Yo we come a long way from all them pedal B rides kicking footy in my kns underneath them street lights chilling outside the shops watching it is getting high I was raised up in a city where it’s difficult to FR all I see is blue lights and violence on a night but when

    You’ve seen that from a kid you know it can’t affect your mind from a place where people don’t have gos and live blind and it’s hardest to go legit than it is to commit crime F cuz I’m a stay strong and stay humble and despite all the pressure I promise I’ll never

    Crumble I’m trying to keep my distance from The Fakes and the snakes but it’s hard to avoid snakes when you were raised up in a jungle I’m surrounded by the buring but every day I’m learning [ __ ] fakes when I dealt with my snakes and Steve wi you always want a piece of

    Them rewards that you’re earning but there nowhere to be seen when you’re out putting all the working never trust nobody and that shit’s for everything keep my circle small bro smaller than a wedding ring shout my boy k for that brother I’ll do anything if he pulls up

    In that ride he knows I’m getting in and it’s nothing but loyalty when I’m stepping in one phone call is all it up to get them weapons in outside his crib and I could wait to start wrecking him 5 minutes late and we came this close to

    Getting him [ __ ] I guess God was on his side he don’t even know how close he came to getting fried but he [ __ ] up and switched up and left me out to dry so if I ever see his face that Vendetta will apply look I remember days we used

    To kick it down hair Hills [ __ ] was wild but we survived it like be GRS doing Petty crimes every night to pass the time running from them same police officers that are there still you won’t see the murder on the news because it stays hidden they’re too busy trying to

    Make you when your mates listen and you’ll get more time for drugs and if you rape women trust me when I say there’s nothing great about Great Britain it wasn’t good when I was young I went through rough times I saw some [ __ ] a kids should never see but that’s

    Just life it used to [ __ ] break me when I looked inside my mom’s eyes cuz every man knows there’s nothing worse than when your mom GES school nights I couldn’t sleep I went through peat times we had a couple mountains to face I’m talking steep climbs music used to block

    It out I started writing deep R used to be nobody on my names all over these sides think I’m not game cuz I’m Legit you must be DED I’ve done things and seen things that these ticket couldn’t hack you want to see my other side then

    All youve got to do is ass like Jim Cary I’m a different person when I’m in a mask just a lost Bo Again The Reckless mind like Jake Tyler right back down since I slept inside cuz I’ve got too much to lose and I’ve got too much pride

    This in the in between us two I’m not letting [ __ ] slide Heart full of pain that’s why you see the aggression the bad stages in your life will always teach you a lesson you got to fight hard and not fall to deeper depression but if you’re putting in the work then you will

    See the progression I’m trying to stack my wages I want to see better place came up from the bottom but I made it all through the stages if then people have never had to walk inside your shoes then then people can never tell you how to tie your laces [ __ ] the system they

    Want us locked up in cages everyone’s a slave and we’ve been trapped here for ages this one’s for the single mothers trying to feed their babies but they can’t because the government keep cutting all their wages stuck up in a cycle but still we stay mindful they

    Call us all criminals but we call that survival we on the estate where making money’s [ __ ] vital and the rats and the snakes don’t change and stay spiteful everybody’s bad until the opposition’s nine fires Roundy as [ __ ] can get scary like Mike Myers they say the bad but never slide like nice tires

    Acting like gangsters but in school they were High Flyers yo you must be kidding me the way these man makes me feel sick physically you just bought a new Whip and a r just a stun while your mom’s out on your state struggling and that’s a

    Liberty we are not the same and I would die for my mom I smart guys for my mom and I do life for my mom I remember all them nights I used to cry for my mom but shit’s changed now I’m trying to make it

    Nice for my mom and we’ve come a long way from all them pedal bik rides ha come a long Way


    1. lad best ever im always a little bastard for my mum iv now got respect love your music would love to acualy see you im in year7 hate school 15 suspention
      i would louve to come toa concert but i dont have the money

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