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    N Yes guys I’m Sai welcome to C city world welcome to H podcast na we’re here to talk all things Cardiff City again and a couple of announcements to boot we’ll discuss what we discussed last week to clarify for some people because people got their knickers in a Twist a little

    Bit uh we’ll talk about all things CI M there’s lots and lots to discuss uh as always please do share like subscribe all that good stuff particularly the YouTube channel really helps uh Ace podcast Nation to grow helps with the algorithm if you drop likes retweets Etc

    And um don’t forget subscribe to uh of city world which is coming now over the next couple of weeks which leads me very nicely into the first announcement of the evening I’m delighted to say that um the card of City phoning uh which has been going 20

    Years now um with Steve and the Gang uh will now be live streamed on card of city world on a Monday night at 6 PM uh delighted to welcome them on board as we make uh Cardiff City World The Ultimate Fan Channel which is going to be full of

    Fan opinions from all across uh Cardiff the vales and the rest of the place they’ll still be streaming on their Facebook page as well but from a YouTube point of view it will go to card of city world which I’m delighted to say we’re delighted to have them on board um in

    Conversations with a few other card of City fans for a range of content with the idea being that c of city world will have C of City content every single day Monday is taking care of with a card of city phone in we will then hopefully well we’ll have previews for myself

    We’ll have match reactions hoping to get some Vlogs on there hoping to get analysis on there all sorts of different things obviously interviews with ex players etc etc so if you would like to contribute to the card City fan Channel then get in touch with us card of city

    World as I say the kard of city phone in from not this Monday but the Monday after will officially be part of kard of city world they will be streaming live on C of city world on a Monday night in their usual slot with a usual range of

    Faces I’ll be on that show as well um so please do join us spread the word if you want to contribute get in touch there’s a whole host of different things that we’re looking for we need to get you know Vlogs we need to get some fan reactions match reactions if you’ve got

    An idea for like short form video content between 10 and 20 minutes or whatever or even shorter that you think you can do for card of city world regarding card of City get in touch let’s make it happen because uh I want voices from all across

    The C of City fan base there’s it’s not like just people I know I want people who I don’t know I want males I want females I want two spirit Penguins whatever you want to call them I don’t know I want everyone I want literally everyone from everywhere the valys cilly Barry

    Wherever to get involved have a voice have your say on the card of City World um that’s the first announcement and I’m delighted by it I got to say card of city phone in part of card of city world straight in um we’ll get to the other announcement

    In a minute which is regarding an upcoming live event obviously members of Ace podcast Nation will already know that because they’ve been uh getting their tickets from about 11:00 this morning because if you’re a member of Ace podcast Nation Podcast Nation for a price of a bag of chips per

    Month you not only keep the channel going you not only get exclusive shows content Etc but you also get 24 hours early access to all tickets from Live Events um so I wanted to clarify some some stuff because people got really really over excited they got the

    Knickers in the twist last week where I discussed some information that I was given I was very clear I’m not like an in the no guy I hate it I hate that itk thing and actually this week there was a guy on uh I don’t know Twitter whatever

    You call it now saying how the manager was going to get sacked and I quote tweeted it and was like gonna absolutely put him to bed because I knew what he was saying was [ __ ] but I just can’t be I don’t do Twitter arguments so basically what I said last week was that

    I’d been told that all was not well in the dressing room there was arguments between the players and manager there was disagreements but this isn’t also new news we already knew that Robinson had fallen out with the manager earlier in the season and we also know that on football training

    Grounds and football clubs and football at all levels there is arguments and disagreements every single week however my point being and what I was trying to clarify last week is that if these arguments are spilling out into the next session or the next things it’s it’s

    Going to be very difficult then to have the right mentality the right togetherness in the games and I think we saw that in the Plymouth game you look at the first half we looked all right we looked pretty good wouldn’t say we looked amazing mistake you know causes

    The goal and then second half They Fall to Pieces that’s not a team that is fully together that’s a team that’s tired that’s a team that maybe isn’t fully on board with each other or whatnot so you know it is is what it is um renio Garcia says when’s downman

    Coming on for an interview I am working and I’m working on it hard um as you pe regular viewers of Ace podcast Nation will know he usually comes on about once a year usually sometime around January obviously um there’s a lot going on uh he’s had to come out this week and say

    That the manager are you know the manager is not leaving etc etc so it’s it’s it is what it is you know but um I am in the process of trying to make that happen this Friday we have a an inter podcast going out with excard City

    Midfielder Mark boner it’s a cracker uh he talked about actually um being very disappointed and hurt by the way he had to leave the club because he was in uh the for for the older dudes like myself remember he was him and Willie Boland and uh C they were on fire

    And when Mark boner left he was in great form but he needed two more appearances for a bonus he never played for the club again halfway through the season but I will leave that for him to tell a story it’s a great it’s a real good podcast

    Really enjoyable he’s a lovely guy and uh he’s going to be doing stuff some some stuff with card of city world himself so uh not only will we have all the fan contributions and all these different things card of City phoning myself previews match reactions Etc hopefully some Vlogs and some people at

    Stadium and stuff like that we’ll also have ex players contributing so please do get in touch if you want to get involved um okay before we get into the the current stuff and and kind of dig deep into what is going on at the club and the the shambolic way that some of

    These things are are going about let’s make let’s make another announcement uh so for those you guys regular viewers some City fans as well will know we’ve been running um City Legends events since last year we did three Before Christmas uh with Andy Campbell Darren Pur Michael Chopra and uh I’m delighted

    To say that we will be doing another one on the 10th of May but we are taking the city Legends on the road no longer is it fixed to one Pub in the center of Cardiff it is now going on the road uh and the first one I’m able to announce

