00:00:00 – Приветствие. О чём ролик? Краткое напоминание содержания первой части ролика. История нефти в долларах США в период 1950-1980 г.
    00:05:05 – Нефть в золоте в период 1950 -1980 г.
    00:11:50 – Схема финансирования инвестирования в нефть с использованием золота и увеличением прибыли в 4,5 раза. Алгоритм использования золота для увеличения прибыли.
    00:23:30 – Нефть в долларе в период 1970 -2000 г.
    00:29:40 – Нефть в золоте в период 1970 -2000 г.
    00:37:00 – История нефти в долларах США в период 2000-2023 г. Техническая трактовка цен нефти в долларах.
    00:40:40 – Нефть в золоте в период 2000 -2023 г. Фундаментальные отличия динамики нефти в долларе и золоте в период 1930-2023 годов.
    00:43:15 – Аналогия текущей ситуации с кризисом тёмных веков 14-18-го веков, и выхода из него в конце 18-го –начале 19-го.
    00:48:00 – Упрощённая экономическая модель современного кризиса. Три способа выхода из кризиса:
    1) исторический – торговый;
    2) российский – технологическое повышение производительности труда;
    3) инклюзивный – нео рабовладение.

    В ролике показана история цен нефти в долларе и золоте в период с 1859-го, по 2023-й год. Показаны и объяснены основные причины роста нефти в долларе США в 70-х и 2000-х годах. Показана инвестиционная и финансовая схема использования золота в инвестициях, для увеличения прибыли в 3-5 раз.

    Публикации в Дзен:

    1. «История нефти в $ и золоте. Ч.2-1960-2023. Упятерение прибыли. Причины экономической катастрофы» https://dzen.ru/a/ZV2yMYmldnWE-lZC?share_to=link
    2. «Мировая война 90-х сдвинулась на сейчас – экономическое доказательство» – https://dzen.ru/a/ZU6tesJ3HQKV2LMF?share_to=link

    Ссылки на упоминаемые ролики :

    1. История нефти в $ и золоте. Ч.1 – 1860 -1970. Удвоение прибыли. 25 Ноября 2023. – https://dzen.ru/video/watch/65619f894f336820c32322b9 , https://youtu.be/9JKSFeF5U8I .
    2. Золото-доллар 4 (ч.2). Как в 3 раза увеличить доходность, не меняя стратегию? – dzen.ru/video/watch/63765c071b6f3c7499463522 , https://youtu.be/eW8a5JC2bWE
    3. Золото прогноз 15-20лет.Экономика России выросла на 20%, кризис на Западе будет ещё 40-60 лет. ютюб 8 дек. 2022 г. – https://dzen.ru/video/watch/639c5ec903b76727b1cc8a3c , https://youtu.be/GEEVGhd7JlU ,
    4. Доллар-рубль, прогноз 2023 на20-25лет(ч.3)Разделение сценариев девальвации или усиления рубля. ютюб 3 февр. 2023 г. – https://dzen.ru/video/watch/63dcc3a0d7b7c34cbf5cdbfa , https://youtu.be/IlEe-1X4iPw
    5. Золото-рубль. Прогноз на 15-25 лет на март 2023. ютюб 5 мар. 2023 г. – https://dzen.ru/video/watch/64033e21d2a91d5b2b4bcc6c , https://youtu.be/KkK0Y-fTtx8 .

    Good afternoon friends, I’m Vladimir Kozlovsky, this is the channel gold currency wealth in the first part of the video we looked at the history of oil prices in dollars and gold, first of its organized trade from 1859 to 1970, now the link to this video

    Is on the screen and under this video in its description if you forgot or didn’t look, then look at this story, we saw that at that time the prices of oil in gold and in dollars were almost identical because then there was actually a gold standard and the dollar almost always

    Had a solid gold backing, and we were also convinced that if look at oil prices in gold and not in dollars and use when investing as money gold and dollar with a period of at least twice and now we are moving further to the right according to the chart. Now we have revealed

    Oil prices in dollars until 1980, let me remind you that how Usually all the graphs for the videos are in a separate publication in Zen, if it is more convenient for you to look at the graphs separately from the site and not from the

    Video screen, slow down the video and open the publication using the link in the description of this video under this video in the seventies, rapid growth in the region of thirty bams But then Even those who looked

