Everton 1-2 Luton Town | The Final Word

    Everton 1-2 Luton Town in the FA Cup 4th Round at Goodison Park on Saturday as the Toffees crashed out of the competition.

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    #EVERTON #facup #evelut

    Presenters: Peter McPartland & Barry Cass
    Video Editing: Mathew Lamb

    [Applause] welcome to toy TV is the final we Everton won Lon Town two we’ve been here before this time it’s the FA Cup Everton are out um yeah it was a it was a bit of a depressing game a good listen at the weekend low quality football

    Match and unfortunately we are out of the competition the magic of the cup some would say was a thoroughly depressing experience wasn’t it which basically sums up being a neveron at the moment um I seen some on site being in evertonians like watching Titanic and hope thinking the ship’s going to win at

    The end or something like that it’s like it is quite depression but obviously listen going into it I didn’t get the impression from the manager that it was very high up on a priority list um due to everything else that he’s Haven a fight at the moment there’s there’s

    Premier League point deductions there’s more charge there’s takeovers that are just seem to be put at the bottom of the pile there’s injuries creeping up so you know you you can understand the manager kind of going this isn’t too far up on my priority list but my only thing with

    That is yeah didn’t he mix the team up more then if if it’s really a case of we want to win but I’m not it won’t be the worst thing in the world if if if it didn’t happen why didn’t he he put five or six different players then I I don’t

    Know that’s that’s a really good question because we’ve got a game on Tuesday um and he does the way he spoke before the game was it wasn’t the biggest priority in the world but and I know he does still want to win every game and and fair play

    For that he he doesn’t make excuses so no issue with that but then why not make a couple of changes then or why not put a couple of people on the bench that are could come on could add something of freshness and excitement for the Clow why have two goalkeepers on the bench

    I’ll never understand that and listen people you know you can you can criticize managers or you can criticize you can criticize parts of what they doing without you know let City saying no we want them sack you can still criticize and I just don’t get it I

    Don’t get part of what he does I don’t get why he starts a team that’s basically going to be probably nine of the starting team against Fulham I’d imagine I don’t get that I don’t get why you wouldn’t freshen up the bench a little bit and bring five Subs on during

    The game just to again make sure people aren’t running to the ground ahead of a really important game other teams do it other teams to get get the benefit doesn’t always work saw Palace May making those changes they end up losing and they lost the next game but we’ve

    Seen you know Luton make five changes in this game and get the win whether that benefits them tomorrow night when they play who knows but you’ve got to give yourself the best chance and if you’re not if you if it’s not it’s not high up on your list as as a massive priority

    Then fair play go about your business that way then I just find it really really strange yeah I mean going into the ground obviously he made Betto was starting up alongside Dom I don’t really think he had that much OPP you know that much Choice he could have played I mean

    Dan is a mad one because I get the manage it doesn’t really yeah there doesn’t like him or he just doesn’t trust him or he just doesn’t think he suits what he’s doing but in a cup game at home that’s surely a game for him to start he could have played Dobbin but

    Then he might think he’s not ready but again again gooderson Cup game why not so we went with a 442 Virginia coming so he’s not scared to take out England’s number one but Virginia then they did things like you do like they’ve been practicing it all week the 442 but it

    Certainly didn’t look like that in the way Everton I mean Lon had three attempts at goal I think after 93 seconds and they they just got straight on with what they were doing and we just looked well a little bit it wasn’t like we were all over the place but we was

    Just so flat and so disjointed let’s get it right A Team like Lon has a set way of playing and it doesn’t really matter who plays they just play the same way and everyone buys into it we have a way of playing that only works when the Cory plays and that

    Is the biggest downfall of sha dice EV manager his daddy has no idea how to set a team up and get get get the same um results on the pitch unless the cor the cor is in there and that’s his biggest issue and he’s lost him he’s lost them for four weeks

    He’s going to lose him for he’s lost them looks like another four weeks well he said he’s not involved this it’s a massive issue and if you can’t do that then I’m sorry then that sort of does say how limited you are as a manager I

    Get you know listen to be loads of people out there saying he’s got he’s got um he’s got a really tough job he has got a really tough job I appreciate that and he’s done really well as the EV manager you know should have 27 points should be comfortable in mid table but

    If you’ve only got one way of playing and the way that you play that style is dictated to by one player and without them it doesn’t work it all falls apart then you’ve got a massive issue you’ve got serious issues then you just mentioned there you know saying well

    They trained all week or they didn’t train all week on 442 why why aren’t you saying them 442 like all the time anyway just to just to freshen cuz you so you’ve got a different way of doing things you have got a different so you know what you’re doing when you’re

    Playing 442 I just I don’t buy into that thing of like oh you only had three days no you don’t DET train every day I football or stuff yeah I don’t buy into that you you set you you give the players all the information and you say

    When we play this way this is how we play and when we play This Way say 4 42 this is when we play and when we play three at the back this is how we play I just I don’t buy into this thing of like

    You you have to just go oh you know I do understand and I am very very conscious of how limited the squad is M well then open it up a little bit then for games like this give other people an opportunity put players put give a young

    Say to a young player who’s playing in the other 21s you know if you have a good game I’ll you might be an opportunity for you to be on the bench for a cup game and then there might be an opportunity for you to come on if

