Sir Nick Faldo takes us back in time and relives the moment he fell in love with the game. From hitting his first ball at 14 to going head-to-head with Jack in his FIRST Ryder Cup at 20, Sir Nick’s epic rise to greatness puts Eric and Donnie on the edge of their seats as he reveals what it takes to become a champion (and how almost no one in golf is doing it the way it used to be done.)

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    We have a three-time British Open Champion Three Time Master so I got these clubs on my birthday 18th of July and I went down I played my first round of go if you’re engrossed in doing something you can overcome it I think there’s a lot of things that happen

    Behind the scenes that we get to hear with Sir Nick and now we get to bring it to all you guys and that is going to be super cool you’ve got to enjoy and you got to and you got to look after yourself same as being a golfer what

    You’re saying is actually like a huge problem in golf is there’s this whole other piece of the game which is arguably like more important way more important the flight and where it’s going to finish the great thing about Golf and the hardest thing after when you stop playing golf is totally goal orientated

    From the minute you arrive on the rain even that first wedge shot should have a goal oh there’s a flag down the hill so you make 200 goals in a day all right guys here we are performance golf podcast Eric and Donnie from performance forance golf we’re here with six-time major Champion former

    Number one golfer in the world for almost 100 weeks uh we have a three time British Open Champion Three Time Master the open the open the don’t get that wrong on the first day in the day when back in the it was the British Open when

    I first won then it went to the o Open Championship now it’s the open the open you heard him there sir Nick falo Sir Nick appreciate you being here with us today sure good to be with you guys yeah looking forward to uh some some conversations here today we’re going to

    Do a little cerik um history today we’re going to talk through some key events that happen and cernick playing career and broadcasting career and I think in episodes to come really one of our goals here is to be able to help a lot of the the viewers obviously want to hear some

    Stories and your perspective on things both playing and commentating we’re going to do some uh different swing reviews as we go Donnie some uh some Pro swings really help you guys play better some education some entertainment and uh and get some perspective we’re so lucky to have Sir Nick here to get his

    Perspective on on everything so you want to Dive Right into some of the history stuff yeah let’s Dive Right In I think there’s a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that we get to hear with Sir Nick and now we get to bring it

    To all you guys and that is going to be W my bra super cooler we need to we need to turn back the clock though because yeah do you know that clocked 50 it’s more than that it’s 52 years ago when I started playing golf holy smoke two

    Years I wasn’t even being Eric and I our parents weren’t even thinking about having us and you were playing profession golf about to be winning you were winning Majors before I was born just when I was July July 187 okay no I was I was born a couple months before

    That there go okay well that that leads us into where I’d like to start and I I heard this and I want to confirm it’s true it’s honestly it might be one of the most Wild Golf stats that I’ve heard is it true that you started playing dun

    That you started playing golf when you were 14 and you played in a rider Cup by the time you were 20 six years went by from when you first started to when you play the rider cup how about that so yeah so you want you want to take the

    Clock back so you know it all started um you know I love my sport at school I was good at everything apart from gymnastics I couldn’t throw myself around and and it was all really down to either the coaching or the or the training so you

    Know I did all the obvious School sports I I was in gold at soccer so that was terrible because the ball used to go through that Gap so that wasn’t good I I was a good bowler at Cricket what else did I used to do I was decent I used to

    Do the 800 meter running I used to do the discus um what else did I do I was a very good swimmer um for quite a while I was the county boys under 10’s breast Dr Champion and wow for my reward my reward so I won that stevenage breast stroke and and the

    Dreaded reward was you went to Crystal Palace which was basically our only Olympic size swimming pool and went for a three-day swimming G or whatever they call it you know the and I hated it and I went down the first length i’ never been in a 50 meter pool and I lifted my

    Head of course after where the heck is the end and there was 200 kids in there and there’s waves there was waves and it I took a full mouthful straight away first length so for three days I hated it and I nearly I I’m I nearly drowned

    On the last length because I was laughing so hard this finally over and and I was never that did Me In from swimming so I hated the the training or I did cycling out of school I actually enjoyed that I was actually good at that I got you know big powerful legs I

    Enjoyed it on the track used to do the track stuff and then um and then funny enough I then won a spot we have a thing called Outward Bound in Britain which was um and I went all the way up to Bonnie Scot actually not to Scotland up

    To oater in the late district oh my God first time I’ve been away really from my parents went for four weeks that’s going to drop you off L you yeah you you go up you trained up that was big you arrived at Ood in the middle of nowhere it was

    April and um it’s still there I actually I tell I I went past it a couple of years ago and called in just on the and so we I did that for four weeks and that was pretty tough because it the first time you’re in a dorm with other guys and

    Then we did we did two weeks about oh you did you know you had to go down and jump in we had to say freezing cold showers in the morning I mean really cold just in case now know that was really good yeah just in case

    You fell in the lake so because you did canoeing and all sorts and camping and assault courses I’m loving it and then after two weeks we had to go out on actually we were out on Mountain Rescue Patrol we were we were on 24-hour alert

    Moun rescue and then we got a real bling rescue we were called out these imagine in a coach we off we go 4 in the morning in a coach to go off and and to try and find somebody who’s lost in the fs and this sort of thing because back in the

    Day you didn’t have this to go hello I’m here so this person had gone that way and was already at the police station while we’ve gone that way for two literally for do days to find somebody oh my gosh oh and then because it snowed

    Then so you can tell it was a really cool adventure it was amazing it was great and so um how old are you at that time I’m 16 I’m 16 and but but the bad bit was I came back from that after not cycling for four weeks and all of a

    Sudden the guys are gone and it was like oh so now cycling was I was not great I was I’d lost my you know I wasn’t part of the pack so um so that went out the window so anyway so that’s a long way of saying that then I’m watching the

    Masters 1971 and it you know Jack didn’t win cudy won it but Jack finished third or something as usual and that was the that was the spark it was like oh wow look at that oh green what are those green Fairways and all those lovely trees I love trees you’ve never

    Touched been on a golf course no no I don’t even know family there was no golf I we had my granddad on my mom’s side gave me gave me a a hickory Club I didn’t but I didn’t know it was a golf club and I used it as an

    Ax I used it as an I go chopping so I love that was my life um you know when I was at home I I I loved um just messing around in the woods and in the bushes and playing outdoors and that sort of thing so so that was so literally we

