Today we are joined by @MartiBlagborough as we take a look at Saica Wigan, Warrington Rd, Wigan WN3 6XD.

    We are spoken to by a forklift driver and security who respect our rights to film and fly.

    Google Maps Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    If you’re off there I can do nothing whatsoever you can you can talk you can’t even talk if I’m out there don’t be trying wind him up we know the script that’s that’s the premises so what you do outside of there take your up do whatever you have to

    Do so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Wigan we’re with Marty blackbra we went to my rider in Wigan just to sort a a little issue out with his bike and we’re doing some videos whilst in the area now this name looks familiar because I think these do plastic

    Pellets so it’s worth spending 20 minutes here to check the place out so as Marty just does his quick Loop just to be nosy we shall do the same with the zoom camera now what the hell is around out there not sure what they are all visitors must sign in at the

    Security Lodge so I presume the security Lodge is that place there oh yeah we do have a gentleman in there with high veers so he must be security and then we have some lovely signage look how nice that looks eh all me yeah driving room you are I can’t

    Hear you mate hold on I can’t hear what you’re saying we all right oh yes yes yes um we’re just doing a video um about the company for YouTube from the outside and fly the drone over uh I’ve seen all the YouTubes I follow them which one there’s about four

    Or five is there they got to all the name one of them get pH your Out Security man not oh you security no my fault oh okay can I wind you up instead no please it’s only cboard Factory this not plastic pellets no do you know a similar name as your

    Company that does plastic pellets the website’s not even working guys check that out no no was was me is uh uh cardboard so we make boxes and Trace not from what we make boxes and TR yeah from what what material plastic or no C paper it’s three pieces of paper three great

    Big reels they’ve got their own product at the call how we pronounce that name again Flex s that’s that’s in wig Flex oh is that plastic I thought we a CL what they do watch themselves I don’t know what they do what’s your role as no you you I work in

    The factory in on the forlift truck oh you’re forlift driver yeah dispatch what’s made you come out here then it was when he was riding around on his bike I thought some not right though that was all it’s nothing really it does this this is our area yeah we’ve just

    Not got the gates there we’ve got the gates set back over so you’ve got security who’s not come out but you have is that right yeah cuz you’re doing nothing wrong are you right okay your intensively either it’s what intensively either but what if security have not

    Seen the videos like you have could we get some trouble from them uh just watch out theot don’t be near this uh could we possibly if we carry on doing it now is a chance that he might come out and tell us off well no not unless you en coach on the well

    We just got to the don’t we yeah yeah come off the road pal yeah security or sort here he likes to have a little conversation with security see I know I know what it’s all about I’ve watched hundreds of these videos so if I keep you busy here let your colleague be as

    Professional as he can be and let’s see how he deals with it do you want to be a YouTube star today no thank no what if no photos it said oh please no from that side there you can Che as many photos as you want off

    Site oh that you it sounds like you’re going to be quite nice to us no no no can I ask one question because you’re telling me that we are allowed to do it you’re going to say yes to this as well aren’t you fly over get some photos no

    We can stop you please no if you’re off site right you see where that white thing is there that blanket if you’re off there I can do nothing whatsoever you can you can talk you can’t even talk if I’m out there don’t be try winding up we all the script that’s that’s the

    Premises so what you do outside of the take your drone up do whatever you have to do if I take my drone so I’m standing over there you’re over there as long as you’re over there I take it up and then fly it over the side well there’s

    Nothing we can stop you yes I knew you’d be great there’s no our Earth space he and you I knew you’d get it but you’ve just got it you’ve never watched a video before have you and you got it that quick now so many people don’t get it

    They say you are not allowed do yeah well he’s videoing he’s now trying to provoke us well because he’s on our side taking the photos just ask him to leave and he’ll leave believe me I’m going to go over there now while you ask him to leave all right cuz you’ve been great

    With me thank you no problem sir and if they deserve the respect like that they will certainly get it from me now Marty is just being asked to leave as we speak so he will leave oh wow look at that let’s get the zoom camera out cuz uh that is quite unusual to

    Me they don’t look very safe do they we just see his flag is on the road as well mixing with vehicles this guy’s spawn at police to get a m to get me for trespass he’s not falling police he’s falling out safy I’m not falling Poli anyway you know as well

    As I do it only makes his videos better yeah making us more money if he does it do you know if M do you know if a caravan came on would you do you know if a caravan came on and refused to leave what would you do we have it have

    Regular tell me then into it this yeah I mean like ohy get there no uh if you go if you follow the road up yeah and around and go to the back of the gym they par there quite often so then the police come they give them the

    Notice and then they have to wait till they’ve gone they put BGE and all sorts they always get shifted you’ve been great I don’t know why he’s wasting his time on the phone what’s he doing it’s probably just going on to management it’s all to end up there but