    That that if the situation arises I don’t understand why you would limit yourself as a manager and as a football club I don’t get that people can well say well you look at his bench got no one to bring on that’s his decision he puts two goalies on the bench that’s his

    Decision yeah but still there’s still seven Outfield players there other teams make five Subs they’re not all top players are they I just don’t get it don’t care why you would cut your nose off to spite your face with someone like danuma I don’t get that at

    All I don’t understand it myself but it is what it is we we’re we’re but battling with a very very small Squad he’s he’s down to two midfielders literally down to two midfielders you know Gomez was almost a by way because we had no other players

    And he come in he done all right and he’s lost him now this is what happens and it it I just found a a little bit mad well Everton just started slowly like I said the game was flat really and the the most annoying thing is as two Strikers

    If you see your partner jumping you should be running Beyond them and neither of them run when the other one jumped I just didn’t get it there was one where Betto basically just stood on the D as he jumped it’s like what do you want him to do he’s flicking it on if

    Flicking it on you’ve got to run and the same with Betto if he’s jumping Cal lon’s got to be on his bike and all they did was compete for the first ball because he knew need a strike it was going to get on the end of it and run

    After it so it didn’t that didn’t kind of work and then the occasions when we did start getting the grip of the game and we did at times we just passed the we kicked the ball out to play there was like two or three times we got in their box with the

    One ball and we through and we’ve overit it it’s like what is going on that was everybody Dwight mcneel done it Onana done it James Garner done it twice when we were in Dom done it and it was it was a very very frustrating performance and you know in

    The first half we had a we had the Dwight mcneel head that K CAU that was a comfortable one there was one nice little bit of link up play between Dom and Betto and Betto just put the shot wide thought it thought the T should

    Have hit the target put it wide and then he had the other one where it’s on the left we play thing in on the left foot and it’s like just Smash It and hesitate and then the shot gets blocked the chance goes cuz we’re taking too long

    Long to get a shot away and lo behold looting looting breaking and get a corner that wasn’t shot that it’s Andros s and on the heel and went out for a goal kick the referee Simon Hooper who is absolutely diabolical as a referee uh give a corner and and we go behind from

    Him did you think it was a foul he definitely pushed them yeah I don’t know whether Doms Tred to be clever and make the most of it or whether he’s just that thing where you jump in the air and if someone shs you you lose your balance I don’t know I

    Don’t know to be honest with you he’s got his hands in his back so I understand why he’s asking for it it’s unlucky it’s meleno on the Ed or the arm and goes in see to me that’s more of a foul than like share piness I think

    Because I think when you when you’re tussling with each other and it is one one thing you know it’s uh you know half one six the other and all that um six one half a doesn’t um yeah this was this was two hands in the back and if you feel two hands in

    Your back and you not you’re not waiting for it then you might fall forward and I I do it was I do it was a foul just the simple fact is if a player puts it two hands into the into your back and his intention is to push it over then I

    Think it’s a foul now people might say well Dom should have been stronger he should have been but then Don might have been well I’ve just been pushed in the back and I’m I’ve been caught off balance cuz that’s it is and you you

    Can’t you know so I I I and I thought what they did they actually just stopped him and I get a free kick here I was amazed it was given as a goal it really was because it just thought it’s been pushed it’s been pushed I’m not like

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not sitting here saying crying about it but I I do I do think it was a foul um I think the biggest thing is you can you can actually see the the hands in his back R Barkley put pushes him the hands in his

    Back whether or on that you know the referee or V it hasn’t been our friend anyway all season as as um has decided that is enough to make him go down but he has gone down so and obviously it’s unlucky it’s meleno and ends up probably in the only

    Place for Z you couldn’t get there and you’re behind and and it was the goal was was very befitting of the game I thought the game was such a low quality game of football from both sides both sides were poor like really poor on the day passing was terrible from the PIR

    Them it was the intensity was low it was quiet it was just one of them afternoons where from our perspective I think we’ve had we suffering but having we’ve been it with a lot of things as fans this season and for the last couple of seasons and Saturday felt like a

    Culmination of it all and then when the game is playing out the way it is with just a scrappy horrible game of footy that goal seemed to epitomize everything about the game and you One n one nil down you know we could have had a penalty betto’s getting held and dragged

    In the box and he waits till he comes out the box then gives a free kick and the thing he gave the free kick for was actually less than what was happening in the penalty area yeah you know and he looks beused to It’s the Go like what

    Give you the free kick Mak it was a penalty and you you know he given he given offside when BTO was onite it was weird it was a weird thing but we just couldn’t get any kind of momentum we got a free kick and gner didn’t hit the target we needed to Andre

    Gomez um and we just you know Tim KW had very little to do really and I know J Ving at the other end certainly in the first half didn’t have much to do either and you go in one nil down at half time and not playing well you

    Thinking he you’ll have to make changes here because it’s not going very well and maybe bring bjer on at half time and try to like mix it up a little bit or whatever but because I thought Dwight mcneel was really poor he he looked off it so much I don’t know whether he’s

    Play with an injury or whether just everything that’s gone on for him this this year is just is he’s struggling a little bit with or or he’s just out of form he might just be something as simple as he’s just not playing well he’s not doing the stuff he was doing in

    The second half of last season which is tear ass and everywhere when he got into good areas in the first half he Crossing wasn’t very good and he’s normally that’s normally the best part of his game people don’t like to talk about it but he’s been rubbish this season yeah

