Noch schlappe 6,5 Wochen bis zur Arnolds und Bruder @LeonidasArkona besucht mich im Bunker für eine entspannte Rücken Session. Vorneweg gabs die Kalecinski Variante des Pre-Workout Boosters damit ordentlicher Pump garantiert wurde. Training hat gut gescheppert, denn wenn Leon schon mal in Berlin ist, ist es quasi ein Muss die Schweren Geschütze auszupacken und nicht am Gewicht zu sparen HEHE

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    Yes, I wanted to say that the offseason can begin. Boy, pick a cake and off you go. I’m actually about to make a diet again. Oh, you’re self-sufficient. I thought I’d give you another brotherly invitation. Haha, no.. um, I have too. But wait a minute!

    Dude do we have the same flavor with us?! No, I have mango. Since we’re training with Leon today.. we already are going to have a lot of problems, because somehow I’m in the mood to go completely over the top today. I made a bet with Urs that they would train their arms today..

    Or Bicep curls 50kg dumbbells – Who can do more. No. No, not today. Not today. I can’t do it after yesterday anyway. What did you do? I rowed the 150kg yesterday. So first with the right. All right. That’s why I wanted to go rowing today. I actually still have quite some sore muscles..

    I rowed with the right arm first.. I did 25 reps But did it work your lat or just your arms?! Dude honestly.. and people keep saying using momentum doesn’t reach your muscles fully.. I got incredibly sore muscles from that.. Lat and arms But we can train everything, we can still do our backs..

    That’s what we’ll do. Can I use your water, too? Yes, that’s why I brought two bottles. But the amateur just does it that way: He still uses shakers these days.. Why? What’s your way? I just think to myself, let’s get that extra pump. Ah, that’s disgusting..

    If you train with Leon, then the pump has to be right. Wow, that’s disgusting. That’s the version for men. – That’s for the.. For the real G’s. I don’t know. I prefer to stick with the women’s version. I would actually be up for it..

    To do a Eating Challenge with Leon, but same for me.. the first week of March doesn’t allow for that. and there are still seven and a half weeks to go until Arnold’s and I still need to lose a bit of weight.

    But I’ve heard that Leon is also on a diet at the moment. I see. Look, the thing is. I was now doing a bulk for a relatively long period of time.. then I realized that.. while I don’t know if you know that..

    So after a month and a half I realized oh, I can’t, I can’t get anything more in, I’ve become a really bad eater and now I I don’t know that feeling Ha! Dude and now as I’m starting to diet again I tell you.. I’d kill in you in an eating challenge LOL!

    But it’s like that and I know that the problem is always the stomach. Then you diet for three month and then you have a stomach like a bikini athlete and then you eat two kebabs, which is easy to do in the off-season, and then you’re so full that you’re

    Full until the next day until 3PM and you think to yourself.. f*ck this. So tactically it would be clever to do that at the end of the offseason. He is now talking about three months of dieting. I’ve never followed a diet for three full months LOL.

    Somehow I’m always stuck with one to a maximum of one and a half months of dieting haha.. Why’s that..? Minicut haha. Well.. Why? I have no idea. I just can’t get it right. Unfortunately. Yes, but that is also difficult. If you don’t have the day X. If I didn’t have the day X.

    Well, I would be completely out of it if I didn’t have a competition date and knew, shit, you have to look good. Or.. You must have the weight. But especially then, no kidding, just then I imagine it will be even more difficult. Because this pressure that you constantly have and when you..

    For example, I am an emotional eater. When I feel bad, I eat. Then I have to eat something. And if you’re under so much pressure to keep going and then not eat, I just can’t imagine. Yeah, but it drives you because you think shit, man, now. It has to fit now, because otherwise.

    Otherwise I won’t achieve this goal. Well, that’s the way it is. Back then I had this feeding day.. and I had a very relaxed sushi meal. I think I knocked off 40 rolls or so. Was already quite full to be fair.. And then I’m on my way home.

