A Session to Remember

    Frank Warwick and the Prologic team venture to Limoges in France to fish the stunning and intimate Etang Meunier. Franks is occupied by his son Guy, Ed Betteridge and Simon Dew to put some of the new Prologic kit through its paces on a stunning estate type lake deep in rural France.

    The team talk tactics, bait and rigs which helped bank multiple captures of stunning carp.

    Sometimes cart fishing is about taking it all in the scenery the nature the Atmosphere the places it takes you and the people you go With sometimes it can leave you doubting your ability methods you had faith in fail You tried and trusted baits and Ricks seem useless and all you can do is hope time will pass quickly until your next capture you dream of a session to Remember sometimes though it can make your dreams come true Heading to France for a week’s fishing is always a gamble you can’t guarantee the weather or the fishing but at least you’re with mates and a few laughs are always on the Cards you getting the essentials Ed most important bit Yeah so on arrival at the lake we didn’t know what to Expect we were certainly impressed with the lake and facilities and set about getting the gear sorted for the week Ahead not knowing much about the lake we hope for a few fish and maybe just maybe one of the larger residents would pay us a Visit it didn’t quite start as we’d Hoped yeah well as you can see is a SE Carnage here and uh we just in the midst of setting up and uh we’ve had fish showing in the area and uh I decided to fish one really tight over there fish in Open Water oh it’s just some give there well first

    Part of the session I don’t know what it is doesn’t feel big uh money’s on a tench or a little catfish well not the target species but a little bit of fun so with one lost car and a small catfish to start the session going into the first evening we hope things will

    Improve as the week went down Early the next day Ed got the ball rolling and things were looking Up well it’s a nice way to start the first morning on mourer I’ve got to I got a car on the end which is nice I’m not sure what the other Lads have had down the the other end of the lake um but this one’s from open water

    So uh hopefully that’s a very good sign doesn’t feel massive but at least it’s a c it seems Ed underestimated this fish Slightly get in 416 happy with that here she is 416 off the market munier couldn’t be happier with this big chunky fish um spawned out a little bit you can see at the front there is a little bit empty or she’s a little bit empty but um that’s what you expect in summer nice and

    Healthy happy this always nice to get off the mark Let’s uh let’s let him go Back While Ed got his rods back out I heard on the walkie talking that guy two had got off the mark so not a bad start to the session 283 mirror at munier pretty Cho should be a good week head as well y quick slap around the mush I’ll let you go Now S the action didn’t stop there Right it’s getting serious now unfortunately I lost a big fish in the night might have been a catfish the way it pulled but um looks like it’s uh giv me a second chance on the first morning at Monier and I’m absolutely shaking because it feels like a decent one so

    Yeah hopefully we’ll get this in and I’ll be off the mark and it’ll take the pressure off a little bit but yeah it feels like a good fish just just plooding around really but um we’re getting quite close now so I’m going to concentrate and hopefully get this one in the

    Net just trying to keep the line low underneath these other lines here it’s the beauty of fish in a tight line you can play Fish underneath them I feel me adrenaline going now Wooo oh I’m buzzing me That Well there you go £34 12 oz our first fish from it hangman on the first morning so it’s a really good start to the session after losing one I was a little bit wounded after that and uh I kept saying to Ed I really need a fish now to make up for it

    And here he is so yeah really over the moon with that one and hopefully it’s one of a few more to come go Yeah well on my way again luckily it’s about 2 hours since the first fish and um strange occurrence that the middle bobbing just absolutely smashed up to the top and then just settled exactly where it was before and I just thought it was a was a fish coming

    Through the line quite close in with how quick it was but it cuz it it literally just settled in exactly the same place it was previously so then I come and stand next to the rod and then it just tightened up stayed tight out the clip and the tip just bent Round that’ll [Applause] do [Applause] Look at this one for a little Banger it’s almost like a half linear and it’s got these little tiny pearly scales just above its lateral line cracking little fish um only about mid 20 but uh still I like catching them in this nice awesome second fish of the

    Session cracking fish very pleased with this one just hope some of his mates are still on that baited area feeding Now well it’s nice to get two fish in the morning so I’m just going to get that Rod back out now that was off the baited area which is great you know it shows that the pl’s working a little bit and everything else is happening from

    Tight to the snags but that was open water so it was a um a little wa rig um that Frank War showed me actually last year when we was at at Mar PES filming uh for pric again um and it’s it’s actually a liner liner rig which I’ve

    I’ve used to use years and years ago um but I kind of like the attributes of it um because if you don’t put an aggressive Bend in the shrink tubing you can actually hook the fish quite far back which is completely different to the rigs that I normally fish which are

    Hinge stiffs with quite an aggressive turn so the hinge stiff popup rig that I like tends to hook the fish right in the lip whereas this rig because it’s got more of a open gape can hook the fish a bit further back and that was a really

    Good hook hold so I’m just about to get that rig back out again and I’ve um I seem to run out of all my uh PVA sleeve so I’m going to have to tie a little bit of a Stringer on the downside of of this

    Rig um the fact it’s got a a little Loop there means that the bait can sort of twist round and cover the hook point in the flight if it’s a bit of an uneven flight so he was like a bit of PVA with

    It so what I tend to do is just to wrap this round a little bit so it closes that up so it can’t really move and then I wrap the rest around the hook and around the hook point and getting covered in getting covered in

    Glug here so it’s um the BM using a uh a cell wafter and I do like to glug it up one for add attraction and two because I’ve just tested this bait in the water and I’ve Tower drop it but glug is always a good way of just getting all the

    Moisture off so it doesn’t melt the PVA and that holds the hookbait in place a nice little Stringer and the more weight I’ve got on the end of that the less likely that rig is to tangle but I will watch it through the air and hopefully I

    Can get it back to the baited spot in one cast so if there is still a fish few Fish Feeding there and that 2 and a half 3K that I put out last night then there’s a chance of getting this Rod back out without disturbing them and uh

    Hopefully picking up another bite I’m using quite thick fluorocarbon cuz I just love the properties of it it doesn’t stretch as much as mono and it really really sinks if you look at my lines in the water they’re going down and I’m not fishing that slack I’m just

    Just fishing with the bobbins reasonably no low so they’re not mega mega slack like I was fishing in the edge then i’ fish them right down the fluorocarbon naturally sinks whereas mono is it does sink but it’s more neutrally buoyant so mono will sit a lot higher in the water

    Than fluorocarbon so if there’s any Fish Feeding around my bed area the chances are the fluorocarbon on a lake like this which is just a kind of silty Estate Lake chances are Floric carbon is going to be on the deck and give the fish a bit more confidence to feed around the

    Area but the trouble with Floric carbon is it doesn’t cast particularly well so I have to look after it a bit so I always wet the SPO before I cast and because it’s quite a thick one this is this 0 40 which is a bit thicker

    Than what I’d normally like but cuz we got a lot of snags here it could come in quite useful so we Flor Caron I have to just hit it a little bit harder than what I would do mono just to get it out there but once it’s out there it f

