Guess who’s back shmi’s back shmi’s back shmi’s back shmi’s back yes you don’t make sense Mick right Righto yes mandingos welcome back to the blood outdoor Shore tonight I’m back out on another stealth camp with the one and only little Schmick yes sir ready for this one Mar oh yes it’s going to be a good one guys yeah we’re going to do a stealth Camp

    Right next to the Nissan car plant there’s Lords of lads who work in this Factory over the last few month they’ve been seeing Mandingo can you please do a stealth Camp next to Nissan well tonight’s the night we’re doing it guys it’s heavy it’s heavily get your words out Chris there’s

    Lots of security that’s what I’m trying to say man dingles bad start of the video yeah there’s lots of Security Guys you got the security Hut sometimes there’s like a security car hanging around which I can’t see at the minute so that’s a good thing we’re going to take a moch down to

    The main entrance so you can see we’re telling the truth and we are at the Nissan car plant I’ll will see you Legends when we get down there you better believe I will a [Applause] where’s he gone Mick this way M I thought you were gone for a job interview there

    M or here than my fun sexuals we’re just making our way down this public footpath which is at the side of Nissan which you should be able to see there through the trees and the bushes and and we’re just looking for a little spot to camp there’s a few gaps here but there’s

    Got to be somewhere decent to put the tent when I’m by myself it’s easier oh M another glove when I’m by myself it’s easier because I only need a tiny little space to put me bivy but being the two of us here we’ve got the tent so we want to

    Find a nice little spot to put the tent somewhere to go for SL Gordon you know what I’m talking about maning hi and like I see it’s heavily camed this place so there’s going to be CC TV all the way down the side of the building you get too brave you know you

    Try and get through the fence onto their land you’re going to get in trouble you’re going to get moved on and what’s the point of that there’s going to be no video so we’re trying to find the best spot we can get as close to the Nissan car plant without getting in

    Trouble okay guys we’re going to have a look in these bushes and I’ll bring you back I’ll bring you back when it looks like we found a decent cing spot you know make sense here we go folks looks like there’s a break in the fence here let’s

    Check this out left a mick hurry up cuz there cars coming down let’s see what this is like yeah this looks decent for the tent get over here make out the way I think this is going to be it guys cuz we’ve only got about 1 hour left and

    It’s going to be pitch black we haven’t really got time there to go walking all the way around the factory looking for a spot as you can see four or 5 m through there you’ve got the you’ve got the path where we’ve just walked along and then you’ve got the the

    Busy road the main road here you’ve got cars in the car park they’re not the new cars that came off the the production line so it’s obviously the cars of the the workers inside the factory so it’s not the it’s not the safest spot we’ ever had make we’re a little bit

    Exposed any Walkers going past there if me and M sitting talking a lot of shite after had a few wasis they’re going to hear us so we’re going after there just sit and chill and just enjoy our wasy in silence if you know what I’m talking about

    Mandingos and then we’re going to have to be super careful that no one return into the vehicles he us we’re outside you know we’re out inside the fence we’re not on Nissan’s land but if security get wind of us camping here they’re going to be wondering what

    We’ll do you know for ourm no we could be really dodgy and we could be looking to break in and it’s only going to take one one phone call at the place and we’re going to get moved on so I anyway this is where we’re coming this will

    Ding- dang do for these two mandingos you know what makes sense guys and I will we’ll bring you back when we’ve getting the T syrup oh yes right nice I cheers Shmi cheers guys we’ve got everything setup now and we’re just chilling out for a few minutes nice can of thatchers blood

    Orange I’ll bring you back in a couple of minutes guys and I’ll show you mine and Mick set up for tonight all our food all our drink this is going to be a good camp I feel it in me bores it’s going to be fantastic it always is one little mix

    Out you better believe it is Mingo oh right bring it back in a minute [ __ ] okay then folks time to show you mine and schmi set up for tonight here we go I’m on the left as usual there we’ve got the foil mat down it’s like a wide

    One so it’s wide enough for the both of us I’ve got the burg house sleeping pod there two Season O sleeping B pillar I’ve got me hat and gloves there for later in me warm Court Mick’s got his little Oak sleeping pad he’s got his sleeping bag there bin

    Diesel in the corner for all our shite there’s my bag Dad I’ve got all like me electricals in there you know like me power bank and stuff like that okay then guys take a look over here that were main male we’ve got a can of this age