    He he has he’s been rubbish apart from the little spell Jordan like the four four the four matches that we won in a row he been rubbish and people don’t like to talk about it it’s a I done it myself he’s working hard he’s doing this

    For the team doing that for the team just waiting him he’s being rubbish as I said that that he C fired a little bit obviously gotten the goal against forest and the guild against Newcastle to mean absolutely doesn’t a and Harrison just offer very s s offer they don’t they don’t offer

    Anything really you know I know Allison scored that’s the ad of here but in in they don’t they don’t produce enough and Saturday was just so frustrating having two players you can get wide and get crosses in and the crosses were just I think there wasn’t many between them and

    All that um but the and they’re so one paced it’s just it’s just it’s not you know you watch other teams and you watch how they go forward and they have they have the pace and how the pace how the break through the lines and adult Lon

    Did that much better than us on Saturday going through the lines but but M’s been rubbish this season I say like people don’t want to talk about it but it’s facts they’re the facts um and I know there are circumstances and I whole wholly understand those circumstances and again it shows you

    Where we are as a squad give but again the manager doesn’t want to give opportunities to to other players even if it’s a case of mcneel got into against Palace and it felt like he’d been rushed back just giving them the opportunity to have a game off knowing that does a game

    On Tuesday I just don’t get that and I never will get it I don’t get how you can flog players and then wonder why you’re not getting the performances and and when you’ve got I just don’t get that there just a would anyone have been asked if than started on Saturday with

    Anyone have gone what are you doing no anyone would have people would have gone right I think people will want to see what he’s got yeah because he’s different than we what the players we’re watching week in and week out uh I’ve been massively baned out by the first

    Half of the season because they put everything into it and I get I to totally understand you give everything first half of the season and they should be the work that they’ve done in the opening half of the Season should Everton practically safe really we put a

    Lot in we got we’ve got 27 points I know the table says definitely but that’s what we have we got to a quarterfinal one cup competition we’re in the fourth round of they’ put everything into it and that’s why Saturday that’s why I was started off by saying it’s priority list

    Which is fine I know fans will feel differently of course they will because it’s another year and we’re all desperate for something but if the manager is weighing everything up and he goes I’ve got to prioritize it cuz the premier league right now is more important

    Then give the LI of Twi go you know without it was about this time last year he C fire one comeing he started he was excellent and I hope that’s exactly what happens this season but up to now his performances haven’t been good enough he’s had some games and he has been

    Really good but consistency by say atak on the other side he’s had some good games he WS his he does w his bollocks off but that’s what you but that’s that’s what we Playa him for all the I’m saying he does no but that’s what we

    Praised him for all the time we never sit here and we never go and God wi today they to them to bits we always go God they work hard don’t they they get back into shape and they make it hard for people Co we can talk we’ll we’ll

    Talk all day about that that’s not an issue but we but isn’t that just where we are isn’t that no I don’t we’ve got the manag it has a way of playing that is fundamentally hard where other clubs have other clubs play differ like that

    Al Benny foron I think s number seven is a wide player he waks up and down he’s quick he’s bright he wasn’t great sa but you could see was a handful we don’t have that we don’t have that extra dimension in our game so the manage is

    Built cuz he’s his hands tired really aren’t he he’s just built a stability about the team the problem with a stability about the team is if it doesn’t function the way that it the way that it does on its best day it becomes very predictable our wide players have

    Got no unpredictability about them Dwight mcneel’s greatest strength is getting half a yard and putting a cross in or striking a ball Jack Harrison is all effort hard work he’ll cut back in and he’ll have shots and he scores a good goal well keeper should have done

    Better but at least he was positive and he’ll do that the biggest issue we have is when their levels have dipped the manager hasn’t been brave enough to go you’re playing you come out you and especially in the cup I get it sort to

    Get it in the league he he knows what he wants but in a game at own where the crowd like you said I don’t think anyone would if we’ have got the team and had have gone know Dobbins on One Wing and Daner on the other we’d have just gone

    Night let’s see what happens and the other two were on the bench or he could have if he wanted the safety of one just play one person rest of the other then take you know if it was mcneel and and Dan have Harrison sh and bring Harrison

    On after an hour and take mcneel off and then at least they getting a bit of a break in the teams getting something different but the Sha D’s biggest issue is the cor and we’ve not he’s not been able to solve it and my the little

    Bit of criticism that I would have for came on for Kevin fwell in this the recruitment team is that we got a snapshot of this last season when dor got sent off we were doing well he was out the team we we went to Pieces we

    Sort of didn’t know what we were doing and then he was back in and we were okay we start to see you know we we built our momentum he starts scoring goals again he goes out the team we don’t know what we’re doing again and that there had to

    Be a game plan for that there’s got to be and now this window it looks as thr up bringing anyone in unless we can get people out have they looked at that and G ABD dor might be out I mean d has already said he’s not available for full

    Of more Spar and you would imagine he won’t be available for City why would you play so what so therefore all of a sudden there’s another three Premier League games Gone without them so they should be identifying now who they could go and get on loan should that

    Opportunity arise in the next few days if it doesn’t then we’re scratching our heads again cuz who plays there that’s a big problem because we don’t have any other way of playing but we I mean we come out for the second half and was it slightly better we might have