    That was on what is it called? At KaDeWe there. And then you’re a 40-minute drive away from our home.. Then I get out of the car, and I tell Alisha that I need some sweets and a few snacks and then we’ll get some snacks.

    And then I say Hm, I’d really like a pizza roll right now. And then she acts as the voice of reason and says “no, give it a rest, it’s almost ten now.” I said we were going home, where I found myself being yelled at in front of this gas station.

    Dude, the last time when I was… When I was in Berlin four or five months ago, I made myself a cheat evening. Actually, when I wanted to be back home in Baden Württemberg I wanted to do that, but..

    ..I took that feeding day one day earlier.. and at the Hotel I was staying the had.. – they had a nice buffet right? That’s exactly what it was like, a pizza buffet. Then I texted my girlfriend, I’m doing the cheat day today and then I ordered the pizza pizza.

    Dude And they were already wondering how much I eat. And I was.. I was pretty deep into my a diet that time.. I was so full and all of a sudden you notice the food, that was up to here and I’ve already gone to the hotel room and

    Notice how my blood pressure has gone up extremely. This vein on my forehead was popping already.. All that salt puts a lot of pressure on that too. It puts so much pressure on me and I was lying in bed and I really thought I was dying, dying right now.

    Thinking to myself I’d rather write all my loved ones, because you’ve Your breathing at that point also gets intense right? – Yea buddy.. What the heck did you write your loved ones?! I don’t really know it anymore. I don’t know what happens, I do. I wrote something like this..

    “I’m not feeling well at all right now” But there was nothing I could’ve done to improve that, lol. But bro you got to admit the following.. the day after cheating.. you go into the gym, do a random set of anything.. and you magically get the pump of your life, lol.

    Yea dude.. the muscles are popping like crazy. It’s disgusting. It’s really incredibly beautiful. So eat pizza and go pumping. I think Alisha could really be.. My girlfriend is pretty good too, but I believe she has no interest in this.. Alisha’s strength comes from holding the cooking spoon all the time, LOL.

    What treat would you pick here? – Honestly with no doubt this one here. Like 6-7 pieces of this one. What I thought too. Eggs, Sucuk, and toasted bread is one of the best combinations that exist. I am a real bread fan. Yes, I love bread. Love bread. Date Bars also looks interesting..

    Let’s go to the gym. First exercise will be a superset so we get the fullness into the muscle from the beginning. already feels like I’ve trained for 3 hours LOL.. Right huh? – And I don’t just say it.. I mean it. You did good, haha.. That’s how it has to be.

    That’s how we take the title. 10 to 12 there and 10 to 12 here. Come from the lat, don’t let it slip. Six. Yes, indeed! Strong! Seven. Go on! Come on! 8,2 more. Come on, give him the last one. I’ll help you. Stay clean. Very nice. Really good.

    This control from Leon is not something I’m used to.. You might be surprised by his super heavy weight lifts, but.. But when I see Leon. Train with such a hypertrophy technique. It makes. It makes the bear. Makes him proud, really. But it’s also really cool.

    So I always try to copy something like that for my own training. That is interesting. Oh yes, yes, yes. If you’d have had your cheat day yesterday, this part would explode already haha! Seven, come on.. Yes. Oh, let’s stick with that. I am here. One More!!! Oh boy, that’s disgusting. That’s really disgusting.

    With every set you get more pump. Yes. And then you can control it even better. I think to myself.. My training is actually quite good already, but.. And then I try something completely new and realize. Ah, that’s amazing. You have the power to use it now and combine it with something like this.

    That just takes you over a plateau again. Really good. Come on, stay like that. Yes, exactly. Stretch nicely. Here. Yes, super. Come on. Yes, I’m here now. Yes. Come on, stay clean. I am here. Yes, exactly. Two more. And another one. Yes, strong! Yes, exactly. And two more. Two. Two more.

    I am with you. And another one. And stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop! Yes, indeed! Really well done. That one hurt.. Yeah, man. I’m getting the invisible Lat Syndrome! But that’s allowed now.. Now we are rowing. Something I really dislike is someone using 15kg plates.. That’s someone who’s basically weak..

