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    About me:
    Currently working full time in Insurance Consulting, and studying for IFoA professional exams to become a qualified actuary. I studied Physical Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge 2017-2020, and specialised in Astrophysics.

    Check out my playlists:
    Cambridge vlogs –
    Days in the life –
    Actuary grad job –
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    Real time study with me –

    Music credit:
    We Wish You a Merry Christmas by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

    Welcome to a slightly rainy December Saturday in Cambridge I am just walking back from town got some Goods with me actually going to get quite festive this weekend because it is bridas day we are carrying on that tradition that I’ve done with my University friends every year since University we all get

    Together cook a Christmas meal do secret santa play some festive Tunes I’m in my car cuz I’m driving over to my friend’s house my old house in fact Christmas jumper is on let’s get festive you can see a Christmas tree in the back which is also pink of course hi everyone welcome to bridg 2023 it’s a very merry time around here Tim the

    Turkey is cooking and in the oven actually I think Tim is out the oven now come have a look at Tim here’s Tim the turkey let’s have a sneak peek o oh it’s all steamy now vlogging as well here is my fellow vlogger Emma hey lot of mert and happiness

    Yay now we have the little Polaroid display we’ve taken a few new ones this year been playing around with a few different colored filters and a few little frames the best camera work is when I have been behind the pooid camera cuz I’m that talented please ignore the

    Mug shot of me which is not focusing on anyway look at that how cute are they then get a little Christmas tree with a star on the top did the start I don’t know it’s in your house I’m going to start the C to cheese very soon which as

    My regular viewers will know is what I take responsibility for because I have talents and making callif cheese and I’m a new Christmas jumper so please appreciate this cuz I picked this up in town today um thanks for that it’s why I ended up about 5 hours later um arriving

    At brid stand planned cuz I was busy running chores in town and getting a Christmas jumper we’ll tune back in for secret s every oh ho ho ho is a man very few words you heard it here first folks ho ho ho how’s the turkey cooking it’s keep going good it’s

    Done but like we’re all ready for the true start of the show cheese and the Min Sauce mix with vinegar everyone’s really for that side piece I’m glad it gets the recognition that it deserves how do I zoom in uh don’t Zoom I don’t think you need to

    Know the end for this vog segment what happens if I just keep recording you can’t stop me outro please we wish you a Merry Christmas wish you a Merry Christmas wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year it is time to eat we are taking our seats at the table for the dinner of richmas with our Christmas crackers and here we see in herone secret santa time um this is my secret Santa package about to open it to miss y to miss yot that’s me the young lady

    That I am very Miss y basically to you guys FL Flash inside more oh that’s cool that’s cool is it Crocs jit someone knows you really well a good gift Jesus CHR thank you Santa thank you we are at a bridge Ice Arena very session people over that’s right in

    Center this is me and backward this my fingering Lon and now I’m going to show you some forward skating so I can do that as well here’s Ed hi how you feeling about skating I’m I’m get it slowly baby I’m going to go and try and find some other

    Members of the gang on the ice to picture in this before the session ends let’s go see Tim Tim is an expert Tim you’re on the Vlog what you’re on the Vlog oh God we want to see your best trick my best trick I don’t have many

    Good tricks you do you’re a pro skater you got actual ice P I got actual ice P okay I don’t know I can do a nice outside freeer wa skills I missed it you missed it you missed it I never doing that again this is what I aspire to be like

    But I have made it everyone to l four which is an achievement everyone else I reckon I reckon you guys have made it to a strong level to you today thank you so much would actually hello people it is the evening despite my wet hair I’m normally a morning showerer but I’ve

    Just had an evening shower and it was fantastic I’ve been sat at this desk all day working from home I’d like to say it was a quiet one but it really hasn’t been it’s very busy at work right now we’ve got a jam pack back December and

    Tomorrow is my first study day for the next sitting and this evening I’ve been very very lazy and I’ve just done a co-op order on delivery Co-op is actually a 5minute walk from the house so I hate to think what the delivery rider was thinking as they dropped it

    Off at my door but to explain myself it’s dark out there it’s getting dark so early now obviously by the time I finished working it’s dark and I don’t like going out walking in the dark by myself it’s scary out there it’s actually quite sensible to not go down

    Dark alleys in the dark this evening I am trying the new co-op irresistible Woodfire chicken arabat pizza exciting paid a fortune for it so it better be good I’m going to preheat my oven cook some dinner cuz I’m super hungry and catch up on all the TV I missed over the

    Weekend it’s been the Mama Mia I have a dream final it’s been that I’m a celebrity final the Strictly Come Down dancing semifinal and I could just do something to switch off for the evening I’ve been focusing quite hard today on some calculations of making data reconcile and explaining things to other

    People and it’s all just too it’s all just too much I work very hard guys so TV time and the pink tree is back where it belongs in my house we love it hello everyone it is around lunchtime on Tuesday I’m with my bike the update on

    My bike is that it’s not doing very well to 2 years of using it very frequently in and around Cambridge and commuting to the station have not helped its condition at all basically one of the brakes is broken the handlebars are wobbling around like nobody’s business the handlebars are splitting it’s just

