Migrant hotel in Crystal Palace London. They go hands on under a females go ahead, followed by Met Police arriving.

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    Video video Sorry video I have a the so you have to leave you have to leave now support him to the exit support him to the exit please all right so you got your license on your operator I card with you you must have an operator’s no card you don’t have an

    Operator’s card you should have if you’re flying anywhere near buildings you know that and I know that yes then the people today we’re in Cen Crystal Palace and look at that for a beast of a hotel really really quite Grand looking Hotel here and plenty of bikes

    Outside so of course we’re going to go and take a look got some building work going on the side and look at all these cameras they’ve got and look at all these cameras I’ve got wait until you see these bikes Queen’s Hotel Loads of bikes and children’s bikes as well so it may be one of those that has families inside and that’s a very small car look at that Best Western London Queens pal Crystal Palace Hotel looks like we’re going to be walking straight in video wait we have to send there huh

    Come here wait come come no got video video which video video this call video video just stand here I’ll call man okay uh video uh video video sorry you video video nothing nothing video no you car how are you good what’s your name are you from video video are you from uh

    Drone I have a theone okay so you have to leave you have to leave now uh I want to fly the Drone please leave now you have to leave now I want to fly the please leave now you are not allowed to film anything anyone here please leave

    Now no you have to leave now please guys please support him to the exit please support him to the exit oh support him to the exit please you need to leave now brother one second private property you can’t any can you off this one it’s not on can

    You off this one please please off this sorry please you can’t feel stop touching me all right you touch me all right you can’t instruct your people can film anyone without the you cannot film anyone without please leave the leave the brother you can’t you in

    Charge mate please leave the P you can’t you’re very naughty telling these people to push me out you can’t be doing that this is no one can you can’t take you can’t take video without any permission you know that yes I can no you can I can

    Okay but you can’t hear Sor there just lady come in here yeah you can’t hear you can but not hear right okay thank you so right let’s start again this lady escalated it up here let bring it back down calmly yeah I was talking to you

    Fine this lady yep I I don’t want to move I want to go over here thank you right I’ve came to make a video today which I was trying to explain to you before she came out and tried to make you it’s always on mate you don’t have a

    Camera yeah if something happen then no evidence right hello are you all right yeah I’ve got a drone in the bag okay I’m taking the Drone over the top of the hotel all right the Drone has a camera on it of course right okay that’s

    It that’s good that’s it I’ve got a zoom camera so what I want to do I want to go down there okay and I want to zoom into everything that’s it and then after after that I try to show these colleagues the Drone got a drone here

    Yeah so I want to fly over and do a video at the top of the hotel the back of the hotel the garden why just to make a video you know sorry just to make a video but unfortunately you can’t record here okay that’s fine I’ve came to tell

    You okay I’m going to go back down there all right and I’m going to record from there all right with the Drone that’s it we can’t stop you there but it’s your private property I always like to let you know what I’m doing first rather

    Than yeah yeah yeah no wores um I’m not going to stay here I’ve got no issue with going over there no issue at all but I’d like to let you know first what I’m doing I don’t want to fly the drone over and then you see the Drone you

    Panic you come over to me and I’m already flying it it’s too late no no no problem I’m telling you first you can do whatever you want yeah no wor okay please do do you have a back Garden cuz I want to know what I’m

    Doing before I go we don’t know okay you don’t know you don’t know you can see from the drone camera right do you have a sa badge I don’t see your one good good good okay cool all right I’m going to go f the Drone from out there or up there maybe or

    Anywhere right okay cool It’s a very big hotel isn’t it no no yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I do it from over there how long’s it been closed for do you know you don’t know anything about that you outside inside please yeah yeah don’t worry don’t worry I’m going do it from out here

    Probably or maybe down there okay that’s it I can’t tell you anything but we can’t report you right okay please I’m going to do it from here all right is okay here Home Point updated Well let’s get the Drone up shall We what a hotel look at that you want to see it Well it’s a big hotel I it really really big Hotel Uh very good security guard thank you very good Wow it goes right back there look it’s quite big Is that a garden I think that’s part of the hotel isn’t it or not can’t quite tell I don’t think it maybe Not no it’s not still very large place isn’t it look at those staircases they’ve got there sorry not talking much everybody I’m just trying to keep an eye on the security guards which are at the door in the minute there’s like a car park at the back

    Yeah looks like the only access to that car park is through There There we go there they are the gate got people coming out we don’t want to uh get those on camera it’s okay I’m not recording here I took the Drone away for the lady scared scared of me she wants to come out I’ll walk up there lady with a child

