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    Hello guys, how are you? Welcome to a new live here at the Aram Asylum. Well, I’m going to pass on people so that we can give our opinions on our various points of view . So with that I’m going to keep adding people Hello how are you Borja how are you Good

    How are you good Bante looks good ironically have you seen the bomb that he has dropped on me and me No yes quite powerful bomb or that is I think it has silenced many people who have told me The accused has accused me that I was really telling lies about the issue

    That the game really didn’t have hackers, it was clean, not in a few words, there could have been some rating, how about and what about, but I think that with that, Quiet many many people to see on the one hand I have two two things two come on two situations or one

    Or yes the game has forced them a little to take measures because the issue of cheating has really increased a bit yes or that they are making a statement to clean their

    Hands I have seen it this way we have been 2 years I have been 2 years a moment what happens What is happening sundark Hello sund bu good I have been two years I have been saying the topic of hackers for two years

    Yes that there are hackers that which I have received a lot of Candela from a lot of people Even youtubers like for how to say like for example say Team seto Team seto is one of the

    Channels that more in a few words more its community than anything else but it has really been Milanese no so much the tineto has been milanese milanese But there has been a lot of history out there okay. You know what

    I want to tell you, as a lot of things have happened that I have found out about the issue of the tineto, it has occurred to me that I sold smoke from that everything I said was

    My inventions and the whole story and you know how to sundar Yes, but to tell you one thing, you have criticized something about Konami that is not really about hackers, some of the things that you have criticized

    That are due to a problem that It has the game that I call it, saying almost from day one that it is the algorithm that a guy suddenly having a perfect hand is not always a hacker because I

    Have 60 cards and suddenly it’s like Well, I’m going to draw Oh, I have 60 cards. cespet and I have Brand from Fusion, not even if both were limited to one, that doesn’t happen to me in a single Duel Eh, but listen to me,

    There is a very important thing on that topic in the matter that yes, there are. Look, for example, right now I’m live and I’m playing a game of con in the game and the whole

    Story and it gives you a connection error the vast majority of times it’s because your internet is failing you yes am me that’s not why that’s not why that’s I explain it, it also happens with du links eh

    Conami eh did one thing I suppose that to avoid hacks you have to have an almost perfect connection and not variable During duels if your connection varies do not lose the connection be careful because losing the connection is if you are now Even live, the connection goes away, the

    Live goes away too, so it can’t be that this is a duel, the connection is lost, but you’re watching YouTube, you’re watching everything else, it’s not that the connection changes in any way. of the Duel

    Many times because that has happened to me in duel links even I have played losing like I have been losing bam connection failure and and it has happened and and in Master it has also happened to me I

    Mean it is this is a very bad thing in Master me it happens more than in Do lins but it’s one thing Well, not in doin it happens more to me It just works in a different way that is much better than what happens to you at the

    Beginning of the Duel that there is a little trick eh for people who come from duolin The little trick when You get the connection error and it tells you to retry restart. If you hit restart,

    It gives you the Duel lost. If you hit restart, it’s as if there had been no Duel. For people who play the links, it’s more like you can’t do that. And it happens to you in the middle of a duel, that’s

    The problem that in the middle of a duel, it suddenly throws you out because your connection has changed a little and it’s like, but see if I’m connected at all and everything works perfectly for me, of course that’s a problem. Konami programming problem

    Eh But not completely, I mean I’ll see it hacker but there is that too I have to criticize Konami because the game is poorly programmed in that way. Well, the issue of the algorithm and the whole story, maybe you are right with the issue of the algorithm

    . For example, one always ends up coming out in hand even if you have one or the algorithm in that aspect is quite good. There are people who know how to predict them. There are people who know a fair amount of cards and a fair amount of time

    Because they know, I don’t know how. They will do eh but they have known how to predict the algorithm. I suppose that by looking at the code they will know that there are certain cards that have a greater chance of coming out for you then. Knowing that

    Pattern well they put maybe two maxis only maybe some blossons maybe one from another card and it’s going to come out in the initial hand because they have it programmed. So yes, and apart from that it’s a bitch,

    I want to comment on one thing. I don’t know if you know that there are also eh programs, programs that are sold from third parties that are for PlayStation, I mean, I don’t know. If you have PlayStation sund Dark I think yes you didn’t

    Tell me that you had a Play yes the Play 5 There the store goes the [ __ ] the mobile Well well eh you know perfectly well that there is a a kind of coder that you put it in you put some codes o You can do

    Anything and add hacks to be able to do several things in the game obviously and PlayStation is not going to fall short. I tell you that there are many people who play PlayStation Master duel

    With hacks and also for sure because that is also the problem with The Bots that I have seen are two types of Bots, the Bots made by Konami are normally at low ranks, also in the events that

    I have seen at very low ranks in the events that are clearly a Boss, that is, no one starts playing one of them. which is worse than the fact that the game gives you is clearly a Bot but then there are other Bots that are working automatically that are known to be working

    Automatically because a person cannot make certain plays so quickly and because they are usually played of going straight to an oteca and when you stop it is when suddenly it’s like an error occurs and the connection stops, that is, they are bots that are made that happened a year ago with D for

    Dinamita, that strange thing that was played Ah Yes, it is very brutal and what I liked lately has been the one with the samur that you spend 25 minutes playing doing the combo until it takes your entire hand away.

    It has the 6ur door like 48 counters and it’s like Well, whenever you want okay Yes no no Exactly but I already told you there has been so much in this in this update Although it may seem like it

    Has been little but there has been a lot With that letter with that statement the truth is with me it has done a lot now we will see I don’t think it will do Now we’ll see, sincerely, I don’t think they’ll do anything about that

    Statement. They’ve released it some other time. I’ve seen it in a statement from time to time and it’s like, Hey, so you can stay quiet, we know that there are hackers and we’re going to try to do something.

    Ah, So you’re going to go very hard against them I said try on purpose guys take advantage Hey nice cup take advantage eh take advantage of Master duel no no no no that puts duel I don’t know what ah have you seen there how the man shows off if in truth

    Today’s live show was for that to show the mug we can cut have you seen the mug I do my typical Monster promotion that they don’t pay me anything and now I have to pay a fortune they just gave me the mug and everything Yes wait please what

    I see is better than no I know if you have seen the leaks it is the sors structure because I have been criticizing that a person when they start to especially today Master Duel that they

    Have criticized me a lot No but it is very free to play yes I don’t know what not. I mean, you see a lot of things that are nothing free to play, that this guy takes from his father and his mother in every envelope that there is and

    That if you are going to buy a structure no matter how much Borja tell me that ninjas are good, it’s a fact that you have to know how to pilot it too well. Not only how to handle it because the ninja

    Is one of those that I can make plays for you but I have to guess the plays that you are going to make in two turns to to be able to pose it and that is not about knowing how to play a d that is about knowing how to play

    A format So the Ninja deck is not made for a new player who wants to enter on everything if it comes from tcg or cg because you won’t know this format, either the black deck, which is a walking meme since the salamander, there has never been a structured one that

    Was really powerful, you pay for the three copies and you start playing What? letters are guaranteed it is known that moet chiso is coming that the supreme sovereign is coming Eh well This is an r because of the cover that

    Has been leaked it is implied that Iris also comes although it is not usually used But well, there is Iris and the only one of The orsol, the only one of the orsol that is not confirmed but I think

    It will also come because of the Ur number that they usually put is the other level 10, which total if it doesn’t come. Nothing happens either, that is, I get one of each 20 duels that’s the reality

    But I think it’s going to come because I’ve been looking at the latest structures, the oldest ones did have only four Ur But all the last ones, the one with the ninjas, I’m not going to

    Count because I think it’s coming. so many Ur I think they are like s Ur but that is because the one as such is very specific but removing the others they are between 5 and Ur then you count M 1 the three

    Synchros and the Iris are ces if they want to add another one I think that It would be a tenji I don’t know if the synchronization or the link in plan to insert a letter pocha can easily insert the tenji link that is not usually

    Used But hey it could be fine let’s see I don’t understand I can’t understand it let’s go to the most normal thing is that when they release a structured one they release a deck with something new, not with

    New material for structured but War has nothing that me the theme becomes something else Wars as such for someone new is very easy to handle because they are going to take it They are going to

    Make it and they are going to have it available practically always, so whether you want it or not, the only thing you have to craft is a Baroness because that one is not going to come by chance. Baroness, I don’t think

    The protos will come either, so I would put my hand in the game. that protos is not going to come prot either but it is Wars without protos it tends to go relatively well with protos since it is the one that already tells you take

    Protos Do me something no no no more the campaign that they are going to do a campaign again that really is A campaign that they should never have removed, which is the one to start the game, is leaked. I don’t know

    If they are also going to give the 4,000 or 6,000 gems that they gave, but it is one thing that was stupid to remove from the new players at first in January. Two years ago we had it but

    Then suddenly they said No, we are not going to remove it because people create multi-accounts now but what this does is that the new player has a disadvantage compared to the Old and that does not normally happen in any gacha In gachas what happens to you is the later

    You start, the more gifts you are going to have because what they want is new people, so to bring them up to date, not that they have absolutely everything like what the player who has been playing for a year has, but

    They do I can catch up quickly and I don’t have to be there for a whole month. One thing that I found fatal is that you started the game because he made me a new account and so on, and the

    Truth is, except for Labrin, who right now with how touched he is and If Arias doesn’t come, then the deck isn’t worth that much. The truth is, except for Labrin, there isn’t any really free to play deck that you can

    Put together in a few weeks and you can say to a completely new person, Hey, start farming the whole mode alone. For a whole month trying. go up in ranks to get the gems and buy yourself

    A good deck he sends you the [ __ ] he says I have to be bored for a whole month to get the things no So I think this is very good what you say bothers me no no

    No There are no new cards, really, there is nothing new that they are including. I would have preferred that perhaps what I said a few weeks ago, a structured bag that they could put in the lars,

    They could put in certain cards that are new that in the end you only want to use in the lars but You have those cards but in the end it is also that you use alars. If they had put that

    Structure, yes you have alars but everything else is either the old fossil Dick and something else, you are not going to use it because the bag is very meme even with the I’ve been watching recently on ocg eh I say

    Cg because I haven’t seen it in tcg Yes with what the diable Star would be and so on an evolar diable Star is cool as a meme that is to say evolzar It goes from being a [ __ ] to make a medium high Rogue it’s

    Okay but it can’t be compared to the meta for nothing so they give you this It seems very good to me because that is what I say from Burning Spirit The one about the salamanders is that none

    Of the other structured ones seem good to me, all the other structured ones, some of them could be the one from the magicians to have the engin but in general terms it is that none of the utopia ones are of any use to you,

    You are missing so many cards because the D is so expensive that it is not worth it. Neither is blackwind worth it to you either. eh, the one with the zombies does not suit me either. of the swsh Because if

    The anniversary is going to come now, they are supposed to possibly give us a structured White Dragon with blue eyes, not everything, no, I told you a month ago, obviously not with deafness

    . I’m not going to give so many flowers either. but I said that two structured ones could come, one with maybe new cards like one or two of the Blue eyes alternative art the Blue Ice Look, a card that

    They can put in to calm the waters is the Blue Ice and alternative Ultimate Dragon that I don’t know if Yes, the tcg has come out but it is a card that is not in the game and, like in duell link, you have to be

    Given the twins, which are cards that are not in tcg. Well, it’s a bit like trying to match it, but that’s the deck. fan service let’s talk about fan service and then they give you this because always on

    The anniversary the introduction of many people is expected. Eh from what I have been seeing it tells me a little about the Tokyo Dome, they are going to be doing joint events between duel links and Master Duel

    , Master Duel, well, I haven’t announced it officially, but it’s in the data leaks that they’re going to do things, I think it’s not for us, it’s only for in person there in Japan, but maybe if you’re playing Duel Links and you start play master duel there they give you some advantage

    Some prize or I don’t know something they can give you and vice versa if you have Master duel and you start playing two links Although here it says that only the other way I suppose because there are more

    Players in Japan than dueling that of Master duel So it is expected that the players of Master duel will increase at least as I say in Japan, which is the largest market for this game along with

    Korea and Taiwan and all these Asian countries, so a new person comes in and says what to me I start playing Uy a new structured sors Uy a new campaign for new players in less

    Than a week you have the sors deck well less than a week in a few hours you have the sorol deck you are going to have gems to craft all the cards you need because here you have also the nibirus

    You also have the blosson an impermanent an impermanent is usually used for the crossout So you craft what would be a crossout a baroness a protos one thing that is also good the Band of the Bayer padlock also combines very well with the Band of the impermanence Because if

    You are new you take the impermanence one and you take the veiler one and look you won’t have two impermanence but you have a veiler and an impermanence that do the same thing Yes but going a little more competitively

    Speaking Bayer es es br it can be used but it is not so in use That’s why I say going more competitive Yes yes but going more competitive with in less than a day two you can already have a to

    [ __ ] enter ranked and start playing the same next month in March you the resc comes out with the devil Star you get something else and it has advanced so much that SS goes from being an almost tier 3 Rogue to a

    Rogue that you can’t compete with but today I sometimes start playing sorol and I win games without difficulty, it is a test that is still very good, I would say that people have stopped

    Using it but it really is not one of my top 10 that I find most in ranked, it is not in the top 7 but it is in the last three positions along with tratis is one of the ones I encounter the most and I

    Find it much more competitive than trapis to be honest. Well tratis is played for other reasons Borja, hey, did you want to comment on something, let’s see, it wasn’t just that thing about the dancer, above all. Oh okay, it’s basically

    That I did it. seen I say look someone new gets the structured 750 gets the beiler 750 the imperma the veiler gets caught Maybe it is a little worse but really now real format format

    Yes no but with ace nibiru you would also have drops that there is a bandle of it to see competently even if it is a little at the cost of being specifically inconsistent You have something

    To interrupt, that is to say, it’s wrong. Look here, Alan Po says the same thing that he said that you said in the discord, that this is really going to come out, but it’s going to be good to take away the urs and srs and

    For 1500 gems, well, you can have practically all the deck you need, my advice is that you spend 1000 why because the other 500 will only be for a mollet, as you see. But honestly, about 10 urs for only and exclusively 500 gems, well, it’s better to invest it

    In something else but 1000 with 1000 you get two moet Don Chinese I think his name is the the the other two synchros There are six you spend 1000 and you can craft two Ur because you are going to have 60 stones always

    Making sure that you have it in a low category if anyone has it in Royal or something like that, there are more of them, but at least you are going to have 60. Whoever has the one, if you had the Iris from before, it’s

    70, it’s pretty good, two guaranteed fixes for what you want to craft, for 1000, it’s better than any pnd of the ones. that has come out Yes yes yes look what cataran says it is not worth 750 for

    750 gems for a dancer yes it is worth it s that V Because for example in those in those 10 envelopes that I have invested I have gotten four werres A lo It’s better that I’ve been lucky to see if

    I understand myself no no no arca what was I going to tell you how much do you talk about the hackers that you talk so much to see if the hacker is going to be you because you have had brains I I’ve been watching the

    Cat’s live show, you know how much he’s had zero zero, you’ve had zero, you’re zero, he was a cat and he’s gone, I named him and he was discovered and I was leaving [Laughs] I’m not going to buy it first because I already have it.

