We’re joined by Perpignan winger Ali Crossdale to hear how he’s loving life in the south of France, his views on his former teammate Owen Farrell’s switch to the Top 14, whether the RFU will change their selection rules, his time having Eddie Jones looking over his shoulder at the dinner table and much more. Plus, we discuss the climax to the Champions Cup pool stage, the flaw in the system that means the Round of 16 contains a number of pool repeats, we round up a whole host of big transfer rumours and we pick our MEATER Moment of the Week…

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    Welcome back to the French rugby podcast with me Tim Groves ex Scotland International and adopted Frenchman Johnny BT and we’re going to be joined by one of now whole host of Englishman plan is trade in the top 14 peron’s Ali crosdale shortly and there may well be

    More to come and more and more and more we’ll come to that later on Johnny with the rumors but how are you doing I’ve lost track of where you’ve been this weekend but was it good it was good mate it was a really good mix as well and it

    Was the end of the the cold weather So currently it’s 20Ā° I’ve just had my lunch outside which I know you’ll love to hear as I see you spitting on me from across the zoom call um it it’s nice the weather’s just changed so all of a

    Sudden the cold snap is gone so to end the weekend we had makes round for lunch on Saturday then we were out at friends again on the Saturday night we a racket is racket racket it’s almost like Swiss French melted cheese all potato Shak cutri veg and loads of red wine uh

    That’s optional with the racket but that was awesome and then Sunday I was in too for their game with TNT so it was a nice mix good weekend and I think that’s hopefully the end of the shitty cold weather in the winter and we might be sneaking into spring so always looking

    Good is that how it works in France it’s mid January and we’re already in the spring are we man I’ve not it’s been I don’t know overnight here the past two weeks it’s been down I don’t know it’s been like back in the UK or everywhere

    Else but [Ā __Ā ] okay so down here it’s been it’s been cold it hasn’t been [Ā __Ā ] it’s been you know down to sort ofus 4 minus5 and then pretty chilly throughout the day but then all of a sudden there just sort of shift in temperature it’s meant

    To be you know 16 to 20 for the next week 10 days so hopefully that’s the end of the shitty stuff and back to nice old days of good weather and for those that don’t know what a Reet is it’s basically just stuff with cheese on it yeah well

    No what happens is you boil a massive bowl of Spuds so you do your potatoes then the racket is like hot plate that you sit in the middle of the table and there’s lots of little trays that you can put under this hot plate so on top

    Of the hot plate you can do your Meats your bacon your different stuff your veg if you want to do like peppers and stuff Peppers rubbish and then underneath is where you put your little trays in where you’ve got your potatoes or your cheese or whatever you want to melt and then

    You you sort of dce all the food on your plate with the melted cheese and you get smoked cheese you get pepper cheese you get normal cheese you get all the cheeses mate um and it makes were pretty hefty a calorific evening um but it’s

    Fun nice and social good way to have him you something for Farrell to look forward to Johnny do you like what did there straight to his hips that’s all I’m goingon to say he doesn’t need it it’s gon to go straight to those hips I’m sure he’s going to enjoy life in

    France it’s been officially confirmed now two-year deal at rassling obviously we spoke about it last week it’s been talked about but what do you make of it now it’s been confirmed it’s presumably good for all parties that it’s out there yeah good for all parties maybe not for Saron that’s the only

    Party that they’ve struggled while it’s been rumored haven’t they so yeah well since his head’s obviously started to turn he’s such a big driver for their club that maybe things are starting to or the wheels are coming off internally I don’t know but for him for rassing for

    Next year for his future it’s the right move for everyone I think it’s great great Club not too far easy to get back home he’ll obviously get a good payday gets away from the English media who needs English media uh when you’ve got nice nonm media um like us um so no good

    Move for him looking forward to a change as well because it’d be very easy to stay and be the Marque player and be a one club man um but he wants to change he wants to freshen things up and the top 14 is a completely different kettle

    Of fish and I’m sure you’ll enjoy that challenge at a slightly different angle some of the owners of various clubs throw things around at various points I don’t want to get into dodgy legal territory myself but how can they afford him Johnny you got kisi to over

    Obviously maybe s LA but guys like Harry arendall Roman t for Deber bber coming in I know there’ll be outgoings as well but the Whispers out this in France or not Creative Accounting I don’t know M doesn’t no one cares in France today and you you said it like there’s presidents

    That throw that type of chat back like Jackie Lauren zetti president of rassling is the first one to make those type of comments about other clubs so um look they all have to declare it if they go over um the get into trouble they lose points they get fined I’m sure they

    Will not do that nobody would ever do that um over here um but yeah you’re right like you look at the type of caliber of player that they’re starting to accumulate but then nobody really said anything during the Dan Carter era nobody really said anything down at too

    Long when it was the backies both of Johnny Wilkinson there’s always been rock stars and teams with two layers deep of that type of player in the top 14 now I’d say it’s one layer deep you’ve got your rock stars it’s your 15 and the rest is built

    Around youth which is the way it has to be so boys like CIA kisi on far that coming over big Pay Pack it’s huge salaries but there’s more to be done it’s not just about playing now it’s about how can they bring through the next generation of French kids that

    They’re playing with and improve them too take antoan jber like great great example he is just on the cast of the French team being called up for camp but what about learning from on farro playing alongside him learning and training every day and how to drive a

    Team around properly under the CH we sh at Lancaster um be pretty cool more rumors to come later on as I said to go with Owen Farrell confirmed harassing but other news before we get into the Champions Cup horrible for Anon Johnny oh mate um and again I was out of the

    Game and you could call it like a soon as it happened he went to ground in the exact same way that he went to ground when he did his right side so that him he’s done his left ACL he was back rapidly the first one he’s only out for

    Six months he was straight back for the World Cup cup and I don’t know how he did it but the fact that he has been back he was phenomenal at the World Cup he’s been he’s just a freak mate So Physical again at the weekend um but the

    Fact that he’s been through it been through the ringer and now walked off the pitch at the weekend and didn’t look as uncomfortable as he did with his other side but still just the sort of mental side of injury dealing with those types of problems the resilience he’s

    Going to have to develop already has developed but dig deep again to come back stronger um for too and for France who they need him M like he’s one of the biggest players for them at the minute so incredibly sad for him um and yeah May it’ll be another operation back to

    Rehab he’ll be back down to cers which is the big Rehab Clinic around the corner for me and Cat Breton for his rehab and we just wish him all the very best because he’s a lovely lovely look absolutely and his teammate lose Alexandre Ruma is his replacement in the

    France Squad and then Manny mfu picked up an injury at the weekend so he’s been ruled out but only of the opener we understand against Ireland so Paul willson is back in the squad yeah so Alex rumat is is another one who I thought he could have been in from the

    Start in the squad like the way he’s been playing again I never really understood why he was in and out of the side at Bordeaux when he was there um like great line out leader can play seven or eight in any team in the top 14 easily uh is now physical has great

    Hands um Can offload can bring people into game around him so he he’s a great call up for anony shalan um and I really hope he gets bit game time because he’s a quality player and Manny Manny’s just tweaked his lateral ligament on his knee

