because Keith yeah we’re sneaking through undergrowth not particularly

    Sneaking you can you can come in here you can bring your dogs but he says I feel like I’m on a graft and this this Shrubbery you can see here yeah it was literally a foot high 20 years ago when I was here so the

    Prison then you got a clear view of the prison obviously this tree Line’s grown where you can see the pole mid picture cameras uh what whatever else is going on there yeah there is sort of a fence it’s only like a bit of a fence it’s not going to

    Stop anyone from getting over then you’ve got about a 10 m grass line till you come up to the main wall so moving on so there you go I can’t get any further these bushes are Thorn you can see Just In Front of Me Maybe six foot there is just a little

    Wire fence then there’s a a bit of a road around the prison and a tree line before the wall we’re going to go and get a better view now here we go much better view now like I said that’s a non swing there you’ve got the road going around

    The prison got your lights cameras action I’m thinking me what we’re looking at that Wing there is bwing okay uh B1 and B2 so that’s two Landings B1 two Landings B2 the wings are separated by a floor and fire door so he classed as two separate Wings housing about 100

    Prisoners that’s where I started my career with young offenders 18 months on there absolute chaos absolute chaos it’s quite spectacular looking like this is it mate yeah makes a difference any thoughts nerves I’m glad I’m not back there mate glad you me too I’m just wondering what people are going

    Through now at the minute mate well it’s not good as it we’ve got a few stories to tell mate we’re going to walk a bit further around and then we’re going to tell you some of the things Keith experienced although you can’t see much I’ll give you a little bit of history

    About the prison so it was opened in 99 the first governor good lad uh he weren’t happy about it being called Forest Bank Forest bank wank Forest Gump as it’s known you know they’re not good names on it could have thought some else so as a promise or sort of a selling point

    To the people of sford this where you’re looking now although we can’t see this park yeah it’s a country Park they’ve made walkways there is a river they’ve put bridges of at River there’s a football pitch somewhere changing rooms uh mountain bike type path horse riding path uh they planted thousands and

    Thousands of trees all the trees around the prison you know I I said a Keith that is all Shrubbery now well they will be you know it’s nearly 20 years since I was here so all this all this has grown over anyway we’re going to see with the

    Conceit back end of prison but yeah initially it started held about 1100 people the first two years they had one Riot um it started as a new prison the new stuff that went in there basically we’re in the prison 6 months before it opened training it opened mostly brand new

    Stuff some experience Mike Goodwin was a first governor he was a what what would you say a stout fellow bit of a temper on him but he was a good Governor I liked him but he was one of them people that you know he weren’t best friendly and he would walk around

    This place cuz it was his prison yeah on his own and he’d have a go at you if you were on a wing and some it weren’t right he would have a goal so I started about 2 years after it had been opened yeah there were a lot of

    Good stuff they were the experience stuff two years in and it were fantastic my first 18 months working with young offenders was amazing great stuff uh lots of laughs lots of incidents yeah it we all going on sadly I don’t them Lads uh are now dead a lot are on the

    Run a lot I would like to see at strange ways on the Kate unit you know going from petty crime to armed robbery and the like sad State really right so get out we’re like Meandering through the undergrowth we’ve come here we’re going to tell a story so I’m thinking here

    That’s awing quite possibly yeah so what you got this end of the prison you got the house blocks used to be A1 and 2 through to F1 and F2 Keith inform foring you now got g&h what’s the non swing called do you know no um no it’s down

    Bottom end okay so this place has recently been at news uh a week ago today Sunday I lad got slashed uh they’re talking about gang wars I said race Wars and that’s what it is in it Keith yeah it’s different areas like I’ve said post cold old him

    Rdale Lads from ethnic backgrounds and then you got Bolton Wigan Salford Salford and the like and it it’s like race Wars in there um a lot of bad assaults you’ve seen one didn’t you yeah your mate yeah got slashed yeah side of his door how did that happen um so one

    Lad walks up to his door you have spy flaps he’s opened it uh whispered some it knowing him couldn’t hear him my mate said to him I can’t hear you mate so lad said yeah I go to the side of your door you have a gap of a half inch going

