CHICAGO DUDE REACTS TO The ‘Psychopath’ Gang That Would Shoot For Fun | Gangs Of Britain: Manchester

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    Way the psychopath gang that would blow for fun gangs of Britain Manchester absolute crime Manchester man y’all just don’t stop do y’all Victorian Manchester a knife attack leaves a teenage gang member fatally wounded on a Manchester Street a victim of a gang Feud and a turning point in the war on

    Gangs in another part of the city a man is shot dead attending the wake of his friend the victim of another the gang murder a driveby shooting in broad daylight which brought about the downfall of one of Britain’s most dangerous gangs these two Gangland murders shocked the whole country but

    Although they took place in the same city they took place over 100 years apart we’re going to be looking at Gangland Britain where we’ll see that gang culture has been with us far longer than you might think we’re going to investigate some of Britain’s gangs and

    Discover how you join them what they uh now farther than I think every nothing is original anymore everything is just a repeat so when you see these new gangs they’re just repeating other gangs older gangs just trying to do it better stood for and how they fell in this program

    We’re exploring Manchester’s gangs to see what they were and what they’ve Become for over a 100 years Manchester has had a deep rooted gang culture we’re going to be comparing two Manchester gangs whose crimes so shocked both the public and the authorities they each brought about radical changes in the fight against organized crime I’m going to be looking at the GU gang who

    Were active in telon a few years ago they tortured and killed without a second thought and we’re responsible for around two dozen cold blooded murders I’m going to be investigating the scuttlers a name that sent fear through the streets of Manchester over years ago one murder in particular caused such outrage that the Home Secretary demanded the mayor of and keep in mind YouTube we are not here to glorify sensationalize or or or bring to the

    Forefront anything we are here for educational purposes we are here to learn what’s going on in the streets around the world and in history of the streets of Manchester put an end to gang violence in the city and just to show you what they look like here are a couple of scuttlers from

    Victorian Manchester with their scarves and their almost gel down hair like the Perry boys from the 1980s they look so young just babyfaced teenagers we talk about te teenage gangs with knives today it’s obviously nothing New Victorian Manchester looks like a labyrinth on the map so I want to get out there and take a look around to get a better idea of what went on back then I’m going to tell you this is why I like Manchester this this like these buildings and how it looks because it’s

    Like on the docks it’s like like it’s like there was a lot of Dock Workers just like in Chicago and West Loop this how West Loop looks like yeah and like the manufacturing part and things of that nature by the water is exactly how it before there were hoodies and scalles

    There were the scuttlers the first youth cult I’m about to meet a man who I hope can tell me a a bit about them Andrew Davis is a historian and author who has researched the G gangs of Manchester so Andrew tell me about the scuttlers what what were the scuttlers

    Scuttlers were were gang members they were they were young Lads workingclass Lads aged in their teens more or less from the age of leaving school up to sort of 20 21 and Scotland was a very a very specific term it it meant you were a gang member it meant you had a certain

    Look it’s a slang term with its Origins on the streets so what would they do were they were they be stealing or were they were R running gambling or Scotland gangs really are territorial gangs they’re neighborhood or or street gangs and really they fighting gangs criminal gangs they’re usually named after the

    Street maybe the the thorough Fair um where they would gather on the corner so it would be an area based name so you might have a gang from Hope Street suf oh this is really the model right here this is everything is modeled after now the most famous gangs had more

    Exotic names there was a gang from anot from from Bengal Street who went under the name the Bengal tigers so they’re looking to invest a little bit of Glamour something exotic in their activities is that all it was really about respect and um and power it’s very

    Much about pride in your area and it’s about pride in yourself and your friends as well so a lot of this is about keeping young people from other districts outside what you define as your patch but what kind of people were they were they there no different than now they don’t seem to

    Poor t to be well a lot of the bases have now of course there’s like dirty money involved now but like that this is the basis but they’re in pretty H drum work there’s there’s not a lot of educational prospects for them there’s no great employment Prospect but to be a scuttler

    To be a Bengal tiger that’s to be somebody scuttlers became the first youth cult they had a distinctive look short hair but with a long Fringe worn in a parting and plastered down with soap on the forehead over the left Eye the dress signaled to everyone that a scuttler was no ordinary workingclass lad but a street fighter it was one thing to look Dandy and impressive but some of their dress had other more vicious functions for example these clogs heavy pointed with brass toe caps good for clogs don’t people dance in

    Those I know they they didn’t weaponize the clog closeup combat their belts were another part of their Armory they would have a heavy Brass Buckle which they’ sharpen along the edge so it became like a blade they’ also bang nails or bolts through the end to add more weight when swung it was