    Scared we don’t want a woman and a child being scared to be honest with you what’s going on here what’s this lady here for she looks like security almost who knows they’re watching me oh dear oh dear I moved away for the lady what are these big boys going to Do oh they’re all coming out on inside sorry yeah I can see the Drone better here told you before you what it is I don’t want to stand over there because the lady’s scared but if I stand on the pavement this is this is a private property right sorry sorry

    But you can’t I I think it’s safer to fly from here you’re not allow I’ll compromise with you I’ll go here just you can use the pH if you want yeah but the thing is mate the pavement watch your back watch your back the pavement

    Is very busy I know but it’s my rules to follow come out please yes you’re the lady that told you what to do who is she she the boss and what’s the building work going on can you tell me uh can you tell me what the building work

    Is yes you do don’t you stupid mate you know more than you’re letting on you do but is not my job anything St here do what you want and I’ll stop you are you staying here no who me yeah no I come for you okay I’ll stay here

    All right no problem you can go back inside now thank you so much lots of bikes I see here oh children let’s go away from the children let’s go up we don’t want to be filming our children do we no that’s not what we’re here For L is okay the Drone is making sure you’re following the rules the Drone will watch you wherever you go if you break the law or the rules the Drone will see So you know the other hotel in Cen the other one doing the same contract how how long’s that one been closed you don’t know hello where is this in the sky yeah uh where is it just there you see no walk in the car park a little bit uhhuh uh-huh let go

    Oh just viewing the hotel from above you see where are you from mate from Iran nice yeah Iran yeah yeah cool IR cool cool yeah is nice is that nice nice H that’s it’s nice area yeah yeah nice area isn’t it it’s perfect is good I’ve never been here before this area really

    No it’s poish is good place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how long have you been here oh one years one year one years I live just one room with family one room for the whole family yeah it’s so difficult any idea how long it will take

    Me any idea on how long it will take I don’t know no no idea no idea home office just taking time yeah yeah yeah oh man and usually after one years maximum 2 years really yeah yeah I’ve met people at these hotels that have been 3 years but mostly is like 18

    Months yeah yeah something like that yeah yeah yeah look you can I know I know yeah perfect man yeah man it’s good you working for where I just do YouTube oh make it drone uh drone videos you know oh yeah yeah so today we’re doing hotels yeah

    Yeah perfect I think there’s I think there’s a few of these hotels in the area I think is oh just this one is it okay okay nice to meet you mate cheers paintworks peeling off there oh we’ve got another lady coming out there is she a cleaner Roll I think they’re actually living in the hotel those two he got a seat on wonder where he’s been working maybe can’t turning left one second buddy caution TR turning left what’ you say you you can’t record somebody you know without their permission why you’re recording them to them you know yeah the

    Thing is it’s making me very curious he’s got a suit on who’s that he’s got a suit on does he work here yeah everyone oh he works here yeah everyone watch ah no I wasn’t sure whether he was pres or not but anyhow you can’t record without

    Their permission right who said who said that that that’s the law right is it yeah are you tell me man you can’t record anybody here how long have you lived in the UK long time I can’t tell you long time or not long time yeah

    Right so you should know the UK law yeah I know especially in your uh job yes but you you can’t record without their permission you can yeah you can you can you can yeah in your job you should know this because yeah that’s that’s what I’m I’m

    Telling you can’t record here you can if in this property you can’t you can record anything you can see mhm with your eyes but if I come inside yeah it becomes trespassing yes which is a s matter but it’s it’s still a problem right yeah and your drone is coming

    Inside right the Drone can trespass because you know the airplanes that he throw they fly over right yes it’s the same thing I know they’re very high it’s the same thing but Aeroplan not recorded anything you don’t know that you don’t know that you don’t know that right what about the

    Google Maps airplane you know when it take the photo of everything above but but you you can’t you can’t fly your drone in the airport right no you can’t no no no no no no because it will end no because it will endanger the aircraft yes if the aircraft engine takes the

    Drone in it could kill people yes so it’s a red zone so the Drone will not fly in an airport it won’t let me fly okay doesn’t allow right it won’t let it I have an app on here so it tells you where you can and can’t fly d d right

    Yes yeah so airports prisons can’t Fly you call the police I can hear police maybe maybe maybe so that’s a yes right yeah yeah I heard that I can hear the siren yeah I don’t know did you call them no oh no need to call them I’ll be I’m bringing it down

    Soon the battery is going to be low you [Laughter] Know so now I’m going to zoom in see what I can see can I have a tour a tour tour can I walk around with you no no come on man the taxpayer pays so we should be allowed to walk around and have a look what they doing with

