Příběhy jedné historické generace – stárnoucích rodičů, dospívající mládeže a malých dětí.
    Děj je zasazen do konce šedesátých let – podzim 67 až léto 68 s krátkým epilogem přesahujícím do let sedmdesátých. Pražská vilová čtvrť Hanspaulka, jemná poetika a humorná nadsázka jsou charakteristické pro mozaikové vyprávění paralelních životních osudů tří generací mužů a žen ve zvláštním období našich dějin v roce 1968.
    Režie: Jan Hřebejk
    Předloha: Petr Šabach (kniha)
    Scénář: Petr Jarchovský
    Kamera: Jan Malíř
    Hudba: Ivan Král, Ivan Hlas
    Hrají: Miroslav Donutil, Jiří Kodet, Simona Stašová, Emília Vášáryová, Bolek Polívka, Jaroslav Dušek, Eva Holubová, Stella Zázvorková, Kristýna Nováková-Fuitová, Michael Beran, Sylvie Koblížková, Marek Morvai-Javorský, Jiří Krejčík, Ondřej Brousek, Boris Hybner, Richard Tesařík, Dagmar Teichmanová, Miroslav Kaman, Hana Marcoňová, Ruslana Miňajlúk, Jana Švamberková, Soňa Nemcová

    Czech Television Total HelpArt T.H.A. Film Company present WlNTER 1967 in-between times lt was Christmas 1967. l was about to turn sixteen. l was hopelessly in love and l wanted to die. Come on Boris. The girls are cold. -This way. This is great. -Open it. -Tamara! -Wait a minute.

    -Take care. -Thank you very much. -All the best. -Thank you. -This is for you. -Come on Boris, hurry up. -Thank you Boris. -Come on, let’s go… l give the Bolsheviks one year. Two at the most. Hello. -What’re you doing? -Merry Christmas. Are you nuts? How can you be so cruel?

    How can you be so cold? C O S Y D E N S l bought here guitar because of you And spent each cent of daddy’s heard earned pay And thought the work to make it wasn’t through l already knew the song l’d like to play Story by Executive Producer Director of Photography

    Written by Directed by Menu: Monday – breakfast: tea, bread and butter. Bro… Bro… Mom, my brother’s dead! Mom, he’s not moving. lt’s true, Dad. Mom, he’s dead… You idiot! -You have nothing to do today? -l got you again. You won’t be pissing me off for long, you bastard. Speaking. l read you.

    Roger. Give me extension 205. Put it on. lt’s major Šebek speaking, get the menu ready! What menu? l didn’t say that. -You said it. -You made a mistake. Okay, l made a mistake. l’m preparing a menu for the kids… Get the reports ready. Over and out.

    -What’s for lunch today? -Stop screaming and go read it. Are we having tomato sauce again? -What do you see? -Chicken. So you see. This is ridiculous. His family destroys an architectural work and replaces it with a tank! Do five more for me. One…two…three… Five… -Jindra! -Six…! Seven… l said ten!

    -You said five. -l said five but l meant ten. Come on, slowly. Do you know that one man had the hiccups for 13 straight years? Come on, girls… Hello! -Hi, aunt. -At school call me teacher. Comrade teacher. Tell your parents we’ll come visit the day after tomorrow.

    -What time should l come? -Come at three. Will you be alone for Christmas? Not really. l have a projector and a piano. -Otherwise it sucks here. -Thanks for the compliment. You have a package from America. -lt’s from your parents, huh? -Yeah. They’re awesome. Nice boots. They’d look good on my mom.

    You’re full of shit. Look at your shoes. Come on in! Do you have a ticket? -Elien looks like Jean Marais. -l hope this one’ll be better. lt’s so cool that they show this. Did you know Jean Marais likes boys? -Really? -He’s kidding. You mentioned the resemblance… -You mean Elien is… -A fagot…gay… Quiet!

    -Hi. -Hi. -So l look like Jean Marais? -Jiřina said that. l told you not to bike on ice, but you didn’t listen. They were kissing, kissing for so damn long! Why are you running in the house. Didn’t l tell you to get a haircut for Christmas? -lt’s like Aesop’s hair. -Esau’s dad.

    Him too. Go and vacuum! Don’t just hang around! Let me help you. -Why isn’t aunt Eva coming? -She’ll come on Christmas Day. -She has a visitor today. -Comrade teacher? Damn, l hope it fits now… Yes, comrade teacher. Love is fatal disease Each has his own heart’s ease

    Listen to how l myself found release Merry Christmas! One moment, please. -Pétïa, hurry up. -lt’s occupied. For how long? A while. lt’s free. -What stinks in here? -The heather. Just my luck. Jesus Christ was born, let us be merry the bud bloomed into a rose, let us enjoy it.

