Today we are joined by @MartiBlagborough as we take a look at Wincanton, Jollyes, Wheatlea Industrial Estate, Wheatlea Rd, Wigan WN3 6BB.

    We speak to security and a few members of staff whilst we find out more about the future of this place.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Sor where going that this is a secure s shouldn’t even bu this road so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Wigan and we’ve just come across this entrance here now this is wind canton’s Warehouse 4 AA so we do have a

    Sor going that this is a secure site you shouldn’t even be up this road why not because it’s secure site it’s a private property it can’t be secure some here this is a secure site yeah all all and not of signs down there where the what’s called it says private property I would

    Class a prison as being secure cuz I can’t get in it but cu the fact that I am here yeah but you see the see the what’s called Don’t anyway should we get to the point do you want to know why what we’re doing yeah yeah so what it is we’re making a

    YouTube video about this place we’re going to fly the drone over do the the video from the outside we won’t come through any Gates or fences or out all right so as long as we’ve told somebody what we’re doing that’s the only reason I mean we’re on security we’re not the

    Site manager so obviously that it’s what’s your job then what’s your job to do our our job is is signing vehicles in and out and make sure that people that they don’t go on the side that are not are not obviously what behind the fence you mean yeah see when you see down

    There where where the W Landes where when you come into gate it said private property from there to that it’s all wind c yeah but how can we just because it’s private property doesn’t restrict access it it it restricts access to vehicles or that are not it that’s impossible because I’m

    Here so it can’t restrict yeah butw wisewise it states that you’re not allowed tose if it’s open you’re allowed to it has to be locked and seal to to be illegal trespass how can we communicate with you guys if we can’t it’s all all done by email everything’s

    Done by email no we’re here to make a video and fly the drone over I know but for Who YouTube yeah for but you still need permission from the quick one legally they can do whatever they want or of the a space right don’t they don’t you’re not allowed to let people know

    That you’re doing no one tell us’re your security so it’s your job all you have to do is inform you going over they do the check on the on the phone to make sure there’s nothing on the Earth space like I know prisons and Earth Fields up the other one there’s another

    One as well airports and prisons is a big one they can fly wherever they want with all the all he’s doing is a duty to say listen I’m fly over if you see it it’s me that doing it but leg speaking like these guys are

    Just don’t but at the same time need to go let the manag know that’s your job he’s just informed you and then you can inform it to them management can go out to them but they’re legally not doing nothing again they got to do it from where

    The where property I agree with you I’ll go back out now I’ve communicated with you so my job’s done so I’ve told you I’m I’m making a video I’m going to fly the drone over if you want me to wait out there and and don’t do it yet

    Because you want to tell a manager and get the managers to speak to me then I’ll return the the curtesy and I’ll say yes okay I’ll wait for 10 minutes back down there and we’ll go from there yeah these guys should draw Less Than 3 whatever

    Yeah 249 G it’s such a lightweight one like he said you know if it did fall out the sky it’s such a lightweight it won’t hurt anyone yeah yeah and if it does all all they do is come and ask permission fell in this space please you retrieve

    Lo it with a safe distance to do how you know you know my kids have got Drums so what I have to do I have to make sure things I had to read upon the legislation and then um obviously the B looks familiar to like

    DJ audit and stuff like that you I mean so that’s what do really good see besid you can see all the stuff you can have that mark thank you for that Mark yeah we just down there for you my friend I appreciate what you’ve just done that really helped us thank you no

    No you’re right what you’re doing the kids have got Dron so yeah it is what is I have to look up on it as well as else you post it there yeah do you want a job what we don’t want is your kids being hassled while they’re flying their

    Drone because they might be over someone’s building you know let’s get the message out there that drones are perfectly lawful that’s I here truck and trailer repos for like presen it and when I seen um obviously come on and the guys like you you can understand their

    Point of view sket because they they don’t get taught the stuff what you need to teach so I like to communicate and I like to tell them that I’ve got no intention of coming on my friend yeah but do you know down there there might