    But he wants it to look like a lot. I used to do these tricks at Mcfit when I was doing benchpress Yes but back then they had 15kg ones right? There were still 15s yes, exactly those here. Yea man the old Gym80 Plates.. I prefered stacking the 15kg ones.. rather than 20s.

    Now he does it with the 20s. The LAT is already so full on the left side that when I pull into it, it really starts to sting. Dude, that’s really awesome. That’s really unpleasant. Well, I just think that if you row out of the cold, which is

    Already not so nice.. sure you might move more weight, but.. I like it though, because if you do it like that you really feel the lat nicely. That’s a proper stack. If you’re training with a partner and do single-sided exercises..

    Should one of them do one side first, then the other one the same side. And then both of you the remaining side, depending on what you start with. This way you have enough rest and avoid disbalances. For Leon that’s not really of importance for him 😉 He just moves the weight, lol.

    But you also want to have the same musculature on both sides. Yes. Oh! Yes. Yes, very good. Yes, it works. Elbow on it. Yes, it’s good. In here. Super. Go. Now counts. Yes. Move on. Do more. Yes, indeed! Come on! Easy. And three more. Come, I am here. Two more. Come on!

    And the last one. Ah, strong, dude! You could’ve stacked that one up though, haha Same goes for you, lol. No man.. In that case I would’ve rowed with my arms only.. And arm day is scheduled for tomorrow! I make sure I pay attention to that. Well, if I had to describe your body..

    In one word. It’s like.. – Like Crap? Haha! Of course not.. For me as someone who isn’t into your sport that much.. it’s still simply flawless. Because I wouldn’t have anything now to.. No I don’t want to cheer you up or something.. That’s my honest opinion, because I wouldn’t have anything

    To say there’s something that you’re lacking.. Well, you know.. Somehow in our world you can never have enough arms and never enough backs. Can you really be a bodybuilder who has too much arms or too much of a back..?

    There are people with too much legs.. like when you look at Tom Platz in comparison.. So, what do you think of this.. Ah you mean Rubiel..? Yes man.. Somehow he reminds me of you, you wanker. Oh please you ass.. I don’t want to say ‘good forearms’ for using grip aids, but..

    ..everything looks really balanced and in place. I actually use these things too. So this is unpaid advertising, as they say, but with them you still have pressure on your forearm, but a much cooler feeling inside. And with these, you can almost take the forearm out completely because how it feels.

    That’s why I love using these grip aids here. So ofc I gotta say.. for my sport I try to avoid grip aids at all costs.. Because I obviously try to train grip strength. Yes, it makes perfect sense for you. Sure, that’s like an insurance for me in my sport..

    But the first muscle to close up is.. So if you have a certain amount of muscle mass, in this case like Leon Then the forearm is the first muscle to close up.. And for beginners, it is usually the weakest link. Yes, because the back can bear more weights than compared to the forearm

    Do you actually like going to the Sauna? Me? 100%. I also like going to the sauna. We both like to go to the sauna. Why you looking at me?! We have. We thought about going to the sauna as a group and then.. observe who is suited how… Who? Like what?

    Yes, okay, now it might be better to.. Turn off the cam now, lol. Three, seven pieces we’ll be doing. Two more. Yes. Last come on. Yes. And row that baby, let’s go.. Enjoy this and hold it up there for a sec. Shortly hold it back here and feel it, bam!

    Go on and come on do 3 fast reps now. One, two. You got this, easy. That’s good, boy. We’re doing upper back now. Here we are at T-Bar Rows. Today we focus more on rowing movements. I just want to have more back density.

    Every back workout I make sure to work all aspects of the back though. like Back width and back density. But today there is definitely more focus on density and on the details. As you know, Classic Physique only has the Back Double Biceps pose.. for this we want to have some good details at the start. That’s why we’re rowing a lot today. Yes, get angry now, let’s go. Fire. One. Awesome.. Four. Come on. Yes.. Yes!! They are good like that. Yes! Awesome!

