Games Workshop? More like stop playing them darned games and get to work at the shop!


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    Dice Men – A book by the founders Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson


    Warhammer 40K : The Grimdark’s First Minis Are as Old as ‘Aliens’ & ‘Top Gun’,positive%20changes%20within%20the%20company.

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    Many many individuals have covered the vast lore of Warhammer in the age of Sigmar fantasy and 30 and 40K setting but very few have taken the time at least that I’m aware of to cover the story of Warhammer itself in the rise of Games Workshop that might not be true at

    All but at this point I’ve taken the time to write out this whole script and I’m kind of too scared to search YouTube to see if someone far more successful and talented than me has already done this so I’m going to take the entirety of the credit for this extremely

    Original idea it’s no secret that you all tend to really only get pushed the Warhammer content for whatever reason and now that I’m a fully grown self-sustaining adult that means I’ve got bills to pay so I’m going to suck it up and appeal to my audience for once

    Instead of making mediocre videos that no one seems to care about uh it’s going to be a little ironic if this video doesn’t end up doing well but anyways uh rambling aside let’s go back more than 50 years ago to a Time long ago the 1960s Our Story begins like many stories with some young kids meeting in school and growing to bond over similar interests after moving back from Canada a young boy named Steve Jackson would go on to meet a slightly older but still young boy named Ian Livingston at the all

    Rich um grammar school for Boys located in Chesire England the two would Bond over mutual interest of board games and through school would also meet another like-minded kid named John Peak the trio would go on to become great friends and after graduating high school and going

    Off to college would do their best to remain in contact and keep up with their board gaming Traditions after a while though they’d grown bored at the traditional board games at the time like Monopoly and so started to look to a new more challenging game to play eventually

    This led them to playing diplomacy a game that as the name suggested required a good amount of uh diplomacy and speaking to other players to negotiate and battle their way through the events of World War I Ian funnily enough would eventually meet a man who lived down the

    Street named Don Turnbull Don was also a big fan of diplomacy and just so happened to publish a small magazine focusing around the game called albian Ian would end up drawing and assisting in other items for the magazine before Don eventually called it quits after the 50th issue of the magazine ban though

    Diplomacy was just the start of the journey to getting into more complex board games the creators of diplomacy had also produced a game called Stalingrad which Steve and Ian both became big fans of Stalingrad was a very complex game that required a large amount of strategy to win and through

    This game would also become fans of the tabletop wargaming genre after John Steve and Ian had all finished up their studies at their respective colleges the trail would all unite again in London moving into a shared flat together during a late night gaming session the boys started discussing the idea of

    Starting their own company maybe making their own board games there was inevitably some hesitation within the group about starting a company and for a while it remained a fun yet unrealistic dream but after Steve had landed himself a role as a reviewer for games and puzzles magazine the group had regained

    Interest in the idea and after taking a small loan from Steve’s mom and a bit of brain storming on a name in January of 1975 the group would eventually Start Games Workshop a name that was only narrowly beaten out by close contenders such as games garage synapse games and

    My personal favorite gas games JN was the Craftsman of the group helping to make finely crafted wooden boards for go manala and other board games all in the comfort of his own bedroom Steve would be the Financial Manager keeping track of payments and payments due for the

    Company and Ian would work to make the first rendition of the company’s logo and this like funny looking Mickey Mouse mascot shortly after this small production had been established about a month later Steve and Ian would work on setting up their own Gaming magazine for Games Workshop called Allen weasel the

    Name albeit a little bit odd was the was the brainchild of Steve with the intention being the games required the intelligence of an owl and the cunning sneakiness of a weasel with the help of some old typewriters Ian’s previous experience helping with Albi and magazine and Steve’s experience writing

    Reviews for game and puzzles magazine the pair were able to push out 25 issues of Alan weasel before the magazine would eventually come to an end in 1977 but this was not before the group would strike gold with a once in a-lifetime Opportunity after attending a gaming convention Steve and Ian would both