    Around around your door so he’s put his air to that from the inside of the cell and the lad on the outside of the cell has got a ruler with a blade melted into it and going straight down the side of his face [ __ ] through his ear through

    His neck [ __ ] hell and what did your mate do to deserve that if anything probably stick up for himself cuz it’s you know you can only one do one or two things in there you had a runner you fight because there’s that many of them and they all stick together

    That’s that’s one thing I’ll give them they all stick together so you you you don’t just fight one and it’s going off all the time every day how how much time out of sell did you get um right so you got an hour no probably 2 hours in the morning and

    Then you got out about 5:00 till 6:00 for you see and then back behind your door then but you can go to work as well if you want and when’s it going going off all the time all the time it’s going off in work it’s going off on the

    Walkway um what do they call that not it’s not the M1 what the walkway from the prison to the workshops well part of M1 m1’s extension in it all we’re talking about there is a concrete walkway and as you walk up that you’ve got your workshops on the right you’ve

    Got your kitchens you’ve got your reception uh on the left you got Chapel Healthcare gym people going to visits people going to people walk down that M1 to go to visits not a lot of stuff on that M1 do they still have an officer on

    The gate at the end no no no officers on the gates so if you don’t keep separate from somebody so if you got people somebody you’re on a different win you don’t to keep separate it’s on your security file if you’re walking on that walkway you don’t know if that person or

    Then people are going to on that walkway and that’s probably that’s probably is the stuff on that walkway no no no let let me tell you now this is how used to be at strangeways and a lot of other prisons remember strangeways ey security estate you can only move eight prisoners

    At once and with a radio you used to have to get permission yeah some movement in Forest Bank is with a radio however movement to working that you let everyone off the wings free so you used to have 12 wings people coming off you know maybe 300 going to work short

    Distance 50 60 M to workshops and that’s where it used to go off you know it’s literally back to the wall but there’s no walls is it ke no going off on the wings got off in the doctors when I was there dangerous place then mate yeah

    Yeah so you’re you’re not affiliated you were on your own yeah are you still watching your back all time uh out here yeah um no not not out here I’m not so much out here Sam um in there definitely bad yeah yeah when I go to prison do

    Yeah right guys going to move further on right so we’re walking back out at shrubbery now we’re going to have a look at the car parkings the prison and the front elevation so this shrub we just been crawling through like a pair of wrongin I was telling Keith as an officer security manager

    Asked me to come and do a perimeter check so you’ve seen the road the road weren’t there excuse me it was just grass and the shrubs they weren’t as big but they seen someone so they sent me with two Lads I told Keith one was uh Johnny

    Concrete OD as [ __ ] yeah and the other one was uh I’m not going to knock him he was an all right lad but he got no bottle but having said that people like that excuse me you can work with them I’m going to have to do that again excuse

    Me sorry about that so we goes out the three of there Johnny concrete the other lad and me and we walk in the perimeter close to the wall so I sees the lad I sees a lad so we got a radio now I said to security manager what’s radio

    For like protection they’re going to send troops if you get in bother having a bit of a laugh he just laughed can’t really get a signal anyway there’s a lad so the lad who know bottle he said I’m going where you going back to prison still got this tickle in me from Thro

    Excuse me Johnny concrete says I’m going with him says just hang on I’m going to have a word with this lad excuse me I’m going to have a word with him any anyway they they’re both going so walk so oh my Lord back in a minute swallowed some creature it’s gone

    Thankfully so I said I’m going to have word with him so this lad’s there he’s got a B of clav on [Laughter] So I says all right lad are we on a mission he says yes go we are I told I told Keith earlier this story and we

    Were both laughing I’ve got a feeling this lad knew were knew me as it were anyway it was a friendly conversation I says a mission parcel he says yeah I says are you’re on your own he says no goof I says how many of you is

    There he says five I say if you all got bellies on he says no that’s why they’re still in bushes he said anyway go what you going to do I said what am I going to do I said I don’t know I’ll try me radio sh and I did and it was

    Like anyway I said so what I’m going to do I’m going to have a walk back around to prison obviously tell security manager who probably F police I says uh so you the competed your mission and got off B down he says right see you later

    Go see you later kid and I went back to the prison very surreal and that’s how things happen I also told Kea story like I said when I was at strange ways and to keep that light on me this is about me not you [ __ ] get on with