    Fishes really really Well well welcome to uh mun in Lio in France we uh we got down here yesterday evening about 8:00 in the evening and it was a bit of a carry on getting here I’ll tell you anyway uh as it’s always the case on the on the first evening when you get there

    We uh we we toss coins for who got what swims and when we walk around we seeing quite a few signs of fish and they were shating up quite a few areas in open water as well which was was encouraging and uh there was fizzes going on and uh

    Over quite a lot of the light but down it’s like a like a cheese craft cheese slice sort of shape there’s The Wider Part near the dam where San Eda and then me and guy have gone down the narab but gu is down the where the inlay is it’s

    Like a small stream a bit of a small river runs into it this uh so guy wanted to go down there I’m on the next swim still quite narrow it’s only about 50 yards across and then it broadens off to about I suppose 90 yards 100 yards across up the

    Damond and we got in position I I had to a bite fairly quickly I decided to fish tight to the far margin which is the obvious thing that a lot of people probably do using bait boats and stuff and uh I mean I I I’m casting on this

    Occasion I have got a baitball with us in case I need to fish tight to the snags but unfortunately that’s gone kaput so that’s no longer in the game which is no big loss to me anyhow because I prefer casting if I can get away with it and uh anyway uh I managed

    To hook pull on a fish unfortunately and uh they seem to be fish in the area till I put the lines in as soon as I put the lines in as is usually the case it quietened off anyway our guys had a 28 and uh he had a hook pull as well it’s

    Not been a bad start size had a fish and EDS had a couple of fish and his his biggest one was 413 I think it was or 416 something like that so very encouraging and uh what a beautiful place it is I think we’re going to enjoy this week and uh see how

    They respond to our tactics but I think it’s looking promising and uh yeah it’s it’s just lovely to be here you know it’s so peaceful uh you got the old place to yourself there’s a house there with all the amenities if you need to do that uh freezer fridge it’s got

    Everything you could possibly need so uh yeah we’re pretty cozy and uh it’s going to be a start of another adventure for us and uh it’s quite good cuz there’s fish up to the the biggest that’s been out there is around 70 and there’s quite

    A few 50s and some fish over 60 so uh it’s got everything that you would want and uh yeah gorgeous so keep you posted as the session unfolds I’d like to show you some of the the baits we’re using and tactics the rigs uh the usual sort

    Of stuff but go into some detail with all this and then uh you know give you a bit of advice if ever you fish this kind of water cuz I fished in France quite extensively and across Europe and uh so it pans out and the boys up so uh yeah

    Catch you in a Bit no see had I finished talking to Frank when we heard a shout from guy in the next swim this was turning into a very productive Session second fish 376 beautiful mirror from the snags close in um I’ll let you know tomorrow about tactics and I’ve got it decent nice getting There after a busy day Ed and I decided to wind in and have a catch up with Frank and guy before getting the rods out and the barbecue on We’re just trying to enjoy barbecue we just put it on it’s been a bit of a late night for one reason or another few disasters and I’ve gone and got a bite off the baited area which has only been out there about 2 hours so I filled it in with about another

    3K and they’re on it straight away so it’s nice to pick a few bite up from open water it’s not doing a great deal at the minute it’s just kind of pling around a little bit it’s uh yeah it’s a Carb oh got him well I’m happy with this fella it’s just over 36B and he’s my third fish in just over 24 hours so it’s turning out to be a bit of an awesome session so managed to get the rod back out but I’m absolutely starving so I need to tug into that

    Barbecue before I uh crash out for the night so going to get this fell back and uh enjoy some nice sausages and a bit of ccus oh it’s a bit Lively I’m going to get him back straight away A gorgeous morning was again interrupted by the rods and the action was really starting to gain momentum it’s all kicking off now I lost one about an hour ago um literally C it right in under the rod tip so started going up and down in front of

    The rod tip and the uh the hook pulled Simon’s just had one he got one in the net and now I’ve got this one my baited area is just completely complete throy mess out there and uh yeah I think it’s all been kicking off and I must admit I was

    Absolutely fast asleep when this one went but it’s coming in and hopefully I get this one in and I don’t lose it under the rod too like I did the last one Right just unlocked him in the net he’s not very big he he’s a 20 so I’m just going to get all the line out of him out of the way and let him go so we can focus on Simon’s chunk which uh looks like a very

    Good fish to me let let this little fell go go mate there we Go whenever I come to France I always think um 50 pounder is the sort of Target really and in the sling in front of me here we’ve got a 51 10 mirror real chunky fish took me about half an hour to land it um but it was worth the we I’m

    Absolutely over the moon so yeah it’s tricky light at the moment we’ve got bright Sunshine but I’m going to try and get it up to show you hopefully he’s going to behave himself There you go well happy with that 5110 so later on if we get time I’m going to talk you through the tactics a little bit let you know how I’ve been fishing and where I’ve been fishing and um hopefully we’ll get a chance to speak to guy as well I think

    He’s had a fish he’s uh got waiting for us to go and film as well so yeah it’s uh it’s definitely kicking off a little bit today my arms are shaking so I’ll get some pictures of this fish and I better get it back come on well one last look at this

    £50 P before it goes back I’m well upy with that that’s what I came to fence for really 511 I believe it was see if I can show it properly there we go get in happy with that looks like he’s ready to go so let’s get him back come

    On just put that 50 pounder back literally I was still in the water and uh my left hand Rod pulled up tight so I picked up into that got it in the net and the right hand Rod’s gone as well so I’ve got a brace of fish to show you now

    A 30 and a 40 this is the bigger one of the two there we go check that out 40 4 oz tanged them on the air he’s flipped himself over so I’ll show you the other side nice big French C that’s why we came here right he’s a bit angry this one

    33 it’s one of a braak that I’ve just had after putting back that 50 so it’s a 50 or 40 and a 30 this morning that’s French cart fishing for you it can be quite quiet and then suddenly kick off so yeah I’m absolutely over the moon

    Let’s get this one back after a couple of pictures and we’ll go see how guy is getting on so I believe he’s got a fish to show us as well come On So 314 beautiful little mirror half 6 this morning screamer happy with This I was just thinking about some breakfast when Ed was in again it was another smaller one so we got it back as soon as possible yeah it’s a little bit strange how these bites are all coming at the minut I’ve had um five bites in the last

    12 hours um the first three were all off the baited spot that I put out last night about 2 and 1 half 3 kilos and two rods of cross on that and then I got three bites on the Trot on that one last night two first thing this morning um

    But now it’s it’s late morning and I’ve just had two bites within 30 minutes of each other both on a floro yellow popup off the baited area so I’m probably fishing a rod length off the baited area so it’s interesting how things change as

    The day is going on and we could just be look um but they’ll probably heavily feed in this morning on the baited spot because it was it was bubbling out there big time um and now I think they’re just cruising round now it’s got a bit warmer

    And just to picking up the odd food item here so this is just a a bright yellow popup I’m not really a uh floral angle I don’t do it that often but there’s certain circumstances like fishing a um off a baited spot in slightly colored water that I like to use something

