British Wheelchair Basketball: National League: Premier Division.
    The Manchester Revolution host the Plymouth Fusion at the National Basketball Performance Centre

    Good afternoon and welcome into the National Basketball performance center here in Manchester we’ve got some BWB Premier Division action for you today as the Manchester Revolution hosts the Plymouth Fusion my name’s kasb look and joining me is the one the only Robin love and we’re going to be with you

    Throughout today’s game which is due to tip off very shortly so the Manchester Revolution currently sitting at three and one in the table which is good for second they’re playing in their first game since late November when they took on the London Titans in what was a a

    Statement win 84-68 in that one Martin Edwards 28 points 10 rebounds six assists and Finn toner adding in 22 points three rebounds and four assists so Robin it feels like it’s been a while since we’ve been here and the revolution had a bit of time off preparations

    Underway for Euro Cup next week that they’re playing in how are they going to be feeling going into this one I think they’ll be excited confident they’ve got a few new players on the roster this morning afternoon even don’t know where I am uh it’s been a long day so far yeah

    They’ve got a few new players on the roster so I think they’ll be excited to kind of put their stamp on this Manchester Revolution team ahead of Euro Cup which which is next weekend where they’ll be heading out to Hanover to compete with the professional clubs in Europe um and show what British

    Basketball is all about and I’m sure we’ll talk a bit more about the Euro Cup later on but at the moment we’ve got uh Plymouth Fusion heading up to Manchester so they last played a couple a couple of weekends ago um against the Jaguars had a a a close

    Loss 60 to 47 in that one Daniel Smith 17 points 4 rebounds three assists and three threes for him Joel Clifton adding in another 17 points with five rebounds and three assists So Daniel Smith he’s a knockdown three-point shooter he’s been doing it all season long and he’s going

    To be someone the revolution needs to keep an eye on today absolutely I’m sure that’s a stat that Dan Johnson will be highlighting no threes stop High because not only are they you know playing against this Plymouth team but they will have to stop the powerhouses out in Euro Cup and this is

    The perfect game game to practice that with Daniel Smith I’m sure looking to show what he’s got in Manchester today and we saw um last game out back in November Billy Bridge decided to uh just hit threes at the buzzer just incredulous threes yeah casual casual threes from Billy’s book I think you

    Know he’s an incredible scorer Billy Bridge um he shoots him for front he’s sometimes a better three shooter than a two shooter he just seems to have the eye for it and so I’m hoping that there’s going to be a bit of Battle of the threes today no doubt whoever puts

    Some one up first the other person will be answering right back which you know I like that we B have three-point a baji that’s what that’s what we want to see that’s what the people want to see it’s a a shootout so the the Plymouth Fusion currently at fifth in the

    Standings they have one win and two losses and they’re going to be wanting to try and get one over on the revolution today so starting FES for both teams for Plymouth it will be Daniel Smith Adele Atkin Joshua Steels Jordan brgh and Joel Clifton and for the

    Revolution it’s not yet up on the stat sheet should we take a wild guess oh um but great to see Gary Dawson uh back in the roster for the revolution this season yeah absolutely had some time away Gaz Dawson had a we operation carpal tunnel on his hand so now he’s

    Back fully fit and ready to go um he is someone who does a lot of Charity cycle race as well for the h spinal cord injury Association that he works for um no doubt it be excited to show on his social media where he shows what it’s

    Like to be a person in a who uses a wheelchair all the time and shows you know what his life is like and no doubt you’ll be seeing a lot of uh what Euro Cup is like and what it’s like competing out out in a professional environment so

    Get your yourself to uh roll with it which is Gary Gary Dawson’s uh Instagram where you can see all all things wheelchair used our life yeah give him a follow he’s a a great follow so starting five for the revolution Finn toner Martin Edwards Tyler Baines Billy bridge

    And Gary Dawson and it is Revolution ball for the first possession as Baines gets inside trying to find some space and that’s a foul a quick foul early on and will be revolution ball oh apologies that’s two shots so that sends Baines to the line and Tyler Baines a new signing for

    The revolution this season yeah he’s a great addition to the squad developing his confidence you know he’s someone that will be pushing to try and be selected for the Paris par Olympic Games with GB now goes one of two from the line gets his own rebound though to another chance

    On offense for the revolution Baines again inside oh nice Scoop from the right hand side and he’s picked up there by Plymouth [Applause] Smith round to Clifton right Clifton gets it back shots up and doesn’t drop Bridge with the first rebound for the revolution great long pass over to

    Edwards on the break and Martin Edwards underneath just lays it in from [Applause] the and that’s something that’s going to be dangerous to Plymouth isn’t it if the revolution can get into that fast break transition that they like to play Shots up and that is good nothing but net for

    Smith you see both teams have gone for a kind of four big kind of set up with two one Point players on so the match up they’ve got I imagine they’re try and stay the same Edwards for three off the rim Steels he’s got a lot of space there swings it round to

    Bright back to Steels and good hands there from bridge pressuring the [Applause] ball and off defensive foul call it was about to be a steal by the long armed Gaz Dawson without the fou either way it would been manchest B and that’s the that’s what Gary Dawson

    Brings to the team isn’t it Robin like the the pressure that he puts on defensively absolutely he’s very physical player long very long arms pretty rapid to be honest as well he’s got everything you want in a in a onepoint play yeah and Edwards hits the basket draws the contact so he’s going

    To go to the line for a chance at a three-point play and Martin Ed was just picking up where he’s left off he’s a leading scorer for the revolution 28.5 points per game along with 10 rebounds he’s just a double double machine yeah it’s no surprise you know

    He’s just won the European championships with the GB men Squad he’s bringing that experience into this Manchester team ahead of the the par Olympics again where he’ll be looking to get selected and putting in double double performances consistently he certainly help towards that Bri round to steals Clifton looking to get inside

    Comes up against Edwards and he’s blocked Clifton gets it back round to Bri oh nice pass inside and foul on the shot see Manchester jumping both sides making it really difficult for H Plymouth to take an outside shot and because they’re not helping from the middle they’re

    Helping from the from the opposite side the weak side it’s just that time and that skip is just allowing that time for the defense to recover this first shot is [Applause] short so these two teams faced each other early this season the Revolution coming out on top in that one but Dan