    That is making the hotel bigger really someone there getting in his car Resident so a question for you Mr security guy you know you get this job have you always been security or did you suppose my question is did you live in a hotel before you got the job cuz a lot of people ask me and say maybe some of the security guys they

    Stay in the hotel a long time and then the government obviously grant them Asylum and then give them a license Saia license you know some some of them do that or you don’t know just curious you know cuz um your English is very good but some of

    These hotels I go to they can’t speak English in security so depends depends yeah of course your English is very good but some of the hotels I’ve been to before they can’t speak English on the door the security guys so people say maybe they came from the hotel into the job you

    Know to like cut the cost or something like That you all right is there another hotel locally doing the same contract don’t know cuz I’m going to go there next you can’t you can’t do so where is it no one get you is there one fairly local I don’t you don’t know see if you help me I’ll go really yeah

    Because I’ll be finished thank you so what’s your name sorry I don’t know you don’t know all right is that what you’ve been told to say come on guys I’ll turn the camera off you told me where the hotel what it’s called and I’ll turn it back on I’ll say bye and I’ll

    Go of no no but if you say it on camera maybe getting camera we like s on camera like what’s your good name DJ DJ DJ DJ DJ yeah off duty with us we have yeah so if I turn the camera off you tell me

    Where the hotel is I’ll turn it back on after like I told you off camera on camera no because there was one but I called them up today they’re open somewhere I don’t know not not to um aerodome hotel is it no I don’t they’re open apparently so you’re such a

    Journalist I just want to know where else to go today I know I’ve got lots of videos to make this is number one first one today if you can give me a location I’ll say goodbye and I’ll drive there and do do another video no problem

    We can stay for I’m not staying here but we don’t know any other you don’t know sorry have you seen any videos on YouTube of these hotels have you seen the videos on the YouTube you haven’t I don’t watch YouTube you don’t watch YouTube yeah oh

    Mate I hate I hate YouTube you hate it why they’re making money from us you know so is the TV yeah they all making money from us I don’t want to make make them Rich you know but you’re making money from your company whoever’s paying you yeah yeah exactly but you know I

    Don’t want to support social media you don’t want to support social media why not it’s not good that’s an interesting thing to say you know so people like myself go about make videos we earn money right so you watching YouTube yes one view obviously helps

    Right why why would you not want to help other human beings to live big issue it’s a big what issue issue social media oh you don’t like social media okay fair enough mate fair enough I don’t like social media like Facebook and stuff I don’t like that

    Facebook Instagram YouTube I watch a bit of YouTube I don’t like Facebook or uh Twitter Snapchat I don’t like any of that you watch the cricket you watch cricket no do you yeah you watching Cricket yeah you look like one England player ah it’s his name is uh Johnny Breo right

    Never had that before no no either no no it could be me undercover I’m checking that you’re working correctly hello so just give me the name of the hotel and I’ll I’ll be going mate I’ll be gone honestly I’ll turn it off if you know if you know where else to go

    Honestly oh been told to go in no well we’re going to be finished here anyway we’re going to be finished at the Best Western London Queens Crystal I think they’re getting told off for talking to me yeah they’re getting told off look he’s telling them don’t Talk there the Boss look at that little car I’ve never seen a car that small before barely get to seats in There sh on going police car rolls in how ironica is that yeah talk to the police I thought you didn’t call them huh I thought you didn’t call them you lied to me didn’t ah somebody else called them yeah friend off you we didn’t call yeah I think your boss your

    Boss is a bit a bit strict you know yeah cuz you are just having a you know talking and being nice is it so right I think he called them down there I think he called them just saying these didn’t call the police on me he just saying these two

    Didn’t call the police somebody did just wondering why you turned up somebody phoned us it wasn’t me no obvious so you got a drone yeah yeah yeah and what you do just F the things here yeah yeah have you got your license on you you got the

    Operator ID yeah yeah that’s fine and and a c of license for your for your drawing you want a copy or you want to see it which one I like to see it see it not you’re not taking a copy no I’m not why would I want to take a copy OH

    Police officers do don’t they well they do that there we go all right see your license on your operator’s I card with you that’s it no that’s it you must have an operator’s no card you don’t have an operator’s card no you should have if you’re fing

    Anywhere near building you know that and I know that uh I don’t know that you’re saying you know I know that yeah so you flying it within 50 to 8 me of a bone you must have your operator license control you want to check yeah I’ll right should you have your operator

    License with you uh you’re operating shoulder license you’re being nice enough so you have to have operat ID on the Drone mhm if if accus of an offense with it I’ve got to give it to you I’m not accused just show it you that I have one

