Explore the hidden facts behind the greatest fictional characters of all time in this amazing and highly entertaining series that delves deep into the legendary characters we all know and love but also the mysterious creators themselves.

    #documentary #literature #robinhood

    There is a Darkness upon the land it is a time of Oppression the people are under a new rule the Normans have come they are brought with them a new way of life a new language and the old ways of being lost in the midsts of time but some Tales have survived

    The people remember a great hero comes to them from the dark woods he is the hooded man Foreign [Applause] [Applause] Foreign [Applause] day his memory still shines brights like the MayDay Sun if only we could remember why Robin Hood is merry men and of course Maid Marion are known the world over their exploits have been told and retold thousands of times in movies books games and all manner of media they have even been retold under different guises with the names locations and periods altered

    What remains is the archetypal Battle of good over evil of Injustice rectified and the sins of man highlighted these same truths can be found in myths folklores and traditions all over the world for many periods The mystery of their meaning still haunts our subconscious state it lingers within us the popular perception of the Robin Hood Tale in our modern times comes to us from Hollywood movies even these are re-translations of a 16th century retelling it was produced by Anthony munde a contemporary of Shakespeare

    As such it has been altered from its original form and yet it remains recognizable and retains all those archetypal elements [Applause] Robin is a disinherited nobleman who leads his Wayward band of Outlaws against the Sheriff of Nottingham and his evil doing the setting is the time of Richard the lionheart in the late 12th century modern tales and films include made Marion as Robin’s love with specific Outlaws named such as will Scarlett

    Friar Tuck and of course Littlejohn of Robin Hood is to many people’s surprise a hotly debated Arena folklorists point to Pagan roots and tales of the Green Man fairies and goblins Historians point to dozens of possible Robins Roberts boots and Hodes forest in Nottinghamshire is moved to Yorkshire Lincolnshire and even Wales in an attempt to gain the spotlight of Tourism literally thousands of locations across the United Kingdom have Robin Hood linked names such as Robin Hood’s Bay in Yorkshire

    Most have no historical basis however and could be so named for any number of reasons but what is the truth was there a real Robin Hood or was he simply a wood nymph a figment of our imagination or is there a deeper and more profound set of explanations We must begin by seeking out a real Robin Hood from history if it is possible to trace the true history of Robin Hood then we must look towards original texts Amongst the earlier cited by historians are the York are sizes from 1225 which refer to a Robert code this character was said to be a fugitive tenant of the Archbishop of York [Applause] He appears again in 1227 as a pop hot but is this because he was being given a romantic title rather than using his own name in 1262 Royal records show that a William robod had a nickname of Robin Hood in all likelihood ropod was also a title or nickname In 1266 there are records that a battle raged between the Sheriff of Nottingham and outlaws of Sherwood Forest [Applause] In 1304 a Robin Hood is named in folio 103 of registrum pre-monster attempts 1316 in the Wakefield Court rolls there is a marriage between a Robin Hood and Matilda Hood In 1323 a Robin Hood is mentioned as a porter to King Edward II and there are many more as Robin Hood under several forms had rapidly become a common name taken or given to heroes and villains alike it is what is known as a ballad name Thank you there were in fact no less than eight known prominent Robin hoods in existence before 1300 and five of those were Outlaws and so tuning into the exact origin is something of a fine art if not an act of imagination foreign [Laughter] some claims to the real Robin however have more substance than others in around 1510 an anonymous poem entitled a little jest of Robin Hood appeared in print most Scholars agree that the language structure of the work points to An Origin of the mid to late 14th century

    Placing it roughly in the time of Edward II and not Richard the lionheart foreign Robin is a soldier not a nobleman it was a knight in the army of Thomas the Earl of Lancaster who led a tax Rebellion against the crown in 1322. The dates and events are real and official Joseph hunter in the mid-19th century in The Archives of Wakefield Manor his name was Robert hoede we must remember that Robin was a version of Robert which means bright or Shining and hode is one of the medieval spellings

    So Robert hode is indeed a Robin Hood and he even married a lady by the name of Matilda which had been an early form of Maid Marion Matilda joins this leader of the Earl’s Outlaws in Sherwood Forest in the little jest of Robin Hood we are also told the method of Robin’s death

    The apis of kirkley’s Priory in Yorkshire murders him following his attempt to seek refuge in the pride there is no explanation for this act but the date given in the jest for the death of this abbess is 1347. the very same year the real abbess of kirkles died