    So he should only be out you know two weeks Max so Paul vum has come back into the squad and will’ll be there for the opener down in Marseilles against Ireland um and I don’t know what the permeations will look like MC Manny was a freak again at the weekend I’m not

    Sure if you watched that game but so physical running over people for fun I I think he weighed was something like 12 offloads throughout the course of the four pool games um and he’s just massive so it’s only a matter of time before he plays but also delighted for Paul again

    Friend of the show for him in and out with the French Squad disappointing World Cup I think he’d like to finish on his own terms as well so if he gets another involvement um a we bit more game time the squad and then can finish how he wants to finish that’s also

    Really important so yeah disappointed for Manny and very sad for anony J let’s round up the Champions Cup then because we’ll obviously discuss the various ties in the round of 16 in a couple of months time when we get there but in terms of the fact that there are five matchups

    That we’ve already seen in the pool stages is that just a coincidence or is it an issue with the way the draw is done because if you think about the way that it’s seeded with the number one teams in the pool play the number four teams in the pool etc

    Etc there’s a decent chance you’re going to play a team you’ve already played isn’t there I think if you look around social media and the comments on what everyone thing everyone agrees mate like it’s it’s hard to follow in the first instance for the players for the fans

    For pundit I’m going to be asking questions and I’m working through I’m sat next to somebody from epcr during the game and I’m like right so let’s just work through exactly what happens who can play who and she was like oh oh really like you could just tell look on

    Her face and everyone’s the same so we’ve ended up with a bunch of repeats of games that we’ve seen already in the pool stages for fan and the idea of traveling and getting to see different grounds and visit different places that’s not what they want for viewers watching from TV

    It’s repeats with the pool games so it’s not ideal um but yeah it was always likely to happen when you when you think of the old pool like teams of four you’re playing as people from like top goes through it’s just so easy to follow whereas this

    Is a little bit convoluted it’s hard to follow and we’ve ended up with you mentioned it you tried to describe it but one plays against the fourth plays against the fifth play nobody really knows but long the short is we’ve got a bunch of games that we don’t really want

    To see again we’d like to see something different that being said the teams that are there the coaches they don’t care they’re going to go through they want to win they were scrapping to get that home 16 game some of them have got it some of them haven’t and they don’t care who

    They play against they just want to win the competition so we march on but for the neutral it’s been a little bit difficult to follow and there’s probably some games that we’ve already seen you’re right we called it last week we said there would be five French teams we

    Thought that made it through and so it unfolded I was in sord Johnny horrible conditions if you were Against the Wind they were kicking the ball and it was ending up back every head it was one of those days valara were impressive weren’t they they were and they looked

    Like two-time Champions um which isn’t something that we’ve said throughout the first half of the Season too often um but mate they rattled up they were 28 nil after 45 minutes or something in difficult windy conditions again I’ve played at that ground it’s like playing at the kingspan back in the day when

    You’ve got wind swirling coming from one end of the pitch and it is really difficult to control the ball to negotiate to keep ball in hand um but they were what we have come to expect Lish they were big physical organized difficult to stop Greg again was Monumental new French Captain another 80

    Minutes 20 tackles 12 big carries three turnovers um antoan hasto again a boy that’s been quiet and he looked like it was a man with a point to prove after being left out of Fabian galti Squad kicked very well in horrible conditions ran in this try from 60 um and looked

    Like a bit of a manp possessed so yeah L shell impressive and sail’s not an easy place to go and win um big physical hard to break down really horrible injury for Johnny Hill not sure if you saw that one dislocated KN falling from a lineer as

    Well that was Grim um so thoughts to big Johnny as well um but yeah L looking big efficient and um yeah he was hoping for more of the same from them yeah you mentioned Greg R Nara did a great interview on ITV after the game in which

    He referenced Greg and the time away’s had and the conversations they’d all been part of to arrange that he then brought in weenie Antonio will skeleton into the conversation basically admitted they don’t want to train so he doesn’t make them a lot of the time I don’t

    Think and he just lets them let them go on game day it’s working and they all look a little bit fresher after a sticky patch and just on Greg great start for you Johnny like a stat he’s lost two of his last 22 games for club and Country

    Over the past year so that top 14 final which was obviously devastating and the World Cup quarterfinal to South Africa aside from that when he plays he wins his team wins because he’s a freak Show in the nicest possible sense and it’s the biggest compliment you can pay a

    Rugby player but the effect he has on larell he was the one man missing the effect he has on France is absolutely huge um and that’s why Fabian we talked about it last week but that’s why Fabian guilty given his age profile given the way he plays given his importance to the

    Side and the fact that he’s the clear First Choice to be their number eight was an easy pick for Captain um so yeah mightily impressive the other fren sides to lose obviously the top seed 20 points out of 20 they will be favorites for the tournament as a result of being the

    Number one seeds you know The Bookies might have lenr there as well lar shell just given their history in the past couple of years in the tournament but T will be there as a result of what they’ve done in the pool stages but no antoan dupon for The Knockout stages is

    Going to have a huge impact isn’t it I’m not sure that’s true okay um I was chatting to Jerome Kan at the weekend and clemont patrono and they were saying there’s obviously a huge effect during the Six Nations and the competitions he’s agreed to play with uh play in for

    The ffr but Champions Cup is different it’s farther far enough down the track that I think they get him back I’m not sure if there are big collisions with um The Knockout games but they didn’t seem to think so I mean that that was how my mind was thinking like once he’s gone

    That’s him and he’s off um but they seemed to think that a that wasn’t set and also if they made it through and they made um round of 16 quarter semis and they were there was still even if there was a sens competition in the way there was still

    Room to negotiate and try and get him back and pull rank so um yeah I mean they’re right up there of course they are the way they’re playing them lener lell if they can win away from home in the next round um and Bordeaux probably your to four top dogs

    Um but yeah I I don’t think we’ll write off Anon dupon yeah I think there’s a strong chance that he might be back for different parts of the knockout stage of the Champion Cup right we’ll get our guests on shortly and get our teeth into a load of Juicy transfer rumors as we

    Mentioned later on as well first let’s find out what your meter moment of the week is jny there was a pile this weekend um we had bordo way to the Bulls that was an absolute trifest six tries a piece we had Rory [Ā __Ā ] I’m not sure if you saw

    Him lifting up the stormers M he did you remember Antoine dupon did a mat Hansen yes picked up mat Hansen like a dump truck and pulled him backwards and he look like an absolute pitol Rory Co did that to number eight of the weekend for the stormers he picked up the number

    Eight of the stormers and dragged him back effectively over the tri line so he couldn’t score um so another big moment by Rory ccka um six tries each for the Bulls and Bordeaux what else did we have rassing they rocked in seven tries and we could

    Have picked any one of those um but the meter moment of the week comes from Christian white did you see that one Tim yes yeah very good and then in a very appropriate week as well for Christian Wade to do it exactly not just showing

    That L ream is the only one that can head to NFL and come back and still rock it um but again they were confident they had X bear Tristan peder was amazing as well at the weekend another friend of the show um but there were a few tries

    Up anyway quick tap penalty taken from about their 40 Tristan tedar finds Christian Wade on about the opposite 40 meter line but again it’s just quick heads up quick thinking rugby that we often see from French sides that traditionally other sides might kick to the corners um but Christian Wade gets released 40