    Watched the Masters and I literally said to Mom I want to try golf we knew nothing about it we went to Welling Gard City my local club and bowled in there and booked my six lessons Chris arold was the assistant and um and I said I’m ready to

    Know your first one lessons tomorrow so the very cool the very excellent thing that Chris Arnold did which you cannot do with the kids today he taught me discipline because the first lesson was the grip and The Stance and the posture so you know how

    Boring and kids today give me give me a ball let me rip it give me three give me three seconds they’ve got to hit it and so so then the next lesson was we start working on the swing and Dy D back and through and so I think I well I know I

    Did I hit balls on the third lesson unheard of now absolutely unheard of isn’t it so he taught me this discipline thing of golf and so I had my half a dozen lesson so that is spring isn’t that a railroad tracks yeah and so so here’s the cool thing my next door neighbor

    Graham Thomas he gave me a seven and an eight remember the ones where had the plastic coating on the shaft you probably don’t remember that you I have no idea what you’re talking about it was a steel shop and it had a plastic C because it made it look like Hickory I

    Guess so big heads you know we probably had might even have dots on them you know was grooves back in I mean these were old we’re going to have to look these up yeah they were probably probably Bobby probably Bobby Jones or something you know and so I I um used to

    Go across to the school playing field up the road which wasn’t my school was called monks walk and oh perfect in the corner of the of the of the field the you know the track and field and everything of course there was a soccer line put the balls down on the line and

    There was a long jump pit at the end there you know about probably I don’t know 80 yards away something I don’t really but and I used to I had 20 balls i’ gone through the bush bushes and seriously found 20 balls my mom was a

    Dress maker she made me a little bag put my balls in and that was it so off I went put my book and and I used to hit into the long jump and I was good and I’d get annoyed if I missed this long jump pit and I’m sure I got sometimes

    You know sort of funny bit is 20 years later or whatever when I’m a pro I went back to have a look well that long jump pit was skinnier than this table I mean a school long jump pit is only what 6 or eightt wide and 12T long and I’m getting

    I can say pissed off on this cuz I’m getting annoyed you can say pissed off on this yeah I was getting that the typical me like I missed the spimming I wanted to hit that long jump here I’m sure I got it 18 or out of 20 times so

    Again see how I’m disciplining myself yeah so then okay so fast track so then that was school and then Mom and Dad bought me realized I was Keen they bought me a half set of clubs called St Andrews funny enough and yep I went out

    And I now joined a half set sorry half set meaning like it just the odds 3579 I think just a half set that was my first set a driver driver and a three-wood d and I picked the part and I went in and they they got me to pick the

    Poter and I had got a Patty BG lovely chunk of old brass typical very similar you know skinny version of like the TPA 18 ended up using like a it was just solid brass lovely so that’s funny how I started but anyway so yeah so I went

    Down there so I got these clubs on my birthday 18th of July and I went down I played my first round of golf and at 14 on my 14th birthday and so I didn’t know the rules um and so I remember the funny bit I three parted the third green I still

    Remember and I said well that’s stupid I never do that again how about that honest well actually never going to do that and so I shot somewhere in the mid 80s I know I lost three balls so but you know so in your first round yes because

    I got I’ve been hidden balls for three months which is another very good thing you know little did we know you know I’ve got P shanking topping missing it that I could actually you know half play couldn’t I so that’s how it and then I

    Loved it and I used to go down the club and I might and Lind my wife found a picture of me with the club I used to put the clubs I put a chunk of wood on my bike and tied it on somehow and I could put

    My club because I didn’t have a locker yeah I wasn’t really a member yet and so well they made me a member I didn’t have a locker I didn’t have a handicap all that to get stuff so typical I you have to put in three cars

    Back in the day and I’m sure I did that and I put cards in for like I say say 10 hand handicap but they gave me a 24 you know sort of um so that was my start that was really it um and I must have done that so I’m still at

    School obviously so I’m only 14 so I then I’m basically doing the same thing playing as much as I can hitting balls in the until I then made this so I it happened pretty quick by 15 a year later I said right that’s it I want to be a

    Pro golfer that was my dis decision which is another pretty cool thing for a kid to have a real decision made and then I the only way to do it of because in Britain was to leave school um there we don’t have colleges college system

    Like America at all you know um so it was like so here’s the funny bit was so my dad said well go and find about being an assistant Pro so there was a job up the road at nworth golf club up the road and but they were offering 4 pound a

    Week yeah four pound yeah this is so what you 73 isn’t it yeah 734 pounds a week so my dad says to me well I get four pounds a week for you for child allowance so we going to lose he said well might as well keep you I said very

    Nice you very nice so that’s how I stayed amate so I was able to go down and I and I loved it and I’ve never my parents never had to CH I never skyed because I loved it and I went down there every day rain or shine and tip my

    Slowly so my routine became you I used to leave the house at 8 I get there by and I cycle through the houses through the woods come out the other you had all those shortcuts to get to the golf club and um then I go on the practice ground

    So I was down there by quarter past 20 8 and I’d hit balls all morning till 12:00 wow and I had a little corner hole in Welling Gard City that’s all I had just half a hole was a green right in the corner of the golf course and there was

    An old pine tree down I us to tip the balls down and the poor pine tree’s even gone so I went to visit this couple of months ago in the summer my poor Pine treees even gone so I used to tip out there and I used to hit balls to this

    Green so again to cut long story short all I had was a green a bunk and a flag isn’t that interesting is that interesting so unbeknown to me every shot has intention my first goal was to hit that ball over that bunker and stop it before

    The flag that honestly was my first goal could I do that get it over and stop it so you imagine I’m doing this thousands of times and then of course my very good friend shelin haer is a sports said well he say well that’s targeting yeah exactly you’re not just banging balls

    Into a b look 200 I’m range in Cambodia that we built 300 yards wide this way let alone that way and I and there’s targets and I thought you know I only had one so you think you’re deprived but you’re not it’s it was the best that was

    The luckiest best thing because I hit every so when I got bored with hitting seven9 and eight n and I did this you know I would that’s when I learned to hit two irons in slow motion so I had to hit them that way well the golf was out

    There so we then I realized if I sneak out in the morning early really early get there first and do my long stuff first I’d hit them down the 17th hole until I could then see on the hill I could see the M come through the the

    Across the road and I used to run down I’m pick and we like snow out there you know I’ve had a big bucket of balls my own balls not range balls and I run down I pick him all up quick and and then I then I couldn’t hit him down the faway

