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    Okay get my fat ass face off the screen all right so what do we got oh hang on I didn’t actually check whether or not that was going to let the dog C work or not I can close all out and open that I got EA I don’t care

    About EA I don’t want EA EA can suck my balls stupid Madden no that’s per share screen I don’t want share screen all the extra camera is the extra camera working or not no that’s the orado I just want regular camera where is regular camera Logitech stream Cam that is wrong Logitech stream

    Cam oh it’s cuz it got unplugged of course it did okay say pluged back into the Hub let’s have a look um Logitech stream cam let that see whether or not that no I don’t want to share the screen I want to share the damn

    Camera no I very much do not want to share that God could you imagine if I shared the screen but scared that Shar the Des to on accident that could end very badly okay’s that I don’t know why stream’s being such a [ __ ] with my dog camera

    Lately hey peeps how are you no that again that’s the wrong freaking camera stop the extra camera I wish there was a way for me to rename the cameras within what are we researching pretty much anything and everything at this point I I took a few days off spent time

    Surfing the web spent time doing various other things and I’m really no different to where I was Monday SL Tuesday so um a I felt that I needed to at least put something out there get something streamed um and basically I’m just going to be researching topics and looking at

    Things that people may find interesting what because at this point there’s no point in me brainstorming on my own so cuz I just go around in circles God damn this is going to be annoying why will this not just share the camera okay it keeps switching it keeps changing from the algard to

    The all I want to do is sh is the share the dog cam not that it really matters because she’s not sitting there but huh oh okay no idea why the hell that uh right now they’re on verdict watch for the Treehouse murder yeah um I actually thought the Treehouse mot

    Might be interesting was it was the was the case itself any good it was like one of those things where I was I was uming and arring about whether or not it’s something to do a rewatch of but you know um okay you know what let’s just share

    The screen because I’m just looking at Lauren crime at the moment and at least that gives us something to right proud boy demands prosecutor tax returns okay so that’s the live stream out of the court for the missing murder oh hang on I need to put this over here otherwise I don’t have

    Chat in the corner of my eye sent you nerd funny research okay basically C my a drive home yesterday it sucks so bad I hope you start feeling better and hope it isn’t work work doesn’t help but um she was an unrepresented defendant well I mean but was she was

    She a nuts unrepresented defend defendant or was it like a sad unrepresented defendant you fighter not a cry it was a tough day um I’m extraordinarily sorry to hear that paralal is I am defendant tried hard not Ador Brooks okay pear lured man with sex then tortured him for hours and stuffed him

    In a suitcase to die nope woman who stabbed man 108 times oh I did hear this oh and look she got 2 years probation someone did say that they thought she was not going to see any jail time and that and look at that wish I knew more about the dangers of

    Marijuana woman stab who stabbed man 108 times during cannabis in psychosis gets probation that’s um that’s not the face of a woman you take home to your parents sentenced by a judge on Tuesday to 2 years probation and 100 hours of community service for killing a 26y old man near La

    Jesus what a Croc of [ __ ] that is man stabbed B and beat mother to death with a hammer while she begged for her life classy see speaking darl Brooks recently found a South Park animation of his music video getting admitted into evidence during his trial Daryl Brooks music video animation is the title

    Cheers man why would someone who drink too much get off that easy and weed doesn’t affect you nearly as much as drinking does I honestly wouldn’t know I’ve never actually done pot or I’ve never really done anything harder than a endone so um I wouldn’t I wouldn’t know but my

    Understanding from the research is that pot doesn’t affect you in that way so to me this seems like she’s they’re lying through their teeth and it’s just an excuse to give her probation so how a guilty of murdering young woman riding in a car that mistakenly pulled

    What oh this was the go this was The Farmhouse one he was convicted of murder huh do a case recap on the Treehouse I saw some cross but don’t actually know the case could do a homeowner who fatally shot a woman riding in a departing car was convicted on Tuesday of criminal criminal

    Responsibility for the incident Washington County New York found Kevin and Monahan 66 guilty of second degree murder reckless endangerment and tampering with evidence yeah this is K and Giller so this is the one where they pulled into the um pulled into the driveway as they’re turning they’ve turn the car around and

    They’re leaving he’s still shooting at them and he hits her and killed her um just took a shot of tea for me thank [Laughter] you um looking for a friend’s home for a party mistaken making the W way down the half mile driveway in up in the up

    Upstate town of herbron realizing the error they turned around to leave but he opened fire from his porch he maintained that he was afraid the groups AR a woking from his sleep and he feared that a group of marauders had come to attack him and his wife love

    It’s it’s really [ __ ] easy people it’s really easy if they’re retreating don’t shoot like it’s it’s really easy um I mean look that’s something that I I mean let me have a look see if this was televised at all I’m assuming not cuz it’s New York but

    Monan on the St my soul is dead J is verdict maned to murderer it’s a valid argument had they not already turned it around and was leaving that’s that’s that’s that’s what I’m saying I mean if they if they’ continued to advance towards him if that was the reason why he was feeling

    Threatened and that sort of thing fine I can understand that they’ve got partway up the driveway realized it was the wrong place turned around to leave and then he’s opened fire on them like you don’t have a self-defense argument there you don’t have a fear of Life argument

    There you don’t have a defensive property argument there so no second agree murder was probably the appropriate thing there um okay so it doesn’t actually look like there his wife took the stand she testified about her recollection as to what happened in April 2023 courtroom was full of family members

    Including Andrew Gillis who was consistently about seeking Advocate Justice for his daughter well duh I mean she got murdered so since one were were the mar is around look it’s a good point okay so it doesn’t actually look like that was streamed hey Nicholas maybe I just Google YouTube

    Maybe no that’s him getting charged that’s bail that’s a shooting investigation it’s all from 9 months ago inside addition no video of a cop being criticized as a bad officer at his bad warning C ceremony so they covered the arraignment but they didn’t B it doesn’t look like

