This is how I went from a shy scooter kid from Germany to a Millionaire Crypto Trader in Dubai in 8 Years!
    This video summarises my entire life story and life transformation and highlights how I transformed from a normal kid with the dream of becoming a professional scooter rider to becoming a successful businessman and Millionaire Crypto Trader and Investor in Dubai.
    Every step along the way I had to make big and important decisions which impacted my entire life in a major way.

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    🔥ADD ME ON TikTok: @claudius_vertesi1 🔥



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    How did this 13-year-old scooter kid from Germany go to being a crypto millionaire Trader and investor in Dubai let’s take it back to where it started I remember exactly when my best childhood friend brought two foldable scooters to ride around with and I immediately felt the potential the exact same afternoon I went home and I watched all YouTube videos I could find about scootering because I wanted to see what

    Tricks were possible just like any normal kid I went to school but every afternoon I went on the train and I went to every single skat park around Munich every skate park I went to I got more and more excited I felt free like never before at the skate park everything

    Seemed possible and I got addicted to this feeling the crazy part was at the time I had many other hobbies for example I did Judo for 8 years I played the saxophone for 3 years piano 2 years basketball football and as my last few years of school went by I stopped doing

    All the other hobbies and only focused on scootering I realized more and more that scootering was what I wanted to do and I had this dream of becoming a pro scooter Rider in the second last school year I was missing 40% of the time and in my last school year which was the 12th grade I was missing around 70% of the time and I was always in the top five best in school although I barely attended any classes and I actually

    Accredit most of my success in school to scootering because the scootering gave me so much confidence and motivation to be better in life and to be successful and every time I went to the skate park I felt free so during the last two school years I was constantly on the

    Search for the best area in the world to live because for me it was very clear that I wanted to become a pro scole Rider basically during every holiday with my Dad we traveled to every area in the UK to every area in Australia why because that’s where on YouTube all the best

    Riders Were to show you in the 11th grade I went to Australia in the summer holiday with my dad I was very disappointed because the skate parks did not seem as good as in all the videos this made it very clear for me that I will move to the UK once my

    School was over after acing my final test which is called abitur in Germany I dropped my pen I drove home with my bicycle and I packed my back I took my very first car which was a old secondhand BMW and I drove 14 hours to the UK basically from Germany through

    Belgium Netherlands France to the UK and I moved right next to the world’s best indoor skat Park which was Corby adrenaline alley this was the place to be and I was so excited the house I moved into was completely empty no furniture no tables no chairs I just had

    An air mattress this thick guest room number two mattress and everything we will have a lot of guests here very soon here’s the room I’m sleeping in is actually like literally just an air mattress I didn’t even want any furniture I only wanted to sleep eat and

    Go to the skate park funny as it seems but this was my dream I spent the next 3 months just going to the skate park every single day because I wanted to basically push myself to be as good as possible then my life changed a few

    Months after moving to the UK I got invited by my friends to visit California and I was really excited I’ve never been to California I was just 18 years old and I said yes and that’s when the real YouTube Journey started started in California the energy was completely

    Different for the first time I experienced in the winter Sunny amazing weather Palm Trees amazing sunsets amazing Alto skate parks and everyone around me were making YouTube videos this inspired me so much because until then my dream was to be a pro sco Rider get sponsored which would then basically

    Pay for all my travels and all my things but once I saw the potential from YouTube I got hooked so my first video was just simply a video where I asked all my Instagram followers to call me some tricks and this video blew up a lot hey guys it’s claudus foressi right here

    At Clon skate park in San Diego and this is the calling the shots Video rewind kick list okay okay everyone loved it I had so much fun and everyone could see in the video how much fun I have in the YouTube videos the first year I made about two to three videos a week a few months later I went

    Back to the UK I traveled to more skat parks but for 3 years straight it was just me with my suitcase my scooter and my camera and in one year I went from 3,000 subscribers to 880,000 subscribers which was incredible and within only 6 to 9 months I started making a living

