Alemania (en alemán: Deutschland, pronunciado /ˈdɔʏtʃlant/ ( escuchar)), oficialmente República Federal de Alemania (en alemán: Bundesrepublik Deutschland pronunciado /ˈbʊndəsʁepuˌbliːk ˈdɔʏtʃlant/ ( escuchar)), es uno de los veintisiete Estados soberanos que forman la Unión Europea. Constituido en Estado social y democrático de derecho, su forma de gobierno es la república parlamentaria y federal. Su capital es Berlín. Está formado por dieciséis estados federados (Bundesländer)


    00:00 Resumen
    00:11 Airbnb
    01:29 Visitando Schwerin
    12:02 Castillo de Schwerin
    16:29 Jardines del Castillo


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    I don’t like it, I don’t like that it’s cheaper for them to go to the Canary Islands than to a peninsular. God, how aggressive everything is , well, we arrive at the next destination and we are already in the room. I was surprised by the check-in, which was all with a machine.

    Well, basically like that This is how the check-in is done, you enter your language here, for example Spanish, and it will ask you for a series of information, such as your last name or the reservation number, etc. You enter everything, you pay here with the dataphone

    And from here he is going to get your room cards he is going to tell you here which room is yours and that’s it, basically this is how check-in is done here everything is automated I don’t like it, I don’t like that This is the room for the which we paid 193.50euros

    As soon as we enter we have a girl yawning it is included with the room yes no and on the left we have the bathroom which is not bad at all I like the design the colors Then we have a glass but this is the bed Look there is a trick

    “the trick del almendruco” We have here a kind of cheslong, a sofa , a small table with a refrigerator, the TV is quite good, good morning. We are here at the entrance of the hotel and it is in a super nice place , a super nice lake

    And on that side over there you go to the city, the winter landscape, I liked the choice. We are going to go to the center of the city and nothing, we are going to see what today has in store for us. When we arrive in the city, it is 8:30 in the morning.

    We are alone in the city. Very lonely, too. It’s cold, it’s foggy. I wouldn’t get out of bed either , but look, there’s a bakery open Back Factor and there you can have something for breakfast if you want. I’m hungry. I wake up hungry . Let’s explore the city a little.

    The city also has a castle. Let’s go. Start by putting in your strength, right? Importantly, a stuffed pretzel as if it were a sandwich, really. Not that bad, right? As a dining type, you take the tray and serve yourself what you want and then you pay for it at the end.

    You have to try, they are also filled with things there as if it were a sandwich, plus sausages , they are not sausages, they are not sausages? No , they look like sausages, what do we take? one of fish? Yes , okay . Are you going to order the pretzel?

    And also another one we take that is quite complete right a strong breakfast as long as it has avocado for me it is fine there are even hot dogs for breakfast Donuts croissants can you believe I have already been to Germany three times counting this

    Is the third time and never Have I tried a pretzel? Can there be something more typical, what is that? and I haven’t tried it, what a disaster, my goodness, well, the opportunity didn’t arise and now a chocolate or something, these are Maxi, I think they are 3 euros,

    Then there are the large ones that are worth 2.60 euros and the small one that is worth 1.90 euros . I tried a similar thing in Poland but it’s not the same, it was like bread, it was a little dry, the truth is I don’t know what this

    Is like. Let’s see, it’s bread, but let’s see , the pretzel is normally dry, that’s why there is “Kässebretzel” which is with cheese, etc. butter , I prefer traditional bread, the truth is I don’t see anything special about it, it’s not bad . What did you expect? that it was a little sweeter

    I thought it was something sweet it’s like a salty bread In fact it has salt on the outside this is salt I don’t know… It’s good I mean to eat it with something it might be good but just like that… It’s how you get on with it.

    I like the pretzel with melted cheese on top better. That’s good , but it has a little taste of cheese. That’s already different. The Germans love to go on vacation to Gran Canaria. Good to the Canary Islands in general. Gran Canaria from 569 euros for 7 days with hotel and flights,

    If the flights are included, it seems very cheap to me. Yes , the flight is included plus a week of hotel and normally all-inclusive, it is cheaper for them to go to the Canary Islands than to a peninsular . They probably have an agreement with the hotels.