    Is the 10th of May in the Rosen Crome Pub in Pont PR uh Ace podcast Nation presents and Rosen Crown presents C City Legend Willie Boland uh Friday the 10th of May 800m start tickets just10 and um these are phenomenal nights I got they are so good uh I know

    That sounds like I’m blowing my own trumpet a little bit but you ask people who’ve been and they are incredible um the night basically broken down uh 8 till 9 we’ll be myself and Willie talking sharing some stories Etc quick break and then Willie will take questions from all the people there uh

    As well as the opportunity to have photos signin ET Etc it’s going to be a great night the Rosen Crown is a is a hub for carder City fans in that area I’m delighted to uh say that we can uh announce that and get it going as I mentioned members of Ace podcast

    Nation uh patreon members are able to already get those tickets uh the rest they will go on sale to the general public from 1100 p.m. at 11: a.m. sorry tomorrow morning um to do that you need to get in Co contact with snowy ins Soul at the Rosen Crown Pub so effectively

    You contact the pub to get the tickets you can do so by bear with me a minute and I’ll bring up the email um so Rosen Crown Pub’s email is he says easy as that and I can’t find the bloody image there we are um snowy insol at BTC

    Or you can phone 01443 42244 uh and that is the the number of the Rosen Crown Pub and you can get your tickets from 11: a.m. tomorrow morning um from what I gather and because of the area and the amount of City fans which drink in that Pub these tickets will go

    Fast obviously members will pick up uh a few others so please do get involved get your tickets and come on down and say hello uh get your photos with Willie it’s a really personal one for me uh as people regular listeners of the channel will have heard me talk about previously

    And I’m sure we’ll tell the story up there is uh Willie Boland got myself and my wife together uh over 20 years ago and that on the 10th of May is two days after my 16th wedding anniversary um so from a personal point of view it is it’s

    Special can’t wait hope to see you all there um they are phenomenal nights um I’ll give more I’ll give the information out again later in the show but please do spread the word about that there’ll be some posts going up after the show okay let’s get going there’s a lot to

    Discuss this week it has been I see a few members have already got their tickets good to see H welcome to everyone who said hello uh let’s have a look rerio Garcia says I think this week and next week could be pivotal to Belo staying at the club it looks now uh he

    Will have to bring in players at the bottom of that list and I don’t think he’ll be happy with that it’s difficult to disagree with that mate um the one thing I would say is I don’t think it’s through lack of trying that the club haven’t got players

    In and I think what people have to bear in mind is if you look around at the Everton and borest and people who are getting stung by Financial fair play I think that is scaring football clubs into being extra extra extra careful in relation to their spending what I think

    We’ve done badly uh is before the January window all the talk from the club publicly and leaks to the media was about how we can spend money we’re going to back the manager blah blah blah so if we were an organized club with a good football structure come the first

    Week of January a lot of those deals would have already been done or in the process of being done so we could hit the ground running strengthen the squad early now why isn’t that happened you ask well in opinion and this is my opinion nothing I’ve been told um I’ve

    Been saying this probably for the last three years if not longer Cardiff City as a football club will continue to rinse and repeat the same thing of a manager for a couple of Seasons then he’ll leave we’ll have an interim blah blah blah be until they have a proper football structure between

    The team and the board whether that’s a director of football a director of operations whoever who oversees the transfers and also someone who is at the club running the football club day to day because me Dalman Kenneth Cho Vincent T they’re not at the club dayto day they’re not at the

    Club very often and I think that’s a problem we need a football structure and it’s ironic actually because I speak to rodri gigs on a Thursday every week and it’s something that he talks about a lot with United they will continue to rinse and repeat the same problems until they

    Fix the structure above the manager and I think Cardiff are just a smaller version of that in many ways um there has been all sorts of rumors the one which really excited me um Andre ilich as Jonathan’s mentioned there but we were you know priced out with it it’s

    Insane amount 4.3 million pounds for a for a player from the Norwegian second division um if I’m Vincent T I ain’t touching that I’ve had my fingers burnt with people like Cornelio s and others um you know spending big on a gamble it is a massive gamble I I I like

    The player um I was going to do a scout report on him actually this week but I don’t think there’s much point at that price so I’ll probably leave it um it looks like Ethan Hoth is coming in runers will go and look I’ve said numerous times I would

    Have like to have seen Danny Ward come in I thought he would have been a phenomenal choice to send runson back bring Ward needs an improvement but from what I gather his wages with a massive stumbling block uh which again we’ve got to cut our CL accordingly for whatever

    Reason uh it’s just the way it is um and unfortunately for this manager who I think this manager is the future of Cardiff City I believe that if we can keep B for three to five years he will restore the club to where it should be not saying that that’s in the Premier

    League but I’m saying on the pitch and off the pitch he is the man to to to take the club forward however with the I mentioned the director of football and rerio just said exactly what I’m gonna say um Vincent time will never have a director of football again

    The Ian Ian Moody situation completely destroyed his trust in having that figure at the club the cycle will never change until tan sells up so Vincent Tan in my opinion has to make decision if he wants to stay at card of city and he wants to be the owner then

    He has to do what’s best for the football club now of course that Ian Moody situation was horrible it was distasteful and I can you know I can understand why there’s numerous reasons why he got his fingers burnt with that however what we have in place at the

    Moment with this transfer committee is not working um and it’s not let’s be honest right now it’s not just Ian Moody and Marky McKai who who’s wasted money Neil Warner spent a lot of money Neil Harris spent a bit of money other managers have spent and spent not great however my

