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    © Amaury Sport Organisation –

    Welcome to the fourth edition of the alula tour one of the most spectacular bike races to be held in the Middle East the event boasts a new name for 2024 having previously been known as the Saudi tour over the next 5 days some of the world’s top Riders will battle for

    Supremacy in the Majestic Landscapes around alula several of the main overall contenders gathered at Mariah on Monday for the pre-race press conference one of the big favorites is Simon Yates who is spearheading the GC challenge for Jacob alula in the home of their title sponsor it’s been great so far people

    Have very been very welcoming um the hospitality been been great and uh the riding has ALS also been fantastic it’s really great weather and also the road is perfect for the ride the bike especially start the season work place it’s better we have flat section we have

    Like some climbs then should be nice race I had a good winter and um I feel I feel ready I’m looking forward uh to start season here and yeah it was a good winter so far so let’s see how they how the legs spin today’s curtain Razer is all about

    The sprinters and the man to beat is surely Dylan hunov he has three stage victories at this race and he’s already won in 2024 we are already here since uh since yesterday so we did a Recon U so the the local lab here um it’s nice uh bit

    Twisty bit corners but big roads um yeah makes it uh yeah maybe a bit difficult to to have a good timing but yeah we know what to do uh yeah hopefully we can do everything perfect today uh Dylan won already stage uh so we will

    See for me the first roads race uh try to find again the the feeling in the pon but uh once once I’m in the last kilometer I will have the confidence in the team and uh I will try to to win the Stage we go all l for the Sprint and uh I think it’s a great opportunity for us to maybe win a stage stage one is a loop of just under 150 km starting and finishing at the almania train station there were no real difficulties to speak of although the

    Inclusion of a boner Sprint just 10.6 km from the line could shake things up in the final either way a sprinter should be shrugging on the Race’s first leaders jersey this afternoon warm weather greeted the Riders as they got underway at around 12:45 p.m. local time echelons can

    Sometimes play havoc in this part of the world but there was no win today it was set to be a straightforward Sprint day five Riders quickly shot up the road building a Max maximum gap of 3 minutes unabia in the familiar orange of escatel escardi Japanese Champion masaki

    Yamamoto in red and white for JCL team Yukio Carter battles in the blue of the rui insurance team and two men in Green from the Saudi national team Hassan Al Ibrahim and Ali al- shik Ahmed one of the distinctive jerseys up for GRS this year is the orange jersey

    For the most active Rider with points available at the various intermediate and bonus sprints and it was the man already in Orange zubeldia who took the first three-point Hall back in the peltin the Sprint teams had decided not to give the breakway too much freedom and the Gap stabilized at around 2

    Minutes well five soon became for up at the front with Al ibraim suffering the local man who abandoned on the opening stage of last year’s race was clearly in some difficulty a couple of the other Riders would soon be waving goodbye to the front of the

    Race as well Al shik Ahmed and Yamamoto also going backwards as zubel DEA and Bal pushed on various teams getting themselves organized in the pelan for the best sprinters men like runaan Malia decine Milano and Kaka well Bal then had an unfortunate mechanical leaving zubal solo at the front the 20-year-old Spaniard helping

    Himself to more active Rider points and virtually securing the orange Jersey which shouldn’t take him out of his comfort Zone into the final 20K with the pelan closing on zubeldia and another mechanical issue then for one of the GC favorites oh problem here for Simon Yates not a great moment to have wheel change Simon Yates though seems to be pretty composed and calm zubel deer was caught just after

    That Yates puncture as another Rider from roui insurance a polychronis t sakis tried to counter but the former Greek Champion was soon brought to heal then another ill time mechanical for another team leader this time P tour of total Energies the the pelan all grouped and heading for the bonus Sprint with precious seconds going to Matteo soero Fred Wright and Frederick dnes only 10K to go now but there was still more drama to come oh crashing the pellaton one of the jcoa Lula Riders is

    Down a Japanese Champion is down as well and this looks like it’s Simon Yates no it’s not down is uh Alexandre Demari punctures and that crash making for a scrappy finale but the big sprinters all survived the Riders winding their way around this tricky hairpin Bend just

    Before the flam Rouge and the final shootout jco alula looking around for Dylan groven where is he right now you can’t quite see him there he is Dylan groven is there here comes the team of UAE with Sebastian Milano also up there a big move left hand side here goes

    Milano and UAE team Emirates Casper Van Odin is in the middle Here Comes Milano but it’s Casper Van Odin Casper Van Odin Here Comes Gro ofen on the inside gron ofen did he take it on the line Casper Van Odin is the stage winner for DSM Ferman postnl it was a fantastic Sprint

    For Van Oden what a way for Casper Van uden to celebrate his first professional Victory beating Sprint supro vagan and Malia here in Saudi Arabia the 22-year-old Dutchman showed flashes of his potential in 2023 notably with a Podium at Milano Torino but this could be the year he truly comes of

    Age I think last year maybe I wanted to win too much so I made a few mistakes that were necessary and I had a few hard crashes so you start to doubt yourself a little bit but over the winter and last season everyone in the team believed in

    Me a lot and they they knew what I could do and yeah everyone at HQ they believed in me the coaches believed in me the trainers and all the Riders so it’s yeah super nice for me to win but it’s also super nice for them and I cannot thank

    Them enough for believing in me van uden opening his accounts ahead of funo vagan and malier with saon Von scold and dusan rovic rounding out the top five in the end no time lost for Yates or Lor man uden is the first man into the green jersey for DSM feric first NL he

    Leads kovan and Malia with saera and Wright fourth and fifth thanks to the seconds they nabbed at the bonus Sprints van uden is also the early leader of the points classification on 15 although he’ll be lending that red jersey to his nearest Challenger huno vagan tomorrow zubeldia took six points in the

    Most active rer competition which he leads from his Breakaway companion battles B uden is building quite a collection of jerseys he also takes white as the best young Rider there’s another flat stage to come on Wednesday although it does have a bit of a sting in the tail and could suit

    The punchier sprinters do join us for that again tomorrow and thanks for watching


    1. Sensacional chegada💪🏽🚴‍♂️🥇
      O pilantra que ficou em segundo lugar, não merece ganhar, já devia estar afastado do ciclismo, desde que, quase matou Fábio Jakobsen🤬 no tour da Polônia 👎🏻

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