    Any of the local news stations bothered to cover the trial itself which sucks he trying to get you away from murder crime and such I mean look I was talking to someone last night and they said to me you know what having watched the stream from the other day I’ve got some tips

    For you stop stop worrying about stepping on other people’s toes it’s fine to be a bandwagoner and just be you oh and someone in chat and I I can’t I’m going to address this specifically because I didn’t I didn’t type the response but I meant to someone very kindly in chat

    Suggested that I take three or 4 months off and that I come back refreshed and whatever else whilst I appreciate that the thought probably comes from the heart I mean you never know it could be someone maliciously telling me to destroy my channel I don’t know but I’m assuming

    That it comes from the heart that would destroy my channel if it was dead for 3 to 4 months given how frequently I generally live stream YouTube would assume that I don’t yeah YouTube would assume that the Channel’s dead so as for bandwagoning I mean I thought

    About talking about power world I mean it wasn’t that um I was a little bit that I saw certain people coming out with content about it and I’m just like yeah okay maybe that’s tangentially related to what you usually cover you know it’s it’s a free world

    You can do whatever you want I did feel like some certain people were bandwagoning on that I myself have sunk probably 50 something hours into that game over the last week just because I really [ __ ] enjoy it um let me just actually check the stats on that

    Um open Steam just so I can double check um for anyone that doesn’t know power world is sort of like an open world let’s face it okay it’s it’s it’s a Pokémon clone it’s got elements of Arc survival evolved and it’s mixed with I think a lot of the game mechanics out of

    Um Pokemon Legends archus the the most recent spin-off on the um on the Nintendo switch which is it’s a little bit different to your usual Pokémon game um it’s cartoon Arc that’s what that’s really what it is uh you me and someone else have about 150 hours in 5 days

    Combined doesn’t surprise me hang on let me let me have a quick look at the actual stats um cuz you can yeah it’s more than that my stats just updated 70.6 hours in the last two weeks and the game has been out like um what 5 days six [Laughter]

    Days um I really I really enjoy this game like I really enjoy it um power’s amazing in anyone dog piling instead a bandwagoners exactly and and you know what and that was the thing that really freaking annoyed me was I was trolling through Twitter trolling I I literally

    Just call it trolling these days I was scrolling through Twitter and you know I’m seeing lofty complaining and bitching amony about the the similarities to Pokémon and all stuff I’m like yeah but I guarantee in the background you’ll playing this and then it was what yesterday oh yeah no I’m I’m

    Criticizing it for ripping off Pokémon and all that sort of thing but I I think it’s amazing and I’ve been playing it like there’s no tomorrow um and it’s just like cuz it’s literally it is a game that is no one under the age of 16 should probably be

    Playing it because yes fine if you don’t want your kids playing with um guns or whatever else you don’t want you want you don’t want to be giving your dog a gun it’s quite literally you can do that um or a chipmunk or a squirrel or a massive walrus or whatever else best

    Description of power world have H so far it’s like Pokemon but you play as Team Rocket kidnapping Pokemon and making them work in factories or harvesting them for [Laughter] meat um I kind of Envy reaction channels they record stuff weeks in advance and just sit there laughing at stupid

    Crap well see Nicholas the scary thing is my reaction videos are the ones that get the biggest views as well I mean that reaction to the police sketch that um superwog did that got like 5,000 views for a video for me that’s astronomical um I tried to I tried to

    Double down on it and tried the real estate one that didn’t do quite as well um is the game even rated uh that’s actually a damn good question let me have a look I I can’t see One release date 19th of January oh so it is almost two weeks

    Okay if for anyone hasn’t seen it I’ll share this um no I don’t want to autoplay the video I just want to start it from the start um present share screen entire screen share Audio Oh wait hang on I don’t need to share the audio do I I should just be able

    To send it through my mic which will be fine so share that unmute that add that so this is the trailer for It it’s like you can see certain similarities I mean there’s definitely some like Um some of the pallet swaps and that sort of thing it like it’s very clear that they’ve taken inspiration from certain things on Pokémon and if you look at the trailer it’s very clear that they’re not showing any of the Sprites like the game assets that would make you

    Think that they’re ripping off Pokémon but so I mean so far hang on can I no I can’t so I mean you’ve got people complaining that like gisb there is like a ripoff of elector bars and looks very Japanese yeah well I mean a lot of it that’s that’s what it is it’s a j it’s a

    Small Indie Japanese game company that is literally based in Tokyo that have created this game and yes there are certain things like I lost my [ __ ] two days ago when I caught one of these Pals that reminded me of one of my favorite Pokémon like I’m sorry yes they’re

    Drawing on a little bit of nostalgia they’re drawing on a little bit of Um you know but it’s the same argument that you know dragon that Pokemon ripped off Dragon Quest and Digimon ripped off Pokemon although I think Digimon came first and then you’ve got Monster Rancher monster Tamer um all sorts of things like the new Pokémon looks great it’s very similar but kind of cool

    Pokémon’s had a run of many years yes it has just started watching the stream CT of the defendant in the treehouse murderer did a pretty good job as a pro okay cheers there’s a VR version of this really people compare the skeletons from both Pokemon and power world and they’re

    Far from the same oh my God they’re going they are literally going that far to like work out what the skeletons of these creatures look like like don’t get me wrong there are very clearly some that are like you know nothing is identical every everything everything that I’ve seen so

    Far would be classed as parody like it’s a reworking it’s creative um transformative content or whatever else you want to call it there’s nothing specifically that is a blatant ripoff and I will say this have not seen a Pikachu or anything even remotely related to Pikachu and I think the

    Reason for that would be because they knew you know there’s an incoming lawsuit or whatever else and frankly I think that they do that would would would Nintendo be able to sue yes of course do I think it’ Survivor motion dismiss probably do I think they’d win no I don’t because