    Two bailers So if you have it, it’s not really worth it for 10 pia because I don’t think I’ll ever use TR Bayer, the truth is I don’t think I’ll ever use it, it’s because I didn’t

    Have Bayer. So I threw it away, I say, Look, give me Bayer, I really needed it a little for there decks in which you can specifically put it and it gives like that con you are giving it to me

    For it is mandatory but going for the third one I can discard one and there are 10 stone quotes and take a chance but since I know that if I fail and I get zero urs, you’re not guaranteeing me an

    Ur in any way, it’s a bit almost like throwing it away and now the devil Star is coming, hey, I scolded the battel Ghost, this one that I’ve been saying for a month that the devil

    Star has to come because It’s the anniversary and something has to come and saying no because Di told you he’s going to come fzo and me for a whole month saying the day has to come belestar for a whole month the damn

    Mat delg all the time contradicting me that yes he God said that if I don’t know what And in the end he said Hey I think it was that it was mom that the devil is coming and it’s like I already knew it

    If I knew it let’s see I’ll take it I’ve been saying it for a month now also the topic of the devil Star just like no now eh let’s go to the topic of the video that what I have made because the truth

    Has been told if you start to think about it very rarely I have been wrong or I have sold smoke as it has Many people said what I did here in the Arcan Manicom, not that I sold smoke, that I said anything,

    I think that here they sold us smoke without having information, we have given a lot of information, especially when we had the letters open and the entire history of the letters. that were hidden in the game and practically every time we have said something it has happened, no. For example, to say that

    A banlist is coming, it is coming, I don’t know what that is, otherwise, if it weren’t true, if it didn’t happen, it would be selling smoke, but the thing is that [ __ ] you say it One day and the next day there is the banlist or things like that, it is also

    True that there are contacts there that we talk a lot about on December and there are contacts like tomorrow they go and it’s like No man, they will wait a week tomorrow like he said that It’s with me that he gets involved and

    Says you want it there, you don’t have it there, you don’t But well, one [__] Hey Borja sundar what I can tell you is that the contact contact of dec is let’s see it’s nailed it’s it’s

    With me, let’s see, first of all, no one in the world is such a genius to [ __ ] and say that you know that this and this and this and this are going to come out and how [ __ ] do you know

    ? I believe it. It’s because of the dinom morphia thing, no, but let’s see, but if it gets into you, it even tells you that even the icons are going to come out, icons, boxes, everything, that is, it tells you everything [ __ ]

    White and in a bottle No one can know that, the only thing they know is konami and konami tells this man one thing one thing it’s possible that it’s not konami’s people is that I don’t know how

    The issue goes with decay but in duell links that too It’s supposed to be the decay page but there are a lot of people playing on duel links when there is an update it doesn’t matter that dikay doesn’t leak it

    Because before dik has leaked it he doesn’t have it dikaya has it another colleague of his has the part of D links now before they filter it, they have leaked it on another page in China, so

    I didn’t filter it. Why do I say this because I said about the devil Star, the first one to say it was What is the name of my dd here, our colleague from discord was the first to say that it wasn’t theirs

    Either but that it had been taken from the Data Mining of someone who had stolen it from Dec’s discord or something like that Or that they had hacked it So, for a moment, what I feel is that I said It has

    Half bought from the people who have the updates because I don’t believe that they make an update and nothing is leaked and suddenly they say that I have l like How do you have it but if

    Nothing has been leaked on your page no what Yes, there are leaks, it’s just that you don’t see them and since unfortunately there are fewer people playing Master du than du links, Master du

    Will have no competition or Practically eliminates it or converts it by saying it’s not that they sell smoke and send their [ __ ] out there and then he can’t say anything because a guy from China has leaked it for

    A month or so who has Data Mining that is more famous than him and he has to keep his mouth shut and he can’t [ __ ] the monopoly I’m going to tell you tell what happened with the devils Star I was the first to

    Say it fu first it was not my d no no no but I no I’m not talking about saying it I’m not talking about saying it I’m talking about data that the data and images were shown yes no no yes that was from a Twitter that

    Is that I repeat it again it is what it is let’s see why Mr d is so big but I’ll tell you one thing it turns out that I was dark I don’t remember if you were there too sundar but I said it’s coming

    The archetype of the devils Star and you all started to break my ass saying but if there is no such type of devils it’s just a letter it’s a letter I just made a mistake but I wasn’t wrong the devil is coming so Let’s see the thing is that it is an archetype

    As such but it is a card that helps the archetype would be the archetype that is eyes of sin something like eyes of the snake no snake eye it is not letters snake is snake I don’t know what it is in Spanish but

    Serious but then there are others that are eh treasure treasure of sin those cards in turn help Serpent Eye And this is the seeker specifically of the treasure of sin Well there is the thing well

    Borja who is part of the archetype and is like albaz What are you saying about what archetype it is pointed out, spy what the hell where is it Ah, it’s not from the archetype but practically all the archetypes support it

    Because it is a little similar Well yes if not translated as treasure treasure of sin without What is it called in spanish diable star diab Star diabel Star but in Spanish it should also be

    Called the same on purpose I want to thank sunda for some words that he told me that he left me they have reached me that is to say or that is let’s see he has caught me and me Borja said that

    You should know, look carefully at what he told me in a few words, in a few words, I think that I have sincerely fallen in love, I am very sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] is that he grabbed me and told me that if

    I leave the Arcan madhouse, that is, sio, what it is, ev will make it uninstall the game, it will send the [__] to the game because really, if it comes, if it does these things, it is because of how comfortable it is in my

    Community. No, the truth is that it does. I mean, it’s not. It’s not a joke, but it’s not for praise. But look, I play it really well. People can tell me that I’ll criticize many things. This is an awesome game. Anyway, more free to

    Play less free to play but it’s a mess, these types of games don’t survive because they have content something like that because of the H that makes you believe what’s happening when you already know perfectly well what’s going to

    Come, many times things that are bringing you neither You don’t even have H for them because you already know what’s going to come from just having one game mode. You know that there are many archetypes that you won’t even be

    Able to use. I love synchron and people will think that I hate synchron because I have criticized it a lot the next one I love it is that I love it I have everything I have the three

    Tuning cu that I love but [ __ ] I start playing it and it’s either they stop it the first time or if they don’t stop it I don’t play it either Because they give up on me, that’s the reality. I mean, I play one out of every

    15 duels without exaggerating. So I don’t have fun, no Meier. Even if I win, that is, having an archetype that puts me there and they give up, it’s like, well, I’ve spent a zillion hours. in a whole month

    To not even play I mean this is why I don’t play it So it doesn’t really have game modes when you get to master a I have nothing to do but play for fun I can’t play for fun most people If I didn’t let him do the combo, he’s given up, that

    ‘s the reality in maestro, most people give up, very few people tell you, let’s keep playing, I have nothing to do, and being honest, the people who tell me no. But participate in tournaments, I am not with the choir to participate in a tournament at 4 in the morning,

    We have different times with Latin America and the United States and I do know of some Italian and some French who do it but it is very sporadic and I don’t even speak FR or Italian and they are from their own

    Communities in Spanish there was a community that did hold tournaments but it completely disappeared I’m not talking about this one I’m talking about another older one especially because they asked for money and it’s like you’re not even known you’re already asking for money to Your nonsense about tournaments I don’t remember

    Where you are from, if they were from Madrid or where, but well, I really see the game as bad, to be honest, if I compare it with du links, I see it as a very bad game, you in du link Well, look carefully at one

    The daily thing is having to enter practice every day to be doing the daily nonsense that if I am in master one I cannot do it directly or that I am right now with Brande’s

    Which is the most competitive and you tell me activate three traps Ah but yes the You place it is not activating if I place the trap up by a byssal that does not count as activating Ah but if I activate it

    And the rival automatically surrenders the machine does not count you as having activated it either [ __ ] Well if I do you’re going to do like this [ __ ] take me like in du link you put it in the Solo mode

    So that I can play the solo mode automatically I put it there to play it let the daily ones be done and that ‘s it and when I enter I enter because I feel like it Not because I’m forcing myself and I have to play a

    Deck that I can’t be playing, such as the trapis, which has dropped a lot in category. Now until I become an Aries and all that, it seems boring to me, it’s that even the events don’t even make an effort, it’s just that

    That is the reality, that is, the previous event seemed like a [__] and you want to sell the envelope, let’s see, let’s be honest, you want to sell the envelope of Super Heavy Samurai with Ami because it releases

    Super Heavy Samurai and in the main event you don’t allow it but the event that is coming now with the tcg ban you just [ __ ] to superg Samurai also want to sell the pack because I feel like

    Not now next month the syncro the quasar is going to come to you I don’t know what that they have [ __ ] to make a hunting cup to that they have [ __ ] to do any event that is not a

    Synchro event so that you cannot use CD or they do a synchro event and what they did at the beginning they allow you cards that they do not have nothing to do with synchronicity so that people play that saying

    It’s not that so that everyone can play that everyone can play no. In other words, if it’s a synchronicity event it’s about synchronicity you no they did something stupid I don’t remember In what month

    Or update did they do what was to include in the duels the duels in terms of rooms that you could have with the synchronization event, the event I don’t know what But one of those encores are very bad because they are

    The encores of that event made to sell the box, that is, they are not really updated or updated or anything instead of creating my own ranked Well, look, someone will tell me that I am

    In love with doin, it is that I don’t know what it is that dueling makes events It’s that dueling every now and then gives you a new envelope or gives you a new character or gives you any new thing and the game goes away

    Updating this, no. So I’ve said it many times, I’m in a state of nerves and my mother knows that. the state of nerves and the Cabrio that I catch many times when I am either because of a

    Connection failure Because perfect hand because any [ __ ] that the Cabrio that I catch in stalls suddenly I am about to win and I get seven times followed by no one telling me

    That there is no algorithm that is looking at the des that I am playing and says let’s put the des that is against you, why? Because if a user doesn’t talk about me, I talk about anyone, go up day one

    To teacher to teacher. What happens is that it runs out of content and leaves? So what do they do? When you go up, you are climbing very high ranks, they start telling you that

    They are contrary to yours and that they beat you easily, why? Why? Don’t go up and you’ll believe that Oops I have more days playing But the reality is that there is only one game mode you don’t add anything else the

    Guy Let him go up day one to teacher one has the whole month without doing anything he has to pray because the event It’s moderately entertaining, anyway, how long does it take you to do an event,

    It doesn’t take long at all and many times when they are events, this last event stopped me with a [__] that is, eh, this event has been repeated three times, always the most popular deck has always been It was the orcus with

    Mecna and all this and if it wasn’t the other one the crusadia the crusadia then they have nerfed it a little and you had another one that you could play Well then they have been removing them all so that only the orcus can play

    The orcus M Crusade and everything This crap is like log that you are very proud of having created this [ __ ] that I understand how this works eh I don’t know the numbers of the contract

    But I know obviously that at the time you have had to pay your isia you have had to pay aa what would be TV Tokyo and you have had to pay Studio already says a lot of people for

    Each anime archetype that you are making because they have a license for those cards They have a license All of this is much cheaper for them to make you a game So no They have the voices of

    The characters because, for example, in Japan, the character and the voice actor go together, they cannot create a character without that voice actor because they eat him alive, of course, what they do, they

    Put as little effort into you as possible. They have nothing to do with the east and I believe that today they don’t have to pay anything. It’s a dream because they give you a mode just because they give you an event related to the

    Ccro but it is something that they already have as bad [ __ ] as if they were young children, it is very noticeable, in a lot of tournaments and so on, you can see the problems, the prohibitions, the type of support you get, all the people are asking why

    You don’t get more support to make anime archetypes meta I say anime archetypes that people listen to me archetypes not in jeans someone doesn’t come to me it’s not that lois is super touched anyway but loiso

    The dp that’s an enin No I’m telling you anime archetypes you get one every two years Whether it’s Rogue or tier 3, but most of them, no, no, I’ve created some firefighters, I don’t know what, but I don’t personally like

    The game. Well, look, I don’t think it’s part of the community, in parts, part of the community physically, and so on, I think. It is clear that Sun Dark, the creator made it very clear, Sun Dark said very

    Clearly that this was not based on the anime, that is, Master Durer was not based on the anime alone, it is the subject of practically a kind of story of the letters is not well written eh I don’t

    Know if you have played the Nintendo ones that there was a I don’t know which one, War Champions 2008 or something like that that gave you a little bit of history with the characters and so on, it was even better done

    Of course I mean What freaks me out is that you’ve dedicated millions to it and I’m not exaggerating, millions is a lot of money to make the [__] of Cross duel and here you don’t dedicate anything to it, I understand that Cross duell

    It has not been Solo conami that it has also been dirty that it has also been good Studio say that it has been all the people who are involved because it is TR people but [ __ ] eh no one does it

    What conami did with Master duel does not do it no one number one in January 2021, which I think was when it came out in 2022 number one in sales, that’s what very few games do, that’s what GTA proposes to you,

    But a yoke and it got [ __ ] [ __ ] keep your head, people still want you -gi-oh people want to continue playing yu-gi-oh they still like it and look at the comments Look at the comments if

    This Look I’m going to be a little racist if an American picks this up and look at the comments what does he say to you I’m going to create two game modes, one competitive like the one we have and

    One like the one I’ve said many times, maybe based more on anime with anime archetypes or something like that because a lot of people were people who had played yog at the time or I had seen the anime or

    I had even seen j Brain is a cure because the game has evolved too much and not entirely for the better and I said [ __ ] It’s just that I can’t play [ __ ] it’s just that it’s half an hour of combos

    When does my turn come [ __ ] the game has introduced a lot of things and I’m not clear [ __ ] with me Look at all this if a Random tells you this and then the game doesn’t sell much either

    Because what you want is Niche what else Yes, but it became number one in sales worldwide on Steam, number one, a North American company or a European company took this from you and tells you [__]

    We are going to make another game mode for these types of people to bring them to win money to improve the game, a Japanese guy will take this from you and he tells you, well, I don’t get Japanese tastes and I’m

    Going to leave it like that and if you don’t like it, then I’ll give you the link because it’s practically what they said, yes, no. Exactly, let’s see, I’ll clarify one thing about what the algorithm has done And it’s true

    Yesterday basically it was ridiculous I spent like two hours in the discord in general calmly and I change I’m using it in eleria it seems that the game wants you to use energy because not

    Very stupid opponents They don’t know what he’s doing. Not perfect. I changed my deck to ninjas and it comes to me. We’re talking casual. Imagine in ranked what can come to you. Okay, Casira. A guy who takes an ace

    Blossom from wherever it is. Another guy who gives you a max. Come on. Okay. I change from deck to guru control and I get an Ice Barrier that takes four turns of perfect stealing, making the Duel last longer,

    Which I think I spent about an hour in that Duel Because all the steals I was doing were perfect and I go with two good steals and in the end I say that’s it, I’ve overcome everything rat am

    What annoys me the most, eh, it must have happened many times is losing against a player, the typical player called Player Player is not a player Player is a Bot me I think it’s from the konami itself or something