    Attend a booth where a small group of individuals were playing what would later become known as a tabletop roleplaying game after watching with Fascination the pair would learn that the game was called The Dungeons and Dragons interested to see where this might develop and hoping to play it at

    Some point in the future Steve wrote a short article about the game and one of their issues of Allan weasel shortly after they received a package in the mail asking the Magazine’s authors if they might take the time to review this person’s game and upon opening the package they realized they had received

    Their very own early copy of dungeon of dragons from one of the game’s creators itself Gary GX Steve and Ian would become huge fans of the game and so decided to order some copies to distribute for people across the UK Gary would see these orders come in and would

    Make Games Workshop and offer to have them as the European distributor of the product after playing some games of D ofd themselves Steve wrote a review praising D and D and alen weasel and over time they started to receive many many orders for the game from eager

    Europeans hoping to get their hands on the game despite the success the company had JN didn’t have much interest in the RPG aspect of tabletop gaming and would decide to leave their company to focus on his real life career in 1976 but still keeping a good relationship with

    Stepen Ian but now that the duo was seing some real success and enthusiasm with what they were Distributing Steve and Ian decided to host their own small gaming convention called game day the first game day would go on to be successful and so the group decided to

    Host another game Day in 1977 as well as a DN day only a month after game day 2 due to the rising popularity of the tabletop RPG these events would go on to be massively successful for the company with the events easily breaking the capacity of the venues they were held in

    In April of 1977 Steve and Ian believed they needed to move towards producing a more professional newsletter and looked at others in the industry who had previously done the same and so decided to Rebrand their newsletter into a more professional magazine marking the end of Alan weasel in its place Steven Ian

    Would launch a new magazine the same year called white dwarf the name derived from the title given to a dying Star as well as serving as a nod to the popular short and stocky fantasy race white dwarf unlike Allen weasel would instead be a paid Subscription Service as they

    Needed money to not only increase the quality of the production but to hopefully expand gamees Workshop as a company although initially seen as a giant gamble for the company in the end the first edition of white dwarf would sell out with 6,000 units sold marking a huge success for GW to help the

    Production of white dwarf Games Workshop had hir its first outside employee and Man by the name of Trevor Graver and from there Partnerships and employees would only continue to grow and become a part of Games Workshop GW would eventually open up their own retail store in March of 78 located right at

    One ding Road over in West London with the previously mentioned Trevor Graver becoming not only their first employee but also gw’s first ever store manager that same year a man named Brian anzel would propose a business agreement with step Ian Brian was the man behind a miniature production company called

    Asgard Miniatures in Games Workshop had been customers of his for a good time now selling many of his Miniatures through their new magazine after popping over to London to meet with the pair Brian would suggest a new partnership in which he was offering to make exclusive Miniatures for Games Workshop to sell

    Steve and Ian were thrilled at this idea and so a partnership was forged and throughout 1978 sales were great for these Miniatures so much in fact that Steve and Ian wanted to start their own new company for miniature production with Brian by their side with a bit of

    Negotiation Steve Ian and Brian would all have equal stakes in a brand new company that would launch on December 28th of 1978 Citadel Miniatures Games Workshop is now able to start pumping out models for role playing games like hot cakes this allowed for Games Workshop to not only profit off the

    European distribution of D and but also make it so they could easily profit from their miniatures by selling them directly alongside their distributed D andd merchandise going into 1979 though GW knew they could really only afford to do this for so long since they didn’t own DND they just held the distribution

    Rights and and their initial contract had actually expired in 1978 but TSR the company who owned the rights to D and D had let games work trap continue to distribute the game throughout most of 1979 but this only went on for a short while before TSR would finally state

    That they didn’t want to renew the distribution rights for Games Workshop in fact after many conversations with Gary GX it seems Gary and TSR wanted to buy Games Workshop and merge it under TSR Steve and Ian were extremely apprehensive about selling Games Workshop and despite a personal visit