    Be a couple of signs but how do we communicate we’ve got to come up to this point Haven you just a g anyway my friend thank you so much we’re going to go back down there and we’ll wait for you boss oh is it a touch thing you have to do that every

    Time pass it needs to be on a post right next to your window is this you got to get I hope they’re paying you enough to get out of your car every day that’s all right then and you’ve left your key in I quite

    Like one of these can I have it oh he’s idling Rising bards as well what Rising ballards yeah they don’t use them do they we do they is it quite high value Goods inside then not is it um ambient stuff yeah no electronics right really no you’re really just food on yeah no

    Clothes be noodles and biscuits he still got jolies here yeah oh that’s he said too much he’s off he you’ve got a fan what’s your name mate Dave Dave are Dave you good catch you thanks for watching mate so a few signs that we can see we

    Know that is the hdv entrance because we went up there one vehicle at a time that must be through the barrier I need to we know there security operatives and this is Maris Bridge 2. it’s only got lots of health and safety rules. and of course HIZ is very important to them

    Here we know they’ve got more than one contract so although the building only says Asda quite misleading cuz we know they’ve got jollies as shown on Google Maps initially security said no no no you can’t even and be up here there’s no gate there my friend and there’s no

    Intercom apart from this one hello oh you come to see us yeah oh hi what are you doing um well this place isn’t just aser is it it’s got jollies you got quite a few contracts got a few contracts here yeah so we’re here to

    Make a video of about the place and what it does yeah and that I’ll include the Drone going over just to get some behind the scenes footage we’re trying to make it as interesting as we can and hopefully some people watch it and we make a few quid

    Yeah okay no problem but we’re here just to communicate and we went up there first of all and communicated with security they’re like you can’t be up here so we come back down here where Bly it’s it’s not a foot PA that it’s traff

    No we was on we was on Wheels oh on them so the wheels took us just to the end of the road and normally we come to some sort of gate house where we can communicate yeah yeah it’s no problem no it is so jol’s as what else it’s not a

    It’s an Asda owner building basically there’s no Asda stock in it so jolies is the only one we know about then who else have you got a lot go on got jollies dobbies primar uh Odin worlds Mar dispensers wow well and their returns as well the returns as

    Well or just no no basically we a a few of the companies we just cross up from they send the Lords and we break it down and send it to different areas all okay so one of your vehicles could be going to all them stores on a on a round could

    They lot of jolies and Dobies they’ll probably have like two or three deliverers per vehicle okay and so you’ve got quite a lot of skips then around have you skips yeah for the waste we don’t we don’t we basically we don’t create that much worst here we we Reas

    Apple basally we’ve got like a shredder and a b and everything everything’s recycled so you don’t have damages that you have to get rid of the damages they get sent back to the the main Depot right okay and we do we do have a a normal normal waste but of them are just

    Been so we don’t have big skip skips we have onite it’s a it’s a a was know all own pal Miss spending me money you that King it’s not a good sign is it okay brilliant so it’s um how many roughly from here then about 100 McDonald’s

    Should have know the was under 220 were now down to about 150 is that the time of the year not cuz we’re closing going you’re not are you yeah what wi Canton are Clos in this building oh who’s taking over then uh have no idea they originally are and the

    Building is still owned by and as sold the premises to uh Anonymous SS wi know what they do from here they’re going to do it from their nobody knows just a mystery so the mystery bu with a mystery thing okay no nobody knows obviously you know

    Wi Canton they’ been bought out by C Logistics as well was a massive French well so this actually could be great for the the local people to watch the video then because they might not know that the building’s soon to be changed hands yeah yeah it’s still going to be

    Probably a distribution center it’s hard work to yeah for it unless the demolish and put all into like a building block or whatever but no it’s going to it’s going to be open as a concern it’s going to be we as a distribution Cent I’ve heard they’re going to spend a

