Last time I was down here to document what was left of British steel Rotherham, I had a road worker yelling at me that I couldn’t film him in a public place, no wonder he didn’t want to be filmed being the guilty party.,

    This area was once heaving with heavy industry and people.

    It looks like SY mayoral is the one providing £8.6 million to do this barmy scheme, notice how many people cycle past me.

    #sheffield #rotherham #cyclelanes #roadimprovements #magna #britishsteel #steelpeechandtozer

    So I thought I’d show you some of the stuff that is happening on Sheffield Road I’m coming out a rodro I’m coming up to where the old steel Peach and TOA was pretty steel rodro people don’t know what it was we’ve done a lot of Road modifications around

    Here and when they say they’ve got no money they can waste it I mean what’s all of this for and while you’re watching this video tell me how many cyclists come past me I mean it’s not an area where we’re able to get a lot of cyclist just on the

    Right you can see a biomass plant up there and that’s where the Eckles used to be produce Rail Products like the wheels and trains and now it’s a biomass plant and what energy is that actually [Applause] producing this is absolutely out of this world is it when RM say they running over on

    Budgets now a bit lost here it says Brad Marsh Business Park and I’m trying to work out where I [Applause] am so don’t recognize it shouldn’t the priority be having a balanced service sector in Industry rather than all this the foot path there I mean what’s going off around here

    Just realize I shouldn’t really be on there but I didn’t realize I didn’t realize that was uh I didn’t realize that so we’re coming up to Fon Road in a minute you can see the Riverside Pub just here but there used to be a fon Pub

    On the other side I’m just going to cross over I was not working where I should do and I’ve just been speaking to one of the Highway maintenance guys who just come to check that everything was okay says that they going to put red down somewhere for the

    Cycles you can see that side’s closed off at the moment it’s better than my experience last time cuz I had a guy yelling at me over a year ago when I was filming where I worked at British steel RAM and uh they were claiming I couldn’t film in in

    A public place I wasn’t filming him I was just filming the area but works progressed and you can see there’s no red Market down yet for the cycle Lane I just said to the guy I know it’s your job and everything I says but this is all

    Crazy now when I was an apprentice I used to walk down from Dead Man’s whole Lane to fullon Road for a lift from my dad so I know this area really well um just here where we’ve got scaffold designs was the F and Pub you got full and Road there that’s

    Why that other Road confused me I thought I was actually on feron road earlier and they changed it so there was a full P there got knocked down I think to two stories at one bit or or whatever and then they knocked it down completely London Scandinavia metallurgical companies up

    There well this area is unrecognizable back to the 1980s we’ve actually stripped our industry now I don’t even know if da Cooper there’s working anymore but how long do the businesses lasting off of these units to build them they must get grants to build them it would have probably been better

    If I’d have filmed it from the other direction but what I’ll probably do is I’ll come in again from Tinsley and walk down here into ra refilm R room but you can just see it it’s not a priority this at all absolutely zero Priority on the right hand side was Z course and it’s all this and the biom biomass plant now so you can see a bit of a cycle thing down here But so here you can see a biomass plant and that bridge there I’m sure that was where I used to cross when I was working at the Eckles this got all steel plants around here not anymore we’re all up the right hand side there British steel other and

    The way you’re going to find the cyclist I think everybody from brinwood is going to cycle down here into R and we’re approaching what once used to be the central workshops of steel other and the Phoenix 500 rooms now I was all for privatizing the steel industry but

    Not in the way that Margaret Thatcher did where she trashed it and one of the things is like the Phoenix Phoenix 500 room all the companies used to have their annual General meetings there like Sheffield wednes the football club at the Phoenix 500 and it could have been sold

    Off as a private business and run as a private business that have made a lot of money and we used to a staff we could go in there and actually have uh meals at lunchtime not in the Phoenix 500 but in the Phoenix rooms themselves but all this is new I I this

    Is all steel companies around [Applause] here all up right hand side really main Rail Products and that all went back I’ve been down the canal today and that went right back to The Canal at the back the South H navigational canal what I’ll do is I’ll come down the other