    I don’t know if it’s you, but I did 85 on nine reps last week and it’s now 100 on ten. Awesome. Sick, bro.. So, if I now. Leon you can visit me more often in the bunker, lol! Can we go a little higher? It’s sick.. How much did you do just now?

    Ten.. – Ten also? Yes, exactly. Look, that’s how it works. I’m going to make it ten, too and then we’ll add another 20.. – Dude you’ll do 11. here the 25kg plate is already waiting for us. Yes, for today we wanted.. Coleman Style training.. Things are slowly moving in the right direction 😉

    That’s it.. Come on, concentrate. Yes, that last set was awesome already bro.. All of your movement arrived back in here. Go. You’re pulling that shit now. Yes, get it all the way up here. Yes, indeed! Two, three. Yes, indeed! Four. Very good. Yes. Five.. Let’s go Leon! Six.. keep goin and pull now.

    Seven. Come on! Eight. Yes! Go nine. Come on! Go. With help now. Yes, Strong! Good. We move heavy weights with a solid form. What more do you want, apart from a few more repetitions? None of this is witchcraft. But I always find it so nice with Leon because.

    That is gratifying my bodybuilder’s heart. Because when the power is redirected into hitting the right target muscles, so much happens in terms of growth. Interesting. We had talked beforehand on the way from the café to the gym here and.. About. About arm wrestling too.

    Leon had the competition in Dubai and the runner-up from the current world rankings.. That guy also trains super hard and goes all in – but he doesn’t look as good as Leon at all. So therefore as you can see.. And then I always think to myself what Leon looks like with

    This kind of training, which is not really aimed at bodybuilding. Of course he does his pumping sessions from time to time, but if you maximize that, it always enriches my hypertrophy heart. Look that’s what I mean.. I find it so interesting to always copy something from everywhere for my training.

    Because now I’ve got a few new inspirations that I definitely know I’m going to incorporate into my training and it’s so cool, because somehow OFC I’m already a bodybuilder, but.. I really like to try out all those different trainings aspects for myself, sure.. Yea sure, everyone wants big arms, lol.

    It’s been that way since we watched wrestling in 2006. But that’s so interesting, because I actually thought that “what’s supposed to shock me in my back training now?!” but there’s always something.. Always there’s some small % you can better by learning. this cosmos is actually so big you know..

    That’s sick yes, and let me tell you.. I’ve always found it that way, so when you came to another studio with my boys back then, you got to know someone who trained differently and now I can be grateful for that. I have Dorian Yates here, who I’ve trained with..

    Also Jay Cutler.. you know these people have actually achieved something in this sport.. And I’m telling you, everyone trained differently. And he was Mr. Olympia. He was Mr. Olympia. Coleman was Mr. Olympia. Yes, you know, many, many ways lead to Rome. Very, very confusing at first.

    Then you got Shawn Rhoden who trained with very light weights.. So.. you really gotta do what you want to do. And for me that is.. I really enjoy training hard. But I earn.. lol ‘earn’.. no I also train or I’m always inspired by new influences and then I always mix it up.

    So it’s so cool that you let it happen, because not everybody can do that. Yes, the danger is that you have your own way and then you have this ignorant tunnelvision and say “no, that’s the only true way.” But how are you going to get over a threshold with this attitude..?

    Okay, now we’ve talked enough. What do we have? Cute 115. Yes, we wanted to. I wasn’t going to say that because we thought 120 sounded nice, but I think the back gets nicer with this weight because we were already struggling with the 100. Well then, let’s go. Enjoy these reps now. Let’s go.

    Come on, your set now. And up you go! And off! Yes, keep your elbows to the side. Now come all the way up! Yes, still possible. And another one. But looked good dude. Now we do a drop set 10, 10 and 10.