    Argument to that is always the same this January or the last week of December we didn’t have to spend 10 15 million to strengthen the squad if we’d spent 10 million great that would been we’d have been really pushing on for the playoffs if we spent

    It right what we needed was players who were better than the players on the bench and to shift out some of the players who don’t play who just sit on the bench every week collecting a massive wage there’s some players in that Squad who are on Mega Bucks they

    Either don’t play or when they do play they have a terrible attitude they are the players you need to move on um if you’re not going to move those players out of the squad then of course there a problem now are they not being moved because they’re on such high wages

    Are they not willing to move I I just don’t see it I I I don’t know what the what the hold up is with that because obviously we’ve as we stand as of now our Squad is weaker than it was before the start of January because we’ve sent

    Panzo back and we’ve released or let ugbo go back so that’s two players straight away so we regardless of whether they play or not they were in the match day squads Ugo used to play a bit panzo very rarely all right but they were still in the squad so our Squad is

    Weaker than it was when the Embargo was lifted and I think that’s where fans you know you have a right to be frustrated and angry and and ask questions but the hysteria that that has been going on is wild to me like it’s wild like we all know or

    S surely you knew that Cardiff weren’t going to come in and blow like six million on keth from Moore five million on Jordan James and go yeah we’re back it was never going to happen the key for mo one is frustrating because by all accounts and from multiple sources it seems that ke

    More contacted Cardiff City because he wanted to come back to Cardiff but now the holdup seems to be Bournemouth won him out on a permanent he wants to go on loan Cardiff are open to a permanent but the way the the money doesn’t match up

    And as it stands the last thing I heard was that it wasn’t looking great which is a massive spin around from the start of the window the end of the summer window where it was almost like guaranteed that card of city were gonna get Kea Mo back in some form it’s it’s just

    Incredible to me and now like it was always a case that Bournemouth had to have a replacement in and I I just don’t see he’ll go now I think it’s too late in the window I think the same similar thing to in the summer the deal fell through because they couldn’t get a

    Replacement in and I think now they will look at it and they’ll say well it’s the 24th of January we haven’t got time to go and find someone and bring someone in so we’re going to keep keeper more because he’s a good backup only my opinion but

    We’ll see how that develops because I know Cardiff want him and he wants Cardiff to a certain degree whether will get his head turned by someone else if they pay the money I I don’t know um uh so some like for instance you’ve got rain Sawyers you’ve got Reena Moto

    Both apparently on quite big money they sit on the bench most weeks move them on and bring in someone else on less wages like there’s ways and means you don’t have to spend a fortune to get players over the line going back to the keeper situation it looks like e

    Ethan um how halir is coming in from forest uh he’s a massive upgrade on runers if we can get that over the line I think that’s a really really good signing um and I saw a few people in one of the groups today you know saying that

    Um alwick has been letting 10 goals in the last three games and he’s not good enough and I think that’s very harsh considering his performances for the majority of the season have been outstanding and not only that I think in the last few games he has kept the score

    Down um but I also understand that we need a second goalkeeper who is good and runers is not that unfortunately it just hasn’t worked out with runers whatsoever um and I think we need another keeper so I understand that however if Cardiff were on a very limited

    Budget and very limited to who we can bring in and out and stuff is signing a keeper the most essential signing we need I would argue not because you have Al who I think has had a good season and you’ve got runers there plus a young keeper so I would argue we need

    A left back we need a center back we need a center so we desperately need a goal scorer we desperately need an aggressive Central midfielder who can pass the football like there’s so many different things that we we need to sort which we seem to be taking

    It’s just it’s problematic I’m going to go through some comments Dan low has said the issue with a lot of these players is that do other clubs want them you can also you can only move them on if clubs are interest and let’s be fair we don’t have a lot of sellable assets

    Spa makes 100% and here’s the thing right is uh say let’s just use Sawyers and Roto in as an example right do any Championship clubs want them maybe you know a chef for Wednesday or one of the clubs right down the bottom but equally those clubs probably can’t

    Afford the wages that those guys are on so then you look at League one very few teams in League one can afford those wages which kind of takes them out with a pitcher all right say it’s true Callum Robinson is on massive money and he’s falling out with a manager and I would

    Argue that he’s second choice behind cwell at the moment for that number 10 position he certainly should be so the reality is he is I think he is a salable asset because I think there’s Championship clubs who would take him but are his wages a stumbling block probably if

    You’re being genuine genuinely realistic and you look at our Squad if you’re a lower Premier League team or a top championship team who would you genuinely look at and go I’ll have him if you could just take a pick from a squad I would say Perry

    Eni who I think has looked a little bit tired because he’s played so much um and mcginness because of his age and his profile he’s that exact player that teams like he can defend he’s physical but he can also pass the football so he’s very much a Moder day

    Midfielder uh sorry modern day Defender um but I think those two are really the only genuinely sellable assets um I want to talk about the the Plymouth game in a bit more detail in a minute um let’s just go to a couple of the comments so

    We’ve got uh rerio says we need a couple of midfielders who can dictate the pace of the game and doesn’t treat the ball like a hot potato we haven’t rectified this problem for at least 10 years yeah 100% And I think um a lot of fans got I don’t know whether it’s

    Um confusion or they misjudged when scopus came I think a lot of people thought he was that guy but scopus is your your busy aggressive midfielder your um who’s going to win the ball is very good at keeping the ball moving and has does have an exceptional like Cross

    Field diagonal ball in him but he’s not a guy who’s gonna dictate play he’s not a guy who’s G to play through the lines to your number 10 or your Wingers and um play through a press or certainly not alone like one of the problems he’s got