    So that’s how I used to hit my long shots and so and I used to and the other interesting thing you always did as a kid you hit them out there and then you always chip them to the bag or the pin wouldn’t you which you don’t do now

    Right and so you’re you’re hitting them out then and then you’re practicing one yeah so every and you’re chipping on one handed this and they’re in the bushes you go like this or be standing the whole time you’re just dialing you’re doing fun stuff you’re in the bunk and

    You smacking and once one’s in grass like this and see doing that all the time so again little did so you’re practicing this you’re looking at that t and hit it without thinking it very good for you and so all those little things

    So and so then as I said I finish at 12 and I’d then go and have my sandwiches I’d sit on top of the lockers and I didn’t even have a locker I don’t think for a while about six months I’d sit on top of and I had the same sandwiches so

    I used to make my I used to do um brown bread with we have grated cheese and Good Old English Sal salad cream which is IR salad cream or we have brandston pickle so it was have a pickle one day or and then and then I used to my mom

    Used to give me a or used to get a chunk of dates you know compressed dates so you get a chunk of dates take a Slither of that get one little chocolate bar which of course was called a club club we had we had Club chocolate biscuit had

    A chocolate biscuit and a bit of fruit it be like maybe an apple and was always in a round Tupperware I had a round Tu which I put in my so my sandwiches were always curved get these sandwiches so and that was me and I did that literally every

    Bleming day and um so anyway have my lunch then I go and P on the Ping room for half an hour to let my food go down sort of thing then I go and play and every and every day I played a minimum of 27 usually on my own and um

    And that was 27 to and i’ go home at dark and I bowl back home and I’d cycle back home in my clubs and stick him in the we had a little ouse little shed and I put my clubs in I clean them I’d love cleaning them all you know you get you

    Clean your grooves out and wipe them down everything the Love of the Game and come in and my mom would leave some food on the boiler thing and I’d sit and eat and and that was rinse and repeat you know and in any weather and then

    Um and so so now we’re like 16 I’m 16 so the next great thing so I’ve only left I’ve just left school so dad took me we went to trun to the open and we had a we had a white BW Beetle and we loaded it

    Up with our camping gear and we went up and camped at uh at TR and I never forget first thing I pulled into town at the gas station was Tony jacn in his Rolls-Royce with Tom weof wow out filling G we get and I L honest I still

    See it and they’re in their rer bear plaid you know Tony usually be in lilac and and um Tom was a big yellow sweater I think and and I saw that and I’m when then we went off to the camping site and we stayed in the camping site out of town um

    Somewhere and had a little had a little tent I didn’t know had a decent sized tent we had a decent sized tent because we because it was we used to go to South we went to south of France I think once or twice but a decent sized tent but I’m

    There with my dad and and you know feed I don’t know I can’t remember where we ate you know probably did a bit of camping cooking and then who knows if we at a pub I don’t know I can’t remember that bit but but I remember being so

    Blim and cold going to Scotland night I kept my pajamas on under my clothes when I went to the golf because I didn’t doubt if he watched all week because it was Bloody freezing you know and um so any were used to take me down to the course each

    Day and and he literally said right I’ll see you here in front of the scoreboard so I’ll see you back here at 5 o’cl it was a bit like that and I went off and did my own thing how amazing was that wow yeah and so feel like your first

    Time going to an event after all that work and practice I this is all early to start in the pr I’ve just left school so then the open was right then so you know that was a huge inspiration so I went and loved it so I you know I found a way

    Round to the back of the range and I’d sit on the Range and you know and I would I love that because they’re early in the week I’m watch wi got practice on Tuesday and he was practicing his street shoes just in his street levers he was

    Talking to Jack grabb he CLI and I’m think I’m watching this you know so I’m taking this all in so I’m watching Jack and Arnold and Gary and Lee who else was big then did you know who they were like did you recog yeah oh yeah yeah I knew

    Yeah I knew I knew yeah we had a series on yeah you’re right we had a pro what do we have what was it called it was a usav the world must have been an IMG thing a mccormac thing because they um some of it was in black and white I’m

    Sure so um so we I remember watching some of that loved all that so I knew all the the names all the but I loved so a couple of other guys with great swings you know Bruce krampton was there with Nick Neo you know catching it in the

    Glove and you know and you and you could get so close to everybody um that’s what I loved so um so that’s 73 yeah so so really that was really inspirational and I ran like a lunatic I followed wi scoff and Miller because they played together the week I followed

    Them I was that little kid who on every tea would I would dive in I could come between the guy’s legs literally I could lay on the ground and watch them hit and then I’d run like a lunatic so I could literally watch every shot I was everywhere around that golf course and

    Um I can still remember some things because you could almost sneak onto the tea Johnny Miller wi cof hadit one iron on the on the seventh hole and the div it was like that and I walked on the te I never can’t believe it the DI it was

    As thin as my finger like that with a one ey playing with usy and I’m like you kidding me so I was soaking all this up yeah and because you can tell when then went back so so what that then did for me which is so again fantastic

    Fortunately I’ve got a very good um like photographic golfing memory and I so I would go back to Welling guard and and mimic them copy all their little idiosyncrasies so you know I’ve got Jack and the ch in and Gary kicking the knee in and I said you know trino still

    Talking and Arnold you know be going Arnold farma do the finishes and that sort of thing so again I used to go out and I would play as I said on my own but I’d play a three ball against Jack and Arnold so be Jack and AR Jack fades it

    Arnold draws it Gary draws it tabino fades it or Miller fades it WIS go through through it you see so I would pick my guys and and I would play so so cool again what is it doing for when I’m hitting a three-w I’m pretending to

    Be Jack of course it’s going to be good isn’t it it’s Jack get me so I’m thinking Jack can do this Jack’s gonna hold it sure it might have gone like this but I went very instant confidence very important you’ve got to go in with the right intentions so the intentions

    Will come on I’m Jack I know what I’m doing and for I’m I’m going to hook on this and that and so you can see and again it’s keeping it fresh and and and I’m I’m blessed blessed to I’ve been out there 50 freaking plus years I’ve never

    I can use the word never been bored about going out and hitting golf balls never wow how about that never I can use even now I go oh i’ be nice go down H some balls and I do so I’ve never said oh can’t be bothered never so how cool

