    Another football story: Football e-sports and its updates on the sporting phenomenon

    Bruno Medeiros Roldao de Araujo, Ph. D.
    Federal University of Campina Grande – UFCG, Brazil

    International Seminar (Visio Conference) Part 2:
    From traditional sports to Virtual Sports: Is Virtual Universal? Is E-Sport a Sport?

    International Committee of Pierre de Coubertin
    France National Olympic Committee of Sport

    10 October 2023

    Okay okay so thank you buo to be to be here Bruno is one of our colleagues uh from Brazil who who who is interested about the activity of FR Society of sports philosophy so thank you to be present and uh uh I give you the the

    Voice to transmit us what you want share with with us thank you buo thank you J uh good afternoon uh to everyone uh I would like to thank ESP the professor J for this invitation it’s for me speak in this week International committee and the French committee uh the prop the proposed title

    For today is another football history football Esports and it updates on the sport is f I am a professor Federal University of nor Brazil I start with this images Rocky art of human hands in the iseland ofz indon for 44,000 years old to to walk in the anthropological importance of the use of

    Your hands the in of Theos finger for you intellectual and technological development making a parallel to the video games and man joysticks okay V sports are an important f with the general process of vitalization making interactions between what is current real and what is V go beyond two

    Barriers of time space in tens the sensations in a different sporting experience this experience are configured in a sport virtualization in which eorts are closed lik to the B of movement my stud I to class the V games uh of football in the game classification categories proposed by

    Kala this classification seeks to bring the points of approximation of the SoCal virtual games to the traditional practice of fly playing football demonstrate a perspective that old laser practice are not being replaced simple reconfiguring into the new forms of experience provided by digital technolog the video games have been

    Formed contemporary Sports SK especially active video games AVG with Target with other influences for information and communication Technologies promoted the information of what has been called the Cyber culture uh cyber cultur by LS is the soci form that emerges from thetic Rel between soci C from the new mro electronic based

    Technologies that Mees if the convergence of telecommunications with information technology with the emergency of the new reality that is not necessarily the replacement of practice but the config configuration that’s practice video games present the has a growing Alterna with the scope of activities in the lasery comp for example PRS young

    Peoples get read in food plane fields for a football play in Brazil they naked player currently they meet online to play a vtu game of FIFA sock proevolution sock G name the E football and the EA Sports FC the most popular football games video games in addition to so

    TR Video Games there are CHS that involveed Bing mement ex games and activity games breaking the old parad of design and V immobility in the practice promoting a radicalism in the spe spectacular stru of virtual Sport and television spectacles the process of his viralization is an inable phenomenon and

    Out it subject to Mis interpretation it can be benef beneficial and should be usually deducted has the ball rolling on the ground in the real life is not align the boy with the joysticks how dreams on the ball that you kick with you to you fit the Tes on younger people hands

    Inspired the definition of the ti of the book by Michelle s s with analysis the digital reol Revolution that has been out the PED pedagogical relationship the most that the construction of Technology itself has transformed with the speed and the amount of information arising from internet access as the

    CH what they may want use it in the jotic of video games the importance of theal appropriation by physical education professional is in thanks to recent sport visualization t video games that involve the movement of players and virtual reality devices that is a transformation of the entire

    Body into a jotic for action in the video games make it possible to expans the vision of your integrat into the cyber space cyber space with cantion field it’s causes consequen in Virtual events in this sense Sports and video games are not just virtual simulation but something of moving woman mot and Sample

    What though not remove human beinging from The Human Condition in fact promoves a high stage of use Humanity cost Humanity we does not abandon the body but only in chances it in the need to expression some very very strong or new ination in relation to prenal social

    Conventions the man turn to games as a way to of expressing themselves without fear and is a free way in other words play appears to be a form of creation expression the reconfiguration of social rules themselves the games s way to release tension to fulfill fulfill intimity

    Desires or even to minimize the desire for desires that will be handful to the social World in playing May SE a broad meaning for his aspiration he his challenges plays or we almost never do in her life in a SE for happiness the feeling of true Freedom science in this environment

    Environment he can start over you can make mistakes and still not be re ruined forever in the game make can test confront the rules of life in soci figur fig position the risk of inab Two aors Become fundamental to the understand of games as element of C

    Namely ying and kalwa okay then F Al is newom originally published in 19 38 works with the idea that the games as original reality corresponds to one the most primitive and deeply Roots notion in the ra reality human from with C is born in the form of ritual and Sac language and

    Poet for re the game Rems in all types of actart of expression and compion including in the Arts of thinking and speak in the judicial cour proection and defense as well as in a com war in general for example the game under its notion according to this reia there all the

    Then K itself it part of the action of animals it is from the game that is born in the book many Play and games by kalwa he states that un like using uh who all have stud only the playful insir we present stud on games under the possible categorization when evaluation the games

    Kwa included his in his analysis all as types of games without to the SoCal games of change with in the view are most human of all since animal players as is States but they not play games of change but look a character that won belongs to humans