    At the dollar charts were already talking a little about inflation, but to a large extent they were talking about the growth as usual in demand and, first of all, they blamed the Middle East embargo on oil supplies, but the embargo lasted only 6 months from October to about from here

    To March, then prices rose up to about 7 dollars, up to this level you look at the chart and say, well, let us. We just talked in the first part that in the second half of the fifties, here, when the maximum of the late tenths is broken, grief

    Recognized the likelihood of a large-scale increase in oil prices, plus in the late sixties, here again, the criterion of increasing growth was once again implemented, that is, the maximum of the fifth year of the sixth year, this one 309 , was broken, that is, the whole picture consistently developed for more than 4

    Years through the second half of the year, it was completely formed by the end of the year, and it is to blame for the growth of the embargo at the end of the year, the beginning of the year. here is this piece However, when the Arabs lifted

    The embargo at the end of March 74, the dollar rose from 7 dollars more than twice as much to about thirty, here at the end of all these naive people, the West is never to blame

    When we look at gas in Europe you you will see that at first gas prices in Europe showed all conceivable signs of growth about a year before the special operation, and only then it began and you see

    It as if, out of nowhere, an increase in gas prices We are returning to oil in the seventies Looking at prices for prices in dollars We see that the process of rising prices in dollars objectively developed long

    Before the embargo, that is, it is all preparatory, what then is the reason for their growth, while now in retrospect we know that in the seventies a crisis raged in the States and Europe with a drop in

    Production and a drop in consumption And how we you saw at the beginning and as you and I saw at the beginning of the dekh here and in the early twenties here, if a crisis develops and production volumes fall, then oil prices react to this earlier and act as a leading indicator,

    That is, they fell before the crisis here here and here in order not to produce unnecessary smart entities Let’s just look at oil prices in gold during the period from the 1980s to the eighties, get ready to take a breath in your chest, as Mikhail Zadornov said, Well then you can

    Exhale with a special word starting with the letter B from the combat Russian dialect on the left here fi in gold from the same seventies This is how they look In real money, that is, in gold, here is the fall in oil prices in the seventieth seventy Perm and second, and

    As it should be in all VM cuts Well, here the economic crisis began over the years, that is, all these years, in real money, that is, in gold, the basements were quite low, as it should be during a crisis, since

    We are mainly interested in practice, I will not go into economic theory, but I will note that in the fifties, sixties and sixties it was actually the pinnacle of development of the hydrocarbon era is this example, this is the time of

    The hydrocarbon era of the heat engine, which is its technological basis and which gave rise to several technological structures within this energy era; the main economic reason for the seventies was the beginning of a decline in the energy efficiency of the hydrocarbon technological chain VM slightly

    Smooth out in dollars the wild growth here it is and on the left where the price in gold is the drop in the price of oil Here I emphasize that this is the price of the same one barrel of oil but you express it differently

    What is the reason for this discrepancy the left graph in gold corresponds to how oil should behave in a crisis. Here it is, that is, to fall until the end of the sixties while there was a gold standard, as we

    Discussed in the first part, we see now until about this period. This graph here, the graphs roughly correspond to What for the growth of oil which we and we have not seen with the example of the entire previous Century and there should be no such growth during the crisis,

    I believe that all of you especially those who remember the behavior of the dollar against gold by the seventieth have already guessed right the graph does not reflect the growth of oil, but the fall or devaluation in the seventies. At this time, the measures of measurement, that is, the dollar.

    This is a well-known chart of gold against the dollar from the middle of the 10th century. In the early eighties. Well, this is approximately the same period, here it is, this is the devaluation of the dollar to gold Here

    It is, that is, since the late sixties, from the moment the dollar was decoupled from gold, in the economic sense, the dollar ceased to be real money. In a strict economic sense, the only thing that

    Happened in the seventies was the price measurement line in the form of the dollar. That is, as we have just seen on its basis, it is impossible began to draw adequate conclusions about the processes

    Taking place in the economy, at the same time they came up with a new pseudo-scientific term. This always happens, the less scientific the discipline, the more pseudoscientific terms there are, and while we have purely practical goals, I am not going to go into the abstract academic Disputes

    With adherents of the sect of worship dollar to the dollar and our overseas enemy, what is the practical speculative result? From everything that has been said now, we will turn gold by resorting to the same method of koto in Well, that is, here is the one who was sold for dollars in

