Jo Lathwood: Making Up
    We are all in a cycle.

    Exhibition opens on the 20th January–3rd March 2024.
    Inspired by the history and heritage of Salford Quays, the area that is now home to The Lowry, and by her longstanding interest in journeys and movement, Jo Lathwood offers the idea of traveling backwards, undoing, and turning around as potentially poignant aspects of a sustainable future.

    Commissioned by The Lowry, Jo Lathwood will spend four weeks in residence developing, building, and deconstructing a site-responsive sculptural work.

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    In the exhibition I’m writing we are in a cycle around one of the exhibition rooms and this sort of poetic statement is there because I wanted to link a sort of emotive Journey with a physical Journey as humans we are all in a cycle we’re on our own kind of Journeys and

    And Pathways I really enjoy the sort of physicality of linking a physical Journey with an emotional one within the space for a long time I’ve been incredibly interested in ladders for me they’re a sort of quintessential tool to get over something they’re a really great symbol for a mini journey I think

    Sculpturally they hold a lot in regards of a satisfying form they also enable you to see a different Viewpoint whether that is physically or metaphorically they’re a bit more of an open symbol for everybody to kind of associate their own ideas with

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