    Said that a hit from one of these could split a man’s skull oh obiously tell me about scuttlers going into other scuttlers territory and what how dangerous that was well if one band of scuttlers cross the boundary into another gang’s districts that’s an outright Challenge and really the the

    The local Lads are obliged to respond and if they don’t they lose a lot of face and was the fighting just random just people just getting angry and attacking people or was this there was an order to the way they fought I think it’s very very targed one of the things

    That um you realize about about Scots is they all know each other the gangs would actually choke the threat or or the invitation to fight that they chalk the the challenge either on a wall or maybe on the pavement so there will be a day and a time Saturday 3:00 ad Delphia

    Against Greengate so it really is battling By Appointment they’re very often carrying and they’re using knives as well but it’s very very rare that anybody gets killed so generally what they’re looking to do is to maim or to scar why didn’t they kill each other as

    They as gangs do nowadays I think maybe it’s sense that they don’t want the stakes to be to be too high these are a young lads who are fighting for the thrill of it and and to kind of burnish their their reputations they still want to go home to their moms exactly it

    Really wasn’t part of their code to be looking to Kill as it shouldn’t be man nobody should take life except natural causes or when the man above calls you I’m G to say I can’t skip hey first and foremost I want to let y’all know I went and I was about to um I was about to get YouTube Prime but

    $20 a month no I’m not doing that I couldn’t even bring myself to do that it’s too much a month $20 imagine back then well maybe actually because my daughter is potty trained now so that’s that’s that’s that’s $50 saved per month so I could but like the initial

    Thought of $20 a month was crazy and as a lad growing up around here you’re in your early teens you had a job not a particularly interesting job a boring one in a factory at least you had money in your pocket whereas today you’d go

    Home and play a war game on a computer back then you went out on the streets and did the real thing you strutted your stuff I’m off to see what scuttlers I can find in the archives what we’ve got here Gary is pictures of the time of the scuttlers

    That you’re referring to so this is a book that would have been kept by one of the local detec one the officers which out of our archive collection is one of the officers personal books I think and this is how we identified his thieves and vagabonds of the time this is wonderful isn’t

    It I mean look at these boys they’re so young aren’t they and I well they’ve got this particular scuttlers look haven’t they with the with the silk patterned scarves and the soak down fringes hair gel of the day but I mean what I can see

    I mean this boy here is 18 but he looks so young mhm I mean they were I mean they went down to about 14 didn’t they you could go to work at 14 at that age you left school at 12 you left school at

    12 I mean it sells a sad St this is probably at 12 could like I know the times was different back then but like imagine leaving school at 12: now and really still not being able to work until you however age you like you’re going to there’s nothing left to

    Do but be bored and cause trouble that’s the that’s really the outline of it all like imagine letting a 12-year-old Ram free in the world and figure it out earliest photographs of of of a you say 5 foot five they was a little Bunch wasn’t they British youth cult that predates

    Everything like the teds and the Rockers and well before the teddy boys that’s that’s just about my area you can see their fascination with clothes and look was very important the look it was a uniform they are in uniform in effect all the men dressed more or less the

    Same with the same sort of hairstyle easily identifiable to themselves and to the other gangs that’s wonderful but also very sad very sad that’s the scuttlers there was the Bengal tigers 400 yards up the road you had to live you got to think about it when you go to work you you’re

    Uniformed when you’re on a team you’re uniformed when you’re a part of anything you’re really uniformed you got to be able to stand out from other people that are not doing what you’re doing in Bengal Street in and Coach to be a member of the Bengal tigers and

    They just wonder what gang these guys were in well these are the scuttlers from Green Gate I think Green Gate oh this is the Green Gate scuts of course oh and this is William Brooks who apparently was an amazing fighter famous I mean he he was 5 foot four is that five or

    Six he was 5′ 4 in tall and he was an amazing Hey listen it ain’t the size man that’s the pack behind that’s the power behind it looks like it looks like he’s taking a few blows as well yeah not a sort of kid you’d like to come up against he’s a bit

    Older than the others 20 and so small 5′ 6 5’4 5′ five that’s what I’m saying for the SAS today good Street Fighters inside the Manchester Police Museum photographs of some of the city’s scuttlers have been preserved this is like a National Portrait Gallery of Rogues and villains

    And probably innocent people as well of sadness in their eyes and some of them have bravado fear but I think most of all there’s a there’s a story of a life behind every one of these pictures that maybe we forget and it’s very evocative it’s very moving actually

    Most always like True Crime man the way they be laying out the documentaries man when they give you a bunch tell they give you the past they give you what’s going on now or more recently and they give you detail and they give you like reconstructions with pictures and

    Anything it’s like a children’s book with colors and popups and everything just by reading some of the Articles from the time that the gangs were seen as an unknown tribe almost A different race of people this is from the Kier newspaper of 1892 each member of a gang is as well