    So they It is much cheaper, they always bring a lot of tourists. Good breakfast , which was a breaded fish sandwich, strong breakfast, as you can see, another sandwich of avocado, tomato, hummus and pepper, was very good and a cocoa cost us 11.20 euros taking into account In Denmark we pay 12 euros

    For a chocolate and a free tea and we repeat the chocolate because it was good and because it didn’t leave me the leftovers and we drool and we see the cathedral here, the church of “Schwerin” I don’t even know how many cathedrals we have recorded And a few is what the cities have,

    There are always cathedrals here in Europe Yes , if they are not cathedrals, they are temples or synagogues or mosques but there is always there is always something true about the city Uh nine o’clock tin tin I have always loved the bells the organs … once at the Dom in Cologne

    One day I arrived around 8 at night and the entire hallway was full of candles all dim and suddenly they started playing the organ but come on that’s what it seemed like… come on I I was amazed. Will it be an organ concert? but on another level

    In the end I stayed there for a while listening and I liked it I liked it it’s something super shocking because the church is super big it can be heard super loud above it it was all set with the candles everything was dim super super cool the city is super super pretty

    But like that The day is so deserted, so gray with the fog that when you look at the horizon, you can hardly see anything, everything is blurred, it gives it a mysterious touch, but it also has its charm, so I don’t know, I like it, yes, I like it, but it’s different

    I’m not used to this type of weather, logically I’m wearing my gloves that I found yesterday for the first time. Look to see it today, very good 2.55euros Don’t be fooled, very good, very good , it cost us but,… we had to go to a remote place but we did it We get

    A promotion if you need gloves here Tedi Mira is setting up the Christmas market that opens next week as always we miss it again at the beginning of the trip Alba would be saying it’s a real real tree 100% that building over there is very Typical of the Christmas markets in Germany,

    You can see the three wise men below, the goats above, the Three Wise Men here? In fact, in Cologne, the Three Wise Men are supposedly buried in the Cologne Cathedral. The Three Wise Men are not celebrated as such, but they know that the Three Wise Men exist here. The main day is Christmas

    And if I’m not mistaken, St. Nicholas Day is not I know if it is December 12 or 6, there are also a lot of gifts there . Who is your favorite King, magician? Well, he’s going to jump and he fell, he’s going to jump . Baltasar Really? How typical you are, right?

    The typical one is Melcho r no Melchor is the best he is the one who has a good face the one who is going to leave you the best gifts Well this is the main square of “Schwerin” well there is the town hall there is the theater

    Or in other words it is something the meeting point is basically starting to rain harder and harder yes, it’s raining a little harder A canary that can’t stand the rain eh they turned on the lights look what a blunder I haven’t done anything to me don’t blame me eh

    He said no less Too bad it’s not raining like the other day in Copenhagen it rains it rains it stops in 2 minutes It’s raining for more heat yesterday was the day I went to bed the latest in the entire trip that’s a sign that I’m not very bad anymore

    Because all these days ago you have fallen exhausted come on I fell ko at 8 in the afternoon I was already sleeping unheard of for me I think I’m better I don’t have snot or anything so I’m finally almost recovered the videos in Copenhagen I was I think It’s my worst moment,

    You can see my face. I think the worst day I had was palace day. He told me at one point, you have a yellow face and I’m just wrong. Look here, they’re also Hansa fans . I love walking around. These streets never better said the truth is that it’s super pretty

    I like Hansa’s shield it’s like a ship like that everything bad looks like a Viking ship never better said I don’t even know what division the mini baby bird plays in or anything eh Hello hello little bird Do you want be my friend?

    Those birds are like when I was on the ring road. In one of those cities, I don’t know if it was Koblenz or somewhere else. I remember that I was sitting in a cafeteria eating and suddenly two of those birds landed on my knee and asked me for food.

    As if they were dogs and I what?? and asking me for food and it looked like snow white with the birds there, they are super cute look look look how they are doing a little jump “jump hop” also like we are super close and he doesn’t even flinch look look look jump

    I discovered the team that is Hansa Rostock plays in the German second division I thought it was going to be worse I also tell you we already know what their new FIFA team is going to be it could be good let’s do a room tour of what has been my humble summer abode

    Here we see my humble abode my little castle and over there we see we have a museum and what we see is also another museum Welcome to the “Schwerin” castle it is super nice this is my summer house Ah This is yours This is mine

    Let’s see if they have everything in order like me I have planned it . What is the difference between a castle and a palace? Would this be a castle or a palace? Well, theoretically it is a castle, it looks like a palace, right? Yes,