    So you’re it’s confident that I’m legal to fly it that’s it yeah but are you flying at who fire where are you flying at you’re not been very close to everything to be fair mate yeah couple yeah I get I’ve got no problems with you doing that it’s just obviously it’s near

    Near a hotel obviously I don’t understand the reason why you suppos filming this hotel do you what is that I think we both not but um anyone got the open fuel card you got another unit on the way Oh I thought that was them I thought that

    Was them on the radio no no I’ve got I’ve got a broken down car as I was coming up here wom’s oh you have yeah yeah there was wom Bren down at the end of the road what happened to the car mate what happened to the car no it’s

    There but it’s an old an old DE at the oh somebody else’s car else car car um SN where’s SN it used to be ZB so we’ve changed it now it’s South so it’s now South area so they just spread us out thinner than oh so SN means South

    Area yeah for met all right is it okay I wasn’t aware yeah so where you from yourself you local don’t sound it same as me I ain’t local either no where you from I from North oh yeah go but um um so flying the Drone 50 m mhm doesn’t

    Apply to the Drone I’ve got no it’s a small drone isn’t it so it’s not the large drone um we are we obviously I got Noy man Spector cuz obviously flying drones yeah near buildings especially hotels yeah going to double check with him he’s happy enough I’m happy enough when I say

    I’ve been close mate to haven’t been up to the windows cuz obviously you’ve got a little bit of a privacy concern with the you know somebody could be changing I haven’t been that close that’s why I’m talking the 50 been close here M I’ve been flying over the car park quite low

    MH watching what they’re doing yeah making sure they’re abiding by the law the SI licenses and stuff you know oh yeah feelart from that I’ve been these guys have all got their IDs on show and all that they have now yeah yeah proba done before I got that’s F the story guys

    I’ll come and speak to you guys and I say again I’ll just speak those gentlemen F I’ll come and see you guys see you later guys see it obviously it’s quite clearly them that phed me what’s that it’s quite clearly them that phed those two no no the the

    The gray the gray one and the short one probably the other guy was out here talking to me the whole time yeah he’s been sounded there now I mean is it particular for because of the people who occupy this hotel is that why you’re filming it

    Yeah yeah it’s fair enough as I say to you you’ve been open with me and I’ll be open with you I turn up I go in I let them know what I’m doing drone camera come out I do my thing they were quite hostile when no what need to tell them

    Mhm um not those particular guys but the lady lady came out and said oh grab him grab him him out grab him control shouldn’t really do that before asking you to leave if he refused then Hands-On like a last approach for kind of security isn’t it

    But yeah it’s been fine other than that surprised you came honestly well the thing is I just was in the local area and just pop up well I’m surprised they called you should I say yeah yeah have I have you have you had dealings with this

    Lot before is this a regular thing that you come up and do these guys no no no never been here before never been here no so um you want on behalf of a company or is it just a your own personal business YouTu YouTube so you’re

    YouTub 2 33 Tango re contr get a little bit louder hey can I get your details please sir depends if i’ got to give them or not just technically you don’t after but then again then it’s a no if you’re going to arrest me instead

    Then I’ll give them but do you want to get arrested what for I like to ask because some some officers will then be like oh well technically yes you do and they’re wrong when they say that so i’ like to try and ask and see whether they’re going to no I just

    You it’s it’s being fair you got run your YouTube business Channel don’t you so you’re looking for the HS on that so I get that you know I mean I just turn up make my video legally and what you doing now you staying here or you going I was I was

    Walking off yeah I was going yes out of a lot of the videos I’ve made on this topic mhm this was like there was no drama put it that way do you get many hits on it is it is it yeah yeah yeah and is it is it just because of the migration

    3 it keep up people very interested in in the topic yeah I get that I get that so yeah obiously they F me because obviously it’s as you said there the pry issues within 50 m um not 50 m is it fitted with cameras is it fitted with the cameras that’s

    What I took it up yeah yeah so I get my aerial footage mhm um and of course when they came I came down here to me to do the Drone M they came down to they thought it was going to go in right so then I flown over the car par nice and

    Low watching them walk towards me m in terms of Windows I I don’t have any intention of finding out what they’re doing inside the hotel mhm that’s not what we’re here for no um so so what you’re going to post regarding it then just the fact it’s a hotel that’s been

    Used for it or what’s people at the interaction with security to see whether they behave these guys have been okay mhm for the first arrived no the lady was telling them to grab me apart from that security themselves have been professional they’ve been civil M they haven’t overstepped the mark blue badges