    From their good Gary talk things over GW would deny this merger and from there the exclusivity rights to the European distribution of D and D had ended this however didn’t really stop too much at least at the moment because Games Workshop had held the exclusive rights

    For a European distribution of D and for its initial years of success that also meant that they still had an almost monopolistic hold on D andd in Europe despite technically now having the potential for competition by other Distributors but Steve and Ian knew this wouldn’t last they needed something that

    Could serve as their own success something that would be the equivalent of Dungeons and Dragons for Games Workshop and so as 1980 passed and GW pushed out a variety of board games and would eventually open up a second official retail store in Manchester Steph Ian would contemplate on where to

    Take the company NeXT it was around this time too that video games had started to truly gain popularity on the gaming scene pushing board games out of the way to make room for a brand new platform to play games on as excited as stepen Ian were about the future the video games

    Painted they also knew that they served as a potential giant rival to their business early 1981 Steven Ian would be taken off guard when Brian their co-founder of Citadel resigned from the company due to budgetary restrictions Brian felt limited and annoyed that more money was being invested into gamees

    Workshop instead of Citadel and so would leave abruptly this however wouldn’t last long as Brian’s girlfriend Diane Lane stayed with Games Workshop after Brian’s departure and had been hired as office manager for Citadel this allowed for Diane to set up a negotiation with Brian and Games Workshop where he was

    Hired back on in 1982 now back with the company Brian is had been brainstorming ideas of how to next expand gamees Workshop after the unfortunate end of the D and D business relationship and of course to combat the new upcoming competition from video games he had an

    Idea and to help him with its creation he hired Richard hallay and Rick Priestley two friends who had previously worked together on the 1978 game Reaper and some other war games with this previous experience as well as some inspiration from tolkin Lord of the Rings Brian Richard and Rick would work

    Together to flesh out Brian’s idea and as the year went on runehammer as the game was currently called began to truly start to shapen something special for Citadel to avoid confusion with another game that GW published called run Quest The Game’s name was changed to Warhammer or sometimes called Warhammer fantasy

    Battle and would be officially launched in May of 1983 upon its release its initial 3,000 first edition copies sold out almost immediately prompting a huge demand for more now Warhammer in its early stages were not like Warhammer that we know today because of the growing popularity of D and D at this

    Time Warhammer initially tried to do a blend of not only a war war game but a role playing game as well this is widely bashed on by critics as the role playing system did not feel nearly as interesting as the tactics of the actual war game itself the game was also

    Heavily criticized for the many errors that existed in their Rule books but overall the game itself was viewed positively back at gamees Workshop however things were going a little bit less than ideal two months prior Brian anel the current managing director of Cito who we’ve previously mentioned

    Wanted to buy the rest of the shares of the company from Ian and Steve this negotiation lasted 2 months up until the release of Warhammer in which negotiations would stop and Brian would yet again leave the company later this year the video game Crash would occur causing many companies to die off and

    Millions of units of games to almost entirely be untouched it was a massive Financial loss for the industry it was directly caused by a huge oversaturation of poor games on the market you might make this mistake of viewing this as a positive thing for games workshops since

    They were focused on board games but because step Ian had seen the potential video games they began to distribute game cartridges for systems like the Atari as well this meant when the crash finally hit around Christmas of that year GW is sitting on a massive Overstock of almost worthless video game

    Cartridges as admitted by Ian in his book diceman a resource that has been incredibly helpful for this video would highly recommend it if you’re still here at this point Games Workshop survived thanks to our hobby game sales and the determination of retail operations manager Bob me to return a lot of

    Overstocks to their manufacturers Bob me was able to brutally negotiate with these companies so that they took all of their now useless stock back making sure Games Workshop did not actually have to pay for all of these un sold copies so uh yeah shout out to Bob despite quite possibly narrowly