    The late tenths, here, well, for him it is here and then returned to oil in the second half of the fifties or there in the sixties Around here and until the end of these years, that is, until the end of the seventies, remaining in oil

    Now he owns one barrel of oil, that is, here he sold, sold one barrel was in dollars here he returned and then with one barrel he went up and here he has about a Barrel and the one who was sold for gold, that is, here and until the end of the seventies

    Remained in gold, can buy for this gold not one but about a barrel, here is his sale in the end here it’s about 05 for gold per barrel, here the price is about 05 ounces per barrel, that is, about three times lower, that is, he has money per barrel and not per

    Barrel, to make the most correct investment decisions, then you need to look at the market in real money, then is in gold and not in what is imposed on you as money, was it possible to improve the result by using the fact that there are fake money in circulation, that is, not real

    Money and everyone is ready to accept it? Of course, you can now very carefully, in fact, I will now outline a scheme for managing the form of capital using gold for a multiple increase, the scheme that we

    Will now discuss with you is a scheme for managing only the form of financing, I emphasize only the form of financing transactions in justifying the decision to buy and sell, I will not go deeper here for now, since in both cases we carry out transactions at the same time and we are working,

    We will give the difference that appears as a result of the fact that we consider money, now we look at both graphs in the mid-fifties, each player was in his money. That is, this is approximately here and here is the one who was sold in the tenth year for gold here

    Is not here here, for gold, the sale took place on the left chart, and the one who sold for dollars and considers them money is on the right chart, that is, here everyone makes a decision according to his own

    Schedule with the one who considers the dollar money. We just sorted everything out; he bought it in the second half of the fifties here again one barrel and in the late seventies here he has about Barrel But the one who was in gold and in the second half of the fifties

    Does not see that there are prerequisites for the growth of oil in gold, decides not to buy oil for gold, although from him if it was sold like the dollar player in the late tenths, here it is he now has money for the mid-fifties, or rather gold,

    Now for not one but two barrels of oil, but looking at the dollar chart, this player who is in the dollar in gold, like the dollar player in the second half of the fifties, sees that in dollars the probability of growth is sufficient high,

    The maximum of the end of the tenth years has been broken, what can he do in a situation where growth in gold is not obvious and the probability of growth in dollars is high, that is, to switch from gold to oil reasons oil

    Reasons No pay off in dollars and make money on the growth of oil in dollars you can use gold correctly not to buy oil, but to take out a dollar loan, for example,

    In the amount of 100% of his own funds, and then he finances the purchase of oil not at the expense of gold, but at the expense of the received loan, that is, he Looking at the dollar chart and the dollar player, but

    First of all, due to that he has been in better money since the end of the 1990s, with the same risks as a dollar player, he can buy twice as much oil and secondly, he finances the transaction differently with his own money Nadya

    Has a rest in gold for credit dollars, to be precise, the risk is a little higher due to the fact that there is interest on the loan. But this can be taken into account in reducing the volume of lending so as not to complicate

    The calculation of these few percent. I won’t do this here, as a result, by the end of the second At this time, gold was considered money as gold as gold, as we determined a little earlier, about Tba for

    3 barrels, that is, his gold is worth 3 barrels here, plus he has two barrels bought for a dollar loan in the late sixties, that is, about here for about 3 dollars per barrel Here they are, 3 dollars oil in the late seventies costs 30 dollars per barrel

    About here, but from each barrel, without taking into account interest, you need to give him 3 dollars of credit. Let the interest on the loan be approximately another 7 dollars for each Barrel, this is more than 200%

    Of the volume of the loan, that is, approximately 20% per year for these 10 years, that is, he needs to give a total of 10 dollars per dollar from 30 dollars. This is about 30%, that is,

    About 70% remains of his own barrels from the two barrels purchased on credit. there are 1.4 barrels. As a result, for the Strategy in which We considered dollars as money, by the end of the seventies we have about a Barrel, and

    For the Strategy in which We considered gold as money, we have by the end about 3 barrels of gold and minus the loan and interest, we have about a barrel oil, that is, a total of almost 4 barrels. This is about 4 times better than in the option when we

    Counted dollars as money. Once again, I want to emphasize that we did not deeply consider the reasons for buying or selling, we only considered different financing schemes that had already arrived for both cases of Reni about And in content, that is, buy or sell and in time That is, when this was done,

