MLS® sales per capita for 2023 is the lowest in recorded history, agents are struggling and many are leaving and looking for new jobs. Premiers from Ontario and BC are attempting to influence the bank of Canada in their most recent interest rate announcement while AirBnB owners are suffering huge losses due to new rules limiting their operation.


    Hello once again John Flynn here from Flynn real estate serving Southern Ontario based out of the Niagara region thank you all once again for tuning in so tomorrow we have the big interest rate announcement from the Bank of Canada and yet again we have another Premiere this time the premier of

    Ontario Doug Ford writing his pity letters to the Bank of Canada asking them to pause the rates last month it was on September 1st I believe it was eie from BC and I think there was another one also but again writing a similar letter uh our citizens are struggling with these interest payments

    Please don’t raise them anymore and then today just before the rate announcement the Bank of Canada says the premier rate requests risk Independence so of course the Bank of Canada has its mandate and is supposed to be independent from the government and governments not being influenced by them they have to stick to

    Their 2% inflation Target and they need to do what they need to do and for some reason these politicians think that they can break the rules and uh influence them which is the whole point of being independent you’re not supposed to be influenced now will they influence them

    No what they’re going to do is they’re going to write these letters one week before the announcement knowing what the announcement will most likely be which will still be a pause on the rates because they are taking effect and then they will you know get the credit for it

    Saying well we wrote a letter and look we helped keep the paused but let me know what you think in the comments about that situation next I want to move on to the Airbnb issue and I’ll start with just a few headlines Airbnb operator says he’s facing losses of

    Hundreds of thousands of dollars because of BC’s new short-term rental laws very hurt new Airbnb restrictions spark backlash from BC landlords and the next one’s kind of on the opposite side of the argument or the debate these Airbnb owners support support new BC regulations on short-term rentals Wyatt

    D and Brett Mason say Airbnb limits will hurt them but help others so of course the argument is well these investors and these business people are losing all this money because they created these new rules and on the other side of the fence some say yes we’re owners it’s

    Going to hurt us but it’s going to help people with their housing needs now overall let me know what you think I actually got a really good comment on either X or YouTube this week I tried to look for but I couldn’t find it but they said it’s kind of backwards nowadays all

    The hotels are used for long-term rentals and the homes are used as hotel rooms which is kind of true right now another point I made was the technological loophole how the and how these things were created they were created with technology and of course they weren’t regulated they were saying

    Here do your own thing don’t worry about hotel regulations or real bed and breakfast regulations you can just rent the rooms out yourself you don’t need to go through a city or anything so the cities and the municipalities have to plain catchup where you know they again it was a technological loophole that

    These things were created through and they’re playing catchup now whether it’s Uber or Airbnb they’re slowly catching up with regulations saying look you can’t just drive people around in your car you have to have it inspected you have to be registered with the city and so there’s really they’re not going

    Backwards with these they’re just catching them up to the standards that everyone else was subject to prior to this technological advancement okay now let’s look at some data and I do have an updated housing or home buying recipe but let’s look at some data first from

    This week so I created this chart to supplement a chart I had from last week where I showed the sales in 2023 and the forecast it for the last three months but the total sales for 2023 similar to the sales in 2010 yet we have 7 million

    More people and 2 and a half Mill million more homes so I wanted to put that into perspective so I did a sales per capita chart here and it really goes to show you this takes into account all those extra people and all the extra homes and when looking at the sales per

    Capita and this chart scale is sales per 100,000 people you can see how low they are it’s actually the lowest in recorded history we didn’t have MLS sales data prior to maybe 2004 but there was no data available up until 200 7 of course uh MLS uh electronic systems weren’t

    Around prior to again the beginning of the 2000s or so but you can see the lowest level by far 18% below the average and 10% below the previous low so 2023 is by far the lowest sales per capita and again in reference the lowest sales overall by that measure of course

    It always has to come back to us the agents now how are we making out and of it’s going to hurt a lot of agents in 2010 we had 98,000 agents now we have over 160,000 probably closer to 165,000 agents so looking at that how many deals

    Per agent uh are happening right now and of course it’s going to be like the sales per capita it’s going to be very low so here is an updated chart going back again 2007 since we have consistent records from that year and this is deals

    Per agent per year and this is MLS deal so it wouldn’t include a lot of the new builds but um again it’s all MLS sales and you can see we’re about half of what we wear in 2007 and about 40% lower than we were in 2021 so the agents are doing