    Known to an enemy by a common name as are the red Indians known by their tribe apparently there are no two gangs Allied and each are ready to declare war against another the grievance of one member being a sufficient justification for a battle on the same

    Wild West theme written just a couple of years ago by judge Mr Justice Brian langsta he says Manchester is not the wild west but many of you treated the streets as if it were it appears not that much has changed in the last 100 Years I’m going to be looking at the G gang they were one of the biggest and most dangerous in South Manchester I’m off the hookup with a man to take me on a tour of the gang territories okay we’ve pulled up here we’re meant to be meeting a man called

    Ben black he’s changed his name for obvious reasons he’s going to to tell me all about [Applause] It firstly mate thank you very much for talking to me I know this is difficult for you but um I wondered if you could just give me a brief overview of gang culture in Manchester gang culture in Manchester started in about the 1980s the modern gang culture as we know it in

    Terms of gangs of drug dealers um armed with guns 1980s you could trace that back to the 1980s in the inner city areas at the time high unemployment lots of young black men who found it very hard to get jobs and were basically socially excluded it’s always

    A political climate it’s human nature to find a way to get to survive like that that’s it’s its nature in itself it’s an animalistic nature to do what you need to do to survive period and you know what I’m saying a lot of this stuff is bred out of a necessity to to

    Survive you know what I’m saying ain’t no money can’t get no jobs we immigrants we coming in we can’t find nothing hey we got to get it somehow I’m pretty sure that was what they going through they mind let’s click up together and feed our people political climate that brings

    Kangs around definitely I mean there was the riots in the early 80s um which was kind of a reaction against the politics of the time and the unemployment of the time when crack cocaine started to over yeah that became a source of income for them drugs for me

    Changed everything with gangs because it was drugs that kind of turned those small gangs into big firms it was where the money was and that’s where where the gang Chang blur it out definitely can they became grown grown-ups they became grown-ups they became more and more ruthless the drugs trade was so

    Lucrative that they were able to arm themselves so where would uh the G gang that we’re looking at where where where did they start the the original gang have been called the Pepper Hill Gang that was the name of a pub right on the Alexandra Parker state which is kind of

    Heart of gang called not going to lie Pepper Hill is way better named than gu just saying in the 80s where the gangs came out these Lads used to knock about gu close and they became known as the GU gang how did a gang like the Gucci make their money what were they’

    Have done they’ve made their money from crack Caine and heroin late 80s early ’90s Alexandra State got turned into the busiest drugs Market probably the busiest drugs Market in Europe open air drug dealing yeah um and the GU are very active in that the GU gang soon had competition

    Their Supremacy was Manchester kind of big look how all of this money to be made the GU gang soon had competition their Supremacy was challenged by other local outfits like the doddington gang and the long site crew and this is not even local look how far away this is

    This looks immensely far and this is so far away from this like like y’all don’t never have to CH like run into each other unless y’all want to unless y’all looking for beef they became bitter Rivals the dodington were what the Peppa Hill crew turned into so they were both after the

    Same prophets they were both after the same prophets so it became territorial after while tried to make it and that’s what I was trying to get at like territorial wise like it’s Manchester looks huge yeah it was territorial in the sense that you had the G are now

    Associated with the kind of the western half of Mosside and the Western half of that area the dodington are associated with the East I mean these are a scary Bunch aren’t they um it’s not this isn’t kids kind of fighting over street corners this is a proper game it’s

    Turned into that yeah certainly you know in the the early days they were very focused on making money from drugs but as time’s gone on it has turned into kids we’ve gone squading on Street corns right yeah yeah the GU gang formed a drug Network that brought in around

    2,000 a day they armed themselves with guns and wiped out rival gang members torturing them clearly says reconstruction on the bottom guys this not real murdering them everything L grownups one guy who so drugs for got into a round about some money so they took him out to the local Forest they

    Tied him to a tree held a gun to his head and said if you ever leave the gang you’re dead and then they beat him unconscious nice would have left the next day you know that’s the normal human this was the GU gang leader Colin Joyce known as the general and this is

    Lee Amos the other top man they’ve been described by one senior copper as Psychopaths who shoot for fun these guys were at war with the doddington gang and the longsight crew and in five years of not going to lie I thought that was D what you doing out here you supposed

    To be making a movie Fast and Furious to 13 or something shooting 250 people were wounded and 27 were killed these tip fortag killings culminated in two brutal shootings they would shock not only Manchester but the whole country becoming a landmark in gang violence and ultimately bringing

