Should I do it again?


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    In 2019 I visited all 20 premier league stadiums in 24 hours today I do that again with a Twist in 24 hours at 300 p.m. tomorrow at the nearest Stadium to this Arsenal who are currently top of the table are playing and JJ has kindly invited me to his box

    So I will be there however I have until 3:00 p.m. to make it to every Premier League Stadium and then get to my final location before the players kick off you’re probably wondering why West Ham start few months ago we played here goal it’s currently one all but not all mini

    Min strikes again so like last time I’m going to have to do 20 QP ups at each stadium and take a photo outside the stadium but this time I have a shirt of each Club three two 1 the time has began

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 all right now we need a picture with the shirt here we go James James doesn’t know how to use a C I’m blind okay Stadium number one done

    West Ham we go to the cab to the cab next stop Chelsea yeah not full them one of them find out chelse chelse it’s Chelsea which way where the flags are over there in the distance there’s lots of flags on the right all right so the next stadium is Chelsey we’re going to

    Take the underground here to there then line bite from there to Fulham and then Fulham to brenford or the other way I don’t know which but then we’ve done the London Stadium well we still got Tottenham and Arsenal and Palace but then we go Tottenham and then we go

    Luton and then we start B Road station okay we got 4 minutes viz has got a fact about every single Club so West Ham West Ham 2023 the only London Club to win a trophy well we knew that yeah we need that cuz every other club in London is

    [ __ ] he’s an Arsenal fan the next fact is that West Ham actually sell out their Stadium every home match so far in 20123 they have done so but do you know which match sold out the fastest the sidan the sidan also also sold out more than the

    Capacity it has also has beaten the light of burner boy the weekend yeah take that burner boy actually he’s cool he’s cool we cool get in wi the next station speed Speeded hey Tom go on hurry up all right well now we now he’s Chill H to Chelsea Chelsea there we go left and we’re there Stanford Bridge the time is 4:04 it’s already getting dark 20 keep UPS ready 1 2 9 10 19 20 done and the the shirt okay hopefully I got it okay shirt done keepy up done we move on to Fulham yes how

    Long does this take 11 11 11 minutes 11 minutes 11 minutes and it’s cold yep we got to go you’re crazy all right let’s go all right we’re on our way to Fulham it’s so cold main thing is not dying we need to make it to the stadiums alive my friends I’m

    Cold Who whoo left turn you want to know quick Chelsea fun fact oh yeah we haven’t heard a Chelsea fact so you know Fernando Torres all right VI tell me a Chelsea fact well do you know they Flo Fernando Torres that went to Chelsea for 50

    Million he in fact is the only football player ever to score a goal in every Club competition in a season damn but did you know that Chelsea have had the player with the best butt it was haard um I can agree Hazard had cake he had he had

    Bunder okay is this it this is it okay we’re at Fulham 1 2 3 4 [ __ ] 1 2 1920 fulam actually didn’t wear white and black originally is this the fun fact what did the they wear they wore red and white inspired by Arsenal but then 4 years later changed this is one

    Of kits I’m going to be this kit is really nice I like it but now brenford it’s four down we’re fifth of the way how far is brenford 4.1 miles 4 miles on the bikes that was like 1 and a half miles 22 minute bike ride here we go

    Okay back on the bikes boys oh [ __ ] stra sh sorry sorry I was looking at my camera I didn’t R you broke I’m so sorry as you can see we are at brenford this is number four well two 19 20 boom picture number four Club number

    Four home with the bees brenford fact go John you actually like this fact so before brenford moved to the stadium the stadium was Griffin Park for 116 years but it was the only Stadium to have four pubs in each Corner oh I do I do like

    That and then the last fact is that this club was actually founded in oh man can you 1889 does it say here this club was found in 1889 bad all right now a line bike to a station and then Station train to Tottenham and then from Tottenham we have a car again

    Subscribe to many ment okay the last Club in London until tomorrow morning but 20 keep UPS 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 [ __ ] 17 18 19 20 20 is done swap there we go no one under the age of 15 has seen Tottenham win a trophy no one under the

    Age of 30 has seen them win an FA Cup and no one under the age of 60 has seen them win the league that’s it he’s just it’s it’s too unfair also they were in a London Club until 1965 I can sense the hatred like there’s proper like Venom

    They were part of midle man You’ done your facts I hate this place get me out of here now we’re going to Luton Big Boy Luton get in the van we’re here let’s go we got side cards XX we’re about to have a whale of a Time boys

    Oh this is so far I’ve just cled like we’re still in London we go Lon and then after that I’m like okay cool then we just have a couple more no no h no Birmingham Manchester Liverpool Sheffield one minute out from Luton boys one minute out what a little stat is