    Like that that they put it on you, many times they use castia but a lot because it’s very automatic, you don’t have to think so much and they put those Players usually have the initial icon the bunny or the

    Cube just like that Eh They don’t change the field, it’s usually the normal field or the ritual field, no, there is no other way, there are one of those two Fields and they put Player and there is Player 1 Player 2 Player 3,

    I found Player 64 and all of those are bots that put you there or Well, I don’t know how the game had to fall because this is a serious problem. You say, it’s just that I have fewer and fewer visits. Of course,

    You have fewer and fewer visits. But because it’s not your fault, aran, it’s also the fault of the game itself. own game, people stop playing it, that’s the reality, we’re going to have to do a collaboration with duell link now to see if someone from duell link gets into Master duell,

    What are they going to do this weekend at toky dom? It’s very strong, it seems very strong to me But hey, listen to me, one thing I wanted to leave, there was a comment from a

    Colleague who also made it to me before in the same video that you made that comment to me, Zoo And look closely I want to answer this to this colleague to lejandro Herrera alcan If

    You leave I won’t even download the game or that simple as I have told you before for me You are a role model and I would like to be like you one day arcam I’m going to tell you one thing no want to be

    Like me in hair no maybe maybe yes it could be that I consider myself I don’t consider myself a bad person I consider myself a pretty good person the truth is I care a lot about people and I care a lot about my users being happy for that Many times

    I lose a lot of sleep and I lose a lot of time here in the manic cone I try to make practically everyone happy but I don’t want to be like me first of all because I am a bit of a misfortune in a few words that is aspire more aspire

    More than me because I really am nobody eh Alejandro Herrera Thank you very much for your words, they have touched my heart a lot. I also tell you this honestly, just like many words

    That tell me what Sundar told me before, but don’t hold on to be like me or there are many people what to tell you Borja for example is a person who is studying tomorrow possibly has a very good future and the same thing and I don’t I don’t

    Really have that future anymore that is unless I do well YouTube or tomorrow I’ll win the lottery or I’ll get one of those jobs that says, Hey, look, I got a good job, but no, I don’t recommend that you aspire to be like me, in any case,

    I’ll repeat what I said. Your words have touched me, so you also know, one thing I wanted to comment on because I’m sure that some of the comments I say generate a lot of hate, others will feel like what they’re saying [__] is

    That it’s truth and I’m going to buy something master a yio Master duel with coog what would be King of game eh duell links I’m getting into duell links I’ve been doing about 20 duels this weekend

    To get 30 more gems than for the Gem It was because I wanted to try the new shad cards that I have and others there were people who disconnected from me. Of course, I start, the one sees me

    And disconnects. Yes, but of the 20 duels, well, I have had losses, it was more than 20, there must have been 30. Well Note that maybe there have been six people who have disconnected from me, in general terms I

    Start playing a game and even though I’m in king of games I can play in the ras version I can also play maestro I have to pray to see how many people I can with playing is that that is the

    Problem that you get to master one and a lot of people is that they don’t want to play they see that maybe you can win or even that you can’t win is that I have been criticizing it because of the discord

    I played the Adventure token and In two duels in a row they have surrendered to me as if I have played pent token that I have not played the superg samur card And I said the whole combo is not a play Venture token as is

    Eh as is no it is not a combo starter it is a letter that maybe I’m brado and I only have that and people give up now they just say I give up they don’t even look at it because

    They don’t feel like playing they feel like going in to do the daily work the problem I have with the yuio is not a problem that I have it, it is a problem that the community itself has and the

    Game itself has, there are people who do not want to admit it, just like what happened with the issue of hackers, there were people who were closed to me and said they did not want to admit it or people who said yuio is perfect, yuio Yuio has always

    Been like this. He always doesn’t forgive Yuio. It hasn’t always been like this. It has certain problems that they have created a new format in Japan. I think it shows a lot that there are certain problems

    In the game that there are so many bots from Konami itself because I don’t believe that Player. It’s a Bot that a hacker is doing, not a Player, a Bot of course, and there are so many Players, either

    With dex to go there at the cost of ca and things like that, or very bad, very bad, I summon you the raider of the ax and I give him a magic team card say but what is 2002 playing what is this and

    You also find things like that that don’t make sense those are pots from the konami itself I mean I think it’s recognizing that there is a problem and it’s okay to recognize that the game has a problem

    I have always said the best thing people can tell me is that I am a bad person but the best thing that can happen to yugioh is that something happens to the family of what would be konami because this is a family are not completely shareholders or someone gets in there and and

    Buy shares or anything but for Conami to leave and say he doesn’t know how to play the game, the problem is that he doesn’t know how to run the game and that’s why I stay for the community more than anything else,

    Why stay for a game that I love? I put more desire than the game to me because it is putting a blindfold on my eyes saying everything is fine everything is correct and it has always been that way but it is not

    True I know one thing today with me has achieved that why are we no longer callis heavy Why? Don’t worry, what a bunch of guys, everyone has already come. Oh, I want to be like Aran, but if Aran is a loser, he’s a dirty bastard, and look at him

    . He knows everything, he has no [ __ ] idea what he’s talking about, Borja is silent all day, he doesn’t say anything, everyone go to the [ __ ], well today I saw pal Yes, today I saw a very funny thing like I saw a a

    Bot in the mode only with marme for 5 minutes of clock saying this can it end now please come on guys What has happened what has happened what has happened here n already the alterego the alego better

    Better forgotten no because that guy is very scratched eh short me Yes, I’m afraid of him, he says everything, I arrived and he exploded, listen, he exploded with envy, you bastard, my goodness, man, he’s truly incredible. I mean, it’s really funny to me, there are people who say, it’s not

    That it’s going down a lot, it’s going down a lot, the views are going down a lot. but the bastard has people 300 Ale watching the live a lot of views Hey man, you’re a real [__] crack icarus I’m

    Really telling you and I love your videos I’ll repeat it again but I’m glad I maybe I don’t know If I have done any good for you, also when you came here I gave you propaganda and

    The whole story that you know I did it from the heart but I am very happy, my friend, that things are going for you too, but I am envious, I swear. I’m really envious,

    Well, come on guys, let’s continue, I wanted to say what I was saying here in the chat p Fiction that it ‘s partly the fault of how the game is. When I see people who say, no,

    This is fine, it’s always It has been like this, the game in general terms is in a way that I sometimes understand it, that is, what I criticize is that perhaps they will give up on me for activating an Adventure

    Token that if you couldn’t stop the Adventure token you were going to give up 3 seconds later because I had the whole synchro combo to throw you Maybe 5 minutes watching a person with a bar when you know

    You have nothing in hand Well, it’s normal for you to give up, that is, it’s also normal for you to give up, but as I say, this is an internal problem. that it has its own yu-gi-oh you in the past and I

    ‘m not talking to you about what people say about del guízar or things like that No I’m not talking about the pendulum era the pendulum era you played chol and people used compulsory and people played torrential tribute and people played traps and people played magic, that is, they wanted to advance

    The game so much that practically the game has become a one-turn game, there are very few decks, there are brandes and some others, but very few decks can survive a turn two, whether they have won or lost, but normally it is all out on turn one, the opponent tries a

    Parameter, but not yet, but I do see an attempt at a solution from conami. For example, passing a large field is relatively easy. There is that and all that, yes, but it is relatively easy. It is not

    The most invincible field in the world, it is not a whole field of what would be super heavy Samurai that has changed the entire format and forces you to carry droll the Rescue to a bit of the same thing. It is a

    Game that tries to play a little, the problem is that even if you take out those decks that give a little more play, two things happen. One, there are many other decks that are not like that. And well, what you create is that.

    Boredom for even the viewer, because of that. This type of game does not succeed on Twitch, I hear two that this is the funniest thing that happens suddenly, he tells me I’m not going to make

    A comment again because he’s so broken that if they stop him he’s dead but if they don’t stop him then I’ll go to create the [__] combo and people are going to give up and there is going to be no game and everything is going to

    Be very very boring So it’s as if with Ami he had a split personality he sometimes tries to fix the game and then says no no no I don’t like the arrangement let’s try to screw it up again I don’t know who makes the decisions too It’s true that I don’t I know

    Who makes the decisions, I do know, for example, eh, as I say, not in contract, not in number, but if from time to time they are releasing anime cards, it is by contract because if right now they release

    The next Jubel envelope and nothing from Jubel comes Konami is going to make money without further ado but there are more people involved Sweden Studio di all that jubel is a product Studio di is a product of

    Suia it is a product of another man I don’t remember which one from tv tokyo and surely there will be more people involved artists And then you by contract have to take out each envelope or

    Each expansion, certain anime cards, whether meta or not. So I don’t know if it’s because there are so many people involved in what happens in these messes. I don’t know exactly that because, as I say, I don’t

    Know. the contract I was not there at the signing presentation obviously but I do see that for example in flush because they wanted to do things a little more on their own mamente rusdell no

    No s Go Rush I think so too but because they are the same designs but I know that rusdell is not a Japanese company, that is, who makes rasel is a Chinese company, it is in a part of

    China that has a division in Japan but it is a Chinese company that makes all the anime of rasel and that is why practically all the cards of ras they end up coming out so I guess that konami

    Has much more control there and unfortunately I feel that they try to focus much more on the ras duel and and than in Japan because it is triumphing and all that because they want to depreciate the other yuio

    Why aren’t they releasing it in the west Not only because of the fear of dividing the market, there are people who tell me no, they are not going to play what you say, but

    They will do it because of the fear of dividing the market, and I think because of the fear of what happened with oper deck people who are older in yu-gi-oh will know Well, there were some huge problems of judgment

    With the oper deck company So as I believe that they do not have a division dedicated to the game of yu-gi-oh well made in what would be the West and they relegated it to another company, he says,

    Look, we have a very bad experience taking out the ras duel there so that another Americanized company catches us again and that there were also problems with a European division because both parties were in The United States, as in Europe, should have problems with it again,

    That we should have the whole problem of censorship that the fos kit gives us. Because it feels like it, we leave it in Japan. That’s it, we don’t divide the market and that yuio lasts as long as It has to last

    Because I sincerely believe that there are only so many people who have hope. I don’t think the West will ever come out, at least physically. I’m really saying this. I don’t think the West will ever come.

    I’m very sorry, but I don’t. I don’t lose my hope. I haven’t lost my hope and it’s been many years, it’s been many years now, but the game of Master Duel has to evolve at some point, that is, no, no, but I say physically, physically, okay, physically, let’s see.

    Digital yes Very possibly If it could come out it has come out it has come out digitally on the switch I think the issue is that on the switch they did it a little wrong because you manage structures and unless

    You put in certain code that we already know What it is I don’t know well you can start making your Deck I know that it is not updated that they released another version of the game that was the same but it said Go Rush

    Because of the new series of the eighth series of yu-gi-oh and that has only stayed in Japan and here it is only, well, I do believe that here are the harpy cards and something else but it has remained a lot in what would be ras that is not updated but guys. One question,

    Are you going to call me stupid like the anti arcan does? and the whole story Aha but I have no [ __ ] idea what the rasare is about, I mean I don’t know I mean what does it mean that for example a

    Dark Magician archetype has different affects than those in tcg or cg it doesn’t want to say that is, they are others eh Let’s see see ar visualize the ras duel as a tcg product come on tcg I mean a product

    Trading car game in terms of cards that are based on yu-gi-oh with rules similar to yu-gi-oh but it is another type of card game you draw until you have five cards if you have five

    Well you only draw one eh they exist other methods of invocation such as the maximum sumon and the card is much better written that is a fact very much tell me no yes it is true that that is why it

    Is also the issue that occurs That there is a problem here with the west in the west the cards are very bad written, eh, we can check it. I don’t know if Aram could share a screen with a letter from ras . annoying How it happens in

    Japan they put one two three so you can quickly read it I don’t know why they haven’t put that format there Not here too but it is very well done as Borja tells you because it says exo cost and

    There you get the cost effect and it gives you the effect and if the card has no cost and has a continuous effect, that effect is before the word cost in bold, that is, cost and requirement

    And no requirement, no effect, it is in bold so it can be clearly seen and if it is, for example, cyber dragon, cyber dragon no it does not have a cost it puts it at the beginning if the opponent controls the monsters this is summoned in a

    Special way nor does it have any other effect So that appears above the to this when it gets more complicated because obviously there are people who say no this will get more complicated and does

    Time I saw a leag more than 3 years ago of things that were leaked to what would be the juio ras and it was The invocation of synchrony I don’t know if they will add it if it was a project that they had

    Registered there I think the exits fit more with the ras than the ccro But well, but it’s going to get complicated, it’s going to get complicated I mean, they have come out with what type of thing, well, they have a little more

    Text, you put yourself there And you see it quickly, so I won’t tell you a child is not a child, it’s just that people would be very upset, they say, it’s not that it’s for, it’s that I’m not talking to you about a child, I’m talking

    About someone who enters a TCG and you don’t want to enter a TCG in the that you have to study more text than the Bible and the Koran together something that you see clearly let’s

    See that’s what I’m telling you hey you can look at it you can look at a letter in fact and you’ll see it just like the designs the truth is that at the level The designs are much better than the ones you actually have because

    It is not a minimum of a measly little square, you see more you see more you see more art of the monster, then apart from that what Costa has told you, the effect is very full art and the full arts Yes, it is also That’s like

    Hell, that was expected. There are special cards in which the frame is not there and it is just the monster. Imagine a card that has the small square of what the effect would be and it is a dark magician that occupies the entire card or carries it. having Digimon for years Pokémon

    Also has it the tcg Pokémon has it too uh what else does Magic have it all the modern tcgs Magic I think not but Japanese tcg I have seen a lot that have it I don’t remember any

    I think so but I don’t know if They have all of them but yes it is like that so it is very easy to understand and with a single glance you say Oh seriously it is already easy but right now It is in Japanese that is the bad thing

    But card game here here in Spain there is not yet as I told you There is only one game for switch that I think was on sale. I don’t know if it’s still on sale. But someone in the discord

    Said that the other day it was on sale for about 7 euros or something, so it’s on the Spanish switch, that is, in Spanish and everything. eh and what would be do links in Do link I think they have messed it up a little badly, they

    Have messed it up quite badly that is why many people are very disappointed with the ratel in the West because they have messed it up quite a bit but the content is quite a bit ass. They are trying to fix it

    But it is very bad, they have made a deck the absolute supremacy that dragons are and you cannot make a single deck practically a zero tier and the rest of them can’t barely even survive because no but I place traps for you that the dragon has a typhoon with legs

    That is destroying magic cards and traps once per turn and and it is not one by name if you you have two you destroy two magic and traps it is very broken how they have messed it up they have messed it up very

    Badly the way they are it is very badly messed up and it is something that does not need skills that is the worst thing that ras duel is a format made like this For a format of three with three three spaces

    Of monsters three spaces of magic and trap, putting skills in it for me a [ __ ] was not needed and they could have released a separate game, I believe today that they can release a game apart from rastell and that they are just waiting to have a little more number of

    Cards. Yes, it is true that today there are not that many cards, maybe in one or two years when we are already in the third series, I think that It would be for next year because

