Watch full podcast:
    Watch Jon Wedger part 1 here:
    Watch Jon Wedger part 3 here:
    Watch Jon Wedger part 4 here:
    Watch Jon Wedger part 5 here:

    Ex London Met cop Jon Wedger shares his insight into true-crime cases.
    Jon Wedger on YouTube:
    Jon Wedger on Twitter:

    Watch our full Savile interview with Mark Williams Thomas:

    Watch UNTOUCHABLE – Jimmy Savile:

    This documentary for an online audience examines how one of Britain’s most prolific offenders engineered his career and lifestyle to escape detection from the authorities for over sixty years.
    Over 4 years, this documentary was produced by Shaun Attwood with Underground Films.
    Underground Films website:

    Watch UNTOUCHABLE full unedited documentary on Vimeo:
    The Vimeo version includes option for David I’s Savile contributions.

    UNTOUCHABLE Music by Michael Baugh

    UNTOUCHABLE includes:
    Kelly Gold (friend of Top of the Pops suicide victim)
    Mark Williams-Thomas (ex-cop)
    Christian Wolmer (author)
    Stephen French (author/activist)
    Matthew Steeples (author/activist)
    Mark Coster aka Boris
    Christopher Berry-Dee (author)
    Jason Farrell (senior political correspondent)
    Dr Sohom Das (psychiatrist)
    Alan Merritt (activist)

    Shaun Attwood’s social media platforms:

    #savile #TheReckoning #BBC

    He was a pervert himself uh there there was I mean I think within the first year 453 victims came for I mean I’ve spoken to victims of him I’ve spoken to ones that have been in the hospital when um my son was in STO Manderville hospital and of

    Course when he add it bill there’s this quote from Jimmy sa it mentions God on it he was uh proclaims to have been a a good Catholic but I mean what does that mean you know we’ve seen some of what goes on in that in that sort of

    Environment but and there’s all pictures of him um after his uh is sort of um postmortem exposure there there is not one trace of this guy in that hospital not one Trace every bit that’s to do with him has been removed removed and I can always remember watching is it Janet cope his

    His PA who worked with him for 30 years who just has this we weird denial that anything went on I don’t believe her I do not believe her she seems very uptight and uncomfortable when she’s being interviewed you know that is not someone I think is is is uh uh ignorant

    Of his goings on I’m not saying she had anything to do but I I I I can safely bet everything I own on the fact that she knew she know look if the average man in the street know then then she she know don’t did you was it was this is

    Your life he was on twice I think yeah he was on there yeah and they said to him we were going to get your secretary on but you wouldn’t let us yeah yeah and then he’s he’s talking about yeah well she’s not allowed to grass and all this

    Kind of thing yeah yeah um Andrew Mah Andrew Neil sorry Andrew Neil was very very dubious of him the the one that really really jars me and and I’m really not happy with it I love the documentary but I’m not happy happy with what I’m went on afterwards was when Louie met

    Jimmy now Louie fu is no fo this is an intelligent guy um I used to quote him when I used to um uh teach interview skills he has got one of the best OS of interviewing I’ve ever seen he relies on ignorance and stupidity to get what he

    Wants he he puts himself so far down on the intellectual hierarchy than the people he’s interviewing that especially with narcissistic people they can’t help themselves and and a lot of sex offenders are not very narcissistic because it’s a very selfish way of living and they they they tend to talk

    Because they have to talk because they’re narcissistic and they think they’re clever than you um and he would put himself so low down and be so ignorant that they all thought they were one up and they didn’t see him as a threat so he never really got near to me

    Assaulted or anything he’s an investigative journalist for the BBC everyone knew what was going on he accosted Jimmy sville on the train on the in city train and brings this thing up about him potentially being a so he’s even broed this topic by the end of that um

    Documentary Jimmy Seville is totally an ugly coercively manipulating that guy you can see it he is he it’s like he’s got his hand up his jaxi and he’s it’s frightening to watch the next second one he’s he’s even saying Jimmy comes to start at my place he’s become a

    Frequent visitor and I’m thinking and then of course it comes out and now he’s R for sure oh I didn’t know and he interviews a victim Survivor of svil and the one thing with with victim and survivors is it’s really really strange statistic about people that have been