    This for Luton this is for Luton okay the annual survey which 100,000 people contributed voted that the worst town in England is so we are right now in the worst town the whole of England I think it’s a bit harsh I mean if I look out the window

    There’s a what’s what someone dogging right oh oh yeah yeah okay this is Stadium number six 1 2 8 9 10 19 20 oh just catch could catch this is the hardest Shirt By the way to get a hold of Lucen Town Football Club this is

    Technically a one of one and uh I’m just going to leave it in that corner if anyone wants it feel free Club number six complete on to number seven which is Villa we are bang on schedule now we were 30 minutes ahead this is weird cuz

    Last time it wasn’t as well planned out I had a map and I was like oh no we need to change this then we’ll go here instead and then we’ll go there and there whereas this one as long as nothing goes wrong I think we’re good and I’m pretty confident nothing will go

    Wrong there’s one thing that could go wrong what weather we’re driving into the cold we’re bringing the heat though hey I’ve got a factory oh ason Villa used to not be a football team it used to be a pork pie business I did not know

    That got some pork pies in the bag if you want to eat some pork pies that’s fine I made it up well I was going to say what the that makes no sense literal sense whatsoever how is that feasible I know but no question give you an actual fact

    Okay about Birmingham oh not Birmingham I mean that’s where as from that accent is the ugliest accent it is the worst fored accent in the whole of UK I will agree it’s actually it’s actually officially class the least attractive if you’re having sex with someone from Birmingham and they’re Like that’s not that’s not it’s not great I’m going to come I’m going to come I see you that’s actually pretty sick that’s actually a very sick Stadium oh actually this is one of the ones I remember last time we could actually go up quite close to it oh this is can we

    Touch can we touch can we can we touch it Dad can we touch it what did I say keep that in okay Aston Villa 3 4 9 10 19 20 and the sh jeez Aston Villa I have a side cards signed so technically 101 I’m leaving it there Asen

    Villa oh [ __ ] bro welcome to Birmingham wait what’s going on oh my God the actually L fireworks down in the tunnel oh my god I’ve had multiple Instagram messages that have said like bro me and my little sister got to The loton Stadium 12 minutes after you posted and it was gone damn

    All right get to wolves this one are you not worried that people going to figure out your route now that you’ve been posting these as well what are you going to do oh no things that don’t age well no one’s going to figure out as well the fact that we’ve not done the

    Sou at this point we’re traveling up WS but yeah your story guys loed Villa it’s not going to V down do another one they’re definitely going to figure it out and we go Nottingham and then people will be like are they going to go over to Liverpool

    Are they going to Sheffield are they going are they done maybe that’s the end it’s quite late it’s 10 to 11 already it’s 10 to 11 is it yeah fud that to cry their bad looks in unreal in the fog 1 2 11 12 19 20 easy M number eight number

    Of who Ruben NE he’s not there anymore yeah he was signed card I’ll put it at that tree by whatever that says mad mad how how how did you know we were here I why you Villa for a guest okay yeah go for it oh my God why

    Is there more is this a separate group he’s gone for it he got’s got get it get it it’s yours me right we’re on schedule a great night next up Nottingham home of the Randy dog are we are we at a toll yeah the m6 toll Sor we’re paying money to go

    Up north yeah seems backwards we should be get seems like we should be paying to leave1 to11 I mean it’s to leave Birmingham it’s a big it’s a big vehicle actually that makes sense no you know what I would pay way more it has just hit

    Midnight so we have been going for 9 hours Randy okay Randy I have to do 20 keep ups but I want you to do them you have three attempts I’m just going to stand here yeah in case you scuffs it and it goes towards the river one two three

    Okay okay okay one one 2 3 4 5 [ __ ] imagine the B goes into the river this is your last attempt 1 is is it 20 overall three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 No 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 jeez

    Okay nice signed box Forest right there that is notingham Forest complete number nine done 1 hour to get there 1 hour yeah uh from why I’ve gathered oh hello mate do you want to shirt wait wait wait wait wait wait do you want a shirt you

    Want a forest shirt Y what the [ __ ] mil up man you want a forest shirt yes bro this is so surreal this is so surreal love bro oh bro I love you oh my God give us one last message one last message what do you want to say us gets

    Tough but you got to stick you got to Thug it out there it is there is is 1 2 3 18 19 20 done Shir this is disgusting by the way this is horrible I hate this but we have to take a picture get me out of Sheffield right

    Now yeah 30 minutes behind schedule but Nick is very optimistic that we can make up that time how are we going to make up that much time etad Stadium 20 keep Ops right now ready one two [ __ ] 1 2 3 4 19 20 boom Manchester lamp post sure okay that

    Was one of the quickest stops we’ve done this one we cannot get out the car run and do it because this is the only one we had issues with last time it was like you can’t film here you can’t film here and kicked us out okay Manchester