    It’s not the biggest problem now is is I know it sounds da that your lad’s only making a YouTube video with terrorism so so we’ve got Travelers we got terrorism health and sa no I is the terrorism CH was a bit but what about the criminals as well what if I want to

    Steal something from the place you suspect me of that as well no one’s suspecting you of anything well terrorist terrorism no no one’s suspecting you guys but when people start hanging around at the gates and then you start find out I know what it’s about but these guys he

    60 odd years of age you know me coming he doesn’t watch videos on YouTube does he fair play yeah fair play I get all mine through Facebook yeah well he’s very comfortable in there is that air con yeah looks like it’s nice and cush yeah it’s only just been built and you

    Your forlift is not surrounded is it no you’ve got a plastic um shield in the screen no yeah but that’s it the other three sides are open front screen and a and a top screen so you’re freezing basically yeah while he’s in there with a heater under the desk no because I

    Don’t actually to work outside on my truck I’m only using it outside at the minute uh we do have outside trucks which are completely sealed Fair well anyway um you’ve been perfectly fine with us but I’m not giving him commission to make a phone call don’t be

    Com just leave him be is it to be honest with you he’s having had time at a minute in life in general that’s something we never think about you know we should shouldn’t we I know anyway don’t tell us anymore we’re trying to keep the videos nice sometimes

    It’s it’s it’s hard on people yeah we don’t know what people are going On’s going on indeed with done in the last and you you was a very good friend to him cuz as my friend was talking you wanted to get over there to offer support So credit to you mate if

    We please do it for me to coming back on no one’s no one’s bothered no worries all right nice one what was your name by the way ton Tona you know as now thank you Tona hope there’re still toe caps why don’t you do a piece on him

    Who poor BL GST living outside a bus stop in a tent where oh the homeless trap over there on the tent look yeah what have over there is he genuinely thank you Tona that will be the next all right y fair fair the requesting to homeless trap over there

    Getting a McDonald’s it DJ’s trying to bust Me by so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all it’s slightly wind windy so we won’t be able to go too high but we need to have a good look

    Around don’t we so let’s get up there saer pack nothing to do with plastic on this site all packaging made out of cardboard so up at 50 m hello mate do you want a keying is it DJ yeah oh my God what’s your name Phil Phil thanks

    For watching Phil on your sh nice one yeah yeah yeah you just do cardboard package in here oh no I don’t work here now I’m coming from working Wigan I work in wig yeah but uh I just recognized the bike yeah everyone says the same thing

    You know B in fact I’ve been trying to look it up on the you know maybe looking to get one I’ve been looking to get the V just around the corner here somewhere it’s not far all the brilliant bikes mate Absol brilliant bikes yeah yeah yeah highly highly recommend them takes

    All the effort away from electric bike right yeah yeah do you want to go uh you can have a go you thought about it going to go oh you know what I’m not going to get this other CH might as well test out AR you all you need how you how you use

    It then prop yours up once you turn it on with this button just here I keep it on number three but when you pedaling as soon as you press this button it gives you a boost up to level five all right so there you go

    Have a blast mate I’m filming you by the way is that all right that’s perfect so this is Phil testing the my right you can feel the power already use your finger for the foot give you that extra power you feel it but the motor only works when the

    Pedals are turnning so that’s by law as well but it’s got some power to it a it when you press that boost awesome and of course it folds away in the boot of the car it’s got a light on the on the front as well yeah a few quid there though

    1,500 at the moment right okay the batter is in the middle of the frame or you could charge it up with this uh hole just here I take the battery out and charge it inside yeah it’s perfectly fine is it and it’s got nobly tires so

    Great on the mud as well yeah yeah yeah look out for one yeah um very well recommended about ,800 save for one you know you have yeah you got enough there you go I’ve got that one I’ve got a folding bike as well similar size to

    These and um like a a Moun bike you like your then yeah well after to cycle to work if I you know start work very early in the morning whatever the weather you’ll always cycle yeah yeah I’ve got I’ve got on there got waterproofs and everything everything you know and I’ve

    Got spare clothes at work just in case I get pissed on yeah I’m going home I’m not so bad straight in the shower yeah do you go past this gentleman in the tent very often just St at the bus stop I have seen a tent yeah I’m not sure if

    There’s anybody in there we’ve just been told about him so um I wanted to get your take on it but if you’ve not noticed it then well I have noticed it there for a good few weeks maybe maybe a couple of months you ever seen a body

    Though no right okay no and there was one um there was one person outside the hospital uh for a good while as well is it a problem that you know of around here homelessness uh there’s a few yeah is there yeah seem genuine as well if

    They’re actually living at a you do get a few piss takers in in Ashton where I live you know I I’ll help anyone like that I really will honestly have no as him make it feel um I really will but when he when he start taking the piss