    Only the financing schemes differed; in addition, we were convinced that the golden reflection of prices and indicators more adequately describes the situation, that is, it allows us to make simpler and more correct economic conclusions, I want to emphasize the economic the meaning of what we are on

    And on the devaluation of the dollar, oil As you saw, it really didn’t grow anywhere In real money, that is, in gold. On the contrary, in the seventies, it was even a basement. You and I borrowed a cheaper asset, that is, the dollar, and invested it in

    Real value in oil and made money on the depreciation of the dollar, that is, the same scheme on Nadya Tai in the video gold dollar is gold dollar part 4 part 2 how to triple the profitability without changing the strategy around the same time in the seventies We

    Also invested the falling dollar in gold, we they earned money then, too, in both cases, and where the money was dollars and where the money was gold, but in the region in which the money was

    Gold, they washed three times more than in the one where the money was dollars link to this video Now on the screen and under the video its description using a specific example and its result, we

    Once again we came to the conviction that it is more profitable to consider gold as more profitable money; I emphasize that I consciously use the word profitable and not the word right, right or wrong, depends on the price, but we have more profitability; adherents of the dollar of monetarism and the

    Rising sun in Washington, based on their goals, can rush to argue in the chat, but I want to warn them that all the laws on which your theories are based were discovered before the 20th century And

    Everything would be under the conditions of the gold standard That is, when gold was money, by and large, in the form in which they are now used by dollar or any other fiano display has nothing to do with it, hello by the way, our central bank uses

    The laws of monetary circulation to the fact that strictly speaking, by and large, it is not money, but is used as a medium of exchange for precisely the same reason, the head of the Fed, Davi,

    Said in the spring of the year that a person doesn’t really understand what’s happening in the economy. He’s educated and not stupid, so he most likely understands everything and seems to be disingenuous, to put it mildly. If he really doesn’t understand, then I don’t envy the states and God please

    Stop talking so let’s get back to our business based on the results Using this example, we can formulate an approximate scheme for making an investment decision. I especially emphasize that what we are now sketching can be perceived for now as a working hypothesis or assumption. And

    In the future, with the advent of new examples and other segments from other segments of the market, we will gradually become convinced of the correctness of this assumption as As a working hypotheses for making decisions following money, we consider gold and first

    Analyze the dynamics of the dynamics of a commodity asset or currency in gold. I have not yet gone into depth to be both technical and fundamental. At this stage, a decision is made on the advisability

    Of standardization and calculations in currencies, for example, in the dollar, ruble and yuan. Based on the results of these analyses, a decision can be made to both invest one’s own funds and lend in fiat currencies, or only credit schemes, as was the case in the example we have just considered;

    This principle works from one-minute charts to candlesticks on a ten-year scale and up to the scale of adoption of strategic investment plans, that is to the scale of making strategic investment decisions Fixed assets and in sectors of the economy, that is, a scheme for the transition

    To corporate finance, approximately this analysis in gold, the dynamics of a product or service shows promising segments, further fluctuations in the cost of investment costs in gold will be much lower than in fiat currencies, roughly speaking, let’s say so analysis of the tech project in

    Zloty dynamics of fiat currency projects the most secure financing scheme is selected Well, now we move further along our oil graph, look at it further, this is oil in dollars from 1886 to the beginning of 2000, from here we have come to the conclusion that the true

    Behavior of the real cost of the product or an asset we can see only in a lot, and fluctuations of a product in Fiat Well, for example, these ones Mainly reflect the fluctuations of the dollar or this fit of a serich tank to real money That is, to

    Gold I will, however, in the future use the traditional commonly used terminology, that is, I will to say that such and such a commodity or asset grew or fell in any currency, but now we always mean that this is just a statement of the chart and not true behavior; by real true

    Behavior, we will always understand the movement of an asset in gold in the context of what has been said after the growth of oil in the seventies in the dollar, here it is in the dollar, it has moved into a

    Wide corridor. As you can already guess from the point of view of technical analysis, this is a correction wave. Now I will not dwell in detail on the interpretation of wave markings. We will do this later when we make a forecast for 15-20 years and for the next few quarters, but