    However nobody is suggesting that the jest of Robin Hood is the tale of a real man in fact as we shall soon learn there is more truth in the tale than any literal translation from Mr there is another character who is the Nottingham Contender for the post the

    Son of the Earl of Huntington his name was Robert Dakine and in 1226 he was accused of certain crimes and declared an outlaw According to some he changed his name to Robin Hood and disappeared into Sherwood Forest Henry III and his son Prince Edward journey to Sherwood to eliminate the Outlaws [Applause]

    Later in 1272 the Public Records Office patent roles say that the sheriff waged war on Robin has paid 100 marks for his effort However it may simply be that there is some Nottinghamshire tourist spinning afoot here as the links are very suspect It is also a distinct fact that Robert de Keim simply took on the name of a popular folk hero this was rapidly becoming a kind of propaganda which itself points towards a much earlier origin [Applause] there are however many contenders for the role of the real Robin and the choice has very often become subjective to the period and location of the writer foreign [Applause] [Applause] To Saxons in the 13th and 14th centuries the ideal Robin would have been one who battled the invading Normans in their repressive Society most people lived lives of destitution as peasants and Corruption within the ruling Elite was Rife to be called an outlaw was something of an honor amongst the ordinary folks

    Little Wonder that the name spread to many Rebels and that in popular perception Robin became a hero of the poor or indeed already was the fact is that the name was profuse and linked with the role of Outlaw was it indeed simply a title bestowed and had in fact been something of

    Importance for a long time today there are many folk Heroes amongst the ordinary classes who take the hood or are from the hood but we do not search for the original man from the hood it may be that elements of Robin Hood’s tale are based on an original person or persons

    Maybe time and Legend have surrounded him to such an extent but we no longer recognize him the same has been true of many real people Richard the lionheart is one real character from history whose Legend Bears no relation to fact in our times we have done the same with our modern hoods

    Taking such people as Kennedy and glorifying him in popular media could it be that the elementary parts of the Robin Hood myth were in fact based upon much deeper human and nature-driven truths could there be some truth in the folklorious idea of Robin as the Green

    Man or Fairy of the woods and did these elements find themselves attached to a real character from history the memory of Robin was so deeply ingrained in the public psyche that the perpetrators of the ill-fated Gunpowder Plot were named Robin hoods whether this came from sneaking feelings of support from a largely downtrodden

    Populace or part of a rebellious and traitorous template from the authorities is not clear before we delve into European folklore for our answers we would do well to examine fables from other parts of the globe folklore did not emerge from the ground welled up within the mind of man from

    His observation of life and the world around him he traveled with him as he migrated around the globe it is like a constantly moving stream of wisdom that alters cause occasionally as it crosses the landscape and yet it retains its original substance and fertilizes the ground around it

    Whilst also taking with it some element of the land in the same way folklore adds to and takes from the cultures it crosses through the European culture did not suddenly emerge overnight for Millennia the tales told by man have been adopted by neighboring cultures and fostered Europe has been constantly

    Invaded by armies of the East and vice versa it has traded with continents Beyond its boundaries for as long as there have been settlements but more than products and services were traded so too were Legends Tales beliefs and language our very language is termed Indo-European giving us a clue to one of

    Those vast influences upon the mind of European man India Indo-European languages number over 400 and can be traced back to 2500 BC around the Balkans from where it spread outwards West into Europe and East towards India Proto-indo-european can be traced back even further to around 7000 BC and reveals an almost Global family of man There would be Little Wonder then to find the elementary archetypes of the Robin Hood folklore within the tales of many nations But how striking a resemblance would we require to be convinced that the hood Tales originated a long time before the reign of Edward II foreign foreign There are Tales known as the ramayana these are the stories of The Adventures of Rama ahodja the Hindu human incarnation of Krishna the great solar divinity even his name Rama hodja sounds like Robin Hood He was the Lord of midnight dwelling in the depths of night are known as the bright one just as Robert means bright He is pictured with the bright hood or Halo words linked together and seen also in the hooded cobra images of India he was an expert with the bow and arrow shooting solar fire he was a Crown Prince unjustly exiled to the forests with his wife Sita was the daughter of the mother goddess

    And Princess of mithila sounding remarkably like Matilda the prototype for maid Mario and just as the Sheriff of Nottingham would abduct Maid Marion so too Sita was abducted by a king named ravana Oh foreign ER and his band of Outlaws deposed the king and his expertise with the bow was a thing of Legend S he spent 14 years in the forests and in an amazing coincidence Robin Hood was said to have vexed the Northern parts for fall 13 years and more it is a European tradition to understate the number by one or more to add weight and power to the tail