    Princess chicken cat sick cry oh oh yes you can be a big cat sick on a Saturday night you better believe it with that we’ve got some Uncle Ben’s rice oh yes you heard me right guys and you know who’s back in town Uncle Ben bat’s International player boy bunny bar

    Insurance British cash price far too high on Lifetime chain world to Rich and Famous after party people in the house of Love Shack baby shark attack on Bondi beaching Australia Rules Football oh yes you not makes total sense Rices what else have we got for snacks

    We’ve got a packet of that rich Browns Bill Tonky I’m going to have the Perry Perry the good old Kevin and Perry schmi on the barbecue check out the link in the description guys for Browns Bill Tong if you click that link and remember to use the code Mandingo to get your

    Disc account you better believe it what else have we got snacks we’ve got some of this a German sausage selection different flavors that should be nice we all know that little Schmick likes a bit German sausage in his mouth yeah okay I think that’s nearly everything covered oh we’ve got some biscuits as

    Well shorties sorry Mick sorry Mick I’m not taking the piss that’s just the name of the business biscuit shorties yeah we’ve got two bottles of water there mix’s got some water as well from we’ve got dry mouth in the morning we’ve got a couple of caramel LS Starbucks good old Jimmy

    Starbucks that’s it for food guys we’ve got a can each of this left cuz we’ve already had one each thatchers blood orange and we’ve also got a lovely top quality bottle of wasy Glen fidic fire and Cane oh yes we will certainly do a review on that that was actually given

    To Mick from a blot Outdoors fan for someone that actually loves little Mick what was the name of the guy that give you Mick Mark Lincoln Mark Lincoln thank you so much for the whiskey for us to share here thank you for the so much for

    The call as well thanks so much M lovely very nice thank you very much Mark Lincoln my man friend me and Mick will certainly enjoy that and we will definitely do a world famous wasy with you coming later on okay then guys I’m now going to enjoy my

    Can of thatches and then after that we’re going to open the bottle of wasy and that’s when things start to get a little bit messy you know what I’m talking about and you know what makes complete total sense [Laughter] rights why you so p as brosman I forgot to show you these when I was showing you the food also had a steak video nasty h very nice Before I Forget before we start drinking I want to give a big shout out to all the lads and lers who work here at Nissan there’s loads of people loads and

    Lords of people who support the blood outd doore who work there and I always get lovely comments of them sure right that’s a hard place to work the good grafters we know all about that we work we’ve always worked in factories I’ve never worked there you used to work there didn’t

    Youy Mick used to work in Nissan on just like for an agency line TR I was bit too short to reach the like Clips underneath the car stand with tip to I couldn’t reach that’s how I didn’t get the job really there you tried though didn’t you I

    Tried you give it a try just wasn’t a paint and then I got me I got make a job in the factory where I work how long have you worked with me now six year nearly six year nearly six year be six year next month is it November middle of November good grafter

    Mick hell of a grafter up always doing all the time all sure I once again a massive shout out to all the lads and lasses who working this on especially Gaz our mid Gaz who works there cheers Gary mate thanks for the support my man friend Gary’s been watching a long time

    He’s been watching since the channel in the early days when there wasn’t many people watching at all so yeah cheers guys and cheers everyone in hisan for watching much appreciated lice time for a little chest warmer yes for very nice lovely little miniature little Schmick bottle of red wine little miniature little

    Shmick right it is nice isn’t it really little schmi size bottle of red win ski oh yes for me and the human dorsal fin qu cany given to R from Broan and car CH is bro and Cal CH is bro and C thank you very much my man and woman friend

    Dingos yeah nice little bottle of red wine just to add a little bit sophistication spit there again Chris sophistication to the blood out door sh you know what I’m TI About banding go very nice we’ve still got loads of wasky left but we just thought we’d just have a little little slimmy words

    Already you can tell the Whiskey’s kicking in guys just to have a little a little break from the wasky a nice little treat with a red wine I really I’m talking shly ding wi dingo for the little Mingo the two are talking complete shite now guys the wasy kicking

    In the blood orange ciders and the red wine oh stick around cuz later on we’re going to be talking lords more shite can you see how cold is it’s getting really chilly now but this is what we like we’re just talking off camera we prefer when it’s

    Icy don’t we yes some people don’t like it at all I know our good friend Cowboy Chris his ch’s doing really well isn’t it Well Done Chris by the way your channel is proper mint and so is Young Chris’s well done Chris Yak travels but I I was talking to Cowboy Chris during