    Literally at this point this kind of content is it’s distinct enough that I would be sitting there going well hang on that means that you know civilization for needs can get sued because they took they ripped off the Roman Empire or you know uh play Pokémon go every day no

    Interest in the others oh there you go never underestimate the obsessive research of Internet autism well true but I mean look this is literally your character has a freaking assault rifle like when you level up far enough your your character can have a assault rifle now this chick is well I mean this

    Character her pal is what level 38 so she’s Fair far enough into the game that she’s got yeah the assault rifle I mean if you look like these verd Das things they’re very similar to like cinderace out of Pokémon but it’s a grass type whereas Cinder was a fire type and you

    Know what I’m well aware that no one’s going to give a [ __ ] about this but this is something that I found interesting because it has legal implications but it’s something that I can talk about because I’ve enjoyed it over the last few days huh maybe that’s a way to

    Go and I mean look people were comparing um this uh oh [ __ ] I forgot his name now chillet to like foret and and oh and then you’ve got the big ass red dragon that’s very clearly like inspired by zerum you got the little monkeys which is very similar to um

    Groy like you a lot of it looks very similar it’s it’s the same sort of style of thing but I don’t see anything that is blatantly copyright infringement like you’re not you might look at this and go okay it’s similar to Pokemon but at a passing glance would

    You see this as passing off is this some would you automatically assume this is a Pokémon game yes if you had absolutely no um if you had absolutely no like um if you never encountered Pokémon before like if you if you had played any of the Pokemon games if you had seen any

    Of the Pokemon content recently you would know that yeah okay maybe they’re using 3D assets they’re using various other things um but I mean anyone that hasn’t touched Pokémon since like the the game the game boy generation or even the 3DS generation where it was all um top down side side scrolling whatever

    You want to call it um I mean you might you might mistake this for a Pokemon game but at no point do I think they’ve actually tried to um Peter already hates Pokemon I wonder how they feel about this oh the reaction from Peter has been hilarious that’s

    That’s actually giving me a good laughs over the last few days um cuz let me put it this way people this is how this is how you know this isn’t a Pokémon game and this may distress some audiences so trigger warning one of the items that you as a

    Human being playing in the game can craft is called The Butcher Cleaver if you equip said butcher Cleaver you can chop up your partner P you can chop you can chop up your pals and you know obtain meat and whatever else it’s there so instead of releasing Pokemon for example you’re

    Chopping up your spare Pals and you’re putting the resources to good use the Spheres in the game like the things you use to catch the monsters they work on other humans in the game as much as the games rips each other off can’t ever see a lawsuit happening Sean there’s I guarantee I

    Mean there’s already been seas and assists issued um Nintendo is extraordinarily uh litigious uh uh hell this this stream because I’m showing gameplay out of the thing there’s been various YouTubers that have been hit with season assist as well for showing gameplay and crap so

    Pokemon Reb was awesome as a kid I still remember playing that until I watched pirate software playing it I wouldn’t have known any different because he’s an indie Game Dev and would spend time explaining the differences well there you go um this is one the sons want well just

    Be careful with it it’s like skinning your neighbors in animal for clothing true uh so when you capture human pal can you butcher it cook it need it capturing a human is ridiculously difficult like the uh the catch percentage is like 0.18% even if you’re using the

    Equivalent of like an Ultra Ball So for anyone that’s played Pokemon you’ll understand that that’s like aside from a master ball which is a guaranteed catch the Ultra Ball is the highest level that you can um even when you’re using the highest highest like quality sphere to

    Catch things it’s like a 0.18% chance I do know someone that’s caught one but at the same time it’s like yeah I’m saying you can oh you can oh sent me the VR clip okay I’ll have a look um I mean honestly I I I love the um the

    The artwork and the the Assets in this I think it is a gorgeous game as well like some of the when I pulled up onto one of the higher areas I was dumb enough I I was I was really low level I think I was

    Still in my 20s and I went to like the endgame area and I stood on the top of a cliff and I looked out over this like destroyed forbidden ruin City and I was like holy crap like and this game is in this game is technically in beta I mean it’s early

    Release so you got to call it beta given how many I would still given how many crashes and bugs it has I would still consider it to be an alpha but they’ve released it so yes it is a beta technically but I would say that they’ve released it at Alpha level to the

    General public um I mean half the time when the server resets I log back in and I immediately fall through the ground so they they could really do to fix that um any hookers like GTA uh there were rumors that you could bang the Sheep I think they included that for the

    Kywi um to my knowledge no uh just got back what game is that this is power world this is the one that everyone’s talking about this is the this game hit 6 million purchases in since the 19th of January like it’s outdone countersource this thing has gone off like there is no tomorrow

    Um so like just read a California woman stabbed a boyfriend 100 times yeah we covered that earlier Tina the poor sheep there’s no beastiality I well pal 69 is apparent scorable pal 69 they did that deliberately pal 6 number 69 in the index is what’s called

    A love Ander and admittedly I think it’s a ripoff of the Pokémon salamander one Whatever It Is the the one that the furries want to screw because it’s an attractive looking lizard um I mean the the version that’s in this game they put like a love heart

    On its chest and on its crotch and that sort of thing I’m not particularly attracted to it thank [ __ ] for that because it’s at 7 million now uh counter- Strike Source that’s what I meant fality is a rumor and the divs have admitted it was not true okay

    Um oh I lost my train of thought anyway yeah so I just stood on the I just stood on this cliff and I just looked out and I I panned my screen like I panned my view to look and it was just gorgeous um and like the ice areas and

    That sort of thing and the map is freaking huge like if you didn’t have a flying type it could take you hours and hours to Traverse every well no it would it would take you tens of hours to Traverse every inch of the walkable part of the

    Map and um and the map itself they’ve got so much room for expansion like this is a game where they’ve got the potential to spend the next 5 years probably adding extra um is it age restricted I don’t believe so no um like even the map in the central area