    Ed it very very slightly but we did get the equalizer Betto does really well good strong train it was the first time really just kept it simple strug the defender off clipped it over to Harrison he goes on the run the lad slips he comes inside it’s a Tim K should save it

    Of course he should it squames under his body and in bef fitting of the game it squames across the line and it’s 1-1 were you disappointed cuz the crowd did come alive then and it was quite noisy were you disappointed we didn’t go on and put them under even

    More pressure cuz I think we did step it up a little bit but it just wasn’t there was just it just wasn’t enough was it just not good enough to do that are we not we’re not good enough to do that we we we don’t have we just there’s only

    Been a few games this season certainly home home record is that’s awful it’s absolutely awful it really is you know terrible how bad that home record is but we don’t have that like it is like another gear isn’t it to go up to we don’t have another gear to

    Go up to because we don’t have players with the pace or the ability to sustain attacks we’ve only really seen it in a couple of games again like the Newcastle game and the Chelsea game that ability to like sustain it again the C in the team being a big part of start scoring

    In both both of those games didn’t he you know they we don’t have that ability to just stay on teams cuz the cuz we’re not good enough in Midfield we don’t keep the ball we’re sloppy um and up front nothing seems to stick don’t get players around not done because we’re

    Not brave enough the link up play it’s just not there so no I just watched it watching and thinking this is very predictable we’re not we didn’t really cause them too many problems but don’t don’t you think we should have created a bit of chaos though at 11 one

    Cuz the crowd were getting behind you’ve got two lads who six don’t know how to dom dom dom is the player you look to because you know he’s got something about them in terms of holding on to the ball and flicking the ball on and forget

    About all the other stuff but in terms of like being able to control a game and get the ball up to him you expect it from Tom and it’s just not there I’m really disappointed in Dom the way I understand not scoring goals but it’s just the lack of aggression that gets me

    With dom car there’s no aggression there at all and I I just don’t understand the center forward who doesn’t want to get in the face of the opposition and close them down and and ruffle a few feathers I don’t get that at all I don’t know how

    You can be a center forward if you haven’t got that little bit especially when that’s kind of his game he’s not a he’s not picking it up and running he’s not like OE Watkins is he and he’s not a he’s not going to drop shoulders and go

    By people so he’s got to engage them in a bit of a battle cuz physically he you know it’s I see like twice there was one for Dom and one for BTO where we tried to play the ball ahead of him and lon’s Defenders were we in slow so but Betto

    Ends up shoving throwing the lad on the floor when he’s chasing him in the first half have give a fre kick Dom set off like he was going to get there and then the lad just beat him by about two yards and it wasn’t because he was naturally

    Quick we know Dom is quick but he I just don’t think he believed he was ever going to beat him and therefore he slowed down just cleared it and it’s like where’s the like the intensity to get after people yeah bet Betto is betto’s chaotic but then he just wanted to

    Wrestle with people I just didn’t get that the the Jory on BET was massively out no well it is isn’t it but he’s another one who just come into the league I don’t think he’s got he just hasn’t got much football intelligence he doesn’t understand he doesn’t doesn’t know how

    To like not get into wrestling matches with people because so or he doesn’t know how to or if he sees a situation doesn’t know how to change the situation just keeps doing the same thing again and again and again and D is just fundamentally just not on it at all and

    You’ve got to have that personal front that you can get the ball into and say’s going to go through million even if I don’t score but we don’t get players around them either we don’t make too many chances for it’s the same old thing with like a broken record we’re

    Just not a very good team at all and and obviously when we’re not functioning at the levels we need to be at to make it work you see how poor we are the final third is absolutely we do sometimes we do okay and we do all right to get into

    Areas and then everyone’s static I was just looking at first half as well on shy we had a good little move in the middle of the park and on creating angles mikeno joined in and we we working it mcneel comes and get and we spin that and then I looked up think

    Mcneel might have had it I looked off and like Dom and Betto just stood on the edge of the Box Harrison is stood watching and meleno goes past mcneel but the lad’s obviously going to go with him and then Dwight just goes yeah it’s got to go back cuz his favorite passes back

    And he just passes it back because he’s only got one foot but it’s like where if I was in on that occasion I’d have been screaming at the front to to go who’s moving like what what do you want me to do here because not oh we get it wide

    And we look up and just throw a ball in aimlessly and it’s like their players will just go we w’t creating angles what what I think D should have done and what I seen his Bley team do loads of times with the likes of beding Chris Wood and

    Ashley Barnes was get wide and just put just pepper it get crosses in and let them get in and course and that’s what I’m saying about the chaos right it might not be we know it’s not going to be silky lovely little buildup play we know that we know that neither of them

    Are are great we haven’t got great footballers you can open teams up so what what you do then you create chaos you put balls in the box and you say to people go and bomb on go and get in and see if anything drops for’s no there’s

    No I don’t know whether it’s the there’s no pace is there there’s no like recovery Pace to get back on doesn’t want to push forward Garner doesn’t want to push forward so then you’re saying to the Wingers but then the Wingers are so structured you don’t have that player

    Who’s the link up so both Center forwards are standing next to each other you don’t have the Cory playing in the space so you’ve got full backs AR we’re so limited and and the man it’s such a rigid thing that it only really works

