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    Entertainment Report (00:00:00)
    Eric Lindros on Zoom (00:25:50)
    Bizarre Files (00:53:06)
    Bully Redemption & Reaching Out (01:00:24)
    Nick Elmi Makes Olive Oil Ice Cream (01:45:35)
    Bizarre Files (02:14:25)
    Hollywood Trash/Music News (02:22:24)
    Wrap Up (02:33:00)

    Uh so this is a box from the movie The holdovers and we held on to this this box and I don’t know why and I guess it was to put my gift in it I guess so so the holdover box was a holdover it’s uh yeah let me oh what is

    It it’s not just funny it’s you can use it it’s great no but it’s I had asked my wife for this like for the past couple of years for Christmas and she never got it for me it is it is a new robe it’s the kind of robe that I love oh it’s

    Like like a giant towel and it says Preston on it no it doesn’t oh it doesn’t no it says pres bow it says press bow even better oh I got to take this out and put it on right now I will tell you it’s not as thick as I wanted it to

    Be ain’t that always the case it is very veiny so some people like that you know you mentioned this on air last week didn’t you yeah yeah all right I love this that’s hilarious so good that’s great he’s good like that all right all right you’re going to go high or low

    With the uh with the cuz you got two here you got so much to tie up here oh wow with your wow a double strap it’s a double strap on that pockets it’s got pockets put packs of cigarettes pocket is great yeah for your Edibles I mean

    Dude that was my Ed we were talking last week about robes and my mom and dad were robes people but yeah that my dad’s marar Light 100’s always sat in that right pocket that’s funny oh this looks good man oh that’s wonderful AOW it’s the best all right all right

    All right all right all right let’s uh let’s go to the phone see if we can get an answer to the stupid question this morning I’m wearing my robe right now as we speak so uh let’s see name the only feature film actor whose entire resume was movies that were nominated for best

    Picture and we will go to Joseph see if we can get the answer hi Joseph morning sir uh good morning it and happy birthday pres oh good morning to see you and thank you all right Joseph who is the actor whose entire resume was nominated by best picture one of the greatest

    Actors ever play Fredo Corone John cazelle that is correct yep hang on the line I’ll give you things up smart that’s him I’ll give you the full rundown of the movies here in a second but we’re going to give you uh tickets to go to the tattoo Arts

    Festival this weekend get tattooed by 1500 of the world’s best tattoo artist you can see uh live Human suspension Sideshow acts more it’s this Friday through Sunday at the Pennsylvania Convention Center visit villain so not only the Godfather but the Godfather 2 the conversation Dog Day

    Afternoon and Deer Hunter that was his entire and then he passed away un brain tumor and he was in a long-term relationship with Merill stre who adored him and he taught acting to a lot of the other actors of that time a re a real Force amazing actor absolutely so uh

    That’s a great question thank you Roy Perry for submitting that to me Roy Perry’s like got Bigfoot in these parts you spoted all over the place just every now and then but for just a moment for a moment all right so we’ll go through some entertainment stories on uh Monday

    Nights starting February 12th and through the 2024 election cycle John Stewart will be returning as host of The Daily Show uh Comedy Central announced the news yesterday uh following a year-long search for Trevor Noah’s replacement uh the president and CEO of Paramount media networks Chris McCarthy

    Said in a statement John Stewart is the voice of Our Generation and we are honored to have him return to Comedy centrals The Daily Show to help us all make sense of the insanity and division roing the country as we enter the election season in our age of Staggering

    Hypocrisy and performative politics John is the perfect person to puncture the empty rhetoric and provide much-needed Clarity With His Brilliant wit so I wonder this he has his show on Apple TV uh and that is apparent ly wrapping up yes I wonder if he takes a little taste

    Of this back on Mondays and decides I think I want the seat back I’m curious too yeah cuz I mean he’s had a he’s had a nice break and uh and he’s it’s really his Zone and and that’s his home and he made the the show the success that it