    Of pure life, of royal family he was born for us… He was born for us… She’s smiling. See? She’s smiling! And if they splashed boiling oil in my face she’d be what? She’d be smiling! And it’s actually so simple. lt was supposed to be a C minor but what did we hear instead?

    The butcher smiles in spite of her sub-normal intelligence and hangs out with a local freak right under her father’s eyes. You could beat her to death, and still she’d play… And it’s actually so simple. Jesus Christ was born… He was born for us!

    -l don’t have an ear for music! -My own blood doesn’t hear it? Your mother and l have perfect pitch! You do it on purpose! Play it again! -Are you feeling better today? -Yes. Don’t worry. lt’s okay. -lt’s better today. -l think l said something! Saboteurs. -We bring you news… -Mom. -Hi. -Welcome.

    -Bóža. -Oh please, give it to me. Come on, young man. -Sing a carol for us. -Jesus Christ was born… Shut up. Can’t you at least stop these political provocations at Christmas. -No betting today, guys. -Václav! Grandma! My beloved sister in law. -Where’s your sister? -She’ll come tomorrow.

    -She has a serious date tonight. -Thank God she has a man! -A biology teacher! -A biology teacher! -You are absolutely radiant. -Really? l feel completely… Come have a look. For God sake, take it out. Wait, calm down! l’ll take it out. You always get me! What a Christmas…

    Wait. Take your shoes off here! We have a new carpet. -lt’s Christmas Eve. -Shut up. Take your shoes off. -Did you get these at work? -No way. They’re brand new. You see brother. He’s a biology teacher. He will explain that four meter tall bear to you.

    L’m just saying what the TV said. A kodiak bear is 3.7 meters tall. -Will you have a shot? -Sure. Three meters seventy… Three meters seventy. That’s like an African elephant! -So what? -Boys, please… You can’t believe everything they say on TV. l just said that they said it rises on its hind legs

    And measures three meters seventy. Maybe more! Don’t believe the hype. l’m one meter eighty five. -l’m one eighty three. So what? -Get on my back. -Stop it. -Try to touch the ceiling. Try it and when you touch it, we will see how big your kodiak bear is.

    Watch out. The kodiak is coming. l’ll climb up. Hold on to this. Okay. Be careful. Wait… Now l have to get on you somehow. You gotta get on your back legs… You’re the back legs, l’m raising my front paws. Stand still. Be careful. l’m going up. -Come on, idiot. -Jesus.

    Make a mark there. How am l supposed to make a mark? -Use your claw. -He’s nuts. Jesus… Uzlinka, hand me a fork. -Growl dad. -What did you say? -Growl. -l’ll show you once l get down. Hand it to me carefully so you don’t get hurt.

    -l got it. l’ll make a mark. -Didn’t you already have enough? -Quit staring and measure it. -And the magic word? -Excuse me? -The magic word! l’ll kill you, you bastard. Hold on. -Hi. -Hi. -What’s up? -Elien is sorry. Every year’s the same. -He admitted he went too far. -lt’s okay.

    He’s sending you this to make up for it. Thanks. Jindřiška! We haven’t poured the lead yet! -Lead’s dead. -We’re measuring a bear. -See you. -Merry Christmas. Damn women! Don’t touch me! Am l at the sink yet? What can you see, Jindřich? l give the Bolsheviks one year. Two at the most.

    -Beautiful, isn’t it? -Yeah. -Don’t you think it’s magic? -l do. Look. l love glass. l always wanted a paperweight. -lt’s not just a paperweight. -What is it then? A kodiak bear… l heard one man had the hiccups for 13 straight years. Can’t you hold your breath for a little while?

    As a boy l could stay under water for a minute and a half. Under water. You can’t breathe through the skin and pores. -Stop it! -lt’s a piece of cake. Pétïa said that pearl divers can stay under water for 15 minutes. Come on, that’s impossible. -Why not? -Fifteen minutes?

    -Sure. -You can’t even last a minute. Why couldn’t l last a minute? -Come on, boys. -Well? Let’s try it. From now on l won’t argue, l’ll bet. -One crown for every second. -Okay. Anything under a minute is yours, anything over is mine. Deal? Let’s go. -Three, two, one… -You have to follow me.

    -Okay, you say it. -Ready, steady, go! -Finished? -Not yet. Not at all. Hold your nose! Plug your nostrils. Okay, l’ll plug my nose. lt’s not such a big deal. Ready, steady, go! He’s breathing. l can hear him breathe. He’s breathing.

    L can see it. l can hear it. l’m not timing you. You can breathe. l’m finished. lt’s off. l’m not timing you. He’s getting red. Come on, brother. A blood vessel in your brain might burst. You’re not young anymore. You’ll crumple like a leaf. He’s a dumb ass.

    -He’d be willing to kill himself. -How long did he last? -No good. He isn’t under water. -What do you mean? -lt’s like biking down a hill. -What do you mean? -You don’t need to peddle! -Do you peddle under water? -What’s under the tree? -l wished for a crossbow. Oh no, a crossbow?

