How Many Times did i say “Screwfix” In This Episode? And Yes that was a close call…. we all make mistakes but to not even acknowledge that your in the wrong is the most worrying part.

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    What up peeps welcome back to a brand new episode I hope you’re all doing well today is Monday and I’m going to be doing some goer deliveries today I’ve got my first couple of jobs in picking up from Screwfix and I am against the clock this morning I’ve got two

    Deliveries paying over £7 and yeah I’m going to pick up the first one now which is a very very close drop and yeah welcome back to a brand new episode I really really enjoy doing goer deliveries because it’s really fast pace it’s a lot different to food deliveries

    And I just I just really really enjoy it and to not have to wait around in restaurants for orders to be prepared everything’s really like fast and yeah I just I just enjoy it so um yeah we’re going to see how much money I can make

    Today going to work a good 5 6 hours today going to put a good shift in all you right I got a Sprint pickup thank you very much have a good day see look how rapid that was in and out no messing about all right now that one’s

    Picked up and I’m dropping off to the customer which is only 6 minutes away and then I’m straight onto another screw fix pickup from a different screw fix location there’s many screw fixes here in London if you don’t know what screw fix is they sell everything to do with

    Building materials and all that good stuff taking the firm bag out of the box I’ve just got the firm liner because uh I’ve us it I’ve used double-sided sticky tape on the back of the back of the bag to hold it so it doesn’t slide so I

    Can’t take this out but we’re not going to be delivering food today anyway so don’t have to stress about that I’ve put on the uh famous duvet as people like to call it cuz it is getting colder now we’re into October down to 9° so this uh

    Leg cover keeps me really warm keeps the wind off my legs love it oh try not to reverse into this van all right let’s go car look at this guy what a way to get around the city eh hold up I’m confused it’s telling me to go this way but I

    Can’t go this way because yeah I I can’t go this way cuz there’s a camera right up there and you go through there 65b fine bsh but what I can do is go around this way simple as there you go just saved myself £65 I wasn’t going

    To work today I honestly wasn’t going to work because I have got a lot of stuff to do but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to earn money and food deliveries are not that busy on a Monday daytime so if you want to get out and

    Earn money you got to work on apps like gopher let me just pull over here cuz I think I see another job coming in let’s have a look is there another job new job for you uh I’m not going to be able to do that because I’ve got to go and pick

    Up the other one I have to head over to Screwfix and buray so it’s very easy to make yourself late for jobs if you just keep accepting every job you got to make sure that you can get to the pickup point on time and obviously the most

    Important thing get it delivered on time so let’s get some good Tunes going and get up to the first customer of this Morning nice one mate oh now this is not working today nothing works yeah have a good one yeah cheers mate all right that’s that one done now let’s head over to the next screw fix pickup which is 2 mil away just out of curiosity how often

    Do you use the Sprint uh weekly weekly yeah more than how many times a week roughly do you think couple times a week yeah I’m thinking I’m trying to get my work to use it as well cuz we’re always ordering from CF and it just takes

    Forever you know I’m trying to get them to set up an account so we can just order stuff and have a good day mate yeah so I’m trying to get my my uh full-time job for my employer to sign up to Screwfix Sprint because it’s just so convenient like that Tradesman just said

    There I don’t know what he does but yeah it’s just the the convenience you know you don’t have to go there and pay for parking and you can crack on with another job just yeah it’s just really really convenient so hopefully I can convince my uh full-time

    Job to do it cuz we’re always ordering stuff from like CF or any other places that we order from but it’s just little things that we need you know like fuses or lamps or I don’t know just stuff that we can just buy from the shop it’s the convenience over everything all right

    Let’s head over to the next pickup which is 1.7 m away let’s Go here we are then Screwfix I haven’t been to this one before our first time here and I’ve just had another screw fix job com in so if we have a look at the sequence I’m going to have to blur the addresses on here but I got a screw fix