    On display apart from one of them so generally today’s been okay in terms of security behaving themsel uh talk to Residents spoke to a few guys staying here already MH the bikes people love the bikes yeah they’re so intrigued how so many bikes they’re quite old but some

    Of these places have like brand new bikes outside where they come from I mean I I me I’m not 100% sure but I know a few have been donated yeah so like I mean I don’t know where they donate them from but I tell you what we got B the

    Neck so we were thinking maybe police donate them as well no no no we we for obvious reason we didn’t involved in any kind of political kind of aspects or or stuff like that you know so we would be stuff um what going to say they’re quite

    Old bikes but some of these hotels have like brand new I think there’s a lot in craw got some new on I think I think really expensive you know 100% sure people watch the video and they say oh I can’t afford to get my son a new bike for Christmas and then

    You see these brand new ones outside the hotel that these guys have got for free so that irritates people you know you can understand can’t you it’s I mean it’s tough for everyone isn’t it I mean yeah I can understand why people get frustrated by that but then again some

    Of the people that are staying in this hotel terrible places terrible situations some haven’t some have again I wouldn’t know that’s the system not you know that’s the problem but I don’t film it for that like I don’t have an agenda mhm people are interested in it

    Uhh it is an interesting topic so come along and to film it it anything bad happens it’s caught on camera it exposes it nothing bad happens fine honest I’ve been detained by security illegally I’ve had phone snatched taken in off me had I’ve had everything happen at these hotels you

    Know you know your stuff and as I said I’ve got no issues with it um what is it you’re waiting for now can I ask no I’m going to shoot off that’s what I’m going to do oh thought you’re Wai for some of the radio no no I’m going to go and help

    That old deer again oh if we’re done yeah yeah yeah s but they were very concerned that I’m not allowed to film by law so please educate them and just say he can film from from public it’s fine yeah as long as you don’t come in a

    Car part and then tariz you know as long you when I was told to leave I got back on the path and I stayed there there we are all right get it as I said you you’ve got your stuff what you want to do yeah sound I’m done and they’re

    Obious again in with boss cool have a good day right well I wasn’t expecting those guys to arrive well that guy should to arrive should I say literally walking off and uh that police car turns up it’s like it’s just the easy thing to do oh there’s a guy filming let’s just

    Call the police on him shall we shocking what a waste of police time and he seemed like an all right chop the uh copper He made a few demands with the Drone but he he he seemed to be asking me rather than telling so that’s the reason that I helped him out a little bit with the rules on the Drone had he made demands and been quite rude about

    It I would have um I would have let him trip himself up more but he he didn’t seem that type he just seemed to uh first of all tell me but then he seems open to to listen so I thought we’ll just tell him you know anyway I’ll say it again

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    1. No point for the police officer to inform the security you're okay doing what you're doing. Since you aren't being arrested nor force to move along and you get to leave on your own free will. I think they would be able to figure it out. She's probably already came to that conclusion as she's definitely been spying on you from the upstairs window. Silly woman

    2. I had a 'Work do' in the early 90's at the Palace hotel …went to Secondary School just down the road at the bottom of sylvan road from 79-84 ……so this area would have been part of my old stomping ground as a kid……..
      Another fine Hotel ..taken over with tax payers money ..no wonder Croydon Council is Bankrupt once again

    3. The one thing i dont understand with this subject is how people who havent been granted the right to stay in the uk are free to come and go from these hotels, free to walk around with the public when we dont really know who they are. It just seems like we are asking for trouble.

    4. You've were asked several times not to film on their property. You have no interest or respect for laws and rights that protect anyone other than yourself.

      Absolute hypocrite.

    5. Was that a G Wiz ? I think they are so cute.
      Are there any English or English speaking security guards left n the UK.
      Goodness that woman assaulted you, what a vile human excuse for a human being.
      That used to be a decent hotel once upon a time, it makes me sad to see it looking so dirty and shabby. I can’t go back to South London anymore I find it so horrible now compared to how it was when I grew up there 😢
      I hope that chap and his family get situated soon.
      I like how genuinely interested you are with these displaced people and respectful you are with them too.
      The security guards were not too bad at all really.
      Wow that officer was so misinformed

    6. Such a terrible life, free board, food and heating. No doubt free medical help as well if needed. They also get an allowance and I'm sure a lot will be working, before they get a FREE place to live.😡😡🤬🤬

    7. The bikes are probably more than likely supplied and owned by the hotel for the use by the present residents and this is a bonus to get the contract, got to remember that the Goverment is spending loadsa money on housing these asylum seekers. Also this might be a failing hotel where the owners might be friends of the Conservative Party. Helping out of course?

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