This new UK downhill trail is going to be incredible! I’m so stoked to have partnered with Caersws Bike Park to create the Helfare MTB line, where our clothing company Helfare is giving back to the MTB community and creating a one of a kind free ride jump trail at one of the coolest emerging bike parks in Wales. Shimano have been a huge help with this project too and now we can finally show you all the full jump line with all the massive features and gaps. What would you want to ride first?

    The health a line aka the best thing to happen to UK downhill mountain biking is almost complete we’ve come to Kus Bike Park which is going to be the home of our new downhill track Free Ride track epic track and it’s so nearly done so

    This is the final track walk to show you guys what you’ll be able to book on and ride including an entire start ramp made of dirt to make a mountain that was already big quite bigger they have to change the datab base on that one let’s drop in the opening section’s completely

    Different there’s sick looking gaps tips on the side that look so flowy then optional rollers cuz the start of this track is shared with the more tame Free Ride line so this bit is all about mixing Advanced riding with kind of more flowy basic riding but the whole thing

    Looks so fun straight into another one there little double you can go around it but everyone’s going to jump that thing probably flip that thing we’ve already seen this transfer but it’s actually ready to ride now this place is so nearly ready to go the last video I did

    When I came here we’ve already filmed a lot of the stuff up the top which has been groomed and fine-tuned but the bottom you wait till we get down there they’ built this entire Motorway section it’s insane but this hips changed too so last time we came this hip kind

    Of looked like it would feel a bit awkward it was projecting you into the trees and the whole point of me being involved and hellare and Shimano are involved too they’re partnered with us is for me to come up here and kind of give advice as a fresh set of eyes and

    This hip has changed so much we said just make it shorter steeper and full 90 and now I think this jump you could either like guys that aren’t that confident with right hips can cut the corner of this and still hit that catch burn behind but people that want to go

    To the Moon finally can and coming out of that burm dropping down huge hip and then you’re locked in again to more downhill track I think this is like a massive recipe for success and there’s more right this next section is just my favorite the trees the little trees that

    Probably weren’t here 5 years ago make it all feel way more appealing but you could go into those trees and not die they might actually Bend and when you hit the big jumps you’ll be above them so the view will be insane this little Skipper I mean it’s not little at all

    That little is it probably 18t long like at least over 5 m long this is the first place where you could really probably ruin yourself but it’s in such a nice area they had a tree down but this was the left left 90° hit which I love the look

    Of not everyone has ridden 90° hips but The Landings are all so wide and so like level and even that you’ve got just as much choice to land there as you have at the top there even if you overcooked it and landed down here you’ve got time to correct

    Yourself Fierce little shark spin drop and then down into a ridiculously fast firm like full G out right burm left ball which will be another G out and then like I know there’s another tree down but another little correction Zone before what I think of the top section

    Of this line is is the well it’s the coolest bit look little log drop about 5 ft High 15 ft long land instantly into a left burm instantly into a 6ft takeoff that’s actually steep Al shaped this it’s like classic Al jump just really naughty takeoff and a little bit step

    Down Landing which you’ll see look how big this Landing is they they’ve actually made it bigger since we were last here and then you’re ready to drop in again Ben you’ve done your back flip no hander or your ghosty or your baale got back on and then we got three slap

    Turns so like bang right bang left I think you could Gap all of this no than and then into another ridiculously fast ride and that is the top section there’s a little bit more down there but let me show you the lower bit that’s free ride

    Line so just up there the hellare line merges with Free Ride line which is already really fun it then splits again for the lower section which I’ll show you it’s just just flat out massive jumps completely different to the top but you can session the bottom like the

    Uplift tractors and Land Rovers go up there so you can session the top or the bottom or do both you never get tracks of that much Tech flowy stuff anchored to this sort of huge Flatout bols of the wo jumps I’ll show you you can imagine

    How much speed this is going to give you just for jumps and then this is an idea we had last time we were here which is to put like a really nice right hip in the hill all the trees need taking out and we’ve also suggested I think this should go

    Down 2T cuz then you’ll make that takeoff 6t high and get all the step up out of making the ground lower cuz the water can just go down there so this hip will be unbelievable just to roast and you’ll see with the landing you could just land anywhere on the bank so if

    That ground goes down this Landing will be a step up relative to the takeoff and I think they’re going to bowl it out even more the roads just up there so it’ll be funny being on the uplift just watching people do huge Moto whips out there and if you don’t like big right