    Is that so to pick a sport that keeps you so engrossed so that’s what I did so I did that all through the summer well now I’m doing now I’ve left school so I’m doing that all the time so that was my daily routine go down and do that crash bang

    Wallet and then where do we get to and then so that’s 73 7 by the end of 74 you know I made the England boys team we played up a Hoy Lake uh played and then the 75 I get I’m get really good I start

    Winning I win I won the uh you went you played in junior tour so you entered junior tournaments and then you got on the boys team and play I played I played little Club things I won my first one was a course called Jonah GA I’ve still

    Got we got a wouldn’t have a picture of me on the wall they wouldn’t know but my name’s on the board it’s it’s my first win and I won the odd club stuff and that local stuff and that sort of thing and then 75 was my

    Big year so by then I’m I’m probably won the probably won the county boys first in the year then we had a big tournament called the barier trophy you know at Royal bark year and I won that and I won it playing with the big ball

    Cuz at the time we were in a transition now 75 we’re just transitioning like amateur golf you could still use it you had a choice before they changed we were right on that transition so I I won with the with the big ball and everyone was very impressed with

    That um and then I the am I missing something here The Big what big ball well we called it we had the Britain it was the small ball we were 1. 682 and then you’re 1.6 no you’re 1.68 and we’re one point we were 1.62 you knew about this different size of the

    Ball yeah come on yeah we had the small come on I’m the amateur on the b i you got golf coach was the when you came over for the open it they American players would swap they said well you might as well use it because it went further obviously

    Smaller ball same way smaller ball went further so you did they you changed but but we knew that it was F I think 74 at the open it will it went to the big ball but am golf after was I guess had a little transition period before it

    Became official can’t remember when but I so that was that was kind of a big thing and then and then in the summer I won the uh the English amateur up at Royal lthm so no so then my next story oh no my next story is um so I played in the

    British amateur at Hoy Lake where you know they just had the open it’s still to this day the worst weather I’ve ever played in day w at the the you in amate days you know it’s like they kept you out there oh yeah as long as they didn’t

    Lose you we only got the course for today unbel so we were out it must have been blind 60 and pouring with rain you were you know you had crappy waterproofs and you’re in there and honest to God as I say if you broke 90 you won your match

    Honest as I say it was ridiculous how how old were we at that for that first one so just 75 so we um years later I’m only 18 I’m 18 I’m 18 years old just coming up to 18 I think yeah this is in

    May I think this is May of 75st 1 I’m still 17 so I played in that and I beat a guy called Badger Davis signing down member m of course he’s got Willie heson who lead TR O’s caddy on the bag and so Willie was impressed and he said you

    Trying to qualify for the open and I said yeah which is a Cary and he says if you qualify you can play with Lee Travino Monday morning I said you’re joking I said how come he say because he says I’m the boss Leah like that so so I

    Um I missed I went to Mony Fe and I missed the blim and qualifying by two and and I was sick as a parrot and I I was waiting there so I went down there Monday morning said don’t worry you can walk and I walked next to leino’s bag

    Literally chatting to him for three days wow how about that and was another greatest experience what a what a what a wonderful man I mean and I I know a couple of crazy things took him two and a half rounds before he missed a green

    So I’m like wow yeah honest and and he says to me do you want the I’ll show you the non- choking pting stroke and I yeah sure sure we I’m on the pting room L and he giv me big forward pray press bom he said you got a forward and press it lock

    It bang forward press it lock so and then and the other great thing from that I remember 16 16 at Carusi big path three wind is probably off the right you know what Lee was right Kick It Up put the driver off the deck you know hit it

    To two feet right next day driver off the deck they’ve moved the flag driver two feet from the hole twice twice in a row I’m like okay so you’re getting one you’re getting one hell of a lesson aren’t you but anyway so and the other thing I remember um I sat behind Watson

    Who you know eventually winning on the back of the range you could just sit lay on the ground and he tips his bag of balls out right there and he was hitting one eyes right in front of me and God it and Jee ller had like 20 bloody McGregor

    Drivers you know Li so you my equipment is crap back then for a long time was crap and you’ve got these guys with you know right dangling um and uh oh there was another another funny story as well it was uh it was quite historic because when I was at ho Lake

    For that British amiter America just won the warer cup at S Andrew and you know 50 years later they went back to S S Andrew pretty and because guys on the team then were you know Jerry Pate Jay has George Burns Craig Stadler probably Curtis Strange so heck

    Of a walker Cup team and I I I’m good friends with Jerry and so I was telling I was on I was that kid again on the back of the range when you tipped your balls out and he just went a bag of brand new Titus I said

    Where do you get those from and they go said well they give them to me you like and I’m I said I’m I’m the kid going in the bushes my honest my BS have got chunks hanging off them you know and he just tips up imagine the guy tipping a

    Bag of tius right in front of him I’m like so so that was my amateur days you know that was um that’s how I got started but and I said so I guess the key things were one was as we talked about the intention on the Range self-or intention and and all

    This didn’t show I think it’s one before that if I if I may I think the first lesson I just took from that is that when you put a club in your hands it was discipline the first the discipline first you agree you weren’t just banging

    Exactly I I I I suddenly even though I’m 13 or so you yeah 13 then I’m thinking about it you’re right the discipline then it was inion intention and then the visualization 100% you know that so those three things have given me a career yeah and just to just to recap what the

    Visualization is because I think this is such an important piece is that you were pretending to be three of the greatest golfers of all time by yourself on a course and you’re mat all day this is Jack Jack sets it up like this I’m going to hit that exact shot that he’s hitting

    And every time you’re in the and then you read Gary play you see bunker shots for a morning so I go and hit bunker shots for a morning I moved all the sand onto the green and that’s more than just like what we you know Eric Eric coaches

    Me and so Eric talks about all the time like you actually to practice like you’re hitting the shot you want to hit that’s one thing to hit the shot you want to hit and to see it but to go one layer deeper than that is to actually imagine the person so you’re like

    Embodying the greatness of that person even after the lessons when you were hitting to the where the long jump was there too that was one target you were hitting to one target right even before that oh the one Target that is a really good the what so I teach you know my

    With my series with my kids I say please look at the Target and pay attention to like you know don’t just hit a seven9 out there and see it go and then rate the neck because guess what when it’s landed up there it’s actually missed by 12 yards well that’s missed green yeah

