Today we take a look at Westbridge Furniture Design, 43 First Ave, Deeside CH5 2NU.

    The staff at Westbridge where very polite and professional and after a short chat left me alone to continue from the public pavement.

    Towards the end of the video we noticed a man in black acting very suspiciously across the road near the MiRider so we observe him, this is when the video went downhill and lead to the ❌

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Who are you who are you come matter who I am I just asking you to all right carry on okay I don’t need to carry on do I I work here mate I don’t need I’m okay here so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in dside a ch5

    Postcode on dside Industrial Park taking a look at Westbridge a proud member of the bellfield group now on Google Maps Westbridge Furniture designs limited is the closest I can find and it says permanently closed so let’s have a look to see if that is the case or not because there

    Does seem to be a lot of vehicles in the car Park Westfield Furniture Design operates out of four UK production sites occupying an excess of 450,000 Square ft of production design and Office Space employing over 1,300 people in the UK and are dedicated cut and SE Factory

    In Romania we manufacture in excess of 10,000 pieces of upholstery per week and they’ve got lots of photos that I’ll put on the screen now showing you inside and they’re making sofas yes so visitors must report to reception do not ride bicycles on site no we’re not we’ve left our across the

    Road no hgv Entry I’ve got a reception to the left a showroom to the left and a lovely graphic there about safety nothing you do on this site today will be as important as going home to your family and loved ones very very true so over to the left at reception just down there the sun’s

    Glaring in my direction we’ve got Alpine vending company and also one of those displays that tells you about safety 756 days since last lost time injury with a record of 869 definitely involved in a PO stre textiles johnh so standing on the grass on the right side of the fence there is reception nothing special and of course the works entrance and a possible new suppli bringing in some samples for the buyers to have a look at oh he lets himself

    In maybe he’s taken them for testing somewhere and he’s come back with the results I’m only guessing but showroom visitor parking I wonder what the showroom looks like so whilst things are quiet let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on

    Drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all Westbridge sofa manufacturers let’s have a look at you then shall we so as you enter you have a turn right and going park your car all the way down there or you turn left into the visitors parking

    Area and the showroom reception and staff entrance and inside the main building plus the extension at the back we have all that furniture being made from scratch here in the UK brilliant bit of a cramped trailer parking area in the main yard and a waste recycling area just in the corner down

    Here we do have seagull circling the Drone so I need to be mindful of that oh dear it’s the Mini 4 and we don’t want to be losing this one too soon but I do want to see what this guy’s doing there cuz I think he’s struggling get away from my drone

    Seagull yeah it’s not coming out they’ve compacted the bin a bit too much and it’s not pouring out the things you have to do eh and then of course in the main skip we have some Springs lots of metal in there is emptied all the others and pallets are pretty neat

    So nice work there one of the suppliers that they Have this place making a delivery that door will only open when the forlift gets near it and a bit of a open door in there so we do have a few guys just here and I think health and safety manager is now on the case as well but the question

    Is is he going to come over yes he is hello hi hi you okay yeah I was just is I taking your controller in the Drone yeah oh right okay who you working for is it the council or no this a video that I’m making about the company oh right okay independent citizen

    Journalism you could call it oh okay it’s just a a story that’s being published soon about Westbridge so I’m just getting the footage for that oh okay oh is it on the local P press or no independent all it’s just it will go on to a YouTube channel all

    Right okay all right I’ll look out what what’s the channel to it it comes out um well I’ve not finished the video yet okay um so depending on how it goes if if I’m treated well I do share information okay but I’m not finished the video yet I was hoping to have a

    Look in the showroom the cameras welcome in there um well you’d have to Lia with our department and L the site lead but unfortunately they’re all in meeting at the minute so oh is it not a public reception public showroom no no okay in

    That case I don’t go in no I only go places out of public I don’t make arrangements I don’t want special treatment put it that way yeah cuz I like to stay impartial you see so it sometimes these videos go well sometimes they don’t so okay yeah oh know that

    Would be interested to find out what the channel is so I can have a look at it on YouTube so yeah okay well um I’ll email you with the link what’s your email address email address if you just email it to HR there you go there we areil as soon

    As I’ve got it uploaded I’ll email you the link and you can see it thank you very much thank you take care enjo you thank You so there we go give the channel too soon it goes away it has a quick look and it just influences what happens next you know he might look at the subscriber count he might look at the content he might not want his place to be filmed once he realizes that we are

    Here just to look at good and bad so on this occasion no Channel but he certainly deserved the channel didn’t he it was absolutely fine yeah what a massive place and everything looks to be kept pretty pretty decent but now he’s gone back to communicate with the bosses will they

    Also take the same stance and just leave us alone what do they have down here is this a nice yeah yeah this is unusual actually so the site boundary I would presume that fence running along here somewhere with all this wooded area being theirs and look how

    Nice they’ made it for the staff with all these homemade benches and tables I think they’ve even got bins in there for the cigarettes but yeah the giving me good vibes so far and theyve even put some sheeting down underneath with bark on top yeah spot