    Lot of money on it doing all the doing all the offices up they’re going to paint all the building get rid of all the green the a green yeah cuz the Asda means nothing even now does it no no it’s we just wi Canton just leak the building there’s

    Not a freezer in here at all is there or fridge it’s all ambient it’s all ambient yeah right okay guys well thank you very much fil as well there’s another industrial park across there what do um baby H I can’t think who has it now all right not local they’re just acoss cross

    Way over there okay nice one mate no I can look at them Google Maps anyway just a cross thanks for your time mate thank you man manager pass with flying colors absolutely great a bit more about the place etc etc come on loads of room there right

    Guys so I’m going to get hun for it up in the sky and have a little look on the side and while Marty gets his drone up I will do the same so from across here across the road let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from

    Above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all wind Canton Warehouse for all those retailers let’s have a look at you then shall we point updated [Applause] takeoff home Point updated so we know Marty’s got his drone in the air

    So we’ll make sure we do not Collide he likes to say pretty low so I’ll go nice and high I’m up at 71 M Okie doie so the road that we initially went up oh look private road it’s much easier to see from above you certainly cannot see that when you’re on the

    Ground and of course the gate house down there do lead onto some Fields so dog walkers Etc we’ll be up and down there I’m sure and then of course we’ve got the backyard let’s have a quick look down here shall we so I’ve come down to 36 M

    Because the wind was a little bit too strong up there I can still see the Drone as you will notice as I turn around I am just over there but any further I will not be able to see the Drone so this the best we going to do

    Today got a lovely canopy area there looks like a fueling station that’s now being used for some sort of storage how unusual but as you would expect if they’re winding down getting ready to offload this place and money maintenance yes it will all be saved won’t it cost saving now towards the end

    Of the tency but all them stuff Vehicles still in the car park then as we come around the outside I’m surprised that they okay surprised they didn’t take the Asda sign down designated smoking shelter down there lot everybody’s wearing hi is and wind Canon trailers all the way down the

    Edge with some other trailers jolies Zenith that gentleman said he is maintaining the zeni trailers so I’ve spotted one now yeah this looks like a uh distribution center for Asda to me but currently looking after all them contracts sending them to the stores on demand as simple as

    That I think if it was left to security to handle the old thing it might have been a little bit different but when it finally got escalated to the management he came out perfectly fine didn’t he and having that Zenith engineer to hand to help us we

    Should take him along shouldn’t we he handled it absolutely perfect so let’s get H David back and wrap this one up shall we it’s a little bit too windy to do the 360 shot at the moment and that does conclude the video from here at the wi Canton distribution center for all those

    Brands that you mentioned the only one that I can remember really of course dobbies and jollies the luxury pet food the location of the DJ aits key ring on this video is right just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the

    Video and do want a key ring well good luck with that and yeah how silly is it that staff have to get out their vehicle and tap the reader each time it’s [ __ ] in it yeah imagine if it was raining or snowing not very good is it and of

    Course the rising bards that’s very unusual to see just for a visitor’s entrance but they get used at the weekend strange but one good thing is that everybody is wearing hiis even before they get onto sight look hi is as soon as they enter work and of course there may be a policy

    About no tailgating but that does not matter to the staff let’s see if we can find a no tailgating sign what’s that middle one say one vehicle at a time no tailgating but anyway we’re not here to pick on the staff oh Howen as well that

    Was one of the brands that’s in side I used to fit their kitchens good kitchens they are they are very good kitchens indeed by appointment to her majesty hey Al come on doing yes I’ll met you DJ yes Jing what’s your name my name is Robert

    Nice to meet you Bob nice meet you m that’s a key thing nice one I thought it was you cuz I recognized the B yeah I always watch you on Tik Tok and I do Tik Tok yeah yeah I don’t get to put the bike much on the Tik Tok videos they’re

    Quite short aren’t they yeah well they have recognized it but I only realized when you sh the Drone up oh you saw the Drone did I I just ped it up and I seen the drone on then I seen you back only him like no way we’re not getting robbed