    Smith as he hits the second had 22 points in that game as we mentioned before a a scary three-point [Applause] shooter Baines over to Edwards back to Baines Bridge got space for two shot doesn’t go way bit of a miscommunication there between Billy and G Dawson Dawson was was trying to curl

    Him in but Billy a renowned outside shooter just wanted a we bit of a screen I’m sure they’ll have a we chat about that Clifton coming up against Dawson long pass over Smith round to steals Clifton gets it back 3 seconds on the shot clock and in and out and back in again

    Fantastic shot you know they’re getting four shots like that all game jumping both sides making it really challenging Bridge found some space thought about the shot comes up against three fusion players as it swung round toner looking to get inside 4 seconds on the clock and toner with a tough jumper from the

    [Applause] Baseline since coming back from the the tournament with the GB Squad the junior Squad he’s really developed in confidence Finn toner and it’s he’s certainly kind through to this Manchester team and it’s exciting to see I think it definitely is you can see the Improvement on last season as well it’s

    Always really exciting to to see young players develop and bringing home the gold in November last year just a great achievement Bridge doesn’t [Applause] drop Clifton over to [Applause] Atkin Atkin looking to hand it off gets it to [Applause] Bry and Clifton back to Smith Smith’s three is up and that’s no

    Good so be revolution ball 85 Manchester lead here with just 5 38 to go in the first quarter Edwards round to toner oh nice pass inside bit of a miscommunication but I can see what ton was trying to get the ball over to dorson it’s one of those as a low Point

    Player you never know if they’re trying to follow you or if they’re going to pass it to you you’ve got so many jobs to do it’s you’re unsure which one you’re supposed to do in that moment good hands there from Dawson as Smith manages to keep

    It back to Steels and Steels with the long two doesn’t drop Baines resets for the revolution Edwards oh pass into Dawson just can’t keep a hand on it and we got a whistle on the floor and the revolution finding that look inside to dwon just who’s just underneath the basket hasn’t kind of

    Come off the last couple of plays but it’s a good positioning yeah absolutely you know I think they’re trying to run this going of jump Trail on guys and once they can have master that pass in and he it’s kind of tough CU obviously as a onepoint player you you don’t have

    Very good rotation so you’ve almost got to just look up above you and hope that the the outside the outside shooter has made the perfect pass into your lap Smith from the free throw line too strong tapped into the hands of Atkin Steels looks to back it out round to

    Briy Smith with four seconds on the shot clock gouth me to get something off here bright at the buzzer no good and another key defensive performance there from Manchester as Bridge goes all way and can’t get it to fall that’s unlucky for bridge Smith into the corner Clifton working his way inside

    Banks it in puts the Revolution lead to [Applause] [Applause] one Manchester looking to answer here toner nice look from toner doesn’t fall and Plymouth with a chance to take the lead on this possession Manchester just needing maybe just a little kind of set not a set play but you know they’re well known for their balance on offense

    And I think maybe a power with Martin Edwards wouldn’t go a Miss those ball is out of bounds we’ve got a time out for Plymouth coach Aaron ble Park wants to talk things over so with 307 left in the first it is Manchester 8 Plymouth seven leading the way for Manchester is Martin Edwards with five points and Dan Smith has three for the

    Fusion Joel Clifton with four for [Applause] Plymouth so last time these two teams faced each other it was the revolution that came out on top back in October down in Plymouth and Robin as we mentioned the man Revolution heading to Euro Cup this week and they’ll be playing in their in

    Group b alongside the Sheffield Steelers we’ve also got some representation from the London Titans in group a um the Plymouth Fusion will playing Euro Cup 3 in group C later on in the year so how how great is that to have that much British representation in the European

    Competitions oh it’s fantastic you know it used to just be you know um old the MS now Manchester Revolution and Steelers and London those kind of three teams representing Britain out in the European competitions but now it’s fantastic you’re seeing these other teams um being brave and also

    Fundraising to to get to these competitions to show what you know the British clubs have got to offer um to me it’s fantastic you know Euro Cup I’ve competed with Manchester Revolution um a good few times out for the Champions Cup qualifiers out in landel and various other places so it’s a fantastic

    Competition one where you see charity organizations like Manchester Revolution competing against uh professional clubs out in Europe where payers players are paid and and they train full time competing against our guys who of course pay to play yeah um so you know it’s fantastic to see and no doubt in the

    Future that would be the aim of the British league is to make it more professional and make it so that our players stay in Britain and want to compete for our British clubs but until then they’re going out there and showing what charity organizations can do definitely

    Definitely yeah so we see back onto the court it is Patrick Ru into the game for the first time for the revolution playing for the Swiss national team a great signing an addition to the Manchester Squad absolutely he’s attending University out here and just so happened to want to play wheelchair

    Basketball which uh meant that he played with Manchester Revolution it’s very exciting and I think we have to claim that he might be the tallest onep pointer in the world at a staggering 6′ s that is very tall and we’ll give him that title I think I think you’ll enjoy that he’s a

    Big boy so it’s end line ball for the fusion does Manchester have a slim onepoint lead here in the first quarter pass over to Bright steals against toner into the corner and long pass back nice ball movement to get it inside to Clifton who draws the

    Foul that will send Joel Clifton to the line and Joel one of the players playing for the uh junior national championships at the under 18s level in August this year the huri National Junior Championships representing England South in that competition I like how you say that

    Curri curri is that is that the correct uh I think I’d say C myself but SS pry I was just putting some flare on it so so first one doesn’t drop for Plymouth but again it’s great to see players getting the opportunity to showcase their talent at competitions

    Like that and second ones are short but rebound Plymouth and Clifton nice finish inside and that puts the fusion ahead by one [Applause] Manchester looking to answer here Tona hands it off to bridge Edwards back to Bridge and Banks it in two bank shots in a row for Billy

    Bridge and we’ we’ve seen him do that all season long that’s a shot that he likes to [Applause] take that’s Clifton rck got a hand on that [Applause] right round the outside long twos up and bounces out again Chas is down the rebound Plymouth doing a good job on the offensive