    On so the only Corner that we’ve not looked at is this one down here where we’ve got some storage containers and more pallets this might be the scruffiest corner so far but every place has one that is for sure and they even have their own trailers that West

    Bridge so that’s it let’s get the whole place in one shot let’s do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and then we can move on because staff here at Westbridge have been absolutely fine haven’t they there you are your whole site in one shot and that was Westbridge here in

    Dside one of the largest sofa manufacturers in the country and it benefits from being within one of the UK’s largest privately owned furniture and soft Furnishing Groups all right you me You See Me Now youing good you’re all right you are what you are am I all right I said you are who are you who are you I I am I just asking you if you’re all right carry on okay no I don’t need to carry on do I I work here mate I don’t I’m

    Okay I’m no I’m nothing to do with you I’m trust it I’m doing a radio comers check man that’s all yeah yeah yeah you I just wonder why you’re filming me you look suspicious that’s why I don’t know what you up to I’m you can’t see a blue

    Badge don’t need to do you in public no I don’t don’t public you in public now just put it on so everyone knows you film it no you’re not filming me you don’t need to film me I’m not I’m not bothering you I’m nothing to do with you

    Okay you’re being too suspicious for me okay you ready yeah I canany it’s just a bit crackly Yeah okay all right we’re about 40 m out okay uh We’ve also got somebody breaching on that okay so you can move up a channel youing Li move up where s oh Le

    Come on get a grip he’s not up is There on a 446 PMR frequency is now resorted to his mobile phone he already came out to test the comms test the walkie-talkies I don’t know At least is finding it funny now that’s more like it my friend so I presume he is based in there which says some like is he on West Bridge now I’m stood outside your gate Oh Dearing on the pH please never so I was just about to say that ends the video here at Westbridge one of the the UK’s largest sofa manufacturers the location of the DJ aits key ring on this video is just behind the sign and I was very happy with the way

    They treated the photographer and the Drone flyer he going crazy at Les I’m going to give you the description of the gentleman and I presume it will be call the police I don’t know his colleague is now come out the building I presume they know each

    Other but once again a man dressed in black looking suspicious so you start filming it comes up if you just have your siia license on display then it removes all the suspicion about who the person is we know straight the way that your security and we can talk to you Appropriately but we’ll leave them to it I’ll wrap this one up so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one thank you very much to Westbridge on the corner by can you get on the camera I’ve got him yet

    Got us on the camera oh they’re providing us some entertainment aren’t there so we’ll stick around it’s sto by lamp post on the corner yeah he got a drone and a video camera so I’m trying to stay out the way cuz I want him KN where I’m going which

    Facing well he’s getting something out of his bag now but he’s facing towards the site you’re not dj are you what’s your name Ollie nice to meet you talking to a Dragonic what are you doing here you’re miles away I know yeah couple of hours

    Away but you okay yeah I’m in the middle of one right now getting interesting yeah security you’re watching me on the camera we can hear what they’re saying they don’t know that we’re listening at the minute that’s mad that’s so mad I can’t believe us I was so happy who is it Dragon

    Hydrolics nice one mate thanks for watching and then from this moment onwards the radio went quiet no more Communications we didn’t spot him we didn’t get the Drone up in the air quick enough did we so that does end this video thank you very much for watching

    See you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. β€œMove it where sorry?”
      β€œAh Liz, cmon get a grip”
      β€œIs he on Westbridge now”
      β€œLiz, I’m stood outside your gate”
      Haha. It’s like a Peter Kay scene. πŸ˜‚

    2. 446 is an open network like CB radio, it is exempt from the telecommunications act of interception as it is not a private communication and can be monitored freely as the band is licence free.
      Buy better radios, pay a licence and use encryption.

    3. When he said I don't have to move on I work here you should have asked him if he works outside on the public footpath all day 🀣 I also liked the new technique when they approach you and the fact you can't divulge who your client is for privacy reasons !!! The first guy reported back but they didn't want to wait a week for the upload so they sent out MI5 to gather further information. You need to wear an earphone with that scanner so they don't know you can hear them even if that's a bit more difficult to overlay the radio chatter with the video. You'll get more info that way if they don't know you can hear them.

    4. The first fella was good but the second was a complete moron. I think the best course of action with these people who don’t wear the SIA badge is to report them It’s a criminal offence not to wear it. Your doing them a favour by reporting it. Because they could get themselves in to worse trouble. Later on.

    5. It’s bad when Employees don’t know where the actual footpath is & confuse it with their property. Not a lot up top sadly.

    6. first bloke new his onions very well done and a gentleman , shame about the weido at the end but then again it gave you a laugh to see how clowns with sticks stuck up there anus work , again another security monkey untrained I do hope there is another company out there that trains these people as this one is useless, anger management wouldn't go a miss with that one communication skills at an all time low with this one , then again without weidos in this world we wouldn't be entertained by seeing performing monkeys

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