    When we are a team that is fit and is fresh and we don’t look e those things at the moment and of course with that the as I said I’ve said loads of times I just for a manager to only have one formation and one

    And a play for a player to to to have to be playing in that formation for it to work that’s that’s a worry to me that’s a huge worry cuz then you are rely on that play like I I look at the team and I just think if the core is not playing

    Then we’re we’re in a real real we’ve got real problems the Cory has to play for all those other bits to just W and and that’s the way they’ve obviously wed on it day in and day out that’s that’s seriously woring for the rest of the season because it it feels

    Like you’ve got momentum and even over Christmas like the space game you still still feel like that momentum’s there even though you’ve been beaten and suddenly that momentum’s come to a grind and Halt and it’s picking that up again and I don’t I don’t see the energy

    Within the team the energy within the fans to pick that up again and get going and it’s going to take it it it’s like a slow process and and it’s it’s just really hard at the moment I think a lot of people are feeling it um on and off

    The pitch well let’s have a look at Doms numbers from the weekend obviously uh 34 touches no shots at goal won three out of 10 of his that’s that’s to me that’s disgusting that you know no having no shots that’s disgusting as a striker I think that’s aan look at his heat M

    Though he’s not even the Box he’s not even in the Box his heat is between the halfway line and the penalty I just don’t get that as a center forward that was to Center forward I think you should be looking for the ball and just driving

    Into a position where at least you can have a couple of shots get it out your feet M cuz that’s the one thing we do miss massively in this team by the way is someone who can just shift it from the as to the right or to the left and

    Just pop one and have a shot we do though we miss it massively though it’s just G got the ball in the first I think was b g on the outside of the box and he had an opportunity to shift and have a shot and he didn’t he just slowed it

    Down and looked around and think he just passed it w and I’m thinking what’s wrong with the all and shift it to the right or whatever and just get we had we had a couple of moments in the first half where I mean we got one opportunity

    Which should have been a corner the ref give offs side I don’t know how um where on did shoot and it got blocked and it broke to B and the lad’s got a great recovery tackle in and he give off side when you see it again he’s miles on side

    And there was the another one as well which I’d like to ask you about quickly in the first half Everton actually scored a goal now I know the goalkeeper stopped but the L put the flag up and the ref stopped the game when Dwight mcneel was through and on the replay

    Dwight mcel was on side V was there the referee shouldn’t have blown the whistle so what what’s happened there no V get it but V was there V yeah ball com in better or Dom it laid it mcneel went through and he was on side and scored now keeper might say but he

    Was one-on one with them he knocked it in hav complain him with the V on the referee to look at it and he just rest started the game which it didn’t get and but Betto in the second half he missed a good chance it was a knockdown he’s put

    It over he should have hit the target with but let’s have a look at Betto um heat M and Tes 39 tches simar to Dom Two Shots off Target one shot blocked one key pass four tackles his heat map is slightly better as in he’s in the

    Penalty heat Maps together and the heat Maps together look I mean betto’s on the right Doms is on the left but a lot of lot of the same spaces being occupied there in the middle of the park 10 you know 10 10 yards outside the box I see

    One in the face that well now they done it a couple of times it was a jav kick they done it both of them done it Dom jumped and Betto was basically stood underneath him as he eded it and it went on to the defender it’s like why haven’t

    You gambled as he’s left and it was the same for Betto Betto jumped it didn’t he didn’t actually flick it he he took the defender out the balling over the Reds and D didn’t get didn’t wasn’t ready to run past them as if to go I know you’re

    Going to flick that and I’m on my bike after it to get me half a chance and if you strike his aren’t working together like that you’re struggling and it was listen it was the manager did make some like made a couple of changes didn’t he with about six 15 14 minutes left

    Whatever Lon had already made five at this stage yeah they manager Rob Edwards whether he was conserving energy whether he thought fresh I’m put some freshness on CU this game’s here to win whatever put the five Subs on took off and we we made two we took Dominic CV Lu off and

    Put chimti on and obviously danuma came on for Dwight mcneel but not really change we had like I said Betto had that moment where he’s put it over Dan Zer had a shot when he should have just slipped TTI in TTI made a good run if he’ played him he was

    In and that was really it from us but they’ve made the changes haven’t they and they’ve been brave in making those changes and one of the subs has ended up scoring M and it’s just like that’s what can happen I just don’t get this

    Attitude of and I say I he from fans as well just what could he have done what are you what the are you talking about what could he have done he’s the manager at the football club I just don’t get that attitude at all what do you think has happened in football where

    You have a squad of like but is it 20 players on a match day isn’t it in the match day Squad at nine Subs so youve You’ got as it was at the weekend you’ve got seven Outfield players who was so yeah why have you got a kit and a TR on

    If you’re not good enough to go and kick a football around now they can’t no I I’m not talking about saying you know Martin sheriff is a professional EV football club so he should be able to lead the line every week in the Premier League not saying

    That but Ian McKenzie huntt he was on the bench at the weekend and I’ve been playing 21’s football training at the fa Team every day and the manager gone you’re in my opinion you’re good enough to come and sit on this bench then I’m expecting to get on that pitch I’m

    Thinking give me a go on this game give put me on in this game because some players have those moments he might have come on affected something we win the game then McKenzie up might not ever play forever I would love to know honestly I’d love someone to ask him on