    A lot less deals and making a lot less money obviously I just want to share some comments from the post that I made on Twitter about this or should I say x so of course I posted this charge on X and my sarcastic comment asking if the

    Agent Sav some cash from 2021 and here are some of the comments waiting patiently for discounted Audi leases on leasebusters from free casino money I have known my agent for 24 years up to June she was doing fine as her clients were listing and moving out to Port Hope

    Brighton or moving out of Province now she is feeling it as many buyers are not qualifying for what they want to buy she sold two homes in past three months actually that’s not bad considering most agents or the average agent does 2.7 deals per year in 2023 and from Donna

    Baker I don’t know how to say your name properly you can pronounce it like 10 different ways uh so sorry if I mispronounced it she’s actually a retired realtor from what I know had a chat with a realtor in GHA greater Hamilton area who I’ve known forever

    Very constant producer 18 to 24 deals a year in 2023 zero deals zero they haven’t been able to get anything together listings that haven’t sold doing nothing but spending a lot of dollars they don’t think they can renew wow so that’s that’s huge right zero deals in what nine months almost 10

    Months by now I actually had a call from an agent or previous agent that used to work under my brokerage and he was calling looking for a reference for some job he was applying for so it is changing out there agents are leaving the industry a lot of them will hold

    Their licenses so you won’t see the Korean numbers go down because you can hang your license fairly cheap maybe $500 a year without being part of a board but again they are leaving the boards and are leaving active trading in real estate now a couple of really

    Important charts before I go the first one is time it took rate hike Cycles to break something and this is in Canada this was going back for the last four Cycles 1978 to 1981 it took 42 months there were some pretty significant rate hikes back then in the late 80s it took

    31 months again these are from the bottom of when they started hiking rates until they reached the top and they broke and they have to start dropping rates 31 months in the late 80s the one from 1997 to 2001 is the dotom bubble not a huge deal in Canada it more

    Affected the states but again it took 44 months in Canada to break something and that economic downturn happened right after and then the most recent one in 2005 to 2007 right before the great financial crisis Canada got off easy again on that uh crisis but it took 28

    Months from the bottom of the cycle to the top to break something before they started dropping rates so we have between 28 and 44 months we are at month 20 right now so it could happen at any point where they reverse course but the predictions even from the Bank of Canada

    Are saying late 2024 before they considered dropping rates it might happen before then but we’re probably looking at Mid 2024 at the earliest until 2025 sometime before they start reversing on this cycle and start dropping rates and of course we’ll be in an econ economic turmoil by then and yes

    The Bank of Canada does want a recession they call it a soft Landing but they do want a recession this is the whole point of that some people think that I’m praying for a recession but it’s not me this is the the cycle right this is all

    Part of the cycle you know we have good times and you have bad times I just told my cousin today in Ireland she was messaging about the Irish housing market uh people who were saying well prices won’t go down I say well just as the tide goes in it goes out right it’s

    Prices go up they come down and lastly the home buying recipe this is updated not a big change but I did add battery indicators to make it more visually appealing for those people who like that kind of thing and of course we have the falling prices the falling rates we

    Don’t have yet the high unemployment we don’t have but it has ticked up so we have one bar of battery there and the mortgage AAR and delinquencies are still ultra low nothing happening there of course in my previous predictions last year I’m predicting 2024 to 2025 for

    Buying opportunities so we are kind of on track but don’t expect it in the next month or two so that’s it for this week any comments replies questions down below as always and I’ll see you next time


    1. Welcome in my world! I'm in the movie industry, and i didn't work a day in 2023…. thank you to the US strikes… 2023 is worst than 2020 for lots of industries !!

    2. Yah but, if the agents are making half as many deals as in 2007, but the house prices are still 2x what they were in 2007, wouldn't that mean they are still making as much money as in 2007?

    3. I would love to see a small increase tomorrow to throw it back in Ford's face instead of some voters thinking Doug has any sway over the Bank of Canada.

    4. I thought the definition of a home is a depreciating asset? The entire country forgot that. A home is a place to live and they should be priced in such a way to provide a space for each citizen or family. People who have warped that asset class to earn 20 % per year by buying them all up have made the country unlivable. Real estate investors are gutting our society and destroying the dreams of the next generation. That has to stop right now

    5. "FIXED" Mortgage Rates are based off Global FX/Bond Yields and there is absolutely NOTHING the BoC Can do to lower "fixed" Mortgage Rates….. Full Stop !
      "VARIABLE" Mortgage Rates are based off the BoC overnight rate… however, the BoC has very little latitude to deviate from US Fed Fund rate in the USA(maybe .5 Bps) without tanking the Loonie on Global FX Markets making everything FAR more expensive for Canadians(Inflationary).
      GET OVER IT….
      Mortgage/Interest rates aren't going anywhere for the foreseeable…. this is GLOBAL and the BoC can't change squat…. just a bunch of Premiers "grandstanding" !