    Direction one day as work’s progressing and you’ll start to see what’s Happening if you don’t produce real jobs you have to create inflation for your fake agendas and that’s why the lock is down for 3 years and people have moaned about the inflation there’s only one reason they had to pay back all that money that they paid you not to work or all the

    Money for all the vaccination program it wasn’t free any of that you paid for it in inflation 10% a year so up here was the central Workshops the Phoenix rooms Etc around this area it’s just all being stripped out bit by bit we should be supporting small mediumsized

    Businesses all this is being cut out like I said businesses move to these Industrial units for a while get a cheap rate and then clear off and you just end up with business units empty everywhere probably 50% utilized now where I live in dinnington I don’t need to work cuz I’ve

    Got a private pension but you know it’d be nice go out and a little bit of extra money and where I live there’s no jobs adverage there’s more allegedly more jobs in dinnington when the cery was around probably four times or whatever but none of the jobs are atever time

    Locally I think in works up and dinnington at the moment six days six jobs a day on universal job search and on um indeed probably 20 on it indeed but most of the jobs they’re not real jobs [Applause] anyway so we now gone from having all them like cycle Lanes down there to

    This what was the point this just gets worse look at it I don’t know what this is are they going to fill this in and it’s the same on the other side they’ve done exactly the same on the other side this was a fantastic Road and they just made it a complete [Applause]

    Mess what I’m going to do is I’m just going to cross sides but I just show it you I don’t know what’s going off are they filling this into pavement that’s just absolute waste of one so this area I think was a ramp but they’ve just built various different units on

    It now the best thing about here is that this place looks so much better than it used to look steel fault it looks so much cleaner than I remember it back in the ‘ 80s but it used to be an independent temple with a Rolling Mill down there nothing to do with British

    Steel but all all the ramp sort of area came down to here and then beyond it it became the EOL and then Central workshops so when you got to roundabout that was e area and then Central workshops on the right and then this area was a ramp and it employed so many

    People you know probably tens of thousands that R steel rather room you now got the parcel Force but just look at it you seen any people walking up and down here cycling on my video and that just speaks it now I’m told that at hell or somewhere where they were putting

    Cycle Lanes in about 100 people responded 60 were against it and probably 30 were for it um and rather and plowed on anyway cuz probably not enough object to it these were big steel sheds at one bit producing a lot of Steel and you can look at those videos but just look at

    This so I don’t know if you you cyle in this you safe space we got a big new parel force and I bet that’s lovely to work in [Applause] there one of the problems is in the steel industry back in the ‘ 80s we were probably a bit overand I I admit that

    Cuz I know what went off but by the time I was leaving even though I just come out the apprenticeship they won’t give us permanent jobs but they were expecting us to do weekend work on his own and what I mean is if you’d actually fallen over or got hurt or

    Something there was nobody from your own team actually out there so like as a 20y old just outed me apprenticeship they expecting me to do something ons safe you know like at least I’d expect another one of my lot on plant while I were on plant so that

    If I didn’t turn up for a break they might start asking questions [Applause] but the problem is before that it it was Overman a little bit too much and people were taking the Michel I know but we just went from one extreme to the [Applause] other so we Comey there stock

    Of black and bright engineering bar now I think this is where uh one of the small independent steel producers was with that I think temporal Mill might have been on might have been on that side just there but there was also one on this side cuz it was just inside British

    Steel rotheram it wasn’t part of British steel R it it was just on this corner now he used to be able to sneak through here on to brinsworth Road and they shut this one off as well I mean it have been working quite adequately all these years and that got shut off they

    Just like to make our life [Applause] harder could it at least been made one way but I think they just want to make everybody’s life hard this has been going on for it must be two years last time I did a video down here and they’re still doing it

    Now so all down this side with massive steel sheds and it would be great if half of these business were producing anything but most of them are just importing stuff into the UK they just wear out houses so just behind here you’ve got brings a strip Mill now that’s actually moth

    Balls but I don’t think it’ll ever come out used to be all car parking in front of that and then they built all these units on it but just here was uh so have think about it laboratory you know really good laboratory just here and what used to happen

