Jan 11/2024
    Check out this super short race for an all out Watts explosion! If you want to set new all time personal power records, the best way to do it is in short races. Racing is for everyone on Rouvy, find your style of race and get involved. Epic climbs or all out sprints, you will find it all on Rouvy.

    Speaking of that join Team GRC for our Sunday Short Race series:

    This will be an all out battle to see who can conquer Cheddar Gorge.

    Thanks to everyone for watching and subscribing, this really helps the channel grow.

    Hey Riders hey Racers hey race fans hey curious onlookers today got a fantastic race coming up this will be an absolute Banger uh we got the countdown on right now starts in four minutes this is mucker January Championship race two uh what we got set up here is LTA

    2023 stage 21 It’s the final loop it’s a short little 5.7 km with 60 M of climbing so essentially it’s pan flat uh currently the field sits at over 102 Riders let’s see if we can take a quick look at the map here for you I’ve got

    This pulled up so what you can see here it’s kind of like I don’t know how to describe it it’s just three little legs you’re going to start in the middle of the course and what’s going to happen is you’re going to blast straight out and

    Whip a hard 18 18 down these kind of like Park like boulevards we’re in Madrid remember uh so we’re going to see Riders going past each other second leg see it’s another leg of the course it’s kind of like a TriStar maybe something like that I’m trying to think

    Of some shape that would describe it we’re going to come whipping down another one and you can see how close you are to together here you’re just going to be driving down one side of the Boulevard and then going to the other as you can see here uh let’s flip that into

    Satellite mode so you can see you’re just you’re on the same street the whole way and then you’re going to kind of come back to where we started from as you can see here you’re going to be going past the Finish Line on this next leg of the

    Ride it was kind of neat here seeing the differences in colors in Madrid all these you know reddish terracotta style uh roofing tiles versus what’s going on over here it’s all different uh anyways yeah I’m getting sidetracked another 180 straight to the finishing uh shoot start finish is the exact same

    Place let’s jump back into the app itself here we are uh remember um I know I um and a a lot uh the race will start and it’ll give me about a 15 20 second buffer before I can jump in I think that’s going to change in the future hopefully it does because

    Planning on doing a ton of race coverage and this one is going to be an absolute wats fast you know uh it’s going to be so short people are going to be riding this like in 78 minutes hey just another quick shout out here if you look on the

    Screen right now what I’m circling with the mouse pointer GRC Sunday short race cheddar Gorge we got 41 signed up already absolutely going to smash yourself actually today’s race that muckers has put on is a great warmup for the race on Sunday so if you do this one

    Today please join us on Sunday as well so let’s get into this let’s just wait in the muckers lobby as soon as I can get in remember what I keep telling you if you ever want to watch a race just kind of hang out in the start shoot here

    On this screen that we’re looking at see it this starts in 1 minute right at the very top so we’re probably under a minute now there will be a little watch button that’s going to pop up right here where between where it says start warmup and downloaded now I’m covering this

    Race I’ll do the best I can I know there’s at least four or five team GRC members in this race I’m hoping they all ride together let’s see what they can do today there’s going to be some big numbers that’s for sure I would have liked to have done

    This one but I’d rather do the commentary for it and uh see how it all kind of breaks down I’ll probably follow this race all the way to completion because it won’t be very long at all I imagine this race coverage will be roughly 15 minutes long just going to

    Pop it one more time here and just pop back in so starts in zero minutes now so we’re probably under the one minute timer everyone on the start shoots probably getting pretty nervous I think people are going to be jumping out at 10 11 12 watts per kilo trying to get away

    Right at the very beginning there might be some people working together um as in train trains giving someone a lead out uh there will be an incredible draft going on in this thing too there’s going to be so many riders jam-pack so close together I really like these types of

    Races no matter what level you’re at if you’re riding 100 Watts or 600 watts the beauty of these is that you can compete with other people and it’ll be over shortly yeah you’re going to be suffering and you’re going to be breathing hard and your legs are going

    To be burning but you’re not going to be out there all day for 2 or three hours riding by yourself and some of the longer races uh this one you’ll be able to uh team up with someone find a draft somewhere so this thing might have just started

    There we go we’re off so this will load in hopefully we don’t lose too much of the race here and we’ll be jumping right in let’s get right to the rip I’m going to try to get right to the front see what we got going on here uh

    Stefan 793 T 68 I saw this Rider a couple days ago I think doing uh I believe it was stage 18 of the W I finished I think in the top five position uh knobby styles Na’s part of Team GRC part of the Discord always has an incredible launch uh Jill Mato just