    Let’s go to the bathroom! Excuse me, little girl. Boys! Excuse me, bigger girl. You see. He isn’t breathing. One minute one second. l owe you a crown! That was incredible, man! You’re an amphibian! What did you make for dinner? The carp is still in the tub!

    L bought one already sliced two days ago. You mean you can kill the carp? Your dad isn’t around anymore. You can’t, huh? Let’s remember those who can’t be at our Christmas table. Let’s sit in silence and pray for those who died in the war and for my tortured friends from the resistance movement.

    Our father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those Who trespass against us… Amen. Amen. Enjoy your meal. Merry Christmas! Uzlinka! A crossbow!

    -Who gave it to her? -Santa Claus. He still uses the same wrapping paper. l wonder what this is, mom. -You know what it is. -No, l don’t. Oh boy! Genuine Stolichnaya vodka! -Don’t open it now! -ls it from Uncle Boris? The tree holder’s from Uncle Boris. He’ll be back in summer.

    L wonder what this is. Thanks, dad. Thanks, dad. Pretty good, huh? This is something for mom from dad. -Drinking glasses? -Go ahead. Shake it. We needed these badly! Ours are already broken. That’s right. Ours are already broken. Did you notice anything unusual about these glasses? -They’re light. -This is… This is not funny.

    Just watch, you heckler! What happens when you drop an ordinary glass on the floor? -lt breaks. -Exactly. lt breaks. An ordinary glass will break. That’s how it used to be. But then a couple of smart guys got together… Stop grinning! lt’s no coincidence that they all came from Poland. -Socialist Poland! -l see.

    Madam Curie-Sklodowska, or Glass-ska came from Poland. Well… -lt’s unbreakable glass. -What do you mean? lt’s a miracle. Can l try it? Lída! -How hard can l smash it? -Go all the way, girl! The glassmakers won’t have anything to eat. Granny… lt means we’re one step ahead of them!

    -How did you like the test? -lt wasn’t hard enough. You think so? Okay then. Go ahead, big man! Who do you think you’re helping? The other side? Did you notice the weird shards? They’re round like flowers, and don’t cut you! Really. l’ve never seen anything like that.

    This is strange. lt’s four of us at the table all year around, and we’ve got five of them. lt means one try for everybody, right? HOLD ON, PlONEER! -What is it? -lt’s a very interesting thing. l bought it during a fellowship in Kiev. -Do you know Kiev? -Yes, l do.

    Lt’s a beautiful city. Everything is new. That’s where l got this thing ‘Hold on, pioneer.’ -Do you understand? -Yes. lt’s a toy that makes boys like you over there stronger. lt hurts! -Are you okay Pétïa? -lt just numbs you a bit.

    The object and fun of the game is to hold on. Turn it on! Turn it on, grit you teeth and hold on. Why are you shaking so much? Because electric power’s running inside me. -So let go of it. -l can’t. Electric power’s running in me. The boy has to turn it off.

    -Turn it off, Pétïa. -Turn it off for a minute. Turn it off!!! -Well…? -l don’t think it’s a safe toy. l’m a biology teacher, l know what l can take. Come try it. -l don’t want to. -Take it. lt’s fun. -l just grab it. Turn it on. -But not too much!

    He can turn it all the way up, it doesn’t matter. -lt’s not doing anything. -lt can’t. We’re not touching. The bodies are touching… Blooming in May… -Exciting, huh? -lt hurts. lt’s beautiful, Vilma! l don’t deserve such a thing. But the gift that brings the most happiness is one made by a man himself.

    That’s right. lt’s for me? Thank you, Jindřich. Jack of all trades, right? ls it a dog? -lt’s a camel! -Where did you learn this? At camp during the war. l even made bread chess once. -From white and black bread? -No from soggy war rations! You are looking at the origins of life.

    Lt began here and its apex is our existence. lt’s a miracle! l’ve got Gott’s 45! Come on. -Something really stinks here. -Frankincense. Come on, frankincense can’t smell that bad. -Are you nuts? -Screwing is for kids. Men will drink! Right? -Now something stinks here. -Drop it, mother.

    L’ll show you something you’ve never seen before. For God Sake, Bohouš… Stop it! Quiet! Do you know what soldiers in a trench do when they need to warm up… -What? -Does anybody know? They… name… bullets… individually… -Name bullets individually? -What? You won’t do that. -Marshall Malinovsky! -Brother. -Dad! -What? You’re the man!

    Hands up! l promote you to the position of poster of bulletins. -Let’s have a drink. -Later. Let’s light the frankincense. Just for the smell… -ls doing it on Christmas O.K.? -Yes, it is. You’re my best present, Eva. l’m going to unwrap you. Raise your hands… Bend forward… Come on… sit down.