    Bright and something really smelly but I’ve just been putting this pineapple spray in it and I’ve actually soaked it in this for uh overnight so it really does smell a pineapple and the Citrus flavor that originally smelled of so that’s what’s just done me two bites in

    In half an hour and uh I’m going to bang it out and see if we can get a Third so I’m going to go down to the the very narrow end where the shs are it’s about 2ot 3ot deep down there and we’ve seen loads of sheating up we’ve seen fish crashing uh we’ve heard them in the night and uh I’m going to get the gear and just an

    Afternoon down there and see what happens and uh take it from there cuz you’re not allowed to do a night down there else it would have been in there like a like a bullet but uh a day session is enough and if it works I’ll

    Just pick me times come back to the swim due nights and then just keep going down there picking them off in the day so you’re about to see what happens with this carry on now so there we go see you in a Bit right then uh bit of a school Bo I should have gone down there and look before I the wheelar around but it was only light anyhow uh so I went and spent a good half hour looking and uh these french fish is just not like you’d

    Expect with English fish they uh you’d expect in these conditions it’s hot and warm there’s an inlet with a stream you’d expect the fish to be down there in the droves we we heard them last night and uh early in the morning and when we walking around the

    Lake there was shating up down there it was like looking pretty damn good anyway totally devoid of fish the only fish we saw were in the snags where a GU fishing and we’ve seen a couple of really big fish there we tried to get some footage of it but they’re definitely feeding

    They’re heads Heads down tails up so it’s looking good for the young fell and uh so I’ve decided to cut me losses I’m going to get back on the uh tree line and continue fishing my swim for now and I’ll just save that for another option

    To tomorrow or the day after and uh take it from there but no no point in putting the rods out waiting for them to come cuz they might not come so uh yeah let’s let’s scrub that one hey guys so what a fantastic start I’ve had this

    Week not far into it either I think we’ve had just over 48 now I’ve had three fish I’ve lost a couple due to the snags but the’re fishing they know what they’re doing they’re on the toes they’re keeping your active I was fishing very tight in under the snugs to

    Start with was a v they’re all at the back but I did learn my lesson so um what I changed to is Just Fishing off them I’d say Rod length half a rod length off depending on which hole I’m going in and it’s bringing them out so I’m putting a

    Quick catty in straight in the bush keeping them active one just off it and then I’m fishing just around on there so it’s teasing the big the big boys out but yeah I’m happy biggest fish so far 376 it was so yeah I’m Chu with that quite shallow so you got to be

    Quiet around here but I’m liking the wind it’s coming straight down to me and uh the bait the bait is working fantastic MB baits MC ball what a Geer loving it so yeah hopefully this week we’re going to have some wowers cheers finally A Lull in the action allowed us to reset Everything [Applause] with fresh bait and rigs out it was time to relax or so I Thought so four fish beautiful mirror had it from the middle little hole in the middle of the trees it’s Doom me good it is about Rod length off few spreads of boilies and yeah four fish super Chof Yet again morning was a productive time but rain delayed us getting the fish Photographed right well as you can see it’s it’s rain started to rain in the night and uh I’ve had a right torturous time in this particular little swim it’s everyone else is catching all right and I’ve been struggling to get bites if I’m honest the only way I could get

    Bites was to fish really tight to the trees and it’s fra with danger and uh the fish just seem to be passing through and they’re staying right at the back of the trees I’ve tried fishing open water fishing off the trees unfortunately I’ve had to go

    Really tight to get bites and uh it’s not been easy going at all anyway this CH this changing weather might have uh swung in my favor cuz when we arrived there was fish here and it was raining so uh maybe there’s some kind of connection with that I don’t Know right guys good morning um we’re on Tuesday now and as you might see from outside there it’s absolutely heaving it down but you might also see a couple of Nets the fishing there ready for photographs but can’t really do anything with the weather the way it is I’ve also

    Just been down to franku just caught a fish and then the heavens opened again so didn’t have time to film that for you and I believe guys had a fish as well so it’s been a very busy productive morning just from first light really until about

    Now um but we’ve not a chance to kind of get the fish out and show you but I just thought I’d let you know what’s going on at the moment Tuesday morning and it’s kind of kicked off a little bit and um we’ve had no sleep particularly I’m just

    Sheltering in the little um under the house bit you’ve got um fridge freezer in here and everything uh fish pictures on the wall which is pretty carpy I’m actually sleeping in here as well so you see my bed chair down there um there’s not really a lot of space for bivvy out

    In this swim you got that sort of area down there but if I put a bivy in there it would take up half of it and I wouldn’t have room for my rods really so during the day we’re kind of Sheltering under this um balcony of the house here

    And I’ve just been sitting down here kind of tying Rigs and things like that um and then yeah this is the sort of Hut that you get you got all your mats and slings and everything provided um and and the table in here so it’s pretty pretty Carnage at the moment just just

    It’s quite hard to uh keep tidy and organized when uh when you’ve been so busy rushing around filming everything but um it is what it is but yeah we’re going to um wait for the rain to stop and uh hopefully show you some fish in a

    Minute because I think one of them might scrape sort of uh 50 if I’m lucky sort of maybe mid to upper 40s and another 40er I think Ed’s got one around about 40 and a 20 as well and guy’s got a 30 and Frank’s got 30 so you know plenty to

    Show you when we can um but for now I’m just going to have a coffee sit in here and watch the water and hopefully the rain will stop in a minute well here’s my sixth fish of the session I’ve been a bit unlucky with sizes I think on here

    It’s another 20 it’s my 420 so this is 27 um but it’s uh it’s great for he’s a nice looking fish so pleased to get him sth P of the session and a bit bigger than the last one this one’s just under 40 I think it was

    3910 um so really really pleased with this and both these two fish this morning came off the baited spot so it seems like a pattern’s emerging I’m getting fish off the baited spot in the morning and then as the day wears on a little bit the single seems to be going

    Off sort of late morning uh early afternoon so yeah they want the bait in the morning and then uh just something bright and visual in the afternoon well really happy with this one the sun’s come out as well so it’s uh it’s turning into a nice day I’m just

    Hoping there’s another chance left now before the sun gets too high and uh the fish switch off they have to but uh if they do still really pleased let’s let him go and get the r back Out well here’s the first one from my flurry of activity at first light this morning an absolutely gorgeous slate gray 41 6 oz or 8 oz I think it was mirror caught from the far Corner over there and I’ve got one which I think is a bit bigger in

    The in the net as well so I’m going to hopefully get some photos in the water with this one and uh get it back and then we’ll show you the other one this fish is Keen to get back so I’ll just try and show you one more

    Time there you go that’s 41 lb 8 oz from it Tangier and we’re on uh day three I think so we still got four nights to go and we’ve got another one to show you yet so we get this back and we’ll show you the other One I thought this one was a little bit bigger and it is is uh 47 exactly so my second biggest of the trip so far the biggest obviously being that 51 that’s 240s this morning so I’m absolutely made up it’s really going well this trip just picking off the odd