    It when I was at strange where used to move eight prisoners with radio so one night a cops were Library run horrible job hated it so you go on the wings and you might end up with I don’t know somewhere between 20 and 30 Lads on your

    Own this particular night there were no radios on no batteries so I didn’t have one I’d say it’s a good 2 minutes walk to the library they had a library library it is late at night and I’ve just been eating mosquitoes got a library OD La book the books in and out

    So I’ve got these up there and it became very tense very quick two Lads were going to be having a go bit of a fight so the orderly actually I’ll tell you who is after ke his name’s going to come okay was a proper our bastard um

    And I mean an OD bastard well known for being OD in the prison he was a good lad um he was a library orderly education orderly gym orderly what’s that tell you about him Keith model prisoner model prisoner enhanced he’s the only prisoner that ever went out of that it’s a cat B

    Prison to college they us let him out and he go to college it don’t happen from cat be’s uh release on temporary license whatever it were and and and he he’s looking and he just give me nod and if I’d have got in trouble that lad help

    Me I know he would and he weren’t a screw boy or anything like that you know just one of them uh sadly he when he got out of prison he’s the one we all put his money on he was going to make it he was going to turn his life

    Around he went back to his old ways and he shot someone and he’s laughed off I think he got 30 odd years Jesus anyway these two Lads are going to have a go so I’ve got no radio there is an alarm Bell so you know in my louish yor action

    I said right pack it in Lads so they’re looking at me what what are you going to [ __ ] do about it all that sort of stuff so I stood back said I’m not going to do out Lads obviously I’m on my own you’ve got all these Lads watching I’m going to

    Watch the fight with these Lads press alarm Bell two minutes troops will arrive so You’ got two minutes to not [ __ ] out of each other so quite often prisoners don’t want to fight so they’re looking at each other looking at me looking at other Lads uh one of them started smirking I’m

    Smirking we all started laughing and it it turned into nothing however that that could have been serious that diffused it you know if it had a kicked off but I don’t know what I’d have done well I would have alarm Bell um probably looking at the lads who were

    There I might well have try to split it up that’s what you do you either do that or you’re back well away me always used to get stuck in not cuz I’m tough or hard you know just trying to break things up and not stop people fighting

    But it’s one of them things uh and incidents like that happened over time let’s have a look at how we doing I’m all right have you got some stories to tell about this place yeah well didn’t have a good time in there no you didn’t no I didn’t have a

    Listen was it scary um yeah a lot of people message me right they’ve got family going into prison yeah and I always tell them keep your head down don’t borrow anything is the best thing I can do well I told you about Jan going into the prison yeah as a visitor so

    This is this is Keith’s message just just say as a visitor yeah so visitor um she’s not used to this life not used to criminality anything like this she’s visiting me in prison sh little sweetheart yeah definitely definitely um she comes in 15 minutes late one day and

    Only told me tonight when she knew was coming doing this with uh Sam that the reason she was late is because there were two young girls officers doing the visits and they won’t let anybody in because they’ ordered McDonald’s the week before that an old lady in front of Joan going through same

    Two young girls uh old ladies asked how long how long how long’s the visit and um she said it’s going to be an hour old lady walked off Jan’s next to be seen and they start mocking the old lady mimicking what she just asked them now

    This is young young kids you know with no life experience running prisons treat visit right so POA and others now they’re looking to make minimum age 21 that’s still young in it that’s still very young but it’s better than 18 yeah so when we talk about young girls in

    Prison they are young aren’t they yeah um any idea of the ratio you know did you have one lad one L every day or on our it was it was mainly female staff they’re not they weren’t all young but majority of them was but it was mainly uh female staff on my

    Wi sad State of Affairs just let me get camera straight so we’ve just don’t walk and talk around Forest bank if you enjoy it we’ll come back I’ve got loads of stories and so’s Kei uh and we’ll do a part two however we’ve just been talking now about

    Staffing levels yeah um prisoners having a right to vote so Keith said basic well you you said what you said so a few years ago when Cameron was prime minister there’s a big thing about human rights and us having the right to vote and Cameron said uh prisoners having

