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    I will be able to overtake this cyclist by starting yes answer a no answer B I could bite the line to overtake yes answer C no answer D I can overtake yes answer a no answer B I can bite on the deterrent line yes answer a no answer

    B I leave a safety distance of 1.50 yes answer C no answer D the space in front of me allows me to overtake yes answer a no answer B this sign prohibits me from overtaking this vehicle yes answer a no answer B in this situation I pass without slowing down answer a I

    Slow down and pass answer B I stop answer C if my line moves slower than the others I can place myself in the middle voice yes answer a no answer B in the leftmost voice yes answer C no answer d I take the next exit I slow down immediately answer a once

    Placed in the deceleration lane answer B the hp of the vehicle must not exceed in length the appelom of the vehicle in front yes answer a no answer B more than 3 m behind yes answer C no answer d I have to slow down at 50 m answer a immediately answer B

    Learning to drive can be done in the context of accompanied driving yes answer a no answer B the supervised driving yes answer C no answer d I give way in front yes answer a no answer B to the left yes answer C no answer d this user is indeed stopped yes answer a

    No answer B he must let me pass yes answer C no answer D at 100 m I will give way to the right answer a I will give way to the left and right answer B I must give way to me answer

    C overtaking is prohibited except below 70 km he yes answer a no answer B the signage announces a slippery road answer to an accident answer B a truck exit answer C by going straight I can encounter buses on my lane yes answer a no answer B

    At 150 m the road will narrow to the left answer to the road will narrow to the right answer B I will approach a left turn answer C I will approach a right turn answer

    D the level crossing is located 50 m away answer a at 100 m answer B at 150 m answer C this mixed line allows overtaking for my direction of traffic answer has the opposite direction of traffic answer B unless otherwise indicated it is forbidden to stop until the

    End of the turn answer a until the next intersection answer B I have a flat tire I stop on the central Zebra yes answer a no answer B on the shoulder yes answer C no answer d it is the 10th of the month I park on the odd side

    Yes answer a no answer B I take into account the direction of traffic yes answer C no answer D I drive a van I can park at this marked location yes answer a no answer B I can park in the recess on the right yes answer a no answer

    B this sign means entering from a zone to a paying station answer a entering a zone parking prohibited answer B entry into a limited-time parking zone with disk control answer C if in doubt about the selection of fuel I can consult the vehicle’s user manual

    Yes answer a no answer B look at the level of the fuel flap yes answer C no answer d braking here constantly causes the brakes to overheat answer a can disrupt the effectiveness of braking answer B is without risk answer C

    The effects of alcohol are felt d 0.2 g per liter answer a 0.5 g per liter answer B 0.8 g per liter answer C snow chains must be installed on the driving wheels yes answer a no answer B in the event of a breakdown in a tunnel I stay in the vehicle answer

    A I go to a shelter answer B I phone with my cell phone answer C the large tunnels are monitored by radar yes answer a no answer B by video cameras yes answer C no answer d I have just obtained my probationary license I will have 12 points after 3 years via the

    Traditional route yes answer a no answer B after 2 years via A to C yes answer C no answer D I keep the same pace yes answer a no answer B I SRE to the right yes answer C no answer d this user seems to hesitate to insert themselves I did well

    To move to the left yes answer A no answer B this user must me give way yes answer a no answer B after this sign I will encounter a toll yes answer a no answer B this sign indicates a place called answer a an

    Entrance to a town answer B a tourist feature answer C I can park on the right yes answer a no answer B on the left yes answer C no answer d in urban areas to pollute less I prefer the car answer a the bicycle answer B public transport answer C

    The light has just turned green and the users are starting it is certain that the cyclist will start more slowly than me and it will bother me I have to be patient because there is not enough room here to leave a MRE with minimum lateral space and I have no

    Right to bite the line I have to wait for the end of the narrowing of the road to warn after checking in the rear-view mirror I observe that the left lane is free I carry out a lateral check and I can start to overtake while taking precautions not to get too

    Close to the vehicle which is already overtaking I leave a minimum safety distance of 1.50 because I am traveling outside of built-up areas I do not hesitate to leave more to do so I will have to