    The week and he hates the cold weather I think he’s plan on doing some hot 10 camping over the winter time that should be a good watch you better believe it will’ll mean Schmick we love the cold weather we love the icy cold freezen weather there’s just something about it sitting outside

    In the phasing cold wrapped up having a a nice wasy to warm the chest up when you get up in the morning you step out for a slash Gordon in your socks on the on the solid Frosty ground it just makes you feel alive it just wake you up you know rather than

    Just being in the house all the time or sitting in the PO doing the same thing over and over you know what I’m talking about Ming was I me and Schmick we are serious stealth comers you better believe it two right little I anyway while we’re sitting here

    Talking an absolute Croc of shite as usual we might as well answer a little question and have a big crack one with you absolute Legends who tune in the blo door when I done the camp I think it was about three four five weeks ago I can’t

    Remember about four weeks ago I think it was I done the ebike camp and I think I mentioned on that Camp an idea I just said it at the time you know when you’re just sitting there having a drink talking shite and I said I might

    Buy like um like a cart like a boogie you know like a kids’s Boogie to fasten on to the back of the ebike and bring little schmi along for a little ride out somewhere you know another ebike stealth camp with Mick riding along behind Mick’s well up for it and yeah yes you

    Better believe is mix G he’ll try anything once oh m i so what we think we’ve just been sitting talking off camera so what we’re thinking about doing is cuz Lords of people are saying you’ve got to do a Christmas special manding or you’ve got to do a Christmas special

    Where you’re dressed up as Sant and little Schmicks dressed up as an elf and all that sh you know so what we’re thinking is I I’ve got the ebike well I’ve got two ebikes buy like a cart or a boogie I don’t know what it’s called you

    Know a kids Boogie that fasten on where Mick can sit and I’ll toour Mick and we’ll do a Christmas wild camp with me on the ebike and Mick getting tagged along behind you know what I’m talking about mandingos that sounds like good plan dingo little dingo doesn’t it it does

    Definitely definitely definitely mix not bothered as long as I bring cans of cider beer and plenty wasy this little Legend he’ll follow me anywhere you better believe he will you can tell we’ve had a few drinks now cuz we’re just talking absolute crsh shite can’t you but that’s the blood

    Outdoor sh guys you better believe it is anyway we’re going to get this torch off cuz we’re pushing our look cuz we’re really surprised it’s a Saturday night but the amount of workers that’s been coming in and out of Nissan this time of night we thought we didn’t think there’ be anyone

    Working but there you go it’s just one of them factories where it’s 24/7 if you know what I’m talking about anyway me and schmi we’re going to sit and we’re going to finish our bottle of wine off we’re going to turn the camera off for a good 45 minutes something like that and

    We’re going to sit and chill out and we’ll bring you Legends back very soon you better believe a will lights why you some Clint acewood Legend oh aming oh yes Mingos you know what time it is was time was time you better believe it is well gock Glen

    Fck fire fire inen that’s right Mick then a fire and Ken we’ve had a few already as you can see there’s not much left in the bottle I’m smashed little Schmick is seriously smashed cuz obviously he can’t handle the whiskey the wasy as good as me we haven’t we haven’t record anything of

    For like an hour for a good so if you’re wondering how comes the look so smashed how comes the look so drunk cuz you get a lot of people in the YouTube comments and they’ll see wait they were they were all right one minute and then the next the look so

    Wrecked cuz we’re not recording every single thing you know we haven’t recorded anything for a good like about 55 minutes obviously like an hour you know nearly an hour and we’re just sitting there we’re saying how let’s do the world famous with you you know what I’m talking about

    Ming go and you know makes total sense and this is what we’ve got Glenn fidic fire and ke candy given R from a legend by the name of Mark Lincoln Mark Lincoln Mark Lincoln you absolute Legend oh yes you are I know you’re watching I know you’re watching you watching this channel

    You’ll love it right to right you heard it with thiser Mark Lincoln is a brought out do Shore Legend you better believe he is chease markm we are now going to review your wasy lice well let’s get this popped in the old famous C Dingle mingles go onmi you pour

    That in there my little man friend Dingle get that PED in there how don’t be shy your mom wasn’t a go on Schmick is there that’s the style yeah there we go guys there’s enough in there as you can see the last drags of society just enough for the

    Review that’s all we need guys anyway let’s get the old big Aron oh Mick the call it fire and can and I’m getting a nice like a burnt wood a burnt wood smell yeah you get your little in there my little man friend lingo what you