    Right to vote it makes me sick to his stomach just the thought of it they were I quote they were his exact words can stop rocking car because yeah sorry what he doesn’t understand though is if prisoners have the right to vote and and they have politicians coming into

    Prisons yeah nearly every prisoner would ask for more staff for safety for staff and safety for cons you know we don’t want the the right to vote just for the sake of it that’s out of selling it that’s all you want in it mate yeah and

    How many people are in prison Sam 80 89 90,000 9,000 you just remind you 90,000 yeah we are building new prisons uh biggest prison population lowest number of staff there was about 34,000 in when I left in 215 there or there about something like that there’s

    About 22 now so they’ve lost a third at staff yeah some prick somewhere decided Workforce modernization and benchmarking they were the buzzwords 212 to 25 the whole of the English and Welsh prison system that they didn’t they got too many staff they had too many staff yeah

    Absolute [ __ ] chaos and it just got worse and worse did not wages right down yeah now the wages are going back up to what they were they don’t realize they’ve gone that far now there’s that few staff least experience and here’s the thing again we’re going to have it

    From the ERS mouth as it were talking about female staff we’ve talked about females in young lasses and lots of them so you can remember when female staff come into the prison service yeah I do um so 1989 I first came away um in the prison

    Or the boxing ring as it was known then um and there was no there was no female members of staff at first and then they started integrating them and they were known as matrons they had big long navy blue skirts on um but the men the the

    The the male officers they didn’t like it at all at first it took a while for them to get used to it because they believed that it wasn’t a place for a woman you’re seeing it now the amount of assaults that are happening to female members of Staff listen listen let’s get

    This straight and I’ll always say this my top 10 officers which it take me a bit of time to pick five of them will be last as no question I get that I work with a young lass in there Lisa 21 she was lesbian salt of the earth she could

    Handle her own she got good interpersonal skills she were tiny jockey weight I’d worked with our ass all day in you know on on the worst Wings definitely I think back then it was a different attitude when it some yeah but is the thing yeah it’s now

    I don’t know 50% or more some prisons female staff young female staff in male jails you need males don’t you yeah there not there’s there’s no female officer I’ve ever met who I would willingly take into battle with me what I mean by that is I don’t mean that

    They won’t support you not at all I I don’t mean that none of them have got any bottle not at all I mean you know push comes to shove I don’t want to last there I don’t want us to get hurt yeah uh I don’t want to be worrying about

    That plenty plenty of lads I won’t be taking into battle with me as well but no lasses there’s no incident I’ve ever been involved in no restraint incident no planned removal where you get Ked up ever whether it’s a female or member of staff and I won’t want one

    Either I won’t want one you can’t always pick who you’re going into them situations with but I won’t want one there some cracking offices but it’s too many now it begs belief don’t it how you can have 100 men on a wing with all them different personalities and characters

    In for all them different crimes and you can put two 19y old girls on there to run it and unlock them all beggers believe he does I tell you now my daughter won’t be going into that job not at your hands neither would mine anyway like I said hope you’ve enjoyed

    The video if you have let me know in the comments if you like a part two we got loads of stories we might even go to one or two other prisons visit them he bit a walk and talk yeah I’ve been in enough so thanks to Keith again thanks to your

    Good s the supporters of community amazing comments support for guests Parting Shot God bless guys God bless I’ll C or will’ll C they we’ll C we’ll sday


    1. Wow what an eye opener 😳 definitely like to see more of these please lads 🙏🏼 I’m currently looking at going away myself next week for the first time n my heads all over so things like this help a lot 💯💚

    2. Also I gotta ask after watching countless episodes of your and Keith’s, what was his last sentence in forest bank for that he’s just got out for ?

    3. lol know way i live over the road from this place and i walk my dog around there.
      This is so true about this things and its only going to get worse there`s no pro help unless you find someone who`s been going through this before or still doing this and most of the are killing them self easy way out of this world and i don`t blame them evil corruption everywhere and the rule`s unfair.