    I’m half tempted to boot the game and show you um even the um the central area is huge but the map so if you picture this is the Central Area Central area which is huge like physically walking across it tens of hours in game time the

    Map itself is like this big so there’s all this open space up here all this open space up here down here and down here they could spend forever just they could World of Warcraft this [ __ ] and just do expansion and updates and just add new content for years if they wanted

    To and they could go down the Pokemon route and wind up with you know cuz at the moment there’s 10 and something I mean it’s not the 150 the Pokemon usually have that Pokemon have they could you know if they continue to add and continue to update the index and

    That sort of thing it could just go Um release their plans for future power de development no [ __ ] really okay now I’m interested hang on I’m going to be uh Power world trailers jet dragon I really want jet dragon that’s what I really want um actually let’s finish this first cuz

    I’m getting ahead of myself look at that that’s not artwork that’s ingame footage they they’ve done that in game like I I promise you I could probably find the spot where this character has jumped off there it is it’s Calon the one that the Fang like some of is just amazingly beautiful as well and I’m sorry but if you’re going to come after power world for this you’re going to have to go after uh nexo pets Neopets Digimon um you know as far as I’m concerned this is still far enough and

    Distinct enough that it’s sent you their official tweet thank you uh Twitter sent pics and explains what the boys did this weekend they’ll be fine okay uh um legally I feel that there is enough here that it’s legally distinct I don’t think you can say that this is infringing on the Pokemon brand

    Personally well they have another game where they basically did a ripoff of breath of the wild like they they took they’ve got another game called craftopia I think which is it’s it’s same company different team but it’s more or less a ripoff of birth of the

    Wild so that does not surprise me um but the gliding thing you’ve got the glider but you can also if you craft certain items like certain gloves and that sort of thing you can just hang off of some of your pals and they will just carry

    You around and glide the same way the glider does or once you reach a certain level you just hop on top of your flying thing and then off you go um yeah the crean does look a little bit like Eevee but it’s not enough that

    Like someone had to point it out to me like I I looked at it I caught one I um I leveled it up whatever else and then I was like yeah no I’m done with this and then I put it in the thing I put it back

    Into the computer and I was like no I’m not going to use this again it wasn’t enough that I was actually interested uh if there was enough there to sue Nintendo would have already done it no I think they’re in the process they’ve already issued various season assists

    Um the one of the guys from Nintendo basically came out and said you know this is the same sort of knockoff crap that I’ve seen I can’t believe it made it this far so I fully expect there’ll be something in the next probably week and a half would be my like expectation

    Unless because I mean the the pocket pair company they did come out and say well we’ve already run this by multiple lawyers to make sure that it doesn’t infringe on trademark and all that sort of stuff well that’s fine in Japan there’s multiple different forms of copyright infringement around

    The world and I’m pretty sure that you know the Pokémon company have registered various things around the world so uh hey Tammy hey op I mean I just I’ve been trying to cram it as much gameplay in this game because I assumed at some point the um the servers would

    Go down too old for this type of gaming will stick to [Laughter] Pogo um further simple graphic Graphics of let let’s go AV and Pikachu like that one’s clearly got some gomp elements to it and that one you like the Firefox you can make an argument that it’s

    Reminiscent and Vulpix but at the same time you’ve got to look at the original inspiration for a lot of the Pokémon as well because Firefox the the the ninetail fox all that sort of stuff that’s in like history that I saw the argument made on Twitter that if they

    Try and do a um if they try and do a lawsuit well I mean again are they going to start suing temples for historical beliefs and all sorts of [ __ ] that inspired some of these characters and it’s like well you know eh Um okay let’s see got him got him got him got him need him Oh and some of these things are freaking enormous as well Nintendo has been holding back for two decades they don’t make anything new they just release the same old game with a new name pretty much uh is Nintendo going to sue garbage companies because the bags look like

    Trouish that’s a damn good point um bunch of Pokemon are obviously ripoff the Dragon Quest Monsters yes they are uh I know even the US a rolls over to p as they see fit but let’s stop it everything is coped yeah and don’t get me wrong this

    Freaking thing the lambi lamboo I I keep calling it walloo Wu because it it it’s admittedly it’s what it reminds me of but just because there is that Association does not mean it’s going to be passed off does not mean that there’s deceptive conduct in creating it does not mean

    That there is an actual legal basis for challenging this I mean uh even this slogan is close to to recommended to obtain the majority of them well that’s just it okay it’s it’s literally taking the piss it’s parody it is like I’m trying to think of what what

    Other examples there are of things like this because if it’s um I don’t know I’ll think of something what’s the so that’s the trailers engage enjoy capturing and battling Base building with Pals open world multiplier Yeah oh yeah and then you admittedly you’ve got the equivalent of like Gym Battles but it’s one person with one power that you got to beat oh no [ __ ] so the electric types him I didn’t actually see that one and look don’t get me wrong jamond the big ass like water

    Dragon Gyarados and you they spe this one’s a little this one’s a little bit of a I think this is a little bit of an Easter egg you can get a jamond ignis which is basically a the big red the big water dragon but you can get it in red

    Now if anyone has played Pokemon silver or Pokemon gold or Pokemon Crystal I feel like that’s a nod towards the Red Gyarados which I think is hilarious um it’s between par and homage yeah terrible thing about Nintendo is they strike people streaming their games it’s not often but they still do it yeah

    And look there’s a good chance because I I was like looking through it on Twitter and that sort of thing I was seeing streamers that were do doing gameplay of this and they were getting copyright claimed and I’m not sure if that’s they tried using um like footage from Pokémon

    To compare or whatever else I just I don’t know what kind of research is this well if you if you look at the title it does say say an hour of research maybe sort of went off on a tangent and like now I’m just talking about the