    Became uh so i’ I’m thinking the same thing Steve yeah uh he hosted the show for 16 years left in 2015 other correspondents such as Jordan Clipper Desi Ronnie Chang Michael Costa and Dolce Sloan are likely to fill in as host for the remainder of the week according to

    The Hollywood Reporter so we will see Eva Mendes shared her support for her husband Ryan Gosling on Instagram uh yesterday after he was nominated for best supporting actor for his role in Barbie uh the training day actor also called attention to those who criticized his portrayal of Ken in her post uh she

    Said so proud of my man so much hate when he took the took on this role so many people trying to shame him for doing it how I yeah I thought he was getting nothing but praise yeah that’s all they saw was the backlash is really

    On the the thing that um margar Robbie and gry gwick didn’t get nominated and so it’s unfairly landing on Ry Ryan Gosling he shouldn’t be punished for also doing a good acting job well yeah and it’s the academy if you’ve got a bone to pick go after them you know how

    People are on the internet presid they’re so supportive and really get it all I would say this is that if you look at the at the the um he did his people did the thing you know you nominate you put yourself up for the nomination and

    You pick the category you want to be nominated in he could have put been put up for best actor he’s up for best supporting actor so it gets a little bit more competitive at the at the top level a lot of people reacting to the the fact

    That you know he is the secondary character but America America Ferrara got a nomination as well y uh despite all all of the nut M Ken reticule and articles written about him she said uh he created this completely original hilarious hilarious heartbreaking now iconic character and took it all the way

    To the Oscars so beyond proud to be this Ken’s Barbie imagine the world he’s living he he has to go home to Ava Mendes you know it’s it’s just got to be excruciating she is a goddess she is absolutely amazing a dude is uh and he has the most perfectly formed ab muscles

    On any human being I’ve ever seen he’s living the life son of a [ __ ] uh this is pretty cool steve sent me this article this morning uh allent Town born actress Amanda safreed and author Liz Moore were in Philadelphia on Tuesday uh they were doing a ride along with police

    In Kensington and it was for research for a forthcoming minseries that’s based on Mo’s bestselling book called long bright River this sounds very cool uh it’s set in Kensington yes yeah is it about the heroin Market there well it talks it tells the story of Mickey A

    Beat cop who begins a desperate search for her sister who is struggling with Heroin addiction and goes missing yeah and it’s Loosely inspired by more the the author’s own experiences volunteering as a creative writing teacher at St Francis Inn uh which is the long running neighborhood Soup

    Kitchen in shelter uh sa Reed’s going to play Mickey in the book uh it was originally optioned as a film in 2018 uh the 26th Police District which includes parts of Kensington uh shared photos on Facebook of safe Reed and more posing with officers so have no idea when

    Something like that’s going to come out because she’s just doing the research for it right now say about a year yeah maybe something like that so that’s uh pretty cool so she’ll maybe now what it didn’t say is if they’re going to film here or not I don’t know which would be

    Wonderful that would be cool uh they say her love interest will be played by Gary low which is uh going to be awesome he’s right around the corner right around the corner uh Danny master who is currently serving time in California State Prison after being convicted of raping two women in 2003

    Has reportedly been denied bail pending his appeal according to court records the that 70 show actor had a bail review hearing at the Clara Shortridge folz Criminal Justice Center judge uh Charlene Alo wrote in her Wednesday order that she deemed him a Flight Risk she said in the order if defendants

    Conviction and sentence are upheld on appeal he will likely remain in custody for decades and perhaps the rest of his life in light of the fact that defendant has no wife to go home to defendant now has every incentive to flee and little reason to return to State Prison to

    Serve out the remainder of his lengthy s should his appeal be unsuccessful I wonder if that is uh a a common judging metric for this if you have family you know how how much does that figure into whether or not you’re a Flight Risk yeah