    About the downfall of the guc gang Our Story begins at 6:45 15th of June 2007 right here on the corner of Anton Road longside South Manchester a young man called UK chin was gunned down in a roadside Ambush I want to find out how this happened how an innocent man got caught up in a Gangland shooting so we’re here a young man called UK chin on the corner of anon 5 15th of June 2007 right here on the corner of anon Road alongside South Manchester a young man

    Called UK chin was gunned down in a road side Ambush I want to find out how this happened how an innocent man got caught up in a Gangland shooting so we’re here on Anton Road uh UK chin got shot here right I feel like the answer to that question is simpler than everybody be thinking all over the

    Time when you’re in these neighborhoods that are heavily gang populated they they they they Ops are sliding almost 24/7 you can almost count on it that somebody’s from another neighborhood is in your neighborhood looking for trouble any given time and because of a certain way how

    You look you don’t even got to be Associated obviously but if you look a certain way or if you got friends that are you’re guilty by association and if you from these neighborhoods and you you’re young you’re guilty by association so it’s like you damned if you do you damned if you don’t

    You just got to stay with your head on a swivel man if that’s the case for you be ready never wear flipflops outside always tie your shoes up make them tight so you can either you know what I’m saying fight or flight you know what I’m saying

    But yeah man be ready yeah he was um when you live in these neighborhoods you just got to be on your 10 toes you got to be aware he been driving about with some friends that day Colin Joyce one of the senior members of uh the GU gang was

    Driving up and down looking for along longside crew member or associate to go after somewhere along anen Road he spots UK chin the vehicle that he’s in draws parallel to the Renault that UK is driving and opens fire and UK’s killed the likelihood is he was after you

    Why because he thought he was part of longsight UK came up in an area where gang membership simply defined by who your friends are see what I’m saying it’s this is the same everywhere might have friends who are more involved than you are but you become associated with

    Their gang because they’re your friends they might be the friends that you went to primary school with they might be the friends that you grown up going be your lifelong friends and you could have both chosen separate paths but you are exactly who you you hang out

    With and not not not literally but like in these type of situations you are who you hang out with like it’s as simple as that Guilty By Association just like in a court of law if you if you in the car and you just riding along and something else on you

    There you’re guilty football with but at least America that’s enough to label you and if you happen to be driving these lines on a particular day and your face becomes associated with them then it’s a question of perception that was enough to get you killed unfortunately the horrors of gang Warfare leave families

    Destroyed police video not just the misery from the drugs they sell but families torn apart by shootings and killings can you tell me what what what happened on the day of UK’s murder the Day UK call murder I was in work as usual and when I was in work I get a

    Phone call but really wasn’t me get the phone call it was somebody else who I’m working with and they say to her you could get shot and I said what you could get shot and then they say die and I couldn’t believe that was a shock to me

    As I remember the day when he you know hea here and I S there we was talking and he said to me m I’m going out I’ll be back in the minut and that’s the last word he say to me and always remembered her the violence got worse knowing that

    There would be a funeral and awake for ucal chin the GU gang waited planned another attack for July 27th the Wake was to be held here a Chin’s family home in frobisher close Longside but the audacious Chicago style shooting they planned dang I was just about to say that’s very common in Chicago I’m not like I’m smiling but cuz it’s like I ironic that he said that I never even thought he was about to say that but dang y’all just going you know what I’m

    I see what y’all think about us well you’re not wrong there going to be the gang very common it will be so horrific it will Kickstart major offensive by the Manchester police to bring down the GU gang in 1892 the scers fighting was about to go to a new level that would

    Shock the nation here’s one thing I don’t think it could get no more shocking for the UK the tension centered around Peter Kennedy a young factory worker from the Lim street gang of scuttlers Kennedy had been persuaded to join the Lime Street scuttlers but his association with the gang came at a price

    Each day after work at the die Factory he would have to walk home through the slums that surrounded the Ashton and Rochdale canals the territory of the Bradford Street gang Kennedy had bravado and confidence he’d had confrontations with the Bradford Street gang before but this time one of them would single him

    Out in a violent attack which would change the rules of Street Fighting this is an old map of Manchester and I’m just trying to find where it would have been where the incident happened and I can see Mill Street here on the corner of great anot street but everything looks very

    Different on this old map I mean here it’s just backto back housing a real Warren by the look of it but you know this is what the Scuttle has fought over and you had to know which area was which otherwise you could get into trouble a

    Bit like LA today you don’t want to stray into the wrong area he just pulling up names out the Hat he ain’t wrong once again he’s on the money with both of them Chicago and La situations but on one Saturday in 1892 Peter Kennedy did just this it

    Would cost him his life so Andrew this is just off of Bengal Street and this was the most dangerous area in the whole of Manchester this was I guess you would say this was the heart of Gangland really in the 188 s 1890s tell me about our victim Peter Kennedy who was he