    Victims of abuse and uh there was a study done on it and it’s that they’ve got CVO ability and that comes from hyper awareness they are like foxes there’s a difference between a dog and a fox you know a fox is wely it’s Tri it knows It’s Tricky it’s it’s they’re

    Always on alert and what you’ll find with people that have been in these institutions are always on alert always on high alert constantly and and they found that they have got these these you know this six sense whatever it might be you know uh and it’s it’s just in them

    Because and they interview one of the the victims and she turns around and she said oh to Lou oh come on Louie you’re telling me you didn’t know and she’s not having one bit of it and she really fronts him out she is not cuz he’s he’s

    Coming the guilty party he’s we used to call it in the police operation stable door he’s doing crisis management he’s doing damage limitation and that’s what we see all the time trying to well yeah well I didn’t know no no it’s a liot I’m not I don’t

    Believe it for one minute and again you see he’s very uncomfortable Louis Fu very confident in the first one but he’s met his match with Jimmy Seville without a doubt he met his match with Jimmy Jimmy Seville just totally anly outwitted him that you know it was like

    A master chess player playing someone who’s rubbish at drafts that was and by the end of it it’s it’s a brilliant documentary to watch people can’t even watch it though they’ve scrubbed it haven’t they


    1. I have to agree. Abused tend to sense an abuser from miles away. I sensed it about all of them,glitter,Saville, Clifford etc. The only one I was shocked about was Rolf Harris.

    2. Jimmy was a good catholic many popes through history..’’the Borgia’s’’ among loads… the good catholics… Yeshua the hamashiach is the lord
      What are Catholics doing …. ?
      What planet …are they on…. Infested with ‘covered up’ fathers and nuns … And Jewish Peter …shouting…. I’m not Catholic…. Now pray not Miriam …
      Get out of it …. Follow Yeshua …dump Mary’s prayers.. and the mass and confessions and religious stuff …and follow Yeshua …. Before it’s too late

    3. anybody who uses the word 'grass' in normal conversations, esp if presenters of kids tv, and is not a gardener or footballer, or an allergy expert or someone like that, probably should be in prison!

    4. Louis is a disgraceful human being if that’s what u wanna call him. I don’t care what the rat says i know he knew Savile was a non..! Some of these apparent celebs need locking up themselves cause they knew. Louis is a vile rat

    5. I'm sure Louis tried to unmask Jimmy in some way, because of all the crazy rumours he'd heard, but Jimmy was just too clever for that, he was a master of escape & evasion for decades. This guy puts Louis up there with Sherlock Holmes or J. Edgar Hoover when, at the time, Louis had about 5yrs experience of just interviewing weird people, Jimmy being his very first in-depth one-on-one. So, I wouldn't blame Louis Theroux for not unmasking him, I'd blame the bigwigs at the BBC and NHS for covering up so they didn't have to deal with a scandal.

    6. And what about his brother they went in together if you want to know about pimps ask the special branch and the crown and the metropolitan police those at the top

    7. I remember Jimmy Saville trying to suggest Jackson was up to know good the problem I have with that is genuine people who want to entertain children or adults with there talent get tared with the same brush and have there lives ruined while Saville got a way with it because of his mates who tipped him off as he said if you don't see me next Tuesday or Thursday then he would have been found out but he always made it out to be an inside joke wink wink nod nod and no one dared lay a hand on sir Jimmy as he was well connected

    8. He said " im the most Jewish Roman Catholic"! Get it right. Considering we have Ghislaine Maxwell, Claire Bronfmann and Alison Mack, three Jewish women convicted of trafficking over 50,000 gentile women and children, only this year.

    9. Are you working for the bbc ? All I have seen is saville ? Why not big up the the new cougan movie and say what a great man he was ? Come on Sean use a bit of savvy .

    10. Unknown fact Jimmy Savelle is actually the father of Decca Heggie. He hurled the Duchess outside a fish and chip shop FACT and to hide Jimmy was the father The Duchess had a stepbrother called Diet Chips…..and him and his wife barbara pretended thye had Heggie but that is untrue. This is verified.

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