    Is as soon as you take Joe rolls out of the side we haven’t got anybody who can progress the ball to the to the Wingers or the number 10 and I think that’s a massive issue we needed someone who’s aggressive energetic but also is a good footballer good technical footballer who

    Could play through the lines Etc progress the play dictate the play to play alongside Copus in my opinion as I said many times if there was one player I could have signed for the Midfield option if money wasn’t so much of an option it was Jordan James I thought he

    Was the perfect mix to play alongside Copus obviously that was a bit of a a dream and you we just have to accept that um I think look I’m fully behind the manager I think the manager is the right guy if you can take it take him

    Forward and you can keep him and you can keep building behind the scenes to make the put things in place that he wants build let him build his Squad I think he’s the right guy however he also has to take respons responsibility he’s not Beyond criticism now just because you

    Criticize some of the decisions he makes doesn’t mean you’re saying I want the manager outy [ __ ] blah blah blah like no one’s above criticism and I think some of his decisions have contributed to cardiff’s when our form has dropped there’s been a couple of consistent um tactical decisions made by the manager

    Which have caused that drop or certainly contributed to it so before Christmas and most more recently he reverted to that flatter 4-33 and he played rolls wintle and scopus together that absolutely killed any creativity we had any sort of attacking threat we had went with that

    As soon as those three players were on the pitch I know he tried wintle as like a number 10 wintle is not a number 10 um ultimately we need a combination of wintle and ruls into one player we don’t have that in the squad at the moment um

    Same the other decision which was really frustrating to me is that every time Ruben corwell played really well he would be rotated the next game for Robinson you know or whoever that is incredibly frustrating to me because I felt like Ruben corwell has shown in his cameos and and certain things that he’s

    Got something he’s G he’s the only one who looks like creating anything I also think the refusal to play Callum Robinson or Grant as an out andout number nine with a number 10 behind him has been infuriating because I think there’s been a few home games particularly where we could have got at

    Teams and um it’s just incredibly frustrating um just before I go to the Plymouth game um let’s have a look Dan L says the only players in our Squad are corwell NG and mcginness uh who is likely worth anything really yeah I agree with that uh Jonathan says the wages are why

    Um vonte Campbell refuses to leave he’s on more than Perry NG but this is and this is why this club is so shambolic how can vonte Campbell be on more than Perry like Perry is the best player in the squad the most consistent in every single way but he

    Yeah it’s incredible Aon Ramsey uh is the one be wanted to dict take play yeah you say that though Jonathan Aon Ramsey isn’t necessarily that guy in that system like of course he is but like the whole point was we didn’t want Aaron Ramsey to be playing deep because of

    Like we saw how that went in a whale shirt he hasn’t got the legs to get around the place maybe in some ways like Joe rolls although I think that just a bit of a disservice to Joe rolls um I think Aon Ramsey in the

    10 with RS and sopus behind at the start of the Season worked because scopus was fresh and rs rolls was fresh Ramsey was obviously not injured and we were progressing the ball to him and then he was he was dictating the attacking play should we say and I think he was getting

    Into good areas the problem we’re having at the moment is say you put a corwell in there he’s taking up nice positions but we aren’t able to get the ball to him see he drops deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and then you’ve got a

    Big gap and you lose your shape and it becomes a massive issue um d say I think the issue we’re having is that we aren’t looking for players to pad the squad out we’re linked with Ryan Kent keth from Moore a lot of clubs will be in for them

    And it makes it tough yeah it makes it very difficult to get these deals over the line particularly in January particularly when you’re on a budget because other clubs can come in off for more and it just the more clubs involved the more it it pushes the prices up and

    Uh Jonathan says pretty much SP spot on down with the same same with B Bas with um bardy with and a few others yeah and I know like as I say the more play the more uh clubs that are in for players the more it you know the more the price Rises Etc

    And REE says I’ve noticed we no longer press teams we sit back invite pressure we’re always con we always concede from it we needs to start pressuring team pressing teams start of the Season we did and we did it brilliantly um I agree with that Reese um you know and you’ll

    Have seen my previews and stuff like that I’ve always felt particularly the home games that the best way for Cardiff is to get a teams and get teams early press high and to push on especially if you could put a grant or a Robinson in the number nine who’s running in behind

    It creates a space for coell on the air around the edge of the box to pick up play to dictate to create you get your Wingers high and wide and then you win the you try and win the ball high up the pitch we’ve stopped doing it the reason we dominated Swansea is

    Because that’s what we did we gave him no time and we when we got the ball we used it correctly uh Jonathan says some of the ambitious deals came off we would be laughing yeah it’s It’s Tricky isn’t it because uh I said at the start of the show that

    We didn’t need to spend loads and and but we do need to strengthen the starting lineup yes we need to strengthen the bench you’re only as good as your weakest player but also like we need two players I think if you could get if you could only get two players in

    This this window if they can get a goal scorer and a a central midfielder who’s energetic aggressive and can play you know can play through the lines can progress play and dictate play I think that would be enough to tide us over till the end of the season and have a

    Relatively good finish to us season but we also we need Fresh Faces in defense the back four is absolutely exhausted because they play 90 they play every game they play 90 minutes and I think that’s why you’ve seen him toying with different formations and different things and I think he’s getting himself

    Into problems because he doesn’t know his best 11 at the moment because what was the best 11 uh either injured or knackered and then where the players which are coming in are not able to link up in the the same way that the team at the start of

    The season was and it’s you know like for instance we brought scopus in because rolls and wintle doesn’t work as a Duo but we’re somehow back to that duo it’s it’s infuriating uh rerio says I think we definitely need to invest in a better transfer Network abroad look at brenford