    -l’ll take your shoes off first. -Wait. Give me that shoe! Now the other shoe. Shoes, beautiful legs… Do you see it, Eva? Do you like it? Take it in your hands and just feel the energy. -l don’t want it. -Come on, take it. l’m praying on my knees. Feel the energy.

    And now your earring like icing on a cake. -lsn’t this exciting? -l don’t know. l feel sick. -Mom… -Yes! Hurry! Turn the light off! -Teacher, can l ask something? -Yes. -Does shit burn? -Pétïa! -What’s he saying? -Does shit burn? Camel shit does, for example. lt’s true.

    Lt’s true. Do you know what time it is? -What time is it? -lt’s late. We said we would always choose dads together. Go to bed or l’ll take away your microscope and you’ll get it back at the end of the school year! Don’t look at me and go!

    Good night. Be a good boy. So l’m being interviewed for the position of father. l’m making a nice Christmas Eve for the incomplete family. l’m making fiction, some kind of illusion for the boy, a sixth-grader who is going to judge me.

    He will decide whether we can spend a couple of hours in bed. l came with the offer of quality sex. Bamboo chopping… the milk & water position… Long hours of homework all in vain. All because of your… -Good night. -Come on, Saša. -Don’t force yourself. -l’m not forcing myself.

    Just be quiet and quick, please. -Eva… -Quickly. -Are you sure you want it? -l’m sure. -You know, Eva… -Ouch! -Sorry! -lt’s okay. -You make me infinitely happy. That’s good, Saša. -l’ll be quiet, don’t worry. -Quiet and quick. Eva… What is it? Damn it! l’ve had enough of this. This is pissing me off…

    Mom! l will… Who’s this ugly hippie here? You mean Gagarin’s brother? l wanted to pass the bulletin board on to you. You bastard! -How high is it, doctor? -Higher than last time. We’ve got to do something about your blood pressure. Two or three days at our clinic would help. l can’t do that.

    -Are you taking those pills? -Sometime l forget. You mustn’t. They’re very important. Let’s have something stronger before lunch, professor. l have 12 year old, 60 %% plum brandy from doctor Vacenovský. -Vilma, have a thimbleful. -Mrs. Vilma can’t drink. -But professor… -Her blood pressure is too high.

    -l’ll drink for mom. -This isn’t eggnog, young lady. This is a man’s drink! Do you actually know how to drink this? First, you raise the glass. You can smell the pit. You have to suck in… The pain! Are you trying to kill me, you bastards? Get up! You’re dismissed! Both of you!

    -Well? -What? How about that teacher of yours? l don’t know. He’s slimy, isn’t he? Yeah. Pétïa doesn’t like him either. -Can we play that new record? -You better not. -Auntie… -Of course you can. -Thanks! Will Bohouš mind? Let’s have someone else yell here for a while.

    L might put an ad in the paper. -An ad? -Pétïa needs a father. Come on, Eva… Walk without a hunched back and it’ll happen. Thank you. We always have pork with sauce and dumplings on Christmas Day. Right, Vilma? Professor has always had seconds. l like it very much.

    -Can we begin? Bon Appétit. -You too. The sauce curdled a bit somehow. lt’s not really perfect. -No way. lt’s delicious. -lt’s been better before. A good housewife is always unsatisfied. That’s true. lt’s delicious! Aren’t the dumplings a bit mushy? Gnocchi should have a slightly mushy surface.

    Did l hear you right? Did you say gnocchi? Yeah, mom’s gnocchi. Gnocchi have a slimy surface and are light and fluffy inside. Are you sure you didn’t mean mom’s delicious dumplings? l’m talking about mom’s delicious gnocchi. You mean these true and only Viennese potato dumplings? How do you dare to call them…

    -Gnocchi! -Dumplings! Let me explain the difference between dumplings and gnocchi. Dumplings are long cylindrical shapes cooked in boiling water, then cut into thin slices after being taken out of water. Therefore, dumpling slices are slimy only on the edges. On the other hand, typical gnocchi

    Are made into little balls and each piece is cooked separately. Therefore, it’s slimy on the whole surface. lt seems pretty logical to me. Vilma! How did you cook these dumplings? ln steam, wrapped in a napkin. Well, what do you have to say about that? -Gnocchi can be steamed, right? -Yes, they can.

    Lf you don’t know how to treat your father in front of guests then get out off my sight! Can l finish chewing my last gnocchi? Leave the last dumpling and get out! Maybe l made dumplings and l ended up with gnocchi. lt’s a disgusting excuse!

    You, chef from a five-star hotel, don’t know what you’re serving. You might not know it, but l’d never dine on anything as disgusting as gnocchi! How dare you talk about mother’s cuisine like this? Don’t you know what a typical Viennese potato dumpling is? -Gnocchi! -Dumplings! -Come on, Jindra! -Calm down, mom!