    Board getting themselves those Second Chances Edwards up ahead to Baines and Baines unopposed oh B it bounces out but bridg is there for the rebound and puts it back in and saved Manchester on that one 30 seconds to go in the quarter Clifton out to Smith swings it Round

    Shot short Bridge with the rebound out to toner toner powering down the court nice hand off there to Baines who lays it in and that’s a nice few possessions from the revolution just increasing the lead to five 3 seconds to go bright shot won’t go and at the end of the first quarter

    The revolution up 5 16 to 11 after that swing just there in the last 30 40 seconds or so Robin yeah I think it was just the fast breaks that got them um if of course plers were able to kind of capitalize on that offensive rebound but

    Tiny bit of a different story and fin honer just breaking a bit early and not boxing out uh you heard Martin Edwards screaming of course dissatisfied and they made sure next time that that didn’t happen so you know offense doesn’t start until defense stops and of

    Course boxing out is just key to that um and I think V Turners learned that learned that lesson you know Manchester Revolution aren’t a massive team especially when it comes to uh Euro Cup when you playing against these absolute Giants so for them you know they can’t

    Get into bad habits of of not boxing out because they’re just not they just don’t have the size to be able to capitalize on that um so I think that that’s a a habit they’ll get out of this is a good practice here now um for ahead of next

    Week but I think if I was Plymouth I’d be pretty tough of that um first quarter you know Manchester playing really tough defense jumping both sides double jumping on the side that Adele Atkin is on trying to really force force the ball handler to make mistakes uh so it’s been

    Tough for Fusion to get shots are easy shots so no shot that they’ve had has been easy um and if they can maintain that for the next three quarters I think we’ll have a a really good game on our hands yeah definitely and the fusion have done a really good

    Job rebounding offensively as well like you said they’re taking the shots are taking a tough but if they’ve not gone they’ve been able to to get them back out Rebound in the Revolution 3 to2 at the moment so onto the court for the first time for Manchester Kaye English into

    The game and Ibraham amadi in his first game for the Revolution this [Applause] season pouth ball to start things off it’s bright round to Steels Clifton had space on the shot and Nets it and that’s the defense that we talked about where they’re not helping from the middle they’re helping from the from the opposite side and that time the the

    Defense couldn’t recover quick enough to that outside shot um which made it a a lot easier for Joe bridge for three nothing but net will the reply be imminent let’s see we’re having a bit of a shootout last time uh against the London Titans with Gaz chowri dropping in a few

    Steels and to Clifton long pass over to briy he’s got space and that’s too strong Bridge keeps it alive gets it over to toner and Ton’s going to have to back out wait for the team to catch [Applause] up toner’s shots good that was absolutely Naughty from

    Finn toner handing his face he’s feeling himself Tona 11.3 points per game this season 5.8 rebounds been so crucial for the revolution as Clifton on the Baseline looks to shoot over toner and does that’s a tough basket from Clifton that’s a fantastic shot they noticed that fin toner isn’t a massive

    Player and it’s almost a bit of a mismatch for him so defensively maybe they need Manchester will need to get better balance there to ensure they’ve got a big on each side nice hand off there from Edwards to toner who lays it in and a quick start to the quarter here

    For Manchester as the lead goes up to eight three doesn’t go for Plymouth Bridge with another rebound that’s his fifth Edwards over to bridge bridge again with space and can’t get the roll on that one you can’t give Billy Bridge any kind of daylight to get a shot Off Steels round to Smith Steels six seconds on the shot clock it’s intercepted by toner good D there from the revolution as aadii swings it over to [Applause] bridge on a great pass into Tona oh but can’t get that to [Applause] drop as Clifton controls things for the

    Fusion it will be sideline ball Plymouth we will have a timeout for the revolution as coach Dan Johnson wants to talk things over so a 23- 15 lead here for Manchester in the second quarter Manchester having coming out firing after that first yeah absolutely you know I think now they’ll maybe just be talking about where they they want

    Balance or or perhaps defensively they have kind of slowed down a little bit given H Plymouth more time to take off take their shots the jump hasn’t happened as quickly as maybe they would have liked um so was just reiterating kind of defensive physicality because it has reduced a

    Tiny bit I would say with this new lineup on they’ll just be kind of getting into the game but it’s important to just reiterate that I think pouth you don’t want this lead to get too far ahead before you head into half time absolutely and for

    Them you I think they just need to move the ball a bit faster and like they were doing and that’s where they got that that beautiful shot from Joel and the wing just move that ball and and perhaps as well a bit more Separation on on the

    Pick and roll they’re just they’re only dribbling a a foot maybe um I would personally like to see them just extend that um a bit more just to give the Picker a bit more space a bit more separation between the ball handler and the Picker so into the game for Plymouth Aaron blle pal also coaching the [Applause] team and Hayden NOS in for the first time Clifton thought about the shot swings it round Bright’s got space at the free throw line knocks it down and coming out of a timeout that’s

    Exactly what you want from your your first possession if you Plymouth yeah absolutely amadi over to [Applause] Edwards Bridge back to amadi good ball movement here from the revolution Edward spins fires [Applause] hits nice ball movement there from Manchester you know often in whe basketball it goes one past the middle

    One pass the other side shot up I like that they swung it back and moved the ball a bit he’s finding that that great look rather than the good look isn’t it the extra pass as knows his shot doesn’t drop that’s unlucky I like the kind of

    Curl on the on the weak side there from um the Plymouth number 11 and foul is called so that will send the ball back with Plymouth that’s just the first team foul on the revolution this quarter bright round to Clifton gets it back Bright’s finding that space at the free throw line passed

    It out there to Clifton when it rims out but a few few possessions that Plymouth have had brght has had that space at the fre throw line that may be a coaching decision it might be they’ve picked one person that they want to take the shots you know you can’t defend

    Everybody T his shot is [Applause] short and Nolls comes up against the Mari has to pass it out to Bright brght saved in by Clifton does keep it alive 1 second on the shot clock Plymouth need to get something off here and that will be a 24 second shot clock violation and

    Again some good defensive pressure from The Revolution and now we can see Kaylee and Billy got a back pick here trying to create a bit of numbers 5 on four oh never mind he got back in pretty easy and Kayla your teammate this season on the uh the lb lightning praying the