    Yeah yeah if you can clearly see them living next to a bus stop and they’re there but if it’s just to to beg then I’m not sure there said he been there well we’re going to check it out anyway it’s worth a shot oh so you doing this

    Place today yeah the drone’s just up in the sky now look just there oh God yeah and then uh had a I first started watching PJ yes is he okay yeah he’s perfectly fine mate yeah he’s pling along he’s loving it PG he’s inspired a

    Lot of people he has yeah yeah oh was pleas I’m pleased to meet you yeah and you Phil yeah right have a oh yeah yeah M as well yeah yeah keep up good work thank you everywhere you go with EJ mate everywhere you go fam F I’m going to get

    His autograph all take care guys thank you so Security based in that lovely modern Gate House there that cracking that it’s amazing to meeting you fans in that is it yeah I love it absolutely brilliant yeah and obviously the forklifts buzzing around in this little area here he saw

    Us straight the way and it’s just concerned for our health and safety and wanted us out of the road they don’t want any accidents reported at all which is uh understandable but it’s a big place look quite a old part of the building there with the old style roof in got a

    Scaffold there doing some maintenance got some air handling as well that looks quite new New Edition suck out all the the dust and the crap and then a much newer section down here at the back loads and loads of pallets all neatly stacked it does make the company

    Look good when they uh keep the pallets tidy and of course we do have some skips and odly anything in there just a little bit of wood there got some spare land next door just there but it does look like Vehicles go down there look it’s quite well

    Trodden maybe that’s just been recently landscaped I’m not sure some Bays great line painting on the floor for pedestrian Crossings and walkways and a nice little stuff Car Park area with room for expansion there on the green so no problems here looks like they know what they’re doing and

    They watch the videos so credit to them but there is the whole site from this angle here look an old a new and some extra boltons so that’ll do it’s too windy to do a 360Β° photo at the moment so I’m going to get do it earlier yeah we going

    To get David back and we’re going to move on and check out the homeless guy in the tent over there let’s see if he is actually in there and see if there’s anything that we can do for him because I’m quite hungry and I wonder whether he

    Would like a McDonald’s as well let’s find out so that was seap Pac here in Wigan the manufacturer of cardboard packaging one guy knew exactly what the score was and the other one had never watched a video before but he still understood that as long as we are off

    His sight and we launch our drone take it up we can go over there you go it’s as simple as that logic why can’t others in the security role understand that anyway the location of the DJ Orit key ring on this video is behind that brick

    There you can just about see it wedged in there hopefully it is still there and security is now off the phone we did not give him permission to make that phone call did we so why did he do it yeah is a happy chap once we tell them that we’re no threats

    And we don’t want to come on we’re not a terrorist we’re not a thief we are not a traveler you had a concern about Travelers didn’t you all should be okay if you just allow us to carry on keep your eyes on us so now we’re going to

    Check out this guy over here in the tent is flapping away hopefully he’s not in there because we might need to get him a new tent looking at that but anyway that’s on the next video if you have enjoyed this one give it a thumbs up for

    Me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now now anybody in there mate no one’s there but it’s got loads of supplies been dropped here you know looks like it’s been left open for a b it’s all wet so maybe we should just close it

    I think the Zip’s broke mate so not you can really do and there’s no one around so and not we can do all well we tried we tried through as day would have helped Him


    1. I had a good laugh out loud about what the cyclists said. I'm American, so I'm not use to hearing the expression, "I have dry clothes at work in case I get pissed on after riding to work in the rain". πŸ˜‚

    2. You said on a different video, someone was pretending to be you and they had a black Mi Rider πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€”

    3. Great to see positive interactions along with the drone views. πŸ‘β­β­β­

      Saica part of the Glasshouse Business Park is named for historic Glass House dating mid 1800s or earlier where the Saica factory is located. A small glass factory located on the site but no ownership located. Glass House was replaced by a rayon silk mill during WW2 which is the older portion of the factory. Uncertain when rayon manufacture ceased and converted to kraft/corrugated paper production. Spanish Saica entered the UK market around 2008 with the purchase of Swedish owned SCA paper mills.

    4. Always good to meet these professional security folk in their smart clean uniforms proudly displaying their blue badges for all to see. Makes you proud to be British when you see this cream of British society.

    5. Well done gentleman for being 90% ahead of the regular crowd when it comes to "the knowledge" πŸ‘ …affable & aware, congratulations to the boss of this firm your fellas are Northern Gold.

    6. Didn't realise cardboard manufacturing sites were high on terrorist hit lists. What next, pet food manufacturing sites. Makes me laugh when they use that as a reason to be concerned.

    7. Such a wholesome video. Well done everyone.
      Even 'Victor Meldrew' in his lodge will admit it … though not in public.
      (No disrespect intended to 'Victor'. We all go through odd times, wishing him the best).

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