Затворът ,,Черният Делфин в Русия. Този затвор с висока степен на сигурност се намира отдалечен регион и си е спечелил репутацията на най-строгия затвор в Русия. Затворниците в него са някои от най-опасните и жестоки престъпници в Русия и много от тях излежават доживотни присъди.

    В този видеоклип ще се потопим в историята и дейността на затвора “Черният делфин”, като разгледаме суровите условия, строгия режим и методите, използвани за контрол на затворниците. Пригответе се за едно отварящо очите пътешествие в дълбините на един от най-тежките затвори в света. История на затвора “Черният делфин”.

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    Farit Gabdulhai Gabidulin and his twin brother Timur have been convicted of multiple violent crimes against young girls and women in Chelyabinsk Region, Russia. The brothers were arrested in 2000 after admitting to sexually assaulting and murdering a 23-year-old woman, but later admitted to committing 30 similar crimes in the area.

    They claim that their victims were chosen at random, often from marginalized communities such as the homeless, and lured to the Mitrofanovo cemetery where they committed the crimes. Among the victims of Farit and Timo were also pensioners. They offered to help them carry heavy objects or escort them home

    Farit admits to torturing and taking the life of a 12-year-old girl in a city park During the investigation, the brothers point out a potential location for them, which is near a factory for auto mechanics where authorities found over 100 human skulls and hundreds of bone fragments.

    Investigators suspect the brothers may be responsible for additional murders given the number of remains found at the scene. And before we continue I want to share with you that every one of my videos is translated into over 100 languages

    ​​among them are some of the most spoken languages ​​in the world such as Portuguese Chinese Spanish French English Ukrainian Italian Turkish Indian German Japanese Arabic and many more. don’t forget to turn on the subtitles Enjoy watching! Vadim Krotov

    During the trial, it became clear that Vadim Krotov not only committed murders, but was also a prolific pedophile and producer of child pornography. He lured underage girls to his home, where he plied them with alcohol and forced them to pose for indecent photographs.

    It specifically targeted girls who were orphans or had run away from home and had no one to turn to. Kotov’s crimes are particularly shocking because they took place in a small port city in the Russian Far East, where violent crime is relatively rare. The revelation of the murders sent shock waves through society

    And many were outraged that a man like Krotov could exist. Sergey Maduev. Sergey Aleksandrovich Maduev is a famous Soviet-era criminal who is also a serial criminal. He had various names, including Chervonets, but called himself an outlaw thief. He began his criminal activity in the 1970s,

    But his most famous crimes were committed in the late 1980s. Maduev gained additional fame when in 1991 he tried to escape from the prison in Krusti with the help of an investigator he had seduced.

    In 1995, Maduev was sentenced to death by the St. Petersburg City Court for two of his murders and for many other crimes. However, due to a moratorium on the death penalty, he received a life sentence. He was initially held in the Kresti prison, then in Novocherkassk,

    And in November 2000 he was transferred to the “Black Dolphin” prison. He died in December of that year due to heart failure and complications from diabetes. Andrey Malyuk. Andrey Malyuk, also known as the Brick Maniac, was a Russian serial criminal

    Who committed several murders in Chelyabinsk between 2000 and 2002. His victims were mostly elderly women, whom he followed to their homes after they left the store with their purchases, he broke into in their homes and attacked them from behind with a brick, stealing their belongings.

    Maluk took the lives of ten people and injured another ten during these robberies. Although some of Maluk’s victims managed to survive, they could not remember what he looked like. He was eventually caught, tried and sentenced to life in prison for his crimes. Vladimir Mukhankin.

    Vladimir Mukhankin is a Russian serial criminal who was convicted of taking the lives of nine people in Rostov Oblast in 1995. His victims were mostly women and girls he targeted. . Mukhankin’s crimes included suffocating his victims and sometimes torturing them before mutilating them. Although sexual assault was not usually part of his pattern,

    He raped and took the life of a 13-year-old victim. Muhankin appears to have had a deep hatred of women as his crimes were mostly directed at women. He was found guilty and initially sentenced to death. However, this sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment. Evgeny Nagorny.