    10 reps with this weight, then you pull one off, 10 more, pull again and do 10 last ones. I counted 9 reps only.. – Really..? Yes. One is still missing. Another one. Come now! Half-time. Go on! And the last one. Come on! 7, now let’s go. keep your chest on the pad.

    And the last one. You have one more to go. I can only feel it in my arms dude.. at the end.. But that rep is a must, true.. Yea that rep must be done. #thatrepmustbedone Squeeze it. Yes, that’s where the hate is. The full hatred mode is activated!

    I think, I’ve never felt the middle of my back like this before.. Is that the case? Dude, that describes it really well. You can’t put this into words. During the last set, well, during the last repetitions, I felt that I had done something yesterday. Yes, you slipped down with your feet.

    Then you pulled it all with your arms. Then I realized Okay, here. Somehow I do notice the arms because of yesterday..;) Yes, and just holding such a heavy dumbbell. Yes. Here your chin rests against your chest, making your ass all the way back Yes. And pull your elbows close to your body. Yes.

    Stay in the front. Grip a bit lower. Yes. Oh yes, that’s good. Yes, very good. An awesome machine. Do you do it with both hands or individually? I do both arms at once. We have already pulled one of them individually. You used to do them with one arm, that’s why. Yes.

    Yes, I normally always do them individually.. This is the second time in my life that I’ve made them with both arms. But we had this one. We had this level. Now we’re actually doing a bit more there too. Do you actually do shrugs? Yes, I have since. Since. Since this year.

    Trying to be funny, lool. Since the end of last year, I’ve been incorporating them really seriously. I used to be a bit like that, but now I’m trying to step up my game and give it a go, because in my opinion..

    In your case your neck due to all that deadlifting is nicely developed.. But I think in my case I could use a bit more of a neck. Big neck is awesome, Yes, but you have to be careful, I don’t have to tell you, but in general.

    At that time, I was working with someone who had such a huge neck but his shoulders were so small in comparison. I know those guys, they only consist of big neck LOL That doesn’t look that nice .. That’s the thing.. Neither of us has such a wide shoulder girdle.

    So there are people who have such a range, they have to fill that out first.. But if you have such a short collarbone and then such a huge neck, it’s not that aesthetically pleasing. So therefore, I lean forward like this.

    Markus knows it.. and I pull it more like this to work the Trapezius.. – I see.. – And I try to think of it like I’m wearing a hood or sth.. but I’m actually not wearing a hood, you know? but I don’t want to have a neck up until my ears ..

    Because.. – Well me personally I really like that though! But the shoulders also have to be appropriate. Right, but it just makes you look narrower on stage. You have enough shoulders, yes, you know. But rather more shoulders. Also true. Let’s go, keep your butt to the back. Every movement is a repetition.

    Also with partial repetitions. This really hurts.. this way you can effectively get more out of it in terms of awesome reps.. – awesome reps? – in terms of awesome reps yes 😀 it’s those that count.. Chin on your chest, go. And now hold for 5 sec. Keep your shoulders down. Four.

    And the last one. Yes. And hold for 5 sec. Nothing worked anymore… I would have made everything out of my arm otherwise.. Such words from Leon.. And then I noticed.. okay.. The arms are pulling upwards more and more and I would’ve rowed like this.. Then you would be doing this here..

    True.. and that’s not the intention we have. – Right. If you want to hit your lat.. it always means: shoulders down and elbows in. The further you move to the side, the more you are in the upper back area. You can remember that. You actually can.

    You can rape your upper and lower back on any rowing machine.. You can hit anything with it. I can do this here, for example, and grab the top. And if Leon touches it now, where do I move in? It’s all on top of your back yea.. Completele upper back that is, yea.

    And if I go higher now, elbows in and pulling it one-sided.. I’m once again hitting my lat. That’s why it’s so easy to remember. Let’s take a look again. Yes. Holy shit. Describe what you feel. That’s blatant, because. I’m not going to describe what I feel now, because I know

    Exactly what you’re getting at. Oh, dude, there’s nothing.. Yea..? – I mean zero fat on there. Haha “There’s nothing” That’s exactly what it looks like. That is why we are continuing now! How would it be for you to row the 150kgs dumbbells? Well.. I prefer to do the 80s on reps.