    They are going to put in a greater amount of cards and they will make a separate game that will have been promoted for what will be the duell ling, people will know it for that and well, people

    Will know it for that what it is in the West in Japan Of course it is known and they will sell it to you I don’t know if it will be for mobile I am sure it will because they have seen that where the money is is in

    The mobile Master du the biggest flaw it has and I think they can improve whatever it is but it is not a good mobile game it is a good mobile game because of the yu-gi-oh format So do you think why do

    You think they made duel links with a few spaces because it increases the screen more, no and it It can do better things but and the handling, you get to handle the master duel is more

    Complicated, hey, it’s much better, people are going to say, Hey, but yes before, yes, before it played much worse and it was already unplayable on mobile, But now if you want it To be honest, to play is to be

    At home. What’s going on? Hey, a lot of people screw this up, but the market is not you. The market is not me. The market is not Borja. The market is not a person. South America. The market is Asia. That is the

    Market. What if? When an Asian is on the train, he cannot play master duel because he arrives at his stop before finishing the Duel, there are problems, friend, there is a problem. So, since you can’t sell well on mobile, you also earn much less profit. No. Besides, this is

    Another thing on a mobile phone, you have to turn it horizontally out of obligation. That makes you directly say ok. Instead of putting it vertically, it’s more comfortable because with one finger you’re managing everything . You have to put it horizontally to handle it with two fingers. It’s impossible, it’s impossible. So

    It’s a bit, it’s the thing in the end, it’s that, that is, the failure of Master is a natural failure. More than anything, because no, you can’t play on the platform where most people play, no, but me and all my

    Friends. We play on PC, okay, but all the Chinese people play on mobile phones, that is the reality and if all Chinese people, all Koreans and many Japanese people play on mobile phones, well my friend, the market is

    Mobile phones. Hey, Drake, I’m going to confirm one thing, the mobile phone is 10 times more absurd when they do that to you and you say what [ __ ] let’s see let’s see let’s see move forward move forward I shoot especially for the way of trying to

    Move it Yes of course there it is very very poorly made it is very poorly made so imagine Ah And you know that there is a limit of fusions of materials of fusion no 150 or so fusion materials if you

    Go too far gras be ol there the game has more than 150 fusion materials there are challenges there are challenges that How many fusion materials can you make 158 has cracked The Perfect Game there difficult is difficult

    Is difficult is Go there with the screwdriver, that’s why I’m going to criticize you, that’s not it, okay, Luis Arango, have a good time, buddy, don’t say goodbye, you’re important to this company, the poor guy has to go to work, he’s going to change us for others

    . Say goodbye to work We’ll say goodbye to you, see you later, let’s see, I’ll pay you your salary, yes, wait until I’ll pay you your salary, No, man, no, thank you very much for stopping by. Luis doesn’t miss a damn

    Direct thing, he always has to go at this time and it’s because of the issue. man, we have a colleague ilar. I’m very sorry Enrique Job Rodríguez Vega and it’s not even profitable for konami, what you’re saying is putting the two ocg tcg formats. Why is it not really profitable because

    We are maybe less than 10% I’m not talking about the people who play, not about Spain or South America. of all the United States Germany Italy of all the West we are less than 10% that play TCG

    While those who play OCG it is not Japan people know that it is Japan it is not Japan it is Japan it is Korea it is Thailand it is accounts that should not play it but they exist from China eh it’s also eh

    Singapore eh There are too many people there there are such large numbers that let’s try to give you an example eh the first Venom movie the first Venom was a failure in the West it was an absolute failure

    But a Monumental failure anyone would say There is not going to be Venom 2 a failure at the box office Why was there Venom 2 which by the way seems pretty bad to me But why was there Venom 2 because it was a success

    In China that’s why Disney often tries to get things into you in China or for example when it gets you All this stuff about LGBT and things like that always puts it in your mind Why Because it is easier

    To censor in China Because if a film is a failure all over the world but succeeds in China, the film is a global success Even if it only succeeded in China because it is the largest market

    On the planet today, that is to say, make the tcg format and the cg format, let’s see, it would be cool, I’m not saying no. Of course it would be cool, but the reality is that they say, why are we going to run?

    That’s if it’s less than 10%. That is, almost everyone is playing here. Above all, you don’t think, don’t think. Only the 10% that play TCG don’t think that of all the people who play TCG,

    Not all of them play Master Duel. There are many people who don’t like Master Do Even if they removed Maxi and even if they added the format Why Well, because for example, I have heard people say that

    They don’t like to play Master Duel because the magic of Yu-Gi-Oh is lost in Part of it is true The magic of you being in front of another person interacting in a tournament, that’s why in Remote Duel there are many

    People who also hate them and say that I don’t like this and not because they cheat on me, that’s the least, it’s because they It loses that magic of being in a place with a person interacting because

    There are many people who play TCG who don’t like Master Duel So the percentage is even lower, maybe out of 10 games that I have played, suddenly Master Duel I still feel like two or three are Westerners, the rest are all Asian names. In fact, if Mulano had been a success

    In China, which was the idea, we would surely have. Listen to me, I didn’t dislike the movie. Hey, I saw it and I loved it. I’m a fan of the movie. cartoons obviously I like cartoons better But I didn’t dislike the movie it was and I say it this clearly anyone

    Who has two brain cells knew they were going to fail in China it’s not necessary to have three no We don’t ask for such people intelligent with two neurons you knew it was a failure in China

    It was very easy but they wanted to do what the [__] wanted and say let’s put a Chinese one there that has the chi that is super powerful so that the Chinese would like it to be very

    Very powerful one is a communist country What does that mean if it is not Spanish communism it is not Cuban communism it is not Venezuelan communism there are people who say communism does not triumph the

    First world power almost it is It is already it is China it is that The communism that is in the rest of the world is not communism, what do I want to tell you with that? There, meritocracy is highly valued. To say that

    One is given everything for free is to give it an insult. It is a huge insult to Chinese culture, but it is a huge insult to them. They want an aunt to give it to them Everything given to a guy I do

    N’t care if they give it to him Everything given away unless the movie is about that What they want is an aunt who is a [ __ ] [ __ ] and suddenly it starts to train and be the best and

    The elites rise and rise because that is Eh Well, that culture of meritocracy that does not come from communism, that culture, if you start investigating, is what it has had for more than 2000 years in China, they are

    The ones who They invented the exams to work in the government, that is, to work close to the King or the monarch here in Spain or in France or in Germany. You had to do one thing. Be born in a

    Royal crib. There you had to do one thing. Pass an exam. No, but you are a beggar. who comes from a family, passing an exam is done and we hire you oppositions that I couldn’t get the word out of, they are

    Those who invented the exams almost 2,000 years ago, that is, the culture of meritocracy is very deeply rooted there and then another little thing that was already the total rebuttal of putting a Chinese woman as director who said she was in favor of Taiwan and in against the

    Communist party that was the last straw. Oh God, that was the last straw for the people there to hate the movie. To the poor old man, the wise man we have down here, what he just told us, as they said in a statement, The common eye has said in a statement

    At 6 and p about the measures against cheating, there I leave it, obviously, without making any video, with what I said has been enough to ensure with what I have said, enough, but it is not the first time

    That they put That statement, I have seen it several times and it is true that now there are fewer hackers than maybe a year ago but let’s see there are still fewer. Now

    The game is more playable. A year ago there were many more. Hey, they can’t, they can’t, they can’t. I respond quickly, they can’t, eh No, as I say, I don’t have the contract here in my present hand, but I do know things that

    Are public, that are public, eh, Takahashi, the creator of the game put in place a regulation so that Conami could take Yu-Gi-Oh, I couldn’t. to have cash prizes, that was put in the written contract, that

    Is known to be public, it is public information. Hey, what’s going on with this? Her hands are a little tied, although Takajashi is not here. The studio says it’s before I saw Takahashi, eh, a few years.

    Before about three or something like that more or less not many two or three years before takahashi died and changed his name if you see a physical letter it no longer says made by kazuki takahashi but rather it says

    I don’t know what words and between those words it says studio says studio says it’s takahashi, it’s simply takahashi’s family’s company. So the contract is still there, it’s put in place by takahashi’s family. And even though the creator has died, they can’t officially give

    Cash prizes because it’s one thing. eh, sign why. This happened Well, in part I was saying that I didn’t want the game to be corrupted that I wanted the game to be for children so that people

    Could play it, it’s very curious because I was a little excited when I finished watching Yuio is a small spoiler yu-gi-oh Seven otis one of the antagonists of yuio s is practically based on takahashi because he wants to change the entire game saying the game has become very

    Complicated there are too many rules I invented the game that is He gives you the otis, which is a bit like a setoka because you use the daris, you use the Blue Ey and more things and he tells you I invented this game

    And it has been getting more and more complicated and the children it was intended for well they can’t play it anymore so I created the theme I started the whole ras duel project because practically he gave all the facilities for it to start in the anime I say eh so

    That the children can play again and they can continue playing pu It’s a bit of that mentality that yes, it’s true that if you go to a store, very few people, I’m not saying children, teenagers, you’re going to

    Find yourself playing Yu-Gi-Oh and I remember playing Yu-Gi-Oh starting at 8 years old. 8 years more or less and I was even going to tournaments playing yu-gi-oh, well, it is a regulation that they put in place. Yes, it is true that Japanese culture is also very different. TCGs are

    Absolute boom, just like gachapon. in Japan that’s why tcg comes out of any crap One Piece has triumphed a little tcg Naruto tcg that is why Because that is the order of the day that before the gachapón Before the gachapón

    Existed there was the strongest gachapón which was the ocg well they are not tcg are ocg that people went well mainly the people who are a little older sinchan have you ever seen sinchan in which zinchan went with his friends and bought the trading cards that were

    Ultra-hero collectible cards and that all of those came that shows the culture that there is in Japan with respect to all the tcg and osgs so they made that regulation and unfortunately it

    Also affects us in the West who see it in a way that we say is more competitive more like the leaf of Legends more like Well, that is an esport but like the regulations are put there so not with me no

    You can change it We have a colleague here called Alejandro Herrera who is a long time follower of the manico medi arca we have never ever given him the opportunity to speak Hello Alejandro How are you hello good arcan good good suar Also good here

    Listening to your live debate And the truth is that there are things that I agree that for example in Master Duel they are forgetting about the players So to speak because in the mobile game they give many more things they give many more facilities for example when you You want to make a

    Specific deck, you don’t have to craft so many cards, but in Master Duel, yes, and then that point is that Master Duel loses a lot, but they are forgetting about the Master Duell players, so to speak. Yes, well, I didn’t want to. I can’t even mention all the prizes they

    Have been giving in duell links, which has been absurd. I mean, one thing must also be said: this happens in all the gachas that when they have been around for a certain number of years, suddenly

    A lot of prizes begin to be released. but it has been very shameless last month the leveling up of the characters of sexal that 5000 gems for free that felt like a Christmas present

    The truth is that it felt a little cre it was on the 24th or something like that it felt like a Christmas gift, that and here they gave you a gift at Christmas Well, the goblin with a shirt that he

    Doesn’t want, that’s like making fun of the players because that’s what that [__] card represents, I didn’t want this gift, which is what the goblin said the lord of that letter then in January they

    Give you the anniversary of the game they level you up with more than 7000 gems and now the end of January and February with the whole toky dom theme that everyone expected February to go it’s going to be

    Master doll month and rin was going to be dead they’ve given 00 gifts they’re giving they’re going to give even more gifts until they get to toky dom it’s stupid it’s stupid all they’re giving is a person who starts to play in January without doing much and well, telling everything that there

    Is already about what the characters will be doing can be put together by anyone who tells me today that where the links are Pay to Win it has p to Win cards Yes of course yes but from there it is p to Win

    Is not be careful the police are coming they have made a mistake it should be for us for for Alejandro it’s not the ambulance it’s not the police it’s the ambulance well they take them to the shrink it’s the same asylum asylum

    Aram asylum but it is that sundar they give TR millions of prizes to the duel link players but the Master Duel players have abandoned it and I say then konami why did the master

    Duel do it for the reason why they didn’t do it so that the people who played yuio pro yuio of Pro all the variants of Yu-Gi-Oh Pro that do not play it that do not have so many facilities

    Previously There was another Yu-Gi-Oh game that was very good, far superior to all the online ones that were very similar to Master duel and that you could play online, customize your cards and they closed all of that with demand And they closed everything completely and all the banks that

    There are see that it is not a little complicated you have to manually download the updates you have to mess with people on a disk for a server people want convenience so

    You know these people from conami we created the master duel that people play here and they don’t have to go to the other sites and Hey Although We hardly win anything because we are winning something because with another They already won

    Zero and now wait a moment. Sorry now, the one who enters the game new, eh, the one who starts from scratch, not like the rewards are not like when you start them, not like, realize

    That you are getting lost. You have lost a lot in the game doesn’t. I mean, they should give something more to encourage new players, that is, give better rewards than the ones they are giving. Because

    Right now there are the ones they gave when we started two years ago, they still don’t give them. Eh, we don’t know if they work . I’m not going to do the same thing, but it still falls short. Let’s see, I think it’s

    Something that Alejandro wanted to say something, let’s not cut it, sorry, buddy. Yes, No, I said it, the point of the joke was because I’m a Yugi player. It’s true that I’m not as competitive as you.