    My priest taught me to respect my mother and father, and this is the result of the materialistic way of upbringing. Choke on those gnocchi! This is my house and nothing, not even that dumpling, is yours. This is your fault. This is the result of your poor rearing! l should have brought her up!

    But l wouldn’t be able to leave the house for even a second! l’d have to be here with a whip from sunrise to sunset! You think l haven’t noticed you whispering: ‘Quick before dad comes.’ This is just unbearable! l let these vipers into my heart. l mean a whole nest of vipers!

    -Leave me alone! -Come on, we have a visitor. Everybody doesn’t have to hear this. Let everybody hear it! You didn’t give me a son. What can l expect from a woman like you? Professor… Does that brat realize l take nitroglycerin? Calm down, Jindřich. l was interrogated by the Nazis!!!

    You can’t beat me with something like gnocchi. Take it away. These gnocchi make me sick. Who asked for your opinion anyway? Once you raise your own daughter you can come talk to your father. Did you see it, professor? She takes French, English and the piano, and she’s a monster.

    Let me quote this respected publication: Delicate Viennese gnocchi can be prepared in steam… l gave you life!!! This is the result of your choice of friends. An anarchist bohemian and a red Bolshevik gnocchi!!! -What would you like? -Dad wishes you happy holidays.

    And asks if you could keep quiet at least on Christmas Day. Your dad… Come say it yourself, you communist pig! You needn’t to send a messenger! This isn’t the General’s office! Everybody knows something. Do you know who started the Beatles? You think it was some Czech patriots?

    -Since when do you have X-mas? -l’m gonna go nuts. You’re such a pig! You even get wasted on Christmas Eve! Fuck you! lf you have another heart attack, l won’t be there again to help you, you son of a bitch! No one ever asked you for that!

    This is my house! My apartment! l can yell as much as l want! You got it for jerking off on an army base, but l got it for years spent in a Nazi prison! There’s no soldier, like a real soldier. -l’m sorry. Good day, madam. -Hello.

    -Merry Christmas. -To you as well. Go Pétïa. -Hello. -Hi. -Can Jindra go out? -Never… ever! The guitar and l now stand before your home Take pity please at least on this poor tree That gave its life to sing for you alone And ask us in, the guitar and me The guitar and me

    -SPRlNG 1968 – lt’s time -Pétïa! Help me. Quick. -Big changes, huh? -That’s life. lt was about time. This is good. At least we have some true women in the audience. lt’s better to talk to the crowd. You boys and girls don’t need to be shy to come to our station

    To see our workplace. Perhaps we’re holding you a bit, comrade police officer, but as we have such a rare chance, and some young men may be considering the police as their future occupation, could you tell us some stories from your professional life? l’m sure you are full of thrilling stories!

    Lt’s basically busywork – mostly paperwork. -Please… -Please… We got the order to eliminate a saboteur on a motorbike. A man with a leather backpack. Our position was at a blind turn. We hid on a bluff by a pond. lt was about two thirty

    When a man on a bike approached us with a leather backpack. He was an offender, of course. A murderer most likely. They must be treated without kindness. lt’s not like working with a magnetic needle, kids. As soon as the shooting stopped we heard another motorbike.

    A man with a leather backpack was driving it. The order was clear: He can’t get by at any cost! There was no time to contemplate who was who. You mean… That’s right. Two rounds. l gotta go. Duty calls. That’s pretty harsh, huh? …when leading a society, people must trust politicians.

    Lf there is somebody saying that today’s party’s politics are just a matter of us, that person knows very little… -Talking about politics! -About communist politics… What do they want to reform? lt’s always the same people! The same bastards. Thieves and murderers. They want to turn the events of 1948 into a democratic movement.

    -Look here! -Show me. -With jumping ropes! Come here. -Good looking, huh? This minister gets almost no sleep because she can get more work done in the morning. She is an emancipated woman, nice and alert. She likes doing it because she’s emancipated. -She looks like a cleaning lady! -Shut the door.

    -Why? -Someone might hear you. And they’ll lock you up again. Proletariats of all countries, fuck off! Now l feel relieved, my dear. -Are you okay? -lt’s nothing. No one believes that you are okay. You just groaned. -l didn’t groan. -Come on, you did. Why would you groan if you were okay?

    L’ve been watching you for days. You are getting pale like Death vanishing before my eyes. You can tell me everything! Even that you don’t feel good. Now you groan! Try to deny it. My daughter is rude… and the old hypochondriac is constantly groaning here!

    Do l, the war invalid after three heart attacks, groan? Do l bother anybody here with it? No, l don’t! Sorry. l know you are sick. Me too. l never got married because l’m a variety artist. lt’s a nomadic life. lt’s an adventure… tricks, charms, magic. l’m on a special diet.