    Getting I was getting like a a I’m stating the obvious it’s called firing can so it’s like it’s almost like I’m cheating but I’m not I’m getting burn wood burn burn that’s a like a like a burnt wood smell but it’s really warming like a heat up the nose without being like

    Overpowering if you know what I’m talking my manding goes anyway that’s enough for the sniffing let’s get on with a tting rice M oh lots and lots of spices warm in the old chest didn’t go just right mhm I can see lovely chess very lovely chess W I can see why

    They’ve named it fire and K I don’t know what the can thing means we haven’t researched it we’re not cheating or anything like that but wow what an unbelievable chess warmer on a CO Camp give me a test M oh mhm yeah mix right Mick is totally

    Right he’s getting used to these wasy reviews now and he if you look back on the earlier deers you can see he was probably fly in myad and he was kind of seeing what I was seeing but now he’s giving his own thoughts sorry Mick in he’s right there’s a massive

    Woody oy taste in there and I would say a little bit Pine as well like a lovely Pine taste with lots of spices that is really warming up the old chest Dingle mingles as the see in the southeastern region of Mongolia you better believe they do they get any more flavors

    Maningo those like pine pine woody little on fornite you know Mak sense m there you go mck you finish that last bit off oh now I’m looking to get a bit deeper in it I’m looking for some more intense flavors and what I am getting you know when you get like a piece

    Of licorice in your mouth oh chew and you chew you only get like a a lovely like a know a cheap one not like not like Harry B and that cheap [ __ ] you know when you get like a lovely quality piece of Licorice and you chew it I’m getting the lovely sweet

    Ana licorice mhm yeah like a lovely Ana licorice flavor and after the taste now for me that is beautiful that takes me back to being a skid I’m being a kid you know what I’m talking about guy that’s lovely I tell you what I’m going to give it a good score now

    I’m Glenn fidic fire and k canly g r from Mark Lincoln linoln yeah Mark L once again Che mark my man friend sexual I’m going to give them a massive not the greatest was ever had but I tell you what better than most I’ve had a big fat nine yes a big fat

    Juicy nine out of 10 dingo mandingos oh yes you better believe it what’s your score Mick I give that 8.8 out of 10 man M 8.8 and a nine so average score of 8.9 out of 10 dingo man dingos what an absolutely fantastic score and what a

    Great wasy review anyway that’s it guys that is the end of this week’s wasy review you know what I’m talking about this is serious stealth cman rights two life sh care [ __ ] oh yes little Schmick bedtime it’s bedtime time m m yes mix son that’s this style me that’s this style

    Yes why you some we sleep that’s we have for sorted me no not really not really doesn’t matter cuz we’re going to cook our food m we’re going to cook all food before we get snug oh M the glove of self love [Applause] [Laughter] oh for yeah yes I little Mickey somville the small town boy rice well guys that’s mix cat sick curry in there we’ll let that bubble away for another couple of minutes and we will add the uncle bky baits egg fried

    Lyses that’s certainly going to be a male fit for the little Mandingo oh yes and then Mick after the food it’s sleepy time definely you better believe it is oh yes rice oh yes guys this is what I’m talking about a nice lovely hot mail just before I climb in me sling

    BG little Mick is out of the C he’s already had his Mail I always make sure when Mick has his Fest he’s had exactly the same as W having cat sick curry with egg fried lyses uncle bky as usual guys I will never have mine first I always make sure I cook for Mick cuz I love that little Mingo so

    Much I make sure Mick has his mail before mine a c mix in that But then I’ve poured his into a plastic Bowl which he has done a little bit munching glad back on then I’ve cooked mine in the same Bowl but I’m nothing flush guys I’m nothing special I’m just eating mine straight out of air and this is very nice when you’re camping while camping

    Still camping any kind of camping when you’re out in the cold it doesn’t matter with you eat it of this or a plastic ball or whatever tast a million times better I know you kind of see what I can see but po little Schmick he is out of the count we

    Had two cans of thatches blood or Insider so we drank the same there then we had a couple of shots of wasy the Glen filic fire and Ken which was really nice and then we had a miniature bottle of red wine H and then after that we got back on the wasy and we’ll have more shots so yeah schmi is absolute Trooper he is matched me in the drinks tonight I’ve got to be honest I have had nothing I’ve had no more to drink than much mickas drink for drink me and Mick have

    Went tour to tour tonight is the sea in the D Dy br’s caught up with him the poor little booger he’s out of the count now yeah that’s fair enough well guys while I am enjoying this lovely jubbly chicken cat sick with lice I’ve just dropped it all down my

