Get ready for an incredible bicycle touring adventure in Eastern Europe with Darren Alff – the Bicycle Touring Pro. Because, here it is… The very 1st video from Bicycle Touring Pro’s month-long bike tour across Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary.

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    Follow along in this new video as Darren Alff (the man behind the popular bicycle touring website at travels by bike and train from the city of Poznan, Poland to the border of Poland and the Czech Republic… crosses the iconic international border… and then spends his first night on the road camping in a small 1-man tent in the middle of the forest.

    This is the type of bicycle touring adventure that dreams are made of… and this is only the first day of bicycle touring on the Bicycle Touring Pro’s month-long cycling adventure across Eastern Europe.

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    Make sure you subscribe to the Bicycle Touring Pro YouTube channel so you don’t miss the next video in this incredible cycling adventure:

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    Hello Darren elf here from bicycle turning pro comm I am in Poznan Poland right now I just last week completed my week-long group guided bicycle tour across northern Portugal and Spain with a tour company called Fulton visit cycling holidays it was an incredible tour and I would highly recommend it

    If you’re ever looking for a bike tour in that part of the world you ever have thought about cycling the Camino trail to Santiago de Compostela a very very good bike tour now I’ve flown from Porto Portugal to Poland and this is where I’m going to begin the vast chunk the

    Biggest chunk of my 2018 summer time bike tour here in Europe and the trip doesn’t actually start here imposing and although it is going to finish here I’ve flown basically here to Poznan and I’m going to take a train over the next two days down to Prague I’ll talk about that

    In just a moment in Prague I’m going to meet my friends Kevin who’s coming from Australia you ready for another tour Kevin oh yeah you bet got white and Michael and lenay who are coming from Sweden yeah my name is Michael and I’m from northern Sweden and all four of us

    Are going to cycle from Prague to Vienna over the next week so that’s what’s coming up however before that can even begin I need to get myself and my bicycle from here in Poznan Poland down to Prague in the Czech Republic and I’m not exactly sure what the distance is several hundred

    Miles several hundred kilometers and unfortunately there is no direct train from here to there there was a bus that goes from Posen into Prague but they don’t take bicycles and that for me is very important I have my bicycle I need to get my bicycle to Prague so what I’m

    Gonna have to do is I’m gonna have to go from here in Poznan Poland down to the city of rote suave get on another train there and then take another train down to the border of Poland and the Czech Republic then I’m gonna have to cycle about 25

    Kilometers on my bicycle up over a mountain up over the border of Poland in the Czech Republic then get on another train with my bicycle take that to another city in the Czech Republic and then finally jump on the last train from there into the city of Prague which I’ll then cycle across

    The city and check into the Airbnb apartment that I’ve rented online who then Kevin and Michael and Lynnae are gonna meet me at the Airbnb in Prague we’ll be there for about three nights I think and then we’ll begin our bike tour from Prague to Vienna so that’s what’s

    Coming up wall I’ve got you here I want to show you the apartment that I have been renting here imposed in Poland I rented this place on Airbnb cost about 30 US dollars per night and let me give you a tour so this is the entryway here

    Over here to the left is the front door you got my bike here this is my commotion cycle Siskiyou touring bicycle and it’s all ready to go hopefully then you come in here there’s a little kitchen desk windows looking outside this is the little living area and then

    Back here as you can see is the bathroom uh-huh very small washing machine toilet and then in here is the bedroom again very small but big enough for me that’s fine out here little window trees and then is the bedroom and as you can see over here I’ve got my bags all packed

    And ready to go I have a lot of electronics with me on this trip so that I can document my travels four you’ve got a drone in there three other cameras GoPro laptop computer external hard drives all that kind of stuff so the bike tour begins right now

    All right so I’ve left the apartment now and I’m cycling over to the train station I’ve given myself about an hour’s worth of time just to get there early make sure I’m on the right track that sort of thing so train station next stop so I just arrived at the train