    One or two fish each day it’s just nice really you know it kind of gives us chance do stuff in the day and then we can get the rod sorted for the night and ready for the early morning period so yeah I’m buzzing with that and uh we’ve

    Got to go see Frank and Guy now cuz theyve got some fish to show us as well so let’s get some pictures of this one and get it back right guys here’s a 47 pounder he tanged him on a he very heavy but I’ll try and lift him just to show

    You there we go prop a lovely dark one probably the nicest fish so far in terms of looks and my second biggest so Happy Days let’s get him back and go see Frank and Guy well as I just predicted with that 39 that um this single popup the single

    Yellow popup um that’s been glugged up to high heaven with the pineapple juice is the one that’s gone again it’s it seems to be a definite pattern the two rods on the baited area are going first thing in the morning and now it’s around about midday and this rods away you know the

    Bright single that’s fished I don’t know Rod length probably 15t off the off the off the main baited spot it’s almost getting predictable it’s sort of 3 days on the bounce that this has happened um it’s almost as this that the fish are still in the area but they’re not really feeding

    But if they see something bright Visual and smells really appealing they’ll pick it up it’s difficult to try and predict how big these fish are cuz I’ve had a couple of them literally come straight in feeling like small fish especially that 40 I had um and then just sort of

    Plot around under the rod tip so I’ve got no idea if if he’s a big fish or not he’s he’s not moving quickly like some of the twins have had so that’s that’s a good Sign There she is 33 lb so yeah not not a giant but uh still very happy to catch came on the little bright popup as well there a cracking little fish got little a lot of little Starburst scales in each tail there definitely a a certain strain in

    Here this is a 31 I had this morning I’ve been like bridesma here with the bridesmaid with the boys they’ve all been doing really well I’m supposed to know what I’m doing and it’s absolutely not been doing it in my S uh I think it’s possibly because it’s a

    Transitional point it’s like a canal they just zooming through we looked at the snags yesterday and the snags here were really close to the bank almost very thin and sketchy where I’m fishing you never know what you’re going to get on these trips you sometimes think in

    Your mind you’re going to go over there and it’s just how big and how many and it can all go a little bit pear shaped so you’ve got to enjoy it when it comes so uh yeah pleased with this one so uh I’ll show you the next one in a minute

    Had one just as was playing this I got another bike so the fish moved in my area when the rain started so uh there we Are this one’s 3 4 exactly uh I’ve had a lean time but at least it’s coming good now I’ve still got I don’t know four nights left so it’s all going to work out I’m sure it is I always have a way of working it out one way or

    Another this is what it’s all about guys 404 had it this morning right scrap off it it’s giving me a bit of scrap now but yeah have a look at that few scars brute super happy look at that absolutely unreal and she’s she’s gone just like that Awesome We’ve had 22 or 23 fish between us we’re on Tuesday uh the boys are doing great they’re making me look like an amateur which isn’t unusual you know I’ve never actually made out I’m anything special I’m just an old dog that’s been doing it a long time and uh yeah the guys have

    Doing great size had a 50 uh and 340s EDS had quite a few fish I can’t remember the biggest weight we’ll go through that later guys had a I had over 40 and I’m the bridesmaid I’ve had U I’ve had them up to 34 but I’m not

    Complaining it’s early yet I always like to peek very late and uh so so yeah I mean on on on balance I think we’ve done great because I think it’s probably about 150 fish in here and if you think we’ve lost a few we’ve probably we’ve probably stuck a

    Look in you know a fifth of the fish in the lake we’re not even to to Tuesday afternoon yet so when you look at it like that it’s not so bad anyway we’re using various tactics basically over near the lodge Ed’s doing casting s’s doing P casting but he’s using a bait

    Bolt as well uh because on the right hand side it’s you basically up against the snags or else you’ve got open water which isn’t that inviting at the moment cuz the fish all seem to be over that way so he’s doing good doing that EDS decided to fish an Open Water

    Spot and I can see why he’s a big fish angle he’s got that big fish mentality and he was fishing two rods on the baited area baiting heavy as well and then one off it and ringing the changes he’s also used a bright hook bait on and off the baited area as well

    As a food bait over the the main baited area and he’s had to fish off both and I was a little bit sort of like oh Ed’s putting a bit of baiting to start with I like to sort of build slowly but Ed’s sort of pretty confident what he’s doing put quite a

    Lot of bait in and the Fisher responded to it so fair play to him him and uh good angling uh guy really like that spot that he’s gone in it’s quite narrow down there and I S thought is it the best area uh he’s done great he’s had he’s

    Had some cracking fish off it and uh we’ve been putting in a lot of bait little and off the main guy we’re on the same bait same rigs uh I’ll show you a bit about that if you want it’s almost uh We’ve we’ve rounded on it basically

    It’s easy to sort of go off at tangents and use I used to do this a different thing on each Rod when you don’t really know what’s going to work but I’ve caught that many fish on what I’m doing recently I I have no doubts whatsoever that it’s going to be a go-to

    Thing to do so we started on that and uh I wasn’t doing so well and then guys really getting a lot of bites so I’m thinking we’re on the same thing it’s working it must be down to the Fisher Transit where I am passing through uh quickly and not wanting to

    Loer because of the nature of the swim I’m using quite tight lines as well so that’s never good with three rods with tight lines I can’t afford to fish slat lines or fluorocarbon because I’m fishing close to snags by the time they’ve picked up your slack lines or

    Your you know the floral that you use and if you were to slacken off it’s all done and dusted it’s too late they’re in they’re in the timber work and I don’t want to do that so I’m fishing banjo tight and it’s gone against me a little bit I started off interestingly enough

    Just using 20b line straight through which is it’s quite dark green and I noticed in this place you’ve got a lot of food particle not food particles so dust particles because it’s got a an inlet with a river running through it or a bit of a stream it’s got all this fine

    White sandy colored sediment in there and it sticks your line and like laser beam going out and I didn’t change over I was fishing horseshoe uh last am was out and you’re not allowed to use leaders on there so I took the fluorocarbon leaders off which are

    26 and I’m just using or was using nylon straight through and it was so blatant obvious I think that affected things so first thing I did to make amends was to put fluorocarbon leaders on which is what gu on strangely enough then I start catching because The Syndicate where I

    Fish in England I’m fishing across a deep void of deep water to to lily pads and I noticed very very quickly that if you use the florer carbon the fish don’t seem to Spook off it as much so I think that’s had a bearing on it putting the

    Florer carbon on definitely worked right let’s talk about what I’m doing uh you probably might have seen a few of these videos previous I’m a big advocate of heavy in the right circumstance if I’m on really horrible deep silt I don’t bother safety Clips I’m not mad on helicopter

    Rigs never been a big fan of those uh I will use them if I have to but I’m not so sure about the uh indication qualities when you fish into snags and things like this uh so I’ve got a size five curve on shrink tube line lineer ring swivel on the

    Uh uh the blowback system so this hookbait is 16 mil and it’s uh a 2% wafter I know that sounds a bit strange but it’s only got 2% of cork in it so what I used to do and Mick ball my ba mate who who does