    Legal issues that power world may or may not have uh is Nintendo going to sue the Spanish language because it’s one two and three sounds like the legendary birds Articuno Zapdos and mtros the build he is shockingly high yeah oh blaz I have not I have not attacked him

    Yet like there’s a crap ton of things you can do in this game as well like it’s really open world the way that I the way that I basically explain it to people that have played a number of games is it’s a crossover between Legends archus and and Arc evolved

    Because admittedly a lot of a lot of The Styling from like the technology menu and the upgrades and the building of of like artifacts and things like that it’s a ripoff of Arc but here’s the thing it’s literally there’s bits and pieces taken from all over the place

    Combined into this one glorious thing like I I have a friend that’s been playing this with me religiously and his exact words were this might just be the best game I’ve ever played and like will they sue the Christian religion for use of sheep’s metaphors is there an elf swordsman

    Named Link Link uh no I think that’s in the other game the craftopia one look at CH look at this freaking thing look that that is the freaking most awesome thing I’ve seen is that you can give Giga volt a Minun like you can there’s another one where once you C

    Once you get to a certain level it gains a rocket launcher you can make ship you can make a makeshift hand a makeshift pew pew that uses certain type of ammo then you can upgrade to what I call a Glock and then a single single fire rifle and and a musket and whatever

    Else um watching my M play reminding me of Legend of arus yeah you can just admit it and [Laughter] SMY you made an Anubis egg oh [ __ ] you there’s a reason you can’t copyright entire genres or basic Design Elements exactly listening before St where I wouldn’t worry about stepping on toes of

    Bandwagoning literally watch multiple streams by different people about the same topic no I get that your first gun is a musket and it’s pretty op I skipped the musket I’ll be perfectly honest because I didn’t notice that I was leveling so quickly I went straight for

    The for the makeshift um I used it a couple of times actually no I don’t think I’ve even did that I don’t think I’ve made a makeshift I went straight for the Glock power world’s pretty awesome better than Diablo 4 you have a spare one

    Yes let me let you know what screw up peeps I know I know this is going to be boring for you but um once I’ve finished this I’m going to boot the game up so you can see what it looks like internally okay now admittedly Anubis there the one that might’s talking about

    Now does look a lot like Lucario but again if it’s literally a parody of a character I don’t see how anyone can possibly like what’s wrong there’re screwing give them five oh is in you’re actually breeding them oh no [ __ ] okay when you’re 115s a tequila shot it’s

    Hard don’t give any Ser don’t see any serious lawsuit winning LOL I mean I mean the game has Min guns yeah Lucario looks like a nubis sounds like Nintendo so ancient Egyptian theology yeah it’s because Lucario looks like a nous mhm do we have a sinic the Hedgehog

    Let’s find out hang on let me boot up the game I’m going to pull this down so that it doesn’t show off my entire screen um and I can just show you various things okay um where are we steam oh I’ve already got steam open that’s why I’m that’s why I’m being an

    Idiot Library okay yeah don’t expect too much out of my Camp I was um I was a little bit extra with my Camp if I’ll be perfectly honest so all right oh just realized hang on okay I’m a [ __ ] um we play multiplayer and I have to put the uh code

    In I kind of feel like the guys would kill me if I let the uh private server IP address out uh oh speaking of sonichu did anyone see that um ke interviewed Chris Chan like I thought that was interesting I suppose should look up the various revisions they did of Revenge of the

    Shinobi on Mega Drive of various copyright infringements okay all right so I currently have a crossbow uh that’s my big ass thing hang on where’s my flyer um razor Hawk go there’s my glowing bird which I named glowy yes I realize everything is hungry and I’ll take the care of that shortly once

    I so where are we so I mean it’s they’ve put a lot of effort into like the graphics on this oh was extra don’t build on the edge of a cliff I did you at second base no I’m just going to head back to my first base

    So it’s got fast travel and all that sort of all that sort of good stuff um actually where are we I need something to eat bread Lo’s hungry and as am off and head back to my Base okay large parts of my wall are missing um so yeah I mean like I said the whole like oh it was because it was outside the boundary that’s why um also Mighty I think that’s why the gates and stuff disappear because the gates when we put them outside the

    Circle I think they just disappear when the server resets um which would explain why large chunks of my wall are missing uh where are we so yeah so that’s my relaxasaurus Lux he’s an electric type and I got my flaming Blue Turtle what do I what what did I come in

    Here for oh that’s right no I wanted to show you the Decks cuz you got all these different things some of them look very similar some of them don’t like oh and I think this was a little little bit of a tongue and cheek thing too um the cat has a um ability to dig up coins not unlike a certain Meowth from Pokemon with

    Payday um first de road map is game and service stability that’d be nice um crap where are we and I can kind of see how people are sort of going on about how this one sort of looks like Luxo not a fan of style art still playing old real art game fair

    Enough like don’t get me wrong you can tell that certain ones have been inspired by certain I said Dex oh yes uh Dex is in D X it’s a um it’s the oh pal deck they’ve actually spelled it differently there um but this is basically just the inventory of all the

    Different characters you can have like you can’t tell me that this one isn’t inspired by the the ninetail fox you just can’t um and then you got like a admittedly you can this is a um Mighty stop attacking me please um God damn it th this is mighty’s freak of a

    Character purple skin and look at them thighs that’s watermelon crushing right there um yeah meww X when meww Mega revolves it changes and looks like that so I have no idea what he’s doing but anyway um where are we so I mean you’ve got things like a grappling

    Hook as well I have tried that I’ve tried using the grappling hook a couple of times and it glitches bad sadly I wouldn’t recommend it at the moment um but like some of the where are you going um what do I want to do oh he dropped the egg oh thank

    You apparently he is giving me a new creature to hatch so basically you come in here put in an egg in incubator we we’re on a private service so we’ve dropped the time for egg hatching dramatically the thighs are concerningly fat I know uh every piece of meteor is