    Women’s Premier League yep yep absolutely she’s doing well here for Manchester Bolton lass Clifton against Bridge can’t get that to go gets his own rebound and puts it back in though good hustle there from Joel Clinton Clifton madii nothing but net first points of the game for armadi [Applause]

    That’s a that just sums up to me E’s shot just perfectly relaxed composed takes his time and go in yeah he’s a bit of a wild card really you don’t know what he’s going to do and then he he whips out these absolutely incredible shots Clifton he draws the

    Foul so Joel Clifton headed back to the free throw line currently leading all scorers with 12 points in the game and a chance to cut into this Manchester lead got just under four minutes to play before halftime Manchester with a 27-9 lead first is [Applause] good second also Good it’s Revolution with a six-point lead it’s [Applause] Edwards pressured on the shots out to amadi and was a 3 second call it on so Plymouth will get the ball back and we’ll have a time out so 2721 340 to play here in the second half Plymouth have done a done a good

    Job of answering that Manchester run yeah they absolutely have you know I think they seem to have a lot of tenacity about them which is great to see you know you face a s like Manchester you are The Underdogs um you know new a new relatively new team into

    The Premier League um I really like their how they’re kind of representing themselves and their team here today you know I think they’ve doing a great fight and you know I don’t think the game’s over I think if they keep playing the way they are keep getting some offensive

    Rebounds chip chip chip it away think we’re in for a really exciting game definitely and that’s exctly what you you need to do is it just take it possession by possession shot by shot and uh the revolution only out scor in Plymouth 11 to 10 points in this quarter

    So nothing nothing in it no nothing in it and I think you can see Manchester not necessarily happy with how they’re playing at the minute I think it’s all about there maybe being told um where to be in in preparation for next week so that’s what was on their mind um because

    You can tell really that last offensive possession um the balance wasn’t quite right so hopefully they’ll Rectify that for the last part of this second second quarter so let’s see what they can do coming out of that timeout as Clifton is pressured at the halfway line it looks

    Like to me they’re adding a bit of a press into this gamee bright another offensive rebound for Plymouth gets it into the hands of Smith who hits that one and again coming out of the timeout Plymouth just doing exactly what they want to do and you see there the importance of

    Those offensive rebounds the second chance points Y Manchester just need to grab that ball as Bridge looks to get inside nice hand off there to amadi underneath the basket yeah that’s exactly what they wanted in The Possession before Amad in the middle to take advantage of that triple that help coming from the

    Middle this press really pressuring the the fusion as Clifton looks to make some space nice hand off to Smith underneath the hoop that’s going to be a foul on the revolution so endline ball for kouth Martin Ed was now on three fouls go going into the last two two and a

    Half minutes of this second quarter he’s going to have to just mind himself and do you think we we might see him come off for the last few few minutes of this quarter or’s he’s an experienced player he knows how to kind of play the refs and not get

    Himself into trouble what it might mean though is that they’ve got to give up some shots like that where Martin can’t necessarily get close and and contest those shots foner dropped the ball h on the inbound and Amad then pass it back to him so even though he dropped it he

    Still passed it inbound so it’s Plymouth Plymouth back chance to cut this through a one possession game as Clifton swamped in the corner and that’s a great shot there from nolles and it’s a two-point game they just seem to have found something with h that weak side with that curl in and

    Then the driving in Baseline and no basket fouls on the floor before the shot it’s going to be endline ball for the [Applause] revolution Plymouth have been able to counter Manchester here in the second [Applause] quarter as Bridget spins round to amardi Edwards that’s a tough shot I love that

    Little caneer mismatch shot it’s a really tough shot to defend the Baseline big Defender doesn’t know where to come up and switch cuz it is it’s a bit further up than the block so they’ve got time to time to either curl or just time to get that shot off so being able to

    Hit that tweener shot is a a great shot to have in your repertoire as a as a big player George baits my coach at lightning former GB world champion was an expert at it and it’s it’s great we get to see Martin Edward do it every time we see a

    Home game here it’s great to see in person and you’ll see them both probably do the same thing as they play against each other in Euro Cup next weekend so they’ll both be at it so 12 to play here as Edwards oh backto back baskets for Martin Edwards and if

    You can do it feeding away as well that’s pretty impressive and a great answer there for the revolution so with Edwards on three fouls hitting backto back baskets increases the lead back up to six as got a foul call it will be a sideline ball for the fusion this press

    Is just causing a few problems for Manchester they’re just getting beat one-onone and then fouling by accident to be fair Martin and H Finn both committing fouls the communication maybe just needs to be a bit better on the switches to ensure people don’t get into trouble as Clifton pass inside to brght shot

    Doesn’t fall but he’s fouled second foul and 30 seconds for Fint on it so endline ball for Plymouth with a revolution on five team fouls for the rest of the quarter 46 seconds to go fent Turner also on three fouls alongside his teammate Martin Edwards so that’s two key plays for the revolution

    First free throw doesn’t go for [Applause] kmer as Bright’s second is good leads back down to five I wonder what short Martin Edwards is going to look for bridge for three knocks it down Billy Bridge with a a huge three there for the revolution a great answer we got 33 seconds to

    Play and fouls called on [Applause] amadi that’s his first but with the revolution on F team fouls that’s going to send the fusion to the line so Dan Smith will be shooting two again that’s just the Press now in causing all these fouls Manchester just aren’t switching on early [Applause] enough first is

    [Applause] [Applause] good second also good leads back to six so 4 second difference between the shot and game clock blus will get one more shot after this for the revolution if they choose to wind the clock down amadi great hand off there to Tona with the [Applause] Reverse Plymouth eight seconds Clifton trying to find some space Smith Smith for three at the buzzer too strong off the front of the rim so at the end of the first half it is the Manchester Revolution 36 the Plymouth Fusion 30 and Plymouth making a really

    Good run here in the second Robin to keep themselves in it yeah fantastic and also knocking down those free throws you know that’s going to be an important part of this game if if Manchester are going to press and foul and I imagine the second half will look a bit

    Different as they try and not commit as many fouls because they’re in a bit of f trouble um but for for the Plymouth Fusion I think they’re just doing a fantastic job of maintaining their composure in that press Break um and then knocking down those free throws