    The bait for us he made these on my suggestion what I used to do when I was fishing a really difficult Syndicate water I used to fish if you use straight bottom baits it didn’t quite work and if you use two blat and a wafter they seem

    To clean you out now and again and leave it so I started getting a c ball hanging it on my rig just the last three or 4 inches of the hook length and the hook and I trimmed the C Ball till it was critically balanced and then put that

    Inside a 16 mil bait so mix on some messing around and he thought that 2% cor inside a bottom bait just just negates the weight of the hook and the last few inches of the hook length anyway it seems to work me and guy have been using a lot and just recently you

    Know I know I’m not doing brilliant on a but in England I’ve had I’ve had a right old run of nice fish uh I always tip the bait with some Enterprise plastic corn not a blatant plug I’ve used it for donkeys years uh car love

    Corn I use a lot of corn in the mix if I’m able to spot out or go around and bait by or whatever means I’m doing if I’m baiting by boat that little bit of corn on there just it’s just like a magnet to and I very rarely cast out a

    Rig without that on and of course we’ve got PL on shatting here and uh we’ve got some catfish of the you know the wells small Wells and we’ve got uh crayfish so even if they strip your hookbait off if it gets softer you’re still fishing with

    A piece of plastic on bear that in mind because if you put a a small popup on the top that can demolish both so at least you’re still fishing with this so there we are I’ve rounded on that is about 8 or n in unless my bedroom tape

    Measure is wrong yeah I think it’s about that and uh that’s what I use for the uh goto hook length rather than too short or too long so yeah 9 in is lovely right guys just a quick one on uh the rig I’m using and how I’m fishing this session

    Basically very simple nothing too complicated just using a quick safety system quite a big lead 4 and 1/2 o just cuz these fish know what they’re doing and I want them to be hooked and it’s been successful so I’ll stick at that just using a slip D it’s been doing me

    Amazing pretty much all year I’m loving it I just top it with a bit of corn on some of the wafters I’m using from uh MB baits Nick ball again that’s what I’ve been using quite a long hook length so the fish don’t go mental too

    Quick I’ve got a bit of time to get down on the rods and yeah it’s working and I’m loving it so yeah let’s go well as youve probably guessed I’m into another fish and you’re probably a little bit bored of watching me play fish but I’ve asked Simon to get the

    Camera because since the moment I hooked it it feels quite heavy it’s not done anything it’s not done any big charging runs it’s just staying low and just plotting all the way from out there um it kited a long way on me um and tried

    To get me in a big set of snags which is opposite but like I say I’m fishing short and open water and all I need knew I needed to do was just not give it any line and it could it could swing around and it’d be all right but uh it had a

    Good go so yeah it’s just it’s just hanging live just seen a flash of color there it’s a mirror I don’t know how big he Is yes looks all Right well look at this one I thought it was a big fish as soon as I hooked it sometimes you can’t tell but a lot of the smaller ones have just gone you know very quickly from from the minute You’ hooked them and kited around quite a lot and moved around this one

    Just ploted from the from the moment I hooked it to to when it was right under the rod tip and it didn’t actually take any line it literally just plotted and plotted and plotted so uh yeah really pleased biggest fish of the session for me £ 45 and uh yeah very very welcome

    He’s my first dust bite believe it or not first sort of evening bite um so it’s nice to get one in the evening I did did a slightly different tactic of getting the rods out earlier today not putting as much bait out um to try and

    Uh try and get an earlier fish and it’s worked it’s paid off so really happy let’s let him go back that’ll Do the theme for the week continued with early wakeup calls from fish but Ed seemed to be getting amongst the smaller ones for some reason Yeah I’m never going to complain about catching fish I just wish they were well twice the size of this really awwesome come on Hi everyone uh well it’s Wednesday morning and uh we just about halfway through the week and it’s gone really well not so good for me but I’m not complaining about that I can’t have it my own way all the time and there’s still plenty of time left to uh to to do

    Something but uh it has gone a little bit quiet which I tend to find does happen on these week long sessions uh on these European Waters what you’ll get is it’ll start off good cuz they they know when Saturday’s around if they change over time Saturday for sure it’s

    Remarkable that the amount of bosing and fizzing you see when it’s quiet when the angles have left and then the new set of angles will come in see that there’s all this activity and be rubbing their hands and then you know it’s not unusual to get a

    Reasonable start then it goes through a bit of a a lull anyway we’re expecting the big fish THS in Friday we you know if we’re lucky uh it’s gone pretty good actually there’s uh you know we’re all happy and I’ve got one to show you that I’ve just

    Had at about half 9 this morning that’s my feeding time here uh uh you know without a doubt Ed seems to be getting him in the open water but he’s struggling with the big fish he’s getting quite a few 20s and then it’ll happen there in the

    Night early morning and then it’s pretty obvious that the fish are transing and moving down through where I am I’ll get one or two chances if I’m lucky and then they seem to go down that narrow end where you can only start you can’t bivy

    Up down there so it’s bit of a sanctuary really despite it being very shallow and I think guys got more access to that end and the fish are Milling about and he’s stopping them as they coming and going out of the the safe Zone if you like

    Anyway uh he’s got a beautiful fish there uh a real big apple slice plated mirror that we’ll show you in a minute and uh yeah we’re quite expectant and I mean we’re going through a lot of baits so they’re definitely toughing these fish it’s uh it’s

    Just nailing him down I can only catch him up against the snags I tried open water and it just isn’t working for me I can’t seem to stop them but I know i’ found some clear gravel on this silty sort of lake so it’s obviously a very

    Good feeding spot he on but I just can’t find any hard spot it’s all pretty smelly silk so you know it’s not surprising that I’m not doing so well in open water as I say the snag rods are the ones and uh I’ll show you this beauty that I had this Morning right there we are this is the one that was talking about it’s a bey angry angry fish this 40 exactly couldn’t get a a mid is higher or midg is lower I would have accepted 39 15 I’m not bothered about any of that nonsense yeah so there we Go hey check this one out 10:00 this morning middle Rod screamed off what a beauty unbelievable fish not many mirrors in there looking like this I don’t think so I am over the Moon right guys it is Wednesday now and I’ve not really had a lot of time to talk to you yet this week because as you’ve seen it’s been absolutely manic with the amount of fish we’ve been cing I think uh Ed’s had about 12 I’ve had six

    Frank’s had four and his son guys had seven or eight so obviously that’s a lot of work for me running up and down with the cameras but it’s Wednesday now and we’ve had a bit of a break from the lake today so it’s been really nice we went

    Out um to the supermarket and got some more supplies and we also went for a really nice steak and a pine at a nice restaurant local to here and we feel a lot more kind of refreshed and relaxed now and we’re just getting the rods out

    For the evening so I thought I’d give you a little update of kind of how I’m fishing um because I’ve not really had a chance to sort of tell you yet uh so basically I’ve got we’re in the house swim here I’m on the right hand side

    Ed’s on the left hand side he’s mostly fishing the open water out there with a spread of boilies but opposite me I’ve got a really big set of snacks now the first day I um I thought well those snags are not to be ignored so I put put