    Inspired by any by something else um Anubis is in the egg excellent that’s my point like it’s it’s quite literally there is nothing new Under the Sun there is nothing in this game that cannot be from several other games aside from something Pokemon related wow I have a whole bunch of

    Unconscious and whatever else um should probably we fix that for the second uh where are we no I just want to who’s unconscious fire sorry I should I probably actually shouldn’t be play doing actual gameplay right at the second but um I’m going to be away for a few hours

    So I just want to make sure that they um keep doing what they need to there we go I now I’ve gone and got myself complet completely sidetracked but yeah there’s literally nothing in this game that I haven’t seen in a dozen other games yes there are similarities in the characters okay fine

    I get it but they’re distinct enough that I would class it as parody I don’t see it as a copyright issue what they yes they’re going to complain that it might it might damage the reputation or it might have um I mean if someone was being stupid they could potentially pass this off

    Potentially boss fight all right you pick one and we’ll show off the we’ll show it off for people uh preferably something in the 20s though cuz I need it to be fast um hell’s versus Pokémon same argument as Starcraft Marine versus Space uh 40K Space Marines did they copy each other

    That’s exactly it that’s what have you ever checked out emu VR it’s awesome has a ’90s VR bedroom where you can play ulators on the TV with mates while watching stuff on a second TV really that’s interesting oh yeah oh no I meant to

    Pick you up and put you in the ranch you can dig some coins for me just excuse the fact that I threw him on the ground it’s not no I didn’t assign you to a tree what are you kidding me get back here as you can see the game is still quite buggy

    34- 186 all right hang on uh 30 34 – 186 did I just slay the cat Dam but tail little bit um okay so what you say 3486 34 all right so that’s there and it’s got a day night cycle and all that sort of stuff which is makes

    Things interesting like if you’re out at night buggy it’s a feature like the cabri trying to sue darl Lee because they use the same color of purple exactly cat should have an evolution see that’s the other thing as well this game has no Evolutions in it a key key core

    Mechanic in the Pokémon games is completely missing from this none of these creatures evolve except for through breeding and um like you have to grind up other versions of the same creature like so admittedly similar to Pokémon go where you grind up the other Pokémon and turn them into candy to feed

    To your to your other um Creations but even in this there’s not so much a um Evolution mechanic as there is just finding better and better monsters yeah you merge them to make them stronger but they don’t change their form Pokemon cannibalism like chocobos yes like chocobos yes Mighty showing off his Blaze

    H which disappeared cuz you ran away I need to move faster than this cuz I I’ve got stuff that I got to do oh and it’s got some of the kikazi Bees lovely you didn’t think to take out the Kazi bees first [ __ ] I’m assuming you’re going to try and

    Catch it or you no you’re going to kill it okay and that’s how quickly a boss fight happens in this game I remember Ash ever picking up a fire Pokemon and using it as is a flamethrower oh that’s true too there’s a certain pal where if you use it in

    Battle you can literally pick it up hold it and cradle it under your arm and use it as a flamethrower so uh XP bonus supplies to each pal until you’ve caught 10 yes that’s how I leveled so quickly it really pissed a certain person off that

    I that I managed to level off before them they probably got a few days to catch up to me though Mighty if they’re um if they try hard because I’ll probably be offline for good few days anyway at least I like my glow either I think I

    Think it’s cute cuz it glows in the dark the like the wings and all that sort of stuff glow in the dark and there little these little collectibles in the area where you just pick them up as well like these little Effigy things where that increase your ability to catch

    Things um what are you it’s a CIS ooh what was that might actually have to use something a little bit um ARR days around the corner yeah but I’ll be spending that with the family okay now we catch we try to anyway oh damn I’m going to have to be careful here

    No crap I don’t have time for GL to be down I don’t think I brought any other fers with me you seriously going to make me use a Hyo gotcha he needs to make a better cor s style Legal Office in the game uh looks like something you would

    See clean to your leg after a scuba dive Uh crap did I bring any flies I got ra I’ve got Ragnar Hawk with me but I don’t think I’ve got a saddle which means I am going to have to leg it back to thing myself oh at least it wasn’t too far

    Which is Good look we we’ll get into the whole history of arral day and stuff tomorrow cuz I actually want to talk about that um and why it’s like why I’m just getting annoyed now but um’s that I kind of want to I kind of want to wait until this egg hatches but

    I don’t want to wait oh it’s it’s another 12 minutes I can do 12 minutes and then I’ll probably end the stream um I mean thank you to everyone that sort of watched and like look hand gun ammo oh actually that’s a good that’s a

    Good point let me uh um where’s the hand gun there see I literally have a handgun hey Marty where are you um I think that if they try and actually Sue over this I think that if it’s going to be a actual issue I think they’re going to find themselves

    Hard pressed it may actually be a case of this is the this is what breaks the camel’s back do I have a spear ice organ yeah hang on in one of the chest somewhere actually do I have one in yeah screw it I’ve got one in my

    Inventory have I tried the VR Gaming no not yet the only VR set that I’ve got is the one for the old PS4 and Sony players are spitting chips because this game is not available on um on on uh Playstation 405 it’s available on steam or on Game Pass for

    Xbox where the hell are you this is mighty’s base by the way it’s a little small compared to mine uh where are we there you go curious to see what he’s trying to make now 45 minutes wasted micro managing your base yep well that’s fine Pokemon has a team

    Of lawyers it would already be a takedown notice for Steam and Microsoft no I don’t I disagree on that simply because I fully expect that um see people have this expectation that things happen immediately sometimes you want to give the impression that you don’t actually care that

    Much the game goes to court there’s going to be massive problems with every other game genre making what the hell was that okay uh CAU a dominant FPS can’t have any competition because of similarities look I think the reason that they I think cod’s slightly different because any sort of firstperson shooter that’s