    Peter Kennedy’s in a difficult position because um he’s associated with one gang the Lim Street Boys um but he’s he’s working in an coats in the territory of the Bradford Street The Gangs have fallen out over over girls and this seems to be a really common occurrence

    When when gangs fall out it’s often one of the allegations that is made a young lad from the Bradford Street gang Billy Willen another 16-year-old and he seems to be nursing um a grudge against Peter Kennedy over a girl yeah William Willen had tussled with Peter Kennedy before

    They’d had words but neither side had landed a punch now William Willen decided that a fight would settle it at around midday Peter Kennedy finished his shift and taking some backup with him he set off for home straight off the job he was ready at 12:30 on the Saturday afternoon

    Willen was here waiting for Kennedy with a dozen of his men Kennedy came along the street from work with four of his compatriots plus one of the Bengal tigers that should have given him access home but when he got to this corner he was surrounded by The Bradford Street

    Gang Kennedy said what’s it to be then that was the Prelude to any Scuttle meaning what weapons how many men to fight how many men Willen held out an open clasp knife and said anything Alik immediately the Bradford Street gang attacked with their belts and Kennedy

    Ran back up the street chased by Willen and Willow stabbed him in the side with his Knife up until now the scuttlers had followed a code with their fights they had always been organized and scheduled they would chalk up on a wall when the next fight was due and agree the sides and even the weapons but not this this was all this is when on site was created

    This time this was an unexpected and fatal attack talking about rules and codes 100 years on there aren’t any rules now violence can erupt even in broad daylight on an ordinary Street like Anon Road 23-year-old father yuk chin was shot dead by the GU gang’s leader Colin Joyce and his number two

    Leamos UK’s car was peppered with n mm bullets Uka was killed because Amos and Joyce believed he was a member of a rival gang the longsight crew after rukal Chin’s funeral a wake was held at his family home in longside it was there on the 27th of July 2007

    The GU gang decided to strike again they knew that there would be a number of long site gang members at the Wake we’re at frisher close just talk me through what happened here about 6 weeks after ukel chin was killed his friends and family came together uh for a funeral

    Afterwards there was a wake at his mother’s address probably about 80 or 90 people were Milling about the house uh many of them women and children three cars haired down markfield Avenue to the junction with f a close and open fire on people at the scene Tyrone Gilbert was

    Hit by a bullet from a handgun and ran a short distance to an Alleyway before slumping to his death it’s likely that tyru was actually the person who they were after that night even though they opened fire indiscriminately why were they looking for it the Amos his brother Steven gets killed they probably

    Suspected that Tyrone had been there they just had a score to settle so yeah Revenge having buried her son and returned home to hold the Wake yukin’s mother Vivan now witnessed another horror I mean you had something really terrible happen right UK’s wake it was the wake after

    The funeral been to the hall came to the house was in here cooking I heard like people dashing in and I was saying oh what’s going on what’s going on and I said everyone upstairs I said no you can’t go upstairs and they say they’re shooting they’re shooting outside my

    Daughter and my small son was out there and and the guy come out and in the car P the gun outu like whatever ever name me call and start F the shot and you know people came to the house just to still play their respect I was there

    Like eating and like playing music and things like that and they just came and shoot up the Street like I get what they saying they trying to label him as a rip once again I could be wrong I’m just I’m just taking in information and processing it how it go in the streets like because they trying to label bro as innocent but

    They spun his house at his wake he was he he that that’s that now I get that he got friends that are involved but if he’s he ain’t that innocent I’m sorry in my personal mind he is not that innocent if you if they spend your house where

    Your mom is and your brothers is at for at your weight that they’ve already done what they done to you you did something that’s real anger there was genuine fear and outrage at the shooting but the gunman made a bad mistake they came here to Firethorn Avenue to pick up

    The getaway cars what they didn’t realiz CV is they left a piece of evidence on here that would Pro vital in the case against them and give the police a much needed lead to bring them to Justice in 1892 a 16-year-old boy called Peter Kennedy is knifed without warning and left lying in a Manchester Street while Kennedy lay fatally wounded on the road his attacker William Willen flees Willen soon meets up with a mate of his called Jimmy Hans Willen then gives him his wage packet on condition

    That H stashes the murder weapon for him he gives him only one instru instruction if you get coped don’t tell them me but things wouldn’t work out quite as Willen had hoped drivers what do he do back doorm what happens the next day Billy Willen who’s a very young lad he’s got

    No criminal record he’s probably not taken part in many of these fight he’s broken the rules hasn’t he that’s it he’s he’s broken the code so there’s a real danger now that a 16-year-old boy is going to die this is going to bring a lot of police attention right down on on