    Them over really really tight to the snags but um unfortunately I lost the fish in there um you know to a hook pull I was bullying it a bit too much and unfortunately lost it and it kind of played on my mind a bit that I couldn’t

    I couldn’t sleep because I was worried about losing fish so instead of doing that I’ve I’ve dropped back off the snags Maybe about a rod length and a half just to sort of try and pull the fish out the snags with my bait rather than kind of giving it where they’re

    Sitting in the snags that hopefully they’re going to come out and feed on the bait that I’m putting out and um I’ll will have a lot better chance of Landing them and it’s a lot safer for the fish as well so that’s what I’m doing now and uh in a minute I’ll turn

    The camera around and show you kind of where I’m fishing roughly um but I’ve got obviously three rods one of them’s going out tonight on a a little pop-up rig like a little uh withy pool rig there with a little um black garlic popup so I’m using pallettes in my mix

    And I think something like this is a little bit more subtle than a bright you know yellow or orange or something um I’m going out with boily crumb and boilies and pellets and this is almost a sort of match a pellet if you like um where I’ve been fishing on this

    Particular Rod I’ve been winding in little bits of twig and leaves and stuff so I figured I’m going to try a popup even though I’ve caught from that spot um Ed’s been catching on popups and I thought well you know I’ll give it a go

    On a popup tonight and just see if it makes any difference to uh my catch rate because I’ve had six fish so far but the last 24 hours have been quiet for me and I’ve not had any bites since yesterday morning I think it was so it might be

    That I’m not presenting very well on the spots and it’s a bit hit and miss whether I’m actually fishing effectively so I think if I fish a popup got a good chance of uh being presented a little bit better and that’s a bit more subtle

    Than a sort of a bright bait um I’ll talk you through the uh the bait that I’m using as well in a second and my other rig that I’m using is just a bog standard kind of a d rig with a boily topped with half a popup so it forms a

    Bit of a a wafter kind of um snowman type rig um and that’s what I’ve had all my fish on so far but like I said I’m going to try a popup tonight and see if that makes any difference right so I just want to run you through quickly the

    Bait that I’m using for this session um in my bucket here with my uh carpy wooden spoon I’ve got um some pellets that I’ve kind of prepped up in a special way so got a mixture of different sizes there and sort of breakdowns as well and what I’ve done is

    Added three liquids to that with different kind of um viscosity and different buoyancy to try and attract the fish through the different layers cuz basically rather than putting loads and loads of bait out I’m just been fishing for a bite on this session because I’m kind of doing all the

    Filming I’m not fishing hard you know I’m kind of just getting the rods out for the night really and during the day I’m kind of resting the swim so I’m just kind of putting a bit of bait out and just putting little patches out hopefully nicking bites here and there

    And it’s been working but by putting extra attraction in my bait and Less Bait it’s sort of it’s got the pulling power of more bait Without Really feeding the fish so I feel like you can keep the fish kind of coming back for more rather than filling them up so what

    I’ve got in there is some salmon oil which is obviously an oil so it’s buoyant so it will come up through the layers and pull any fish down that are swimming over the top of the bait and then I’ve got some um pure Marine extract which is like a marine

    Crustation sort of quite a thin liquid which kind of leeches out along the bottom and it’s quite thin so obviously it will kind of get stirred up as the fish start feeding In The Swim and it gets into the silt and it just adds that extra attraction and then the last one

    Is a squid and colous liquid which is a little bit thicker it’s going to stick to the bait a little bit more and kind of just give you that different kind of Dimension to to your bait which is already attractive in its own right now once I put the liquids on and they’re

    Still shiny on the outside of the pellets then I add the final ingredient which is the U prep powder from Pure bit Concepts which is like um a lot of different sort of um meal you know like fish meals it’s got crustation meal it’s got green liit muscle in there looks

    Like a ground bait really but basically once your pellets are wet you you can stick the pellets you can stick the powder on the outside and you get a bit of a crusty coating which um just adds extra attraction and you know that those little bits on the bottom keep the fish

    Rooting around a lot longer so you’re using Less Bait they can eat all the bait but the attraction is still there and then the last thing that I’ve been using is um is good old oili so these are the amino Esa which are um it’s like a milk

    Milk protein so of a bait um and they’re quite sweet flavored you know and I do tend to like these sorts of baits when I go to France cuz there’s a lot of crayfish in the water and they obviously like fish meal and stuff um so using bait and and hook baits that

    Aren’t fish meal tends to uh help you avoid the crayfish I know I’m using pellets but they’ll just break down to the dust pretty quickly and then my actual sort of hook baits um should get left alone hopefully and I’ve been using a boily tipped with a bit of plastic as

    Well just in case the boily gets Whitted down at least the plastic is going to um remain and give me a chance of a bite so that’s the uh the bait and tactics that I’m using and I was just going to quickly talk you through the spots that

    I’m fishing and then we’re going into the night on Wednesday night so we’re well over halfway through the session but we”re all caught and um there’s a good chance for a few more right so I just wanted to quickly run you through the spots that I’m fishing uh this is

    Swim which is the house swim at Tang manier uh you’ve got this nice kind of um swim that’s built out there and it’s all gravel so there’s no mud or anything we have had a fair bit of rain on this session so it’s nice to have had a dry

    Swim um and I’ve been going out in my socks in the night for when I’ve had a bite and um you know there’s not really any problem apart from wet socks um but yeah opposite as you can see there we’ve got this nice line of snags here which

    Is an obvious feature to fish to and I’m sure most people who fish this swim probably would fish over there and basically I started off I had um a rod kind of on the end of the snag there one sort of um in underneath where are we uh

    In underneath that cubby hole there and another one just kind of on there cuz what I did was I walked around and you could see where the snags there’s gaps in and out and there’s a bit of a gap there there’s a gap there and then I

    Figured this was a good kind of little corner under these trees and the end of the snags but anyway so after losing a fish the first night I decided that I should pull off the snags a bit because you know I can’t really sleep and leave the

    Rods um fishing to snag so I decided to come back about a rod length Rod length and a half off so I’m now fishing um in this corner but a little bit further this way and I’m walking around and baiting up with boilies and uh and then

    Sending the boat over to um to drop it just off here I was told by the bay when I came that that was a good area because um the sun gets on it in the afternoon and the fish like to get in there um and I went around with the marker Rod as

    Well and just kind of felt it on the bottom and it was nice and sort of grally and uh and hard over there so that’s that spot and then my other spot where that V in the trees is there there’s a bit of a dark area in the uh

    Snags and I’ve just been fishing you know kind of up to it uh but not too close like around about the uh about you know about Rod length Rod length and a half off and hopefully pulling the fish out with the smell of the bait rather

    Than dropping it on the heads and then the other one yeah just kind of over to here there’s a bit of a gap again in the snags and I’ve just been sending it sending it over and uh and getting it out over there so I’ve got all three

    Rods out for the night now as you can see down there we are fishing and we’ve done a lot of uh lot of bits today been doing product videos and things while we’re here so it’s nice to be at a point in the day where we can start to just