    Military style based like for example if it’s um oh nox oh that was a waste hang on Steam has 4 million in sales it’s not including Microsoft numbers and it’s it’s free on Game Pass yep so imagine imagine what would happen if they had to turn around and cancel the

    Servers I don’t think it’ll happened not that this is in any way legal advice to pocket pair but if that would to happen in order to keep fans of the game happy I might just release the the source code so that individuals can run their own private servers not unlike certain other

    Games have done in the past oh they’d be absolutely’ be right um it was lock this monster give it Tre F oh might’s building a snowman Do You Want To Build A Snowman no [ __ ] off maybe out of the road so I can see the Snowman like

    That’s the annoying thing is I can’t help him cuz we’re not in the same Guild cuz if you if you’re in the same Guild you use the same creatures it’s and it’s shared amongst you so we’re all playing individually but like why are none of your monsters helping that’s really frustrating

    Actually there Canadians in the game [Laughter] too oh there they go try and capture poaches my mate was able to do it takes a fair bit of Trio yeah the capture rate for catching another human in the game is like 0.18% flat across the board no matter

    What ball you use see that’s kind of cute it’s actually interesting I’ve never been at base this long before raids happened because they have NPC characters that come in and raid from the other factions in the game which is the free P oh wait I can’t say that

    Online the free pal Alliance which is basically Peter if they were wearing like robes and had green on their flag um it’s PVP it can be we’ve got PVP turned off on our server just cuz we cuz we work together half the time our monster attacks if their area of effect

    Attacks as opposed to a single one we kill each other as opposed to the monster that we’re trying to capture or kill so it was just easier to have PVP turned off how much time have I got I’m wondering whether or not I should go up to the um the Forbidden ruins

    Stable PVP is coming soon that’ be nice all right I got 6 minutes before this egg hatches I’m not going anywhere before that anyway so what I’m going to do is go to one of the areas that I think is the most beautiful and show show some of the artwork they’ve

    Actually put into this game um oh dumbass I didn’t take a flyer with me oh no I can’t I’m not going to walk it there’s no way in heck it’ll take forever I do love that the Fast Travel is so damn quick in this game as Well um you still got two minutes I’ll just take a should be a higher level one of you there we go oh he was freaking waiting for me jerk off oh it’s Urus cool hey Kaa yes this is power world if you want to lose hours in your day feel free

    To sign up for an account um I don’t know if a private server would handle another player but um it’s it’s it’s addictive it really is a new bus is always better than an old bus this is true is the um is the Contraband guy here there’s a guy that spawns here

    Occasionally that will sell you really good creatures but they’ve been stolen from other players like there’s a whole morality thing in this like there’s no consequences to it but you can do pretty much anything you want okay now you need to get back in your sphere cuz that’s just going to

    Annoy me here it is I mean look at this View see something like this might actually convince me to you know play in VR and that sort of thing but I mean it’s just oh actually Marty are you still in the area oh actually never mind cuz I’m the one can do it

    Huh I’m going to sneak over here and before the server resets I’m going to steal all the treasures like I’m I’m nicking them now but just for reference if I’m not on if um in between server resets the top of the Coliseum has four treasure chests on top of it I stealing

    Now gold bread gold key gold bread gold key and a large power cell hypersphere and the last one heat resistant refined metal armor damn that wasn’t bad and like you can make it all the way to the top of these old buildings and all sorts of stuff and it’s just it’s

    Incredible the detail that they put into things but I can see how they rushed this out to get there um yeah it’s just it’s I’m qu I’m I’m quite quite in love with this game I really am hey T I’m trying not to jerk the screen around

    Just so that it doesn’t make anyone like motion sick or anything but um oh is that a huge egg please be a huge egg I have no idea what size egg that’s going to be but I’m going to find out early ACC releases his best in one

    One of the best in many years yeah oh heartedly agree with that it’s a large okay that’s fine I can deal with a large um but I mean like oh actually I should go into the Frozen tunder as well just to the The Ice areas like I’m not usually a person

    That enjoys the concept of cold but the ice areas are where they put a lot of effort into the assets and the Sprites and all that sort of stuff to make make it look pretty and um like you you you’ve really got to think about it too because they’ve made

    It so that um it’s it’s sort of like Ark where if you where’s the egg there it is huge egg log wait my inventory is full um get rid of that no I want the egg not the Venom gland come on discard fro EG go where the hell is the crap I’m [Laughter]

    Lost where’s the damn thing I’m directly in between them that’s why okay I’m freezing your ass here off of w warmer temper temperatures fair enough rush it has more content than D4 I’m not disagreeing with you on that like this like I said 70 hours into this

    Game and i’ I’m still not even halfway through the the amount of content um oh another large egg we like the large eggs cuz they’re the ones that hatching provide us with the better quality monsters but at the same time they also give us larger amounts of

    XP uh no I want to keep the honey I want to keep that is anyone hungry I’m hungry Sor I didn’t actually mean to turn this into a gaming stream this just sort of happened and it’s not going to last much longer cuz I have to do stuff but Um okay so put a large in there large in there small in there all right I’m going to laugh if this hatches and it’s not a nervous no got an NIS sweet so now I can put him to work cuz that’s what we do they get born they go immediately to

    Work uh what’s the nervous do electric ice anous plus three to mining plus four to handiwork holy crap um okay see you floppy There Goes My floppy no more floppy child labor basically what it boils down to yeah um all right while I’m here and

    Like yeah well I mean with that kind of level on mining and handiwork that’s that’s fantastic oh crap I didn’t put my heat armor on like you have to actually put different types of armor on to go into different areas like this fire area you need to have heat resistant armor on in

    Order to just survive otherwise you will die um the reason I came out here was for this I mean look at that and it’s all pre-rendered like it renders in chunks as you go but it’s just that’s what I was talking about when I showed you the um when I showed the