    Lt’s a lonesome life. That’s why l answered your ad. l should probably show you something. Naturally. -How long have you been at this? -From my youth. Sorry. Basically since childhood. Sorry, let’s finish that trick. -Pavel, blow. -My name is Pétïa. -That’s old. -You’d be amazed. lt still works. l’m sorry.

    -Check you out! -Hello. The youth are here doing something for their health. Show me your smoker’s papers, kids. lt’s spring. The young people are dating instead of studying. Somebody may rely on his parents, but hormones are working. Everything in nature is pairing. lt looks like somebody is a third wheel here. Right, Šebek?

    No matter how l count: one, two… -You know what? Fuck you. -Excuse me? Fuck you! A hippie in the family of an army officer. Now you’re playing the hero, but what will your dad say? Hello? Hi dad. Fine… He’s got the best life. His parents are in America. -What about this? -Show me.

    That’s grandpa. Your grandfather. -lt’s nice when dad isn’t home! -Don’t say such stuff. Can l join you in bed? -You’ll be hot. -No, l won’t. Then come on in. -Sour. -What do you mean sour? They can’t be sour. They’re from professor Rhon from Bubeneè. They are pretty gross!

    Was he like this when you were still dating? Who? Your father? No, he wasn’t. Who are you going out with anyway? With the handsome guy? Or with the neighbor? Who would you go out with? -lt’s an easy question. -Well, l’m like you. So you go out with Elien?

    He is a bit like your father. Then it’s gonna be hell. l won’t be able to take it. Do you think Elien and my father have anything in common? -How did you get that idea? -l don’t know. What do you think? Actually they do. -Don’t be so pathetic. -Don’t ask me next time.

    -Look. He’s hanging out here. -Michal. Ssssh. Quiet. Don’t startle him! Don’t be silly. -l got you, you bastard! -What’s wrong? Wait, you bastard! l’ll show you. l’m telling you to stand still! -l will. Once you calm down. -You want me to calm down? -Dad, don’t embarrass me here. -Come on, Bóža!

    Okay, let’s talk about it. Man to man. Okay? -Have you calmed down yet? -Completely. -Can we talk now? -Okay, but stay where you are. -l’m not moving, damn it. -Mom, he’s moving, right? This isn’t working. We had a deal, right? -You don’t believe your own dad? -No, l don’t.

    -Did you hear it? -Good evening. Hello. Jindřiška. What would your dad say if you talked to him like this? We sure achieved something. You bastard! Wait until you get home! -Apologize to your teacher! -He started it! You idiot! Thank you. l haven’t been to the movies for fifteen years at least. Jindra!

    Come home. Come home! This chair is pretty low. l feel like l’m sitting in an armchair. But the food is delicious. lt’s much better than canteen food. l only eat in the canteen, and their cooking isn’t like yours. You should know that Pétïa is a pretty naughty kid.

    L like kids and l do lectures. That was why l answered your ad. l see. -Do you want to see my gun? -No. Guys always want to see a gun. -Can l ask you something? -No. -What would you like to know? -l wonder… lt doesn’t burn, Pétïa.

    L’ve heard that you killed a man. ls it true? lt happened a long time ago. l took a part in an operation. -Against who? -Against a spy. There isn’t much to tell. We got an order to eliminate a saboteur on a motorbike… -Let’s not write any more ads. -Okay, we won’t.

    We can manage by ourselves. l’ll work. Come on… This is… Jindřiška, do you know where l put my teeth last night? ln a glass in the bathroom. As a girl a long time ago The boys and l climbed in trees And when they broke the branches They put cherries down my blouse

    When they got too curious what was under there l shooed them away with a green branch l more or less protected myself Nobody could touch my cherries Don’t ever trust the boys you like They’d all steal the cherries from your pie -Good afternoon. -Hello. Before we get to the children’s grades

    L’m obliged to inform you about one very unpleasant thing. There is a bad habit spreading here. The children use cuss words too often. Especially one of them. That word is… FUCK -Where did they learn it? -Not from us. -Do they all say it? -All of them. Even Šebková. -That’s terrible. -Come in.

    Hello. l’m sorry to interrupt you… l’m running around but l can’t find my way. You know my wife used to take care of the PTA. Where is the high school glass… l mean high school classrooms. lt’s one floor up, Mr. Kraus. l mean down. You’re on the wrong floor. l’m sorry.

    -Looking for somebody, comrade? -What? -Mr. Kraus! -l’m sorry. -Are you okay? -lt’s fine. l just felt dizzy. -You don’t look good. -You look terrible too. l’m sorry. You’re so pale. l always look like this at the end of the school year. Did you find the class? No, l didn’t.

    L’ve never even thought l’d be so incompetent without a woman. But Jindřiška is almost a grown woman. -l’ve always wanted a son. -l’ll lend you mine sometimes. Thank you. l’m home. -Can l ask you something? -Of course. -What is the medal for? -For bravery. -Thank you. Good night. -Good night. Hello? Dad?

