Today we are in telford videoing and in support of the telford protest.
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    #public #audit #viral #viralvideo #migrants #migrantcrisis #photographyisnotacrime #pinac #vlog #protest

    Hello guys and welcome back to the channel today we are in talford outside the train station following the protest against the migrants now so far um there’s been quite an all right turnout we’ve just literally got here um so there is a crowd of people already there’s a lot of police activity around

    Um so I’m just before I head over to the crowd I’m just going to go across to the police I just film the police so we have police presence here like I said guys um so they’re expecting a big big crowd here today we’re just running across the road here yes definitely expect

    Skip the traffic why don’t you one rule for one one rule for another we got a lot of police on the car park we’ve got some waving police officers down there um yes a lot of priest Pleasant here today guys let’s just check make sure they’ve got the proper Uniforms

    On we can see there everything’s proper how you all right I’m not too B to you yeah I’m good T good um just walking down the grass here guys um there is a lot a lot of police here today uh just across over by the BP um there is a lot

    Of a lot of people that have turned out but we’ll go and have a check of that later we will oh this police F’s a bit of a State look at that guys that yeah crazy uh watch just over there speaking to the police officers and we got some

    More cars just parked up there um we just got to this I mean we’ve literally just turned up guys and you know the police presence is there’s a lot so I don’t know if to expect anybody to kick off today you’re right you’re right so we’re continuing walking just

    In the car par guys as I say that’s where the main bit orbit is over there and we haven’t even been across there yet let’s just make sure everything’s correct in the uniforms hi guys you all right yes you yeah good to there we go that’s nice when you spoken

    To uh okay by the police well you know let’s see if there’s anything on show inside here oh what’s in your bag been to Gregs it looks like vehicle log boots in there there we got there police officer just there and we got to take a look at this

    One here is there anything left on show oh loads of stuff left on show there oh my Lord he yeah we can see all the police they’re all dotted around just over there sorry if my fingers getting in the way we’re going to head down to these

    Parts and have a look around there and all around there but first we’re going to get in with the crowd just up there and see what’s going on so here we are about to join the crowd that is uh turned out here um just outside the beefer uh we got a across

    The road and just mingle with the people who are here and supportive um well in support of the country I would say we are guys you can see theyve had a really good turnout I can see other people videoing and stuff FL last are we’re going to mix him with the crowd a

    Little bit we are just making sure I keep me wife with me I see English Flags Welsh Flags can we see any Scottish Flags anywhere that’s what we’re looking for it looks like everybody’s having a drink jump on ph so we’re going to Red Cross here and

    Up there and you can see everyone’s having everyone’s having a p I’m not having a pint today guys really really good turnout there is we’re just going to make sure that the police are wearing everything that they required to Wear yeah so there we’re just going to right across to here on the outskirts and just have a look and then we got to start making way around there guys cuz it does look like everyone there is having a drink um and I don’t want to really if

    Someone’s a bit pissed and they don’t want to be on camera they might kick off a little bit even though there’s police here uh so the only flag I haven’t seen so far is a Scottish flag we will keep his eyes out for something like that and we we’ve got

    All um what I would say is YouTubers and stuff like that they’ve set the cameras up here and he’s uh got his drone in his hand who’s going to do some Drone footage which is good the more support that’s here the better and we’re going

    To make us way round there and then into the midst of all that stuff over there too so we’ve got some undercover officers in this van here that haven’t got the uniforms on they’re just having the dinner uh yeah just check the reg of that one bx20 fbd undercover guys it’s under cover

    There are we’re just hanging around here now guys just making us way so we’ve got a mix of different forces here today you’re right we have so we’ve got West meria Police West Midlands police we got the transport police police we’ve got the Welsh police here today we

    Haven’t seen staff yet we haven’t seen staffage here you’re right there uh I don’t know if they’re involved so they might not be involved but we’ll see if we can spot anybody from staffer police but there’s a lot of um a lot of uh police presence here today they’re everywhere look at

    That absolutely everywhere now we’ve got the old security guards the fake police are here they the real police these are the fake police have you all got your badges on badge badge you’re hiding yours but I know you’ve got it on that’s okay for for us this man has got his