    The gangs the Bradford Street scotlet will be getting very nervous um about this and they clearly decide amongst themselves that that Billy Will’s gone too far instead of keeping quiet the following day at 300 p.m. Jimmy Hans walked into Canal Street police station in ancoats and handed in a clasp knife oh

    Wow not only did he that’s not back door he’s just straight snitching he told the desk sergeant that the weapon had been used by William Willen to stab Peter Kennedy what happens morals though back then morals were still a thing I guess now there’s no morals in this to will does he get

    Arrested straight away and he’s arrested on on the Monday morning and Peter Kennedy rallies for for a few days but then his his condition deteriorates he he he dies a couple of weeks after the inent on great an coat Street and of course what that then means is that

    Billy will and two of his friends are on trial for murder the incident awakened everyone to the dangers of gang fighting even the gangs themselves thought that a line had been crossed and that Willen had gone too far in the scuttler pubs across the neighborhood the Willen and Kennedy incident became a Hot

    Topic so this place would have been full of Gossip of the incident yeah it would this was a Scot’s drinking den really this is one of the headquarters of the the Bengal tigers and in the little neighborhood pubs like this right through Manchester and sford um the fight between the Bradford Street Scots

    And the Lime Street Boys would have been the topic of conversation so what happened I think the evidence against Billy willan was just too strong and what was really unusual in this case members of his own gang had actually testified towards his prosecution this was a really rare thing you’d hardly

    Ever find um a Scot willing to give evidence against a rival never mind against one of his friends and I think what that really tells us is that the scuttlers themselves felt that that something had gone wrong here that that Billy willan had gone too far that he

    He’d done something that even as scuttler shouldn’t have Don the case against Willen hinged on the testimony of his own gang along with two others he was accused of murder so these three guys were facing the death sentence at the age of 16 what was the QC for the prosecution asking for he

    He’s trying to persuade the jury to convict for murder he wants the most severe penalty of of the law now this trial was very emotional wasn’t it it was Billy Willen in particular was absolutely terrified we’ve got to remember that that Billy Will’s very young he’s not been in trouble with the

    Police before he’s never been in in court this is back back way back back when jail was really jail probably too prior to this incident and now now he stood there literally trembling with his life at stake there were a lot of Tears there were I think he was um on the

    Verge of of breaking down and when the jury returned their verdict their verdict was that William Willam was guilty of murder and he he panicked he began pleading with the judge and he was actually held down by two police officers while the judge daed the black cap to pass the death sentence

    His girlfriend thought that that was the lot for for Willing didn’t she she did and a week after he’d been condemned at the assises his sweetheart Hannah Robin was in court herself with three of her her girlfriends they had been arrested for scuttling with belts probably this

    Is yet another of the tit Fort incidents between the the two gangs but Hannah caused quite a stirring court because she’s in the dock and the police are giving an account of her arrest um a police inspector demands that she pull up the sleeve of her blouse to show the

    Court she’s obliged to do that and when she pulls the the sleeve up it it shows a tattoo in loving remembrance of William Willen wow that’s love oh she spun a block for her bef South Manchester 2000 that’s crazy because if you look

    Nowadays if a girl if if her if if if a girl meets a guy and he’s in Street violence and he either goes to jail or passes away normally she’s involved with the Ops the next month and when I say involved I mean involved 7 with tyone Gilbert left spred

    On the ground and others lying injured world man yuk Chin’s funeral wake had been turned into a Gangland Target the GU gang Got Away in three vehicles one of them was found abandoned a couple of miles away as the men made their escape a balac clava became snagged on some barb wire in Firethorn Avenue was left behind along with a pair of gloves that Bal clava provided a DNA match that

    Linked one of the gang Aaron Campbell into the shooting and from then on police knew that the goose gang were involved in this murder this was now an opportunity for the police to try and bring down man ch’s most dangerous gang a massive investigation got underway but ensuring their convictions would be a

    Protracted and complex challenge convictions were only possible with Witnesses and Witnesses and gang trials are very hard to come by it was probably the biggest the most expensive investigation of its kind and prosecution of his kind ever mounted in Manchester once they arrested a couple

    Of them did uh did they find that more witnesses came forward there was a lady who had her home had been turned into a kind of gu gang safe house and what she tended to find was that wherever she moved gang members would sort of follow reconstru so the GU gang members

    Basically would this is not real use it to um store guns use it to chop up drugs and reconstruction keep her sweet and keep her and her brother sweet um with class A drugs she realized that enough was enough um and as police started picking people up they were among some

    Of the kind of guc gang Associates who came forward and started providing bits of information that link the GU gangs in with heavy gun crime and drug dealing former members of the gang were able to come forward and talk about things that they been asked to buy in preparation for an

