The best cycling gloves have certain features that prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar tunnel syndrome, calluses, numb hands and fingers. There are advantages of wearing these gloves.

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    1. I currently bought gripgrab gel gloves and i hate the pain i get in my hands. Theyre not for me but the other 2 pairs of gribgrab gloves are great. My hands tend to swell up on rides with the shortfinger gloves and very uncomfortable. When i ride without gloves no problem. Great video thanks.

    2. I have a sharp and major pain on my thumb on the palm side, any idea what causes this pain? This pain causes me to keep on taking breaks during cycling and is still tingling even after a week of rest. Please recommend me some good padded gloves for me to try out. Thanks a lot!

    3. What style of Specialized glove is the one you’re wearing in this video? Would like to order a pair but can’t tell which one you’re promoting.

    4. Two thumbs up to you Doc. After seeing this video for the first time a few months ago, I did purchase a pair of these gloves. They are everything you said and then some. Thank you : )

    5. The fact they're cut off gloves already makes anything you say irrelevant. Never use cut off gloves. You're also not going to get carpal tunnel syndrome or calluses for riding your bike. I've never once got a callous or blister from biking and I've been biking everywhere my whole life.

    6. Hmmm ok very interesting. I ride bike's at and for kicks, and after a few miles my hand go numb ?
      I will look for these gloves and give them a try !

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