    Fine. You want me to come to see you in Washington? When? Life is only luck Today you’re up, tomorrow down And then life flows on to the sea of death to drown All drift along to the sea Some today and some tomorrow And if you find love don’t waste it on sorrow

    What are you running for? You’ll wear me out. l can’t go there panting like this. Let’s go see your aunt. -No way. -Go ahead. Aunt Eva is coming, but she’s not coming to see us. Do you think she takes him seriously? l think it’s a done deal.

    You seem as if it was today’s headline. -You can’t do anything about it. -Why would l change anything? She’s gonna ruin her life with that choleric. l know she’s a teacher but she is completely unteachable! Do you want me to put tomato sauce there for tomorrow? Go open the door, please.

    -Hello. -Hello, professor. Hi scout. -Come in. Take your thing off. -Aren’t we here too early? -Not at all. -Pétïa couldn’t wait. Look what l brought you. This is beautiful! -Hi Jindřiška! -Hello. What are you making? -Gnocchi? -l tried making dumplings. -They’re overcooked. -Yeah. Let me help you. lt happens.

    This has Burian’s pictures in it. You can meet Zdenìk Burian. He’s my friend. -Pétïa’s so wrapped up with him. -Me too. -l’ve always wanted a daughter. -Dad has always wanted a son. -Can l taste it? -Sure. lt looks good. lt’s delicious! Did you make it by yourself? lt’s my mom’s recipe.

    Why is she there for so long? Eva isn’t eighteen. She may know what she’s doing. l’m happy she’ll live here. He alone is enough for me! -This is not right, is it? -lt’s good. -You meant the sauce? -lt’s delicious! l eat everything. Jail taught me a lesson.

    You have no idea… but this is delicious! lt’s great, isn’t it Pétïa? Say something. The dumplings remind me of the eggs of Chelonia Mydas. -Whose eggs? -Sea turtle’s. -Dad? -Yeah. Can l go to the movies? You are staying at home so you don’t get into any trouble. l have summer vacation.

    You have nothing to do? l have a date with Jindra. Then go ahead, go out with your cousin. This is professor Masaryk, our president and liberator. Soon you’ll be studying about him again. l’m an optimist. The West is supporting us. At least this is what my brother says. He’s in London.

    We give the Bolsheviks one year. Two at the most. Excuse me! -Hello! -Hello! -ls Jindra home? -No. She’s with her boyfriend. l see. Thank you. Bye. You’re looking forward to it, aren’t you? -lt’s just for a year. -What do you mean? Come on. Jindra! -Hi. -Hi. -ls Jindra with you? -No.

    -Then say hello to her. -She’s not here. -Promise me you’ll come back. -l won’t be gone forever. lt was beautiful. -Hi! -Hi. l was looking for you. Elien’s going to see his parents so l wanted to say good bye. -Really? -Bye. Good night. G’night.

    -How long are you going for? -l don’t know yet. Bye. Come on. Elien will be back in a year, right? Meanwhile you and l could go out. Just the two of us. -We could. -You think so too? -We are almost family. -That’s right. l can go with you anywhere, Michal

    Since we are practically brother and sister. Because it’s obvious that there are things among siblings which are totally out of the question. -Are you gonna have more kids? -Come on, Vašek. Kids, come get some finger food! -Be careful, Pétïa. -Sure. Offer some to everybody. -Maruš? -Yeah… London came through.

    Eva, that’s great. l have goose bumps! -That’s what l call a honeymoon. -lsn’t that great? Gentlemen, l read an article in ‘Foreigner Curiosities’ that an average woman thinks about sex every five minutes. An average human, l mean a man thinks about it every seven minutes.

    -What’s the point of the story? -That l’m an average woman. ln that case l’m a woman too. Gentlemen, l had a patient who was not yet as old as Jindřich and he didn’t have a heart condition. Even the age difference wasn’t as big as yours.

    Guess what? That man expired during their wedding night. Professor, stop painting the devil on the wall. That’s reality. l’d like to show you the results of my yearly work. Actually it was more my brother’s idea. As you know he lives in London, and we still write each other.

    My brother, captain Otakar Kraus, flew for Royal British Airforce. During the war he shot down five enemy fighter planes. While the biggest tyrants and mass murderers have giant monuments here, Czech pilots don’t have even a tiny memorial in Prague, but it seems that after a long period of rule by crude vermin,

    Even those in the highest places are coming to their senses. Hopefully an advantageous time for our plan is arriving. My brother and l decided to use the lonesome pedestal on Letná, which is standing there for absolutely no reason. To make a long story short, following my brothers directions

    L built something like a small model. Back then. And now. Don’t pay any attention to this. As you know l wanted a son but… This is supposed to be my brother. This is pilot Fajtl. We haven’t made up our minds yet… Well, compare the difference. Just to take off, huh?