    Not even anything like that but I read Duel from there but it’s true that my girlfriend, who I have here with me, plays Master Duel, she downloaded it recently. Thanks to you, it’s because the

    Bug bit her, but at the moment we love you, Aida. that a lot of people love you and are very fond of you too, but what I’m going for is the reward when one platform gives more rewards to another, that’s what it is, it’s

    What happened before that it seems like they forget a small part of the community and it shouldn’t. be like that apart from the fact that I believe that the master duel, which for me does not have to be called Master

    Duel, should be called Master Maxi because the first one to take out the maxi wins the duel and does not leave the rival a chance. So I think that for For the game to be more balanced,

    They should ban the Maxi, even if it is just one or two. The problem is that, as I have been saying before, we are in Japanese format, not in Western format, and if in Japan they are used to

    The Maxi, they have become accustomed to it, they give in to me. first too if I throw it at them But well but they like to play with Maxi well that’s the problem you know what the irony is lejandro that Maxi is

    A Western card the Japanese didn’t create it we created it here in the West we created the devil Spain had to be safe either I didn’t blame the United States so much because we don’t have

    All the evils in the world Hey, I’m Hey, I’m from the Canary Islands, I belong to you there, the good thing is, I also have to say a little thing, okay, Max is a little cancerous and everything

    You want but whether you want it or not in rank even if it is the dex but the maximum is to have a solo mode event and have Max okay I understand that it appears in the dec insect I understand it but

    You could remove it in the event by Please, if only because I don’t really know how to enjoy the solo mode because if you don’t use any weak deck Max Ah No The Max hand algorithm says most

    Of Japan are used to playing with Maxi they don’t know how to play any other way and this has been said by people western competitive that have had a lot of problems The Japanese going to world cups

    Because people who don’t know it in a world cup eh the ble get together the ble of ocg and tcg get together like Maxi is banned in tcg you when you go to the world cup Although in Japan You have been number one

    And you have Maxi Well, in the World Cup you can’t use Maxi So many people in Japan have had a hard time knowing how to handle themselves because they didn’t know how to handle that type of hr and so on, this is something that

    Is related to the format of how the games in Japan what the public is like but they have gotten used to that and then since we are a minority we don’t have to [ __ ] because in the end the game is theirs

    Unfortunately and now comes the funniest thing now comes the funniest thing now comes it turns out that We are going to in the next event we are going to play with the TCG list but they give you three

    Envelopes eh that’s what they are not three envelopes not three duels G three Duel If they give you one envelope I mean it’s worth it that’s that’s that’s what about the new event yes [ __ ] wow and on top of that we basically

    Have a 100% different 100% different B that on top of that with each card that is prohibited and everything No now it is allowed because then it is allowed let’s see what comes out of there but from

    What it says that there will be some modifications, it’s like telling you that we’re not going to let you craft Dragon, there it is. I think that they’ve said where I’m going to end up, eh, I’m clear, eh,

    We’re going to play with, we’re going to play with the tcg rules But there are exceptions exceptions means Dragon No because then people will craft it and you can’t craft Dragon so with

    All those cards Oh yes I know that I put it so that you can craft it it’s for something yes no no Maxi won’t have Junior Sosa Maxi won’t have it will be the only novelty that Maxi won’t be there Yes

    I know what I’m going to wear and it’s going to be hilarious and you’re going to kill me stealth cracken deck that has disappointed me now Even if you haven’t experienced it, that event I thought was a normal

    And ordinary event and it is an event, no, no, not at all, it is a normal event, it is a [ __ ] event, it is a [ __ ]

    Event, one of those events where you play if you win the lottery. Well, you get an Ur or a Sr. If you win the lottery, it seems like a crappy event to me. So, you compare this week we have that event.

    They are going to give us an envelope and at most Well, since I know 100 gems, I am going to get involved in the best of cases, I doubt it, the same case with the du links that they are giving you this week 1 just to connect you

    But Sorry, Alejandro, that The last B that you showed in the video was a laugh, that is, in a van, they usually play several cards, but this time it was a joke, let’s see, I don’t understand

    Much about this van, okay, I understand it. I admit, but they have only played three cards and one of them is played two when everyone played it two no one took it three in plan they

    Were making him do how to do to do I’m going to explain to you what happens as I have said it several times here Master does not have content So what happens to pretend that

    There is content because once a month at the end of the month they give you a B, come on, don’t come, tell me, and if it wasn’t an encore, because Possibly it wasn’t an encore, Well, they say, it’s time for three [__] and that’s it. It is and that is what

    Has happened, there was no encore in duell link, for example, there is no one that goes every month in duell links, there is one that goes every two or three months but not every month, but that could be due to the game format that, like duen link,

    Is played. like Speed ​​duel or the rust duel that has three cards on the field and all that, perhaps it could be because of the format that the bl are not as hard in one format as in another. They can’t be

    Hard. Of course they can be to do hard in dueling but they have destroyed entire masses. It is not that they wait for there to be a cup event. There is usually like the cup here that is

    Called the cup, no more the Master cup or something like that, because there is the cup that the cup c cor Well, a ranked event in which you have to compete, you can qualify for the world championship and all that stuff when

    That event is over Well, the ones who have hit the most are the ones who say Well, well, we’ll touch on this one a little, this one too, not this one. I know how much here when doing the monthly to pretend that there is

    Content Well, you have a very good ble like the one in December just after this tournament that there was and now a banl of [ __ ] that was not a banl but it was for putting something in No It doesn’t

    Have anything, we’re not going to see, it doesn’t solve anything, let’s see, first of all, they keep winning tournaments. It’s just that it’s stupid. You said you’re going to take Zaron from me. Well, okay, I mean, I have 100,000

    Copies of Saron like the other one. Brand of dragon that does the same thing I have superp and I have everything what matters to me that they told me is that no it is not absurd honestly it is a card that is not and apart from everything

    The trap makes me very funny not the edlich trap but What I did that was because Look, I think there are many letters that can be released but they don’t release them for these shits that we might find either in February or March another [ __ ] banl that suddenly releases the

    Time stamp that is Forbidden is already available in all formats but here it is Forbidden is going to change the game format. It is not available at all. Why haven’t you released it before?

    Well, to put it on a shitty list and that’s it and do like Oh, look at the game every time. month has new content but sun but seeing that there is no but seeing that there is no new content as such eh it’s

    Like it demotivates the players in itself like Oh there’s going to be new content and in the end they touch the thing like to pretend that there is content and when people realize that there

    Is no content they become demotivated and that is what they are, what they are doing from my point of view is that they are demotivating the players eh So they don’t want this guy This game,

    So to speak, Yes, a lot of people are leaving, so there are more and more Bots trying to get by with me, I mean, there was a Yu-Gi-Oh game. Very good, very good, Arcan, maybe if you know it, I don’t remember,

    I think it was I don’t know what Evolution eh was from the 2000s, early 2000s, which was online, you played against other people, eh, I created a little Chibi-type character for you and well, there you bought your cards either with real money or with the money you were getting in the

    Little events of the game and it was very good What happened Well, when they stopped making good updates they started to see hackers, it was also something Pay to Win because the envelopes were worth a little less

    But almost like what a physical envelope was worth and people became discouraged it started to go it was filled of Bot was filled with more Bot, people became even more demotivated and in the end they closed that game of course

    At the end in Master Duel screw whoever screws like this and I think the same thing is going to continue, yes I remember that game but it was for many years eh I remember I was for many years Yes but

    The last ones did release a second part but that second part was a failure they tried to revive it several times but no and it was I think it was also I think it was from konami I think it was it

    Was from conam played online, that is, it was, I remember that game perfectly, yes, it was official, it was official, I’m talking about an official Konami game that created chibis and so on, it

    Was just that it was, on the internet, it was long before Leaf of Legend and everything was One of the first games like this online on the computer that were made and were very good, you connected to a server and started

    Playing it du Evolution Exao I knew it was something from Evolution and it was very good I played it I remember it I remember it It’s very cool But in the end, they said, Well, no, people got discouraged, I’ve already

    Said it, how I would make a Yu-Gi-Oh game today, I would base it on the most successful anime game there has ever been. Maybe he doesn’t feel no. so much and also in the West but especially in Japan which is called Dragon Ball xenovers Dragon Ball xenovers has been a global success to

    This day they continue to release content it has fallen a lot people are normal the game is more than 10 years old but they have made a lot of progress content they keep releasing content is from the games service is not the game

    Service anime that I would say is lasting for more years the zen has not died and they have been adding new game modes they have already been adding new things that we are left without a character we invent

    The characters You imagine a Yu-Gi-Oh game in which the first year I don’t tell you to give me everything from hit a game service you have to go little by little the first year you get into it you

    ‘re walking through Domino City like neither I’m talking to you about the Witcher graphics, those anesco C graphic cover with c and others walking through the How are they going to improve what the characters are,

    The textures of the characters now that it’s going to be released for PlayStation 5 dragon balls 2 Well, look and see you still I mean more, you know that my channel has also played a lot of Dragon Ball without 2,

    What’s happening is that of course I haven’t attracted the public since it has fallen quite a bit now, I mean it’s been 10 years of playing but in Japan it’s still going and well and the Westerners continue to release things for

    The entire world because there are very few channels that cover it. But you imagine a game of Yu-Gi-Oh. So you are walking through Domino City and you meet Borja and you meet Borja. Alejandro Herrera you find the Arcam asylum because you have it in your community

    And they can connect to your server And you are there but with the puppet that you have created you create a puppet an avatar just like in zover 2 And you can go getting accessories and so on you

    Face the wiy undb you become something I know in The apprentice of wiy undb you invent a mini Comic with the wiy andb since he becomes champion of I don’t know what with a lot of guati Even if you get to running out of characters little by little you introduce

    New dualists with you pay someone who creates you an anime character you pay someone who creates you an anime character and that anime character Well, I know you are using a completely new archetype, the snakes eye, for example, and as soon as you sell that, people see it

    Visually and say, Hey, you’re coming in here, you have a lot of things, imagine Wow, well, I want my home to have Yami Yugi’s hair, but I’m going to put on the hair. caiba keto raincoat

    I’m going to put on the Yuma accessory, I know anything like that and you create the Avatar to your liking and and and you have that online mode and a story mode with watif if zover 2 has fallen it’s for

    A reason that I don’t I know why the Iranian band has not solved it, which is the problem that right now it is very expensive to start. Today in xover 2 it is very expensive because you can

    Find the game for 10 but you can find the dlcs for more of 200 or so euros So that is the problem you have had and a game that is more or less free to play of this style that

    What they are selling you with real money, not with money from a diamond, no, you have to put in real money, whether you wear Yami Yugi’s hair, whether you wear a personalized t-shirt on which you put the I who is the insect queen on the print you put so you pay for those

    Things people see it better than you put several game modes and an event you can’t even imagine an event in which the first big event you go to the kingdom of duelists and you are competing has two modalities for all the public, those who only want to play alone, a

    Solo mode mode, the one where you face Wander r raptor panic and all this and a mode in which all those footballers are neither the yugi nor the kar, it’s not porja, it’s the madhouse of arcan is whoever you are there facing off and you have to go getting the medals

    The medals that you had to get and in the end you become there in the last phase of that event obviously this would go through servers but they could have created something eh after that

    In An update they give you the riding duel to what there was in 5 DS is that there are very few magical Speed ​​cards, you create more Because they were very few and they made a DS game creating new cards making magical luminous cards of the luminous ones become Speed ​​Magic,

    That is, you think it’s more like a game mode. And you know what that game mode has that the ddc had. You can sell pieces, buy physical money, or play the event, or play the pieces in ranked.

    Imagine if they did like Street Fighter. 5 They did this very well in Street Fighter 5, yes, you could get skin characters, scenarios in two ways, one you pay or two you play online quite a bit Well, that encourages people to say, Hey, if I start playing I can

    Get a few points that I can change it for the accessories and improve my bike or Well, the guy who doesn’t have that much time, well, look, I’m going to put in 50 bucks and that’s it and I’ll get Jack Atlas’ bike

    Because it’s really cool and and I’m there and at the beginning of the Duel Well, you have to do the stupid thing about the curve to see who starts first and then you have the Duel, so normal, you also put it

    In other formats like that to attract more people. If I were talking about, I’m going to say it, black clover or yuyutsu ka, even though there are They have been renowned mangas Well, they have not been so successful in

    The West or anything like that, well I would say, let’s see, they can succeed but it is not a Dragon Ball, I repeat number one on Steam in sales the first month number one, displacing Counter

    Strike which yu- gi-oh ousted Counter Strike on the day one, the first month is that he ousted it because there are people who really want to play this game who became obsessed with the gods hit with caiba with

    Mari who may not like the current format and who do like it. You create other formats if you put the Time Wizard in an official way in your games Well, there will be many people who are going to go and play because

    There are people in Yu-Gi-Oh that I know of several people who no longer play Yu-Gi-Oh in tournaments but it does play the Time wizard format in tournaments that are organized so there would be many people who would be going to

    Play in those types of tournaments who would play these events I repeat if it were an anime that may have been a success in Japan but it goes out of fashion like the Tok Avenger that has gone out

    Of fashion a lot or things like that No, you don’t make such a big investment of money, you’re not a Dragon Ball but it was number one on Steam number one I can’t get that with a Naruto no matter how much I love

    Naruto That I have the store and everything here, no matter how much I like it, you don’t know that Naruto, you know one thing Borja, I say Borja Sorry Well, the last one Naruto the connection hasn’t gotten even

    Half of the grades that the previous ones had No, not even of players, what I was going to tell you is that Legacy of Duel Link Evolution, which is what you are talking about on Nintendo Switch,

    Was number one in sales and was considered the best Yu-Gi-Oh that had ever come out on the market. What if it was number one in total sales? Let’s say that it was practically a beast. No, what happened to it? Well, conami, conami decided to kill the game by masterd, that is,

    Let’s see and he left the game with an update. half because there is within the game itself There is a update an update that needs a key to open that update and there are many

    More cards for example there are the adamancipators they are also in the game there is the There are a lot of things in the game that conami does not feel like [ __ ] and open it Yes but more than what the

    Legacy would be because it talked more about that thing more going one step more like a covers that you walk around I’m not telling you that you believe me a whole GTA of Domino City the little square the grandfather’s store something like

    That eh it basic that you have a hot as they say that then you may expand with the fight of the duelists with the dueling academy with neod Domino City and that I know you are a duelist that travels through time And then that’s why you can communicate with all the timelines

    Of and nonsense if the plot of of is nonsense to throw a stick there great that even a yancha becomes there super mega powerful that is to say it is a nonsense plot but I know that people

    Fan it Well he says Oh look how cool yancha is super Well then the same thing Well suddenly the wiil Under B because he has acquired a strange power and he is using the bit troper even though they are fusions ex s of

    All he is using the B because he has obtained that strange power yyy now I mean, they could do it that way, many people like it more when they see that maybe a certain character

    Is using it and they are more attracted to it so they can use it and it sells better or create what I said, new characters, a new character. I know that he looks like that with Cool hair and is using

    The snakes and a lot of things like that. They could have done all those things because it was a number one game but unfortunately I said it a few live ago here the rice ends up happening no

    Matter how much Two years ago this game was already number one on Steam and even with how bad Cross Duell looked it was played for a while in the end the rice ends up passing you are not renewing players you are not getting new people you are not attracting New young audience

    I only wanted to do ras duel in Japan I’m not even talking to you from all of Asia but in Japan what rasel would be like So in the end this will be a nostalgic game for older people unfortunately don’t burn your head too much hope they copy the mode of League

    Of Legends business competitively and as an event with that they have more than enough to see they tried to do something like that here in Europe in France here with Master Duel I speak they invited for example guardi Celta and already other other personalities eh The problem is that visually that is The

    Game has problems, I’ve already said it and the ones that were rigged were the ones that were rigged, it’s not like I’m wearing, I mean, the Celta guardian was wearing water control, the other one was wearing I don’t know what And

    Since [ __ ] no one copies each one has a unique desc how real is that and And they were trying to do it like this to make it more visual to do it on Twitch to do it in all this The problem

    Is that you start playing it and suddenly you see a superg Samurai that activates a face You Ah look how interesting Let’s see what it does start to summon and activate the effect of the crossbow And you wow what a good card the crossbow is brought back to the crossbow they activate the

    Effect again Ah that’s not once a turn they bring back the crossbows they activate this again they can do it like four five times in a single turn so it totally sounds the same to me

    The first time you say Wow how cool the one when there is already a tournament and everything seeing that becomes very complicated. In other words, say minimally that he is the greatest that does this in digital mode, he does not transmit

    His duels live, if you have ever seen him, he does not transmit them live. He waits for the Duel to end And that is when he transmits it Because if apart from put up with all that you have to

    Be putting up with the fact that the man is thinking the woman is thinking let’s see what he plays or what he doesn’t play is he runs out of audience and also if you realize what he is doing eh cle is that he is