    Meters of space he manages to Rally through about four side steps in about four seconds he managed to leave Grady looking like he was a school boy clutching I don’t know who try to tackle and bundle over but seven tries for them Christian Wade on they were absolutely exceptional back to

    Winning ways and through to the next round so that is this weekend’s meeting moment of the weekend Christian Wade for wrestling there we go that was Johnny’s meter moment of the week and meter is the world’s number one Wireless meet thermometer recently making over 20 million Cooks better with the

    Gamechanging app and completely wireless Bluetooth meat probe can use it on a barbecue in the oven or in a pan and you can get your handson one at meter.com plus you can now get 10% off any full price item all you have to do is enter the code French pod 10 at checkout

    That’s French pod 10 and you’ll get 10% off any full price item at meter.com let’s get our guest done now then and we can have a chat with one of many Englishmen now playing his trade in the top 14 and doing it pretty well as well perping on Winger Alli crosdale

    Joins us how you doing I’m good how are you guys all good we’re well well Johnny’s better than me he’s a bit like you in the nice warm of France but I’m back home where you used to be it’s miserable Mis you got the storm the storm’s hit pretty hard is it absolutely

    Everything’s blown down but yeah anyway less than that we’ll focus on the positives we were just chatting about the Champions Cup so we’ll gloss over the challenge cup completely for you guys because it’s to say you didn’t necessarily Go full PO with that one no we didn’t it was yeah interesting one

    But um yeah no it was good good for some boys to get run out and um you know it’s it’s a funny one it was one of those where i’ I’d love to have played obviously played against Newcastle this weekend and yeah um but you know it’s

    Just one of those it’s um you know I think we had an interesting start of the season in the top 14 so you know we’ve we had to kind of put a big focus on that and um yeah I think that was the the priority so and it’s going much

    Better now over the festive period three wins in a row so that must have been a hell of a couple of weeks for you yeah no I think um yeah like I said the start of the season was I think I I don’t know I don’t want to use the workup as an

    Excuse but those three games were it was just a weird you know mindset going in I think we um we obviously had the not an issue but we had the the fact that Frank came in and as a new coach and a load of new players um so I think you know those

    First few games I mean they were tough games we had like ring away clemont away um and St FR at home but you know we just kind of lack that cohesion and I don’t know we just really everything kind of misfire anything that could have gone wrong went went wrong um but yeah

    You know over Christmas I think well we obviously had a few good wins um running up to that and then over that Christmas period after after that first year block we just things seemed to gel a bit better and you know um I think it was

    You know three three big wins and you know hopefully continue like that all been well so is it just a case of things maybe taking time to settle obviously when new coaches come in new players these things take time now as a group do you feel a little bit more relaxed than

    In yourselves yeah I I mean I don’t I’m not a coach I think you know the cohesion thing is an easy one to say U as a player that you know things just don’t feel right you know when you’re on the pitch um you know there’s a load of

    Skill eras a load of issues with the setpiece you know I’m not an expert on that either but you know just things weren’t kind of clicking and I think whether that was just boys being desperate to impress a new coach coming in you know overt trying um and or just

    You know getting used to new positions new compositions and like you know playing with people you’ve not played with necessarily before um but I think you know I I do think as well you know we had such a big preseason like we really went for it like a big emphasis

    On the fitness and you know I think I think we’re seeing the gains from that now but whether you know when when it was still warm weather and you know just off the back of a hard preseason you know those those first few games whether were just kind of you know still

    Adapting to that heat and that um intensity of training over preseason so yeah but I think it seems to it’s a lot more relaxed environment now I think obviously winning winning a few games helps but um yeah I think the big one for us was getting that first win and

    You know there’s almost like on that Monday after that it was like a complete shift um just the boys kind of almost just breathing in and you know relaxing a bit more um so yeah it was good we’ve spoken to a few players about that slightly strange Stu to the top 14 this

    Season and they’ve all sort of said it’s kind of obvious really I suppose but you had two preseason which doesn’t sound very good but I guess when you’ve got a new coach coming in maybe it is a lot of Fitness first time around then you lose

    Those three games and then was a second block of preseason almost more sort of tactical technical yeah in a weird way that second preseason was almost a blessing for us because we’d had such a well we ended that first block of games getting absolutely thumped by rassing um

    Away and I think you know it’s of them where if we’d have had a game the weekend after or you know continued like that it’ have been it was almost that bad that you’re like there’s so many things we needed to fix um you know having a game week could after have just

    Been a nightmare um so it gave us a chance to kind of you know really look back and you know we had one-on-one meetings I think we had two weeks off and then we had one-onone me one-onone meetings straight away um after that holiday and you know I think it gave

    Everyone a chance just to kind of go right okay we’ve obviously started horrendously but it’s almost like we’re starting completely aresh um and like you said you know we obviously we did did the fitness stuff in the first block and obviously that didn’t slacken off

    But it was a lot more on right what do we really need to address um so it was almost a best in Disguise for us you know having that um that second preseason almost it’s enough to make anyone be sick two preseason one’s enough like it was a good thing but at

    The time it was horrible horrible to live through in one season through two preseason absolutely gross M how did you find being part of the relegation battle last season because you’ve almost become a bit of a cult figure I’m not sure if you know this from the outside but you’re

    Loved by the per well the Peron fans absolutely love you like the way you run the way you go about your business and they love the way you play but there are difficult periods and relegation battles are not easily adjusted to mentally like if you haven’t been there they’re

    Horrible um so what did you find it like down the sort of dog fight at the end of last season what was that like to go through it was it a complete like kind of wave of emotions really like I think I think the issue the the big like thing

    For me was after Christmas we had this it was so funny right we had like a full crisis meeting after Christmas like basically outlining the reality of situation but it started with um we all got a text like woke up on the morning like team meeting at 7 o’clock and the

    Last time I had one of those was when I was at wasp and it was when we got told redundant I remember walking in with Brad to the to the meeting and we’re both sat there like what’s going on here like please um so yeah M I think and then

    After that I think it was we had a good game against clemont you know lost it and then it was kind of some tough games but we we managed to get the wins and I think it was a really interesting experience for me because every every

    Single game is essentially a a cup final you know obviously at the bottom of the league but we were in the position last year where it was between us and Bree really um you know one week they’d be above us the next week we’d be below um

    We’d be above them uh and then there was a real shift when we beat them away um you know that was like a real right okay here we go let’s continue like that and then you almost it was a sense of we got a bit of confidence then we managed to

    Lose to Melia at home and again it was just that wave of emotions of you know every week was class because you just like this game’s huge especially the home games you know the home games well like we’re talking about our fans are just crazy um and you know having them

    Behind you helps so much but I just think and then I know annoyingly I got injured so I didn’t even play The Barrage match but um you know I was I went up um on the team bus M and I’ve genuinely never been so nervous M I was

    Literally like literally going into the toilet like CU that first half we were awful like we had the worst worst start we could have had um M I was just going to and from the toilet like try because it’s one of those where you know I’m not you’re not involved you can’t do