    Avoiding the death of the company in the unfortunate video game Crash 1984 would be a great year for Games Workshop although I couldn’t find exactly when specifically he came back from everything I’ve read Brian anel was yet again back at Citadel Warhammer would also see its first expansion forces of

    Fantasy this expansion for for the first edition of Warhammer would resolve a large amount of errors and issues that plagued the first edition rules and was positively received by critics Not only would Warhammer first expansion Dro this year but second edition would launch this year as well adding in new types of

    Units effects like reserves flying artillery as well as improving the rules of the game yet again much to the approval of critics despite the video game Crash of 83 Ian and Steve doubled down on releasing their own video games and GW continued to see success with sales for games that were essentially

    Computer ports of their own board games on consoles outside of GW Ian himself was able to work on his own game Eureka a mystery Adventure game that would boast a 25,000 lound prize uh handed out by the publisher doar for the first person to complete the game this publishing deal

    Was only made possible by the success of Steven Ian’s choose your own adventur style book series called fighting fantasy as their most recent book in the series Death Trap dungeon was the number one book on the children’s best-selling book list in fact Ian and Steve were having giant success with their book

    Series it was a phenomenon across the globe to put it lightly they would lead Games Workshop during the day and then continue to work on their book series through the night understandably this was having a pretty big strain on the both of them as it seemed as if they

    Were almost constantly working for this reason in 1985 after Brian’s annual tradition of threatening to leave the company step Ian would make him an offer to have him stay they were seeing themselves quickly losing steam to handle both of their businesses and felt that Brian would be the right one to

    Trust to continue the success of Games Workshop in 1986 Brian would be into the keys to Games Workshop with the original Founders Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston stepping down to serve only as advisers on the board of directors after growing the company from the ground over the past 10 years with Brian

    Now at the helm of GW Games Workshop would start to shift drastically away from the board game distribution and quadruple down on Warhammer 1986 would see the release of two brand new game systems blood Bull and Warhammer fantasy roleplay bloodb was a violent hybrid of football and rugby featuring the races

    Present in the current Warhammer fantasy setting a bit of a of a different take on fantasy football if you ask me designed by Jervis Johnson the game featured a variety of teams based around the races of the fantasy setting duking it out on a cardboard grid Warhammer fantasy roleplay would be the other

    Title drop and well was the name is pretty self-explanatory it’s a fantasy roleplaying game set in the Warhammer fantasy universe so yeah it’s uh it’s like DND D behind the scenes Rick Priestley one of the cre crators of Warhammer fantasy battles was cooking it a Sci-Fi game system and after teasing

    It throughout 1986 with released this new system in 1987 Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader little did Games Workshop know at the time but this game would completely change the company and Propel it into success although Rogue Trader was Far different than what we would eventually see as the foundational

    Features of 40K even before to release we would see the first ever version of a Space Marine which uh uh they look a little bit different and we would then with the release of the game see some of the earliest versions of certain races and factions we would come to love as

    Well as some uh some that we definitely didn’t know like whatever happened to to pissi and Warrior the game itself even setting a theme wise was very different from what we would now know to be the canonical ideas of 40K and the races and factions existing in it the actual game

    System was initially more of an RPG and would only later be built upon to shift more towards the Tactical war game that we know today in the following years would see both Warhammer systems be updated and expanded upon with new rules which were introduced in white dwarf in

    Fact many updates began to be dished out with white dwarf and as they were we would see the lore of 40K truly begin to establish and the rules for certain game systems continue to be updated in 1988 we’d also see the release of adeptus titanicus a game developed Again by

    Jervis Johnson that launched Titan Legions in an epic or shrunken down scale to the 40K setting for the first time 1989 would be the year for the first ever edition of spacehulk a game taking an upgraded version of Space Marines the Terminators and putting them against the tyranids more specifically

    Their genan Stealers this would all take place in narrow corridors and would be fairly fondly remembered by the people throughout its additions later introducing the gene steer Colts in 1990 and as game’s Workshop headed into the 1990s Warhammer would continue to grow in success and therefore become the