    And Brighton it is possible to find Bargains 100% mate there’s players out there there is players out there now even in this country there’s players in the lower leagues that you could go and if you had the right scouting Network and the right analysis Etc you could go

    And find players in the lower leagues who would fit the system have the right attitude would be willing to come for very little money and could be a surprise package but you have to have the scouting Network in place that can look into their personalities look into their life outside football look into

    Their um their attitudes their mentalities their form their injury record how they would they fit are they just good players or are they able to fit to multiple systems do they fit to the systems we play you have to have the scouting Network in place and this goes back to

    What I said towards the start of the show one of the things that is holding cardi City back is the football structure above the manager we need that structure between the team and the board not just a director of football and that’s it we need a structure of analysts and

    Scouts who are scouring the globe for the cheapest best players because there is there is players out there around the world in Wales in England in UK Scotland there is players around the world outside the UK as well that are affordable and good enough but you have to be brave you have to

    Have the right Network and analysts finding these players you look me I guarantee you right I’m going to just pick a name out of the chat okay let’s say right Dan low right I bet you right if I say to Dan low I’m I’m C of city

    And I say to Dan low right Dan I’m gonna pay you x amount and for the next six months your job is go and find me uh one goalkeeper one Defender one midfielder one Striker from the lower leagues of the UK and Europe I want a full breakdown of

    Their all the things I just mentioned personality blah blah blah skills attributes how they’ll fit into the system why do we want them Etc I bet you you could go do that so if Joe blogs off the street can do it why is the structure in the

    Football club not there to do it and this is what is frustrating to me and and to to many card of City fans I’m sure is that the structure is not right and until that structure is not right sorry until that structure is put in place correctly we will never be able to

    Have a transfer Network like Brighton or brenford or these other clubs who find Bargains I think somewhere mentioned um shakar denx used to go out to Brazil a lot we used to go out to Scotland a lot Don cow Kevin mcnorton David Marshall flipping loads of them Stephen Thompson

    Like we went and did it like why why have we stopped because the players haven’t stopped coming maybe s other clubs with and with the internet going the way it’s gone maybe bigger clubs are more in tune with these the the players but I think it’s it’s really like uh

    Massively to do with the structure of the football club off the field uh I really hope that they back this manager and when I say back the manager I don’t necessarily just mean back in with players I mean back him with structure H and Jonathan you just

    Took the words out of my mouth when I say back in with structure I say let him bring in or let him have a say in the type of structure he wants Scouts analysts Etc and I think we we did just bring in a Turkish Scout so hopefully

    That’s a sign that they are backing him off the field and Ross McCormack Peter whittam you know the list is endless of players that you can pick that we’ve picked that we used to pick up cheap um obviously we signed this Japanese Defender t t i can B his name tudo who’s

    Gone immediately out on loan to the Belgian side um look that’s not the worst idea like that’s I I I don’t mind that at all obviously need he’ll need a work permit and stuff like that um he was pulled up into the Japan Squad fairly recently as well so there’s obviously

    Something about him he could play left back he could play um in the center of Defense but he needs a work permit and probably needs a bit more you know get him out there get him playing and then get him back when he’s got his work permit that’s what I say

    Roger Johnson another one yeah like all these people um all these guys I thought he was I thought he was Turkish Jonathan I might be I might have been wrong I’m sure I read he was Turkish but I yeah it could be wrong mate um and I’m you know

    You got to allow for inflation um with those prices of those players but what I’m getting at is not necessarily the not even the prices it was that we had a scouting uh Network that was able to find players around whether it was in the UK whether it was abroad we had a

    Scouting Network we had the systems in place above the manager the structure in place above the manager to actually find players because you can’t tell me that there’s not players in the Scottish League or the lower you know in League one League two even the non- league if

    You want to take a gamble that could uh could progress and become top top professional footballers you know we’ve seen it with the likes of vardy and and several other Chris Smalling you know several others like there’s players there if you’re looking in the right places and maybe we’re

    Looking in some aspects maybe we’re aiming too high I don’t know if we have got the money to compete with other clubs for these players then maybe we should be looking at more realistic options um he’s Ukrainian is he right that’s fair i’ like I wasn’t sure

    Um football brownie says um we can’t get a visa for this Japanese player we may as well bring back the p and Decor yeah I mean I don’t know what the plan is M you we can only go on what they’re um what they’re putting out in in public I

    Guess but um you know on paper like he could potentially be a future you know a good future signing whether that all kind of come to fruition I guess we’ll we’ll see won’t we mate it’s um it’s one of those things I guess um Jonathan says we need more players

    Like Copus that pay to join us yeah you at the end of the day I think um people underestimate the if you’ve got players that want to be there want to play for you want to play for card of city or at the very least they want to play for the manager

    Now if you can get those players in that’s massive massive because players who want to be here players who want to come for the manager want to be at the football club they’ll run through a brick wall for him the players who are throwing their toys out

    Of the prom because they’re not playing or they’re sat on the bench or whatever it may be or they don’t like the manager’s tactics whatever it may be do you know what with the greatest of respect to them as human beings as footballers piss off because you’re getting paid a

    Handsome pretty penny and when you get your opportunity your attitude stinks and I’ve had enough of it I had enough of it I want players who want to play for my football club who regardless of who the manager is even if the managers hurt their feelings because he dropped them

    Or they don’t like the manager’s tactics I don’t care about that what I care about is when you put a blue shirt on you play for that shirt and you play like your life depends on it because even if you’re on even if you’re one of the lower play players in the

    Championship you’re still getting more than most of us get in a year a week so I think you can put a bit of effort in for those fans and actually do what you’re supposed to do right let’s just I want to talk about the Plymouth game uh