    Completely falling apart I have been sensible and ordered myself a new bike but that’s not going to come until the new year cuz it takes a little while to sort out my company’s cycle to work scheme and getting discount obviously I use it for my commute to work so I just

    Need some something that is ridable for the next month until I get my new bike sorted otherwise I’m taking the bus the whole time which just means I have to get up even earlier on London days which I don’t want to do and honestly in Cambridge it does feel a little bit like

    I’ve lost an arm when I don’t have a bike no exaggeration a lot of other people have said the same you just get used to cycling being your mode of Transport so when the bike is broken or not usable or even stolen it’s never Good success dropped the bike off they said they’re going to fix it I’m going to collect it in 2 days time cuz I’m in London tomorrow well done me that was easy wasn’t it I do drag my feet sometimes when getting those sorts of things sorted but really it is best to

    Just go and sort it out we can really speak to the black people you know what they’re doing it’s all very easy I figured that even when I get a new bike it’s going to be useful to have a backup the number of times bikes are failed me

    So I think getting it in a condition where it will last me another year or so as a backup bike is a good idea so getting a new basket put on where the front basket broke off before getting the brake pads replaced getting the handlebars tightened so they don’t rock

    It’s going to be good I’ve got my big rock sack with me CU I’ve got all my study materials with me and I’m going to go study in a cafe now just to get a change of scene on this study day you know while I’m down m road what numbers

    Is down here which is a favorite I don’t know how busy it’s going to be on a Tuesday lunchtime so going to go investigate but there are quite a few different options down Here just spent over 2 hours was Cafe studying had a bqu slice for the coffee it was very nice very pleasant actually CL these myself I stayed very Focus the whole time and actually made progress this side of Christmas which is sometimes hard to do when exams feel

    Quite far away but I do need to hit the ground running with this next sitting I am now walking home at least I’m getting some fresh air and stretching the legs after sitting down for Solid 2 hours feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all of the content that I need to get my

    Head around for these next exams I did do tutorials for spa last summer but then chose not to take it in the September sitting so it’s kind of been just recapping that tutorial content today at the time of the tutorials I remember feeling quite positive about the content and thinking oh this is

    Actually doable but looking back over my notes I’m like what the hell was I writing what is all this maths and algebra going on there’s a lot of calculation stuff to get my head round a lot of pricing Concepts and definitions to get my head round that are not coming

    Naturally it’s not the area that I work in but we’ll get There and over there it’s Jesus College and I’m just heading into the Ice Arena for this gingle is level four today let’s go That was such a good lesson sometimes I just have those weeks where I’m like oh my God I love ice skating best lesson ever and this was one of them it was my first time in the level four group so basically learning new competencies as said list of skills or competencies that

    You have to do for each level from 1 to eight I’ve now passed all of the level one 2 three so I’m now into level four but there was only two of us who turned up to the class today and for the first 5 minutes was only me so I was getting

    One to one tuition and I found a lot of the skills all right like not impossible the one that I found really hard was this backward skating a bit of a kick and the foot goes up in the air as you go backwards and you bounce on the other

    Foot but it just it just clicked today a little bit and don’t get me wrong I’m not doing it very great gracefully yet but I definitely made a lot of progress and the instructor was really helpful now let’s drive home have some dinner do some work and get an early night cuz the

    Next 3 days let me tell you they are down packed there is no downtime in the next 3 Days


    1. I managed to get 71% for my most recent assignment for my OU degree. Which means with the Open University, it is a 2:1, in a normal uni it would be a first. I still have to sort out my academic writing. First module of my OU degree in psychology and counselling coming off a strong chemistry background. (I struggled big time with the maths as a chemistry student, this time it is more stats). My last assignment was 67%. I am like wow this academic writing help I get is helping me. In my past academic life, I couldn't get extra help even though I struggle with academic writing.

    2. Paige, how many more exams do you have left? I wish you, your sister Lydia, your parents, your aunt, and all your family and Uni friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    3. I'd recommend finding a really high quality bike a bit on the pricey side. One that can last years and years that you can grow on to and collect lots of cool stickers from the places you've been and pass down to your kids and grand kids. Just find a really nice bike that will last forever without being afraid to spend a billion dollars.

      Okay don’t break the bank but you get the point

    4. i know that cafee!! i went there once and spilled my takeaway coffee on my way out 💀 it’s a lovely place but i don’t plan on going back anytime soon hahaha

    5. I have seen only 2 fake pink Christmas trees in my life. One in your home and the other one on Coronation Street in Gemma and Chesney's home.😀
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    6. I started watching your videos while I was prepearing my admission exam to university, they really motivated me. Now I completed my Bachelor and I started a Master and I'm still watching your videos while studying. It's been almost 4 years now and I'm really glad to be able to follow all your accomplishments and to see that you're still enjoying time with your uni friends. Thank you for keeping making content. Hpppy New Year's Eve and lots of love from Italy!

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