    United I’m not running not running just in case 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 man united scum but my brothers support them so they’re all right okay angry jines this one’s for you under the bench okay let’s get out

    Of here now we can run I turn the van around to Liverpool can’t be kicked out cuz we’re already leaving it is 3:34 so we’ve done over half the time yeah I’ve got bad news though what we’re 10 minutes behind schedule wait what sup oh my you want a city

    Shirt is it uh by one of the benches just in front go just in case someone else gets there have a great night boys not Liverpool I see anfield is this anfield this is anfield most people would say a field get it grammatical joke was this the best one I felt like

    Last time it was lit up there’s a badge up there yeah but it’s later today one 2 19 20 Liverpool shirt hello mate I said this what you say oh the other side is better Instagram the other side’s a lot better does one of you want

    A box and one of you want a shirt you here first so I’ll let you get the pick i’ go for the Box blue sure I’ll Happ see the [ __ ] are you Red yeah yeah yeah also wi are you getting along with each other and you’re an Everton fan and you’re a

    Liverpool fan I’ll happily take that over I think I’ve just solved peace Everton 1 2 6 7 19 20 14 done to Burnley I can’t wait for this one to be done I’m delusional let’s go boys let’s go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    16 17 18 19 20 that one felt very anticlimactic I felt I just went to like manan’s house or something like it was it didn’t feel like a stadium um to Newcastle Has oh oh 5 minutes 5 minutes until New hle 819 if there is a fan yeah at Newcastle I think that you should give them why should I give them why should you not give them I was going to say you’re Tesla cuz I don’t have a Tesla you have

    A car yeah true all right so so if there’s a fan there John will give him his car okay sounds good so would you rather Talia had a b accent for 6 months or a Newcastle accent for 2 years oh oh 6 months get it out the way there it is I

    See it oh there are people working waiting no John just lost his car I think this is where we started last time what up why 3 in the morning why huh I’ve got work at 10:00 why would you wait here I can’t believe you guys are waiting here that is that’s

    Dedication one two 19 20 done we’ve done we completed the north north is done oh get me back to the southern W you guys want a shirt Oh my days please go to sleep you’re probably wondering this whole time why the hell would you start a West Ham end Arsenal

    Well firstly West Ham were kind enough we could get in the stadium we also played there recently Arsenal we’re going to the game thanks to KSI but we have also planned a flight from Newcastle to Bournemouth and then we’ll drive back up so we’re getting a private jet down but in this

    Weather in this weather Lord knows everyone’s been to the toilet we have but we’ve had bad news really bad news the flight most likely can’t take off till like 10 which adds like an hour that means we’re an hour behind so we’d miss the entire first half of the again yeah we

    Would have failed the entire challenge by an hour I want to cry and it’s due to fog out of everything just fog yeah bad times times oh bad times now yeah what the bad times we might not be able to take off for like another hour which

    Would make us fail the challenge that would make us fail the challenge we didn’t plan this route for it to be the most efficient we didn’t but it was it’s all good like we’ve done 16 stadiums we’re we’re there literally have one flight then it’s fine we’ve got a car

    There waiting for us it ah keep Spirits High you know what this is like you know you know in every challenge there’s this like massive twist that just cucks everything yeah but that normally ends up being like Oh my God but we still did it we overcame no but that’s what I’m

    Hoping I’m hoping in the next 5 minutes all right we’re good to go at the weather it’s 7 Minutes old it’s 250 m in Fr which is can’t land there’s no point is going all the way there all right guys B you look out the window you see great and

    Then we just go s we go to Manchester but we’re going to keep monitoring as you expect we will be ready as soon as it doesn’t so so the dream is over I can’t take off still it could be another hour this challenge has failed when best but don’t

    Suceed when you get what you want but not what what you need when you feel so tired but you can’t sleep stuck in RSE oh I mean I don’t know how you guys feel at the moment but if we wanted to watch a football match and do it all oh here we go we a Newcastle Newcastle are playing United tonight at 8:00 so we could just have a snooze start it again

    At 8:00 and visit every Stadium by 8:00 tomorrow night ending Bournemouth endend bourou never ending I’m not against it and then halfway through for some reason we fail that you have a child I have a I have a child but the child needs why don’t you

    Want to go home to your child that’s another day rate another two day rates John you have given away your car already you your car yeah oh yeah that was a bad move still got four years of Finance payments to pay you just be getting invoices so mate you

    I think you missed your payment for my car this week yeah yeah actually I actually gets my car and the debt let’s be real we have nothing to do except wait and he has told us that it it looks like it’s going to clear between 10 and

    Two if it’s after 12 I don’t think we see a ball get kicked today if it’s before 12 we may make it before the final whistle it is now4 to 12 and that is the time we basically set as if it hits quarter to 12 we’re not making the game at all