    14 is an important half moon cycle period in many cultures and as we shall soon discover lunar cycles will become very important in understanding the Robin Hood Legend too many historians such a link would be ridiculed but with the similarities and origins of archetypal folk tales we actually have here A distinct possibility As these Hindu Tales seem perfectly bizarre to us today with their Tales of Monkey gods and strange creatures so too early forms of the Robin Hood folklore seem peculiar We have concepts of green men goblins and strange deities of the woods all sounding very close to the Hindu myths in European law we find that elves of the wood were seen with hoods and that Robin Hood is linked with Robin Goodfellow otherwise known as Puck or hop Goodfellow was a pre-christian Wood

    Sprite or Trickster leading Focus stray with his bright light in the dark of night this may also have links to the tradition of Willa the Wisp another trickster spirit that may more likely be a naive reference to Marsh gas igniting than randomly flickering in the Deep Woods

    As perk he can be traced across the entire European continent and it is believed to be of proto-indo-european origin revealing the ancient nature of this folklore as hob is the Hobgoblin and Hobb is also interchangeable with Rob or indeed odd could this be one of the earliest origins of the European Robin Hood

    Puck is in fact a European version of the Greek god pan he was Lord of the animals and nature spirits and lived in Arcadia the truth is that across the world nature spirits and entities of the woods were commonly believed in they were often tricksters and yet also

    Kindly revealing a very human Duality for we are very often faced with ourselves in those dark wild places but this is also nature itself for it knows not good or bad it just is and our perceptions of it reveal a subjective and divisive nature within us

    We view nature and judge it as good or bad perk on the other hand as a nature Spirit doesn’t care for our perceptions in this respect Robin Hood has also been linked with the global phenomenon of the Green Man or Wild Man of the woods depicted inside and outside the churches of Europe

    The green man has foliage sprouting from within himself and peers through the veil of this otherworldly place he is within what he is without this mirrors the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas where Jesus States when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside

    Then you will enter the kingdom of God Thank you One thing is abundantly clear there is an ancient and deeply fundamental code here an ancient wisdom that speaks of our connection to Nature stolen by the Christian church that people saw as dividers between themselves and their spiritual surroundings Foreign in the 12th century life of Merlin we have precisely the same Elementary truth as Merlin flees to the woods He made use of the roots of plants and grasses a fruit from trees and of the blackberries in the thicket it became a man of the world he became a man of the Woods This is Merlin the wise wizard of a time before Christianity becoming the wild man of the woods merging with the spirits of the darkness and living as one with nature [Applause] The green man is also often termed the horned God linking him again to pan Robin’s link with the horned God is also telling as he is Lord and Master over the Human animals of the forest and they are guardians of their stolen treasure like the hoarding Serpent nagas of Hinduism

    They do good deeds for those who deserve them and dastardly Deeds to those who do not This is the truth of Robin Hood that he guides us back to a place seemingly stolen from us by the Invaders he restores our connection to Nature to our true selves now lost in a material world of Lords Barons and Earls instead of doing the bidding of the

    Elite fighting Wars in far-off lands and handing over our crops to the monks we ought to be one with nature understanding her Cycles read the seasons respect her as Robin adored Mary Oh There are elements of the Robin Hood myth that relate to other Legends the tree of life is seen as Robin’s Larder tree supplying all that could be required like the Horn of Plenty all the cauldron of Celtic folklore this cauldron is guarded by the horned God yet again Robin Goodfellow is said to be born of a human mother and a god-like father in the form of Oberon he is also green like the Green Man which is a special healing color attributed to many things such as the Emerald Tablet the color of initiation into Gnostic Mysteries associated with the Masons

    And the green glass of the Grail Foreign It is believed by many that the Crescent shape of the bow recalls the Crescent Moon and horns of the pagan-horned god as does the horn Robin uses to call his people together Even Little John in the tale of Robin Hood and Sir guide Gisborne is tied to a tree being saved at the last minute by Robin in disguise Robin is here shape-shifting just as the Legends tell us Robin Goodfellow could as with most folklore there is symbolism myth Legend and probably some element of a real origin [Applause] Robin Hood May well have some aspects of his personality and life in real people but some historians would steer away from stating anything as fact as Fran and Jeff Dole point out in their book Robin Hood Outlaw or Greenwood myth that the origin of Robin Hood was obscure suggests a mythological or folklore