    Greatest focus of the company it’s also worth noting that from here on Games Workshop kind of stopped being the small company it was only a few years back and when it stand began its rapid Ascension into a true Corporation it’s for this reason that details begin to get a bit

    Sparse and harder to find to see exactly what events were going on behind the scenes but I’ll do my best to cover some of the major releases or events that occurred the first major event that would take place in the 90s would be the leaving of chairman Brian anzel in 1991

    Anel would leave Games Workshop to its new chairman Tom Kirby now Brian hadn’t always been a beloved part of gamees Workshop by everyone there were some previous protests on his focus on Miniatures and some of the changes he made to white dwarf as well as his frequent and repeated leavings of the

    Company but Brian was was one of the last figureheads for the company that really made Games Workshop Games Workshop and by all accounts was considered to be incredibly talented he’s a name often cited as the crator of Warhammer and it was his ideas that would get the franchise started after

    His return to the company he would eventually say he left the company to work on his own historical Miniatures at his company War Games Foundry he would also cite his desire to build a family and have children and unfortunately as I was writing this part of the script for

    The video I found out that Brian passed away only a few days ago on December 30th of 2023 so rest in peace to a legend as without him we wouldn’t have Warhammer his successor Tom Kirby would have fortunately goone on to be fairly disliked by the community for some of

    His baffling takes on things such as market research and the company as a whole but we’ll get into that a little bit later leadership aside the ’90s will be filled with different board games and game systems released for Warhammer within the 40K and fantasy setting and

    Honestly if I took the time to cover all of them we might be here all day so I’ll quickly go through all the stuff I was able to find or felt was important in 1992 we’d see the first release the first ever Warhammer video game Space Crusade the game being a faithful copy

    Of Games Workshop board game of the same name in 1993 the second edition of Warhammer 40,000 would be released seeing major changes to the tone of the franchise and becoming more pessimistic and Grim dark like we know today with the help of Andy Chambers in 1993 would

    Also see the release of jvis Johnson’s Horus heresy a board game that recreated the invasion of Horus versus the Emperor of mankind on Tera 1995 Andy Chambers and Jervis Johnson worked together to make the first ever iteration of necromunda a skirmish game where rival gangs and factions competed on the

    Industrial Hive world of necromunda 1997 would see the sisters of battle or adepto Sardis receive their first Miniatures for 40K with the Third Edition of 40K releasing in 1998 which would feature two brand new zenos races the duari or dark alar as well as the necrons for J will also will be

    Officially founded this year after Games Workshop had terminated the contract they had previously had with the company armorcast which helped to make large scale resin Miniatures 1999 battle Fleet Gothic was release a game system that featured fleets of giant ships from opposing factions fighting over their battles across the vast void of space

    The fantasy Skirmish game morim would also be released this year offering a detailed campaign system that is still beloved by people to this day after Y2K didn’t like blow up the planet or whatever Games Workshop continued to grow their brand and the 2000s would be a time in which war Hammer particularly

    40K would begin to reach new heights of popularity 2001 would be a huge year for Games Workshop this year would see the introduction of the to to the 40K setting a race of blue alien people who wrote around on big old Gundams appealing to a very different audience

    As compared to the previous 40K Miniatures but of course simultaneously was hated by others existing fans honestly in retrospect these blue Rootin totin Samurai warriors were a footnote on the real success of this year the Lord of the Rings strategy battle game also known as nowadays is Middle Earth

    Strategy battle game this game system along with its following editions would be released alongside the movies and theaters at the times with the first edition launching around the time of the release of The Fellowship of the Ring which as many people know would go to be hugely successful Trilogy of movies and

    Therefore only brought more attention to the game system as well as other Games Workshop products 2003 would see The Return of the Horus heresy game system but uh no not not that one or this one no no this Horus heresy was was a card game and uh has been kind of Forgotten