    Pickup drop off and then I’m going back to the screw fix that I picked up from earlier the first one cuz I don’t know why I’m going to get my THM bag see what I mean it’s like muscle memory instantly go to pick up the Fone bag from the box

    Don’t need it all right arrived at location oh there’s another one another 7 take that oh you’re right I got a Sprint pickup oh something in there yeah je thank you oh God bag looks so empty looks like there’s nothing in there we could do better with the packaging I

    Think anyway I don’t know the first drop off is 1.2 mil away on a Monday it’s I think it’s the busiest Mondays and Fridays cuz everyone just wants stuff to get done you know start of the week Builders have got new jobs that have just started so obviously got to get

    Started with the jobs ASAP I feel like I’m making a difference you know I’m helping Builders well obviously I’m working but you know what I mean I get a good uh sense of satisfaction go on mate go on go on that turning Circle was wild let’s

    Get up to this customer .9 miles away oh my God I wish I never let this rubbish Lorry out stinks oh I got to put my visor down that is absolutely ponging all right at the next drop off let’s see and make sure that I’m on time for all of my jobs

    Sequence yeah so drop off pick up pick up drop off drop off nice should be the next building flipping now where the hell is this place even doing food deliveries to this building I always get lost don’t know where the hell to go they’ve even

    Made Jamaica Road a 20 mph Road what a joke I made screw fix delivery fully wrapped up today got the thermal trousers on the Alpine store trousers the sector boot boots a hoodie and I’ve even got a thermal liner underneath this jacket the only thing I don’t have is a

    Decent pair of winter gloves I’m using the uh Alpine Star Copper gloves just because they’re so comfortable but I need to try and figure out if I can get heated grips on the new I don’t know if it’s possible I might have to get one with like an external battery pack IO

    Cheers have a good day pow all right that one’s done now I’m heading over to my next pickup which is the first screw fix that I went over to so let’s head over there now oh and for those of you interested in my setup for Moto vlogging

    And making these episodes head over to my Instagram I’ve made an Instagram Real showing you how to do this setup and um yeah cuz a lot of you were interested what camera I use what microphone I use and what I use to do these videos so head over to my Instagram at london10

    And you can see a full breakdown uh of this setup all right back to the bike and back to screw fix back at screw fix got the massive Deja view just now hello again that’s the last four digit 6828 thank you cheers all right that one’s picked up now guess where I’m

    Heading to another screw fix so normally gopher isn’t like this I don’t just get screw fix orders normally I’m picking up clothing not any old clothing but like designer clothing it could be jewelry literally anything Parcels letters contracts all of that stuff but today is a screw fix day

    That’s definitely going to go everywhere but I don’t have to worry about spillages because it’s not food all right this next pickup is 2.7 M away the app is saying that I’m going to be late to one of my deliveries but I’m hoping I can get there on time should be able to

    Yeah 9° currently 10:18 so I’ve been working just over an hour now and all the jobs I’ve accepted so far have been over £7 so I think I’m on about 28 for the hour which is very very good all right enough waffling let’s get over to the next Pickup all right then here we are back at the screw fix God damn use an indicator Sprint pickup yeah cheers mate thank you all right lovely lovely that’s the two picked up now we got two drop offs and I think I’m going to make it this first one’s only 8

    Minutes away and when I say make it it’s because we’ve got deadlines it’s not like food delivery where you haven’t got a deadline but with this stuff you Do all right just arriving to the next customers location uh can’t remember the house number it’s normally the ones with scaffolding outside so I’m going to assume is here he cheers mate thank you take care all right over to the next one which is 6 minutes away then I’m going

    To go get myself a coffee because I’m yet to have any breakfast and every time I work gopher and I don’t eat when it gets to about 3:00 bloody shattered so yeah going to go grab myself coffee after this obviously if a job comes in

    I’m just going to take it and bought the coffee let’s go get this next one done be interesting to see what else comes in uh I’m going to do an earnings check as well cuz I’ve been working I think I started at 9:30 yeah it was about 9:30