    His next next press conference why’ you put two goalies on the bench why few teams no I don’t care about a few teams M I only care about us why did you put them on a bench what does it do why what is there something

    That if you put a kid on the bench it’ll it’ll H you have to pay them more or something or you will cuz they got a bon what’s but then so does so does the person who’s on bed so does Lan yeah you’re not we’re not is a parents money

    Will’ll probably be we more than more than a kid I just don’t get it I’d love someone to say what is the point I just I just don’t have don’t have nine Subs then but when people say things like that what could he do well the professional football the lads who were

    Good enough to to have an Everton kit on and get paid for playing football well not have under 21s then we might as well have no under 21s and like I’ve said before has everyone investigated Lon Subs has everyone looked and gone the lenca played at Bolton as everyone

    Looked at every one of them plays and go wow he’s amazing he’s amazing even though they don’t play for them no because teams just bring Subs on and go to play in this kid they made five subs and won the game and I don’t know half

    Of their subs I’ll be honest I don’t know any of their subs you know the kid is I I don’t know any wouldn’t if they could walk down the street and pass me I wouldn’t know the seriously wouldn’t know the way seriously wouldn’t know the way day what

    Was saying what was saying is these are professional footballers everyone in that match they it’s not he’s not got two Lads out the Glad Street and you’ve gone you can’t bring them what what I don’t get this is what blows my mind right not talking about like whether

    Whether you want to sack the manager not talk about anything like that what we’re saying is why do people go so hard and defending managers for these things that we all talk about all the time why do people why do people um give any manager not Sean D

    Not Frank Lampard not Rafa Bonas not anybody why did they defend these decisions that you go this decision might cost you in our next game you remember when and I’m listen I’m not saying any of our players by the way these young players are displayable remember when Carlo played Z br TW at

    Wolves we just got him from carile and just threw him in okay he gave a goal away didn’t have a great game but he played and he played the next game and then all of a sudden we were like he’s done he’s done all he’s going out on

    Loan now Anthony Gordon played games last year Tom Cannon last year Tom Cannon was in our under 21s he went on loan did all right now he’s absolutely flying now he’s I’m not saying that way but this is the same manager who played L Sims off front

    Right it’s you’ve got to you’ve got to look at these situations and say what’s best for the overall thing so if he wasn’t asked about the game really then I don’t understand I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t put Lads on the bench or why wouldn’t you say on

    Tuesday night Wednesday night telling you 21’s have a look at them and go who’s done well who’s scored who could just who could just sit on the bench who could be but you want them to what are we missing yeah you want to look at it

    And go right for those kids like this is a game say not asked he wants to win of course he does he knows winning game doesn’t win enough home games he knows that one four I five home games in all competitions it’s and it’s the next time he play good doesn’t it’s February

    That’s all that’s his record three Premier League home wins All Season which is diabolical by the way it is so we want to win them home games but you’ve also if he knows that the Premier League is not his his total priority and get that no ever fans going to have a go

    He brings McKenzie HS and sha mallister on nobody will all go I I didn’t Mo them when he brought shti on I was like good good on you get him on let’s have a look at him okay he done nothing really but got a kid sitting on the bench his name’s

    Dobbin he could have been on against he put him on against Chelsea and the kid comes up with the win do anything else but he scored the winner these are the things we’re talking about give give them a especially to save people legs I just don’t get it I just I just don’t

    I’ll never ever ever understand that I’ll never Frank Lampard with he you know whether I think Frank was Harley judge wasn’t Harley judge whatever I didn’t understand why he didn’t use Stanley Mills I couldn’t get me heads around it now I’m not saying Stanley Mills is whale class cuz he’s not he’s a

    Kid but we needed players sometimes and Lampard wouldn’t use him why why when you’ve got someone who’s in a good moment doing well why are they not part I just can’t and it is these managers bonitz why didn’t he use Mo okay give him a go hold field he got off but what

    I mean is we we were out for that why didn’t we use him now ironically he did invest in Anthony Gordon and Anthony Gordon ends up getting us money but you could go back with all the managers and it do seem as though some of them give it the AL Luke

    Who I’m not sitting here by the way going going I want these kids maybe to be involved on Tuesday but what I’m what I’m saying is it’s an FA Cup game you can make Subs knowing that you’ve got a game on Tuesday which is which we all know is your real Focus

    It’s got to be we are and yet you’re going to play the the same place the problem is I think why I why I why I would do it will be to try to give just to keep people fresh but also to have one eye on if if we can’t bring

    Anyone in on Deadline no this week one of these Lads might have to be involved if we keep getting the injuries the way we are I might have to use one of these and that was the to me that felt like an opportunity to have a look at him and go

    He’s all right he he can handle that he might not have been able to you might have put Mackenzie Hunts on and he might have you know what I mean he might not have done anything and you might look and go he’s not he’s no way near I just

    Don’t get it I just don’t get it and I’ll never I’ll never get it I’ll never get it it’s not a thing it’s not a it’s I’ll just never get it I’ll never get it but listen that I mean I’m not even convinced that that was the leion might

    Be lost the by the way we the game was just Peter and out we didn’t really do much they end up getting a corner from tar kovski I understand what was trying to do play it off someone but he’d have been better just smashing it into the ballings and dealing with the throwing