    Whipping by there uh I’ve seen Jill Mato win numerous races uh bashak right with na’vi Styles here this is going to be bouncing around all over the place folks so you can see we’re doing a little false flat climb here this will be great for pushing power mvy I see MV here as

    Well uh we’re already coming up to the first uh 18 turn that’s how quick this will be so T 68 is leading the way currently has a 3 met buffer on Stefon oh they’re all coming up they’re just swamping them right now ah T 68 totally remember this

    Rider rides in the pink uh kit I think it looks pretty stylish might try L Roland seen L Roland in lots of races as well so Gil Mato T 68 L rollan just pushing hard FR here’s Carol Suk another very well-known name let’s move back if

    We can find the guys here uh there’s mvy uh bash sitting in 14th Place cruising right along just under four watts per kilo pushing for like 400 watts at this point Sprout picker another big name seen this Rider a lot first time I ever covered them was at cap sorry cap def

    Fermentor back in uh April I believe my first ever race that I covered so bash’s in a nice position position right now uh hanging out with mvy and spro picker sorry I’m stumbling over my words here a little bit uh looking for other riders that I recogniz here’s SR71 this

    Is John another team GRC member knobby Styles team GRC member eSATA I’ve seen that name a lot before here’s silly sil used to ride with her all the time she’s a very very strong Rider Hardy another team GRC member we’ve got you know five or six of

    The GRC team in here hoping to see how we’ll stack up today with the other teams let’s get back to the front that’s where that’s what everyone wants to see right let’s see what’s going on so currently we have t 68 is just hammering 300 watts around five watts

    Per kilo so 60 kilogram Rider he’s here’s Luca uncore Ma I saw Luca I think Luca finished second uh in one of the other muckers race it was a hill climb race just a few days ago I think it’s that stage 18 of the welta I was talking about believe it

    Was stage 18 kind of a flat start up a brutal climb big downhill flat finish uh but yeah t 68 Gil mtio Luca all up front L rolling Sprout picker is now trying to bridge up to them so we’ve got three and a little breakway at the front we’ve got

    50 m back to El Roland they’re now pushing seven watts per kilo this is insanity let’s do a little quick map view here and you’re going to see the craziness that’s going to happen on screen look at the Riders going back and forward past each other so as you can

    See here this is our lead group right here tour 68 Gil Mato and Luca with L rolling about 90 meters back trying to work by themselves to get across it’s going to be very difficult with these three Riders up front so again three Riders up front I’m

    Assuming that these threes will be able to stay away El roll slipping back because they’re going to be fighting the win by themselves these guys are all taking turns at the front uh spro picker may be able to pick up on L Roland with mvy not very far

    Behind at all Carol suk’s right there t 68 has decided to take the lead we’re well over halfway into the race now uh we’ve got 16 meters of climb to do which why even talk about it it’s not even important at this point going into a little downhill let’s see we’ll get some

    Acceleration going here we’re currently whipping along at like 55k an hour three Superstar Riders here uh um you know I’m not sure what the Sprint’s going to be at the end but these are all they can they’re capable of riding five six watts per kilo the entire

    Route uh let’s have a little quick pop back see who else we see mvy groch Chang tranberg Neils um just trying to get back and see where bashak is that’s Kata again I see that name a lot okay um we’re looking we’re looking I’ve lost track of people now here silly

    S sitting strong in 28th Place great job okay there’s bashak found him bash shock sitting in 20th Place uh in a pack with a ton of people so this 20th Place could be either you’re going to finish 20th or you’re going to finish 10th something like that uh it’s all going to

    Come down to a Sprint at the end what I’m going to have to do with this one folks is keep an eye on the front and then move my way back so we got three Racing for the uh the podium then here we go Carol susek and Sprout picker have

    Caught El Roland so there’s another three riding together we go back to Stefan 793 there’s two of them riding there together Stefan and mvy are riding together will it jump back another 35 M to Rocket Roy Neils Brian Brenham I’m not sure how you say that uh bear Remy’s

    Right there as well grang so there’s a ton of riders here another bit of a gap okay I got a really focus on the front here now or else I’ll get fired for not covering the front uh Gil is pushing hard at 9 watts per kilo putting

    In a dig on that little bit of a false flat trying to bridge away Luca and Tor both reacting 878 watts per kilo and they are back on 4 meter Gap they’re right in the draft did Gil go a little bit too early there what does he have left in the

