Last day of my 4 day tour thru Northern France. Riding a small section of La Velo Maritime / Eurovelo 4 for Cayeux-sur-Mer until Saint-Valery-sur-Somme. Then the final stretch back to the starting point just north of Amiens along the Velo Route de la Somme.

    Total kilometers ridden on this second day of the tour: 86
    Meters climbed: 180

    Link to La Velo Maritime / Eurovelo 4 (including GPX files):
    Link to La Velo Maritime / Eurovelo 4 (including GPX files):

    Dobro Mash – Audionautix
    Bossa Sonsa – Quincas Moreira
    Woodshedder – Quincas Moreira
    Et Voila – Chis Haugen

    Good morning final day of the ride let’s hope the spoke keeps up for one more day see you later and then the final stage scoot everything in those two bags and that step succeeded as well put them on the bike uh get the water borders filled and then let’s Go so okay that was the camping place in C uh bit expensive €21 but uh yeah they had a pool which I didn’t use and all kinds of other facilities so I understand the price but yeah this is the one I found I prefer a little bit

    Smaller campsites but uh I had a good night’s sleep so that’s the important thing and they had beer in the evening so yes uh eat sleep right repeat um Next Step can you guess it yes to get breakfast because that one musly bar isn’t enough for the morning uh I think

    In a few kilometers like 6 seven there is a town uh with a big Supermarket right along my route so I should be able to find some breakfast there see you later how do and back on the route with a big Euro ve 4 sign uh over

    There I think the town I’m going to have breakfast in is s valer so even still 10 and a half Km and uh I almost forgot but I just said a small prayer to the bicyc touring gods that uh my back wheel will last for one more day uh in the meantime riding in this beautiful June area it feels very Dutch because also on the Dutch coast of Holland we uh yeah we

    Have similar Junes with similar cycling PS so feeling at home here so Junes and then green and then Pebbles again that’s Peach and all the way in the Far Far Away distance you can see even the Cliffs of uh gal I Think looks like a German Bunker Stret Loud of Bird I need breakfast and there’s my super Breakfast it’s good breakfast Oh yes this is nice so getting breakfast uh was a success only I need to find a place uh to actually eat it and I’m also on the point where I’m leaving the Euro for the V maritim and join the vout deum so also sad to leave the coast but uh yeah

    That’s how it is let’s go Inland and I think it’s a nice route as well and uh also fairly easy no climbing let’s find the new Route Perfect spot for breakfast and breakfast of Champions yes and on the way to abille along the some or the cannot do Something So the first part of the de is along this uh Canal to AB Hill and that’s a one big long straight line and after that towards Amia it will will get a little bit more bendy and uh yeah uh relatively short day so I think

    I have 15 km R now and remaining I think around 60 65 until I reach my car and then it’s the end of my tour uh but we’re not there yet uh let’s enjoy this uh day of cycling how Do So we just uh passed the city of abav didn’t really go through it just took a half a loop around it uh and in the mean yeah on this busy road I hope we’ll join uh the canal again soon in the actual cycling pass how do [Applause] so I got a feeling that I’m not on the actual route um cuz I don’t see any signing over here still following my GPS and that one I did take from the uh yeah the official uh bing route uh side of France let’s see if I can join uh the

    River because I think yeah looking at the map is just uh 500 m to the right of me let’s see Mary shows me the way I think uh I see a cycling puth near the river There so doing just run along the river s i just uh think what uh I know what went wrong because as you can see this is uh the surface is uh light or fine gravel which is perfectly fine to to cycl on but when I loaded the GPS track

    Into straa the setting might have been that I prefer paved roads and then it uh decided to uh yeah create an alternative next to uh near to this uh track that was the bigger Road uh that I was just on anyhow this is fine as well a little

    Bit more quiet bless to see but uh that’s fine how Do so the first locks I see since uh I started to join the S but yeah there might be some locks in the upper field that I just missed there that’s a nice picture really nice hotel and even a castle a shat I an orangery there’s some money over here amazing

    I think these are made for fish to their breeding grounds correct me if I’m wrong time for some lunch it’s it’s uh 1:00 and uh getting hungry Again of anyhow just saw a uh root B sign so uh the route is uh closed for some reason I give it gambo that I can still [Applause] was okay so there was this friendly Guy saying uh I could not go there I have to uh backtrack I think a

    Lot 3 or 4 km and see if there’s a route on that side that I can take oh well it’s a what the day’s work uh an alternative plan is to from that point directly route towards uh the village where my car is so let’s check when I’m back at the

    Uh when I’m back at the point where it’s at back at the pie of junk let’s see if this deviation [Applause] Works So there was sent s on the sign to go this way that was actually the town where I joined the river Som last Friday so I’m still uh not back at the some Ripper but yeah since I now saw the signs for S I will not join uh the S the S again

    And just go to uh s and then another 10 km how Do So those are the final kilometers I think another three or four and then uh the tour is over four days of riding three nights of camping One Night in a interesting Hotel beautiful beautiful scenery I really love the the coast and the castles and yeah the Normandy

    Countryside really loved it I think I was really lucky with the weather can be quite wet in this area uh also yeah end of August so it could have been really hot as well also uh that was not the case sometimes it was a little bit

    Chilly in the evening so perhaps went to bed uh inside the tent half an hour earlier than I would normally do because yeah it was really getting uh relatively cold but yeah for riding the weather was absolutely perfect and I just really enjoyed this four day so if you got some

    Spare days left and you really like cycle touring and you’re within a few hours drives of this region perhaps also for you Brits uh take the uh the train or the car across the channel and then uh come over here for a nice cycling ride I can recommend it uh okay let’s go

    For the final kilometers how Do Ooh and of course final thing my wheel is still in perfect condition except for the fact that one spoke is broken yeah Let’s uh watch some YouTube videos at home on uh how to uh add a spike or put in a new uh asare Spike

    Spoke why do I say spike spoke and yeah although I did write a little bit more careful carefully the uh yeah I couldn’t notice any difference with one spoke less so thank you bicycle touring gods


    1. What an excellent end to the journey and so glad the spoke held out. It's a shame how such a small imbalance could damage the whole of the wheel's bearings … it's almost like climate change. The series certainly made me think about getting the ferry over to Cherbourg and taking a few days along Eurovelo 4 to Dunkirk and ferry back from there. Thanks for the inspiration.

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