    You get a corner and I honestly I said to the lad next to me deal scory because you could just tell we couldn’t we just don’t know how to defend Corners I think someone sent me so I don’t know if it’s accurate but it said we would we’ve

    Conceded the most offset pieces and I don’t know whether that’s true but I know that would off I know we’ve ConEd the four against them all offset pieces this season and know that didn’t they score exactly the same goal well it shimar Tom Lo exactly the same goal well

    They scor four goals against same lad won the head four set pieces same lad won the head cleared cleared off and then someone’s being reacted quicker reacted quicker by the way why is that are he fresher maybe it’s because they’ve come off the bench maybe I mean

    It was unlucky Dan but we should have we didn’t deal with the second the flick tooku us out the game but it’s that moment where you you smash it into the ballings and you go I’d rather give a throw in away than a corner cuz it time

    Was basically up and talk what he’s trying to do but be clever we’ve got to dust ourselves down and and and get you know get ready to go we’ve got another the next three Premier League games are so tough they are for different reasons listen we might end up beating Spar

    Goodson who knows I’d put shy up front well it’s all on shag of SH now let’s have a look at the match stats from the game uh every one l two 14 attempts at goal each just two on target for Everton five for Luton and no big chances for

    The blues three 46% possession too too much possession um honest very quickly before we go I do have to mention J virgin he did make a couple of really really good the one from adabo when BR a gble was a tremendous massive and he made the other one from ah head which is

    Back in the corner and he got across Brave his kicking atrocious at times like sometimes he just welli it away when we struggled to get the ball but his goal keeping he’s positive couldn’t do anything with either goal I thought he’d give another good another good account himself good account for himself

    It is it’s Food For Thought isn’t it not saying to replace pick but it is Food For Thought in terms of does he get a new contract is one of them well that’s it isn’t it that’s the the question is do Everton look at him now and

    Go he could be our number one if we if we need money the problem you’ve ever have got is and this again you know no one’s trying to sell Jin Pickford but Jen Pickford himself might get to the end of the season go and if ever haven’t

    Got the point back or whatever and go another relegate like three relegate when does this change whatever I’m not saying it would happen by might have to ever might might have to look to look might he and if if they did have to look then Virginia would you’d look at him

    After those performan and go he not let us down in those games and and yes the kicking is the the kicking would have to be where refined a little bit uh just the choice sometimes when he was there was one towards the end of the game

    Where he kicked the ball St back to him just thought didn’t need to do that he can kick the distance and that’s good and he’s confident with the ball he h a couple out brilliantly to meleno and W to Patterson but it’s the choices isn’t it that’s that’s a young player but I

    Think he looks he come out and suck a couple as well which I think don’t think pord would have took so there’s that I do think I’m not sitting here going make him man number one but what I’m saying is just that if a decision had to be made and you

    Didn’t have the you go just give you could make maybe make Virginia one he’s not going to be as good as pford of course he’s not going to be as good as pford but these are the difficult decisions ever are going to have to make

    Because this is where we are as a club and it’s horable we got to just look at everything but he don’t regardless of whether at least the biggest thing I took from it is he’s a very competent number two it seems and that’s good which puts pressure on

    Pigford to improve and that’s good that can only be a good but listen we have got to dust ourselves time we got two huge League games this week and both are massive really for us full them will be tough we they’ve got our card Mark lately it’ll be another tough game and

    Then Spar we we just don’t beat it GS will be a tough one doesn’t mean we can’t beat them but it’ll be another tough one and I’m hoping the time he called this I’m hoping that coach so a g can get back in the squad wait for

    Tonight for that we’ll see we’ll see let us know what you think in the comments section below you disappointed by going out you human that we’ve gone out or are you more philosophical and like this this team really just needs to play one game a week how how he sat there do the

    Subs lack of Subs at times you know yet or you are you cool with everything at the minute The only positive for me well there was a negative and there was a negative I was thinking of at the match and the negative was God we don’t even

    Get a free weekend because of this and then the positive after that was but if Liverpool get through to the quarters people will will get St Patrick’s weekend off is that when we played them is it that’s when we played that will be moved oh and they’ve only got like the a

    National league Reserve team at home or something like the always got play got make sure a CL went went clap celebration of running of course you’ve got to have everything so that it’s perfect come on city um we see list whatever whatever let us know like we said what you think

    In the comment section well we’re just going through the comments on sofy TV Premier live night now so we will see you later bye


    1. All our managers have lost without Duke. He's lost players and people still on his back. we have no depth not much you can do without depth. But everyone blame the manager lol.

    2. It’s to late to start a witch hunt against the players and manager the club has been on a downward spiral for quite a few years the manager has huffed and puffed but he is a certain type of old school. Manager witch everyone knows he is whether you like it or not limited let’s remember he was sacked by Burnley don’t know how we will get out of this the supporters of are club don’t deserve this but we have lost this club

    3. It’s shit being an Everton fan in 2024, we keep thinking things can’t get any worse and then they do… What chance Dom scores the winner tomorrow? UTFT💙

    4. Terrible game. Already forgot how it felt when we won a few in a row earlier this season. How can we be so bad without Doucoure? Our wingers and strikers have been so so so poor this year

    5. I just hope we can somehow bring someone at least in before Wednesday night because the squad is looking bladdered now lets face it.
      They've ran their race now this season, the work ethic maxed out in December and now we are running on empty, we aren't the type of side that can run on empty either.

