Nils Allegre sprung a huge surprise in the FIS Alpine Ski World Cup Super G at Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

    The 30-year-old Frenchman, who had never made the podium in eight seasons on the World Cup circuit, took advantage of improving snow conditions to convert his start gate number of 18 into victory.

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    L May next up first of the Swiss races there you go seventh that was the last time we raced here in 2021 you have to say as a more technical Super G skar with his background in slum and giant slum uh this set might not suit him but stranger things have

    Happened but he would have preferred a bit more of a turny superg run I’m sure yeah he certainly would have but he’s you know having a great start on top what he needs to make sure is not to close those turns too early like he wouldn’t do in giant slam you know not

    Keeping it too tight letting the run a bit further down the mountain and now moving into this transition this should be a part where he’s really accelerating lovely and smooth through these offset turns as you say marel which should suit him and this is aggressive skiing from L

    Mayor nicely positioned oh is over the jump he’s got some good speed and a massive margin he’s taking the risk and L May is charging huge lead he’s on Rails look at him he’s really attacking it today releasing that ski but still being so solid with his technique this

    Is going to be the crucial period coming down onto the flats Now 52 is a massive margin but this is where he’ll need downhill skills this is where Dominic Paris is his long flat skis will be doing the business as L May charges oh here comes the Swiss racer this would be

    An upset as L May takes the lead by three nearly 29 of a second L May pushes Dominic Paris off the top step of the podium that’s an upset but here we go Austria’s Big Hope so much pressure and every race goes by the pressure increases garish Parton K and Victor

    Here couple of seasons ago the last time we raced it but crucially he’s won on the World Cup tour in Super G so far this season and as I said earlier the only Austrian to win a World Cup on the tour so far in speed on the men’s side

    Creek Meer you just never know what you’re going to get from him at the moment do you but early on bang in touch yeah great and you could just see his aerodynamic position is perfect effect sometimes you know he’s he’s maybe a bit too much into it but I think today he

    Wants to get it he’s famed for being very smooth but what comes with that looks like a bit round for me let’s see if he’s being aggressive enough in the line the next split coming up just after the jump yeah now we see this part where

    Mu had a big jump there but M had the the problems quick switch here lost a bit of time but it’s still in contention here well that drone cam really does show you how long that left foot to turn is over the breakover slightly late but he’s back contract in touch let’s see

    The next split cuz this one is the crucial one yeah he should be bit too much on the inside lost a bit of the line there gain some time can he carry the speed into the Finish oh he’s coming isn’t he and Creek Myers downhill skills

    And again you have to say on paper he should be able to find that over someone like L May But Here Comes Vincent crear tucking it out very low very quick oh he’s missed it 700 of a second L May hangs on and could he be on for a Podium

    Could he be on for a win Creek but now the man that they all want to beat the man of the moment Mar odat finished on the podium he was third the last time we raced here but Mar odat been on the podium for the last 12

    Rounds of Super G action he picked up one win that was in Boro and he would dearly love to do it again here after a cracking second run over in schladming in the night GS he’s absolutely found his speed early on here as well hasn’t

    He yeah he has he’s bang in touch again you know he just doesn’t have any weakness he was a bit Scrappy and schling but I’m sure he’s going to you know full out attack again those turns that’s where we know UTA is’s going to accelerate bit on the inside ski but

    He’s always able to carry that speed it almost doesn’t matter that he’s on his inside ski still managed to AR lovely preparation over the jump he got a good press as well and he’s got work to do lovely and smooth just about gets away with that long left footer yeah he’s got

    But he still has a lot of work to do at the bottom here he’s bit out of position yeah being pushed back on the heels how much carry can how much speed can he carry into this bit oh he’s staying low he’s desperate for the aerodynamics and

    He’s found some time we saw Hara find nearly 210 around here and he’s stayed in his tuck position oh here comes Marco odat Switzerland lead with may but which Swiss racer is going to lead come Marco odat finish oh big he’s missed it oh luk

    Hangs on to the lead he can’t believe it oh that Podium run is still on the cards at the moment for Marco odat but he couldn’t get the better of L May what a run that was from odat some Scrappy turns not vintage odat but a really tidy run still five

    Four Cyprus Saran last winner on the superg World Cup tour in venan the beginning of January and his form has been exceptional downhill skiing Super G skiing this man has been able to put it all on the pie so far today and he’s neck and neck with May

    Yeah incredible position on top here and you know the progression he’s made on those flat bits is just you know unreal I’m not sure I’m not sure today come on and here he comes Saran round that right footer nice and low and smooth he’s desperate to make up time