    Bite on the deterrent line I place my foot on the above the brake because the dog can move at any time and risk crossing the road the center line is mixed it is made up of a continuous line and a discontinuous line the discontinuous line being the closest to my vehicle

    It gives me authorizes overtaking the visibility towards the front is distant and no one appears on the horizon after the usual checks and the flashing light I am overtaking the heavy goods vehicle the prohibition sign means that vehicles whose gross vehicle weight is

    Is greater than 3 T5 are not authorized to overtake other motor vehicles except those on two wheels without a sidecar at the wheel of a passenger vehicle I am therefore not affected by this sign I can if I wish to overtake this user who tows a trailer the pedestrians

    Are not engaged in the pedestrian crossing and seems to observe the traffic before crossing I can therefore pass I slow down however because even if it is on a leash the dog could pull and go on the road the traffic is dense and is done here in an uninterrupted line I am then

    Prohibited from changing lanes unless I wish to change direction if I do not respect this rule I risk a fine as a general rule I must slow down once placed in the lane of deceleration this in order not to disturb the users who follow me however it happens that certain

    Deceleration lanes are too short which is why prescription signs limiting the speed are then installed before the exits in order to force the users to slow down in time I can take advantage of the lane for slow vehicles here to slow down s GB the loading of a

    Vehicle must not exceed the level of the front bumper of the vehicle and must not protrude more than 3 m at the rear from ‘am the loading must be indicated by an approved bending device the danger sign announces a pedestrian crossing

    50 m away if I only start to slow down at the height of this crossing I will not be able to stop in complete safety I must therefore slow down immediately as indicated on the prescription sign there are several modes of learning to drive traditional learning

    With the possibility of supervised driving at the end of the initial training learning to anticipate driving from 16 years with a phase of accompanied driving after initial training but also supervised driving for students in professional road professions courses. These learning methods favor experience behind the

    Wheel between the end of initial training and the passage of the driving license I currently have placed in a storage lane which allows me to turn left here I must give priority to the vehicle coming from opposite because I am cutting them off the road the driver on the left must

    Stop at the stop sign and give way to the vehicle coming from his right and his left be careful because the sun causes a backlight which prevents you from seeing clearly in front the line of effect of the

    Stop sign is forward in the intersection due to the parking limited to the right of the road the user is therefore stopped and can see me clearly he must also give way to me but I remain cautious this signal is a danger sign it therefore encourages me to slow down it announces

    A specific priority at 100 m this means that the users approaching my axis traffic must give way before entering I still remain vigilant the traffic signs do not complement each other but must be read separately here from the signs the speed will be limited to 70

    Km/h for all vehicles whatever whatever their category, overtaking will also be prohibited regardless of the speed at which one is traveling unless otherwise indicated, these two prohibitions will be valid until the next intersection or until the signal puts an end to it the

    Temporary danger sign on the ground announces the presence of an accident occurring 150 m away if this sign has been placed it means that emergency services are already on site so I must slow down and remain vigilant because I probably risk encountering a significant slowdown in traffic

    The second sign announces an exit truck certainly a construction site the sign under the traffic lights announces the end of the lane reserved for the bus if the driver of the bus continues straight he can do it so close that he will no longer have a reserved lane although he must give

    Way to me at the end of the lane I will pay attention to the bus by starting at the green light I am traveling outside the built-up area the signs are therefore placed 150 m before the danger signals the one above announces

    A narrowing of the road to the left and to the right it is the crossing of the bridge the one below announces a dangerous turn to the right it is located just after the bridge orors agglomeration the level crossings are marked by three markers installed in thirds of distance, i.e. every

    50 m this marker comprising a single line is the last the level crossing is therefore located 50 m a continuous line prohibits overtaking while a discontinuous line authorizes it when the two lines are separated I take into account the one which is

    On my side this mixed line therefore does not prohibit overtaking for my direction of traffic the ban on stopping starts from the prescription sign and unless otherwise indicated this is valid until the next intersection if the ban only

    Related to the turn we would then have a Panon jump and a yellow ground marking which would specify stopping on the central Zebra is not a good idea in fact it would be particularly dangerous because vehicles would then pass on each side of the vehicle