    Badge on too that’s okay well guys you know we have to point these things out don’t we it is funny but you know we have to make sure that everybody’s app playing everybody’s uh together with the law yeah the spy’s got his badge on there all right so we’re

    Right outside the train station now Guys these guys are just getting the tickets so we’re not going to borrow them um just going to sort of walk around have a look around see where they’re expecting we’ got a lot of fluorescent knocking around down there over there over there over there over

    There down there lots of It and so we can see more people turning up guys the really really has been a good um a good uh turnout for standing up for the UK and just over there we can see the Union Jack Flag now on one of my other videos I got

    That wrong guys I did apologize for it I said it was the British flag and it was a mistake while I was in the moment it is actually the Union Jack So we sort of just hanging around here now guys round sort of the outside of it there’s a lot of other YouTubers this guy here we’ve just sub to him I will um put him in the uh the description box this guy that’s next to us we’ll put him in the

    Description box and um and then you can go over and have a sub and see what they film during the day and but yeah it’s a really really good turnout at the minute um I think I can just make out a free Palestine flag just over there and

    That’s one and but a lot of Union Jacks flying um which is really really good and that’s what it’s about it’s about it’s about making great Britain a greater G yes and then we if we just get over this part there we can see people are

    Coming in more on the trains and stuff like that there’s police just above there I think that’s which way we’re going to be marching I’m not too sure um there you go guys look at that just there that’s what we want to see flying ey can I get a picture

    Of for YouTube there you go brilliant brilliant the boys there’s these guys [Applause] here brilliant well done for your support Lads well done for your support there you go that’s brilliant to see them flags flying ey in the in the right way in police Leon officer there

    Guys so so we’re just above the train station now guys which is just there and we can see the crowd there sorry I can’t zoom in for you there will be another camera added to the channel pretty soon but yeah you can make out all the fluorescent coats there that’s the

    Police but yeah there’s more and more people joining the uh the March which will be coming down here over there down here and then I’m assuming up these steps or maybe even over that bridge but we shall follow him whichever way to go we will so we’ve just had an influx an

    Influx of people um coming in lots of cameras lots of people with signs um no more tyranny of the minority no excuse for child rape I think it said on there I’m not too sure is that what it said on the sign yes um so they’re all carrying them

    Sort of signs um which is what it’s all about it’s all about standing up against the government letting these migrants come in and we can see they’ve got some big big cameras with them there I think don’t quote me on this but I reckon they’ve just come from London or

    Somewhere like that and they’ve got the the signs up carrying the signs um TV Crews over there uh just by the front of the van um like I said guys sorry I haven’t got the zoom I am working on the GoPro today um but yes it’s it’s a massive turnout

    Over there just these people alone and then we’ve got all them over there in the distance as well outside inside the be and Premier in hotel it’s great it’s absolutely great what a turn out so far so guys the March is just starting here and they’re just coming along here

    Now there’s a lot of cameras around now I’ve sort of stay out of the way because I’ve got me wife with me I don’t want to lose it in the midst of this crowd here they come so we’re just danging around guys just waiting for them to come up the

    Steps obviously the police are sort of making sure they do it in an orderly fashion um whilst I’m hanging around I have met some subscribers so if you spoke to me today guys uh hi it was nice meeting you um and then they just coming up the

    Stairs now up the steps around here and then they kind of come sort of towards us we’re going to try and stay ahead of them as best as we can so we just everybody’s coming now I reckon there must be a few thousand people here today guys I can’t

    Hear much chanting here I expected it to be a little bit louder than what it is what we’re here we have a lot of police offic how have a lot of police officers around everything seems to be quite okay at the minute and then we were sort of walking

    This way but we are walking this way um trying to stay ahead of the actual March itself um I don’t want to get lost in the midst of things you can see them all coming across across now and we are heading to talford police station where they’re going to have the

    Say outside the police station cuz the people at Alford are not happy they would s it done so we’ve popped out on the other side of the bridge now guys and we’re following with the um with the March we’re walking with them uh because like