    You’ve missed the green a lot of people don’t even watch till the ball hits the ground no they don’t even enjoy it you know the biggest this is what you’re what you’re saying is actually like a huge problem in golf is that we are so focused on hitting the ball that we’re

    Forgetting that like there’s this whole other piece of the game which is arguably like which more important way more important the fight and where it’s going to finish because again when you get to psychology you have to visualize the finish of a project so if you’re going

    To build a house you got to see the bloody roof and everything you can’t just visualize a pile of bricks m agree if you’re going to run a race you have to go the the tape you’re going to ride a bike are you thinking about pushing the pedals holding the no you’re looking

    Ahead and well exactly if you’re going to go to the shops you have to visualize get on your bike or a car or go into a restaurant you have to visualize the goal the goal is I’m going to pull into the parking lot oh I’m going to have a

    Juicy State that’s what you but you don’t and then this is part of the journey to get to the goal and so that’s and that is really important and that’s what I was that was all Lally selftaught yeah you were lucky to have that land I mean that you you got those lessons

    Super early that was a and I’m curious as we go from there from the amateur into the pr professional but before when you said you’d have that go practice H balls in the morning have your lunch do the putting go play were there any other kids around that you would play against

    Or was always not a lot not a lot I had a couple of guys but you know they were over still at school I played with them at weekends you know so weekends were tough at the club I played in you know this is classic British I played in one

    Monthly medal so I’m I’m I’m standing around at the club and a couple of members were obviously nice to me one of the members came and say oh do you want to play in the with me in the monthly medal I said oh I’d love to he said oh

    There’s nobody on the 10th T so it’s 10:45 so we scoot across we go across and get on and because I shoot 72 with my five handicap 67 so I’m going to lead I’m lead I’m winning the monthly medal and I’m sitting at the bar and the

    Captain comes over and he says you have we have to disqualify you because juniors are not allowed on the course till 11:00 oh how many more monthly medals do you think I played in wow that was it Z never played another monthly medal wow I mean that was the British

    Until we finally got a great Captain by the name of Clive haret wow who then realized if I help the Junior golfers this you know it’s a circle of golf and if I look off the junior golfers they’re the future members and blah and we went

    Off and we went and sure enough we then won the county Championship we were the best club in so then they were proud of us you go from the other guys I won’t even mention their names because they would they were just resented Juniors you know it was

    Like well they probably whatever yeah whatever reasons they resented it and so I thought that was you know so I never used to hang around at the I used to do all my practice you know at the weekends I might sneak out in the mornings and

    Then disappear so but had a couple of members I used to play golf with which was pretty cool and there’s a couple of Junior guys John moous was one of he actually ended up cing for me another guy by the neigh of Trevor Trevor pal so

    We used should play a bit just a little little group of us um but but I did 99% of the practice on my own interesting you which again we’re very fortunate golf you can be completely engrossed yep in playing all day all on your own can’t

    You because there’s so much to do you vers you yeah yeah ver you in a golf course and you know and to think how as I said I was completely happy went bom down it and then uh so then so when it was really bad when the weather was

    Brutal you know like it’ been raining sleeting then I had a make called run marks and I used to go carpet fitting yeah carpet fitting fit carpets and he had a he had a onean business and he paid me two pounds a day and I used to

    Go off and fit carpets all day long and we and we used to have the biggest laugh that it was like a comedy show we we genuinely had the you know you imagine going into little old deer’s houses and and we’re going to fit the carpet and

    And we would such a laugh it was crazy I did we had one a true story we had one kid who was annoying me so much little br I taped him to the banister of the stairs got got he wouldn’t go away or whatever I’m trying to work and that’s how I taped

    Him and we did have the back in the good old days when you just the kids to the banisters have such a laugh you know like there’ be a lump in the carpet and so he go and you just knock it down in the hammer then the lady say have you

    Seen my parrot you know we go no no now would you hit balls during the winter at all or would you take a couple no I tried I as I said I tried to go out there in everything my mom made me a set of waterproof a waterproof jacket that’s

    All I had because she was a dress maker and I used to go and I used to go down to just survive I guess until my hands were frozen no we didn’t get a lot of snow in Britain we get a lot of kind of wet sleep and it would disappear you get

    A few days it would be frozen you know you couldn’t do anything on the Frozen day but there wasn’t many I mean really I’m out there all the time so you know there was none of oh then the other thing which was very cool that Mom and

    Dad did they so as I said I used to put my clubs in the with a little shed out but I put my clubs in then I go out and clean them so Mom and Dad put a light outside for me on the G on the shed wall

    And because it got the reflection in the window and so I could now stand outside and look at my blooming back swing a thousand times you know in rection and so something I did which was detrimental to my which created me in my slow rib we had a pickaxe you know good

    Old pickaxe with there which are really heavy super heavy thick oh yeah and I used to swing this bloody pickaxe so that’s why I learned to swing slow because I am swinging a slow because we always thought you know big and we didn’t know didn’t understand that Speed

    Stick now you know go faster it was like this will make me stronger and he and my coach and Connelly taught me said you know Tempo We call we what do we call it that then temporal Rhythm they um you know between the two to slow they have

    The ability to Lally hit shots in slow motion and um so I used to do that I I could stand out there and hit any club it’s super slow you know and it was so funny but years later we went went on tours where were we we were at Bing and and the

    Range was about 180 yards long and because the tour said you can only hit irons so I Peg up my driver and and they and was was going to chip him out there okay and uh oh God I can’t think of the Rose guy um damn it

    And I could have stood up to watch this and went hit this little 150 yard Little Blooper but yeah could do that I could up lovely smooth full swing isn’t that a lesson right there I was just going to say we’re going to get to it mve forward

    But one of the things when you watch a lot of the tournaments I think that probably played a big role in your ability to hit pin high so often distance control with the irons like think about how good you had to be with what you just well that’s quality of

    Strike you know because you you you know that’s technique and strike because if you you know how to Crunch it and you know exactly how far it’s going to go and you’re able to do it you you’re able to strike it the same all the time and I

    Think Under Pressure you know if you as you know if you hit an eighth of an inch in our game you’re losing whatever two three two three yards but the idea was to stand up and crunch it because you’ve done it so many times and I think that’s

    Um gives you the ability to dial it back as well yeah but you have to be able to hit it oh yeah I didn’t you know we’re a long way off before I start learning different shots um CR I’m trying to think so as you said so where are we in my life