    Hips you can cruise on by beside it that’s the perfect thing cuz we’re back on like a shared Trail now it’s all really nice and wide and flowy that’s like almost putting Trails like dirt jump style Trail jumps in a downhill track I kind of think that’s what this

    Project is all about injecting a bit of new inspiration back into the community and we’re lucky enough to kind of be behind it along with Shimano and hopefully a lot of you guys will book on to this place and come and check it out and ride it cuz it’ll be quite an

    Achievement riding this line and you’ll see why very very fast firm like don’t look right no one needs to be going that way the main trail that they’re kind of renovating goes straight on there’s a really sick overlap further down but the hellare line goes to the right so all

    This Woods here to build a kind of three sleeper High drop right now the landing is down there by that tree which is so gnarly it’s doable but so gnarly but what will happen is this whole kind of area will get graded that rain route

    Will be removed so you can just plop off it it so before that will be the first like hard hard hard breaking spot in the entire track and then this is like the true drop in to the big booters I think if you just land anywhere here you can

    Then get all your speed back but that tree worries me a bit are they going to take it out no Al wants to leave it I kind of respect him for that but you’re just going to have to drop in mate are you ready this is the fast left

    Bur and this my knees can’t yeah that’s going to be so quick this is the first Motorway jump this is the first Motorway jump that is little on it let me go and stay here Ben look how big that is it’s massive that is brilliant this completely like

    Contradicts everything up top which is small Tech and flowy this is like this is just a setup for the next one but I love this jump Gaz has also tracked in with the 3 ton like a a push-up so so this bottom Motorway can be just purely sessioned from up there where those

    Sleepers are you’ll be able to hit all of these jumps but the good thing about these big jumps in the way they build them all the landings are nice and well this Landing is nice and rolled over it’s wide it’s long it’s fast and it has

    To be fast cuz the next one’s insane if step down I mean it’s going to be hard to judge speed for this there’s going to be plenty of speed but it’ll be hard to know it’s got a serious lip on it and the landing be all the way over

    There so you can land here that’s full width to the left and the lower bit to the right is here all of that Landing is usable the whole thing it’s massive how good’s this jump but still the landing’s pretty rolled over like you could come a meter up short and be

    Okay 1.1 M you’ll be brown bread dead toast but like there’s so much case pad in usable space now the next jump was like the USP the selling point of the whole line really for me we just said last time we were here if you watched the last video you’ll know we

    Were looking for a place to just build like a darkfest step up not as big as darkfest but just one of those step UPS where you come in so fast get so much air time but land with so little energy and that’s what they’re going to do here

    Look it is going to be a tight Corner we’ discussed quite a bit about how at that speed you’re going to be able to get around this left turn but that’s a tunnel for the other main track that comes down so we’re jumping an entire track entire tunnel and like having like

    Discussed takeoff dimensions and things earlier we’re going to make the takeoff about this big chest height from you Ben I think that’s about 13 ft something like that oh mate it’s going to be huge but it needs to be like theot the jump before is 40t with a downhill Landing a

    Downhill burm you’re only going to gain speed tunnels not small either so cool they do this a doy all the CRA uh track crossing it’s just going to go where’s The Landing in a bit well not that far just the other side of the tunnel I

    Don’t think the Gap needs to be long it needs to be high as long as you can turn all that speed coming down the motorway it’s definitely going to be high into air time let me get up on there so you can relate parkour just clearing this

    Alone is quite a massive jump isn’t it but it’s all about taking away your energy and your momentum so if you wanted to try a Superman seat grab or a no hander or just try a huge step up for the first time you can just land somewhere on the landing and be okay

    Right now that’s the end of the track and it’s biblical the Bottom’s completely different to the top we’re really lucky to have the chance to work with these guys an won’t take that mate look if I can do this I can do the track see switch the 180 yeah so massive

    Shout out to K’s bike park for having the vision to allow us to come on board shout out to G and Alf who have spent he spent 200 hours in the Digger already that’s insane yeah and Shimano for partnering with us on it too won’t be long now Legends


    1. Send Jamie down there to beef up some of the berms, they'll work as is. But, it would be a great look for Hellfare to get some A-line vibes (which the scale of the jumps and particularly landings already have). I'm nitpicking though, its looks dreamy! ⛰🚴💨🏞

    2. Lovin' it… this is an exciting project – what's the distance between take off and landing on that second booter in the lower section? So hard to guess on camera!? Also – I appreciate the humour in your "parkour" reference! hahah

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