    Attack 50,000 pages of evidence was scrutinized by prosecution lawyers including 880,000 mobile phone calls and texts but the hardest part was going down if they got 50,000 pages of evidence and 80,000 calls it’s over with persuading witnesses to talk the police gave them the protection they needed

    Some were even relocated with new IDE identities the most vulnerable ones were those closest to the gang some had to confess that their own criminality some of them were engaged gang activity like drug dealing and possession of firearms many witnesses were stuck in a cycle of crime by helping the

    Gang one witness talked about the gang coming into their house to package up drugs while passing around handguns another told how they’d been asked to store a getaway car in their game destroyed a log book in the days leading up to Tyron Gilbert’s murder one of the defendants n Williams managed to get

    Hold of a mobile phone in his prison cell and ring one of the witnesses to try and put pressure on him but Witnesses did come forward and the case went to trial here in Liverpool it was one of the longest and largest in the history of Greater Manchester police

    In the courtroom two leaders of the G gang Joyce and Amos shouted and H World abuse at the witnesses and the court the families of UK and Tyrone had travel down every single day to see what happened the people in the dock Colin Joyce Le Amos and their cohorts knew

    That they were looking at 30 years or more if they were convicted and obviously Tyrone’s family and UK’s family were anxious for justice so there was a massive sense of anticipation when the when the jewry came back with their verdicts the police had gone to extraordinary length to persuade the

    Witnesses to come forward and give evidence now it will be down to the judge and jury to determine the fate of Manchester most notorious gang we’re looking at two Manchester gangs separated by over a 100 years the big difference in our two stories comes about during the trial 100 years ago the

    Law was harsher Willen just 16 years old was sentenced to death but then there was an extraordinary turn of events while Willen was in prison a petition was signed by thousands of people that that’s not a thing anymore the The Da the deat penalty in

    The UK is that that’s not a thing no more begging for his reprieve what happened to Will there was a huge campaign in Manchester for Billy willan to to be reprieved it’s actually very rare by the late 19th century for an offender as young as 16 to to hang so there was

    Probably some expectation that that Will’s life would be spared but no one could take this for granted and his family especially his mother worked very very hard to try and rally public support thousands of people signed um a petition this they’re really trying to persuade the Home Secretary to come down

    On the side of a reprieve he was reprieved in the end he was reprieved by order of the of the Home Secretary and his sentence was commuted from death by hanging to penal servitude for life at the last minute Will’s death sentence was changed to just 8 years

    Imprisonment it was a compassionate end to the story wait when he went from the the the D penalty to 8 years but the Home Secretary demanded that the mayor of Manchester put an end to scuttling so what did they do I think that the Billy willing case was a wakeup

    Call to Manchester really there were a lot of people in Manchester who were so angry with what he had done that that they they wanted him to go to The Gallows but there was a counterargument as well and newspapers like the Manchester Guardian really were pressing

    Very hard now to say that this is not just the responsibility of of one young lad this is the responsibility of the city to think about why are Lads doing this why isn’t the city providing better things for them to do and they did the answer that Manchester came up with was

    The working Lads Club movement these were founded um by middle class in some cases Evangelical social reformers who actually decided the time has come now to to put on new facilities for Lads in districts like hand coats to give them an alternative to hanging around the

    Streets and did the lads find that more attractive than scuttling I I I think scuttling sounds pretty attractive in many ways but the young Lads I’m telling you man gang gang life gang culture is a fashion statement it’s it’s always looked at it’s cool until you in there and you really

    See what it is for but like it’s always going to be more appealing than doing other things that’s why you got to just you know good parenting you know what I’m saying watch out what your kids are into should really go for the clubs in a big way and

    I think what that does is it begins to divert recruits away from The Gangs into the clubs and over a 10 years or so the gangs begin to to wither away so even by the time that Billy willing comes back toan coats in 1900 people are starting

    To talk about scuttling as a thing of the past my favorite is this a child reality TV by 1900 the scuttling gangs had all but vanished the worst slums were raised and the poor rehoused new activities appeared like the cinema alongside sports clubs where you could try your

    Hand at a bit of boxing or football one of these schemes resulted in the formation of St Mark football club now known as Manchester City FC oh wow that’s crazy man how something so dark could could like birth something like Manchester City Club like that’s crazy what we got

    Here are kids who are exactly the same age the scuttlers would have been kids like Peter Kennedy and Billy willing they look pretty tasty too So taggy tell me about this club how long’s it been here it’s been here almost I’d say about 18 years it was the old di Works uh basically Joel got it took a big chance put his own house up for sale this gives kids something to do

    Gets them off the street doesn’t it I mean that’s the point of it yeah I mean I’ve always believed that g what I’ve always been involved with is Sport whether it’s been boxing football or whatever it’s been and not just for the favored view not just males even we are