    Trailer it’s just gorgeous it’s I just I I’m in I’m inth with this game but if you have a look as well even with certain areas being pre rendered if you look really closely like I can’t bring up my my cursor or anything to show but even down there you can sort of

    See on that beach that the white water is actually rendering and moving or you’ve got the light on that’s actually moving off of that Tower in the distance like a lot of work’s gone into this and a lot of um I I badly want them to put like a

    Telescope or a set of binoculars or something in this game they tried harder than your [Laughter] GF um hang on even this isn’t really doing it justice where’s the but I mean all this goes to show is that the small Indies are really actually able to do it I mean how many

    Of you saw the um of absolute zero this is going to hurt cuz I just forgot to put my ice armor on so the first thing I’m going to do is take damage when I land H like I mean look at this and then you’ve got the world tree

    Which we’re assuming is a um has some sort of boss battle attached to it oh yeah I know I’m going to die but it doesn’t matter quite so much oh wait actually it is going the sun’s going down even with Co resist armor you can’t stay any alternate lifestyle amphibians I have no

    Clue so let me use the Fast Travel for caring out Li so but anyway rather than blathering on about this game which I spend way too much playing um I just wanted to show you all because this is what everyone’s going on about and I’m sorry you can’t call this

    A straight Pokémon ripoff it has enough um additional content built into it that it’s you know it it’s something of itself it’s something it’s transformative I don’t really care in this case I think Nintendo has to suck it if only because yeah sure there was that someone

    Was actually working on a mod and um someone actually said given how quickly the mod came out that it must have been one of the developers that made it but um like well you have a fire pallet helps tree has a bubble around it you have to defeat all five Towers

    Oh that explains it because yeah CU When when I watched the trailer earlier again I I saw the thing on the info pad and it said uh what is it trees the trees everything the the towers of the key or whatever so all right well that’s fine we’ll have to um

    I have to take a little bit more time and like go and beat up The Towers again but oh yeah my electric dragon Powers up a power generator which means I have light during the night but anyway got 170 bread that’s always helpful any of these ready to

    Go 4 minutes I suppose I can hold them 4 minutes yeah Mighty for some reason decided it be a good idea to fly all the way to the tree ran into a giant barrier um I can’t remember if you died or not so what that’s a bit

    Creepy I lay down to sleep and one of my creatures comes over over and just like walks over the top of me you died three times but did you get your stuff back is the main thing it was worth it fair enough that’s my incin like don’t get me wrong the

    General concept yeah sure might be the same I can probably stop making arrows now I don’t think I need 3,000 arrows oh [ __ ] the stone is Will and truly watch this I’m not going to be able to move way down by too much items and no [ __ ] you think 30,000 worth of [Laughter]

    Stone oh you serious right now I can’t open the damn chest there we go oh don’t think I’m going to have to worry about Stone anytime soon so um I don’t know I didn’t really pay attention to the frame rate I haven’t changed any of the settings or anything

    So I kind of feel like if I did it’ll probably break something cuz admittedly the thing is glitchy as all hell but um I think the problem is Nintendo are pissy because another company got to it before they did I mean could you imagine how incredible a game like this would

    Actually be if it was under the the Pokémon brand like take the guns out of it take the um take the butchering and that sort of stuff out of it if they’d actually done this properly it’s like they could be they could be breaking a fortune but they’ve chosen

    Not to they’ve chosen to limit themselves and that’s their own damn fault and problem so I don’t really have a I don’t really have anything in the way of um sympathy for them in that regard don’t think Nintendo will put out their version of this no and I don’t know

    Why wait why is it is that Aus no it’s CIS CIS is stuck in the floor like I said game still buggy as hell but fun Anubis is dead how that didn’t take long um maybe it was a nubis yeah cuz I don’t have are they still no so who is

    That looks like a catc to me I’m actually going to have to go inside and work out who was trapped in the floor Nintendo always gets but hurt yes they do it is CIS but I didn’t see a Cess am I going blind no apparently there’s just a

    Random cess that didn’t go back inside when I told it to okay so point about they don’t change the last six Pokémon games they release look the same yeah um don’t get me wrong I love loved Legends arus and I think that’s probably why I love this game so much as well because

    It’s a nice combination of that and Ark and like I like Arc but I’m not usually big on survival games this added a fun little twist to it this added a um aside from the obious similarity style reminds me more of Hogwarts than ponky Tron there is actually on the side of

    The on the volcano there is an area where it’s an old dilapidated castle and it looks a hell of a lot like Hogwarts um like the way that they’ve set it up and broken everything up and that sort of thing I’m just going to move away

    From there cuz the mining is going to annoy the hell out of me the sound of it while I’m talking um oh incubation complete what do we got yes another ice repto sweet okay so yeah oh and I’ve completely lost my train of thought not that it matters

    Anyway guys um I’ve got to get on the road cuz I got to head off to the other office um thanks to everyone that sort of sat and watched me talk about this because I’m I’m actually really enjoying this and this was something that I enjoyed talking about and it had a

    Little bit of a legal twist to it admittedly I didn’t go too deep into it cuz I haven’t really bothered but um you know it’s something I could easily talk about so but anyway guys as always stay healthy wealthy and wise remember you are not a piece of [ __ ] you have value

    And you do contribute to society especially for being here not you subscribed and I will see you all tomorrow for the Australia Day special uh there will be two streams actually might just be one stream that goes for however long uh I’m going to get up and do the dawn Australia Day ceremony

    Service and then I will do a regular show possibly I mean I might just be me here sitting chatting again we’ll go off on a tangent we’ll see what happens but I there will definitely be content tomorrow so [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out guys see

    You [ __ ] I’m M no don’t mind me I’mma just grab my stuff and leave excuse me please [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out no [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m out all right then I don’t know what the [ __ ] just happing but I don’t really care I’mma get the [ __ ] up

    Out of here this [ __ ] I’m out


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