    So I mean we had failed the challenge regardless but we failed the challenge completely Now we’ve been offered a a a a potential deal we can try and fly in Southampton if it doesn’t work we’ll leave Southampton and land next to which is 2 hours from Bournemouth makes that incredibly long otherwise we’re just sat here waiting we’re going to risk it hopefully we land in Southampton then

    It’s quick drive to Bournemouth drive over to Brighton and then we’re on our way home but if not we’re Landing in EXA and trains are cancelled and then we’re just we’re just waiting but I think we just go for it now good sir Mr pilot man we would like to try

    Southampton like try yes I’d rather die in Southampton then stay in Newcastle it’s fair Southampton might Crush my spirit but I could survive if I land in ex I think I think this video is gone I take it’s so cold and I don’t know where

    I brought you on a pretty stream oh this is such a mistake all right let’s go boys I’m genuinely like I might be heartbroken today a very interesting first PJ experience could be trying three attempts or two attempts of Landing I’ve never got on a plane that has three different

    Destinations slowly breaking down into tears it’s time aboard it’s time to one at three different locations what would what would you say the percentages of Bournemouth I’d say at the moment probably 30% okay and then Southampton 65 and and Xs 100 B okay I like those odds okay see what happens enjoy the

    Flight I should be a laugh you somewhere who knows thank you very much let’s go we’re already at like 23 hours this day is about to get so much longer if we can’t Land weather in bouth is great PS and it’s not technically impossible oh so we’re going to go try it maximum two approaches somewhere you want to be after that the third approach to be ex okay thanks late woo okay we are so low now please Bournemouth what that’se wait what

    Just terrifying oh my God I see I I can see it now I can see it wait [ __ ] me oh my godu you he he’s done it [ __ ] me you [ __ ] you oh my God we’re getting to the game we’re doing it oh oh my God just experienced the best ever landed that

    Was oh my God that was oh my God that man’s a King Jesus Christ what landed in for Jesus Christ what oh my God this is your captain welcome to exed in this holy [ __ ] that was pretty close Okay so we haven’t failed the challenge yet we still have an hour and

    19 minutes admittedly we can’t even get to Brighton in that time but thank you so much that was UN literally we were on the cusp of going around so that was as close as you get Legend I hope you are going to make it some of

    It hopefully we’ve landed we have a cab we’re going to Vitality Stadium this is number 17 we have three more afterwards we’re actually so close now Stadium number 17 Bournemouth where I ended last time [ __ ] but 20 keep Ups 2 3 19 20 There it is Stadium number 17 done yes three more to go technically we haven’t failed the challenge yet we haven’t failed yet cuz we have till 3:00 p.m. we’re not making it to Bright in time okay ladies and gentlemen see this time yeah we started at 300 p.m. yesterday we

    Failed 24 hours have officially passed 17 stadiums so close Brighton Palace and Arsenal and Arsenal are now kicking off yep and we were meant to be there I think is JJ JJ he went hey friend I heard you doing that video come to the Box everyone’s welcome got some seats

    For you and now it’s kicked off and now he’s just there I don’t know if he even knows we’re missing I doubt it where you guys up 1 2 19 20 get me my picture and get me back in the warm number 18 complete two more the end

    Is in sight it’s half six [ __ ] me we started 27 and 1 half hours ago 1 2 3 4 19 20 one more one more oh please camat all right we’ve made it to BR then thank you thank you Jack thank you James byebye bye we will James

    We will go God speed boys thank you God speed good Lu goodbye van 11 stops then a short walk and then guess what what the emmer boom done and then we watch AR wolves I’m so happy to be done can’t wait 20 more ke outs one more P that’s

    It stand clear of the closing door that’s it I can see it that bridge down there is it I was so close was so close leave save You 23 Premier League Stadium in just under 24 hours crazy a man we could have been wait this is like Rocky [Applause] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yes finally let me get this picture let me get the picture hold three three two we finished yes 7 52 so it took us 27 hours 52 minutes almost 4 hours over what we wanted but we were at the airport for 3 to 4 hours so discrepancies whether we

    Would have made it or not but traffic would have changed everything would have who knows who cares ladies and gentlemen that has been the stadium video we failed but that just means that I’ve got to do a part three this time I’m doing it in the summer I’m I’m not doing it

    Again in the winter I refuse also as you can see by our accomplishment today just know that if you work hard you can be late to your dreams too so when you uh I don’t have this phrase I’m [ __ ] knackered thanks for watching thanks for yeah peace


    1. Hi simon ik you will prob no see but can you build my setup i have been watching the sidemen for over 6-7 year since the football vid and crossbar challenges i live pretty far away and i dont know how to make a set up

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