    Let’s say we’re finishing up the when when do you turn pro well uh God how did that all happen so I’ll tell that story so I’ve had a great year in 75 of one you know I’m the best in the Sandy Lyall and I are the two best we

    Back in the old handicap system we were the only two golfers at plus one um in the country and so the end thing was course the end thing of course was to come to America University so I got a couple of offers and I ended up going to Houston

    And C a long story short I hated it um because I’ve now got to go to class and so I’ve lost my practice time we didn’t have a practice ground there and we had to be driven out to a golf course and we used to come straight at the car park

    Straight to the first year and go and play and there was no practicing and um coach Williams Dave Williams and so after about 10 weeks or so I said well must been the ninth week I said I don’t want to play in then I need to go

    And practice so we went we had a we wish us to have a team meeting I guess it was Monday and he says um let me tell you boys the players today are great players not practicers and I’m like Hogan trino Jack wait a minute

    Gary so sure enough I get my way I go in practice for three days on my own and I played in a little inter inter Collegiate thing and I won it wherever the hell that was I don’t know and um and we’re back in the team on Monday and

    He says boys if you want to be a great player you got to practice I I went literally went into his office I said uh can you br me a flight home he says you’re homes sick I said no I just want to go home said you

    Miss your girlfriend I said no I just want to go home so I was done so I went came back and kind of got a lot funny got bad publicity thing I’m weak throwing it a towel in on that and I won I went up in Scotland I played at Craig Miller Park

    And I won that one and it was like nobody was interested yeah it’s like and then my as was my girlfriend’s father at the time said um you thought I’d turn in Pros so I um said yeah that’s a good and back then you had to apply to the it was a

    Good old British PGA way back then it it was just the British that was our tour was the British PGA controlled our tour which was basically about 16 or 18 tournaments in Britain and then only the national opens around Europe you know the Swiss Spanish French just like one in each

    Country it’s all done a complete flip now and so I I was sitting had some friends at um tit list was just up the road for me I was up there and they were trying to make me a set of clubs or something and they said what are you doing I said well

    I’m I’m going to turn pro I said would you think you should tell anybody so I called m i called Michael balik who was ended up being our secretary of the RNA because I was meant to be playing in the I think the Hampshire hog tournament and then um and that date

    Was April the 14th 1976 which is pretty cool because April the 14th 199 96 you know what happened H well and so 20 years to the day which I think is very cool and so I literally um and Titus gave me a ring gauge a ball ring gauge because back in

    The day golf balls weren’t round okay K and you used to push a put a golf ball on it and you’d spin the golf ball and the golf ball would suddenly lock and it so golf balls were not round completely round so titless gave me a ring gauge

    Yeah which is exactly it was 1 Point 682 it was 2,000 of an inch bigger than 1.68 and we had to check our golf balls the size of our golf balls yeah there you go you youngsters never heard of that none of this polyurethane stuff now um so we

    Had and I’ve still got that ring gauge I’m very that ring gauge went it’s been to every golf tournament I’ve so this is like on the first ti so I’m I’m playing a a a red two like tell was red too we checked him before you guys are checking

    The check check him before and then you check and then you have the and you’re checking when you’re out there you’ve whacked it yeah s it would sit on the ring cage you say now it was out of shape so we used to change a ball really

    You could almost back in the day there’s a lot I don’t know obviously but that right there I would argue that like most when we went to square grooves and things like that you they we called them the one hit wonder you hit you hit them once with anything less than the six

    Sign and the ball was done wow you should go through guys you went through a dozen or wild wow yeah yeah yeah you don’t realize you don’t really some so yeah we are yeah you yeah the equipment now as we know he’s off the chart so and

    That was it so I I then um so where are we so you made the decision to go pro that I had to wait they said you’re going to tell anybody no and so I had to so I played my first tournament was a

    French Open in June I went off to LK and I had to qualify I had to do the Monday qualifying yeah um so I got on tour because I was a full full England International so I didn’t I don’t know if we had a qualifying School way back then I doubt

    It and then and so the um so C long stories short the big the gold year one was our order Merit was the top 60 and if you finish in the top 60 then you’re exempt for the next year so that was my first goal and I finish 58th wow and

    With a rookie some kids I think I one of our £2,300 but even worse I wasn’t allowed to accept prize money for the first six months because I was whatever coming from am to Pro and they thought if you hadn’t accept I think they thought if you hadn’t

    Accepted prize money and you wanted to change your mind you weren’t then deemed as a professional but I was allowed them the prize money in the in the open in the opens I.E the national opens French Open German that so I remember winning I won £500 in the German open I finish I

    Think I finished fifth something like that so that was big wow and and I finished 58 I won about 2,300 and that was and I’m now exempt for 77 here’s the funny bit so 77 is now I went well 77 is Right a cup year I want to make the ride a

    Cup and that’s the very long way of telling yeah from six years on from for first round at 14 to playing in the rider cup at 20 against Jack the man who inspired me uh six years later I played in the rder C how about unbelievable I should

    Pause for Thought take a drink of water on that one when when you first went from the amateur into the pros and you’re playing on the European tour there did you notice a difference in did you like adapt to that right away or no that was tough because I you know we we

    Were again not like now when you know because of the the great coaching and all the facilities and everything you you you heard the terminology you you you went on tour and you were an amateur learning to become a professional you know I mean your swing wasn’t good

    Enough you were being educated like you cannot believe talk about smack over the back of the head I mean it was you know learning to travel playing on the you know playing for a month in a row because you know em golf was pretty like almost like every two weeks sort of

    Thing you played a big tournament suddenly you’re playing every week you know going to jump on a plane go off to different places or you’re driving up and down in your car up and down the country that’s really what you were doing in Britain gosh um yes I said like

    You remember your first tourament you know French Open I can’t you I’m not sure what my second tournament was I played in it’s funny that you can’t um always remember the first ones don’t you so you didn’t win the second one right no no so you forget you forget what did

    We just talk about a few minutes ago we just forget those ones yeah well you know I I I was all part of the charging around Europe just getting experience that was really it and then I where are we 77 we played in a team event up at um Glenn

    Eagles skull ler thing and I there was a 36 hole tournament before it and I won that in a playoff so I won yes so my first tournament I win as a 36 hole tournament and then this in your first year yeah my first no my well yeah 77 is

    My first full year so they called that my first rookie year so but you know I in and I won that and I but here’s a good one I think I won about somewhere about 8,000 or 9,000 in my season and I made the Ric Cup team oh wow and how did you