    I think the castle has more Towers on the sides and the Palace is more elongated Versailles-type plane. Look, I’m going to put one here… since we don’t have a drone , if you want to leave a crowdfunding there for the drone, well, We accept eh Nothing happens

    This is what the aerial view would look like Not bad the truth is that it looks super nice as you see here everything is perfect as I had planned everything is under construction so that everything is perfect for next year

    Well we see the history of the Castle This is how it started with a simple wall in 942 in 1160 Henry started the construction that was one of your great great grandparents Exactly I inherited the castle from him for me free entry but Alba is going to have to pay 8.50 euros Ah

    You do not invite me? It’s just that business is business. Ah , love and business go separately. I invited you to mine , not so bad, not so bad. I invite you to see my castle. I don’t know if it will be heard, but he is inviting us to visit his castle.

    First, let’s go through. A cafeteria to make you hungry and consume is very well thought out. The truth is, what a view from the cafeteria I also tell you, I put the cafeteria at 11 because at 10 people go to visit the museum and so on and then they get hungry afterwards.

    Of course, well thought out, as you can see, I have everything well marked so that they don’t pass. Because these are historical pieces of furniture in here, you also have the parliament. You hadn’t told me about that, let’s see. Alba complains that it’s a little bit full of pisco.

    It’s normal after so many years, you have to maintain it. If the original things are broken , then the fireplace is broken. Here at Christmas, we normally put the fireplace, this is the family, here we have some vases, etc. Here there is a main room where the guests wait here, sitting here .

    This room is the tea room where my predecessors were, well. They were here to have tea interesting , I notice that you are not interested in anything but what do you say if I am interested, of course, as he already showed me in his Castle

    The blue wallpaper in the room is already there . Do you like it? You had good taste there and the curtains to match. Here is the throne as your throne should be and from my predecessors I love the candelabra. There are all the details that

    Each symbol has. I don’t know if it represents a family or it could be cities because since this is the capital For example, Grabow, that is a little town that I saw before, they could also be surnames. The throne that we see is the year 1856 and it is still standing. It

    Was designed in Berlin , and what is this like a pipe? heating? It has to be heated, and in the past they were also cold, but that’s what fireplaces were for, right? well basically Here we see all the kings of the time the surnames are always the same Herzog of Mecklenburg The castle inside was good it is not one of the most beautiful we have seen at all I am disappointed with my castle mine was prettier and you know it Much more but it was good for the price you pay to enter it was good I had the camera in my hand

    And they told us that we couldn’t use that and I Well, okay I don’t understand why no one has told me anything, none of your colleagues We are already halfway through the castle and nothing at the end after two rooms, the lady was chasing me.

    Yes , yes, but she was watching me throughout the castle to see if I used the camera or not and I was like, how aggressive everything was because she gave me up. ask her why people could record with their cell phones and I couldn’t with the camera

    And in the end it turns out that what she was referring to was with the stick that I am holding with which I am holding the camera with the selfie stick that were prohibited Exactly and in the end I could have said it from the beginning. Exactly ,

    Come on, but the attitude was very, I don’t know… unpleasant, you know. You were like, okay, okay, here in this part of Germany, well, generally they are not very friendly But well, there is everything , where they are most friendly in Germany is the area where the Rhine River is,

    Which is the area of ​​Colonia Düsseldorf, in that entire area, everyone is very friendly, but then in the area of ​​Bavaria and the area that was occupied by Russians, they are a little drier, they have the Russian character, where we are walking right now, it is free

    If you don’t want to enter the castle but want to see it from the outside and walk around, don’t worry, it’s totally free. Look what Beautiful the little bridge this time with the ducks here receiving them How beautiful Look at the little benches there Wow

    If my brother were here he would say ‘ Wow here I take the rod and start fishing here because I take advantage of this spot to tell you that the truth is that I love coming to Germany whenever I have come to Germany on vacation a lot of times

    I have lived here and it always surprises me with something new with something different each part of Germany has its charm it is not a very popular tourist destination in Spain and many people only focus In going to Berlin but getting to know the German towns, the smallest cities,

    I don’t know the history of the castles, the nature that it has, it’s a country that if you’re European, it’s not that expensive to travel to, obviously the prices are at the level of Spain, the Christmas markets are super nice. The truth is that the castles, the lakes, the emblematic houses,