    Conditionally we can say that the fluctuations of the eighties and nineties are some kind of fourth wave, it is either from the first second wave, that is, from the first second wave of 8870, or from the first second wave of 93, that is, from this first second wave, the second

    Option due to the alternation of zigzags and plane waves and their sizes, more acceptable, but I’ll make a reservation since all Technical analysis, including Eliot waves, was developed before the forties, that is, in this period

    Of the century, for gold prices it works more or less decently, but for gold prices it’s worse. But it also works during the fluctuations of the nineties, and these included the collapse SR and Saddam’s attack on Kuwait

    And that the SSR came from the fall in oil prices in the mid-eighties, that is, these fluctuations are not worth the paper on which this statement was written, since the SSR was profitable from dollar prices in the sixties and early seventies, that is, these here the prices

    Were profitable, that is, in the range of about 37 dollars. Then the drop in prices to 10 dollars, well, let’s say until now in the eighties and nineties, could not seriously affect the stability

    Of the economy, so the collapse of the SR was not the result of fluctuations in oil, but the theft of proceeds from its sale as a result of a deliberate treacherous policy Gorbachev and then Yeltsin, but there was also an objective reason related to grain and food; it significantly influenced

    Both the strategy of behavior of the USSR and the producers of the Nesis Gulf. This was a key argument in persuading them to support dollar oil. We will sort this out in more detail. When we look at grain Looking

    On this chart of oil in the dollar Apart from the fact that oil was chattering, we can’t say anything more; in order to figure out what was really happening, it is actually necessary to look at its quotes in gold. But first, let’s remember how VL behaved at this time, the dollar to gold,

    We remember that after the rapid growth of the seventies, after this, after the eightieth year, that is, after this place, a correction of gold to the dollar began, that is, the dollar began to strengthen and you and I can assume that

    Oil fluctuations are associated with the strengthening of the dollar and market redistribution, we remember something like this was in the 8880s, that is, when this market was remade by Rockefeller in tandem with Rothschild,

    And then in the twenties and thirties it was about the same thing, it was also associated with the strengthening of the dollar and indeed in the second half of the nineties. At this time, the West was as

    Active as possible through Yeltsin’s purchase of cows hial Russian oil and other raw materials, they, in principle, supported the strengthening of the dollar, it’s as if on the other hand there is nothing more separate and really really significant Looking at oil prices in dollars, we can’t tell the media they are chattering

    And chattering, Despite the fact that we now know in hindsight that at the end of eight Approximately here Approximately here, according to the chart of oil in the dollar, we don’t see the beginning of this crisis, so let’s look at how oil behaved

    In gold at this time, now again you can take a breath in your chest and get ready to say special words from the martial Russian dialect approved and [music] this is oil in gold, here it is, and lo and behold, oil in gold is still in the same corrective

    Corridor, here it is on the chart of oil in gold, again we can clearly see the correlation of oil dynamics with all the crises in the USA This is the beginning crisis of the seventies, here is the fall in oil, here is its second phase in the late seventies, here is

    The second fall in oil, here is the fall in oil in the second half of the eighties, here it is, preceding the crisis of 1987 on the real estate market, here is the fall in oil

    In the second, so this is the fall of the NEF at the beginning, here is the beginning of the budget crisis and the balance of payments crisis in the United States in the first half of the nineties, which was extinguished by the beginning of the plunder of assets

    And markets of the USSR, here it is. But the fall in oil in the second half in the second half of the nineties, here it is, this is the threshold of the Asian crisis in the nineties and the man-made

    [music] year Looking at the thirtieth anniversary oil in gold in the seventies and nineties, on this thirty-year anniversary, we can clearly see that the 30 years of the seventies, eighties, and nineties were a series of cyclical crises in the West, which oil in gold was very

    Clearly predicted and tracked technically, the correction of oil. Here are the 1880-1900 years, that is, this is a fragment but a technological period the period of the seventies and nineties This is the century that is opposite to them if in the 880s the upcoming expansion of the use of ergs by mankind

    Is not at this time the potential of the hydrocarbon techno-eco era and the way of the internal engine combustion has already been exhausted due to the fundamental achievement of the limits of its efficiency, the efficiency limit is limited by the law of the cycle, but also began to significantly decrease,