    Station I’m on platform six waiting for my train to throat suave Poland I hate traveling on trains and buses and boats and stuff with my bicycle it can really be a pain sometimes especially if the train pulls into the station very very quickly and doesn’t leave you a lot of

    Time to get on that’s the part that scares me the most hopefully this goes okay and get on and off my train here and pull this without any problem so I’m in Roche love now got off my first train unfortunately the first train was more than half an hour late

    Arriving here which means I missed my second train further south down to the border of Poland and the Czech Republic so I went to the ticket booth inside this building here asked the woman about it luckily she spoke English and she said that my ticket is basically good

    For any time today so I’m just gonna jump on the next train which leaves at 3:10 in the afternoon it’s about 1:30 right now so I got about an hour and a half to kill and then hopefully I will get on the next train to the border of Poland and the Czech Republic So I’m at the train station now in this town I don’t know how to pronounce it but the landscape has definitely changed quite a bit we’re up in the mountains now really beautiful this is more my style so I’m really happy to be here So it’s about seven o’clock at night right now I just got off the train and I’ve started to cycle uphill towards the border of Poland on the Czech Republic I’m still in Poland at the moment the Sun is near the horizon and I’m basically only going to go about six

    Kilometers or so up this road then I’m going to find a place to camp for the night this road is really nice like no cars perfect time of day it’s kind of cool not too cold beautiful scenery forests the architecture here has changed completely from where it was and wasn’t Poland this morning

    And yeah I’m liking it so far This road is amazing so nice I can’t get over how great this road is it’s got me really excited for the rest of this trip because this is like the type of stuff that I really really like keeping oh I’m going uphill and it’s not necessarily easy it’s not necessarily hard either Beautiful beautiful landscape love this road we’ll have the temperature right now oh man I’m loving it I’m approaching the border of Poland and the Czech Republic I’m gonna cross into the Czech Republic tonight there it is the border that’s Poland leaving Poland and crossing the border now into the Czech Republic here we are I’m gonna stop take a picture all right

    So here I am at the border of Poland and the Czech Republic it’s pretty cool to be on the very first day of my 2018 bike tour across central Eastern Europe and to have crossed already into a new country obviously I had some help today

    I was on the train for about 9 hours but Here I am the Czech Republic now it’s about eight o’clock at night now I really need to find a place to sleep because it’s gonna get dark soon so I’m just gonna go ashore testin saan the

    Road and find a place to camp I just turned off on a small dirt road Forest Road hoping I can find a place to camp the problem is everything on the side of the road is so steep there’s no flat spot but I’m gonna have to find something here it’s a very steep So this is my campsite for tonight my first night in the Czech Republic it was a very good day only cycled about 20 kilometers total but I spent nine hours or more on the train today so there’s a very long long day it’s getting dark it’s gonna be dark here any moment I’m

    Gonna jump inside my tent there are some mosquitoes and bugs flying around so this is pretty much it for tonight I just wanted to say it was a very good first day to my 2018 bike tour here in Central Europe and I’m looking forward today to tomorrow I am going to ride a

    Short distance to the train station jump on another train and head into Prague all right that does it for this one thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video make sure you’re subscribed to the bicycle turn pro YouTube channel because this is just the

    First video from my series across Poland the Czech Republic Austria Hungary and Slovakia there are 25 yes 25 more videos coming out from this series and you don’t want to miss them I promise you this is going to be a great trip and you’re gonna enjoy every little bit of

    This adventure so make sure you subscribe to the bicycle turned pro youtube channel also while you’re there give me a big thumbs up on this video I’d appreciate it if you know somebody that would like this video please share it with them and finally if you want to

    Learn how to conduct your own bicycle train adventures adventures like you see in my videos here on the bicycle turn pro YouTube channel then be sure to pick up a copy of my book the bicycle touring blueprint which will teach you everything you need to know to conduct a

    Bike tour of any type of any length anywhere in the world i’m darren alf from bicycle turn pro comm thank you guys once again so much for watching and I hope to see you out on the road sometime soon

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