    Because it was a very I hate a cliche as we all know but um I’m gonna Gonna Roll out one of uh one of them Sky Sports and BBC’s favorites it was a game of two halves um the first half I thought KY of city looked pretty solid defensively by the mistake

    Um and I think they shape what looked pretty good and I just generally thought it looked okay I wouldn’t say it was good it looked okay um he changed it up a little bit um I said before the game that I was very worried about Morgan whiter Gabi in

    Midfield and Hardy and they proved actually to be the players which did a lot of the damage to us um for whatever reason whenever we go three at the back with the first first team we struggle we we are not able to produce the same quality of football so when we

    Play when we played with three at the back in the efl Cup football we played was Sensational Ruben corwell with cwell was at the Hub of that in the attacking Midfield point of view uh in that sort of number 10 and we were outstanding we played great football we look solid when

    We out of possession straight into a back five with two sitting and we looked solid and and very very much a team which would be difficult to break down but all of a sudden when we play in the with the supposed First Choice players we all over the place all over the place

    Um if if he’s gonna play just my opinion if he’s going to go with like a 352 it’s very important that he gets um he gets the Personnel right now first foremost I would have Perry Ng as one of the three instead of Collins um Collins looks exhausted the back four as

    As generally they just look knackered because they play every minute and we’ve sent panzo back um cwell at one point was playing like wide waste that’s not where he’s going to do damage for you um he does his most damage playing in behinds the striker it

    Was difficult to work out at some points where certain players were playing um Reena Moto I didn’t think did a great deal um he’s one of the ones which I’m been very disappointed with I want to see Joel corwell I want to see Kean Ashford because too many of these card

    Of City players are not putting the effort which is required in and it’s becoming almost like a weekly thing it might be that they’re tired and I I I for some of them I you know the back four particularly I accept that um Tanner is never a wing back he

    He’s got the attacking progress but he hasn’t got the discipline like in when you play 352 as soon as you lose the ball your team loses the ball the wing backs have to be in alongside the three center backs because otherwise teams get

    Down the side of you so you have to be a solid 52 as soon as you lose the ball and that takes discipline and some of the players that we’ve got haven’t got the discipline to play that system or certainly in those positions Tanana could can’t play as a

    Wing back because he hasn’t got the discipline to slap back in I think Reno Moto is another weird choice for that because he hasn’t got the the he doesn’t read the game well enough to go in I agree with what reneo just said there he said win at best is a squad

    Player he’s never a top half Championship uh player mid Fielder I agree with you mate I think actually he’s a really good player to have Off the Bench if you need a bit of energy in Midfield or you need to shore things up but he’s not gon to come and he’s not

    Gonna come off the bench and change the game and you know score a worldy or whatever and I also don’t think he’s got enough allaround qualities to dominate a Midfield in a game he gets overrun by uh younger more athletic midfielders um he doesn’t have the vision to progress play

    Through the lines to a number 10 or to the Wingers or or the attacking players so I think it’s his problem he is a squad player unfortunately uh with no rules it meant that we were had it was him or Joel corwell now to me if Joel corwell is good enough to be

    On the bench then he’s good enough to play an hour it’s just my opinion everything which comes out with this football club tells me that Joel corwell is going to be better than his brother he’s superb he’s aggressive he’s got that real bit of edge to him and that’s come you know

    Darren Darren Pur who is his manager is saying that like he is a Quality quality footballer so let’s give him a chance you know if if Winter’s got to play or you know play scopus alongside Joel corwell and then Joel Ruben corwell just in front as a more attacking uh option

    Um that’s it and this is what I like Dan says I rap win personally always gives 100% good pass of the football I think he gets a tough ride from fans and look I welcome all opinions M uh the only thing I disagree with you slightly on is

    The the passing but it’s not that he can’t pass the ball it’s the those real sort of splitting passes through the lines to get through other teams presses where it gets a bit congested just to be able to you know slip a ball through to the

    Number 10 or the Winger and really get us going that’s where I think he lacks a bit like just that sort of through the lines passes but I I don’t um I don’t disagree with you I do think he gets a hard a rough a rough ride from fans

    But I think in many ways the manager’s got to hold his hands up for some of these decisions bowler at the moment is offering nothing for me I think his attitude stinks and ever since he come back from his injury he hasn’t been the same as he was before his injury and I

    Don’t mean in terms of like his quality has dipped a bit but his attitude has changed his arms are wailing around he’s this and he’s that and he’s very frustrated figure and I’m sure they’re all frustrated but um I’m not seeing the same work rate and

    Mentality from him that I saw before his injury uh right look I wouldn’t have played that team against Plymouth I wouldn’t have played that formation against Plymouth um Plymouth the way Plymouth set up in that 3 4 21 I understand why he tried to match up the three center backs but

    Plymouth their system is very fluid the only people who don’t really kind of move as the two Central midfielders so I felt like our normal system of a four or the system which has done so well for us this year which is 4231 would have been fine if we had had

    The right Personnel so I would have picked I would have gone alwick I would have gone the usual back four with rolls out I would have probably gone with scopus and Joel corwell or if Copus is struggling he’s tired then I would have gone with wintle

    But I would have had Joel cwell Joel Cowell in there would have had coell Jr alongside a more experienced midfielder whether it be Wile or scopus then on the left wing not weigh back I probably would have gone with bowler so I know he likes to play on the right and cut in

    But I’m telling him no you play on the left you beat your man and you put the ball in the box and then on the right hand side I’d have said the same thing to Tanner I’d have played Ruben corwell at number 10 and I would have played Carlin

    Grant as a number nine and I would have said when Plymouth get the ball cwell drops into the Midfield cwell senior drops into the Midfield the Wingers dropp in make itself very Compact and you make it difficult for Plymouth to play through you but when uh