    Which began to affect the problems of economic availability of oil resources Well, of all hydrocarbons, significant assistance in overcoming the problem of energy shortage was provided by the massive influx of natural gas, industrial turnover, but the sword of energy shortage hung on humanity of these years Approximately from here, here, here

    , and in the nineties, here, here, in eighty-five, and in the den, here, this is just a manifestation of the growing energy shortage of the West, they treated this Gorbach, we will allow cooperatives in the second half of Boh, here, here, to sell resources abroad, and then treated Yeltsin by starting

    In the first half of the nineties, here is the sale of enterprises, these resources producing squinted the graph and painfully wrinkled the new technological era, rapid growth to generate, you and I already know What’s

    The matter, simply as a result of the work of the American printing press, there were a lot of dollars and oil and gold there hasn’t been an increase in such quantities. So they have gone up in price in dollars, here it is, the growth on

    The right graph is just a manifestation, this is this fragment, this is just a manifestation of the devaluation of the dollar in the seventies, remember the chart of gold in the seventies, here it is, the devaluation of dollars in the seventies, here it is there was still no economic growth during this

    Period, it was Virgo, because the usual deduction is a decrease in units in which it was calculated and is calculated a little More about this you can look at my article on the World War, but the economic proof has now moved

    To the link to it under this video of its description and Pay attention to the fact that the WTO half in the second half of the second half, this fragment shows that if there is a breakdown of the maximum of the ninetieth year, that is, this

    Maximum is broken, then this will mean a sharp increase, probably this is a manifestation of an increase in energy deficiency [music] new sources of energy Now you understand why hydraulic fracturing technologies for the extraction of shale oil and gas

    Were developed and implemented in the USSR in the seventies, here is approximately the USSR, the work of the NEF, according to the low profitability of this technology, and it began to play only after, in

    This place, we will see later Why we are moving through oil to the right further to today, the chart in gold will for now be left as it is before the start, and on the right we have oil in dollars

    In annual candlesticks Until today, until November 202, the chart for the dollar looks as if at the beginning here in the world economy it began again new era of technological development, there was a similar growth in all stock indices that were interpreted as a result of computerization;

    In fact, computerization increased real labor productivity here by only a few percent with an average rate of only half a percent per year, we remember that right at the beginning the dollar again began to fall towards gold Something like this Here it is, this place is just

    At the beginning of the DH, the potential for theft of household resources from Russia decreased because Putin appeared Well, the printing of empty dollars did not stop, plus gradually there is an increase in hydrocarbons to present China as a trigger for the dollar to devaluate then there is this place here,

    This process was triggered by the fact that the Americans then climbed through Iraq further into the Middle East, they sometimes scare you with the fact that the globalists want to use disappearing money, like Gezlev’s, wake up, they don’t want to. And it’s been a long time since the early seventies, here’s the

    Gold growth graph from here that is, the graph of the devaluation of the dollar and the loss of real purchasing power shows at what speed the devaluation of dollar and other fiat savings occurs; this devaluation of the dollar was expressed in the growth of oil. Here it is

    More precisely in the decline of the dollar using the example of oil. Please note that the configuration of oil prices in dollars in the second half of the 1990s, this configuration outlined the criterion for a powerful long-term increase in prices in dollars, this

    Criterion is the same as for prices in gold, this is a breakdown of the maximum of the nineties, this is the maximum this is a criterion for long-term growth. Here it is in dollars. Here it is in gold. Also in dollars,

    Another additional growth criterion was put in slightly lower, but this criterion is of a slightly smaller scale ; this is the maximum of the year. Well, now it doesn’t matter in dollars. The maximum of the ninetieth year was

    Overcome in 2004, you can see here not bad But a little later we are with you for the past few years Here they are, prices steadily stayed above this criterion, that is, above 40 dollars Here they are, prices are kept above and only briefly fell

    Below this level, well, like that In a jump in a jump Now let’s look at the prices oil in gold during this period, you can again take some air into your lungs . This is the price of oil in gold up to now, that is, until November 2023, I draw your precious

    Attention to the fact that in both graphs the same product is oil, the only difference is in one on the left graph, here are the prices for oil are expressed in ounces of gold per ba and on the right graph you see significant differences in the graphs appear only from the end of

    The beginning of this year when, after the default of the dollar on gold, the devaluation of the dollar against gold began, this threshold is marked on both graphs with red lines and here Let’s make sure that before this the price is not in gold in the Zami inia