    Leg the old doctor leg what a clumsy booger yeah I want to take this chance now to see a massive thank you To all you absolute Legends who have supported the Blood Out do over this last week you so kind guys you’re the best of the best even though I don’t wear a vest oh m m like I see you over and over again just watching the channel guys all you absolute Legends watching

    Me now sitting here doing a bit munching glad back on some cat sick Curry each and every one is a legend if you can leave us a thumbs up well that’s f fantastic and if you can leave a comment that’s even better I do read every comment and I will try and get

    Back to as many people as possible but all you Absolute Total Legends who have supported the blood door with us last week and bought me a coffee well this one is extra special thank you to you mandingos there’s your names down there down there guys really do appreciate more than anything the world

    Ricicles you are the best of the vest you better believe you are well I’m just finishing off now my chicken cck curry cat sick what an idiot I am yeah it’s a nice meal chicken katsu curry that’s what it is Princess chicken katsu with Uncle benky beats International player boy bunny bar

    Insurance with British gas price far too high in lifetime achievement rewards for the Rich and Famous after party people in the house of love Shar baby shark attack on Bondi B and Australia Rules Football Rices lies M I am the king of talken shite you better believe I am you know makes total

    Sense we are going to sign out now guys and I will see you absolute Legends first thing in Z Morgan coffee time with biscuits ah see in the morning rights good morning mandingos 9:00 and that’s one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had while camping slept like a baby

    I’ve been awake for like the last half hour just lying there relaxing but now I need to get up cuz I’m bursting for a slash Gordon Little Mix still out for the count I’ll leave ni a little a bit longer I’m going to get up I’m going to get a quick

    Pee I’ll start and pack a few things over get a little bit of a head start if you know what I’m talking about guys I I let mck have another half an hour sleep okay the Ming was I’m going to get outside get sorted and I’ll bring you Legends back in a

    Minute absolutely fantastic Rights M hey little right good morning Mandingo morning okay then mandingos that’s me and z human dorsal fin all packed up my B dad is there ready to put me back the own the old bin diesel I should say with all our shite in mix just packing his little chair over he’s

    Been having a few minutes sitting down cuz he’s been throwing his gut up I was going to record it and I thought no I let make spew his guts up in Pace feeling a bit rough mate Po lad’s got a bad head and he’s been sick

    But that’s just the way it goes Ming goes on the BL outdoor sh anyway as you can see guys that’s where the tent was leave no Tre and all I carry on we’re going to make a move for it any win at now out straight out there back along the

    Road down towards Nissan and I’ll bring your Legends back when we’re making a move for it lice here we go guys time to make a move for it and get out of Dodge City there’s the Sea and the do doing that’s it we a we right right me and

    Mick right folks that’s the end of this week’s stealth camping video I hope you’ve enjoyed it I’ve had a great time po little Mick he’s as rough as a Badger’s ass how you feeling Mick still rough still rough well not smooth rough and certainly not smooth at

    The same time anyway guys if you have enjoyed that video please give me and Mick a big thumbs up leave a comment I do read everyone and I’ll try and get back to as many people as possible and make you you tuned in next week guys for another Food review Friday Night video

    And obviously another stealth camp next Sunday yes you know what make sense see you next week guys Right


    1. Smashed! 😂😂😂 love it, send me your address or bank details, I’ll send you some whaskey or I’ll pay for a nights camping, I’m a warehouse worker as well, I get paid on Friday, Mick getting in the tent was a hard watch 😂 good on you guys! Legends ❤

    2. I was looking on Google Maps to see if I could figure out where you had camped and the location was already labelled "BLOT Outdoors Show" campground (WGCF+J8, Washington, UK).

    3. When you said you love Mick so much it made me think how great of a friend you are to that man. I'm sure he loves you back! You 2 are the greatest and funniest duo out here on the tube of you… Love all the videos keep em coming you ABSOLUTE LEGENDS!!

    4. Been watching alot of the blotto(utdoors) 😅😅I must say my favourite is when the ol Mickeroonie come. He's a great camping mate, although he's small in stature he will his do his best to keep up with the regular sized man dingoes 😅😅 He would drink me under the table that's for sure. Cheers to mick 🍻

    5. Hello Blot and smick great vid was a close calll with car park you 2 great team …take care from essex…my late partner bless her X,her parents came from up your way,jordys are top folk to hang out with..Take care LOL LOL all the way X.

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