    Grant is the trigger point for the Press at the right time you win you can win the ball high up field and then you can play if the Midfield win the ball on the halfway line Grant is in behind and you hit him on the break our away for earlier in the

    Season in my opinion would have been perfect for this the team which I just said the 11 that I just said because what we did at the start of the season for so many games that away from home was we kept it solid for 75 minutes made

    It very compact very difficult to break down Qui in the crowd bit of fresh legs and then we would hit teams really really fast on the break and there you have some players who can do that damage it’s just my opinion um but and we’re all you know we’ve all got

    Opinions we’ve all got different opinions uh ree says first half of the season the likes of mcginness was whipping Crossfield passes a wide men are so narrow now they can’t do that and there’s nowh no no one there to receive the ball yeah the when the team’s confident and flying there’s options

    People want the ball and I think now there’s a few players hiding behind you know the Wingers are narrow they don’t want the ball they’re dropping in deep and just popping off one touch pass no one wants to take responsibility uh rerio says kin Grant’s

    Wasted on the wing if I was bull I’d play him up front in a two with Robinson because they clicked at West Brom that is not the worst idea that I have heard not at all I think um a couple of weeks ago on the show I was discussing I

    Wouldn’t be against going to 442 no no teams play it so why not like let’s bring it back and see if it works for us because you have to you have to play the system which suits your players the best and if you look at our players we’ve got

    A couple of out andout Wingers we got a couple of we got a couple of big Strikers who don’t really score a lot and finishing is not necessarily their their strong point but we’ve also got a couple of quick Strikers in your klin Grant your Robinson’s so why not play it

    At two up front or you could even play one of them up front with with uh Ruben corwell just off him who’s big and strong and creative and see if that works like there’s there’s a lot of options I just think the manager I think is struggling

    With the lack of depth and I think he’s brought in those young players and is he bringing them in just because he just to fill the bench or does he believe in them and if he believes in them then give him a chance particularly Joel corwell and even ke

    Keen Ashford um has Keen Ashford has scored a lot of goals this season we’re not scoring goals so play him up front with Carlin Grant play him up front with a May Tails or whoever and try and do it that way uh Jonathan says but bowler now

    And then and and the bowler that was at Blackpool you’d think they were different players he’s a shadow of the player he was yeah I also I thought he look quite sharp when he first came and for whatever reason when he’s come back from that injury doesn’t doesn’t does

    Doesn’t look the same player um it’s it’s difficult it’s difficult um I got to stop saying um um and he does it again Dan L says he’s still a relatively young player 26 years old and I think someone like um Rambo could impr improve Winter’s forward play a bit more

    Similar to Rambo being a mentor for cwell yeah and look I think if you can train with players to the level of Ramsey every day you’re going to improve and I don’t disagree with you mate like people forget winter sometimes I think people think he’s like 30 and over the

    Hill like there’s something there I I wouldn’t sell Ryan win but he also wouldn’t necessarily be my first choice midfielder although if Rose isn’t there scopus has gone off the boil a little bit and if you were going to give Joel cwell a go in Midfield you need someone next to him

    Who’s played a lot of games who can talk him through it make sure you know he’s good and I think wi will be a great in that role um and I from from what I’ve seen and then add on to that what I’ve heard like Joel cwell is exciting and in

    Many ways it’s a lot of pressure by the way because he’s such a young boy like as a his profile as a footballer though like the type of player he is is is exactly the type of footballer we need in the Midfield next to Copus aggressive good at passing progresses play dictates

    Play energetic but also very skillful Etc I don’t know I don’t know is not good enough says rerio uh I think that is our best combination at the moment unless we bring in someone else yeah a for me he had a little Purple Patch where he is to me it looked like someone

    Had pointed out to him that his body language was terrible and he worked a bit harder and he scored a couple of really good finishes which was interesting because I said at the time he’s got that in his locker like if he can sort his work right out and his his

    Physicality and be a bit stronger there’s a player there but he’s came back from injury after that little purple patch and was the same he’s just Falls over doesn’t work hard enough not strong enough if I was if if it was me I’d send a on loan to um to like a

    League one club or League two club with the agreement that he’s going to play week in week out to strengthen him because because those that little Purple Patch some of those finishes to me indicate that there is there’s a player there there’s a there’s a there’s a

    Player there who can who can do something but he’s got to be physically stronger and work a bit harder and I think a little stint in the lower leagues where it’s very physical and difficult or even the Scottish League or just somewhere where he’s going to play

    But also get knocked about a bit and strengthen him get him on the weights and whatnot ree says I want how much of a lift it will be to the rest of the lads having ramsy back in training surely that’s something to use as well when convincing players to join say yeah 100%

    100% um and I think look the danger is and the the worry is the danger whatever you want to say is our form is so bad that um the Temptation is to throw Ramsey straight back in and I think it’s you’ve got to be so careful with him like

    Really really careful with him and but the T like temptation is thrown back in is it if he’s F he’s fit we play Watford third of February um we’ll have a preview for that on card of city world as well as the card of city world podcast U but

    We’ll also have a proper analysis and and preview of that where we look at both teams we’ll look at the best way to go hopefully Cardiff will have brought in a few players to strengthen like don’t get me wrong I’m excited by Joel corwell and I think he should have started against Plymouth

    However if when I do that preview if I’m saying to you guys Joel corwell should play we got a massive problem massive problem because that means we haven’t brought anyone in so it’s going to be uh very concerning um just for anyone who was

    Late to the show um we made a couple of announcements at the start of the show uh delighted to say that uh the card of city phone in which has been running for 20 years uh will be live streaming on the card of city world YouTube channel