    Were no different. Let’s quickly make sure of this again. So, this is how we already noticed earlier when And when Marx wrote down the last parts of capital, we do not yet have a fundamental difference in the period of 806 that is, not a fundamental difference between oil prices in

    Gold and in dollars in the fifties and seventies, that is, this And this differed only in level due to the fact that the dollar first fell to gold and then came back, that is,

    Here the dollar fell and then came back so it turned out that there is Therefore, the nature of the graphs is the same but the level is slightly different, that is, how many times did oil fall and rise, but in the twenties in the sixties a fundamental difference already appears. Look here,

    This is a graph of oil in gold and this is in dollars, it reflected the first devaluation of the dollar that humanity has used the method of measuring prices using precious metals, with minor exceptions, for at least several thousand years.

    Smith and Marx were among the first to explain this at the level of knowledge that then existed, then they explained this by the exchange of approximately equivalent volumes of labor, but now this explanation is deepened from

    The point of view Other physicists did this in Russia, I emphasize that this is not an advertisement for gold as the only correct measure of value; gold is only a fairly good and convenient approximation to the real measure of value; deviations from metallic monetary circulation were

    Not observed in the Roman Empire in the first centuries of our era before its fall and collapse. intricate silver content in coins, a similar situation Later was in Byzantium and also before its fall, closer to our time, similar processes took place in France in [__] then

    There was already paper money technology and the Missy of which was borrowed from China over the centuries France, the experience of sla England, I will especially emphasize the reason for this there were no mistakes made by the French in monetary circulation and these processes can be explained only

    From the position of an icon of physics, fundamental econophysics, in a certain sense, similar to those that led to the displacement of England and France from their rise to the role of world leader. This was an epoch-making transition and the release of dark sparks

    Centuries centuries next time similar events happened with the pound in three years of the century when Britain began to be squeezed by the states of the pound later we will look separately from the point of view of econophysics

    And the end of the beginning of the century, all these cases are embraced by the Virgin of the medium of circulation um collapse, note I don’t name the refusal of gold backing and the subsequent devaluation was the cause of the subsequent decline; these were only forced

    Actions and consequences; the reason lies somewhat deeper and has nothing to do with rates or manipulation of rates or with the struggle for trading conditions ; everything in all these cases was only a consequence of purely Techno-economic completely objective reasons; precisely these reasons are described only in the language of physics;

    We will touch on this a little when we look at Putin’s withdrawal strategy world from the now developing global socio-economic catastrophes of the millennium BV or the fall of the Roman Empire and Byzantium in China, India, similar catastrophes also occurred, the last such catastrophe in China ended with its defeat in the Wars

    And the period of the mid-century to the middle, which the Chinese themselves call the century of shame, since these pre-catastrophe states were reached at different times and, as a rule, by absorbing resources from the resources and energy of conditional neighbors, now due to approximately the same stage of

    Techno-economic development of all civilizations and high scientific and technical connectivity, almost all of humanity approximately simultaneously reached limitations in development Despite the nakedness of China and India This is also true for them in classical monetarism the size of the average income

    The name there is an explanation of the causes of the mechanisms No now catastrophes at the level of individual civilizations are ready in the coming decades to develop into a socio-economic Cataclysm of the new dark ages, but not separately for Europe of the early and late medieval Middle Ages, but for all

    Humanity the strategy of inclusive capitalism and green transition This is only a tool for preserving the power of part of the financial oligarchy in the context of the development of this; the economic essence of the inclusive global transition is very simple for the model; we look at the world economy very simply

    As a very large single enterprise; if the enterprise is in crisis, then you have only three ways to improve the situation the first way to overcome the crisis is to increase sales, this is analogous to expanding sales markets or raising prices; expanding markets is not available since

    The expansion limits have been reached by everyone; raising prices is also impossible, since we look at the entire economy in the entire economy as a whole, then raising prices for some entails an increase in consumption. Well, that

    Is through revenue And for others there is exactly the same decrease, therefore further in this approach there are conflicts in the redistribution of markets and resources, that is, a transition transition from a trade hot war, the difference between

    A hot war and a trade or investment war is only in the fact that the main marketing technique is an almost vulgar presentation of the causes of capitalist and imperialist given by Marx and Lenin one and a half hundred years ago, the second way to overcome the crisis