    Relax I think Franks had a another fish so Ed just going to go down and film it so you’ll see that next right there we go guys 2 O under 38 nice fish it’s blowing absolute hurricane down here and it was very difficult to

    Get the Ros back in we went and had a steak and chips earlier and had a little few hours together you know as a as a group which was lovely came back baited up before we went and uh we thought it wouldn’t set long and then there we are

    And this is the result just having the lines out the water for a little bit and uh yeah dead Chu for this lovely fish and uh but you should have seen the plava trying to get bags tight under the trees with his crosswind it’s about 50 m

    An hour it was crazy but we did it there we Go it’s DUS on the fourth night and I’ve just got a bite when I first picked the rod up I thought it was really big but it’s literally just come all the way in so I’m really not sure what it Is The action continued the next day and everyone was catching consistently by this point we just needed that real monster to make the trip now Working as a team we had highs and lows mixed weather and plenty of action this was definitely a session to Remember right uh we’re on Friday now now and uh I’ve had a quiet night but I was sitting here having breakfast and I started seeing fish show out there and I I was saying to Ed it’s got to happen it’s been quiet the last couple of days

    For me and as you can probably see it’s absolutely hammering down so I’m stood under the balcony of the house here which is nice and convenient um playing the fish which is quite unusual but uh at least I’m dry but yeah it’s getting in quite close now

    It feels uh like a reasonable one so might have to go out in the wet and uh get a bit nearer to the Water well it’s Friday morning and I’m into another fish and he’s trying to get in that far tree line across there um I lost one early this morning because it it kited me and tried to get me in that snag where I lost the previous one so I put a bit of extra

    Pressure on it in the hook pulled so it doesn’t seem like I can win on that situation if if I give him some stick the hook pools if I let them go they can reach the snag so but this one’s gone the other way so we’re okay with this one for Now Well I’m really pleased with this one we have got another night and a a bit of a morning to go of the session but I’m not sure if I’ll catch again but if I don’t I’m happy with this one what a cracker lovely scaly fish awesome let’s let him go right little one

    26b still welcome they’re all big big fun AR they when you having a good time that’s all Like There we go 38b exactly on the nose beautiful looking fish they don’t have to be massive this is just an absolute unit very stocky solid fish I’m shaking here like a dog having a dump my arms are a bit burnt out okay [Laughter] Thanks very much Mr Fish see you later come on well this is the last evening the sun’s just going down behind us and the last of the sun is just hitting the far bank and those snags across there that Simon’s fishing um and I’ve just hooked

    Into one again on the yellow popup it’s just gone absolutely mad every everything has just wanted that yellow pop up whereas uh I was expecting the rods on the baited spot to go but yeah for whatever reason they’re loving the yellow pop up just off it I tried an

    Orange one earlier today no joy so I’m wear on the yellow and it it just low and ploty and heavy so I’d love it if it was one of the proper chunks oh here it is like he’s ready already wow that’s a that’s a result come on come on come

    On looks decent I’ve been after a 50 for a long time in France now and when I first saw it head come up the width on its shoulders and the size of its head I thought it was going to make it but looking at here in the next just I don’t

    Think it’s got the length so I think I think it’s an upper 40 so I think it’s the biggest one I’ve had so far this session but I just don’t think it’s 50 but it’s uh yeah it’s a bit of a unit Anyway 44 well look at this for a brute of a fish it’s a proper tank all all its weight is across its back and at the front end I there so much weight here on my left hand hand left hand arm compared to my right it’s just it’s just all up

    Front um but he’s not that long so he’s he’s not as big as I thought he was when he came up for the net he weighed in at 4410 uh no 446 sorry so he’s my second biggest fish of the session and uh my second 40 on the bounce so this is my

    Last night here last evening here and it’s a it’s a nice way to draw the even to a close and uh yeah if I don’t catch anymore I’m happy to end it on this just look how thick he is across the back behind his Gill plates his body actually

    Fans out a little bit more to make him even wider he’s just a massively wide chunk of a carp so yeah really pleased with this one fantastic session we’re having here this is fish number 16 never thought I’d have this many so really really happy it’s just like a submarine

    Beauty just went down for a quick half an hour stalking and it ripped off look at this not many Commons in this Lake as well and I I was saying I wanted one and there she is beauty have a look at wow 33 14 stalked

    It as well don’t get much better for me lovely mate what a fish well it’s the last night and it’s been a very very productive session I mean I never thought it would be this productive on you well no what did you say before we

    Came I think Ed said I’d be happy if we had 15 fish between us which you know is a good week in France isn’t it yeah and how many of you had yourself 16 16 I’ve had nine I think the other guys what guys had about 12 or 13 Frank’s had

    About eight or nine as well so we worked out it’s somewhere around 45 fish so far which is absolutely ridiculous really but we were really hoping for one of the big ones weren’t we yeah it’s it’s not really panned out as yet there’s only been 150 out in those I I

    Think we’ve had 47 yeah you I think there been 47 fish or what whatever it is we we’ll do a propal tomorrow yeah um and only 150 um so yeah the the the Biggins have not really surfaced but it’s uh it’s been great fun and it’s been absolutely manic you know to to

    Come to a French Lake that’s like this with plenty of comfort got the house you know even though we’ve not slept in the house we’ve slept down here um you know and I just put my bed chair up there for the night um just so I can pack the

    Vivie away for an early go away tomorrow but it’s it’s just comfortable fishing and there’s a lot of fish yeah yeah it’s been so prolific you know at times I’ve not even bothered putting rods back out because um I kind of wanted to get some sleep or you know I was filming people

    Down the other end and you know Franken guy had fish that I needed to go film so I’ve just been catching a fish and and not bothering again and thinking well I’ll get another one tomorrow so it’s fine you know it’s kind of that sort of

    Fishing it is um but these are you know Big Fish average size I think I worked out my average size was 38 pound or something like that yeah mine’s not is it no yeah Ed’s been a bit unlucky with the average but he’s just had that 44 so

    That might yeah i’ four 4S and 2 40s on the bounce so that’s that’s helping out you think um different tactics for us have meant yeah I fish size or this this this is I mean from what I’ve done this is the first time that I’ve been on a

    Long session you know more than a night or two and not Chang tactics at all throughout the whole session yeah you know ear yeah I I just floped it from the off I don’t know you know because I’m filming and and size filming and and

    The guys are down there I wanted to fish Open Water cuz I didn’t want to be having to sit on the rod buts all the time you know I wanted to have you know a little bit more freedom so I’ve I’ve opted for the Open Water option um so I

    Fish two rods in a baited area one rod just off it um and it’s it’s it’s it’s paid out throughout and you’ve literally just fish boilers haven’t you I just fish boilers yeah and that’s my normal go-to yeah so I’ve used uh Mainline cell U and Mainline hyb mixture of the two in

    14 mil and 18 mil um and I put it out from theat Bo one day but to be honest with you I can I can sort of put a marker float out there and just catapult it straight across and it’s it’s it’s easy way to fish to you discovered quite