    Lt must have been a hell of a lot of work, and it’s such a silly thing, right? Don’t just sit here like a lump. Go have fun with the others. You can’t be tucked in here like this. Fresh coffee is coming. -Did you give them the spoons? -Not yet.

    -What spoons? -Our wedding present. -Come on, bro! -lt’s not the right time now. Why not? This is the right time. Why wouldn’t this be the right time for our present? -Which one is it? -That one over there but… Let them open it themselves. Well, Eva, open it! -What is it? -Teaspoons.

    A lot of teaspoons are always useful. Watch out! They are not just any old teaspoons. They are plastic teaspoons. Light, flexible and pliable. Here you go, professor. You see, these teaspoons were developed in socialist Germany. l told you to save them. They weren’t made for hot coffee.

    L wonder where our German comrades made their mistake. There were shooting in the air during the war. You two were made for each other, right? Anything not from the USA isn’t good enough for you. lf l put two identical matchboxes in front of you…

    And l said one was American, which one would be better, huh? The American one, of course. -Of course, the American one. -Of course, the American one. You’re like my son. He brags about America, about jeans… Why doesn’t he get his hair cut like an American astronaut? Where’s that bastard anyway?

    Nirvana, Olympia And Heaven don’t exist lf someone rags on the world l just get pissed l don’t care about The infinite universe l’m fine with A few great years on Earth Heaven on earth exists you see l speak the truth, believe me

    For life l’d give mine if l must but l don’t wanna bite the dust l’m not alone, believe me There are beautiful things for those who want to live Heaven’s beauty depends on you When the time comes You’ll know what to do When heaven on earth Starts for you and me…

    -Are you looking for something? -Where are the tablecloths? Go get Michal to put you in bed at home, okay? -Mom! My brother’s dead! -What are you talking about? -He has his head in the oven. -ln our electrical oven? Michal! Calm down. Let me see.

    Lt won’t be bad, but l’ll take him to the hospital to make sure. Jindřiška! -Dad! -Bohouš! What did the doctor say? lt’s just as well. l’m fine. l just collapsed. lt’s not a big deal… Let’s go home. How is he? -Well? -He has heatstroke.

    Lt’s so stupid to try poisoning yourself in an electrical oven. Sorry. To tell the true, he started to smell good. Eva… Vašek… Bro… Attention… Marshall Malinovsky. l read you. What? Let me give you my grandmother. What’s wrong? -l can hear it. -Who is it?

    -lt just woke me up. -ls anything wrong with Michal? Dad! The Russians are here! -What? -What? Tell them we’ll be right there. Tell them to wait for us. -What? -Boris? That dumb ass. Turn on the radio! You studied Russian. How do you say bastards in Russian? Duraki. Yesterday, on August 20th, 1968

    The armies of the Soviet Union, Poland. Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria crossed the Czechoslovak borders. When l came back everything was different. Brother! Are you nuts? What? Dad’s whole world fell apart. He took it as total betrayal. But some got promoted. Comrade principal! l’m looking for classroom 4B.

    Lt wasn’t just Elien who didn’t return. Mom has never seen Aunt Eva again. The honeymoon was extended for twenty years. This film is dedicated to everyone whose friends, lovers, parents and children disappeared overnight as you remained here alone.


    1. The boots that Michal got from his dad for Christmas were military grease boots. Quality military boots. Which cannot be sro with today's military equipment. The quality of army equipment has gone down steeply since the time of socialism.

    2. Mám 13 ale pelíšky mám na Vianoce najradšej, radšej ako sám doma (aj to mám rád) ale pelíšky sú top. Na hláškach ako : udus se tím nokem, čo je to za hnusnou máničku… sa zasmejem aj keď to kukám 5 krát za týždeň. 😅.

    3. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💋💋😊

    4. Ja tento film vnimam ako hlupost. A téš nepšíjemní herci vole… Stšašne úúúúúnavnééj dijakóóóógijéés, pšíšerné.. fšichny fúrt mluvíí pooooommmmaaaaaaaaallleeeeeeej jak vožralééj vepš… voleee… a teuas waitám na libeuejšn ueakšñń.. o tuí, túú, uán.. GÓÓ😱U. Lájčim na jórs ueakšn😊

    5. Na to sa vazne neda lúúkať (keť uš sa tuačite thak they Meeeeeéééuike do uiti) ani keby som neviem ako velmi chcel a klepetami päuipútaný o kuesuô. Kazdych 5 minut ti vyskoci virus… momentálne vyskočil spyware Filips sonikéééééééééééé (dáka preafektovaná preemotivovana zdrogovaná ◇ afektuje od filips!! Film sa da povazovat za zlu predzvest programu zapadna debilizacia náuoda (krysie meno "demokracia" ci presnejsie demokratura, ci este vystiznejsie demokreatura… skoda žeči

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