    Putting this on you and in the middle of a duel and another I’m going to reveal so in English he says it But well I’m going to reveal to you such and such I don’t know what I don’t know how much we’re going to talk about such a thing we’re going

    To talk I don’t know what then try to create this roll of show this this thing but of course He does this at the cost of revealing I don’t know what but live like in a

    Le of len very few people would put up with it that is the reality that very very few people would put up with watching games of the current game because of what the duels are like. to spend 5 minutes and well

    In tcg it is even worse because tcg I don’t know if you know it with the time rule Well I don’t know if the same thing happens in tcg but in tcg with the time rule many duels have become you start

    You okay very good you start to war with beas with beas it’s your turn I give up you can play something the same Yes, if I can break your field I won’t give up but if I can’t break your field By playing

    Something I won’t give up looting you don’t know what I’m playing I’ll play you I’ll give you a beating Well because I looted you now you’re going to loot me and the Duel the real Duel begins in the

    Third Duel So what is the basis of the third Duel for all the turns that last to see who does damage to ustar goblin in tcg has been set to three for a reason no one has the balls for an official competition make you join a goblin ustar goblin take 1000 life points

    Time is up let’s see hey how much do you have 8000 and you 9000 Hey but it ‘s 9000 what I have given, I don’t care, he has 9000, he has won because of that nonsense about the rule of time, that is why

    The goblin is TR the volcanic one, this larba is not called a larba But well, the volcanic thing that made you here dent Ah, the volcanic cartridge Yes the cartridge was also being used

    In tilos yes simply because of the rule of time you put it in a tournament to see it like there is a show that I don’t know what as if it were a le of Legends and you stay Saying

    That he has won for this is ugly. In other words, you can have won and everything you want, but people look around you and say No, but ugly, and then Lea of ​​Legend has something else, which is what they are trying to do here

    With the issue of the teams but they are not going to work What is that having teams you are not watching the player play with Ari or with the jeans or whatever character is wearing in

    Fashion in the LoL you are watching a team So it is very different When you are watching a team here he has said many times that yuio the way to have done that would have been to create the

    Duels with their own rules with their own everything because if you see a team then that atmosphere is created of I’m going to see how they play Look, I don’t know why they’ve done a similar thing and

    It seems awful to me that it’s a bad idea to count your team’s points in a tournament. How much does it win? A really ugly thing happens to me. Honestly, it seems to me like an attempt to put a patch on it. You’re trying to put a band-aid on something .

    You just cut off an entire leg you cut off an entire leg and you’re trying to put a band-aid on that didn’t work out so sorry Borja did you want to comment on something? No it’s not that it’s interesting let’s see he just said this is the Sund asylum Lucas is

    Invited to the parts because it is so strange that he is [__] Let’s see, first of all, you know that there is a television program where there is a presenter, not in this case

    I, the presenter is the one who speaks the least, such as the guests are the ones who speak or That’s why I’m here listening and finding out about things Oh riga riga riga this, let’s see if someone from there in South America can tell me what that program was called

    But it’s like this program, in case I don’t know what there is in South America that they are there exposing their super strange cases and suddenly the blonde pot is closed I’m not serious I’m really saying it

    Alejandro Herrera Borja if you have something that no no that’s why from time to time I also interrupt a little something little thing to say something about the game about anything and that is not from the

    Game, that is, we can also talk about other things, let’s see, there is one thing that I would like to comment on. Let’s see, first, it’s called okay, okay, eh, the new solo mode literally no. What’s done is still valid is

    Miasaki, you can imagine that that is a tremendously long combo and then the rewards, I don’t know how the card Mr. that’s a bit, let’s see, the rewards are 200 gas and a cover, my card and the

    Mayaki cards at least where is even a n where is but and this esr trap is new now it’s new or something that a basic mesh mirror, in a mode, it only got boring because as it invokes it invokes it invokes Ah, what’s missing is the opponent it invokes invokes invokes invokes invokes

    Come and see I start watching a video 5 minutes later Oh, it’s still going on, the good Bot is still going on The mayaki has now been introduced into what would be do And the thing is that I often

    Give up because I say Ah, let’s see what’s going to happen to me, I start to summon suddenly he goes there he revives he does it again Elmo he revives me again and it’s you’re going to finish of comar I mean am It’s not that I’m against

    Modern Elio no no no s show letter the sro invoked the chanyun I think it’s called the one of a letter baroness was discarded quickly concise I already have the field it’s not But what if I make you

    Right now evel match you stop it for me no combo of [ __ ] so much combo not even created an established field what it says summon 400 times ha Nothing is that the worst thing about the machine It’s about a deck that

    Basically makes you 400 summons and Lu, you say Ah, what a sun, you’re staying at sro 11 and for that I’ve been waiting 5 minutes on the clock for you to finish s Yes it seems very boring elasi look I have

    Almost everything in dl play play shol I prefer to play with Star or anything Before Elaki, I’m honestly on the verge of crying right now, what happened because I had expectations with the TCG thing, the thing about Ah, I thought it was a damn good event, you’ve given me a

    Very big disappointment, it’s not even worth crafting. It’s not worth it, but it’s not worth it either. I wanted to comment on that when they do it on your channels. I hate that the rival

    Does 300,000 combos. It’s just that they are a deck, eh, they eat time. So to speak, I do a combo, I do another, I do another, I do another, I do another and that. In the end. make your rival impatient and abandon the game, it’s like

    This case of the two guys, these guys who went to a tournament with 2222 cards, uh, a case, I don’t know . people exactly sundar So I see that in the game I see myself as if I were playing against that guy and I

    Don’t have the game but it’s amazing because I’m me I put myself in your place and they make me so many combos I say Look, the game is yours. I don’t give up, Max or anything, I don’t have

    The patience for so much, listen to me, no. It’s just that it’s that and it’s not Return to the game like before, it’s Slow, no, it’s not what I said, sorol, it’s one of pretty good competitive Homally I know that

    Lucar is going to kill me because he hates it But brandet is also a deck that is quite good And you don’t waste half an hour with Pando it’s like brande Fusion pum pum pum pum pum pum does some little things come

    On but you see a super heavy you see a mmch you see a I don’t know what And it’s like you want to stop it now my God and it goes on and on and on and on it’s like but you’re going to stop once and for all I don’t

    Keep going every time I find a vilance it’s like hell and I come to give up Rank Wait wait wait and the best moment madm it seems that I have stopped you I hope you have ex okay I retire

    What I said you have extension goodbye goodbye goodbye to me it has happened to me it has happened to me [ __ ] and, for example, get into a fight with someone, start getting ready and [ __ ] and say damn, this is going to

    Take a long time, I’m going to take out the washing machine, a whole set of clothes, I put it on the table, I take the tweezers and calm down. I start like that, like that, I leave everything well laid out, well cleaned, and I come

    Here and the guy keeps telling me, I say, but there isn’t supposed to be a time limit, that is, with all the time I spent while I was taking the clothes out of the sink. That’s it, but for you, Samurai

    After the years he says you haven’t finished yet, no, don’t listen to me, look closely, I did a, I started, I started a live show, I had a little coffee and everything was warm, and so on, I had time to heat it up

    . time to a lot of things that is, and it is that It’s incredible and I came and came from time to time and I looked and the people here talking in the chat and I

    Came and I looked and I kept doing my little things out there. I mean, I had time to do several more things. It’s amazing, but I think that but I think that those from Borja Sorry for interrupting you

    But I think that those from time eaters should be a little punished. You know why what you can’t do is make your rival desperate and win by abandonment because you have made him

    So desperate. way you want to pull yourself you want to hang yourself you know Not clear obviously and the thing is that even today there are people who avoid that For example now in the super heavy Samurai eh

    People what do they do Come on the super heavy Samurai eh maybe come on They don’t have Max or anything else in their hand, well, guys Leno No, I’m not going to take the 10-minute battle because no,

    Because no, because it doesn’t work. That’s why I said it, the only one, let me know right now, what do I use ? They put tier one is the brandes to me when they tell me it’s not that they would have to take away Lain’s

    Power because he is very strong Like In what format In what format are you talking going going first Yes well just like me I know the typical of of dimion who leaves first then you’re going to screw yourself

    Because he’s going to leave you there with counter cones and everything. Then you have to play something like brande that brande even has a hard time with But well it gets you a superp it gets you I don’t know what less to get to

    Play and break the field but the rest of what a banky Soul does against an already established field let’s see there is one thing to say the first thing about established fields Well about the field about that how long there is a quite interesting problem there is that basically when You use a

    Very long combo deck and you see that the opponent does nothing. You get bored, please. Nothing because he is going to eat the entire combo that he has already done 10.00 times, so it literally makes even the player get

    Bored. It has been known for many times when we are in straight and and he sees that they are letting him play and

    He is a hacker he is a hacker he is going to get something from me he is going to get a callus he is going to get I don’t know what’s going on Arcan’s turn

    Scared to death Oh my God he’s going to get a callus he’s going to get a callus I don’t know what and the rival is his renter and he’s like Ah well he didn’t have anything It’s not that most people are like me that they see

    That combo done And he says Well let’s see if I steal something and they take it they get on the cell phone they get on with the computer, they sit there to enjoy life and then they come back and say Oh, it’s my turn to steal because you haven’t stolen

    Anything from me, aurr s no and also another thing, the laberin issue, let’s really see, there is a problem called a fucking algorithm like You give him the damn card that gives life to everything all the time,

    It’s just that they have it in their hand, no, if it weren’t for the algorithm, honestly, the labyrinth wouldn’t be so strong and it wouldn’t be so annoying, but really, as always, they have the great welcome in hand

    It’s the same whatever they do they always have either Cuco or the big welcome or wait for the Seeker and it’s like those things from behind br many people complain about the issue of throwing some blosson at him and the

    Brand dies good Beta master let’s see Yes, it’s true, he can play now, yes, I’ll tell you one thing, to a bigw with Labrin, you throw a block at him and they can’t stop, yes, no, but since they always start with that, that

    ‘s the thing: by algorithm, they always start with either the Search Engine or the cuco or the or the great welcome I don’t have ace in hand perfect I grant you the Duel that’s it I give it to you for you enjoy your lins

    Because basically it doesn’t matter everyone I face always has it they always have it or the great welcome or the welcome or whatever and they always have it to be able to start the

    Perfect combo now but I don’t but for example I use the deck of It’s true that we are talking about the Evolution link to Master Duel there is an incredible generation jump but I base my Based on my

    Experience as a rocket dragon player [ __ ] I do combo and combo and combo but at most I do link 4 which was the bos recharge dragon and I stay there and that’s it but in Master Dual I see the rocket dragons that release the link cu then they release other

    Rocket dragons and after other rocket dragons I put link 5 and after link 5 I didn’t know that There was that letter, imagine eh, I put dragons, rockets and boy But if it’s already there , you ‘ve already made the link

    No, what’s next, what’s that? You know, I want to tell you something, Alejandro. And it turns out that in the game, in the unlocked game, in which he unlocked a programmer, he took out the cards that are hidden inside, out of two, there is that card. I

    Mean. That card is included in the cards that Konami doesn’t want to take us out in Legacy of the Duelli that you know is a shame because with the amount of cards that are seen in the master duel

    If I put it in Legacy of the duelli you wouldn’t I say that Duelli’s Legacy was resurrected overnight , but I see Duelli’s Legacy as more of a duel simulator than Master Duel itself, so it would attract players who want to play a simulator instead of an arcade-type game.

    In other words, I think that in the end, one of two things will happen, or they will end up closing Master and creating another game, I see it quite clearly, or things could be worse if they close the master and the next master that

    They create will be Rasel, only that would perhaps be the case. worse But man, eh, I’m sorry I ‘m interrupting you. My girlfriend here here got the ras duel and it’s like you say, in part, eh, she

    Got the ruel and has a semi-open world, so to speak, and you’re walking through the streets and all that. Whether you like it or not, it draws a lot of attention, it is no longer the style of play itself but rather going from

    One area to another and all that stuff that you were saying like Dragon Ball, I haven’t seen it, I mean I haven’t played it but I have. I have seen a little of the game yes eh that that The truth is that even it

    Catches my attention it is not because of the three card game format no no it is not the fact of having a semi-open world interact with the characters of the series and all that The truth is that

    What you said guy sen Hey, it would be very handsome because we are no longer talking only about Domino City, we are talking about emblematic places within the series, that is, Domino City, the dueling academy neod Domino, the kingdom of the duelists of p Exactly, the kingdom, the kingdom of the duelists.

    Hey, whether you like it or not, that idea is pretty good because one of the things I liked most about Yu-Gi GX was the Night Veil Duel that was Ticu when he was possessed because he was a

    Shadow rider. and he faced Jiden in the volcano with the black dragon with red eyes, you know, and it was like, I loved that scene of the volcano, especially with the dragon of darkness with red eyes,

    Red to that Dragon. I love that dragon. I have a love for him. incredible dear what is it with ticus with ticus what is Alexis’s brother in the end is what I said that I think is that it is because of all

    The licenses that there are with me be it in Pokémon there are also many licenses and there are many things of Pokémon that they do them in a certain way because they demand that if they release a game every year it

    Is not because gamf says Hey, you know what, they don’t release a game. There are a lot of licenses from the company itself. from capcon no capcon no Bandai that has the toys and and the troko tv and all of these Yes but but the Spanish Pokémon as you told him

    The other day Spanish Pokémon I’m very sorry I’m very sorry but they should give me a Pokémon tosino de de jamón I don’t see it, man, I don’t see it, well, that’s the least of it, the problem

    Is the Bugs, it’s full of Bugs, man, it’s supposed to be poor bacon and don’t complain about the olive. Oh yeah, they basically put it in the game. done and tells about the cheats basically it is a notification that they have sent So it is a notification that has been sent to me

    Giving me the reason in a few words that there are hackers in the game and that there are programs that I already I filed a complaint two years ago Well, with me, now I’ve been proven right, just that eh

    Let’s see comment comment comment I wanted to let’s see yes tell you that we are at 46 likes and there are 14 likes left to reach 60 so it’s clear eh Fiction that I some Maybe I thought about it like,

    Eh, not with the characters, but with certain cards there, they could do it, no, no, I’m not talking. The thing about Los madrazos is that he has said it before that he says, I say that they make a yugi for the Teens and

    Let’s hold on to madrazos and let’s see, it’s a solution, eh, it’s a solution, no jokes, forgotten, they really have so many characters and they have so many things that yes. What could be done previously with me, I did experiment a lot with Yu-Gi-Oh, such as the famous, well-known Duelist

    Of the Roses, which had nothing to do with the physical game and the other way and was inspired by the 100 Years War. between France and England they made a game like that for I think for Play 2 so they could have done something like that, don’t be

    An experienced Pokémon with that. Come on, we’ll make a Pokémon aeken tournament in which the boar gard is sticking together. shit with the machat and things like that, well, there are no monsters that

    Can do that. I mean, for example, I’ll tell you an emblematic one, again, alucar is going to kill me, but alvas, they could put alvas, that you’re like this, you’re hitting yourself, and suddenly, boom, you you transform into the

    Lubel or you transform into one of its fusions or something like that and anything else The Dark Magician there throwing things to experiment like that but they don’t want to play a game like that already a game a game

    Like that of yu-gi-oh eh It’s already out Let’s see, one of them is the Jump Force, uh, there’s Yi Yes, but and then and then one from the Game Cube, let’s see. I have 32 tacos and I already have a veteran’s experience in the

    Console, one was in the Game Cube, which was Yu-Gi. oh I think it was called the kingdom of beasts and it was a team of three characters you know the zelta guardian a zelta guardian with me who knows a dark wizard and

    A black dragon with red eye was your team and maybe your team was the opposing team It was the White Dragon the Kuribo and I don’t know The Soldier And The Soldier of the Black Shine and it was like that type of roll

    Like a Final Fantasy but with the theme of Yugi’s bugs like that game It didn’t succeed very much and they threw it away but it was a game So yugi’s Pokémon had already been released for the Game Cube. The problem I also see with Konami is the way, no, these people are older.