    Anything to change it but you know I just watching it and it was it was awful um but I think you know winning that game was just almost I I didn’t even play but it was almost just such a highlight of my career that will stay

    With me forever just you know um that whole kind of Journey of of staying up because it it means so much over here you know it’s it’s everything isn’t it like staying up in that top 14 so um it was definitely definitely a journey but you know one that I wouldn’t really want

    To go through again when you assure top 14 survival you know what it’s like everyone’s got a top 14 or a proo salary some people know that if they drop down League they’re getting 50% of their pay packet [Ā __Ā ] is getting at the fan at home you can’t pay

    Your bills you can’t pay the mortgage what was that feeling like what was that changing room like and what was the party like how long did it last after that game no it was it was incredible you know I think I think we decided to oh mate this some friends but our team

    Manager forgot to buy beers way back so we’ve all finished and we’re like right class we obviously got the beers that um grobal provided so we had a few of them and then you’re like right okay let’s all get on the bus everyone’s on the bus and we’re like

    Right where’s the beers bear in mind it’s I think it was about two like 12 12:30 1 in the morning on a Sunday so you’re like in France nothing’s open so then we managed to convince him to stay like we stayed at the um Stadium had a

    Few beers there and then we’re like right we need to get back so everyone’s brought the little pictures so we all took five or six pictures on the bus all the way back and then met I think we it was a six hour coach carried on and then

    It was straight away to the be you know the beach bars in uh can which are just yeah it was class and then um few boys went off to and then we had we had a social at the beach bar that that day on the Saturday and then a few boys went

    Off to Barcelona on the Sunday um so yeah it was it was class and um I think that it’s one of them where it was almost that that mentally draining that whole end block that everyone was just knackered like it was um obviously everyone celebrated hard and it was it

    Was class but it was almost just that sense of relief that um it’s done he does no more stress for for for a bit of a bit of time so and just quickly before we moved on I think Johnny we had Tristan tedar on at the end of last season didn’t we chatting

    About that access match and also about the crisis meeting that you referenced that and he was sort of saying that it was so odd because probably not as emotional and and odd as the one you had at wasps obviously but he said it was sort of almost being said that the coach

    Was being sacked someone stood up and sort of said no and then was it and it’s like you’ve experienced a lot in your young career being at wasps and now being in France and to have a meeting like that must be pretty strange for you quite newly into your perp young career

    M it was it was so bizarre and you know I think like I said it was I think it was my birthday as well that day I think the funny thing is right I think I actually remember tomorrow we had one of the the blood tests in the morning so no

    One had eat in I was like right it’s my birthday my my girlfriend made some brownies to take in I was like oh everyone’s going to really be happy and then we get this message and I’m like class right this is going to be such a

    Bad day um and they yeah I just it was you know I think for me and Brad as well and I think you know it was just one of those where you’re like what’s going to happen here like at that point I didn’t understand much French at all as well so

    You just kind of sat through the whole meeting trying to read body language and you’re like don’t actually know what is going on like I heard the word like money Le that kind of thing I’m like is this actually happening again but I think you know it was I think afterwards

    You know thing I realized it’s pretty powerful in terms of I think it was Matt Matt AAS um was the one that stood up and was like no we’re not we’re sticking with the coaches and you know completely the right choice it was it was not the

    Coaches or the game plan that was that was causing us to lose games and I think you know I really respected that from him and it was almost like a case of that whole experience brought us all together and I think we went on to win

    The weekend after and but you know at the time it’s just you know you look back and you it’s laughable now but the just like what is going on here like it just just different level you know tough meeting but you had brownies to soften

    The blow at the end of it so he all right M no one even Hae them because I think they sent us home after the meeting so I’m just going back with these brownies like class Comfort eating your way home that’s what I you not to

    It was yeah it was and the man that you saved then Patrick Aras is now the French attack coach so what can we expect come the Six Nations around the corner what did you like about working with him his points of difference and what do you think is going to change

    Under him with the French team I mean it’d be a dream to be a tack coach for that French team to be honest um you know they’ve got you know one of the most exciting back lines in the world and and then the forwards are you know

    As as powerful as any team I think you know Pat’s great at I think he’s what I what I really liked about he’s very good at allowing players to play their way you know he’s not going to prescribe a system on people and and you know make them

    Conform to something that then they they’re not they’re not used to or what what doesn’t play to their strengths and what I loved about him last year you know I think I don’t know whether it’s the same for every player but I I think there’s times in the Premiership that

    You’re you almost have to conform to a way of playing to suit the team you’re playing for which is which is obviously the way it works there and it works in that way in a lot of teams but it was my first experience of having a coach of

    Going you know I almost got told off for you know as a wing I was very used to sticking from sar’s and it didn’t play much Wing um wasp but when I was ever at s it was always stay on the wing you know you come in if it’s really on but

    If not you’re out there and if the ball’s you’re the option wide always so I remember one of the first experiences I had with Patrick was you know yelling at me because I haven’t got off my wing you know he’s like you don’t you don’t want to score you don’t want to score

    Like what are you doing and I was like okay sweet like so that threed me up again I think you know for those French boys like I said it’s a dream to coach them um I think what you know he’s very creative and he he likes trying things

    You know I think we’ve you know you saw some of the tries that we scored as a team last year um I think that was again just from a license to just play from anywhere and you know and that’s what the French team do now but I think you

    Know Patrick will just give them that freedom to you know Express themselves properly um so yeah I think it’d be really exciting I’m really intrigued to watch it join the Six Nations you mentioned the difference there between the top 14 and the Premiership in terms of culturally maybe a bit more freedom

    To play what are the other big differences because it’s also eight games longer than the Premiership season now so I mean does it feel like a grind I guess there’s a few blocks of European games to break it up um I mean you play throughout the six nation which is a

    Difference with the Premiership this season as well but there other big differences that you noticed between the leagues yeah I think I think you said that grind I think we’ve I mean we’ve got we’ve had a I think we’ve been trading for about four months straight

    So we’ve got our first week off um in two weeks which you know I compared to you know speaking to some of my mates back home it’s like they they’re off every every couple of weeks now at the moment and obviously they’ve got these 10 days off coming up in the Six

    Nations um you know I think I I I think I could said I think the main one for me would just be the gamees seem a lot more open um in terms of as as a back and I think you know the physicality the physicality at the top level I think

    He’s always pretty much the same I think that’s the thing but I think over here it’s whether you’re defending or attacking you know almost anything can happen um and I think as a player for me that’s what I’ve really loved over here just because that’s the way I always you

    Know used to love playing um you know with just growing up through the age groups of with England stuff like you know John Fletcher and Walts and those those guys that’s what you know those training sessions were always about and you know play into your strengths and play to space and

    You know not always being prescribed by a system and that’s not that’s not to say a system is is wrong because I do you know obviously respect that systems in place for a reason but it’s about those times where you know if there’s space somewhere take it you know and I

    Think you know some of the tries you see every week in the top 14 are just you know you’re like how how’s that happened you know like but I think that’s the main thing I I I feel is is a big difference um and yeah I just think that

    I I mean obviously with the three teams going in the Premiership it’s changed their season completely but I think the other thing is obviously yeah that grind is you know we’re not even halfway through the season yet and um yeah that’s that’s a massive one I mean you