    So I’ve been working an hour and 10 minutes so I’ll definitely do a balance check to see how much I’ve made I don’t normally keep an eye on how much I’ve made when I’m doing goer deliveries I sort of just work and see at the end of

    The day but I’ll do a little check cuz I’m sure you’re all interested to see how much I’m on so far all me nice one have a good one so that’s all of the jobs done let’s see how much I’m on so far look at that that

    £29 56 in just over an hour could never do that with food delivery I mean you could on the weekend but on a Monday no chance as I said I’m going to go grab a coffee and wait for the next jobs to come in it is still very early and this

    Job sort of it dies down at about I want to say about 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. there isn’t many jobs after that because people are finishing up for the day all right where can I get some good coffee I need that good good good coffee oh you know what I’m going to go

    Here this looks like a nice cuff and someone has conveniently spray painted the parking sign up there so you can’t get any tickets lovely jly I just had my uh coffee at this cuff and another job’s come in from screw fix again paying over

    £7 and I’ve got an hour to drop it off well collect and drop off and I’m delivering to the Clark store you know the guys that make the uh Clark Shoes pickup is 2.3 mil away this guy’s parked so flipping close to me dodgy parking all right let’s head over to this pickup

    And uh get this next job time now is 11:16 the last clip was 10:43 so it wasn’t a long wait about half an hour for the next job to come in there was one on the job board which was a rush job and I went to accept it and someone

    Got there before me it was paying over £1 13 as well it was quite a quite a nice order nice job sorry not order job but yeah someone got there before me too fast I was too Slow I just noticed that my uh microphone wasn’t on in that last clip another job came in from screw fix how you right yeah uh thank you and this one and that one as well yeah nice one thank you mate ready how many screws is how many screws are in here thousand

    Thousand yeah thank you mate flipping now it’s a big box of screws I didn’t even know you could buy screws boxes of screws like this fliping now 1,000 screws crazy all right let’s head over to the next pickup which is lo and behold another Screwfix which is 0.9 M

    Away I can’t believe all of my jobs are from Screwfix today this is going to be the screw fix episode it will be nice to pick up some other places but pick up from some other places sorry I just like how quick and efficient screw fixs are

    They don’t mess around yeah I hope you’re enjoying this episode so far people if you are and please leave a like on the video down below and if you’re not subscribed to the channel already do me a favor and hit that subscribe button my goal is to reach

    200,000 subscribers by the end of the year and I can’t do that without your help let’s go get this next one all right at the next pickup do a quick check in yeah that’s the one all them ones as well I’ve done the best I could

    Got no bags nothing no bag bags that’s all right I’ll do two trips I’ll come back for this one no bags what’s going on God these are going to go everywhere try and uh stack them up as neatly as possible ooh why are people ordering so many screws bloody hundreds of screws

    Now all right jobs are good then let’s get on the road all right this first one is only 5 minutes away 1.2 miles God it’s crazy to think I got about 2,000 screws in my back box right Now oh my God come on people do we not know how roundabouts work well this is a really close drop actually only 4 minutes away going up towards new cross at least this is the one that ain’t in the bag so we’re able to get that out of

    The way cuz if it was the other one be fumbling around and stuff will be going everywhere indicating for how long God that was a close call see what I mean you can never be too careful don’t know where he was looking all right let’s get some tunes

    On get up to the next One hello hi mate it’s uh your Screwfix Sprint delivery it’s taking me to the back you know where uh there’s a like a car park at the back okay no problem uh give me 2 minutes I’ll walk around it’s on the main road yeah it’s not a Main

    Road it’s off the main road this it’s very confusing there’s a bu oh I can see the building site wait that means I’ll be able to go down this road here should be able to go down here building site I can see it oh my God look at this how

    Does screw fix not have bags I’m on the main road yeah I’m next to a I’m next to a site here um yeah mate wait for a delivery yes nice one it’s cool your colleagues has come you got it right it nice one have a good day all right let’s