    Origin what we also find however in some of the earlier Tales is that Robin Hood and little John like Jesus and John the Baptist were equals Walter Bauer in the 15th century said that Robin Hood together with Little John and their companies Rose to prominence This and itself points out that both Robin and John were seen to each have their own followers very much like Jesus and John They are therefore and must be the twins of gnosticism like Castor and Pollux The Duality and balance there were also 12 main Outlaws just as there were 12 disciples curiously The Ballad of Robin Hood’s death also has a ritualistic element those mystical foreknowledge and ritual Banning there is death by bleeding which is

    Suspiciously close to the ritualistic deaths of other European and Asiatic green Springtime gods and heroes such as tamus Adonis and Osiris laughs So James Fraser’s wonderful Opus the golden bow strongly infers the Dionysus is another such version of The Legend Thomas Adonis and Osiris a vegetation gods of greenness indeed Osiris himself in pyramid texts at Sakura is called the Great green and often appears green skinned as a symbol of resurrection and life the

    Battle between Osiris and set seems all the more familiar now in the struggle that ensues between Robin and his arch rival the Sheriff of Nottingham Osiris becomes Horus when resurrected and we find that it is Horus who is protected by the wadjet snake the green snake foreign [Applause] Could it be that the tales of Robin are more ancient than previously believed could they really be Tales of ancient Egypt and even Sumeria passed down over Millennia and altered by time the fact remains that Christianity was stomping all over old Pagan beliefs rewriting tales that had existed for hundreds of years but

    As the Christians were destroying cultural history there were those who defended it the Masons of the period in which Robin Hood grew to popularity were hiding their symbols and Pagan ideas in the framework and masonry of churches across Europe green men sprang up in every sacred Christian place Strange characters seen hiding in foliage peeping out like Messengers from the past these peculiar and somewhat disturbing images to Modern Eyes are none other than the characters from the Pagan past gods and deities like Hearn the horned God and many other images of mother goddesses [Applause] To the past of man’s religious upbringing can still be seen in the stonework of Christian churches and cathedrals in places like Roslyn chapel and Litchfield Cathedral we must also look to the legends but as we can see the tales of Robin Hood are not only linked to the ancient past

    They are also linked inextricably to the tales of Arthur and his search for the Holy Grail there are instances like those of the night Gawain decapitating the Green Giant and mysterious images of a green night The plays of old enacted by local people and paraded through streets have changed titles across time and location from the Saint George play to the Robin Hood and green Jack from Wild Man to Green George the basic story is the same but the names change

    It is now time to turn to Morris dancing Today it can be observed across Europe and even America and its Origins are hotly debated some say it predates Christianity and derives from ancient Pagan ritual fertility dances others that it found a home in Europe from the Moors of Spain and this explains the earliest forms where the

    Dancers paint their faces black and indeed remorish name whatever the truth it can trace its history back over five centuries and the probability of it being much older is great what is of interest to us in our search for Robin Hood is that Morris dancing today would not be the same without him

    Being involved the majority of the Morris dancing that involves Robin Hood can be found on May Day and involves Maid Marion several Outlaws and the hobby horse we also find the Green Knight himself under the banner these days of the Christian Saint George a clue to the reality of Morris dancing

    Can be found in the dates it is traditionally enacted these days are always celebrations of special cyclical dates such as belting Samhain Whitson and mittlemass all these dates including Mayday were important to pre-christian peoples why we have to understand the periods of Times Gone by these were days of rural folk who relied

    Upon the seasons they look to the green gods for the fertility of their crops and livestock specific solstices and equinoxes were marked with their own importance spring was the birth period winter the death and yet also gestation within the womb of Mother Earth summer was abundance and Autumn a time

    Of gathering in the crops all of these Seasons had to be monitored they were magical times governed by the gods and goddesses this is why these green deities and characters were seen as fertility symbols they told us the time in relation to our need for food and our own birth Cycles

    And no greater a clock was there for telling the time of year than the heavenly host a sun moon and stars in the sky As the Earth spins around the seasons change and the position of the planet’s altar the sun’s position strengthens and weakens and the Moon in her retrograde orbit Maps out a 72-year cycle with every degree she moves all of this has now been finally mapped and measured