    Yeah 10 free throw attempts for the fusion hitting six of them so 60% to the Revolutions 3 yeah it’s fantastic fantastic um you know real composure they’ve driven a long way have you ever seen Plymouth on a map pretty far not close to Manchester is it it’s around the corner it’s not

    Not close to Manchester at all so you know that long drive up and uh they had a good solid warm up I was watching them um and it’s really carried into this game so they should be really impressed with their performance and and like I said it’s anyone’s game Sixpoint game at

    The half and something that that really stands out to me Rob we did mention it earlier on but five offensive rebounds for the fusion to the revolutions to Plymouth with six second chance points and Manchester with just two it’s those offensive rebounds those extra chances that you create are just really

    Important yeah it’s punishing them they’re just getting punished for not grabbing those boards and and not boxing out um Plymouth again they tweaked it they brought on what’s number 11 Z that’s terrible uh sorry it’s Aaron um Aaron blle Park Alan he’s doing a fantastic job of curling in week side um

    With number 38 at NS NOS those two are doing a great job on that weak side punishing and punishing and punishing and in the first quarter saw Plymouth just um accepting the kind of screen and outside shot which what is what Manchester Revolution that’s the ideal

    If you’re going to give up a shot give that one up um but now they’ve changed Tack and they’re trying to curl in and and taking advantage of that height mismatch with fin Tonner on the on the Five Spot Baseline defending with nose and towering over the top of him just

    Taking that mismatch uh so you know they’ve identified that that almost weakness there and they’ve really taken advantage of it so a great uh coaching coaching move um by Plymouth so I’m excited to see how Manchester tweak going into this third quarter definitely and what so Manchester with Finn tunner

    And Martin Edwards both on three fouls each with a a full half to go how how do they adapt to that well we saw Martin Edwards not not fully defending Joel in the key it’s going to be that’s going to be the case he’s not going to be able to

    Um be as physical on defense which is is what he’s known for Mar is an excellent Defender um but if he gets anywhere near those kind of postup shots there is a risk the referee will call f um so he’s got to stay away from that uh that kind

    Of situation and maybe the help is going to have to be from Billy or from Tyler or um perhaps they’ll bring Henley young Henley on for for an opportunity where he’s just the help in the middle uh to kind of protect Martin and if you Plymouth is that something you want to

    Try and take advantage of you know you know they’re on three fou drive at them try and force them into a difficult difficult situation definitely definitely in these young players I’m sure they’ll be Fearless from Plymouth thion to do just that so at the end of the first half it

    Is the Manchester Revolution 36 Plymouth Fusion 30 we’re going to take a quick break and we’ll be back with you in around 4 minutes [Applause] time [Applause] welcome back to the National Basketball performance center here in Manchester we’re getting ready for the second half between the Manchester Revolution and

    The Plymouth Fusion what has been a back and forth game so far the Manchester Revolution with a Sixpoint lead as we head into the third quarter and Robin as we mentioned just before halftime two key players for the revolution on three fouls in Martin Edwards and finon yeah absolutely I’m sure that you

    Know both experienced players I’m sure they’ll be able to manage that but unfortunately sometimes you just get too involved in the game and and those fouls just come your way so fingers crossed Martin doesn’t get on his fourth Orin but if it does I’m sure coach Dan

    Johnson and and Gary PE will make the right changes to ensure not only he doesn’t get F out of the game but that Revolution can get the win today yeah going to be really interesting to see how they just here coming out into the third quarter and the revolution as we

    Mentioned before they are going to be playing in Euro Cup this week on starting on the 1st of February to the 4th and out in Europe with uh Handover very Handover thank you um out there with the Sheffield Steelers the London Titans Plymouth Fusion will be over there and the

    Mohawks they have got a qualification tournament for the 2025 competition coming up later this year as well so again some more Great British representation yeah it’s fantastic Mohawks a a fantastic Northeast Club um really looking to cement themselves not just in the Premier League but obviously looking to stamp their claim on on

    Europe as well so great job great job to them and the great work that their their volunteers are doing so back on court it is Revolution ball as we start things off we Edwards with the inbounds gets it back in Edwards with those three fouls he’s got 11 points in

    And out looking for that one not to fall as Plymouth look to come back on the attack Smith and we see Jess white into the game for the first time for the revolution making a debut this season in the Premier Division is Clifton shot doesn’t go yeah Jess white Scottish

    International competed alongside myself at the Birmingham Commonwealth Games two summers ago a fantastic athlete and very nervously excited to now be in this Premier League Squad that’s and know a lot of people very excited to see it out on Court and what an what an experience that was I

    Mean for you for yourself and for the representation out there at the Commonwealth Games last year yeah it’s fantastic um 3×3 different different game to five on five but a good opportunity for smaller Nations like Scotland um to be able to represent internationally another obviously 3×3

    Can be like you say it’s different can be a bit faster there are parts of the game you can can bring into five on five oh definitely there’s you know it’s a fast game it’s a physical game a lot more physical I would say than five on

    Five the referees definitely let a lot more go and I think actually five on five is H taking a bit of a leaf out of the book there as we see the game is just becoming a lot more physical as Edwards underneath the basket his shot doesn’t go but great rebounding there from

    Baines and Clifton just coming out of nowhere getting a hand on that forces the revolution to have to reset you see that the the reach of Clifton the length that he’s got able to to get in the B get underneath the basket and get his hands in the way Mari down to

    Edwards 5 seconds on the shot clock Edwards shot is [Applause] good feel like I never seen Martin Edward’s shot just hit the rim it’s just it’s just net it’s so clean yeah up and down Clifton on the Baseline and foul on the floor it’s going to be first on the

    Revolution Clifton on the inbounds Bri looking to set things up again Bright’s got that space at the free throw line and knocks it [Applause] down back to a six-point game eight-point game Amari hands it back to bridge working against Smith that’s a nice pass underneath the hoop to Edwards

    Who gets fouled and that’s going to send him to the line and Martin Edwards just an absolutely fantastic player leading the team in scoring 28.5 points per game and 10 rebounds he’s got 13 and three rebounds so far along with a couple of assists first free throws [Applause]