    The people who run Konami, as I said, are shareholders. I mean, there are no shareholders, but rather that it is a family and so on and whoever directs the yogo part, well, they are completely square people. Why do

    I say this? They release a game, they give it investment, they put a lot of money into it, which they say has not been sold, people no longer like Yu-Gi-Oh. Of course he likes Yu-Gi-Oh but it doesn’t matter if

    You give me a game with God animations or with voice scenes where the characters are talking and moving with their faces and everything if it is later called Crosswell but for the Japanese businessman

    He says, Hey, we have invested in this and it has not succeeded. People no longer like Yu-Gi-Oh. Let’s not invest so much in it. Let’s see, I invested in it, but do a market study. What I don’t understand

    About many companies is that… Japanese video games are that they come up with things like they thought of a smoker and you But you’ve done a market study You think this is really going to succeed, maybe

    You’re giving a budget of [ __ ] to a guy who’s been involved in all of Jamaica the whole thing , that is, that’s what the duels are, the animations are much better than duel link than any yu-gi-oh game that has ever come out, the animations that that office had must be saying,

    But it’s rubbish, guys, I’ll tell you, Hey, here He asks us a question p Fiction Well he asks us a question, it’s more or less what it is about the issue that Konami should release another Task Force and Task Force 2 game and the whole story, not another new Tas Force,

    It’s not going to happen, it’s not going to happen. It’s never going to happen It’s not even going to happen that they release another new Legacy deolis Because right now Conami is not interested in releasing another game eh style aa

    That you have all the cards free and the entire story is not interested in eh having more du at the moment Master duel It is the only one, the definitive Yu-Gi-Oh game, it is the game on which

    Practically everything in the future of Yu-Gi-Oh is going to be based, but they only support I think the same as what Hctor is saying, what he says. I say it is difficult for them to change well

    I don’t know if you have put it here that they will change and even more so with the death of the creator now that they have the excuse that they are not going to change anything because of his legacy and this is very Japanese but very very

    Japanese what to say It’s not that you have to respect the legacy you have to respect the original work you have to respect I don’t know what and they say Well no We change certain things, we don’t do anything, and to be honest,

    What the creator created has nothing [__] to do with the current game. But it has nothing to do with whether if the creator takes the game right now and starts looking at what the game is, he will say, well, no. I don’t find out anything or

    The creator is the meme but I’m telling you this is the meme of Yugi saying pendulum what is the meme that you give him a card that what that is a pendulum and the and so pendulum what that would be

    Takahashi Yes suddenly he sees all the cards that need to be changed from timing Yes yes try to explain to takahashi no takahashi no he can’t activate the effect now No if he says that when I do

    Something else it’s because he has lost timing and timing what the timing is going to stay like this there is going to keep saying that you are telling me about timing I think they are going to continue with the r duel in Japan

    Unfortunately it seems that they have no intention of releasing it in the West Beyond some video game and that’s it and they move on from the traditional format but but the ras duel that came out for the switch in

    Digital that first they released it in digital and now it seems that they are going to release it in physical is that not even physical they are not going to release it not in physical yes they are going to release it which is unknown when because the other

    Day I went to a Game and they said that they had planned to release it physically then but I don’t know game the video game the video game the video game Yes yes sorry about the video game what I meant was

    That what I meant was that the video game From rdel they practically removed it and with the same one that they removed it they condemned it Why Because it is like aran says the future is Master Duel and they have

    Released r duel and it is missing a lot of things a lot of content a lot of dlc even if it is and not they have released nothing they have not released in Japan it is updated in Japan But since we are But since

    We are in Europe we are further behind the future and death of the game is going to be Master duel that the future and death game because like Keep it up I’m sure I look I’m going to To say one thing, the day he dies, he

    ‘s going to die too, Master. Most likely, they’re lengthening it in a very artificial way. They’re already lengthening it, but like chewing gum. Yes, but if we talk about it. The jackpot prize is different, the Pokémon is very different because keep

    In mind that in every Pokémon game any 8-year-old kid can pick it up and start playing, hey Yuio, apart from the fact that it is not feasible to start playing it, you just told me your age: 32

    Years old. I’m 29 this year I’m turning 30 arcan eh Like what happened to them already at 30 more than 20 years ago and and many people that you are going to find in the chat are among those who see many of the youngest and 30 and a

    Few or 40 or so we are old people in an old game yes we can still like it But there are many people of Oh I like it but I’m already 30 years old and I have to be with I have to be with the family I don’t

    Renew the problem is not renew I agree but also eh being a mythical saga, not like Pokémon, eh, this latest Pokémon game, because of the Books they have, they should have corrected them before putting it on the market. We are talking about an important franchise

    That is very well-known worldwide and that is very loved by the community itself. So for Why do things come out like this because we are going to get it out quickly and running, if there is a mistake we add

    An update from time to time to silence the crowds and that’s how we enter and that’s how we have money in our wallet but that’s how it is What you’re doing is scaring people away. For example, I’ve

    Played almost all the Pokémon, but this Pokémon is Spanish. I’m very sorry, but no, no, no, I don’t see the bike and that’s the problem is that then that top seller when you know that’s the problem. that

    People complain a lot and then they buy it Yes, that’s what there is, the Pokémon public is very lobotomized that they say it’s a [ __ ] this game is disgusting it’s not the biggest [ __ ] poké

    In the world you’re looking for [ __ ] in the dictionary and that Pokémon title appears, you ask it, but you’re not going to buy it, no. Of course I’ll buy it on day one and I have it reserved both times.

    Copies But that’s just like that but that’s the same as that’s the same as another well- known fighting game franchise, Teken or Mortal Kombat. Now I’m going to talk about Teken because I don’t know Mortal Kombat very well, but I do know Teken. I know him better so this teken

    8 the last one he released they have removed a lot of mythical characters Fat Edi Cristina Monteiro eh all that all those Roger Junior Notice that Roger Junior was removed by the animal activists and

    I say and kuma and Panda What are they As far as I know, Esuma and Panda are animals. So the animal rights activists complain about putting the animals in a fighting game and they remove Roger Junior, who is a very beloved character in the community, so remove Panda and Kuma because they don’t

    . They have removed it to see it through DLC, that is the reality, that is, that many characters are going to come in DLC, if, for example, in a DLC there are 10 characters, you can ask them to sell it to you

    For 20 bucks. Then the game is no longer worth 30 bucks. worth 50 another DC of 10 other characters another 20 eur that’s 70 and so on the game is going to reach three figures And on top of that they have

    The little shame that they are going to release the the the the deluxe Edition already with everything included already in plan go ahead Let’s take a shot to see that I’ve missed something. You told me that the game is no longer worth 30

    In the Canary Islands. The game is worth 30. Eh yes, I’ve already seen it for 30. Yes. Ah but second-hand, not for sale. No no no no no. here in here in here in the game eh of course we have I chose not

    The VAT so of course we have I chose So it’s for 40 or something euros about 30 you know people I’m going to go crazy I have a flight to the Canary Islands So then So that’s saying you buy yourself the game, imagine for

    50 that if they release the dlc of the characters that didn’t appear to you, add 90 maximum, it’s not an example, but then it has the little shame that the company tells you, we’ll release you in the lux edition with everything included, like, shit Your mother knows the problem is that

    Street Fighter 5 was a success at first it had very bad reviews but then they made a couple of fixes and it was quite successful Street Fighter 5 What’s up Street Fighter 5 is loaded with DLC and since it has been a total success Well, everything, if one thing succeeds,

    All the companies say Wow, we’re going to copy and we’re going to release a lot of DC doing the same thing. Yes, the truth is, yes, but it’s just that, but sometimes the DLC kills the game, why, because? If you already spend the game, for

    Example, a month collecting that from YouTubers like you. That’s not, that’s not that much, but what do I mean? You spend saving, you don’t get the game, all excited, you review it and so on up to three four times. That you know the story

    Is from memory and suddenly they tell you Look, we’re releasing a DLC for 30 V to say [__] I’ve spent 60 another 30 it’s now 90, my wallet is going to cry you know And that’s not for me What they are doing, if they sell it to you incomplete, well,

    Wait for it to come out in its entirety or save until Christmas or something like that, you know the problem is what I said before, if now it is already failing in The West is precisely for the same reason, that is,

    It has a lot of characters but you start watching it in any game and you get it for 3 Ah but what they don’t tell you is that then if you want all the characters you have to pay 180 in DC

    That They don’t tell you part of it and it’s like man well that man that that’s me that It depends on the history of the console Because for example I play on Xbox or rather I played

    On Xbox uh for me a dlc came out 3 2 You know they were and were loose characters like that and maybe a but the thing is that there are so many loose characters that are the strip no no but maybe it’s a pack I

    Remember that when I played xs 2 eh I spent on the 25 pack I already had almost everything but then this exact ot pack came out and no and not only that, not only the packs but because of

    The new movie they released for Dragon Ball Super that they released a wild Gohan who has a mane 2 Metre high and a fringe and with a fringe that can open the land to

    Plant what you are telling me I think that there is more than se packs suar s the game is worth that to me it seems to me 300 Master Win l but not due to time because really the game has given more than

    Master has won more than Master duel because of what we said sundar and I ago 3 hours ago they gave more prizes they gave more things and then if a game It gives more things to the players

    . So the game has more profit because people are going to want to catch it because maybe people don’t remember this. Duell was dead two and a half years ago. He was dead. He was falling like the Puma Duin, but falling. like foam and Master Duel came out Well, everyone is like

    Well, it’s already buried duin what happened that the division that runs do link said [__] that they are going to fire us improve the game improve the game so many people do it He says that it seems that the release of Master Duel, more than doing anything for the traditional game, what it

    Did was revitalize duell links because it was like a kick down to those of do Lin saying, Hey, you guys get your act together or you’re all in trouble. [__] street they said no no no nothing’s wrong we’re going to do things better we’re going to do better

    I was thinking that you were overdoing it. Maybe a 6-month format that was even super boring, you still see the cyber dragon and all the crap, they went from that to suddenly having

    Constant changes all the time with more gifts with more tickets with more I don’t know That’s a joke that Master Duel has come to give life to the link almost but also but also what influences is the animations, for

    Example, the animations of the duel links when they are invoked, for example, referring here to my partner, the White-Eyed Dragon. blues the alternative or the definitive [ __ ] had a very wonderful animation here in Master it hurts I put the White Dragon card the

    White Dragon appears and end of the animation That’s it there is the relief on the card in a large size that’s it an anime animation what they put is an anime animation that many times they put anime animations on the wrong card for example now with has been out ago Well today

    Misael came out and they have put an animation for 101 when 101 used it in the first Duel and then constantly use 101 But well at least you see that it is there in the capsule, it breaks, it appears and well the animation of ra that the Sphere of ra appears and opens

    Like in the anime when Mari invoked it. That attracts people a lot, that anime thing here because it simply is and that’s it and that’s it. That’s exactly what that is. So whether that’s it or not, people don’t like it because if I invoke, for example, the black-eyed dragon reds [ __ ]

    I want an animation, I’m not talking to you about something like Legacy the duelli, the link Evolution no no, I’m not talking to you about a duell links type animation that is, you know, I don’t know that the most iconic cards in

    The franchise have a decent animation not the relief of the card in 3D and it is already animated normally it is not used in dueling because it is not so comfortable but from time to time I know

    It is there And that is why I want to use it, which is that you can put the cards in 3D in any card you put the option and the card comes out That is, monst comes out of the card all the cards that are in the

    Game the monster comes out of the card you are playing and you see the monster that is coming out of the card Yes they implemented that too also in the switch game the ras duel you when

    You are doing the tutorial no not only do you see the card in 3D you know with the relief raised like this no no it is not that when you hit your rival they have dialogue with each other And that too It gives him like

    A pinch more of life and it seems that he is more in the anime when he speaks than when he speaks between characters the relief of the letter and all that but you are the most eh I am very sorry to the

    One who is annoyed but The thing is that the animations are bad, no, it doesn’t work, and whether you want it or not, whether you want it or not, it annoys people because you say, well, I have the download game for free, okay, but

    You have to invest the gems, you have to take them out of your pocket. if you want them and if not, get yourself out time because in the end yes, if the product is not worth money, the product is you and the time

    Is a lot, that is, to go up to master, one is a lot of time, without the events that if every day you connect and not everyone will have because This is not like do link that

    You connect the same one day it is not necessary every day but imagine you connect one day when they ask you for three duels you do three duelit quickly and that’s it even if you lose here imagine do three

    Duels that are not even like this plan Make three invocations of I don’t know what Make three I don’t know how much Well I’m going to do it Hey the rival starts to see how super heavy Samurai [ __ ] [ __ ] This is going to take a

    Long time I mean it’s not the same it’s a lot of time What you invest is that’s it. I think that since we invest a lot of hours in the game, not only doing the mission and collecting gems

    That we look like miners, no no, I don’t mean I eh. Since we put hours into it, we try to climb and improve our ranking. trying to improve our deck because at least a decent animation not in all the

    Cards I only ask for the most iconic cards until they open up a little more but a decent animation is the minimum we could because of the programming of the game I think it is

    No longer known Maybe they would have to release another Yu-Gi-Oh game, that’s the problem, it’s not done, that is, you would have to change all the source code of the game, the graphics engine and everything is not made for

    That, I don’t argue with you that they might do it, but Well, more in the future, I wouldn’t release it in another Yu-Gi-Oh game, especially because with another Yu-Gi-Oh game, it’s like you refresh the public and new people can enter and so on if you make an update. Well, yes. It’s an update

    But people don’t see it well either. It’s like the expression of that game, I don’t know what you come up with, another one is to refresh it but that’s what I’m saying. The longer they take to do things, well, in the end,

    We get old, eh, if not. It is renewed because the next thing that is going to be released I have said once I finish Yu-Gi-Oh Du Links, it is most likely that the next Yu-Gi-Oh will be exclusive to characters

    From Ras Duel Go Rash and the next Ras Que go to release because the next ras anime in case any or the next yu-gi-oh anim if anyone is wondering it will also be color ras is that that is

    100% fixed not a thing but Old but old old Not me at all less no eh my 32 are my new 23 Eh So market for the video game market for the