    But epic Armageddon was also released this year as a followup to Epic 40K and featured a uh believed to be well-received system of open development with a set of test rules released to the community before they were officially rolled into the main rules allowing for Community feedback before a possibly

    Catastrophic change was implemented 2004 would be the year that the fourth edition of 40K would launch along with a video game that would become so beloved and successful it even saw people who had never heard of the franchise becoming 40K fans Warhammer 40,000 dawn of War War an RTS game that is very

    Fondly remembered not just in the Warhammer Community but the wider RTS Community as well jumping forward 2007 would to see the release of aeronautica imperialis which is conceptually similar to battlefleet Gothic in the sense that they both focus on flying crafts but this one was much more focused on

    Standard aircraft as opposed to the giant hulking spaceships present in battlefleet Gothic in 2008 we’d see the Games Workshop attempt to cash in on the success of the MMO genre with the release of Warhammer online age of Reckoning published by EA and developed by Mythic entertainment the game would

    Fortunately end up failing as yet another one of the victims to the Titan World of Warcraft but from what I’ve heard from everyone it was a fairly well-made game and there are still some efforts made to resurrect it with efforts in the community to make private servers 2009 would see the release of

    Dawn of War II which unfortunately for some people did not live up to the first game cutting up the base building feature also having things that players had issues with but it was still overall successful and some players praised these changes 2010 would see the eighth and final release of Warhammer fantasy

    Battles the game that started the franchise in its entirety Al although it would only be officially discontinued in 2015 it was around this time that the seeds of an unfortunate collapse of the fantasy setting were being sewn which we can discuss more in depth here shortly in 2011 Warhammer 40K Space Marine would

    Be released by THQ a third-person action shooter that is still widely beloved today with a sequel hopefully coming out soon in 2014 Warhammer 4000 would introduced the Imperial Knights as a playable faction for the game and shortly after this announcement seventh edition would be launched 15 would be

    One of the wildest years Games Workshop would ever have the seventh edition of 40K would see the release of the adeptus mechanicus as well as updated models for Harley quins but that would inevitably be dwarfed by the bigger drama that was unfolding behind the scenes in front of

    Players eyes when Warhammer fan of these battles would abruptly come to an end and be replaced with Warhammer age of Sigmar in 2015 there was never an entirely solid reason as to why fantasy end times would inevitably occur but there was a lot of speculation rooted in some factual information that the

    Community was was able to use to hypothesize about what really happened one massive issue that Warhammer fantasy setting had at least from the perspective of gamees Workshop was that many of the ideas and names present in the setting were not copyrightable which is no surprise considering their initial

    Inspiration for the world of Warhammer fantasy was heavily inspired by tolken there was also a growing discontent that would be seen over the previous few years with Games Workshop attempting to twist the arms of its player based to buur models and factions with increasingly higher prices to little

    Success many players contend to just keep their older armies and models although never confirmed it was said that Space Marines alone were outselling the entirety of the Warhammer fantasy range this was only worsened by GW and chairman Tom Kirby when in 2014 in an public annual report of the company Tom

    Kirby showed a lack of acknowledgement of the real threat that three printing was soon posing to their company and proudly stood behind the fact that Games Workshop did not need to do Market Research In A desperate attempt to revamp the fantasy setting it was entirely killed and age of Sigmar was

    Born in its place age of Sigmar despite G ew’s best intentions did not solve the issues that Warhammer fantasy had and instead resulted in new problems taking their place with people criticizing the rules changes destruction of the old world and replacement of certain factions within the game although AOS

    Has a more positive reputation now at the time the changes were extremely jarring for fans of fantasy all in all 2015 would be a bit of a mess but as it stands now AOS has now been more embraced by the community in 2016 we would see the release of the gene

    Steeler Colt as a playable faction of 40K as well as the new game system kill team being released a new Skirmish game for the 40K setting as for the now defunct fantasy setting Total War Warhammer would be released only a year later somewhat surprisingly Total War Warhammer 2 would be released to great