    The shoulder is not passable and can be dangerous I move further to find a safer place the sign tells me that I am entering an area where parking is semi-monthly alternating the first half of the month I park on the side of the number one pair of

    Houses the second fortnight I park on the side of the even numbered houses since it is the 10th of the month I have to park on the Impire side I must always take into account the direction of traffic because it is forbidden to park in the wrong direction the sign prohibits parking

    For vehicles of public transport as well as vehicles used for the transport of goods including vans and vans driving a van I am concerned by this sign I must follow the direction to the left to go to a parking lot which will be

    Reserved for me this beacon materializes an obstacle here it indicates the proximity of a ditch very close to the road even if the discontinuous bank line allows me to do so stationary here is not recommended because my vehicle would be unbalanced on this recess of

    Land the parking disc symbol is now european this new symbol inside the zone entry sign means this is a time limited parking zone with disc control it should not be used n any type of fuel because this

    Could lead to very serious breakdowns. In case of doubt, you must read the vehicle’s user manual or look at the fuel door because the recommended fuel is sometimes written there, very often the meaning of the question leads to the correct answer then

    It is not necessary to know anything but only to know the essentials uninterrupted use of the brakes on a long descent leads to overheating which can cause a total loss of braking it is preferable to downshift so that the engine holds

    The vehicle alcohol makes movements imprecise and poorly coordinated it reduces the level of attention concentration and resistance to fatigue d 0.2 g per liter is a drink perception reasoning and the driver’s action begins to alter the visual field is narrowed the distances and speeds are distorted the sensitivity to glare is greater the

    Reaction time is lengthened finally the balance and the perception of acceleration are disrupted the chains to snow must be installed on at least two driving wheels therefore on traction vehicles they will be placed around the front wheels and on propulsion vehicles like certain sports vehicles around the

    Rear wheels be careful the use of chains is not authorized that on snowy roads in the event of a breakdown in a tunnel I try to reach a refuge with the vehicle after turning on the

    Hazard lights otherwise I keep the vehicle well to the right and I reach a refuge on foot I then use a post call because the mobile phone does not carry in a tunnel moreover it risks to PER urber the emergency communications the long tunnels are very closely

    Monitored in order to ensure maximum security to be made these are equipped with radars capable of reading the speeds of sensors to detect the interdistances between users and of video cameras in order to see what is happening there if I do not commit an offense liable to a

    Withdrawal of points during the probationary period the capital of my permit reached 12 points at the end of it 3 years by the traditional sector and 2 years by the AAC sector if I do not lose points I gradually gain two each year or three if I followed the AC on white vehicle

    Traveling in the opposite direction is in the process of overtaking and to leave the safety space it uses part of my voice despite its overtaking there is still enough room by keeping to the right to pass I still slow down and keep to the right a user who inserts himself

    Must not hinder other drivers traveling on the main axis because he has a CD sign for the passage; however, in the event of difficulty inserting it, I am not prohibited from helping him by changing by voice if it is possible I will do it almost systematically

    For a heavy goods vehicle if it was an intersection here the marking on the ground would show it by an interruption of the edge line and possibly by the presence of a beacon this user exits of a dirt road and therefore he must give way to me. However, I remain

    Very attentive to his behavior. This sign signals to me the end of a highway. In principle, the toll when it exists is located in the area of ​​the road. motorway and the exit sign is then installed after the indication signs with a brown background provides

    Tourist information here this sign tells us that the town of Agde was founded by the Greeks and that it is interesting to stop there to visit it we never find signs entering a town or place on a highway the intersection marker as well as the

    Give way sign indicates the presence of an intersection on the right so I cannot either stop or park, on the other hand, I notice a recess on the left as I travel outside the urban area, I am authorized to park in the area, but go there carefully.

    Pollution in urban areas is mainly created by road traffic. Transport is responsible for 35% of carbon dioxide emissions CO2 main greenhouse gas contributing to climate change we must therefore try to change travel habits by favoring public transport and alternative modes of travel such as walking

    Or cycling. Other modes of travel should also be promoted, such as car sharing or carpooling.

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