    Quickly that the boat in Wind and a thunderstorm probably wasn’t the best idea so it’s probably safer and easier just to walk around isn’t it so yeah but when it’s flat C like this it’s it’ be dead easy with the boat just to see my my tactics were slightly different um

    Instead of putting a load of boat like like Ed he’s been putting sort of two three four kilos out at a time fishing for a bit of a hit I’ve just been fishing for a bite time really because I’ve not been having the rods out constantly I’ve been sort of putting

    Them out for the night really kind of winding in a bit in the day and just thinking well if I can pick up the odd fish whilst I’m working um then it’s a bonus you know um but I feel like that Less Bait has maybe helped me catch

    Slightly bigger fish you know um you know the 50 and the 47 being my two biggest and I’ve also had two 41s as well and quite a few kind of upper 30s so my average has been a bit High and I’ve had less fish but they’ve been

    Bigger so I wonder if you know that is interesting to think about you know I’ve been fishing boilies and pellets but just literally like maybe four handfuls in in a boat I’m I’m not ashamed to say cuz it’s just easier when you’re trying to get the rods out just before dark um

    After working all day but anyway I thought it was just interesting to think difference between tactics and the different result and and the one thing that surprised me is from my tactics is that had more fish on the yellow popup a couple of Rod LS off the baited area uh

    Compared to on the baited area I thought the baited area would be the one that was going and had to pick up bonus fish yeah just off the side of it and to be honest with you all the bigger fish have come off the yellow popup off the side

    Of it that that 4 classic tactic I suppose isn’t it like B an area but one off the side for the bigger fish and actually that’s really paid off for you so in fact I think all all four of my 40s came off that one yeah yeah so I’m

    Just trying to think yeah it’s worth trying that go if you’re going to France or wherever really if you um you want to catch a bigger fish maybe try bait up and then fish a rod two or three Rod lengths off to the side on a single um

    And you’ve still got two rods on the bait you know so you can if the bait’s kicking off get a third rod on the bait but if it’s slow and you’re getting the odd bite here and there then you might find that the one off the bait is

    Getting bigger fish so yeah but it’s it’s it’s it’s a real interesting Lake and anybody that’s interested in fishing here just so you guys know I think it’s really helped us having me and Simon this end of the lake and Franken guy down that end of the lake I think a lot

    Of people at the fish Le they fish it in just bring the family and fish it on their own or just fish it in pairs and threes but I think literally bounce the fish backwards and forwards yeah we said that even before we started that it’s

    Going to be good having four people cuz we’re kind of dotted down the lake quite evenly spread the lines are quite evenly spread so it’s the fish can’t really hide at one end you know if you’re all in one swim well the swim or whatever um

    They’re going to go down the far end so that’s worked out really well but if you come as a pair it’s not quite as sociable but maybe have one in the woods one in here and you can kind of Bounce the fish between you so so so how we’ve

    Done it is basically you can only fish this bank there’s a stalking swim right down the bottom end of the Fall bank so you can only fish this bank so what we’ve done is me and S have dropped in here I’m kind of fishing more Woods one

    Water which is which is a swim probably about 100 yards down there so I’m kind of fishing out there Frank’s dropped in woods too so he’s controlling that sort of central section there of and then guys um down the sharp end um and he can cast baits up towards you know where the

    Stream comes in or all kind of in that direction so by ignoring Woods one which I think is the second most popular s like buing this one we’ve able to sort of Bounce the fish around a little bit and we’ve had plenty of space between me

    And Frank to you know fish properly so it’s it’s it’s a good way to do it and it’s certainly an interesting week yeah we’ve loved it it’s got great facilities you know fridge freezer downstairs here and upstairs as well bedrooms if you need to have a proper kit you know not

    On a bed chair um and cooking facilities and everything you know and toilet and shower so it’s like being at home but you’re fishing for 50s and 60s on your front doorstep which you know who wouldn’t want that right yeah it’s it’s a crappy M lake so we really appreciate

    You know the lake um inviting us down to uh to do a bit of filming and um it’s been a a brilliant time so last night um last chance to get one of the real real bigin there’s quite a few sort of upper 50s and 60s in this Lake and uh I’d love

    To catch a a comment over 440 cuz I’ve never had one and you want your French 50 a yeah we just working out that I’ve now had 30 odd french fish and from Lakes like gig gigantic and marpes and whatever else and I’ve never made that

    Never broke that 50 Mar you had that 49 12 last year didn’t you PES which was an absolute stunning fish if you haven’t seen that go check out the video on our YouTube channel from last year but um Ed has been very unfortunate with his uh fish captures in France so far hopefully

    Tonight’s the Night right you’re not going to believe what’s happened we’re literally just about to wind in I was just saying to Ed we better uh get on the road and I saw a fish show in the middle of the snags and I said that left hand Rod’s going to go

    In a minute and believe it or not it has and I think it might be the biggest fish of the week certainly uh getting on for 50 but yeah I’m absolutely shaking can’t believe it it’s one of them sort of adrenaline moments where you’re not expecting something and then H there it

    Goes so going to get it out and weigh it now and we’ll show you and then we really ought to get going well we got a bit excited there I think it might be down to the lack of sleep that we’ve had this week it’s been so busy and

    Hectic but this fish was 48 12 so not quite my biggest of the week but my second biggest and it’s fish number 10 for me which is sort of my target that I wanted so I’m well happy with that as you can see I’m shaking cuz it’s pretty

    Heavy to hold it but yeah what a way to end what a fantastic week we’ve had here really enjoyed it with the guys and everyone’s caught a stack load of fish so yeah you can’t say much better than that really so yeah we need to get on

    The road and go get our ferry so take a couple of pictures and get him back under the way look at this fell my third 40 on the bounce and my 17th fish of the week and uh I think this is a great way to end the session we we’re pretty pretty much

    Packed up now we still got a couple of rods out each um but in realistic terms I think this is going to be the last fish and it is an absolutely awesome way to end I think between of we had around about 50 fish for the week which I never

    Expected that I don’t think any of us expected that so it’s been a it’s been a hell of a week’s fishing um none of the real big girls have turned up but um I’ve enjoyed it all the same such a pictures Lake and uh yeah quite like it down here


    1. “ I’m just an old dog, who’s been doing it for a long time!” Big laffs Frank…an good to see Guy getting amongst em…top vid as always 👌😎🐟🎣

    2. Love this relaxed but in depth video 👍
      Where I fish the biggest carp are mid twenties & not easy to sort out from the masses of smaller ones , but absolutely no complaints they’re fun to catch
      Any advice on keeping the plastic corn on ?
      I’d like to use but don’t want to have any bits of plastic floating around if they come off
      My thoughts are a bait screw & have the corn on first before a boilie.

    3. 6 acres and over forty carp weighing over 40lb, with a number of these being over 50lb and going to a top weight of 62lb 8oz. What kind of people are interested in that! Comical!

    4. Thanks to your team for the heartwarming video, I'm looking forward to the 2024 season.
      I wish you the fulfillment of your dreams. And peace in the whole world.

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