    You’ve been there just over a year now and obviously wasn’t part of the plan at the time because of what happened at wasps so how do you look back and reflect on what happened then now um obviously it was difficult and how did that move to propon come around um I

    Think you know looking looking back I think in in a weird way I think I’m very lucky because I’m one of the ones that’s landed on on my feet in terms of um you know I’m loving it here you know it’s something like you said that I never

    Thought I’d do um but you know being here now you know I couldn’t be happier it’s it’s it’s literally it’s perfect for me at the moment um but then you know looking back you know and I’ve still got mates that you know still struggle to not get and you know good

    Players that haven’t got much and you know it’s just it’s just still sad um thinking about it and I think you know one thing will always be that those those guys were’re effective we’ll always have that um you know bond that bond from what we went through I think

    Um and it’s lovely catching up with boys over here or back at home you know just that you know that the war at wasps um but yeah and I I just think um sorry how did it happened um yeah for me I what happened we got the obviously the

    Meeting and then I had about a month where I just kind of got was still coming back from injury so I had to kind of reab myself and I literally I could couple of meetings back home but nothing really nothing really that was anything concrete so you know I was kind of like

    Weighing up what I was going to do and um really thinking hard about life after rugby I think that was that was one of the things that I almost got my head round um just because just because of the nature of it you know obviously we were we obviously weren’t the most

    Unfortunate because that ended up being London Irish but we obviously went after wer so you know a lot of the wer boys and the jobs that were out there they’d taken um so it was a bit an interesting one um and then for me I really looked

    Out I think I ow Brad Shields a massive pat on the back because he I think per were looking for a back three player and Brad just put my name forward um and then M literally as soon as we started talking it happened within I think I

    Moved within four or five days of of actually having that first Zoom so again that was a bit of a shock um you know trying to tell my friends family and obviously girlfriend at the time that that was what I needed to do um but um

    You know it looking back now it was it’s it’s all worked out perfectly so I’m one of the lucky ones but um and the players who didn’t get gigs at the time or maybe had to as you say drop down into the championship that’s the the main one but

    You mentioned you were having conversations that weren’t concrete at the time I can’t remember who it was we spoke to but we spoke to a few players and they were saying that obviously the offers that were being thrown about by other English clubs at the time were

    Very low because I mean obviously they didn’t have a huge amount of money anyway but they also knew that if you wanted to stay in England to fight for an international Place perhaps eventually you had to kind of sign up to these offers you didn’t have a lot of

    Choice so is that what you kind of experienced at the time and also you mentioned then you were injured presumably the rug was completely pulled from under you and did you have to fund that all yourself um yeah m i yeah definitely that so the the offers I mean

    It’s one of them where the clubs had all the power so they obviously you know there was one option for like injury cover um that I was really like hopeful for um and then literally the scan came back and the guy wasn’t injured for very long so that didn’t happen and and then

    Yeah the offers were just you know it was one of them where you just kind of hoping that so it sounds awful to say but you’re almost hoping for every week you’re watching the premier like hoping someone gets injured which is awful to say but that was the kind of reality the

    Situation that where there might be a bit of money because obviously the clubs get the dispensation um but you know I think yeah it’s it’s one of them where the injury obviously didn’t help me because I couldn’t I mean we we played we played it quite well my agent decided

    To not be completely honest with what I was injured so it was a bit of a niggly ad doctor um which I was you know again it was just such a stressful situation she like you know if I need to go in and have to train tomorrow am I going to be

    Able to do it you know I I think towards the kind of second third week I was absolutely fine and I was able to do it but that first week of you know my agents your phone was going off every now and then you answer it straight away

    You like oh they want you to come in tomorrow and you’re just kind of fearful that if I go there and I’m injured again covering someone else is injured it’s like um you know pointless um yeah I think oh sorry back on to the um covering itself I was really lucky uh we

    Had a physio called Gaz uh who’s I think he’s at olster now um who was a legend just literally for free free of charge was meeting up with a few of the boys um I think it was like twice a week uh obviously it was under wraps because

    There was no real Insurance there and but you know obviously we were we were we were trying to give him some cash but he didn’t take it to this day and you know I’m so thankful that he he took the time to do that um but then there’s

    Other guys who were a bit more seriously injured who I think the RPA did a really good job with and um with restart rugby you know funded some of their phys where whether it was privately or um with physios at the club but you know again

    It was just a it was a crazy situation because we were still I think we were initially for the first couple of weeks we were still allowed to go into the the wash training ground and you’re going into that facility which was just crazy and you’re like this is all just gone

    Like it was just such a weird situation there Bonkers on the theme of moves or Farrell’s move to rasling has been confirmed this this morning I’m sure you’ve seen it you played with them at Saron so you surprised or do you think it’s the perfect timing for him I think

    You know I’m really pleased for him and his family I think it’s it’s one of them where you know we all we’re all aware of the heat he he’s been getting like publicly and in the press and social media like you know I think it’s just

    One of them where it takes its toll doesn’t it you know um a player of that level and and that um like ability is just you know doesn’t deserve that kind of criticism but I know that’s the Modern Age um but I think you know for

    Him and his family I think he’s you know I think SAR 50 15 years you know I saw like a thing on Twitter earlier about all the medals he’s won I think what a time to to go and try a new challenge um and I think you know that wrestling

    Squad is you know clearly building something under Lancaster he’s worked with Lancaster before so you know for him I think I’m I’m really pleased for him and you know I think it’ll be a really good move for him and the family so yeah what is it about

    Faz that he manages to get this from the English media from fans because what I see is a competitor somebody that’s really driven probably isn’t focused or worried about what people outwardly think about him but the amount that he gets is ridiculous no I I think it

    Genuinely is that I think it literally is I I don’t think I’ve ever met you know a more competitive driven person you know I think I don’t know I think whether that alienates people because they’re not used to seeing players like that in rugby or whether in any sport whether

    That that alien alienates someone um but you know I think I think almost like I think you almost hit the nail on the head because he’s so focused and um you know like wanting to win throughout every game and he doesn’t think about what people are going to think of him

    Whether that is you know whether other people who aren’t as driven and focused thinking oh I can’t say this here because if the be M picks it up or you know I can’t hit this Rook because there’s a chance I hit someone high but he doesn’t think like that he’s so

    Driven and focused on winning um you know and that’s that’s why he’s got so many medals and that’s why he’s he is where he is but I just think you know I think I I don’t I honestly don’t know why you know having played with him and

    Even as a kid watching him um you know he was someone that I’ve always respected and always looked up to and you know wanted to be the attemp for England you know when I was when I was a kid that was that was who um after

    Johnny and who I was like this is this is class and this is the best thing for England so you know I don’t know um why he gets so much dick but I think the main thing is that you know I think that s team this year they still have the

    Potential to go on and win the Premiership or um and then he’s got you know an exciting couple of years ahead and you know if he wants to come back for the World Cup then you know that’s great for England but if not then you

    Know he’s going to have a great time in Paris and you know England’s got F they’ve got future you know prospects at 10 so it’s it’s not either way it’s a win-win I think you’re one of a lot of English players already playing in the top 14 but next season you’re looking at