    Go over to the next delivery now I’m delivering to the Clark store what a bloody Pav oh there’s another job I believe that’s another screw fix one let’s have a look yeah it is okay that’s good I’m at the next drop off now as well God damn this bike Bay is taken up oh I forgot how heavy this box was yeah a

    Little bit of a walk to the uh drop off just because can’t go down these roads here it’s all closed for cars and bikes only buses are allowed and except for loading but between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and the time now is just gone

    Midday so yeah if you go down there you get a ticket here it is yeah mate screw fix delivery stick it here yeah nice one all right that’s that one done now I’ve got an empty box and another delivery to go and do where is this screw fix 9 minutes away 1.9

    Miles cuz like I said after 2 it does die down quite a bit all right here I am back at my favorite place what am I picking up now oh it’s only 2 kilos probably something really small yeah mate Sprint pickup 6329 cheers mate thank you there’s no worse feeling then

    Stepping on the floor that someone’s just mopped oh God feel so guilty to do that all right this one a quite a close drop to be honest only 10 minutes away yeah we got some some wood glue just a whole load of wood glue time now is

    12:30 if it dies down then uh I’ll probably finish a bit earlier because I think I’ve made some really good money today like I say when I go out and do my deliveries my target is between 50 and £70 as this is my side job I have a

    Full-time job so obviously I have to be careful when it comes to how much I earn because of the tax brackets and stuff like that cuz everything I earn in my self-employment I’m taxed at 20% don’t want to go into that tax bracket of a

    40% tax which is is not nice no one wants to pay 40% tax but obviously it’s anything over £50,000 a year it’s kicking off mate it’s kicking off the theme tune to London sirens yeah this job wasn’t due for delivery until about half 1 so I’m an hour early

    So I’m sure that the customer will be happy I’m delivering early but yeah it’s been a good shift so far I just I love delivering for goer honestly it’s so much more enjoyable than delivering food especially in the week there no no long wait times everyone’s happy there’s no

    Like no risk of spilling anything you don’t have to keep food hot not that any of those things are difficult it’s just if you do this job you know what I’m on about all right at my next drop off scre Sprint cheers man thank you hey we got another job at last

    £739 I know exactly where it’s picking up from I’m not even going to say where it’s from you already know where it’s from so this is possibly going to be my last delivery of the day or this afternoon should I say and then I’ll go through the earnings and tell you all

    How much money I have made but a little fun fact every job that I’ve done so far today has paid over £7 nothing has been under £7 last pickup of the day nice one cheers mate thank you 10 minutes away hey all of these screw fix deliveries are so Close all right final drop off of the day all right screw fix all right cheers thank you all right then let’s head over and see how much I’ve made I’m yet to check hey there we go £ 5883 every job paying over £7 £ 5883 that works out at about

    £1470 an hour which is pretty good I hope you’ve enjoyed watching this episode if you have like always leave a comment down below and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel if you’re new around here I look forward to bringing you another episode very soon take care people Peace


    1. They're pricy depending on how long you're out and about the sealskins heated gloves might be right up your street. £160 ish. 6 hours of life on the lowest setting, but the gloves are so warm themselves you won't need the heating on until it drops below like 3 or 4C

    2. 18:08 you're aware that the higher tax rate only applies to the money you've earnt above that threshold, right? Like at the end of the day it's still more money, even after tax. It's not like as soon as you're in the higher tax bracket you suddenly halve your income or whatever haha.
      Just making sure you're aware, as it's quite a common misconception…

    3. I hate thise stupid managers at the site mate They ordered 1000 screws … 1000 screws is nothing if you do some carpentery job… exact the frist delivery point of the screws without bag ;]]

    4. Nice episode 🙂 I'm a biker and I have the Gerbing heated gloves which run off rechargeable batteries. They are game changers and are highly recommended 🙂

    5. I love the ScrewFix and parcel episodes so much. It seems to go a lot faster for you and far less problems than with food deliveries

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