    But in time’s gone by and without the benefit of our modern technology things were different the wise ones or Wizards such as the fabled Merlin were the ones who measured and ruled they laid down great Stone machines upon the ground to measure the cycles of nature above and below

    They aligned their monuments to the solar and lunar deities and through observation could predict great and subtle changes in the environment this was the birth of our modern astrology and astronomy and was based in real life survival for our ancestors to see how the movement movement story Gods affected and

    Influenced the growth of the very things they needed to survive it was a gift from the heavens this is more than archetypal this is survival and was worldwide this is why so much folklore myth and Legend actually relates back to the seasons and the turning points in time oh

    But what does all this have to do with Robin Hood from the very earliest of times Robin is said to have adored the Virgin Mary and in fact Marion is just another version of that name with maid implying virginity Mary is derived from the word mer meaning water and wisdom and is related

    To the Moon she is in fact the Moon for it is the moon which affects the movement of our seas rivers and lakes how can we be certain that Mary or Marion was the moon Catholic tradition states that she lived on Earth for 72 years or one degree movement of the Moon

    They have ten Hail Marys of seven joys or 70 Hail Marys in total they then add a hail to our father and one for the Pope making 72 pale Mary’s in total she is indeed the moon or luna aspect in the MayDay festivals she is often the May Queen wearing white

    And a crown symbols of old for the moon and her Purity Robin on the other hand is the bright hood or shining Hood he is the solar deity who adores the moon because he casts his light in her direction to illuminate her so too Rama the Hindu deity is the solar

    Deity cast into the dark place of the Woods from the very earliest of ballads we have evidence of this in the 16th century play the downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington by Anthony Munday there are definite statements about Robin’s role this youth that leads young virgin by

    The hand has stopped the Sun the morning richly clad is our Robert your Robin Hood here Robin is said to lead the Virgin or Moon by the hand as the sun in many Morris dances we will find the female or moon and the male or sun danced about by Morris men with their

    Faces blackened like the night sky but mayday is more important for here we find the circumambulation of the maple Please Mayday is Beltane named after the solar deity Bell it marks the end of the dark winter and is the cause of much celebration it was the day when the annual calendar was reset using the pole and the wisdom of the elders Have been dancing around the maypole for hundreds if not thousands of years and we’re probably doing similar things at ancient megalithic structures foreign They cycle like the planets around this one upright shaft which itself points directly upwards to the pole star their intertwining is complex like the planets and they are tied to the pole as the stars are seemingly tied to the Earth at the center The pole is also the great phallus and the excited dance around the pole produces fertility for the land it was also the sacrificial tree upon which we now find Jesus Odin and a host of other solar divinities But these were not necessarily real people and if they were then they were simply taking on a title and enacting a play that was older than any modern religion Bizarre resonance with Robin Hood the name Robin is an ancient slang term for penis whether or not this is a direct link to the maypole is arguable but given the amorphous nature of folklore and real life it is a very strong possibility without paper computers TV or radio our

    Ancestors used other methods of passing on Ancient wisdom and knowledge they used Fables they do glyphs built structures and they danced the many dances of the world are now almost totally void of this knowledge but anthropological research in Africa and elsewhere reveals similar meanings to ancient dances they are and have been recreated

    Annually but even in the west certain things have remained and these are the characters and dates leaving behind subtle Clues to their Origins the Green Man the symbol of fecundity was replaced with Robin Hood and the May Queen by Mary and later maid Mariner it is in fact A Perfect Memory device

    To enable the human mind to retain long-term memory we must have strong associations are generally characters that we shall always remember and in so doing we remember what they did By making these characters enact specific plays at different times of year we actually create long-term memory of their actions the problem has come when we assumed in later years that these characters were actually real and not metaphors for something entirely different Pharaoh enacted the role of the solar Divinity in the sky and his Queen took on the role of the lunar deity Pharaoh was Osiris and the Queen Isis the very same has been true of our Kings throughout time as they wear the solar crown of gold they ritually enact certain roles at

    Certain times of year passing on sacred knowledge of the movement of the heavens revealing their ability to rule and measure only with this kind of knowledge can we begin to discern the real histories of the world and divide Fable from fact Robin as the son like Osiris is disinherited or cast down by set or the sheriff he goes into darkness the Deep Woods he is joined by the queen herself together they work with their Starry band to reclaim what was theirs the king’s crown the solar power On May Day they emerge into the town and all the folks celebrate and reenact the movements of the planets which brought them to this place in time they remember because they repeat the cycles of the heavens are recreated on Earth as if enacting some mystical magic to help nature along foreign Men and women would dance off into the dark woods and nine months later children would emerge these were special Children of the Gods and not surprisingly characters such as Robin Hood and little John were children of these May festivities that is they were the sons of the god and goddess