    I said we are in support of the this March we’re here to march with him not just to video it it’s something that we believe in too on the Joe Vlogs Channel um everything that these people these British citizens stand for we stand for to on the Joe Vlogs Channel there we are guys we’re all marching toward Wards the talford police station I think I’ve told you that a few times now um you’re going to stand out there you’re going to make their um make make their presence known make their voice heard and this is what

    It’s about it’s about the British people now are are making their voice heard the people of talford I’ve had enough and I fully understand why and we can see a lot of them coming through just there pardon me guys and all sorts of different Flags uh we’ve got Union Jacks Welsh

    Flags um we’ve got h a Jewish flag there another Welsh flag we’ve got the George cross flying eye and then this is I think this is where they’re going to make their stand it’s just here I think I’m not too sure recognize that voice that’s what we want but a chanting

    The chanting Tommy Robinson Tomy Tomy Tomy Tomy a guy who made a stand and I think was scrutinized for it I’m sure you guys will let me know but this is where they making the stand right Here I think Tommy Robinson is just there somewhere in the crowd pretty sure he is Randi is safer than talford on that sign just there look at all these people guys it’s absolutely brilliant the turnout we’ve had today absolutely brilliant and there’s more of them arriving more and more and

    More L of photographers again I got up there first and they’ve all followed me up there cuz they know I found a good place to stand and film it all uh so I’ve just met a Young Man Truth HS um big up truth HS another Channel guys any anybody that I

    Meet um on me travels with the channel today I will put put their Channel links in the description of this video so you can all go across and give them a sub if you would like got a picture of that let’s get down here we got that

    There that’s La all over that is stand for thanks guys that’s it lots of different messages being shouted out today lots of people that are not happy with what’s going on so we’re just sort of following it up now guys uh we’re just outside um talford Plaza and then we’ve got your Big

    M Bry police failed there to enforce the law against Muslim child rape gangs watching yeah we on you yeah yeah we on you yeah right in front police cars we got West meria Police just here and we just sort of just I’m in a loop now guys um sort of

    The the uh the crowd sort of been stopped just there I’m not sure whether this is sort of where they stopping or whether we’re going to carry on walking I’m not too sure but whatever they’re doing we will document it for you so we have the police directing the uh the March down

    Here we’ve got the road blocks we are just just that have a few smoke bombs been let off uh it gets on your throat a little bit but that’s just the way it is ain’t it guys the way it is Stand Out stand done sorry guys Jo Mar

    So this road is blocked as well guys uh no one can come down a lot of police presence today we are Marching with him um I’ve marched with him a bit where I haven’t had me camera on because the Joe Vlogs Channel full is in fully support of this March

    So guys we’ve arrived at the police station I’m just trying to get me way through everybody to see if I can get close to the front which I’m going go around this way get all the here not let anybody near the police station today get too excited then we’re going to back

    Demonstration h person thank you to every single one of you so guys um we made it to the police station with the March um I’m going to hang around for a little bit but I’m going to turn the camera off now um if you’ve enjoyed that video please do get

    Give it the thumbs up and uh I’m going to end this video for you with a picture the oinkers um and I will see you on the next One


    1. Fantastic job to all of you who went .. unfortunately health issues prevent me from going.. have to say it was lovely to see all the Union jacks and England & Welsh flags on our streets for a change! Islam has always wanted to takeover the west .. it’s time we show them the door once and for all!

    2. The erosion of the UK is continuing to happen at an alarming rate! And the fact that tolerance levels are bursting should come as "little surprise"!! National identity is something that should be both "preserved and celebrated!!

    3. Mass forced deportations just like they do in France 🇫🇷 no appeal no right to stay … simply detain and deport … Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 supports you

    4. I’m understanding the rightful anger but I struggle with a protest at the police station mainly because the government and those in charge are not bothered about a small crowd of people inconveniencing a local area of working class people the only way the people in power will listen and change things is when they are affected personally

    5. Police forces across the country failed and continue to fail the problem is the entire establishment, they despise the British working class and either ignore or insult them.
      Unless there’s a war to be fought.

    6. I just wish the good asians would stand with you all , any harm of a child no matter religion or race is wrong, Good adults from everywhere should be standing together to stop monsters from hurting children.

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