    Would you be able to row the 150s? Nope. Well, I think so, yes, but I no longer have any need for it. I am.. I’m a bodybuilder, you know. So you’re saying you don’t have ego problems, like Leon. To put it that way, yea. No, no, but. Haha

    In my position, where I am right now, it absolutely does. So it would. Makes zero sense to do it.. But if you can row them cleanly. Yes, good. But if at some point the 80s and the hundreds become too light for you.. ..and you realise you probably need more..

    I rowed the 80s cleanly, but I think I can work my way up to 100 and then that’s it. I mean man, at some point it’s gotta stop right.. Otherwise you would already be bench pressing 500 kilos. Yes, I think 100 to 120 is fine. – Yes it does.

    Still relatively clean, but all above that.. Yes, that’s why. So, I I’d love to try, of course. Sure. As a strength athlete, you always want to get the most out yourself.. Yea sure you gotta focus on Olympia.. Right. I want the title.

    Yes, I know for a fact that I would bite myself in the ass if I somehow tried to make 150 for a video or something and then ripped something off. It’s such pain in the ass. Awesome, let’s do high rows now. You can’t get enough. High Rows or Hyrox? When’s your first Hyrox?

    Haha.. Hyrox.. I thought we. I have already contacted Benny and registered you for your first Hyrox. I thought we’d start as a Tag Team there! Yes, I’m so there. Quite pleasant here. Very, very, very, very. I don’t know either. This is also the only studio here. The only studio, the only one.

    Yes, I think so, in Germany, where you don’t have an official prime time. I was here once on Mondays at 18:00. There wasn’t a soul around. Then I’ll be there on Wednesday at noon. This place is packed as if it were a club. That is blatant. And so mcfit or fitx.. always

    You know, always Monday, 18:00. You can save yourself the trouble, or So, Sunday morning is not very busy. Friday evening? Nothing at all. do you actually train with music? Yes, always. Unless we shoot. It depends though.. Sometimes too when we shoot. What kind of music you listen to?

    I got my special playlist, hah! No anything really.. I am I have to, I have to .. – Do you commit yourself to a specific style of music? Nah, nah, but I have to come out of the closet. The last three weeks, I think, since I started preparing,

    I’ve been so stuck on the evil trashy german rap. So. Oh. Oh. And now I’ve actually heard it from time to time, but really rarely .. and somehow.. In the last two weeks, I’ve really had it. But then it can also happen that I .. no idea.. listen to Rammstein all the time.

    It could be that I listen to techno. So it could be that I’m more of a mixed bag. But we’re definitely doing pull-ups now. Assisted, of course, with support. And I actually wanted to do that in the superset with Lat Pulldown. Shall I ask the guy..?

    I’ll ask, now I’m still friendly, so I can ask in a friendly way.. Are you still friendly too? I am always friendly. We have a super set finisher of guided assisted pull-ups. And. And Lat Pull Down. Cant do it.. – Why’s that? I don’t hit the target muscle, lol. No kidding.

    I don’t know. Did you cancel your set?! Yes I did 3 reps.. When I pull from above.. I don’t know. Somehow that doesn’t get through to me. it’s not about feeling it now, it’s simply about destroying yourself to the fullest now. I see.. Okay. No you have to lean back a little now.

    So they shouldn’t hit the lat now.. More so to hit on the upper back. Because that’s why we have a lot of people who pull really hard with lat pulldown from the very beginning.. usually create a huge upper back and then there is no lower back..

    Because they get into this position and then pull. And then where are you moving to? So if you were to flip that, that would be exactly this move here Just with an extreme stretch, which is cool, but I would never.. So if you want to hit Lat I wouldn’t recommend this exercise..