    It is a statement Kal proposes for classification categories for games which were by the characters of P and L this classification encompasses the entire of the game as a soci cultural element inent to the human soul soul that say the aspects mentioned above cor cor corroborated the construction of a vision about

    Traditional play involving Street games ball games board games among the others as will be SE be seen later interpretation in the light of video games this line of J that the consideration of this T and Guided by that is through the they believe that real and V

    Game mixes and in fact canes the same mean it away conversion football video games in the light of kalwa there are still the most role of video games in the formation of cyber a new C arising from the new information Technologies which generates AO soci increasingly interconnected by networks

    In the sense it’s observed that football at as the most popular sport in the world is consequently the sport that most under go this process of ritualization where the med spectation or V games to better illustrate the F virtualization of video games in virtual games occurred in

    19 79 years when the game attach soer was launched in the United States by AR breaking all sales breaking all sales records on inauguration on the most suful franchise in the gaming Market that your football Sports Action the best know and most played football video games today I chose off

    The E football and EA Sports FC consider the most play sports games in the bring talk children young people and adults around the uh play PlayStation 5 Xbox Ser x Xbox Ser X and PC in ch games we have national team and the main clubs in the world we play V in aable

    Way the ways of comp competion can be against the M against the computers artificial intelligence with play on your side or across the oan vi Way by based on the categories listed by Kal a significant grouping can be made R electronic games or video games in football games such FIFA EA Sports

    Social actors players when connected to the game they demonst that demon that they are at the same time AR MIM in the dispute between the competence abble to use the joystick to accomplish what you want in the game of two peoples we have the represent of a

    Mimicry in the fiction created Dred the interpretation of V stars in games under the Transfiguration of the game where recognizing the themselves as the characteristics or including CH service that the play addition op you can create a character like him with a name then they have naration

    Present in the game in which they play places itself has a social actors in The Action representing for for example players like NE Messi or Christian Ronald Enix is present among yours when the play manages to score a go go into Easy Al Al it house present in the field

    Comments DRS under the truthful will get the F or second joystick or every when decided who will play in the first game in a championship between friends as in all games p and lud are present it is of highlighting that P is closed to El when they play experience

    Strong emotional sensation up a the ultimate goal scoring the goal a great moment of exas in the real and virtual football ludus in turn is closer to the other categories mainly a and as there is an order under rules to be followed so that there is no

    Corruption the game it should be noted that vitalization is not limited to suful spots but rate Encompass all of contemporary Society it is a dyamic d Dynamic process that takes up more and more spaces in people’s life including the organization of cities relationships networking conference of information without people often realizing

    This really is Sports it is Nory that they are playing in leagues and tournaments similar to traditional Sports in this process of virtualization of video games in institutionalization and and standardization of real occur with the organization of championships and federations ranking sponsorship the of cber or Pro players the professional video games

    Players consquently leading to the professionalization of the practice and the players un process similar to the transition for game to sport which occurred notably in the 19 and the early 20 centuries in Europe among his Sports the for example the Fe personal Shooters uh such says go and multiplay online

    Mile the most important play sport in the world is the mobile League of Legends law according to per brail La as launched in 2009 by real games currently was approximately H 70 Millions monthly players has been present since 2011 in the main Esports championships championships in the world

    Promote it it our tournament to TCH as the League of Legends championship series and the League of Legends World Championship among the main championships that made the history of Esports the following is St out the electronic Esports World Cup under the world cyber games wcg the lady banging then considered the

    Most important Global electronic games tournament or video games tournament organized by the company South Korean technology compan the Korean sport Association Casper a public organiz ation created with approval of the ministry of sports C and tourism of South Korea in the F Edition took place in

    2000 the city of SE it’s broke tget cyber athlets for 78 countries the F professional sport leag league as the Cyber athletic professional League founded in 19 97 by Angel MOS bringing to around 300 cyber athlets in the F comp competition currently the last edition of The Evolution Championship Series in

    2016 bro tets more than 10,000 cyber athlets or props from the 73 countries in Las Vegas in States of America financial transations present that from 2014 indication a total price two of uh 23 millions of dollars in the esport Championships of that year and games like L exed billion dollar a in Ann

    Sales in in to bra brail Brazilian scenario we can highlight the final of the LA Brazilian circuit we took place at the mar gynasium Jan in wish approximately 6,000 people were present under the Emer of os Su cyber Pro players for example Philip LW player Brazil and Gabrielle

    Andal to a player of Cs go CS go player despite despite buying different football plays and games there is a great media connection between then for example Brazilian football player neyar Jun it’s a declarate f of the Cs Go including his hent meeting with prop Gabriel toed had y Mee C that was categorically the most on MCH 23 2017 when the player neyar Jun celebrate his goal of the Brazilian football team with an tribute to the Cs go player in the game value for this South America qualif for the World Cup in 2018 in which the Brazilian team beat