    From YouTube which was very exciting and from then on the numbers grew more and more one year later I really felt I have to change something and I developed a new dream which was to become the world’s biggest scooter YouTuber so I decided to make daily YouTube videos

    Which was an incredible task because basically I woke up I went to the skate park I filmed the video then I would drive home edit the video by myself sometimes all night just wake up the next day to make another YouTube video scootering led me to travel the entire

    World for example I went to every single city in Australia twice for 3 months two times in a row all right guys we are out here at beautiful sill beach in Melbourne Australia I went to New Zealand every city California Nevada Arizona my Miami New York Canada I made

    Friends everywhere and I believe in my heart that scooter ring is the best sport in the [Applause] World so 2016 2017 2018 I traveled the world all by myself my friends always helped me film the video and I edited the videos by myself I learned everything about YouTube on YouTube watching videos how to edit film all these things so in 2018 everything changed I felt that I need someone to

    Help me I reconnected with Elliot who I met 2 years prior at an indoor skate park in ramp World Cardiff all right so we here today with Elliot and I asked him to be my full-time videographer the crazy part was he wanted to film for me all those two years prior he always

    Messaged me and then we finally connected and we started making videos together we got Elliot from the UK he’s going to be also on tour he’s going to be filming he’s going to helping you guys travel the world he filmed all the videos he edited all the videos we’re

    Driving the RS3 Claudius is behind me and the R8 this also motivated me to launch my own merchandise brand which I sold online and also later on at meeting greet events and skate park events in person I also partnered with a leading scooter brand to make my own signature

    Scooter series which also was sold world white this was also one of my dreams to have my own signature scooter the funny part is my original Dream of becoming a pro scooter rider never came into fruition instead my way bigger goal came into fruition and a YouTube channel with

    Over 1 million subscribers this gave me the first taste of what it’s like to be a businessman and managing multiple things at the same time at the end of 2018 I developed an insane drive to learn more and more about business I started going to all the business

    Seminars at this point everything went really well but deep down I felt that I need to also invest money to get to a bigger place I did not really know where to start so I started watching all YouTube videos I could about investing in business and the first thing which

    Really resonated with me deeply was property so what did I do in 2019 I invested over £50,000 in property seminars masterminds education courses I went to every single property seminar all networking events all at the same time while traveling the UK doing tours with Elliott he was filming the videos

    He was editing the videos we were selling merchandise we were doing some sponsor deals as well the crazy part was while I was doing all my skate park tours I even started a property YouTube channel where you can see like my first few videos welcome to a new episode of

    Property investing with claudus fesi in March 2020 my life completely changed I was just about to do my first big property deals the first deal were three commercial shops downstairs and three AP apartment on the top I could have bought this property at a discount refurbish

    And get a higher valuation from the bank this deal would have produced £70,000 per year in income my second deal were eight commercial units and 10 apartments on the top one of the commercial tenants was actually McDonald’s and one of them was the council the location was amazing

    And this property would have produced £425,000 of yearly income but then the unexpected happen China has identified the cause of the mysterious new V corros this is a p Co and lockdown I was calling with my Builder on the phone regarding the first property deal he was just finalizing the quote for the

    Refurbishments and he told me that he could not get the building materials so I had to make a very important decision do I take the risk and buy the property potentially risk months on months where I cannot rent the property out or do I take the safe and conservative way and

    Not buy it I have decided to just play it safe so picture this I just spent an entire year in over £50,000 in property education and within one switch my whole dream of becoming a property investor got destroyed all my deals were canceled the whole world was lockdown and I was

    Locked in my apartment in Warrington so I had all this time during lockdown and I knew that I had to do something big something bold the best move that I knew at the time was to invest in silver because a few weeks prior I went to a mastermind in Singapore about precious

    Metals and gemstones I just arrived in Singapore poor tomorrow we are opening my bullion account and I bought over one ton of physical silver bullion and also some gemstones I bought silver at the perfect timing because not only was silver historically undervalued but also

    The silver to gold ratio was 1 to 120 so silver was overvalued globally and undervalued compared to Gold this is what happens when knowledge and preparation meets the right opportunity because I was ready I had the knowledge and I went in big I was locked in my apartment in Warrington near Manchester