    Not only Farrell Lewis ludlam kyl Sinkler I know they haven’t officially confirmed it but that’s the word is there the rumors yeah yeah they’re they’re may be sealed already who knows Courtney laws has been looking around Johnny Hill rumored to be going to Leon the vunipola potentially there are

    Others but Owen Farrell moving to France is is that going to be the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of they are a few having to change things with International selection or not ah M I honestly I honestly don’t know I think

    Um as a as a statement in terms of to change the criteria I think it’s the B the biggest one isn’t it you know he’s England Captain um you know I I think it’ll all be not dependent but I think it’ll be really interesting to see how

    Six Nations goes and I think you know how many boys do actually confirm whether they whether they come over to France next year um you know I think I thought a big one was was Henry Rundle you know I thought you know he’s you know the next big big thing coming in

    England um obviously decided to stay but the rfu didn’t budge so and then obviously Jack Willis again this week has you know extended to lose so you know I think there’s there’s so many players over here and you know I think I think it’s one of those where until until it happens you

    You won’t believe it’s ever going to happen so it’d be interesting to see what happens but I think I think the main one that you know I’ll be looking at is just how that how that how that six nations goes for England you know

    After a World Cup it’s a a new very new look Squad um you know and if it goes well for them then you know great and um you know they might not think about changing the criteria but you know if things don’t quite go to plan and you

    Think oh where are we missing players and are people that you know performed in the Six Nations actually leaving then you know I think it does start to you know change change things but again I’m not I’m not up high up in the rfu so it’s just yeah it’s a really interesting

    One it’s a really I’d love to be in their minds and figure out what’s going on but okay so you’re not higher up in there rfu thank God nobody wants to be there terrible no one want but like when you mention those names arendel Willis now I’ll already here Sinkler the bulk

    Of the team or what would be seen as the first Choice te and don’t might be coming at the end of a cycle is going to be over here like if you can remove yourself you’re not at the top you’re just now an England fan you’re that kid that was enjoying watching Johnny

    Wilkinson who was playing in France for parts enjoying looking up to him and playing with on farell what would you like to see would you like to see English players be allowed to move or do you think there’s a real need to protect the Premiership in their product what

    Would you do if you were in charge I think I think you I look back to that Johnny one and I remember begging my dad for Sky Sports when I was a kid to try and watch the top four team you know and I think watching a new league as a young

    Kid who’s developing as a you know trying to learn rugby properly that was something that I love love doing you know and watching a different league and seeing different players and you know I I think as an England fan why would you not want players playing in the in in a

    League which is better like is at the moment the the most secure and you know the the most competitive I think why would you not want that um to develop it you know you look at how well it’s worked for the South Africans you know it’s it’s it’s working for them um but

    Then at the same time you know with three teams gone on the Premiership the the premiership’s not functioning so I get you need to um you need to obviously fix fix that situation there and and um but I don’t think I think the crazy thing is for me is that obviously

    Being on the the other end of it where with the GIF system where I’m really don’t I’m not really allowed to play every game because of the quota and you know that has a big impact so clubs in the top 14 and and in Japan there’s there’s a limit on how many foreign

    Players can can go to those those places um so it’s not as if you know they are if few are going to make a call and say oh we’ll open up um FR we open we allow players the opportunity to play abroad and everyone’s going to have a mass

    Exodus because it doesn’t it just doesn’t work like that you know um but you know I just think the world you know I think I yeah for me if I was an England fan that’s what that was what I I would want is to be able to see players playing in

    Different playes and and for the players as well to just develop you know I’m you know I’m Henry R’s killing it over here um you know obviously was doing very well at Irish but you know seeing him do that and for his development as a as a

    Young player in that team you know he’s got Faz there next year you know that’s going to bring him on so much and you know at the moment he’s going to have to go back and leave that situation to play for the England in the world cup and

    Yeah for me that’s yeah it just doesn’t seem right but yeah it’s interesting isn’t it I could talk about all day and for yourself mate it’s similar situation so you’ve mentioned you mentioned already at the start Saron you stay on your wing get the perp on get off your

    Wing go and look for work go and find ways of breaking tackles run off the shoulders of T and nines and get yourself into the game which you do and you break tackles and you even more exciting to watch now which is great so is there a part of you as well that

    Would like to take these parts and components that You’ learned from being with different players dealing with different coaches from different parts of the world would you’ve been involved in England in large training groups in the past you’ve had some serious time would you want to take that and move

    Back to premiership as well or or are you happy to stay here in France where’ your head be oh it’s it’s one of them like my dream still is always to play for England you know I think that’s that’s what as a kid that was always my

    Dream and that’s you know Still Still definitely the the dream and would would be the highlight of of my career you know and you know if that meant moving moving to England again to have to do that then you know definitely I’d want to do that but you know for me at the

    Moment you know I feel like I’m older but you know I’m only 26 um you know for me I’m enjoying my rby more than I have you know in years you know obviously that a big part of that stay manag to stay fit and but and and actually

    Getting picked as well which is a big one for being on the pitch um but I think you know for me that’s that’s what that I’m I’m holding on to at the moment is that I’m absolutely loving it here and um for me now at the moment it’s

    Just focusing on that and you know in a year’s time in two years time if if things change and then who knows what happens but you know the dream’s always there and you know you get you get not upset but you just kind of like ah it’s

    It’s annoying that I can’t be picked but it’s one of those where um I just hold on to you know looking at each week and going God we’re playing against lell this week and you know in in my head it’s like we’re playing against an internation we’re playing at International level playing against

    Those teams so I think all I can focus on is you know trying to do well and play against when I play against those teams and each week and you know keep developing myself and see what happens I think is is one of those Johnny mentioned it there you were involved

    With England you trained with England a few years ago it’s not that long ago so how was that as an experience because I think you were in and around the squad for the 2021 Six Nations when there was sort of like a shadow six Nation Squad

    Yeah and Eddie Jones was in charge then we always ask everyone if they’ve got an Eddie Jones story did you have much interaction with him I did yeah no for me it was it was just bizarre because um I think it was it was after covid so we’

    It was that really weird block straight after the first lockdown so I think we played played one team and then we played Worcester and I remember I had I had a good game and then out of nowhere my agent called me like oh Eddie’s Eddie’s just got hold of me like you’re

    Going to be involved for the bar bars and I was like sorry like I literally thought it was taking like taking having a joke so I was like okay whatever like that’s not going to happen um just you know you just like oh typical agent chat

    Like just um but yeah then lo and behold I get this phone call at like God any knows what time in the morning thankfully I had my phone loud and I’m like like answer it and he’s like he M and I’m like oh God like straight away

    Knew who it was um and mate Camp was Camp was class but I think I always had that like I don’t know like because I hadn’t played loads and kind of went in as off the back of in my head one one good Prem game like that that was what I

    Kind of thought had happened and I almost had that kind of doubt the whole time I was there like I’m I’m actually good enough to be here and you know that was that was for me like that’s shame annoyingly that was kind of my mindset

    When I was there and you know I loved it I loved camp and unfortunately that barbar’s game got canned cuz those Bo went out on the fist which was annoying um that got canned and then M we had Italy I think Italy the end the end of that six nations from February