    Find out about that did you was that like a call someone how did you no no no I I made it full I was I think I finished eth I qualified I qualified for the for the team and um gosh which was BR live and ANS and that was the one

    Where they they only had just one forums one four ball and then the singles because you know America was so strong they were going to just it be over and done with before we even got to the singles so they only had one and then and um

    So here’s here the next so the week before I’m playing in a tournament and I’m I go out in 32 and back in 42 and I’m feeling crap can’t work it out and I go to the rider cup and you’ve got all your dinners and you got your gear and

    Everything and we got cashmere sweaters never forget I still got it and it was too short it only came to about there looked like my pants yeah yeah and I got and I look down and I’ve got big rash on my and all these pressure points so I

    Said I need a doctor I don’t feel good so I went to the dock and he took blood and I fainted Bonk I looked to it saw the first time I’ve seen blood come out my arm Bonk and he say she’s got glandular fever right and I go God my

    Mom and dad would came to the R I went back said I’ve got glander fever they said we know I said what do you mean you know he said well we knew you were looking sick and everything but we didn’t want to tell you typical falo very good stuff and

    Then so I’m I guess because luckily I’ve got I’m engrossed in good good point if you’re engrossed in doing something you can overcome it and then um and obviously I then had this fantastic opening R of cup you know I play with usy yeah and um you know for day one one we’re

    Playing um play Ray Floyd and Lou Graham Lou Graham I think he was the US Open champion and us so we played forsome day one and and usy said well you’re a better iron player than me he decided that morning I think and said you can

    Have the first t-shot which is par three you know so a few extra six signs and then and off we went and usy kept hitting in the right R and what happen we were three down after nine and boom and then we win we win two and one how about that first

    And he says to me did you think we’re gonna lose I said no I didn’t he says nor did I anyway next day I’m playing Jack Jack and Ray Floyd so here you are there’s my year six years later I’m playing Jack and so what did you find

    What did you feel like when you found that out oh it’s frightening bille isn’t it so they had big beautiful because they got big red Cardigans on and bag this bloody big and we’re you know and there we are in a little brown car you know Brown sweater

    And this sort of thing and I couldn’t look at Jack obviously you know he he’s looking at and and I had I was long I had a the first ala remember adilla brought you aldilla mened the graphite shaft okay thanks ladies and gentlemen this is also a history lesson this shaft

    Was like licorice stick you could twist it it had five degrees of Tor on this thing so talk about timing you had to wait for this thing to go wobble its way down and through but if you timed it it went it was it was way longer it was it

    Was the big invention then and I was quite long I think I had it on a Tony pen ahead and I popped this thing out and I never forget on the fourth hole it’s so funny I just saw the highlights again from million years ago we’re going

    Have and I’m s and I can never forget I’m standing there and I know Jack’s 20 yards behind me and I could feel his eyes in the back of my neck and I’m thinking he’s looking at me he’s looking at me and he was he was thinking Who the

    Hell’s this kid you know and then actually then I hit my second I saw it on thanks to good old Tik Tok hit my second shot on the fourth of like this and must have won the ho I guess and so we beat Jack technically three in one beat Jack

    Nicholas first time first Ridder Cup first time playing him and then then so that was and then the next day I played Watson open champion and I beat and I beat him one up so that was my cup Watson back to back six years after he

    Picked up his first golf club let me just let me just recap I got to I got to go back for the lessons here because I’m like downloading lessons another lesson so we got the golf lessons but there’s a life lesson here have you noticed that

    When he starts to tell a story he starts the story by picking out the thing he’s going to do and then he never gets off of that until that’s what happens he says I saw Jack on TV and I’m going to I’m going to learn to hit it like that

    Does it like that he says I’m gonna go I’m gonna go play in this in this uh in this event and then he goes and wins this event then he says I’m gonna go get into the Ryder Cup team and then he go get goes and gets in the rer cup picks

    Up picks what he wants and he has picks a goal and he’s got laser like Focus to get there Works ferociously yeah and works like an absolute Horse no I agree with that I mean when you learn to Fast Track later you learn that I did the

    Um I did the um sports psychology I turn into sports psychology with um is that name Shar Shar t t TI how to pronounce it’s God I can’t even think of what it’s called oh it’s a visualization so when you do the pink bubble technique and

    This sort of thing and I used to sit there and visualize so what do you want at the end of the week I would like to win a big trophy that’s the trophy at the end of the week and you got to visualize it and feel sit

    There quietly and feel it see it feel it put it in the pink bubble send it out to the universe to manifest Bo but I was doing that all the time I used to oh yeah you’re going to sit and well no later later when I then learn creative creative visualization

    Creative visualization that’s what I just pulled up how do you pronounce it sh Shakti sh yeah it’s it’s like from the yoga tapped into it so I used to do I used to be doing that twice a day honestly I used to do it in the morning

    Evening sit and visualize what I wanted for the day and then you can and it’s a very cool because you can then visualize things that go wrong and how you’re going to deal with it yeah that was it I’ve had that how’ you pronounce it g g

    G shy G I mean that’s a I mean that’s a that is one of the biggest selling um but I used to sit and do that and I thought that was I like keeping things really simple I’m you know I’m a simple guy a l simple things and I you

    Know just a few words that are that are powerful which you then learn later in life you know um you know choice the word of choice is very powerful and that Lou Holtz talked about everything is a choice and you sudden you realize my God

    It really is um and how you react to everything so but that was powerful to sit there and visualize what I wanted for the week and how I was going to do it and that sort of thing and so you’ve got a clear you’ve got a clear intention that’s my

    Goal and this this is a journey and golf’s really simple because it’s first te is you start of your journey isn’t that shot by shot by shot by Hole by Ho by hole you know and that’s how you get there CU I hate it when people say oh he wanted it too much

    He’s thinking about it too much well you’ve got to think about the result I want you know that’s how I do you know and people get wound up of how they get that Journey but I think it’s that’s what I was able to do I just want to hit

    One more Ryder Cup and then we can Mo move beyond that too yeah so you’re in the Ryder Cup day2 against Jack was that the first time you guys met in person probably yeah no no it’s not no no no it’s just a funny bit so oh my God this

    Will take another hour this story we got time I know we’ve got another episode coming up we’re GNA get a lot of Jack talk in there well this is the big this is the Big Jack story so let me try and tell you this quickly so Jack is was the