    Evgeny Nagorny ran a fraudulent car repair service to attract and take the lives of vehicle owners who wanted to sell their cars. Nagorny’s first crime was committed on January 2, 1998,

    When together with his accomplice Stavitsky, he took the life of the owner of a Lada Niva car. The two placed ads in the newspaper to schedule a meeting with the potential victims to inspect their cars. After arriving at the repair shop, they took the vehicle to the hangar

    For further inspection, after which they took the lives of the people. Later, Nagorny and Stavitsky targeted the owners of foreign cars because they cost more. Nagorny and Stavitsky went on to commit nine more murders, targeting company executives,

    Car drivers and even other criminals, such as two members of Solntsevska Bradva in their hangar in March 1998. The two made a substantial profit from the murders, stolen luxury cars. Nagorny sold the cars at a low price, earning an average of $8,000. Carola Neher.

    Carola Neher is a German stage and screen actress and singer. In 1932, she left Germany after Adolf Hitler came to power. At first he emigrated to Prague, where he worked in the New German Theater, but in 1934 he went to the Soviet Union,

    Where he met Gustav von Wangenheim and worked with him in his “Cologne” cabaret. In 1936, during the Great Purge, she declared herself a supporter of Trotsky and was arrested on July 25, 1936. She was sentenced to ten years and sent to the “Black Dolphin” prison, where she died of typhus in 1942.

    Vladimir Nikolaev Vladimir Nikolaev is a Russian criminal known for cannibalizing his victims and selling their flesh disguised as exotic animal meat. Before he was convicted of murder, he had a criminal past and his first murder happened accidentally during a fist fight with a friend.

    Nikolaev distributed and even sold the meat of his victims to acquaintances in an open market, presenting it as kangaroo meat. He used his money to buy alcohol. The ruse was discovered when some people questioned the taste of the product and took it to a doctor who found it contained human blood.

    Vladimir was arrested, and investigators found human remains and a heavily bloody bathtub in his apartment. Alexey Pichugin. Alexey Ivanovich Pichugin is a former Russian intelligence officer convicted of multiple crimes, including murder, attempted murder, and extortion. Born in 1962, Pichugin began his career as an officer in the Federal Security Service

    And later worked for the oil company Yukos, where he was the head of the security service. In 2003, Pichugin was arrested and accused of being involved in several murders of individuals who had conflicts with Yukos. He denies all the charges and claims that the government fabricated the evidence against him

    . Pichugin remains in prison, all the while claiming his innocence. Many believe that his case is an example of the politicization of the Russian judicial system and the persecution of those who challenge the government’s authority. Alexander Pirovsky. Alexander Pirovsky is a Russian criminal who gained notoriety as a serial criminal and fraudster after

    Taking the lives of five people in his hometown of Chelyabinsk between 1997-1999. Pirovski befriends rich people and gains their trust, then cheats them out of large sums of money. It then takes the lives of its victims.

    Pirovski was arrested in 2000 and found guilty of murder and fraud. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. Mikhail Popkov. Mikhail Popkov is a former Russian policeman who became a notorious serial criminal and necrophile. Between 1992 and 2010,

    Popkov brutally raped, killed and sexually assaulted at least 78 women and girls in Angarsk, Irkutsk and Vladivostok. He has confessed to and is suspected of at least 83 such crimes. This is due to the brutal nature of his crimes. He is known as the Wolverine and the Angar Maniac.

    He mutilated the bodies of his victims and performed sexual acts on them. In 2015, Popkov was convicted of 22 murders and received a life sentence. However, three years later, in December 2018, he confessed to another 59 murders. He was convicted of 56 more crimes and received a second life sentence.

    The court failed to prove three of the crimes due to a lack of evidence, and at the same time there were calls for Popkov to be executed. There is a moratorium on the death penalty in Russia. Oleg Rilkov.

    Oleg Viktorovich Rilkov, also known as the Tolyatti Kidnapper, was a Russian national who committed numerous crimes between 1992 and 1997. During that time, he sexually assaulted many underage girls and reportedly took the lives of several people in Tolyatti.

    In the period 1992-1995, Rilkov committed a number of crimes against girls between the ages of 6 and 13 located in the Samara region of Russia. Rilkov entered the victims’ homes, pretending to need help or water before committing these heinous acts and stealing from the homes. Sergey Shipilov.