    6. Did these jokers asked to stop dropping rates when house prices were skyrocketing for everybody ! Pathetic ! House price should 40% cheaper so all can afford !! Ban air B&b

    7. Asking for lower rates is asking for freebies indirectly. Interest rates have to be in parity with the domestic and international economy's current status. When governmenrs intervene to stimulate the economy artificially like the liberturds did after the 2008 crash (which was an over reaction to what was happening in the US and was done mostly to please the voters to stay in power), it results in an inflationaty economy like Canada. There's no short term solution to this now. The present dispensation will lose power, put the monkey on the next govt and the next govt will inherit all this but the problems will take atleast a decade to resolve. Inflation is not merely due to freebies. There are 7 to 8 major factors affecting inflation and hyperinflation. The pain BoC is giving is imperative. I olny hope they don't stop bedore 12% bank rate succumbing to political pressures. It will be a disaster.

    8. The BOC WANTS a recession! You are the first person I have heard say this. It may be the only real way to get things back in balance… if at all possible… I am not sure it is. I think the BOC is mostly irrelevant… they can definitely make things worse, but hardly help to improve life. There is a permanence in these changes over the past 3 years…. we are approaching a new normal.

      There is no doubt that no one knows what they are doing… Tiff(the smirk on this guys face makes me want to punch my TV), JT(all the world his stage), Ford (man of his people), Freeland (so condescending)…. they have demonstrated zero competence!

      All the others at every level… bankers (make money at all cost), governments (friends and family discount), real estate agents(merchants of greed)… investors (piranhas)…. total incompetence and unprecedented greed. They have changed the very fabric of our country.

      Our standard of living has been irreparably degraded… This is the new dog-eat-dog capitalism.

      In a previous post you mentioned that current conditions in Canada (people CANNOT feed their children!) will cause social upheaval…. yup… wont be long before pitchforks and torches.

      So sad…. Canadians have always been such wholesome, real people… no pretenses… we lived such good, average lives… now too many of us want million dollar homes and luxury automobiles… we have lost our way.

      Those we must trust, elected and otherwise, have betrayed us, failed our beloved country and way of life, as they rape and pillage. Batten down the hatches my friends.

    9. We are in a record breaking time. Everything and everybody seems to becoming unhinged. The 5 major Banks are going in the opposite direction to the BOC by letting people off the hook. The BOC wouldn't have to raise so high if people just paid their mortgages properly. 24 years of gov't intervention pumping real estate prices has left us in an insane situation. The banks need to at least force investors to pay their full mortgage payments. If they can't sell. Drive prices down.

      LOVE the batteries. 😉

    10. Why don't you talk about lack of buying power, my pre approval went from 650k to 350k cause of rates and stress test. This is also is having a massive affect. Also, they keep saying go to a mortgage brokers to get around this, what kinda fraudulent stuff is going on to get people around the stress test. More pain ahead.

    11. Hello Jon,
      I agree with you the most of the times,
      But I disagree this time I should say not with you , with the chart you referred to .
      Can you find out how much was interest rate at each of these periods you mentioned before BOC start to hike the rate.
      I suppose non of these periods was a quarter basis point , except 2022 .
      If we agree upon it , then the formula will be totally different ,
      Thanks a lot for your honest and hard work.

    12. I'm surprised with this because in my area house are sold within a month or two. Average Cost 600k to 800k. I'm surprised they sell. I told my self, interests rate will go up again.

    13. Friend owns broker and commercial still up. By Q3/24 and def mid 25 and beyond majority will see been more going on and diff this time. Info there if you look.

    14. It’s funny how Canadians are all rooting for the housing market to collapse 😂 I hope America notices the atrocities occurring in Canada and will come to liberate us someday..

    15. Maybe time for real estate agents to tell their clients to reduce prices!

      There is a huge housing demand, but few can afford it.

      Houses that are priced correctly are still selling fast

    16. I agree 100% that politicians are trying to make themselves look like they are the voices that keep the bank rates down. Fact is that they have no say or pull it’s only done for optics!