    6. I’ve been saying get rid of DCL for almost 4 seasons. When will people realise how shit he is? And Harrison? Leeds, yes, Leeds were happy to loan him out.

    7. Look at City’s record with and without Rodri it’s completely different because he’s a vital player for them, look at them lot once Van Dijk was out also.
      Ours is Doucoure and our record without him isn’t purely on Dyche every manager has players they need

    8. I cant get my head around how Beto has been here since last August but they haven't got a clue or foggiest how to pair two forwards at the same time.

      Remember as soon as Kevin Campbell arrived on loan in 1999 and paired him with Franny Jeffers?
      Hit the ground running immediately.

      Is it really that hard?

    9. 29:48 Spot on Baz yet another criminal decision that stopped us getting the first goal and then you see what their first goal came from it’s a complete joke, football is f***ed

    10. In my opinion,Dyche thought his starting 11 would get us infront and then he could make the changes we are all talking about!.Obviously this backfired and then because he believes in himself he sticks to his guns. I can see how this is really difficult for Dyche at the moment especially with all the injuries. I was at the game on Saturday with my son and we played awful ! Keep the faith COYB!!💙

    11. If he had played a weakened team he would’ve been slaughtered
      Can’t win either way. Also we’ve said play 2 up front all season & it was a calamity

    12. Why isn't anyone talking about Virgina GIVING the ball back to their keeper THREE times from having it in his hands?! Not slating the lad at all, but, no one is highlighting it?

      Also, Dominic Calvert Lewin is shite boys, he's got (More had than got, using past tense) good hold up play but we don't really have our fullbacks bombing on the wing like we used to have in, he had one good season under Ancelotti and lets be real, we had a goodish team and a world class manager with world class tactics and, if I remember correctly, wasn't over half of his goals tap ins that covid season? Never mind covid getting involved potentially made it a bit easier on him without opposition fans, one could argue?

      I get it's been hard going in the past few years, even since Mosey left, we have been trying to stabilise since his departure in my opinion, I'm not 100% sold on Dyche myself at the moment but we need to stop sacking managers, what's the point? We have still got players from 3/4 managers ago on our books… Give him time, like we did with Mosey, not saying it will be all sunshine and daisy's but if you look past all the shit going on this season with the ludicrous points deduction and the following charges thrown our way, we wouldn't be in trouble, we would be sitting mid table, don't be blinded by our current form or even league position, it's got to be solid for the lad's seeing things going right to be put back 10 steps and told to do it again.

      There's plenty more that I could say but that's just what I came up with on the spot so i guess my most pressing issues, not just surrounding our display against Luton, but in general about Everton right now.

      One big mega thing though, i love beto, i always think he's like a child in primary school playing footy in the play ground the way he throws his body around, his touch and even the way he throws his arms about in a strop with himself when he misses and opportunity (Like the two chances he had against Luton but decided to pass the ball instead??!?!?!) but for all of it i think he will come good, he's got everything imo to be a massive CF for the blues, i do just enjoy watching him play (even though i can call him shite sometimes lmao)

      Keep up the good work the toffee tv lads, never really comment but best believe i like every video i watch 🙂

      Keep the faith the blue boys and girls, need thick skin to be a toffee but i wouldn't have it any other way and i'd bet everyone else watching this wouldn't, maybe less relegation scraps tbh but fuck it, keeps the heart pumping doesn't it 😀 COYB! NSNO

    13. Agree with Ped… Dyche hasn't for a midfielder on the bench because he doesn't trust his squad and academy. Get a young lad in there look what happened at NUFC with Lewis Miley they have found talent by giving people a chance.

      You will recall the same happened to Garner at the beginning of the season he couldn't get a full game until dyche was backed into a corner.

      We have forwards that are fit so get to work on a formation that includes them and bring in a youngster from the academy…

      Look what happen to garner when you gave him a chance!!

    14. Has Everton are Down. Other teams would come in. And take away the players. So the players are not shining. As dint wanna leave.. it's like too much Attention on the Blues. It's like the players are keeping a low profile.
      This whole problem. Come from Covid. ""Not Evertons fault.. losing a sponsor. Throw a proxy War. The Government should give us that Sponsor money. As they stopped it.
      War in the past. Football was played. Between the soldiers at war.

    15. So true, he’s a very limited manager, no tactical nous.
      We know what they do in training,run a lot. Sadly they can’t even press anymore.
      Just going thru the motions.
      Not a footballing brain between the manager,his coaches and the players.

    16. What if Dyche has been told he can't make 5 subs every game and needs to limit them to as few as possible because the players get an appearance bonus for getting on the pitch. Genuinely….we are beyond skint, we are haemorrhaging huge amounts of money every day so Dyche might have his hands tied. He wouldn't be able to come out and say that against his employer.

    17. Speak to any Burnley fan, they all say McNeil has one good game in every five. If they know that & it turns out to be true, why couldn’t Thelwell see that?

    18. Unless we get our points back, or cover in for Dacoure, we are gonna be lucky to escape the drop. We are shockingly poor at the moment.

    19. Have any of our summer loan's done anything worthwhile, so we get another couple or just one loanee this week, same shit different player..

      As much as I love your content, it's becoming predictable because the same shite differen game…😊😊😊😊

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