    The urai team 4 by one at the Centenary stadium in Mont Videl dear junor celebrated his goal the match in the match with a throwing moving and covering their eyes with the arms in Al allusion of the flashbang a light Granite from the game CS go cing a

    Cing a lot of comments from fans of the video games and social networks not on the social networks T now X including sharing B Gabriel and fall have a time there are uh comparative table uh between modern sport and cyber sport but uh I I think that yeah talking about it but for

    Example factors more than sport Sports video games for example Factory game location modern sports gymnasiums stadiums tracks cours Etc Sports video games hous home internet based on the relationship and similar ising the table following the ideas of the aform M of outs you can Fe the video

    Games can can I show become content in allas of Education include physical education size of sports its inclusion is Extreme important since as prev mentioned it is a new way of sports manif manifestation where we have cyber Sports in our cyber generation that is being formed with is new spaces cyber spaces

    From with new and Inter prce and instruments IM final considerations DS us of sports it’s a un unable phenomen and out it is subject to Mis interpretation it can be beneficial and show by using as the B rolling on the ground how life is not eliminated in The worlders

    The worlders you that g cultural education element it’s a quti of physical education why then the importance of magnetism and the multiple possibilities that video games bring they are closely linked to the children’s C and pro to be a representative element of the new culture that is open in a cyber space

    After all it is Dr the experience of the virtual environment that the cyber cyber generation gets to know a range of sporting games out they have never played any of in the real field having said that this is sports ritualization that is outlining in cyber cure presents itself uh as a im

    Innovative field of reflection and the action for Sci SP Sport SES and cons for the international Olympic movement was you read about today biograph thank you for ATT thank you Mr J my emails thank you buo for your intervention so if someone have some comments to to develop about uh Bruno presentation so

    Jim hi Bruno uh I want to ask uh uh a question about a matter of fact often I hear it said that video games will bring people into sport is there any evidence for that or is that just a hope so yeah yeah you can take the

    Floor yes uh I don’t think understand very well they finish I don’t think I’m sorry so sorry I’m sorry I didn’t hear you very well so I don’t know what you said she I think I think he did not hear okay okay okay let me try again

    Bruno uh often I hear people say what video games will bring people like like video games of sport will bring people into sport right my qu my question is do you have any evidence that that happens or is it just a hope yes uh I make hisor in Brazil for 15 years about

    The transation of uh for example scholar Sports for the real life the youngest H in this process of V video games for example football video games or tennis video games uh there are SP don’t popular in Brazil but most students learning about tennis C tennis playing the video games uh I have

    Published three articles I can in TR to you of there all colleagues but I think that the esport the most important for me I think that the e Sports there are sports but the effect for the eorts don’t have a olypic sports there are another discussion but it’s clear to

    Me that orts there are orts it’s a process to the games uh Evolution for the sport the sport Evolution for esport esport evolution for all the games all the sports it’s cycle I think that okay did can I can I come back is that okay so I thought I think you’re

    Saying that there is no evidence that children participate more in sport because they use Esports in my students I have in my students my in my studies in my P testes I have evidence but it’s a uh qualitative field of of resch okay so the okay so there’s there’s no quantitative

    Evidence that permission of generation no okay yeah I think that’s important because people keep saying oh let them play video games and they will come to sport well let’s see it let’s see how many do come to sport I see nobody tell you the truth Sports participation is going down

    And video gaming is going up thank you Danielle if you want oh okay good morning and uh thank you very much Bruno for your presentation I would like to ask what are you thinking about the position of of the referee in the virtual Sports in in in in the

    Esports there there no no take part of the moment of the competition because they every stances of the game are put in the flow of the program but there’s not the Bri okay what do you think about it hello Mr my colle Argentine yes uh the there I stop transmission of you finish

    Walking uh can you repeat please connect soad yes what do you think about the position of the referee during the competition not not the the physical position but during the competition it has a a a very poor activity because they maybe in the international competition of orts they

    Only looking for the PES you know the the the the time keeping and no more because the the the the same game declares who who is the winner and who is the loser which is the the Reon for the future actions of referees in Esports oh my God a great

    Question I think that the Esports actually it’s as being uh I think that the tomorrow is sport of the future of sports uh I think that PR is different uh I think that’s necessary uh democratization of asset of instruments consoles to the practices in the US SP

    The first time uh there are Al true the skill the handle human skill to playing the ter game I don’t know I think this e Sports clear and futter and there are have inclusing in the Olympic MO movement defield but now I think that the the active video games Sports

    Adaptation of movement corporate movement for a experimental uh championships around the world involving the Olympic international IND the owners but uh I can speak today that have similar the conception the of game Esports is a game this game is similar to all games for example yeah speak this here

    The cheese don’t have spot for me the cheese is a sport the che line is a sport uh but it’s my position it’s my position maybe I have a dream but I think it’s possible in F it’s possible I’m so

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