    Good again another player that’s played play out in Europe played in Italy and it’s always great when we we see players that have been in Europe and come back playing in in the UK as second is good absolutely revs or old the MS was Martin’s first ever

    Club and it’s great that he he came back you know he’s he’s hopefully going to be part of this club for a long time and it’s where he met his wife actually s MC GB International player as well that’s a that’s a great story yeah 10-point lead here for the

    Revolution Clifton back to bright bright from the line doesn’t get that one to go was a good look Bridge got load of space that’s a great screen there from white but pass passes down to Baines underneath the basket and it’s amadi with the offensive rebound and puts it back in

    Having Tyler on instead of Finn is just that extra wee bit of height he’s certainly gotten a few offensive rebound since he’s been back on that as we mentioned that was the kind of a noticeable point in the first half and look at the defense there from

    Mii gets a block put the pressure on brigh forces him to pass out as NES swings it round and with two seconds to go Smith hits that was a very patient offense there from Plymouth Fusion moving the ball driving picks and a very good response to that early block from amadi

    As well not to get panick just to keep keep going Edwards looks to answer and does takes him to 17 and the revolution just stretching out the lead here in the third quarter up 12 as bright goes against aadii but knocks it down Baines has to pass it out as he’s

    Swarmed by Fusion [Applause] players Bridge behind the three-point line pass inside knock down it will be revolution ball from the sideline so substitution for the fusion back into the game adal Atkin and Joshua steels Bridge into Edwards gets it back 4 seconds on the shot clock three doesn’t go Edwards with

    The rebounds puts it back in and the foul Martin Edwards tough move so he’s going to go to the line for a chance a three three-point play and just stretching out the lead here for Manchester Edwards shooting 75% so far from the line this season nails

    It the Press is off for revs now in this third quarter perhaps to save save Martin in those tough situations Clifton back to Bright Clifton gets it back shots up and offensive foul called that was on Dan Smith so Revolution ball with just over five minutes to play here in the third

    Edwards over to bridge bridge with the long two Smith controls things for the fusion Smith with space at the free throw line bounces out Baines gets it but I saw Atkin looked like she was about to get a hand on it as Bridge comes powering down scoop layup drops that’s 14 for

    Bridge right looking to go all the way draws the foul on the floor AB just getting caught twice now by Jordan brigh double UT against double UT he’s chair positioning defensively he’s just faced up the way which is just allowing Jordan brigh to take him either

    Way and needs to dictate and force him one way as we see finona check back into the game for Billy Bridge right back to Clifton Clifton comes up against Baines nice hand off there to Smith can’t get the layup to go and that foul on amadi was his third

    So the revolution with three players on three team fouls as Baines underneath the basket he draws the contact So so Tyler Baines at the line for two as Manchester really stretched their lead here in the third quarter outscoring the fusion 15-6 in this third quarter as Baines hits the first free throw big difference being revs are the ones getting the offensive rebounds this time second one is good as well

    Stevens over to Clifton Stevens gets it back to Smith that was a good pass over there to Atkin and Adele Atkin gets her first points of the game Adele using her hate there long arms to get that ball reel it back in with aad towering over a fantastic shot

    Edwards tough basket but he just makes it look easy yeah it an impressive shot that shows many many hours of practice and preparation that goes into it Stevens back to Clifton Steven looking for some help Smith’s there and great pressure there from Jess white you see forcing the turnover

    There Revolution just pushing Plymouth out a chair width outside of the uh side of the key making it tough play you need to break down that defense a bit more Edwards Bullet Pass underneath the basket to Baines can’t finish underneath balls back with the fusion Clifton steals he’s got Baines on

    Him back to Clifton 5 seconds on the shot clock that one spins down Edwards He’s got tonna up ahead tonna going all the way La it in clth I think just need to create a bit of Separation on their pick and roles it’s making it really difficult

    For the Picker to get a clean pick and meaning that Manchester can just almost defend both of them Stevens looking to go inside offensive foul is called much better cheer position from madii then to stop that one-on-one drive down the middle forcing him towards Martin Edwards and forcing the

    Charge and a real turnaround here for the revolution in the third quarter yeah I think Dan Johnson and Gary PE be pretty impressed with this turnaround coming out of the half really dominating Plymouth maybe just lost a bit of juice as Edwards into Baines catches it underneath the basket and that that pass

    That catch there so impressive you saw Baines just one-handed kind of scoop it round and put it in Smith for the fusion over to Stevens Clifton Clifton long pass over back inside nice move there from the fusion and looking for that one not to drop as we got a whistle on the

    Floor smart foul for Adel Atkin there Manchester had a layup at the other end just forces them to have to so set back up oh that was the fifth fou that’s a so that’s a fifth team foul from the fusion so that is going to send them to the

    Line maybe not so smart F from ad can I take it back don’t come come for me in the comments please so will be amadi at the line the first one doesn’t go second is good so maybe a good F the Press is back on from

    Revs Clifton and it’s going to be a backourt violation good pressure there from Baines perhaps Plymouth weren’t ready for that press he certainly will be now just over a minute to play here in the third Edwards looking to create some space swings it round to amadi oh nice hand

    Off there to White underneath the basket gets her own rebound out to amadi and Ball’s going to go the other way again I like the positioning of Jess white underneath the hoop yeah great confidence there you know your first basket for the Premier League team can

    Be a bit nerving what a steal from madii going all the way lays it in May Amad in his first game back for the revolution just coming out firing he’s got 13 points three rebounds and a couple of assists Clifton to steals 10c difference between the shot and game clock

    Block and that’s a foul that’s going to be on Baines that’s his first and Bs knocked out it’s going to be revolution ball Raves doing a great job of jumping on the pass which is just putting the the receivers off that’s happened a few times now on that skip

    Pass with 11 seconds to go in the quarter Revolution can hold here for the last shot as Edwards with six seconds over to Baines Baines with three seconds on the Baseline needs to put something up does and bounces out and just checking that wasn’t a a foul

    Go at the end of the quarter so at the end of the third quarter the Manchester Revolution up 62- 38 what a swing there in the third for them a huge play coming out of after coming out of halime being up six so Robin we’ve got a question in the