    Introduction the inspiration of course we’ve all got his book and everything aren’t we you know so the great story about Jack is he has his ability to forget losses delete them very important thing in God I love this story if you can learn to even delete the last shot

    You are golden in there as we know so I’ve heard about this the story was Jack was at Ohio State University and he’s doing a talk and he blurts that I have never three putted in the back nine of a major and he this guy in the back Mr Nicholas 1964

    PGA 14th green and he Jack goes I have never three puted in the backat nine of a major Mr Nicholas I’ve got it on video8 if you like see it you know so he goes no I have never three part it may have missed but I never caused it to

    Miss and you go W there is a distinction right there this so so you learn that Jack’s deleted right got this ability to delete so fast forward so there we are sitting in and I said Jack you don’t remember when we first we first met do

    We I look at him I says and he goes no so I said um trun so the famous open when I’ve gone my very first open they got the the Royal Hotel is here and the range is there and I’m going to the PTO as you calling here

    They the good old toilets in Britain and and and Jack jumps over the fence right in front of me to avoid the the crowds to get to the toilet and then go to the range right and right in front of it there’s Jack bomb comes over the fence

    Golden hair and everything and he goes in and they’re big long green boxes these toilets you know with the urinals all the way around and he go and I just stand at the door Frozen and I just stop and he’s in there on his own right and

    He goes in and he comes out I didn’t shake hands that’s my and so and I just like and I don’t know if I asked him for an autograph may I don’t think so I didn’t have autographs in those days was too poor for autographs and

    So I then said so I then went in there and I’m telling Jack this story I said I went in there and I looked at this big urin I was about 20 feet of this and I whittled all the way around I said I can’t play like Jack Nicholas but I can

    Whittle where he does you so Jack is listening and he goes what is Whitted you know so everybody’s laughing they ask he’s taking a leak yeah so I said that is when we first I’m this is you know this the big intro so I said well

    Of course Jack you you remember when we played the Ridder cup he goes no I said no no no stop messing about I said I know You’ got this strength to delete things I said we played the second day the rer C and I beat you to no I don’t

    Remember I said no you’re kidding that is me it’s Nick I know I know I know the freaking story you delete everything he says no I don’t remember I went you bastard he said I this great I said the man who’s inspired me I’m now calling

    Him a bastard I said so I thought thought that was classic and then and we have that joke tonight still today here we are I saw him where end of last year and I tell the St same story he said I and I’ve got the I I watched it last

    Night did hear that interview last night I found it on my phone I said just face is I mean it’s as blank as it no I don’t remember but we’re the same I agree with 100% because and I look I played I don’t know I played 100 majors and I God knows

    How many tournaments four or five and you have to delete you delete obviously you only anything you attach as we know an emotional memory to well then you you you remember it remember that like obviously the rer rer cups um or the or the all my my major WIS there is emotion

    In there when once you put emotion to a picture or an experience then it creates a memory so I can sure I can remember all the all my majes but or winds at the right time you’ve jog my memory I go but you tell me where I finished in the

    Spanish opening so and so year and Daddy I haven’t got a clue haven’t got a clue you know and and you kind of and I think I do that in life as well I have a very simple motto in life that you know if I

    Can I say to myself if I can fix something fix it if I can’t forget it you have to delete I really do it’s it’s quite a good lesson fix it fix it if you can’t forget it you got to delete it because there’s so much stuff happens in

    Your life and it’s and it’s bad [ __ ] you know this is bad stuff that you can’t if you can’t fix the bad sh then you have to delete it some things have cost me millions or whatever or whatever money or relationships or whatever you’ve done it whatever things have happened in your

    Life bad experiences and you just have to go because you’ve got to live now we talk about you live in present time what have you got now and then you and you learn your priorities in life as well I mean as long as you as you get older health

    Is your number one priority you want to be fit and healthy and be able to do things and then you work from there because that that dictates an awful lot of things you can and can’t do and so it gets very simple of what you know you

    You think you want to have everything in life but but you know a lot of material things and but when it comes down to could I’m sure a lot of people agree I mean I’ve got a gamy hip right now doesn’t sound a lot I can’t BL in play

    Golf you know how I want to play Go that hurts you know this sort of thing or whatever you know go other bits of your body are not working how they should be and they and they controlling your life and you have to then and you have to um

    Appreciate the moment when you have it my goodness do you have to when you get up and think this is going to the feet on the ground and you gotta you’ve got to get up and enjoy and you got to enjoy have a great word is you got to enjoy

    What you’re doing got to enjoy each day yeah it doesn’t sound like you’ve ever worked a day in your life I know it’s a cliche but you it doesn’t sound like you’ve worked a day in your life you love it so much no I know you know even

    And and even TV when I went into television youve got to you’ve got to enjoy it and you got to and you got to look after yourself same as being a golfer especially going through the media time as as well you got to look after yourself and you’ve got at the end

    Of the day you got to be very honest with yourself and go you know was that a good day today what did I how did I do today and you go yeah I’m happy with that I did this I did that you know I whatever it was I practiced hard or I

    Handled my health self all right or well and you’re the only one who should judge yourself that’s another very you still set goals like you you did I mean you still like your no the the um the great thing about golf um and the hardest thing after when

    You stop playing golf is totally goal orientated is it totally you from the minute you ride on the Range and tip your balls out even that first wedge shot should have a goal or there’s a flag down they hit it and so you make 200 goals in the day easily are you guys

    Hearing that just make sure that we record that part there because that is I mean most players I’m an amateur golf for you know seven eight handicap I’m not doing that I don’t have a goal on every single shot I’m you know I’m just I’m going through the motions half that

    Is a mega lesson that’s the make if you just have a simple goal and intention what you’re trying to then you get feedback andan and it should you should be I I never had to try to do this this is this is the I guess the fortunate

    Thing the gift back to the the practice ground maybe they all came from there but I can go out there now and walk out there and I got a three on I had or seven with now and what’s my goal I hope you know maybe I can get Fade to five

    Feet right well there’s my goal and if I carve it in the bunker well I learn or if it to two great and then what do you do you forget it and keep but you put it in the bank thing remembers everything so but all of that is important so you

    Know that’s how I um I think that it’s so important I love it


    1. Love how Sir Nick used to train with speed sticks back in the days.
      Frankly I was doing almost the same, using heavy armature sticks that I found in the backyard storage 😂

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