Did Dirty Dyane make it to the top of Alpe d’Huez for 2cv ice racing and back home again!!

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    Hi folks you join me at the top of outd doz this for the 2cv ice racing now a big question on your lips did Dirty Dian actually make it and the simple answer to that question is no um unfortunately 20 mil from the workshop grow gr across Saucy plane the Pistons

    Piston rings let go and blw oil everywhere um we did a compression test a number of weeks ago and it was good uh but on for these things happened the car has been off the road 12 years it’s it was unknown so we had to get back to the

    Workshop and the plan was to we could change the engine but we had to meet Johnny Smith from The Late breake Show at DOA so we had to get going so how did we get here let me show you so what we done we took a car out of

    Our showroom what we got for sale and we drove it all the way downhill as you can see we painted the Diane red and changed the Bonnet now we go past Stone Edge mystical place where Max M was pull out the ground going to need you

    What’s it gone it looks like it’s been stolen now you haven’t been this far hour you’re great screen on okay look at that what that’s kind a bit nervous never been past this tree line have been so this par yeah you can have a little go bit if you

    Want see how you feel about it you all right hey you all right what why you going to be rude that be needs to come in in yeah like in you know that’s it that’s it that’s lovely yeah you can see obviously when we’re in France that’s

    What side they’re going to be over take from and they don’t mess around either they’ll be on your ass like like uh say some rud that but I’m not going to Daren look how fast it goes Holly would be absolutely loving that does a bit of speed K oh

    Oh L one day we went out there H she picked us up from what day she broke down when you f me her car’s oh my car is so loud oh we got an Audi coming in I jumped in my Audi and I drove off proudly that’s our lights lighting up

    This side right there laugh got a long way to go yeah this be a w I like that he I like the new shape yeah I like the new shape M I like I don’t want toep it won’t be a surprise to learn we missed our 7:30 Ferry we actually got

    The 11:30 Ferry at night but not to Cali but to Dun cook um what was an extra hour longer so time we got to our hotel in St Quinton and we got in bed at quarter past 4 in the morning um and we’re back on the road at at past

    8 here was my son Jacob traveling with Joe in his original 0072 CV now please bear in mind this is GG the 2cv we purchased of a customer to sell now all work is done to the cars once we have sold him so literally we

    Jumped in his car drove it to the south of France uh we did check check the fluids but we did not even have time to adjust the real suspension which it needs seeing that it’s got four adults in it and a boot full of luggage we got to accommodation at the

    Bottom of outdo about 8:00 at night lucky enough the chap who owns a house we’re staying in also owns a local restaurant so we decided to have a bite to eat in this restaurant so going from the top left we have joose Joseph my son Jacob field of

    Videographer next door to him is Johnny Smith going around the table you got Jordan you can just about make out Mario then there is Matt and unfortunately Holly is just out of shot for those of you who don’t know outdoes is the number one cycling climb

    For any cyclist in the world is the most famous one on the tour to France to give you some stats it goes at 1,118 M is almost 14 k km long um the tepest gradient is 15% and the average is 8% come on little mountain go that’s second yeah Fe them fast

    me French lovely view though to be fair we got a bit more to give in first I got a lot a lot of room in the First it’s incredible but for me come so probably don’t yeah we Got [Applause] poly are you cold no no so sorry I’m boiling anywhere hand if you wanted to stick her up stick stick up W

    1 Comment

    1. Such confidence in the replacement for the Dyane. Just take it out the 'showroom' and drive it to Alpe d'Huez for a shakedown. Great to see these cars being driven hard.

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