    Comments here so thank you to everybody that’s watching on YouTube thank you very much do we know why the revolution or any other GB teams are not in the European in Europe’s Champions Cup it was to do with the points uh to do with the points that they attain I

    Think it’s over a number of Seasons um you go to Europe Cup and you achieve points and and it’s just that they haven’t finished as high in the past few years so they’ll be looking to to get into those Champions Cup qualifying spots um the owls who merged with the

    Manchester uh Mavericks to create the Manchester re Revolution where in the Champions Cup qualifiers I went a few times to landel competing against you know landel Galatasaray albetti you know these big powerhouses in in European wheelchair basketball and there’s no doubt that that’s what Revolution will

    Be looking to do they can finish as high as possible in this Euro Cup um they’ll get more points points mean prizes and they’ll be looking to get back into those Champions Cup qualifying spots right ask the expert get the answer I don’t know also head to the iwbf uh website

    And I iwbf Europe website and you’ll find out loads of information on the different Euro Cup what teams are competing the stats uh where you where you can find the live streams um it’s a fantastic competition I love watching it all weekend so I’m really looking forward to

    It definitely it’s definitely going to be a good one and that starts on Thursday the 1st of February and goes on until the 4th which is Sunday do you have any more questions on the chat or is that that the main question that that was the main one that was the main question

    But yeah thank you to everybody watching here on the focus oops YouTube channel we’ll be bringing you all the home games for the Manchester Revolution this season so back underway for the fourth quarter let’s see if Plymouth can chip into this lead we’ve got some comments from uh GB

    Legends Johnny Pollock uh in the comments and Andrew Blake and of course I think sing CLA is in there as well hey guys H welcome to the live stream hope you’re enjoying it you can head over to their delinquents page where I’ve seen they put up a GB under 21s where you can

    See uh Peter Fimo former uh old manchez Revolution definitely still part of the the team in some kind of way you can see him competing at under 21s fantastic video I’ve watched it all so head over to their YouTube iwb delinquents you can see that see that

    Stream drop it in underneath the hoop that’s the first points of the game for Colin flounders Revolution with a healthy lead here in the fourth quarter up 22 as Baines has loads of space from the free throw line that shot spins out as bright nice hand off there to flounders it’s intercepted by

    [Applause] Dawson as Edwards over to Baines Baines hands it off to Edwards who puts it in that’s a great pass there from Tyler Baines he saw Edwards coming up behind him he had the space hands it off Manchester will be looking to maintain this energy and physicality for

    This fourth quarter for them it’s not just about this game it’s about preparing for uh Euro Cup Bridge lines up the three doesn’t get it to fall nice tap rebound there from ad Atkin spith shot on the Baseline doesn’t fall d and gets it over to Baines

    Baines play with Pace here comes up against Bry oh weaves his way inside that shot doesn’t go what a move to the hoop there for Tyler Baines oh he’s an incredible athlete Tyler Baines he’s young in his game you know he’s a bit all o at the minute and the a will definitely

    Come as he gets that one to drop in and that’s that that’s great hustle you see there at the other end the shot didn’t fall but he got back on defense got the steal and then went and got himself a bucket and it’s all those things that

    Know bu build the dog within the player build that kind of confidence resilience and that’s what he’ll be looking to develop going into next week that takes the revolution to a 66- 40 lead and the next Revolution home game so after they’ll be playing in Euro Cup

    This week they will next be back at home on Saturday the 17th of February against the Mohawks that game will be at 3 p.m. so come down and support at the National Basketball Performance Center or you can catch that game live on the focus Hoops YouTube

    Channel and the division 2 team will be playing as well so it’ll be a double header 1230 and 3:00 and the Plymouth Fusion they are playing the Jaguars away on on Saturday the 24th of February but back on court it is a Plymouth ball bright back to Smith and shot block runs

    Down great pressure defense there from the revolution you can see coach Dan Johnson just continuously delivering messages delivering messag Shing his team are following the instructions Bridge with time and space that shot rims out Dan Johnson who recently celebrated his 60th birthday out in the males oh

    Nice and of course himself and and Coach Gary Peele one of the most successful Atkin gets the friendly roll on that one takes it to Four Points one of the most successful players in GB history winning a silver medal at the par Olympic Games I believe it was I want to say

    1998 um I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong along with h Colin price who’s also in the building and and how great is it for some of the younger players well younger and established players on the team to be to be learning to be coached from someone with you know

    That’s achieved so much oh it’s incredible um you know these young players we’ve seen lots of players come through this Manchester Revolution including Greg waron Lori Williams Martin Edwards uh to name a few Pete Fimo you know um tany G Thompson has also played uh for a long time ago also

    Played for the for the h old Ms back in the day you know a lot of names have come through Simon M also GB Legend um I wish I had the history in front of me because it’s absolutely incredible um that’s that’s just a who’s who of absolutely incredible players

    Yeah it it’s fantastic and as I mentioned Peter Fimo uh as well and who also coached the GB under 23 um men Squad to success and it’s it’s great to see isn’t it the development through through the years how much um support and how many more um opportunities there are for

    Players to get involved oh it’s incredible and I think that’s what Revolution are trying to improve on you know they’ve got two teams in the league they’ve got a development session every Sunday which anyone can attend uh I imagine in their future is a women’s league team you know um I’m really

    Excited for for what they’re trying to do they’re a fantastic Club not only them but clubs around the country you know I think post postco everyone’s just kind of re-energizing themselves and getting back into the game and no doubt we lost a few people through um being

    Kind of disinterested during Co got out of the Habit h of playing basketball and it’s just exciting to see everyone kind of getting re-energized for it and hopefully with the par Olympics this summer we’ll just see that passion just emphasize even more so yeah the par Olympics coming up in

    End of August absolutely early September start on my birthday haris oh what a great start to your birthday I know 28th of August as Edwards his shot doesn’t fall and we have V into the game for the revolution we see Gary Dawson showing off his photography skills on the sidelines

    Nice ball movement here and Flounder shot doesn’t fall rebounded by the revolution we did see there Jordan brght again taking a add one-on-one down the middle Edwards great hand off to kaver kaver just takes his time and puts it in Henley kaver his first minutes of