    As well as their Facebook page um we are going to make the card of city world uh Channel The Ultimate Card of City fan Channel I want all you guys in the comments all you guys who watch it afterwards you download it if you’re a c

    Of City fan I want your view and I want you to do something we need short form content we need Vlogs we need match reactions um posts little video series if you want to do like a 10-minute analysis of each game all sorts of things we’re looking for want fan

    Channel we want fan content I want someone to do a five minute video each day just talking about what’s been in the news and the papers about cardi that day if you think you can do that just off your phone record it send it to me get involved five seven days a week

    Card of City content at cardiv city world on YouTube please go and subscribe uh as said the C of city phone in is already signed up we’ll be launching it there’s some clips like little Clips dropping on there now just like I put a clip of the mark boner podcast which is

    Out on Friday on Ace podcast Nation when we launch that we’ll be launching it with the two-part Michael choer podcast um from from the live event Before Christmas uh there’s got to be just non-stop card of City content on there I want you to be involved so come and come

    And come and have a go come and have your say if you know people want female voices as well like anyone and from wherever you’re from the Valley’s Cardiff Valley we want all the Cardiff fans to come and have their say get in touch and we’ll uh we’ll work out like

    What’s best for you and then we’ll get it done uh the other thing we announced was the next card of City Live event uh sorry City Legends event produ uh presented and produced by Ace podcast Nation Ace podcast nation and the Rosen Crown perban Pont geve presents C of

    City Legend Willie Bolan Friday the 10th of May 800m start tickets are just1 they go on sale to the general public tomorrow you can contact the Rosen crown on Snowy inso at BTC or you can phone the pub on 01443 42244 tickets go on sale to the public

    11:00 am. tomorrow morning if you’re a patreon member of Ace podcast Nation then you can get your tickets now I would advise you to get your tickets fast because um where we’re taking these shows on the road and we’re going to Cardiff City hubs in their local area um

    We’re going all around the valleys to Barry to pen wherever it may be like obviously there’s going to be local people who go to these pubs the tickets are going to go very quick um I’m delighted to take the city Legends events on tour take them around the

    Place get people involved so please do go and get your tickets I hope to see you all there it’s going to be a wicked night they’re are great events and um I love doing them it’s my f my real fa favorite thing to do um hopefully you’ll

    Have some more well I will have some more announcements about other ones coming soon we had to put the February one on hold for now um due to personal reasons but that will still go ahead at some point and uh there’s more to come

    Uh if you would like if you own a perb or a venue or a football club and you would like to host the city Legends event get in touch with me I’m still working through the list of people and venu who contacted me and then once I’ve

    Work through that list if there’s any months left I will then work through the list of suggested places from people if you own a place or you you know the owner and and they want to do it get in contact with me directly whether it’s through the podcast Channel

    Through my social media the podcast social media will do it and uh we’ll go from there uh lastly I want to finish on this um belo’s contact uh absolutely needs sort in rerio and Jonathan both commented on it there he’s got this weird contract where he’s got a year but

    They can also um I believe the club can activate a two-year thing which they should have done by now because how can you expect players to sign if they don’t know if the manager thing um so I’m not sure if the ins and outs of that

    Contract maybe it’s not as simple as the club activating it I don’t know the chairman has said that um he ain’t going nowhere hopefully when the chairman comes on we can um ask him that question and many others um renio says bel’s contract needs sort in first before we

    Can commit to signings otherwise it’ll be back to square one in the summer um you mean card of City haven’t got a plan shocking in it you know it’s the same [ __ ] all the time Jonathan says um when Balo signed he announced his contract was one year plus so I don’t think that

    Dalman and uh tan would rush any new deal when they can just activate the plus one yeah that sounds about right mate from what I’ve heard but um we’ll go from there and I’ll keep digging as always for information about different things um hoping to have uh some

    Journalists on next week to uh discuss the latest obviously with the window closing um when’s transfer deadline day someone tell me off top of red or or do I need to Google it is it Wednesday I think it’s Wednesday um which would be nice because that’s the podcast day um I

    Think it is Wednesday is it anyone tell me before I Google it uh transfer deadline day so transfer deadline Day live um what day what time is it end week today right so it looks like the the Turkish window closes on the 9th of February which is

    Kind of interesting and let’s have a look when does what time does the transfer window close so it looks like it closes at sort of late Wednesday night um yeah so when I had um M dman on the last time he mentioned to me about having Kenneth Cho on so um that’s

    Something which I’m going to also Chase up whether I can get both of them on or separately together it’ be I think it’ be it’s vital that they speak to the fans um I think that what me Dar has done when he’s come on the channel is

    He’s been about he’s never asked me not to ask any questions he’s also insisted on doing it live so people can ask questions at the same time um I’d like to think that Kenneth Cho would do the same if he comes on so I will um I will

    Dig into that um so next Wednesday at card of city world will be on on Deadline day so that’ll be interesting I will do my very best to get uh some some Journal s Who would know what’s going on at cardi City on um in some form whether

    I record that later in the day and slip it into the show or whether they can come on live because I’m sure it’ll be a busy day for them but um I will do my best in the meantime please come back tomorrow for Roder gigs on football where we will be previewing Manchester

    United versus Newport among other things um talking about all sorts of different stuff from the the world of Football H and then Friday 8:00 the mark Bon podcast drops and it’s a Belta so i’ I hope to see you all in the chat to watch that be good stuff um guys I appreciate

    You massively I appreciate you all coming down I appreciate you all getting involved and um it’s been as always an absolute pleasure take care J bless see you [Applause] soon


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