    Something that you will not easily find anywhere else. How beautiful, look at the beauty of this tower in these gardens and it is not a destination that is very well known, the truth is that we do not even know how we found it. this city simply by looking at Google Maps

    But I had never heard of this place before and as for the language, the truth is that I wouldn’t know how to tell you if they defend themselves a lot in English or not Because practically I am the one who communicates with people in German so you practice

    When you have When my mother came to visit me, she also lived in a very small town. Yes, it is true that it was more difficult for her to communicate. But in the end, they always end up understanding you in big cities . English is on the order of the day

    , but in small towns and so on. Maybe they can have a little problem to understand you like everyone else, if two want to understand each other they will end up understanding each other, don’t you think? Yes, I believe , but both of you have to want to.

    Because if one of you doesn’t want to… encourage yourself to get out and get out of your comfort zone and go explore the world. Sometimes, even if you’re close , things can surprise you at how different they are. It surprises me like in Places so close can be so different.

    In fact, this Castle has nothing to do with the other one we visited in Denmark. I imagine that for Americans, Europe has to be a super peculiar place because in such a small territory there is a very great diversity of cultures. languages ​​different cities these types of trips I love them

    Because they are not the typical trips that you say Well, I’m going to Copenhagen for a weekend and I’ll see what’s typical, right? What everyone sees is how we are discovering places that we didn’t even know existed before coming and super nice places, places that not so many people visit.

    I think that most of the tourists here are Germans from their own country and the truth is that it is a past because we are visiting places that we never thought we would visit because we didn’t even know this existed and I love it when these things happen, right?

    Especially when you have the freedom of having the car and you can get lost on the roads and discover towns in the middle of practically nowhere, like for example yesterday when we visited Wismar, which was not even on our route map

    And in the end it was a little town that It had its Charm and we really liked all this, the gardens of the palace and in the background another giant mansion Yes , we don’t know what’s there in the background, I don’t know, but well, our hotel is more or less there

    Because I remember that we passed by that building on the way out, it’s like in that direction . Yes, in fact, from our hotel you can walk quietly for a short walk . Yes It is really closer than we thought. Yes, the city is very small.

    You can explore it in half a day if you feel like it in one morning and if there is nothing because, for example, if there is a Christmas market and so on, you can spend a a little more

    But we return to the tone that here there is a lot of space to go out on a bike to go out in the afternoon for a walk, the truth is that it is one of the things that I would like to have where I live and we don’t have many areas such

    As parks so big so beautiful with so much nature we have to go a little further and take the car to be able to go to places like that and even then I can’t think of anywhere… man if you go on a hiking route you are in nature

    There you can walk or ride a bike but in the middle of the city You don’t have to go to the very remote countryside Yes it’s another hassle and one day we will show our Island I imagine a retrospective in time how this Plaza could be filled with merchant people

    , maybe it could be a market here with the castle next door or when Dukes and Counts from other cities came , well I imagine they would also use this space for their reception, it has to be amazing, the truth is.

    Sometimes I think how cool It would be to see what was happening at that time but I don’t want to live it, to travel in time for a while incognito, incognito, incognito , invisible, you know you can get in the middle here but no one sees me

    Because at the slightest chance they’ll pinch you among your colleagues. What a pity that That’s dry because in spring you have to be super pretty, the gardens with the little plants and so on, that’s what traveling at this time of year has to do with gardens and so on,

    Well, it’s not the same, but hey, right? but it has its charm, autumn has its charm, I like it on days like today, the truth is that I thought it was going to be worse, I don’t want to jinx it , I was n’t getting depressed

    Since yesterday saying, Tomorrow it’s going to rain, it’s going to be a bad day and in plan but let’s see don’t be depressing me I haven’t arrived yet Well nothing with this iconic view We said goodbye to Schwerin it wasn’t bad it’s small it looks fast

    We saw it very early in the morning so there wasn’t much movement now if you notice that There are more people on the street at this time when there are so few hours of sunshine, we have to make the most of them, almost waking up and still at night

    To go out as soon as the sun rises.


    1. Nos parece super curioso de que en Alemania conozcan a los Reyes Magos pero no lo celebren 😱 Ustedes, ¿de qué team sois? ¿Reyes Magos? 🤴🏻🫅🏽🤴🏿 o, ¿Papá Noel? 🎅🏻

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