    Was the weekend after and Eddie you know you know saying oh like you gonna be here next week to train and you know we’ll see what happens and you know I was so excited about that but because that game got canceled we had a session on the Saturday and Eddie was like right

    It’s a game we’re just going to go 15 on 15 and I’ve got injured in that Bloody session and then got set home so I was like perfect that was that was the end of that experience um but yeah M Eddie yeah I I personally thought he was

    Thought he was class and intense like you know you just constantly on edge um I remember the F my my only Edie story was and it it hasn’t stuck with me I’m ashamed to say I’ve got a fridge full of it was um ketchup for me like first

    Breakfast mate I’ve G in and like it was like dry sausages dry bacon dry eggs like and I’m like okay sweet got just literally reach cracked open some ketchup like piled it on like loved it I’m whacking it in I just feel this like presence just here breathing in my ear

    Like what are you doing what are you doing and I was like oh just eating breakfast like it was my first day there and he’s like does does Johnny Johnny Johnny may have ketchup I’m like no go to the bin scrap the ketchup off and then mate after that every meal like

    Even if we’re having soup if we’re having I don’t know Pastor anything every time here and he’s like this looking at my play like I don’t have any catchup that was it for me um what a strange fish he’s a strange fish and then you compare that to like my time at

    Cast where the pre-match game meal was Entre Cott goats cheese pizza chips bottles of Coke ice cream like it’s different it it’s good fun I like it over that’s why I haven’t left different cultures I love that though does Johnny may have C what a question I know and I

    Was like no he doesn’t I bet Johnny mate has been through he’s a strange fish as well he’s been through a pile of catch up in his time that lad that was it for me put me off for a while I like what

    Injury did you get in 15 on 15 I did my car like just literally print yeah I think I was just sprinted and it just went completely um so I was out for about eight weeks with that um and then by that point I think it was the season

    We sar’s were in The Champ so we’d and I I told I told sorry as I was leaving to wasps and then you know I think I only ended up playing one game so because the champ season that year was like like eight games um so I played

    One game against uh atil and then yeah then that was it and then moved to wasps and yeah I didn’t I think I got one text after that from from him after like a good game but happy ditched the catchup exactly ketchup post match me have some

    Ketchup you’re right I think I told him I hav that’s why I never got a touched that’s the reason did you say Edie you should see the meals the postmatch meals in the championship it’s just sausage and ketchup that’s all you get and Ketch all you get yeah speaking of international rby but

    Bringing it back to the present one of your teammates at the moment poo Tangi he is only 19 but are you surprised he isn’t in the front Squad at the moment because a lot of people thought he was going to be I am yeah I am definitely I think you know

    I haven’t played with someone in a long time where they have especially as age it’s crazy like to think how how young he is where just to have such an impact on the game you know like every single time he touches the ball something something happens whether it’s you know

    Making making yards or you know his hands AR really good like there’s no real oh he’s smashing people in defense like there’s just you know I look at him and I’m like at 19 years old like even as development I would have had him in and around um that Squad you know

    Whether he’s I think he person I personally think he is ready for that step up but obviously the French team is loaded um but I would have definitely had him in that Squad just for that experience and that exposure you know it’s it’s great for us that he isn’t

    Like in the nicest way possible from a selfish point of view um but you know again I think it’s one of them where he’s 19 years old like it it’s going to come at some point um but yeah I just think all you know he doesn’t seem too

    Disheartened by it you know I think he’s pretty grounded so um it’s one of those things that I think we’re all all hoping for for him at some point it comes around whether it’s on the summer tour this year for him hopefully or even next year but I think yeah I’d I’d have

    Personally had him in um I think he’s he’s a machine so he’s a phenomenon and you’re right there’s two tests whereas it’s in Argentina this year their summer tour so he’s goingon to get picked up at some point and like you said selfishly for you boys you’d be delighted he’s not

    Going to Six Nations you need him there especially with these with these doubles that are going to happen there’s a couple of games where it’s still and you don’t lose too many players at all the fact that he’s still there um it’s great news for you what is he like in general

    Again I haven’t had much contact with him at all but as a bloke in training a personality what’s he like only 19 like you said he’s still young um but what’s he like as a lad mate like such a nice guy like um you know just yeah just just

    Really grounded down to earth um you know I think in training you get a different side to him so I think you know again there’s times where I think for me the one just sorry just just cutting into myself there but last year we had like a real for me there was a

    Big shift just one week like genuinely I think I wasn’t obviously joined kind of Midway through the season and saw like when I joined I was like saw him I was likey hell like who’s this guy like obviously know the name but like in training didn’t there was no that you

    Didn’t really see him you didn’t notice for someone that size you didn’t see him and I spoke to a few boys like yeah like you know he’s just not you know I don’t know whether it’s just nervous that that being in the first team setup at 18 or

    Whatever like and then we had this one week and I think it was Pat Patrick who just like flew into him a bit at the start of the session and no make no would of a lie that no one was safe that that week and then after that he played

    That weekend incredible and then it’s just kind of gone from there you know I think he almost either needed that I you know like a direct mate just just take off like you know just hit someone or just run run over someone you’re almost was just kind of so shy and you know

    Almost doubting himself that he needed that again that bit of a kick um and I think yeah since then mate he’s just yeah taken off and you know you still get that sometimes in training where you know if we have a live session you’re like please be on my team

    Like please um but yeah mate it’s just yeah I think again like I said he’s not taking well from what well I’ve not seen any difference since the French go came out in him and you know I think that says says a lot about someone like he

    Could easily be sulking and you know being a bit you know lethargic around training but he’s not at all you know so um yeah you know I think the future for him is just going to be massive like he’s you know he’s gonna have a hell of

    A career and there’s a chance there might be another one I say another one of the family obviously you’ve got Henry around the club who’s a legend man who’s looking as well like his man who been down to have a look around the campus yet not seeing him no not seeing him you

    Know like yeah I think all we’ve all I’ve seen and heard is the same rumor as everyone else is hearing so I think you know obviously we’re all crossing our fingers and hoping but um you know we’ll just have to see you know I think that

    Would be incredible for us I think yeah I think it would be a big statement from Frank and from the club if if we manage to get a hold of him of where our aspirations are I think you know Frank’s been class in terms of you know I think

    There’s a been just because of how the last kind of you know few seasons have gone for perp I think has kind of almost been an acceptance from the general public and that you know we are just going to scrap out every year and I think Franks

    Come in and really change that mentality to right let’s let’s change that around you know I think there’s been a big focus on those away games you know like everyone talks about it there’s away games where you know that me that that mentality of you know it’s a away game

    Let’s you know Rest boys or we’re not going to win that one because it’s to lose away or you know but Frank’s had a real shift this year of you know we’re going to every away game and we’re going to try and win you know I think that

    Cast game um in that Christmas block when we managed to get a win just some that up you know that and I think again we’ve taken a lot of confidence from that um so you know I think it would be a big statement if we manag to do get if

    We do manage to get money um but you know I’m sure he’s probably got Mega offers from from elsewhere so just wait and see and de he FY pH with his uh with his with his cousin so I was going to say that’s a draw and in terms of