    Good to know because I thought.. So lat pulldown is definitely the wrong name for this.. But that’s the super set here and wisdom from Kalicinski! – This will most likely arrive at Weisheiten with Bodybuilders, ha! That’s where the cool stuff is being posted. Yes, and this is the finisher.

    I’m trying to incorporate pull-ups into every back workout now. Sometimes at the beginning. But since I’ve been doing the other superset, there’s always something awesome. I always need such an explosive start and such an awesome, awesome cool-down ritual. And that’s why I always do pull-ups and

    Pull-Ups is also the thing.. at some point in the future I really wanna be able to do a lot of pull ups! If I should be lighter at some point in my life, who knows when that will happen. Like me – like you, then I’d be up for it too. The Arda.

    I don’t know if you know the one from Esn. A cool guy, he somehow does, I watch his stories, he somehow does 200 times ten pull-ups or so in a day and rides his bike for three hours. Something like that is also cool. I respect that very much.

    That’s why I want to be able to do pull-ups and muscle-ups again.. but now we’re done talking! Two and a half hours later, we are now through. The back was badly dented. I think we rowed away quite a few kilograms today. Boy, how do your hands feel now?

    Ready for an armwrestling battle against you ha! You got no a chance, kid. But now they feel good! The back definitely feels good, it’s just right. I think another exercise now would have been too much. But anyway.. In any case, we have moved a lot of weights, moved cleanly

    And are a step closer to our goal. Arnolds Here we come. And with this in mind. How much time left? Seven and a half.. I think? – You’re going to crush that show! We’ll definitely do that! So me at the beginning of the prep…

    I have to be honest, I find the time between competitions and the beginning of the diet the hardest. And when I’m in the prep like now, then I’m right. Now comes the real fire inside.. so what can I say. And now I can say that it’s definitely going to rock.

    So three or four weeks ago I was like “ah yes, now PREP and all that” but now we’re locked in, as they say. With this in mind, we are out of the bunker. I have to go to the loo again. Which is still above..

    The little cloud is already waiting for to make sure that I don’t wet myself. But we’re out for today. You know that when it comes to support, you can do that with both of us. With Leon or with Polako. Or with Prince Markus behind the camera. Do you have a code? Nope. Markus.

    Prince Markus. Anything but that one lol. There is no code. No, but. Code Alitsche can be mentioned here. Yea at MORE you can use code Alitsche. Where we left the lovely cookies in the restaurant earlier. That’s right. In that sense, there’s nothing more to add, is there? What else would you say?

    We are hungry. Yes. So Adios Amigos!


    1. Hey Urs hey Community vll kann mir wer helfen ich hab mega Probleme nach dem Rücken/bizeps- Training das ich brutalste schmerzen im Unterarm hab bzw in der Beuge und kann wirklich null meine Arme strecken kann ich mich da speziell aufwärmen im Unterarm oder so oder gibt es da nen. Trick ich verzweifle 😂 danke schonmal ❤

    2. @Urs kalecinski-bro, I have tried reaching out to you many times through rep one; Anyways, here goes-lat pull down should always be first for you, it is your weakest point. Use machine loaded, do 3 sets at about 70% effort with 90 sec rest or 1 minute 10-15 reps. Depress scapula, bring elbows in front to activate lats more, do not bring down into the back , keep it in front. Elbows bend out wards. Also, to many of the same rows by the way. AFter front lat machine loaded, single arm pull down, 1 high row, 1 lower back, 1 rear traps, 1 rear delt exercise. More than enough, you will get your best out of this approach

    3. O dumm kann man nicht sein. Wie auf Stoff pumpen…. Ohne booster bekommen sie wohl nichts gerissen und vorallem animieren sie die Jugend zu dieser boaster Scheiße!!!! Lasst die Finger von diesen Dreck…. Das geht früher oder später auf das Herz!!!!!!

    4. Klasse Video. Hat mich definitiv motiviert auch mal in den Bunker zu kommen. Dikka aber für 60 Takken im Monat muss da ne EISTONNE drin sein, gibt sowas bei euch im Bunker :P?

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