    Today it’s only DJ but I never wow he’s FAS than there I could never imagine like you coming to this well we’re in the area we’ve just been to you know my rider the base around the corner right so we just had to do a quick uh visit

    Yeah visit to them and water in the area may as well make most of it and this is one of the biggest places in the area yeah but you’re soon to be winding down apparently have you still got your job not well they moving some middle witch

    Bit far though a it yeah I’m not I’m not going I’ll just find another job what you going to or you have not yet I’ve not found one yet no well good luck with that mate yeah see what happens if you got skills you got like Drive forlift

    Yeah I’m always outside I can drive counter balance reach truck drive everything in here you’ll be right you there’s a lot less skilled people inside than you a’t there yeah yeah definitely guys just stand off the road please yeah we’re disappearing now anyway mate problem yeah no You’ been fine with us

    So yeah no problem at alls are not working go what’s not working don’t pretend that you use them it’s only a staff car part you don’t need them operational oh they are why though they are operational yeah why though it’s over the top in it um well stops C

    Ah oh for the weekend you mean yeah when the sight’s closed yeah surely the gate will do that itself won’t it no no no you can get through the gate you can’t get through them no definitely not 18 willon get through them yeah I agree with you normally we see them on like

    Cash depos that’s what they are what their Embassy grid yeah yeah bit over the top I thought for a place like that the difference in cost of putting cheap ones in compared to putting them in when you’re putting them in is not that great cuz it’s the cost of putting

    Them in the money is putting in was it a recent instulation then no it’s been it’s been there for 3 four years um but it’s not it’s not um it’s not more expensive but it’s it’s guaranteed security have you had um like previous issues with has historically there you

    Go then that makes sense that’s why it makes sense to do it so did you consider all options cuz some people go for a high restriction um the landlord put them in so they they chose them yeah you got a good landlord haven’t you then

    That’s for sure not bad not bad well you soon to lose them cuz you’re off you’re abandoning us we are indeed but what about all the staff that want the jobs um the most of Staff have been redeployed take care most most of Staff have redeployed to other locations and

    Other work and you’ve trained them to such a high standard they’ll get reemployed anyway glowing references we hope so yeah we hope so right thank you very much for the nice chat guys yeah no problem take care guys take care so that was wind Canton absolutely no problem at all with

    That one so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now on the next One


    1. The health and safety policies are not very good at that site. I ended up with a large payout from this place that bought all my photography equipment. Including a nice mini 3 pro drone. Cheers Wincanton plc. Lol

    2. OMG – even the gate spoke more sense when it reopened by itself as the muppet rambled on about secuirty LMFAO That said, the ASDA employee whos kids fly drones knows more about air space legislation than the police.

    3. To be fair wincanton was pretty good. Fair play to the organ he hi vis guys. They were pleasant and were not trying to satisfy an ego. Well done guys!

    4. 2:20 Shows how the guy's think when they ignore the education from strangers yet accept anything said by someone works with them. They think random people are stupid thick and they are the intelligent ones – until proven wrong by their colleagues and made to look stupid.

    5. The Highway Code has an Engine Idling Law. According to Rule 123 of The Highway Code, drivers must not leave a parked vehicle unattended with the engine running or leave a vehicle engine running unnecessarily while the vehicle is stationary on a public road.

    6. But can they answer this in under 10 minutes …..?
      Tom can do a job in 50 mins, Jerry takes 45 mins and Bob can do the job in 40 mins !
      How long will this job take if all three work together ( in minutes ) …..?

    7. You've just encountered some of the friendliest staff I've seen in any audit videos, UK or abroad and I've watched hundreds! Mark, Robbie and the others absolutely fantastic. 👏👏

    8. I use to deliver to burberry in wales ,then i would find off cuts and end off rolls . bring them home and my mum made scarfs and cushion covers table cloths pillow cases .

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