    Tank okay yeah they’re settling down settling down we’re only 250 meters from the finish here folks I’m just keeping a close eye on these two okay let’s go back to tour here at this point to get a better angle as to what’s going on 120 big sprint Lucas

    Dropping 11 wats per Kil 10 out of Gil tor’s falling back a little bit it’s between Luca and Gil uh we’ve got to move back now folks to get the next Bunch spro picker rolling into the line for fourth rolling coming up from behind in fifth place

    Carol Suk trying to come up as well looks like Carol and L rowand will be fighting for fifth and sixth bar Remy’s coming in in seventh by themselves mvy is chasing bar Remy Stefan chasing mvy uh looks like mury safe at this point we’ve got rocket Roy coming in I’m going

    To jump right back now to this big pack um let’s get back to see who else we got back here I’ve lost track of the team it’s it’s very hard to follow this is so many people here’s bashak I got him I got him bashak in four Place sprinting for the Finish

    Six watts per kilo pulling away from Andy up I 10 Riders finished there together at that point trying to get back to the next group let’s see what we got here we got Mike Hagen finishing 29th 30th uh I’m just going to work my way down through the knobby Styles coming in

    Strong kni just accelerated like a rocket at the start probably not a lot left in the tank now just getting to the Finish Line with SR71 coming up strong behind him 3.7 watts per kilo uh next punch back okay here just happened to jump on Hardy Hardy’s another member of uh Team

    GRC Stephen Scots I’ve seen this ride around a lot Scotsman ridden with us quite a bit uh perfect Roger I forgot Roger was in this coming home looking strong 47th position looking good got his his normal red jersey on uh Jeff 65 Rebel 72 here we go fighting Jeff 65 for that 48th

    Position nice job okay wow that’s this is going way too fast for me Mikey 73 oh Mumu 120 awesome honorary team GRC member here pushing hard for the finish I think this race is more suited to Mumu um hasn’t built built up the endurance yet but strong Rider obviously let’s see the

    Sprint yes nice MooMoo 8 8.6 watts per kilo you got the Sprint finish that we need bunch of riders here I’ve never seen their names before but I’m going to learn stelvio bound seen this name before lots of strong finishers here no one’s puttering everyone’s doing

    The best they can you know two three watts per kilo all the way to the finish so we got Riders back to 66th place I think we lost a couple earlier on not sure if they disconnect issues but let’s just we’re going to hang in here folks because all these

    People deserve to get recognized uh Josie PM coming to the Finish pursued by hoffar 74 Ivan 02 coming home strong we got Roger 2023 and they are only four less than 400 to finish that see that’s the beauty of these short super intense races is that you’re going to suffer you’re going

    To think you’re going to die you think you think you’re going to get blown up next thing you know it’s over and you had a great workout these are the kind of races where you’re going to set personal records you’re going to set personal best for like 5 minute Powers

    One minute Powers whatever you want to look at so you know like this race is incredibly fast so we got a g team member here remember followed a gur G race uh oh probably a couple weeks back fantastic racing great bunch of people so good to

    See a g member out coming in bringing in the uh last position on the course in 66th place still pushing strong looking sharp and it looks like we lost two people out on the course what a fantastic Race So as you can see here um 4 minutes behind first place your effort

    Over in 11 minutes now you can just kick your feet up for the day relax maybe do a little bit of a cool down and get on with your life um this is what Racing’s all about on ruy so it’s pretty competitive in places and it’s fantastic to see all these Riders out

    Here uh hope you enjoyed the video and I’ll get back to you with another one real quick thanks for watching


    1. Fantastic video Colin. Awesome racing today in Muckers Thursday event. As you say there's something for everyone doing these. Looking forward to seeing you guys results for Sunday on the amazing Cheddar Gorge. Thanks, Gary (rebel72)

    2. Hi, I just wanted to say this was incredible. First one of my races I've had to miss in a long time and you do this quality video! (just seems to be the way my luck is going this year!!) Anyway, just wanted to reach out and say I loved this video and your commentary. Mucker.

    3. Great video Colin! I liked how you previewed the course while you were waiting for the race to start. Great job covering all the riders. Keep up the great work.

    4. Great video and commentary. We have 3 races every week. Tuesday and Thursday at 7pm (GMT) and also Sunday at 8.30am (GMT). Feel free to stream any of our races in the future.

    5. Great video and narrative. I like the switch to map mode to see all the riders bubbles, the description of the route you did ahead of the race and during the race. You were great at following the lead group and quickly switch to the following ones, up to the last rider. Thumbs up 👍

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