    4. So informative without sensationalising the reality. I’d not want my daughter to work there. Thanks for highlighting the problems. 😊

    5. I was housed in this gaff early 2000s for the 4 moon , the so-called screws would take the same meals from the prisoners servery before the prisoners, every dinner and teatime at least 8 prisoners wouldn't get their food , I fronted the screws over this and they were saying its part of their contract, they can eat from the servery , prisoners were going without meals because of these screws ,is it still the same today

    6. Hello Sam and Keith, this was a really fascinating journey not only round the perimeter of HMP Forest Bank but a journey into both your experiences of this establishment and of HM Prison Service generally. Please could you do more "walk and talks" as they are so educational and thought provoking. Keith's comment about thinking what current prisoners at HMP Forest Bank were going through was a really thought provoking an reflective comment. All the best to you both and to every guest past, present and future (copyright infringement) as they all make this channel uniquely special. All the best and keep up the good work everyone!

    7. My ex was a physiatrics nurse here from 2016-2017, she was the only nurse on a night shift at a wknd,
      Like you have said before on your channel it’s a business now in a private prison and is all
      About cuts not welfare for both staff and inmates

    8. Why am I getting warnings sam,anyway love this partnership god bless ya ,Keith. Your a ffin legend whys spice addictive without googling it. A junkies perspective say.whats the withdrawal like. Is it ?????
      Whys it more addictive than the white also .I don't get it ,and I'm well aware of drugs.just a question my friend. I've seen your story before, I get it !!!
      God bless mate,try answer, or are ya bound .

    9. Shoukd of left the pot smoker's alone alot of them turn to dark now is the spice phase.also stopping them smoking adds to the cause and trouble the nonce wing was class shows your morals are right.

    10. Another class Vlog from you two guys. All profound stuff know that area like back of my hand, looking forwards to the Little Hulton Vlog told you before where I started my Policing career in 1976 !

    11. Corrupt officers wil turn there body cams off whn beating a prisoner- so these webcams shudnt be allowed to be turned off. Also as keith said- meaningful activity needs bringing back- but i guess the government wants the revolving door of money making ratha thn prisoners to be rehabilitated bk into society. Brilliant walk n talk lads , really enjoyed this x

    12. forest bank is a joke worked there back in 2004 2005 , i can totally relate to your vid sam ,im very suprised that place hasn't gone off big time .

    13. More from you two please very interesting and also funny in parts. I can't even imagine being put into a volatile environment like a prison it would scare me

    14. Great walk around Sam and insight into life in a really dangerous prison, some frightening stories mix with light hearted stuff,real good and informative from both sides of the cell door,will look forward to next helping guys,well done take care and I'll see theeee 👍

    15. Great memories of working at Forest Bank, only because of the lads in there and my team (not a officer).

      But it was the most corrupt dangerous prison I worked in. The officers were awful and the treatment of the lads was horrendous.

    16. how about anybody get caught with or useing drugs gets a year added on to there sentence each time there caught.ok lifers would not bother but them on relatively short sentences would

    17. Bad idea putting 18yr old girls in male testosterone fueled jails it won't be long before there's raping happening amongst other things … no good at all, one things for sure my daughters wouldn't be working no jails …

    18. But it's the same as mental health there is people that work in these places that should never be in the job because if thay were out on the street on their own thay would not act like that it's a case of power over the powerless

    19. There’s 90’000 prisoners now and they say they building more hmps lol 😂 think it’s all conspiracy to get 120,000 extra troops for the war on putin etc. why not spend the funds they got to build them on rehabilitation and a uncorrupted company’s owned and ran properly and staffed properly also change the law to modern times. They use employees that have criminal backgrounds use drugs on some kind of scheme. I personally know of two female prisoner officers that changed their names by one single letter on there surnames by depol that come from my manor and raised the same as me both have junkie brothers and one’s dad and brother is currently in hmp for fire arms charges. Ones now working for greater Manchester police 😂😂😂 the other had to move from one jail to another cus the prison governor found out her bro was in there where she was working at time. Hmpfb swept it under rug kept it moving and her on to another job in next jail.. Them and they should be the ones locked up cus they go above the laws break um that bad by making us so called lower class suffer for trying to live in the same world and way as them but they data protected and not even on any radar when making money of the drugs they really put on streets to either kill or jail people and to do there jobs for them by shotters robbing shotters and shutting big criminal businesses gangs off or killing each other.. then u go jail for it as well so 2 birds one stone some dead some locked for the same shipment they brought in country and make money off to live the under cover high lives

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