    Later the church would attempt to ban weddings in May to avoid this Pagan connection to the solar and lunar deities all elements of our ancestors lives were intermingled with the seasons measured by the heavens monitored by the wise and celebrated by the masses at the time of Robin’s death which was always predicted

    He casts an arrow or Ray of sun into the sky which makes a beautiful Arc it lands Westward from where he lays just as the setting sun goes down in the West these are Elementary parts of a much larger astronomical play Different aspects of Robin and indeed made Marion are folk tale memories of the aspects of the Sun and Moon as Horus was the morning sun so too Robin and the Indian Rama have similar aspects so too Mary is Isis nut hathor and numerous other faces of the Moon we humans have deified

    If we go deeper still we will find that the various long-standing Outlaws are in fact other planets or constellations they are members and keys in this ancient memory device as well as elements of the human psyche although beware as many of the Outlaws are in fact later Editions oh

    And as our ancestors taught us that which is above is like that which is below then we also have wonderful psychology built into the plays and Fables Robin and Mary are the fire and water the Divine opposites spoken of in Many religious traditions they have to be in balance

    Respectful of each other and protective there will always be a Sheriff of Nottingham who will come along and try to steal our wisdom but we must battle to win her back Among us there are light people and dark people and almost find their own opposites to unite with just as it is in heaven the same is true within each of us personally just as the particle that races around the nucleus pulls away from the center so too do we

    But eventually the particle reaches its boundary and must spiral backwards again towards the heart of its solar system the same is true of us We constantly believe that can survive without the nucleus and wander away from the true Center the true self But then we feel alone as if something is missing and so we begin the search again to discover the core of Truth this Quantum level reasoning is no different to the wonderful ratios we see all around us from the atomic level to the galactic level observation on the macro reveals the

    Truth about the micro this was the Gnostic way Truth by observation and intuition and these very elements were in fact fostered and built upon in the early medieval by groups of Troubadours It is claimed that these wandering minstrels just like will Scarlett or alanadale were fully conversant with old Gnostic Concepts they produced poems and songs much like the Song of Solomon which speaks of the love between man and woman and yet was in truth speaking of much deeper elements

    In this way they could hide their so-called heresy from the church one tale that emerged in the 13th century was Robin and Marion by Adam de la Hull remarkably Robin Hood Scholars have utterly denied any link between this play with Robin and Marion in the title and our Robin Hood

    But now we have a slightly different perspective what is our conclusion well we know that Marion or Mary was the moon in mythology this is the shepherdess lo and behold Marion in this play is exactly that her friend is Robin and there is a temp tonight who tries to

    Seduce her just as the Sheriff of Nottingham abducts Marion There isn’t much more to the play it simply shows the divisions between classes and yet reveals Marion to be more than a match for the night wisdom it seems overcomes so what can we conclude from our search as Hollywood continues to remake this ancient folk tale it seems that the concepts hidden within

    The tales of Robin Hood are very ancient and archetypal indeed they can be seen in places as diverse as Egypt and India they can be spotted in the Gnostic Gospels and other folklore such as those of Arthur and Guinevere solemn and sheba and Jesus and Mary Magdalene

    They have been laid down by those wizards of the past who wish to maintain the knowledge through many means eventually real characters emerged who were attributed to titles such as Caesar King Tsar Rex and possibly Robin as time went by the tales of their real Deeds merged with those of a more

    Esoteric origin just as the Christian Church tried to Stamp Out Pagan beliefs by building on sacred sites they also stamped their Christian Tales onto Pagan Fables but by doing so they actually kept them alive the lives of real people and the imagination of later writers eventually clouded the original Elementary

    Archetypal truth of the Robin Hood Legend unpick the harm that was done and see the elementary bigger pictures which lie beneath sea or visions of a past culture that was in awe of the universe around it they were Guided by the movements of their star gods and they gave them names

    And humanized them they then brought them down to earth dressed them up in all manner of ways and created mystical characters later adopted by real people there is still much to learn from the history and mythology of mankind we can learn about ourselves and our place in the universe

    The big question is this why did we forget Dream now and you shall find your way Through childhood foreign Alive we can be strong live to fight another day deep within you is nothing [Applause] foreign

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