    That we are considering of a virtual global enterprise called the world economy is to increase labor productivity, this can be done either through improving the organization of labor Or through technological improvement of production, organizational and managerial mechanisms, including automation of sales

    And management over the past 30-50 years has almost been exhausted, well, almost everywhere, probably with the exception of Russia, we still have room to move in this regard, technologically, a significant increase in labor productivity faces fundamental techno-economic problems to which

    Inclusive methods that use only Morisco methods also give a Negative answer. All that remains is one third way to overcome the crisis is very conflicting for the conditional owners and workers of our model enterprise; this third way is to reduce direct costs, that is, wages for conditional cheese and components, as well as

    Capital costs and taxes. This is also someone’s labor for In previous production cycles, managers and owners of small and medium-sized enterprises in the scheme of inclusive capitalism are also considered to be labor and suppliers of components. That is, they are all conditional raw materials, so what’s next is

    That it’s correct to earn income from own work and business Globa Inclusive, they say softer, no income, scarlet property. Allegedly, it interferes with something there Of course, it interferes; in order to get property, you must first have income to purchase it; this is how it was in the West until about

    Pshe, and then a woman had to go to work because of this, in fact, in the end, there are no theses about the cross-section; recently, transgender experimenters have appeared trying to combine part of this to give birth, they are not yet very successful

    But this is precisely the main task of their appearance is to identify and discard [music] property, most of the hired labor has completely ceased to attract and credits have been adapted to it, now the real cost of labor, that is, its cost in square meters car wheels

    In general, in grams of gold, it has fallen so much that even the chances of repaying these loans disappear, so what the hell is property? Live in a hostel and use car sharing if you saved on the idea of ​​bugs because the inclusive global green transition is a strategy for passively

    Preserving the consumption of a small part of society and blocking overall progress with this the goal is that the strategy of an inclusive green transition, on the one hand, is a catalyst for accelerating this cataclysm, and on the other hand, this global inclusion will become a preservative of this cataclysm

    For a century; if the strategy of a global inclusive green transition wins, which through globalization is aimed at seizing all property on the planet, then these New Dark Ages will similar to what happened after the fall of Rome in the 8th century or in the centuries

    After the fall of Byzantium. But this will no longer be on the scale of Europe, but on the scale of the planning and space system. The launch of the slave model for the whole world in China did not work out very well, but the West continued

    To settle in China, to which the thousand-year-old Chinese tradition ultimately answered, we answered the path of an inclusive green transition; this is not an energy transition from an engineering, economic and economical physical point of view – it is an energy retreat

    In order to maintain the level of consumption of mountainous people and the owners of inclusive capitalism by creating a Neo-slave system for the rest of humanity, stakeholder is a synonym for the word slave, the only alternative to this is the path of a breakthrough into the New technoenergy

    Of our president, one of the results of this technoenergy transition will be a significant change in the global geopolitical picture and the composition of the world Elites, approximately as it happened in the 10th-1st centuries

    Precisely during those times of the West against us one of the forms of this aggression is the provocation of a proxy war against us in the former Ussr, but we are a little distracted directly from the history of oil.

    But it is at this stage that it is already possible to outline the scale of the global economic crisis that has been developing in recent decades. We initially saw the signs and scale of this crisis

    In the long-term forecasts of gold against the dollar and against the ruble and in the long-term forecast of the dollar against the ruble, analysis of the history of oil in the dollar and gold confirms the scale of this crisis and allows

    Us to gradually begin to approach its true causes, they are purely [music] techno-economy, so that is, the presence of this scale of its understanding when long-term forecast of oil we will see once again much

    More clearly at this point we are a little torn with the rest of the video of the history of oil in the dollar and gold we will complete the analysis of the history of oil we will show the relationship between the dynamics of oil With the development of the global

    Economic crisis and with current events we will make a technical interpretation of this history and if we have time before the long-term and medium-term forecast Please like if this video is If you are not subscribed yet then Subscribe to our channel I will remind you that the base one is

    Our platform gold currency of wealth on Zen there all videos come out first all publications channels are posted in the same place, since Musiyevka is constantly in cash, duplicate a subscription to the DZ. Let me wish you a calm, rational and unbiased view of the world and the same management of your finances.

    I bow to you until the next part of this video. See you again, friends


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