    I was paying £800 a month in rent the living room basically consisted of just merchandise boxes and it was more like a film studio SL Warehouse I could not go to the skate park I could not make my Youtube videos so I spent between 12 to 18 hours per day learning about money

    Business investing I wanted to expand and learn more as I was watching YouTube video after YouTube video I got some videos recommended about crypto this made me very curious so I researched more and more about crypto I understood immediately that crypto was extremely undervalued in the beginning of 2020 and

    I immediately saw all the use cases the Bitcoin Haring just happened in May 2020 and I knew that I had to go in big again so what did I do I invested the rest of my money in crypto I went in big and bold so on the one hand I started my

    Investing Journey which was extremely exciting with my big silver investment and big crypto investment on the other hand I was completely separated from scooter YouTube and going to skate parks so as things started opening up a little bit and the rules got lifted what did I do I called my videographer Elliot I

    Said hey Elliot we need to do the biggest and best tour ever at the time Germany Austria and Switzerland were very very open and most restrictions were all lifted so we packed the van completely with merchandise and all things we needed camera equipment all of the things we drove 14 hours with the

    Van from the UK to Switzerland and we had the best time of our life every day was like a dream again every day in a beautiful city in Switzerland in the mountains in Austria today we are in lonstein amazing food amazing skate parks Lakes Nature it was

    Like a dream basically until the fourth event in Germany what happened on that day changed my entire life forever we drove to the skate park in nerber Germany just like any other event we arrived there and we saw hundreds of scoo riders basically on the road screaming being excited and screaming

    Police police so we drove down the main road and four police cars stopped us literally on the traffic lights around the police cars hundreds of screwdrivers screaming being excited so then four police cars escorted me from the main road to the police station they kept us

    There for 2 to 3 hours they told me that the limit was only 120 people at the time for this area in Germany because every area was different so then the police went on Instagram and posted an Instagram story telling everyone to come home this event made me really sad

    Because I basically had to disappoint hundreds of excited people and parents some of them drove many hours I had to pay ,000 as a fine and I had to cancel my entire summer tour in Germany all the weeks of planning beforehand got destroyed everything went from dream to

    Nightmare at the flip of a switch I came home 3 hours from nberg to Munich and I was sitting down contemplating what I was going to do I decided I need to change my life completely I strongly anticipated that in the UK there would be way more lockdowns is the biggest

    Threat this country has faced for decades you must stay at home I needed to go somewhere where I can be free which at the time the best option was Dubai which by coincidence is the crypto capital of the world this is the place where I felt I need to be to learn more

    About crypto and to accelerate my investing journey within 4 weeks I canceled my apartment in the UK and I formed a new company in Dubai I packed one suitcase my scooter and my camera and I flew to Dubai with a oneway ticket and I spent three months learning about

    Crypto and also trading stock options I perfectly wrote the entire GameStop wave I was buying lots of calls on GameStop and AMC which at the time experienced a massive short squeeze there’s nothing normal about what what you’re seeing when it comes to this stock right now several large hedge funds were severely

    Wounded in the process I was on Reddit 24/7 finding the best stocks to long and short while also building my crypto portfolio and meeting new people in Dubai in 2021 and 2022 I focused full-time on crypto I went to every single crypto event in all of Dubai I

    Networked with new people I got into New circles and I invested in over 50 crypto startups I was the top participant in most of the top launch pads pulker starter BST pad trust pet coin list card starter you name it I was invested everything became more and more exciting

    Later in 2021 I started earning also tremendous passive income from my crypto Holdings because I was providing liquidity in many of the top decentralized exchanges such as Unis Swap and pancake swap the passive income I earned from crypto was way more than what I imagined of what I would earn

    With my property deals in the UK so although I was very sad that my property dream and £50,000 of Education went into the Trap the exciting crypto journey and my stock option trades were bigger and better than I ever expected I started leveling up my lifestyle and I became