    Is spear was down here with these six electric car furnaces where Magna is and they used to shoot samples from over there where Magna is to over there where the Laboratories were through in shoes I mean this is you know you’re talking back in the 50s and 60s things weren’t as primitive as

    People make it out to be and we had a very modern industry Thrive a bar Mill I never saw anybody on plant when I were working there everybody was satting control Towers it was that efficient and I do think when we joined the EU there was a a deal made with the

    Germans where they keep the industry and we’d have the banking but that’s all right for those who live in the southeast of the country the rest of us are stuck with warehouses and shopping centers and call centers not I pay banking jobs so you can see more of in with stmill behind

    Here but I just didn’t realize how crazy it was down here ruing a perfectly decent Road it’s probably jeel Carriage we at one B now it’s uh one way in other direction we’re coming up to Magna now where spear was six electric art furnaces producing top grade steel very quickly really

    Modern Big East electric AR shop in the world or melting shop in the world on the board of Sheffield and Rod so we got the temple hotel now this is a thriving Pub I look at it now it’s some sort of business or flat or whatever let’s just have a quick video

    Of this one for me shorty so I just cut out to do a quick shorty for the temple Pub talking to the guy who’s just come out there he works in there the vertex access and he sent the the guy owns it wanted to keep a little bit of History got hold of

    This I can remember going in it was always a bit uh like uh thread bear but it was always pack Fuller Steelman end of shifts or lunch or whatever but what a mess you don’t know whether you’re on a cycle where you’re raised I mean I had a nasty accident on

    One of these coming into shaffield i’ navigated all the uh the roads coming into chield that were dangerous the ashal roads and then I come on to one of their cycle passs and had a really bad injury split me eye open and my knees but nobody recognize it

    And somewhere around here if you look in the 1950s before they actually moved this front used to be open our furnaces here there used to be a row of teres just here on an old picture actually it looked as though it part at steel works but then when they

    Did the electric car furnaces must have moved it out but a lot of the stuff still here and it’s like down at the EOS used to have a fantastic medical room down there or medical center I mean I were running at that time back in the 80s and

    I had a few knee injuries and I remember going to there and they had special stuff like two Banks I used to put on either side of my KNE and they put heat through it got all the facilities there it’s so sad walking down here just thinking what indry we’ve

    Trashed and don’t buy into the argument that industry was not not productive and we couldn’t compete with people abroad they spent all that money on the banking sector back in the 1990s and unbalanced the economy to the advantage of London and the southeast so here you’ve got brinwood strip Mills

    Spent a little bit of of time here I don’t particular like Brin strip Mill but he still got all the offices here and everything as you can see says Liberty Steel but I’ve worked in those offices you know like fixing equipment and stuff like that in the

    Past and some of those buildings over there our Workshop was somewhere around there and we used to go onto the roof and sun b at lunchtime those were the days me this is all the car parking that you can’t believe the number of people used to work

    Here probably far more now than all the small businesses that are here it’s just would never have been like that now I remember this actually was a canteen and a a washroom when out at British steel so when I was doing The Apprentice just up the apprenticeship just up the

    Road come down to the greasy spoon Cafe here I didn’t particular like it couldn’t eat the food but there was washrooms and everything in there so the process control Department I worked in was somewhere in there but just look at this we still got all this lot either side of the

    Road you can see Magna here that was exactly where spear was six fantastic electric art furnaces producing about 200 ton of shift that’s when you’ve got six heart furnaces producing 200 tons that’s some steel making Capac I should Say tragic just here used to be a visit bus Turning Point 69 bus no come on that one somewhere across here used to be a shunting wagon and it used to shunt across the road see if I can find it so if if I’ve got it right so they

    Come out of here with the shunting wagons and come across the road and out through here I think probably with with with a mol and steel or whatever and what it makes me laugh is I’m watching people walking around in yellow jackets when there’s no reason in

    These companies to have a yellow jacket on and we never wore a yellow jacket you put your safety first like you don’t expect somebody in a big shunting vehicle to stop for you you got your sensors it’s very rare to wore an helmet either only 50% of the time I wore an