    17. This inflation is caused by this useless far left government ..!! Printing billions during convid19 .!!! Also bringing in all these immigrants with not enough houses. This causes rents and housing prices to go parabolic .!!

    18. The lowest sales in history is due to Canada the fallout of canadians creating the greatest realestate bubble in human history for themselves and everyone at every level committing fraud and corruption…

      Realestate is going to collapse to sane prices reflecting sane incomes.

    19. Showing per capita numbers on your sales graph was genius. I can appreciate that in certain pockets, population growth and housing demand has exceeded supply, but I don’t think this is the case everywhere.

    20. Three homes in my area (hockley village north of the gta) that I've been watching … all modest 1100 to 1500 sq ft older bungalows , have sold in the past month between 1.2 and 1.5 million.. prices have not dropped here , quite the opposite. Demand is too high, Inventory scarce.

    21. Strange I do not see any comments on realtor fees. In Denmark realtors make about 20% of realtors in Vancouver per sale, in a country where prices are about 40% higher than here (25 % gst on everything). One realtor in Vancouver worked 4 hours a day 7 days a week and had an income of over 250.000$. They are the most overpaid people in Canada, so if some of them go broke I could not care less.

    22. As the 10 year bond yields spike and the bond markets collapse I’m not sure banks will care what politicians say. There is no choice, interest rates are going to double digits.

    23. In your 'time to break something' graph, interest rates are already expected to start going down by mid-next year. Would those set of decreases define the 'break point' or would it be unexpected rate decreases on top of those?

    24. I believed in central bank independence until central bankers showed us time and time again that they are incompetent and misleading oftentimes leading to disastrous results for the country and the ordinary people living in it. It is Tiff Macklem who said inflation was transitory and rates would stay low for a long time. This together with other factors convinced people to buy properties and it proved to be disastrous for many people. Should we allow an incompetent and untrustworthy government organization to make life changing decisions for us without being accountable and consequences, I have my serious doubts and reservations.

    25. Volker raised the rates up to 20% back in the day. Tiff and BOC raised rates 500basis points and rates are now 6.5% at one of those hikes Market was calling for 25basis points and yet Tiff announced 100basis points. My point is Tiff has the tendencies akin to Volker so we should buckle up for more rate hikes to come!

    26. In my opinion, a housing market crash is imminent due to the high number of individuals who purchased homes above the asking price despite the low interest rates. These buyers find themselves in precarious situations as housing prices decline, leaving them without any equity. If they become unable to afford their homes, foreclosure becomes a likely outcome. Even attempting to sell would not yield any profits. This scenario is expected to impact a significant number of people, particularly in light of the anticipated surge in layoffs and the rapid increase in the cost of living.

    27. I’ve had a great 14 years, raising my kids and having flexibility to enjoy them. Always did well, yearly awards and everything. Presidents award last year too. BUT this year. Yikes. Luckily I am renewing but I’ll be taking my attention elsewhere unless of course…… A REALTOR is what I am, not what I do. What I do is sell Real Estate for my people who want me to. Right now the market is trembling, and as I like to think I am a give a shit kinda person I can not think…unless you have money to loose it’s maybe not a good time to gamble…

    28. By the way… freaked me out with the 160000 agents out there at last count… I think it’s time Humber took it off there course list until we the existing realtors hash this out between us.. i thought 96000 was ridiculous… but 160000 ludichrist. Have a nice evening, I’d love to do what you do with the utube video channel. How many sales did you say? I’m going to go back and look.

    29. Jon, it would be very interesting to know what Recreation properties are looking like. Some folks have gone in deep with the “equity” in their homes.
      We know of one couple in Victoria who borrowed against the equity in their home. They purchased a Boat, brand new higher end vehicle and a condo in Mexico. Now they are clambering to make their payments. Stating “the gov. Can’t do this, they will bankrupt everyone.” Well is that not part of the plan.?

    30. Great info! I am one of the lucky ones… I have only been a realtor for 4 years = 1st year did not count so really only 3 years ( 2020 my 1st year, the world was shut down, covid = no training)…

      I just completed my 17th deal in 3 years… 2023= 1 in Jan, 2 in Feb, 1 in July, 1 in Aug & 2 in Oct = 7 I had a closing date this year 2024 on Jan 5th, which got pushed back to this date & should have been in 2023. #Ottawa

      Don't let the HYPE scare you, houses sell themselves. Go do you and you will be just fine!!!♥The universe ALWAYS provides……

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