The Wrekin never fails to deliver, this was such an epic day. Trails are fantastic. and glorious to ride.

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    Edit by the amazing Carzavol… need an editor? hit her up…
    @carzavol on twitter and youtube

    One of the things I was thinking about when I kind of planning this little session today I was thinking this probably isn’t going to be one for the more experienced Riders um cuz it’s not a way March it’s very much natural stuff uh you’re

    Going to have to do a bit of hunting bit of finding it but then I thought there’s actually a climb in this that a lot of people do it’s becoming evident or how much time time stop for filming cuz there’s people on the trail hang on a

    Second again but so yes so I thought actually maybe there is a bit of a route Here For Less experienced riders that doesn’t have to do all the natural and techy stuff cuz there is a route straight up the middle here so if you’re a fitness freak and you like exercise

    This is one there’s a route straight up to the top of this hill which a lot of people do do even today as I’m filming on a Wednesday morning there’s a lot of people out just doing a quick Hill Climb and there is a couple of little trails

    That you can find on the way down the only advice would be definitely look before you leap cuz there’s also some really gnarly Trails here and I’m not even sure in these conditions if I’m going to try them today so anyway let’s go they’re from the top there’s a couple

    Of little red runs there’s also a few black runs but one of the red runs if you go straight through the two trig points with a trig point on your right the Red Run it’s a here you drop in let’s go check it out never been down this before but if

    You go on trail Forks it’s marked as a red route obviously everything up here is not official so we just take it Easy there’s loads of little Trails off this so you can go few different options well routi off cber what we like this is lovely absolutely Aceo [Applause] So just riding this Trail blind loads of fun quite techy just proper R School mountain biking a little bit steep in places so if you’re thinking this is a red run and you’re used to a trail center it’s probably a little bit closer to the black there’s a few different ops

    Here there like a Mainline here bit a race line straight across these routes obviously it’s super Frosty today super slippy it’s one of those where it’s actually I say it’s Lo sppy so far it’s been quite grippy but I’m very aware with the frost like this on the ground

    You can very quickly get caught out I was just coming to look at this little drop here I just went off it then blind I kind of took the high road and then realized obviously someone’s say fallen tree someone’s made a drop of it GoPro won’t do this Justice at all

    But my bike’s right up there and just looking up it you don’t realize just how uh steep that is it’s not the steepest Trails I’ve ever ridden by any stretch of the imagination but yeah it’s I do love the ring there loads of Little Gems like This so if you kind of follow me around this uh the I think the won Face is North as you go this path it’s north so I’ve kind of done the west side we’re going to go look at the East side now so basically if you come back up now you’ll see this

    Little sign this like a little uh little sign just sort of telling you what the waking was and everything there’s a little drop in just in here so that’s the trail if you go to Trail Forks you’ll see all these way marks all made way marked as red Trails so yeah if you

    Drop into this one just by this sign we’re going to do that one next so it’s slightly the wrong way then so you can do that trail there so if you’re looking at this sign you can go to the right of it if you go to the left and a little

    Bit further up you can drop in a fa further up and there’s another Trail and that’s the actual one that I wanted to do so let’s go check that one out so yes so just go a little bit further up the road as it gets on this like conrete

    Road and then you’ll see it the trail is just in here in the woods right let’s drop in again this time do the trailer Want [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] So just have a quick look at this feature while some film some bits coming down this is that one I kind of went off it half went off it went straight towards the tree I should have just went straight off this bit really uh and dropped in so there’s the trail that’s

    Just like a straight drop off but I think we’ll have go with that actually think it looks doable right Woo that is that was nice so if you just explore some of these fire roads you’ll notice there Trails coming off it and this is a really good one here this is quite flowy so this is kind of like a little jump area or it used to be like a

    Bit of a jump area it’s sort of fell into a bit of disrepair but uh we’ll go and check this one out now Oh tree’s gone down there is another bit coming off it you can go a different direction but I’m just going to see if I can get enough speed to clear that tree that’s fell over whoa y okay got too much speed going into that

    BM then spit me out back up on the Fire Road if you just go along a bit further there’s another little Trail you can just drop in here you can actually go up a couple of fire roads there’s a trail that leads into this one it’s quite

    Steep but I I’m going to go from here cuz I want to do some stuff in the bottom Woods Whoa I thought I held on to that then this time I won’t look down at my bike to see if I’ve lost my drinks bottle whilst I’m going over a really technical section in a corner right have a little another run at this that was Fun [Applause] Let’s go down here it’s a bit dark in this bit but Other There there’s a couple of other little bits you can’t actually go further up and according to Trail Forks it’s a BL run so I might go check that out in a bit but just a look there come really nice little flowy fits in here super fun to Ride comes out of the woods and he goes straight into this other little section I think this is called Ward’s Line so there’s loads of little Trails all around this bit there’s loads of bits to play on everywhere on this hill I’m going to start heading back up to the very very top again simply because you can see the sun’s come out and uh now it’s clear I want to get that drone

    Shot at the top epic drone shot sucker for the photography and also there was that other Red Trail that I’ve not ridden before on the west side of the hill so I’m going to go and have a look at that so yeah I just had a quick look

    On Trail forks and I think we go straight now so follow this like this through [Applause] Here [Laughter] this is a nice little Trail so I think if you’re not as experienced rider this be a good one to come down you can do that climb up the top for your Fitness and then this is a really fun way down so I’ll uh I’ll

    Stick a a link to the straa for this ride down in the info the links below what do you call it I don’t know Mig Miggy uh like and sub subcribe and all that jazz this is the Rin lovely place to come ride your bike very natural very

    Ace get on it see you see you guys bye


    1. nice riding! and the drone shots were amazing! i love this place when its frosty and grounds hard, feels a lot faster. i thought id missed a day of frost up there until seen the strava and realised date.

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