    Helmet and just this building here right on top of the roof can remember one sunny day it would have been like this we’re in the training center and we actually all came and sat on top of that roof for an hour they wanted to get us climatized to the

    Heights things were sensible in those days now you put a yellow jacket on and you’re safe and that’s a stupid situation the country is in a yellow jacket don’t make you safe gives you a false sense of security there somebody makes a lot of money out of selling Health those yellow

    Jackets and all the health and safety the [Applause] courses we’re coming up to where the training center was dead man’s whole Lane and last time I came here it was uh an engineering company I think but with lost the uh I think we’ve just crossed the border now from Sheffield to

    Rotheram might be a bit further up there Sheffield’s up there so just cross the border is Sheffield going to bring cycle Lanes down here and everything priority should be decent paid jobs doing somewhat constructive so this road Bri you Stiller away you see all these containers cuz I think the sheds came

    The Sheds came a lot longer further up here in fact the shed I was on top of must have been a shed that continued on from that but sheds You’ have the sheds that Big Shed there and right up to here and then there’d be shed behind it as

    Well because there was a rolling Mill behind it and I never even saw the Rolling Mill can’t believe it I’ve only ever seen the rolling on videos [Applause] [Applause] Later so I’m trying to work up there Steel company here I remember but I don’t know if it’s still a steel company that’s Transport company now I’m sure this was some like Coopers up there there a lot of magnet companies along here that have all gone there LG Metals UK

    Limited so we got dead man’s old Lane this is where our training center was see the sign there and some of these big chants were where we trained and I’ve got to admit it I went to uh the ROM to Volley Club once and somebody must have been spiking me

    Booze and I was so ill and uh the next day I was sick out here so came out early at lunchtime and somewhere out here I’ve got to admit my guilt but somebody spiked my beer that night I know it only had a couple of PS these buildings were where we did our

    Trainer can’t remember exactly which buildings I think they might not be they might not been that building but all these buildings were part of the chain Center Center and behind it I don’t know what it says on here now so there’s some sort of thing on there I don’t know what that’s

    Saying but I think there was all I I finished my prorip in 84 I think there was only one more or two more years after that apprenticeships and the thing is you did two years apprenticeship on site and then the sh the apprenticeship Center

    Down while I was on site and I never got a certificate to say I’ve done a four-year apprenticeship fantastic apprenticeship and I’ve used those skills in rest of my life but never really used them in a work environment so it’s it’s a bit hard to tell which of

    These buildings were exactly the chain Cent not but I think that one possibly was which so many years it were back in N 1982 when I last I was in there then the next two years I was on the steel plant so imagine that’s all 30 years

    Ago so Cooper and Turner is still there but I thought it was down there I didn’t passed as well Coop and Turner up there so there is still some steel produced so now you can see the sign for meall and out the other side of meall that connects with that [Applause]

    As you got up to here it become more of the magnet building producing magnets that they stopped producing them years ago and then a lot of thousand starts on this side you can see a biomass plant there to the right of it Blackburn Madea sewi plant I think

    Still and people remember the Twin Towers two remaining cooling towers on the old electric generating plant but that must have produced far more than that producers but these were all decent sort of Steel making magnet producing companies now if I’m right this with dog and Partridge or something like that something and duck

    Dog and Duck it might have been and uh last time I looked it was actually a wedding place but that’s now being converted into FRS by the looks of it there always used to be an oldfashioned car outside it would be often I’d get off the

    Bus at Tinsley and walk down to the training center so why they couldn’t at least have the sign up and make it Look see if there’s anything more interesting down here but cyclist are going to have a bit of a problem when they get up to here aren’t they I can’t remember what was on here but something quite Big’s existed to have a car par like this I’m going to cross over the other side

    Of the road in a minute try and show you from the other side there were massive companies here that had been shut down for years producing magnets around here this looks like a moss to me that’s probably as far as I’m going to go on here because we’re nearly out

    Tinsle I might just uh start the video again and just show you the shops down here cuz I remember near waro having a shopy business in this rubber chops around here let’s just see what’s left around Here


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