    A communitybased club do you think this is a real alternative to for kids uh from The Gangs I mean it definitely is our kids turned around with this place it gives kids that sort of alternative they can see it they can be involved in it it’s a part of them

    Perhaps in some cases yeah it is for a percentage it’s one of the major sort of platforms to give them self-esteem you get kids who who could have gone the other way the bad way who come here and you feel like you’ve changed them yeah well I think that about all the kids

    That I’ve ever known not just in boxing although we’re talking here about boxing I think if you give kids anywhere in the world an alternative something that they can genuinely identify with want to do be involved it looking at the records from over 100 years ago you seldom find a Clark or an

    Apprentice being arrested for scuttling it was always the lads in the huge sthe of society for whom few opportunities existed these boys had meager prospects and no political Voice or rights joining a gang gave them a sense of belonging it’s no coincidence today listening to reports of knife and gun

    Crime they still tend to be clustered in those areas where young people have fewer educational opportunities well opportun what do we do to uh stop it happening again you know where do we go there’s no place for the like the kids them to go because it’s like the government or the council

    Clos down lows of the youth center so it’s like you see most of the kids them hanging about on the street or they’ll be sitting in the park and things like that so there’s nothing for them to do because some of them can sing they can

    Rap they can they can do all sort but what I’m saying there’s no way for them to go to do it and when there’s nothing for them to do what they’re going to do that’s the time they go and do what they don’t supposed to do going to be bored

    After the most extensive investigation in Greater Manchester police’s history the men who murdered viven’s son were brought to Justice Colin Joyce was convicted of the murders of UK chin and Tyron Gilbert he was told he would spend the next 39 years behind bars liamos was given a

    Sentence of 35 years the rest of the game received with a total of 146 years 11 very dangerous men were removed from the streets of Manchester posters aging the faces of Joyce and Amos were put up around the city making it clear to other young gang

    Members the reality of a 30e stretch in prison with the G gang now broken gun crime in the city fell by almost 60% of I didn’t know they was doing that type of stuff in the UK they put a poster up and everything that is that is like eyee

    Opening though like in the next 2 years but what’s been done to prevent offshoots of the gang or even another gang entirely from filling the void nothing most likely one solution is a movement called Mothers Against violence they help build relationships and gain the genuine Trust of young people to strengthen their

    Community I’m going to meet paty who helps run this charity mon against violence started in 1999 when a friend of my son came to me and told me about it cuz I wouldn’t have known about it and he said I think you should be there so I thought okay that

    Was like a week after my son was shot and killed how long ago was that it he was killed in 1999 yeah and within that 10day period there was three young men who were shot in different parts of Manchester and were killed and my son

    Was the second one out of the three and what happened then the community started thinking what’s happening and so a group of mothers decided we needed to do something about it we started the group and then we started looking at how we can deal with situation and make our

    Community a better place to live in we go into prison everything counts man everything counts but the Allure of money and the lack of opportunity is always going to keep it a certain way you feel me like we go into prison we talk to young

    Men who are in prison we talk to some G gang members we talk to previous gang members so and we’re hearing things on the ground all the time the solution to the problem really is to actually find out what your children are doing and what does the Future Hope for Manchester

    I believe the future is bright for Manchester I do believe that I’ve just come from the police station really looking at how we can work together to stop this thing happening again because it’s quite in the down here we not had in death in 3 years this is you know

    Third year and so we were looking at the people who are locked up now who’s supposed to be coming out soon and how we’re going to be working to make sure that that doesn’t start up again you’re there to help and support them and once to see that I really believe that’s what

    Changes people whether it’s a knife or Attack 100 years ago or a shooting today gang crime leaves lasting scars behind every victim and behind every gang member is a family and nothing can take away the suffering and the pain of those who have lost their loved

    Ones say it canot bring back Miss son his life is he gone take his life me and leave me in pain and agony still hurt but I’m trying not to cry but sometime yeah it’s hurt it’s when I’m going to me bed and sometime I say why he should be here why

    He gone why they take his life away it’s horrifying you know this is where uh tone Gilbert’s murder happened I mean we’re standing right where the funeral would have taken place that day I mean I can’t imagine imagine for one minute what it must have been like it’s just

    Horrific but I think the work that Pat is doing over at Mother’s against violence and also Vivian is doing as well will only help and there is a light of the tunnel because I think the work that they are doing is proven at the moment we’re hearing about there’s

    There’s not been a shooting in Manchester for the last three years so let’s hope it stays like that T leave a like comment man let me know what y’all think of the comments man good doc though I’m gone


    1. Most people were small asf back in the day, if you come to England go to the Black Country museum you’ll see how small houses and shops were. Cars and motorbikes were also smaller

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