    Success in 2017 as a followup to the somewhat divisive dawn of War 2i dawn of War 3 would be released in April of this year which was received even worse than the first two games in the series it would also be this year that chairman Tom Kirby would step down to many people

    In the community’s Glee necron to underhive would be a return to the necrom mood a setting for previous fans with the new rules and newly updated gangs for the Skirmish game releasing this year if that wasn’t enough for the Sci-Fi Warhammer fans we would also see the release of the adeptus custodes with

    The first ever Loyals Primark returning to the setting after the aftermath of the Horus heresy route gilan on top of this eighth edition of 40K would be announced bringing death guard as a separate playable faction for chaos Space Marines 2018 would similarly see the Thousand Suns split off from the

    Chaos Space Marines of their own playable faction in the Beloved game developed by borar Studios mechanicus would be released with age of Sigmar being even further fleshed out this new setting was being built up into an even more acceptable state in the eyes of the community with 2019 war cry being

    Released the following year war cry essentially serving as the same role as kill team does to 4K but for AOS both skirmish games and yeah yeah yeah a few more things happened over the past few years like the launch of the leagues of voton in 2022 finally bringing dwarfen

    Kin back to the 40K setting after being abandoned in the second edition of the game with angron’s world leaders splitting out of their own Army in 2023 which would be followed up by the release of 10th edition where we’d finally see Games Workshop make rules free and publicly available to read and

    View only to snatch them away and lock it behind a pay wall but uh hey it’s a it’s a step in the right direction I suppose for fans of the old fantasy setting old world finally has some prors out for its new box sets bringing back Square bases and the solely missed tomb

    Kings and yeah that was uh that was a lot overall Games Workshop has done a lot over the past 50 or so years since its Inception back in the flat of Ian Livingstone Steve Jackson and John Peak honestly probably too godamn much I don’t think you guys want to know how

    Many tabs have open right now despite the criticisms we might have for a Games Workshop and some of the choices they’ve either made with lore game systems or models I think we can all agree that despite its flaws it has a special place in our hearts at least I’m hoping it

    Does if you’ve watched this whole [ __ ] video Jesus CH yeah this is a lot to cover and trust me I know there’s some things I missed this video would have been way longer if I had wanted it to but I don’t have the patience to cover all those nitty-gritty details and

    I’m sure you don’t really have the patience to listen to it but hell if I know if there’s something I missed or researched incorrectly feel free to let me know in the comments there’s nothing wrong with adding the discussion and with this video I I really wanted to try

    To focus on the beginnings of the company and where certain parts of Warhammer began so I hope you got what you were expecting special thanks of course to my wonderful patrons who make videos like these possible mads Dave the unknown Griff einhart Anderson tumeric Maddy gratty and the commenting cat you

    All truly mean the most and I’m extremely grateful for you thank you of course to everyone else for watching the video this one was tough there’s so much information release dates and mixed up nonsense that has been so have to keep track of with this stuff you know

    Finding solid dates for almost anything has been such a mess so if I screwed anything up you know don’t be surprised anyways thank you again I’m going to try to rest my eyes from all this blue light burning through my retinas but until then have a good rest of your day and

    Until next time take Care


    1. I've heard this before but, I really liked your spin on the video

      (Also yes it's true, I'm sorry papa Noot, I'm mostly here for 40k, I like chainswords and and lazers, it's the way I am)

    2. Okay , i have to say , your channel is amazing , every video top notch , your editing is incredible, the fact you are so small realtive to your quailty is an utter crime ( and man be careful not to box yourself in , make what you want ! We will be here to watch 🙂 )

    3. Oh, nah. I play Malifaux. I appreciate WH for its place in the Zeitgheist, but the people that made it arent the people that run it. Not really a special place in my heart, more like my pituitary gland.

      Still, culture is culture, and ya love to see it.

    4. i think you have done an amazing video that covers something most fans wonder but do not know much about. Earneda like, a new subscriber and a share with my mates!

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