    The game today yeah young lads 6’4 think he’s 16 absolutely incredible young athlete coming through he was playing for the under 18 URI National Junior Championships this summer in Worcester as Plymouth answer and also plays for the Swansea storm in the Junior League playing the division 2 team for the revolution playing the

    Premier League Premier Division sorry and uh just a a really exciting young player and he his wings span the length he makes it really difficult for his opponents to shoot over him yeah and as a a two 2.5 player you know he’s a symol UT with obviously his hands affected as

    Part of his impairment so he’s he’s a 25 Point 2.5 player similar to Greg wton and Kyle Marsh who also play for GB so he’s going to be at the line for two first one is [Applause] good second rolls out but amadi tries to get a hand on it can’t tip it it’s

    Clifton that comes up with the rebound right back to Steels Steels with the long two doesn’t get that to fall Edwards looking up ahead he’s got aadii as a reaching foul so that will be endline ball for the revolution thought that was tough to be fear I think R’s got away with that

    As Edwards gets it into amadi back out ruek from the free throw line that is good lovely shot first point in a revolution Jersey sure there’ll be lots more to come flounders flounders gets it inside too strong off the glass but again nice move to the hoop and Ball’s

    Out he going to stay with the revolution so Edwards will inbound Revolution turning things around here in the second half really putting this Lead Out Of Reach as Edwards his shot doesn’t go but for Plymouth as well Robin yes the lead’s quite quite far ahead of them at

    This point in time but still a lot that they can take from this game you know they’re going to be as we mentioned playing in Euro Cup three later on in the year and a lot to to learn in situations like this when they’re in a real life game situation absolutely I

    Think they can take some real positive especially from the first the first half um they had a great performance they were moving the ball you know I think when you travel it 5 six hours in the morning I think that’s a tough ask of players to be able to to 40 minutes they

    Have played a lot of their players which is great to see I think it’s just about coming up with answers to to Revolution subs and uh perhaps just finishing those looks as amadi in the corner looks for his shot backs out 5 Seconds to go that’s [Applause] short

    Flounders to Bright see Mari there pressuring definitely excited to watch Plymouth Fusion in in Euro Cup I think that’s EUR cup 3 definitely as Clifton hits that and Joel Clifton has been huge for the fusion at 22 points in today’s game yeah what I like to see is they are down by

    You know 23 points but he’s playing as if it’s it’s a tight game and that’s what you want to see from your young players not giving up and I love the support you seeing from the bench as well from the Plymouth bench as amadi drives in count the

    Basket and the foul he’s going to go to the [Applause] line the support from the bench and uh Adel Lin they’re playing in the Women’s Premier League and Robin you have a game tomorrow yeah tomorrow against the yeah so she’s probably tired you know defensive board for the revolution as

    Edwards gets it over to Baines bains nothing but that on that one that was fantastic basketball Henley driving in to take the defender away just giving Tyler a lot more time on the ball to take that shot that takes bins to nine points nine rebounds as

    Clifton comes up against kav and you see there kaver with his reach just a foul on the floor at the end but Henley kaver just putting the pressure on in that wingspan just making it really difficult for his opponent yeah great physicality from a young player his mom’s next to me on the

    Camera sobody away doing a great job Clifton to Bri Steels inside gets that to go that’s not something we’ve seen from steels in this in this game is driving into the key taking those kind of post up Shots Edwards that’s in and out just over 30 seconds to go in the fourth right looks over to Clifton Clifton up against Baines Bri gets it back Clifton nice hand off there oh layup doesn’t fall for the fusion and walls going to be from the sideline to 10.3 seconds to

    Go will be revolution with a chance for the last possession see what they can set up here Edwards to amadi 6 seconds amadi great pass inside to Baines who finishes underneath the basket and at the end of the fourth quarter it is the Manchester Revolution 77 the Plymouth Fusion 50 the Revolution

    Coming out of that halim re-energized behind a 24 point seven rebound seven assist performance from Martin Edwards Billy Bridge adding in 14 points six rebounds and five assists and for the Plymouth Fusion Joel Clifton 22 points four rebounds two assists and Dan Smith adding in 11 and eight so Robin a

    Real turnaround for the revolution there in the second half yeah I think Tyler Baines was you know a big a big part of that getting those kind of inside looks um fast breaks you know that’s something he really adds to this Manchester team and he really showed it in that third

    Quarter with a we bit of rest he was ready to go so the revolution now move on to four wins and one loss in the Premier Division they’ll be back at home on Saturday the 17th of February against the Mohawks but you can catch them in action in Europe Cup this

    Week starting on Thursday so make sure to check out their games giveing them support and follow along in the competition and for for Plymouth Robin that’s uh you know they played a really tight first half against the revolution six points in it going into halftime that’s a that’s a really positive

    Performance for them definitely you know I think it was obvious that Manchester were trying to level up today in preparation for Europe Cup next week and I really think that Plymouth almost Rose to the challenge in terms of physicality in the first half you really moving the ball making shots coping with the

    Jumping both sides um and with the challenges that Manchester put in front of them but they just couldn’t do it for for four quarters in the third um maybe some jelly beans on the bench some orange orange wedges or something you know I think they just kind of lost a

    Bit of juice but I think they should take a lot of positives from this game H take that into into the league but also in their Euro Cup three qualifiers in March definitely an um some very exciting players to watch on that Squad you’ve got Ed Atkin playing in the

    Women’s Premier League and Joel Clifton the the under 18 um player at 22 points today you know he’s he’s a play with a really bright future oh fantastic first time I’ve seen him play in person uh really exciting young athlete I’ll definitely be be keeping my eye on him

    Uh no doubt he’ll be making Making Waves in then the 23 Squad um at GB so yeah really really exciting talent and great to see clubs developing these young players it’s you know fantastic ftic to see and old players as well I’m an old player so the final score from here in

    Manchester Manchester Revolution 77 Plymouth Fusion 50 we will be back on Saturday the 17th of February when the Revolution take on the Mohawks that will be a double header with the division 2 team playing first at 12:30 and the Premier Division team at 3:00 so make sure to head down to National Basketball

    Performance Center or join us live on the f Hoops YouTube channel as we’ll streaming both games for you so for myself C Bullock and from Robin love thank you for joining us and we’ll see you next time cheers guys

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