    More and more of an adult and slowly grew out from the neon scooter guy to becoming a businessman and investor but then 2022 happened crypto obviously right now getting crushed rasing more than $200 billion do from the entire investors getting jolted by volatility Rippling through the crypto worlding

    They could lose it all 2022 was the worst year for crypto and I distracted myself a lot basically every week we went out with the supercharged jet skis The Supercharged desert bugies we did skydiving Beach Clubs restaurants basically anything fun you can do in Dubai I did it but then I realized that

    I needed to change something I need a way to make money whether the crypto Market goes up or down in my own pace in my own style this led me to crypto Futures Trading for the first time I reconnected with my videographer Elliot who at the time was was working at a

    Property education company and later also at the airport he immediately saw the potential he quit his 9 to5 job after a 2-hour phone call and we started calling every day between 12 to 16 hours trading crypto Futures Elliot was extremely motivated dedicated and self-driven to learn more and more and

    He progressed insanely fast this led me to develop my own sneaky scalping trading style and he also developed his own trading style which later got him residency in Dubai so everything went amazing the trades went better and better and one day I went on my computer

    And I watched a few of my old YouTube videos and this made me very nostalgic almost a little bit sad because I remembered of how much fun I had making all these videos and traveling and being at the skate park this made me realize that what fulfills me the most is

    Actually making YouTube videos no amount of Lifestyle jet ski or Beach Clubs can compete with the Fulfillment that I get from making YouTube videos and changing people’s lives this led me to form new Partnerships and launch two new YouTube channels which are linked in the description which are dedicated to what

    I love which is crypto and trading both of the things completely transformed my life in the last 3 years I am extremely blessed to have accumulated 3 years of insane knowledge and experience in the crypto industry which allows me now to be in a position to massively take

    Advantage of the next crypto bull run which will be the biggest in history the exact same opportunity that I had 3 years ago is now repeating itself but bigger than ever this time I am armed with 3 years of Industry experience and full-time focus on just crypto and

    Trading I am extremely grateful for every single person who believes in me who supports me and my goal and my mission is to uplift everyone around me with all my energy and all my heart this 13-year-old kid in Germany had no idea that this small dream of becoming a pro

    Scooter rider would end me up traveling the world going to every single country making thousands of friends having over a million subscriber over 300 million views on YouTube and having this much support I feel like I have a family all over the world all because of you guys

    And for this I’m deeply grateful in my heart and thankful for this chapter right now a new chapter is starting and I’m extremely excited to show you my new chapter and reinvent myself on a completely new level


    1. Welcome back Claudius! Very interesting video about your life journey and your goals. Thank you for motivation and for sharing your knowledge with us!

    2. I'm from Belgium and I used to watch your videos all the time. I'm a skateboarder, not even a scooter rider but I always enjoyed how much fun you had. When I started watching this video I didn't even know it was about you until you showed the scooter videos. Respect for what you have achieved and how you have continued to persevere.

    3. It's like im living in a simulation. Last month I found your instagram and was wondering what you've been up to. Your stories were only crypto related and you haven't uploaded in 2 years. I felt like you vanished and we won't ever get the answers again, but now we are here and this is really an interesting story. I wish you all the best Claudius (:

    4. Ich bin sehr stolz auf das was du geschaft hast i Loved your vids i whatched them when i was Like 10 and now 5 years later i still whatch you i am also German and Love your vids much luck ❤❤❤❤❤

    5. Hey man, I used to watch these videos a few years ago, Out of curiosity at some point, I had searched your channel to see you hadn’t posted a video in over 2 years. Today I checked this channel as the year is coming to an end, And I saw this. This story is awesome, it is amazing to see how much you’ve evolved. Hope you’re doing well!

    6. I remember you being the main reason, I started getting into trick scootering haha… always wondered where you went after a few years, but glad to see you’re back and better then ever! Keep up the great work man

    7. I owe all of my skills and scooting to you. I have learned how to do bar spins flips, and all these other tricks. Thanks to you because it wasn’t for you I probably wouldn’t have thought it was possible but every day you would make a video and say everything is possible

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