    But it would be a miracle if he could make up 45 cypria Saran is pushing hard the Frenchman is desperately trying to defeat may but he can’t Cyprus szan down to six no Podium for the Frenchman OD deat will be breathing a side relief as

    He will extend his lead at the top of the superg standings Julio Moosa next up for the Italians best the Italians is Dominic parison Fifth and as I already said don’t forget course has been set by their coaches the Italian team put the gates in the ground here 33 turns and

    Let’s see if Bosa can find the skills to unlock a Podium performance he was fifth in fan on the 12th of jany so his superg skiing is on form so far this season and he’d dearly love to get himself onto the podium here lovely and aggressive early

    On finds himself a tenth of a second in front and staying so low and aggressive again through these turns in his tuck yeah he was incredibly aggressive on the top you can see oh now that tiny bit on the inside ski need to make sure he’s go

    In that transition but that was a really solid turn now don’t hold the skis too long make sure you push them down the down the mountain good positioning off the Jump didn’t have to do too much correction when he landed and he’s found a little bit of

    Time 12 hundreds uh off the pace now lost a bit of time excuse me but these are the turns where we saw the giant slem skills of cavet make up time can Bosa tap into that same line Choice as well he seems to have really carried the speed there

    Look nice turn nice turn into the flat yeah here he comes nice and low here can he get himself onto a Podium the Italian’s best as I said is Paris in fifth but Bosa looking to get himself up onto a podum juli Bosa oh he oh where

    Did that come from what a run that is from Bosa oh he’s broken L May’s heart there may had beaten the biggest names in the sport and then Bosa goes not on my watch son I’ve call I’ve got this course unlock and that was a seriously

    Good run from Bosa let’s see if the guys at top can have that belief because we’ve just seen that the snow is still holding up the local organizing committee the German of course workers have really managed to pull a rabbit out of the Hat with the snow conditions here Neils alra

    Goes on course for the French top 10 in downhill so far last Super G was only 18th though and he finds himself 1900s of a second behind our new leader Bosa yeah he was still in touch on top we saw the French team you know they had a

    Couple of flying weeks being so solid those turns look really nice he’s he seems to have carried a good speed good line over the jump how is he going to do the compression oh he’s found some time that line Choice over the jump was absolutely perfect and a solid turn on

    That left footer that’s been catching out some of the world’s best and very clean turns through this section as well oh Neils algra looking to be the top man on the French team today oh another man on the mission and he’s ahead taking all that speed into the last pitch great

    Turn there here he comes look at him he’s carrying loads of speed loads of low tuck turns as Nils algra’s pushing could he take the lead here Oh my he can by8 of a second oh Bosa thought he’ done it from a bib 17 and Nils algra comes

    Down and that pushes odat off the podium that run of 12 podiums back to back for Marco odat has ended here in Germany but look at that the French team were disappointed Ed with sarahan run finding himself down in eighth at this point and Neils algra went no worry boys I’ve got [Applause]

    This Nils algra doing it for the French team cyia Saran the best of the rest of the French team but way down in 10th Place Marco odat his run of 12 back-to-back World Cup podiums in superg comes to an end with a fourth place and Vincent Creek rounding out the top five

    He’ll be okay maybe a little bit disappointed that he could only manage fifth but another big Point score for him in his quest for the superg globe but it’s all going to be about Nils algra it’s been a tight old race the top 30 separated by only

    1.36 of a second meaning that every single tiny mistake has been magnified but Nils alra on the top of things here take picking up his first ever World Cup victory in garish and what a result that is nil Al what an amazing thing for you your best result was a four place here

    In gamish and today it’s your first Podium straight to the victory can you believe it for the moment no because I’m waiting for the last guy because last time in in Val I was three until the until the number 36 or until Bryce Bennett so and I finish it for so now I

    I know I have to wait but anyway it’s a good day I honestly I had a perfect feeling on my skis from the top to the bottom I I feel really conf confidence on it I can push a lot I know on salty snow I have one of the best material in

    The world so I just had to push [Applause] Today [Applause] [Applause] he


    1. Well done to the Eurosport commentator who was commentating on the Women's downhill race that I was watching on replay on the Eurosport app because I couldn't watch live due to other commitments for announcing the winner of this race at the end of the broadcast two minutes before I was about to watch the replay of this race! Hardly worth bothering now I know who won! I guess you can tell who gave you the thumbs down!

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