    Sergey Shipilov, also known as Velsko Chikatilo, is a Russian sentenced to life in prison for 14 murders and 9 sexual crimes. Most of his crimes were committed in the city of Velsk, and most of his victims were women. Shipilov’s first known crime was in 1995, and he only confessed to it in 2016.

    In 1996, he took the lives of three more women and committed eight sex crimes, eventually being arrested and sentenced to life in prison . However, at the time he was not even suspected of the three murders. While serving his life sentence, .

    Shipilov denies raping one of his victims, claiming that their sexual intercourse was consensual and that she reported him to earn money for Valery Skoptsov. Valery Skoptsov, also known as Jack of all trades, is a Russian criminal and serial killer who commits crimes ranging

    From theft to murder in the USSR and present-day Russia. Skoptsov confessed to investigators and gave detailed testimony, including admitting to nine murders in 1998. He was sentenced to death, but the court later commuted the sentence to life imprisonment.

    While serving his sentence in the Black Dolphin prison, Skoptsov wrote poems and showed no remorse for his actions and, stating that it was necessary to clean up after his brother and accomplice. He died of acute heart failure at the age of 52 and was buried in the prison cemetery. Yamsrangin Savin.

    Yamsrangin Savin was a Buryat scholar who played an important role in Mongolian politics and academia in the 1920s. In 1932, however, he was dismissed and sent to Leningrad, where he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies.

    He was later arrested in 1937, sentenced to five years in prison in 1940, and died on May 14, 1942 in the only prison known today as Black Dolphin Prison. The Russian government revealed details of his death only in 1993. Yuri Simon.

    Yuri Leonidovich Simon, also known as the Blackstocking Killer or the Night Guest, is a Soviet serial criminal who targets young girls who wear black stockings. He committed his first crime in 1986, and in the period 1990-1991 he committed sexual assaults and took the lives of at least four girls.

    He was eventually caught in 1992 by two strangers and sentenced to death, which was later commuted by the court to life imprisonment. He is serving his sentence in Black Eagle Prison and shows an interest in poetry and a desire to visit his mother.

    In 2011, he tried to challenge his sentence before the Supreme Court of Russia, but failed. As we reach the end of this video, it becomes clear that this place is not for the faint of heart.

    The harsh conditions and strict regime testify to the severity of the crimes committed by its inmates, and why. This is a place that no one has yet come out of alive. We hope you enjoyed this video.

    If so I would love for you to subscribe to my channel with a bell to get notified of every single video I upload. I was Ayhan Infire Bye friends and see you soon!


    1. Видеата Ви са хубави. Че престъпниците са руснаци, ясно. Но ми е интересно, защо сте го озаглавили така ?
      Такива ги е направила не държавата, основен фактор е семейството и средата в която са израснали. А такива престъпници и а не само там. Има ги по целия свят. Така ли бихте ли озаглавили видео, в което престъпниците са българи !?

    2. bonsoir Ayhan, ce sont des histoires horribles, toutes ces femmes tuées par ces démons, cet homme cannibal, celui qui vendait de la chair humaine…j'espere qu'ils iront en enfer!!
      merci pour ces vidéos!! ces etres humains sont horribles

    3. Ти си единствен такъв ютубър в БЪЛГАРИЯ 🤜🇧🇬🤛🇯🇵⛩ все си по-усъвършенствен.
      Не спирай да се усъвършенстваш като личност и да споделяш с нас.❤❤❤

    4. За втори път ти пиша, не поставяй на преден план , кадри , подвеждащи, които няма да видим във видеото. Подвеждащо е, разочарователно е,
      и не е ок.

    5. Видеото ми хареса.Ти си единствения ютубър с най-разнообразните видеа.Всичко което правиш е интересно и различно.Продължавай все така!!!❤❤❤

    6. Айхан много добро видео ! Позволи ми да те поправя за системната грешка “сериен престъпник“ сериен убиец е правилното ! Продължавай в същия дух ! Благодаря ! 😉

    7. Всичко ок като изключим че си много тъпо парче как ще дадеш украинския като пример за най говорен бе или щот си наместваш по добре задника на евроатлантиците толкова е очевидно елементарно тъпо парче си😂🤐🤐🤐

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