    A transfer policy for Frank as many two langis as you can get is quite a good one I think like sign up no 100% yeah 100% like why not why not you mentioned the away form and the away mentality which Frank is trying to shift and and

    It’s always a thing we see it with other French sides as well it’s something that you have to work on you had a big result over Christmas this weekend huge game at Leon yeah huge game I think yeah you know there’s no two words about to where

    I think one point above them so you know and um if we win it then it’s it puts a gap between us and and obviously the other the other team is chasing you got o ax and melier so you know it’s a it’s a huge game but like I said I think the

    Benefit we have is I think of a lot a lot of the squad and like I said earlier is you know that last season you know every game was this you know Cup Final um and that was when we were chasing trying to like trying to get the results

    And chasing those teams whereas this season it’s nice that at the moment we are above them um but we we have that pressure obviously but you know I think for us we benefit from it’s not panic stations you know it’s it’s just the case of the same as last year like we

    Just need to just do the job and and and go there and not panic you know and I think that was you know when we played melier um when was it like November time I think when we beat them you definitely got a sense from from them of how

    Nervous they were like I was messaging stuki who was there at the time during that week he’s like M it’s you know it’s it’s just like it’s Carnage it’s stressful as hell here like everyone’s kind of all over the place and you know you obviously saw that with you know

    They sacked the coach straight after that game um so you know where it’s annoying but where used to be in these positions so you know it’s a huge game and the weekend after is you know huge game we’ve got wrestling at home um but you know it’s two games and then we’ve

    Got a week off and you know it’s just one of those that for us it’s you know it’s the same as that year we just have to go and get get a performance and hopefully get a win so um we’ll see how we go and looking at that game mate

    You’ve obviously done your analysis we’re halfway through the week it’s Tuesday you’ve just had your double session what have you made of Leon they’ve been a bit of a mixed bag this year so far but what are the threats what are you gonna have to do well to

    Beat Leon and try and climb back up this top 14 table no I think it’s I mean they I think semi semi Rado will be back this week so it’s obviously nullifying that threat because he’s you know incredible so that’ll be a big one um you know

    We’ve massive focus on our set piece you know there’s been quite a few more tries scored against them this season um and then for the back you know the big one for them is you know they’re they kicking game so they you know kick off 10 quite a lot and dealing with those

    You know like high high bombs um but you know again again they’ve had a mixed bag we’ve had a mixed bag so it’s it’s one of those that be an interesting matchup and I think for us you know it’s just about starting well like where one of

    Those teams that you know we need to start well get that confidence and then um and then that other block for us is just after halftime it’s just not switching off you know we’ve had a few cases this year where that’s been an issue um but yeah you know I think you

    Know if this league is just you know you look at each week I was saying it earlier but you know you look at each weekend and who you who you’re lining up against and what threats teams have and you like you know the whole the whole

    Teams class you know and it’s just like um you know it’s such a nice experience to be able to do that every every week so um excited for it absolutely semi is a big threat I was I was doing sar’s L at the weekend you won’t take your eyes

    Off DAV nilly as well I mean mate yeah he intercepts all over the place he was over the ball winding players up he was everywhere so there’s another on fire yeah definitely definitely good luck the weekend the rest of the season hopefully the rfu will change the selection policy

    As well and we’ll see you in a white shirt at some point soon thank you very much guys thank you cheers Ali cheers guys we mentioned it there he is one of a number of Englishmen now joining in the top 14 he’s one whose move happened very much by surprise quickly but he’s

    Loving life and good views on what they are if you maybe should or shouldn’t do it wasn’t planned obviously but he’s adapted um like I mentioned at the start I think he saw thought it was a joke he’s become a bit of a cult figure but

    He’s loved by the fans down there he’s playing really well um and I guess that Taps into the different bits he was talking about in adapting the way he’s playing working with different coaches coming on to the ball more like he comes onto ball a lot he’s breaking tackles

    He’s rapid um and he’s fun to watch um again like I was going through thinking about you know the process of maybe having both two laggies there like trying to get the same colored bibs you want to avoid both them and training like he’s having a great time and it’s a

    Really diverse Squad as well with good people so I’m glad that he’s settled I’m glad the ease enjoying it um and yeah it would be great to see him eventually in the white of England but for now it’s great to see him in Catan colors doing

    So well down for propon he spoke very diplomatically but um I didn’t want to I was going to put it quite bluntly he was basically stood on the wing chasing box kicks at Saron flying that’s what he said I was on the wing at sar’s and they they just want

    You to stay there whereas I come over here and I get to play rugby and you’re like it sounds like a no-brainer just stay here sunshine on your back down at can at the weekend at the beach clubs I mean what’s not to like so no great to

    Have him on um a really upbeat character as well nice to have a chat should we have a look at who else might be hitting the beach clubs in France there’s a few mate there are aren’t there there’s a few uh a few of these boys are caught up

    With at the weekend as well um so I will neither confirm nor deny but we can list them um Yan Tanga who actually was playing Center at the weekend against s did a decent job did a decent job um he’s probably lacking the size to be a top level number eight I

    Reckon his best bet is going to be if he moves to six which is where your your sort of open side flanker and France is you’re six you’re sort of close to the ground competing for ball like he’s not quite big enough to be a seven or an

    Eight in France I don’t think but he’s been linked with stad France as has Henry Slade who’s been knocking over match winners for fanry recently um Henry slay xter to St France Johnny Hill who did had a really bad we spoke about earlier really bad injury to NE the weekend to

    Leon um Joey carbur we’ve mentioned him before looking stronger to Bordeaux as is Johnny Gray uh Rohan yans van rensburg to bordo as well Andre esteren to tulon they’re looking for a big 12 um Melvin jaman is getting panned there as well I’m not sure if you’ve seen that stuff just just

    Local press thinking that he should be better would be better the club’s given you massive confidence big salary and then he was utterly crap against monster and they’re like What’s Happening actually yesterday there were protests outside the training ground at ton as well wow um fans not

    Happy um other ones we spoke about a little bit there Manu tagi he’s been linked with both Mel and Peron Courtney lws who was X on provance Bree now link to Mell as well Joe koku who was pretty good for Leon against um sar’s at the weekend that was

    The Joe koku derby um he’s been linked to PO and Kieran Brooks looking to stay in France he’s also looking to move potentially to perp on to replace Jolly who’s looking a little bit older these days so the Mercato as it’s called over here never ending the transfers still

    Loads going on and look these are all top end players as well this is the difference it’s the cream of the crop that’ll make a difference um so yeah hopefully there’ll be some big ones that get announced in the next couple of weeks the makato is that the merry G

    Round must be mate there’ll be more to come in the future weeks but that was a lot this week well done for getting through all them it was a decent list thanks Johnny a big thanks to Ali crossdale for joining us and thanks to all you guys for listening make sure you

    Hit subscribe leave us a nice review if you can check us out on Rugby pass and on YouTube and we’ll be back with another episode next week while Johnny see you then mate cheers [Applause] The


    1. I canā€™t imagine any team in france wanting the Vunipola boys, theyā€™re both knackered, and their form is dreadful since a few years. The English have fallen for their hype for a decade, Iā€™m not sure a top 14 side is going to.

      Maybe Rodez.

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