    Anime video game market well we are not so involved there I am already I am the same as Borja’s fossils I am already the same as the Deck of Borja’s fossils already have me they have me they have to take me away

    They have to dig me up with the magic card that is to say in many games there are people who are veterans but they also try to freshen up they try to attract a new audience they try to get new people

    To enter the game yio Well, it seems that their only solution was that rap duel here in Japan and that the rest of the world doesn’t care that if they die, they die, that’s it. Pinta and one

    And one question, hey, you know that in ocg for the 25th anniversary of this franchise they are going to release a deck with a physical structure of the dark wizard and the blue-eyed White Dragon eh with another and yes

    And I and My question is will those Decks arrive here to the West they may or may not arrive Ah but they will arrive cu wins It’s just that I think that one on the one hand is a waste of time in

    The sense of eh The deck, for example, of the dark magician is valid because it plays here in Europe physical of the dark magician There is no but of the White Dragon dragon they took out A structure deck that was called the blue-eyed White Dragon saga that had the

    Serul-eyed silver dragon on its cover, so if that White Dragon deck comes here it is practically like having the Dragon saga deck White only that this one says 25th anniversary for me which is the same No it’s not exactly like that let’s see the tcg ocg product differs many cards that come out

    In a structured of what would be ocg then here they don’t come out and others come out so you could also say We bring this here we put the J White Dragon the other one that is thin and they put

    A jantra on you they suddenly put an impermanent on you they suddenly put a blosson on you they put a dar romor on you or they give you a card that is relatively good and they put it in like that to sell the product

    They do it that way it works differently cgtg even the products of how they get it Ah okay okay they still get it instead of a structure you They release it in a price of 25 ary, I don’t know

    What, instead of costing you 10 Well, here it will cost you 30. Another difference that I have seen is that there in ocg they work more on the Structure Decks. Let me explain the Structure Decks. The Structure Decks not only come with the typical one in the deck, but

    You also get an envelope called Booster Booster pack. They come with additional envelopes to boost that envelope, but here in Europe they sell you the deck. of structure and give

    And Give thanks That they brought it to you I little piece of paper little piece of paper saying Look you have a mat yes no apart from that apart from that there are times when the issue of structure in ocg you see Wow

    An inferma is coming A nibiru is coming I don’t know how much CCG is coming and you see and Nibiru that came in this structure where has he gone he has disappeared he has been eaten he has gone to his planet if you have to

    Fall here what happened between you are in my na what is happening exactly ar ya What took it away from me is that what happened with Nibiru Bor is that Ar put two torpedoes in it that blew it up, you know. No, no, but they tend

    To do that a little bit when they see it very well, it’s just that you don’t understand it, it’s like One P that destroyed the meteorite. you do that you have like two cards that are very useful they are two states of the

    Meta automatically here it comes to you and it’s like luck if you have gotten lucky luck There you have it and that’s a problem well yes that’s why it’s also because they are other companies and There were many

    Problems a long time ago with the issue of upper deck and so on and well they handle it differently with the cards here. What is the monetary value for a Westerner? It costs much more to play Yu-Gi-Oh than the monetary value for a Japanese. I don’t know what the yen is, I think

    It’s the yen to play there in Japan, there you don’t invest so many amounts of money out of an entire salary to play, it’s just that it’s much simpler and the oddities are much easier. and much easier to get the letters, anarch has already come But that also but that

    Also influences, for example, that of each person because eh. For example, I was in Dante Isla’s live show, I think, yes, I think it was Dante Isla and he said that the letters The physical ones were very expensive and here, of course, no, I don’t know how Zlatan, but here eh the Decks,

    Three Structure Decks are those 27 30 maximum, eh, that’s the Structure Deck, but then the Decks, if you see the prices, eh There are a guy called Julio Bals who is here from Spain who sometimes tells you the prices of what some of the most meta decks cost and some are

    Between 700 800000 and they are the most competitive yes yes yes yes but and Dino 700 eur in piece of cardboard is money if the beggar who is with the giant pieces of cardboard under the subway saw it he says

    That you are paying 700 per cardboard but this cardboard is harder than yours and what am I doing if I don’t sell it Yes it is That’s also the fact that the prices of the cards have also skyrocketed in

    A very gross way and we’re talking about 700 or 800 euros before it was worse when I was young in my time you paid for a Cruz carinus 300 to play the deck of the luminous you paid

    180 for each jman Dragon and if you put it together with the chaos version you had a deck that just with your cards you already had 1000 young people today complain about any nonsense God the law we are going

    To see seriously you have not seen it coming seriously Seriously people, the people on the chat are really wasting your time watching these two yokels go to the Cat Channel or the Cat Channel. Look, I don’t. Hey, look, sincerely sundar, I don’t know that guy, that Cat Channel, they

    Honestly named him a a lot of times but I don’t know him but let’s watch Tin Seto is God’s channel Arc’s channel is the worst garbage there is in this universe yes Well but I work as a garbage collector who came here to clean us up I said now everything fits what

    We have anti here if we weren’t going to have we already have antian here it’s me that the position says that it has me killed but the one I miss is that you know it sundo the serum that one is

    A lot eh that one is a lot a lot a lot that one is like me I mean but he goes against this man here So I know him but since he’s not there then I I mess with him so I

    Take what he has and the other one looks like this one here this one here is bald too little eye eh he’s carvo Borja bald I don’t think I don’t think he was referring

    To me Ah well this one this one this one This one is the other way around, it’s the other way around. It’s not that, let’s see, I’m also bald. You know that’s why when, for example, he says, it’s not that I’m bald. Calm down, man, I understand you. I also soit

    Esic in physics and the riot police are going to have to come thinking that it is a Nazi Revolution, we no no no, we are yu-gi-oh players and I disturb them by saying that those are

    Worse, funnier than they think they are funny and they laugh just for the sake of laughing That’s why they have to laugh so that in order to be seen as funny, but they’re not funny, they’re the worst thing in this

    Universe. Look, look at the face I’ve given to their dark estendo. Look, I’m the worst thing in the world. Look if I am. Look if I am. I’m the worst thing in the world I play the black dragon with red eye with

    A double ritual and more fun than a cartoon I’m leaving here because I have nothing to do here I’ve won the anti ark I don’t believe it gentlemen someone gave it a like I finished the Pos fatality literal

    Fatality mother now the police are the ones who are sounding the siren be careful it is well that’s it guys it has been a pleasure being with you I’m going to have to jump out of the window

    I have there to fall to see if I can evade to the police, be careful, be careful, many strange things have happened today, you know Fran, it costs, no, Fran costs, Fran from the jungle had an accident and was about to die, today it happened, well, the things he does are

    In his The last video is what he does with the animals and the whole story that he was going to remove a hook from a sky. And since he was in a closed space, it turns out that he went up to

    Help the animal and the animal threw it at him. completely and he has nailed it and he has nailed everything, he has left him like a Christ and he says that he is miraculously alive but it has been recorded, he plays a lot, Fran

    Plays a lot, well, I hope he recovers soon and no, no yes. It seemed like it was fine, what happens is that it was well, that is, he says that he had to get points because of course he hit

    Nothing, so whether or not a deer is not a bull, a deer can be worse than a bull. bull that has many so he has multiplecer Exactly So with which one has he

    Left him is a Christ that is to say Poor dear mother let him learn a little not to go with that girl mir mir fabric eh I shit myself [Laughs] [ __ ] for God’s sake No, but it’s not that I’m asthmatic And then he bursts out laughing

    Spontaneously. Well, tomorrow he dies live, no [__] you have to beat him before I don’t screw me, look, here nothing is going to happen to us because he’ll say Well, but he died for an hour. Before in the Canary Islands there [Laughs] I’m already shitting myself [ __ ] have friends for

    This Well well I think I’m going to have to go because I already have to make my mother’s dinner and so on and more things next time What we have here will be Alejandro’s girlfriend. I’m sure

    One day she’ll come here or the two of us together. It would be nice. It would be cool. Hey, he stayed silent. He stayed silent. No no no yes. Let’s see, she’s a little embarrassed. And so it’s true that it’s embarrassing, for example. Look, we have Juanita here, who is a user of

    10 or 12 years since we have been in the Arcan asylum, she has been there since the beginning and she has not yet been able to [ __ ] and say I’m going to enter here in a live from Arcam’s asylum Juanita

    Late what did he say that we should not shout that he is at work late for that reason be careful eh No but Arcan I have my partner here by my side and he sends you many greetings that he appreciates you very much

    The truth is that he loved the video that you uploaded of Cyber ​​Dragon or eh. We are a person who appreciates you a lot and the truth is that we appreciate that you No, you have us, no, we didn’t expect it. And then the truth is that we

    Also have that affection that you have for us, you know what I want to say, I have a lot of love for all of you, for practically all of you, for practically all of the chat, for all of you. the people who come and such to rigard to fall Anger

    To you Alejandro to your girlfriend to Borja to sundar sundar that sundar and I are practically boyfriends eh No and Juanita and all that I mean practically I have a lot of love for all of you

    And maybe that’s why Maybe the channel doesn’t grow that’s why but look you’re missing I hate I understand I don’t I don’t understand this about I don’t understand this about YouTube but honestly if I had a

    Channel and my channel stays stagnant and the community that I have is good like the one you have, your ark Well, I prefer a good community to a mess of people that grows like foam on me

    And that the community is not even useful to peel a potato no no me the community that I have the truth has been said I can’t All very very nice people and every time new people come in, or let’s see

    What I really complain about is that my channel was growing quite a bit, that is, from the 1,700 people I had when I released the video of the hackers, the famous video that It attracted a lot of people to my

    Channel, we’ve gone up to 4,000 or so, but I’m already stuck, that is, what do I mean by that, the coffers bar says Fer Angel, let’s call him Yes, I’ll tell you now. What do I mean by that, you’re stuck, no, I’m not uploading, I’m not even uploading to TR. So

    No one subscribes to the Channel anymore and I don’t understand why I’m commenting, a great friend of mine told me, a very great My friend, who gave me a Shadow by, thank you and thanks to that Shadow B, well,

    I’m not growing, okay, I want to comment that there is no shadan on YouTube, there is no shad Ban. In other words, I have spoken with the people on YouTube and there are even videos that They tell you the best way to remove you, see how

    There is no I see other people who do say that Sorry, Sorry, Sorry to interrupt but now I have to remove the voice chat. It has been a pleasure to share this experience with

    You . I go back to the written chat and nothing. The truth is that thank you very much for letting me participate in today’s chat so for entering and everything and everything and and arcan I have said it eh You for me you are great

    And I have you as a reference well Thank you very much and give him and give Ida a big kiss from me I will give it to you I will give it to you Oh one more thing Get in like this fen it’s a little bit we’re saying four

    Four Spaniards I can’t stand this is true you’re right it seems like you’re a shopkeeper but I find out that It’s the worst thing that can happen when there is a Spaniard like me, for example, that there are

    Four of us, no, and the worst thing is, one, but damn, he’s there, there, and one furro on top, furro furro, Sorry, sorry, laag of a poké or something like that, a lot of time, you know. all furro look at sundark’s universe borja’s laboratory

    And ark’s maniac good names for a channel i’ll tell you directly we are the spanish powerpuff girls Well well people I have to go too I’m leaving since there’s already a little thing about

    The Shadow on YouTube is not that they are going to the point but it does penalize the issue of content, that is, if you make varied content, V that it is a channel that has always been made with variety

    Because if it does not do as it is not that it does not recommend you but that it does not recommend you Of course, then there, yes, I can believe it more about the topic that he doesn’t recommend you because it is true that

    I am noticing that he is not recommending me but not for anything in particular, simply because maybe not as much content as before, because before MEC I worked a lot of live shows, I did more hours

    Of content, but today, for example, look closely, that is, today was a live show that We have reached 45 or 48 people in a row watching, seeing what the live show is. So, if you

    Have a Shadow B eh No one is going to see you, that is, practically you are going to have four or five visits at most but not 40 no, but that is not a recommendation and in part if we have

    All these visits it is because of the community, which is a very large community. What we have, what happens is that we repeat that also, well, what is really needed is more promotion than the people, well, for the people to know that the Ark Asylum exists more than anything else, like me.

    For example, look, I have always been one of those who have supported other channels. I have supported before. I supported Icarus when he came here. The guardian certa. Well, I have supported him. He did not support

    Me as much. When he came in, he made me lukewarm about the subject. of that of that with me he didn’t sponsor me because I was toxic in a few words but well no yes with me look at the guy This one

    Who was the biggest in Spain in promotion the duelist studio I think it was yes and he It didn’t matter that it brought so many people to Yu-Gi-Oh that it made Yu-Gi-Oh grow in Spain if you don’t agree 100% with everything the company tells you outside even if you are attracting people.

    This is how they work Many Japanese companies are like no, no, the worker has to be tied there, as if he were the family and he can’t betray us or anything like that, he has

    To die with us, yes, so much and past that way, you speak a little badly and you They do that because we are going to be the biggest in Spain now I don’t know if it’s the guard at Celta or who but at

    That time he was the biggest in Spain and he had to leave because he couldn’t stand the situation he was having anymore Of course but hey people I think it has been one of the best live shows we have had. Yes, I think we can be proud. Borja’s amazing participation

    Has been overwhelming. We are going to have to say about it and I realized that I have said before about furro but that in You can’t see that YouTube has an umb in the photo. I don’t know why they appear white.

    Yes, the one who talks about hacks on the other hand is helping you here. Here he is helping you. It’s a good live show. Before we go, it’s a good live show. It has possibly been

    One of the best live shows that have been here at El Manico de Arcam but not. We have reached 60 likes 51 Well we have to keep the good things with the good experiences that

    A new user has come in to talk to us there is You have to stay with that and not so much look at the negative part. Hey, Alejandro Herrera has done very well. So, but well,

    Thank you very much to all the guys for your company and what are you going to do now, have dinner? No, obviously, yes, we have to make dinner. I have to have dinner and you, Borja, are also going to have dinner Or

    Are you going to make lasas not having dinner, I have taken advantage of doing daily things in the meantime Ah okay that’s why the bastard wasn’t talking Ah No that’s not why I was paying attention to the conversation I say Meanwhile I was focused on his combo of the superg Samuray there well

    With the penguins or something from Dinos de Dinos that I got a very disgusting combo it’s like Oh you’ve left me you haven’t left an empty field a teak is coming Beautiful take teak but come on Well borgita sundar a pleasure as always to have been with you tomorrow

    We will do live we are at 29 now that I think about it I am still on purpose I was in Rank I went up again to Rank 3 of Master and today I went up again to go down to Rank two so with what which there

    Is little left there is little left until we finish the month and start again that on the 31st this month has 31s but there is one day left for the daily ones in fact that’s it tomorrow we will see what we do

    Tomorrow I still don’t know unless they release some something in particular Something out and such Master we will or will not do we will debate we will do whatever we will see he lets me do a lot because I have been working for hours

    I don’t remember How many hours he left free but fabric Well guys a hug and see you bye bye bye


    1. La evidencia de que hay tramposos en el juego es obvia no es una evidencia de ausencia, por mi parte creo que Konami si hará algo debido a que tienen una campaña de retornados al máster duel.

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