    I mean here’s the deal a little week a week after his sentencing uh beu Phillips his wife 12 years file for divorce but I think they I don’t they were on the outs to begin with oh really that’s what I heard Oh I thought she was

    Standing by her man the I heard that was presentation for the court oh okay yeah but who the hell knows you’re the entertainment reporter the following month uh he asked the judge to Grant legal and physical custody of their 9-year-old daughter fiana to her with visitation rights for himself so he’s

    He’s not getting did the judge mention your birthday at all or no um it it was a latter portion of of the case but I didn’t want to bring that up here they’re very busy about him uh Cheryl Lee Ralph reflected on her journey as a black woman in Hollywood during an

    Interview with Opa rley that was released yesterday uh the Abid Elementary actor spoke about her love for kinta Brunson and shared the advice that her former co-star Robert dairo once gave her uh she was in the movie Mistress which came out in 1992 he called her a six son of a [ __ ] didn’t

    He uh do we have audio of that somewhere maybe I didn’t even know we had that interview uh right here at our fingertips search we keep a whole special and she found it as actually endearing and um you know kind of encouraging but if somebody called me a

    Six son a B I would be put off by that but you know how these method actors are yeah oh I’m sorry here we we need now we have the audio all of course I don’t have this in uh alphabetical order so I’m just going to have to go you just

    Shut up for no I’m looking for six son of a [ __ ] it’s impossible I know I know it should be on this page liar [ __ ] liar you know it wow he doesn’t like you Preston help me because I can’t read that fast and and now like I’m uh I’m panicking

    Because I have an entire page of dairo you lie to me first I love those some of these we fighting for we’re friends I didn’t even know we had some of these hang on a second here okay fine fine all right I never hear those huh huh huh I don’t

    Want to do this no more okay we all agree but I found it you sick son of a [ __ ] there it is was it worth it and who are we talking about originally again uh we’re talking about Cherry l r Cher Ral so while filming the movie

    Mistress the taxi driver actor told her uh you’re a damn good actress not a sick son of a [ __ ] yeah uh but you need to climb that mountain and let them know that you are here because Hollywood is not looking for quote unquote the black

    Girl and you need to be seen was he spe was he talking about kjaro or which mountain was he he didn’t indicate but she said uh they see you uh he said they see he said they see you as a prostitute they see you as a m

    Mistress they see you as a housekeeper they see you is not the leading lady and then she goes on to say that’s why it feels so good to not only be a leading lady but to have kinta uh when uh she was asked what it meant to uh for her to

    Be a witness to brunson’s success she said uh it says that every Boulder that I had to be mov every hurdle that had to be jumped over every time I had to use my voice to speak out for more uh more for women in general but especially for

    Black women who are being shut out just because of the color of their skin she said when I look at kinta who are looking at her and I said that’s my child right there and I see my child coming up over the mountain and I’m like

    Yes and here we are so she’s just happy have you ever watched pornographic videos that is not something ask a co-star yes especially a woman a little inappropriate but uh he’s Bobby man yeah you know we can call him Bobby you sick son of a [ __ ] thank you John Cena is

    Looking ahead at retirement and fans may be surprised to learn that it may not be too far away the professional wrestler and actor confirmed Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday he plans to retire from WWE wrestling in the next few years uh he made his debut 22 years ago in 20

    22 years ago uh he said that’s not a maybe uh he turns 47 years old this year he said that that time is going to come and it’s going to come soon I explained that he never wanted to go out there in the ring just for the sake of going out

    There especially because the fans are so passionate which is something he values he said I’m going to be 47 this year I feel great so inside I feel great but I know what it takes to be a WWE performer night in night out and I don’t want to

    Ever just want to go out there and do it to do it I want to have the passion the same passion that the f base and I that the fan b as the fan base and I want to give them exactly what they give me he said he feels like his personal

    Speedometer is telling him that he has to be done before he turns 50 years old so he’s 47 so he’s saying he’s only got a year or two left like d Johnson hot back in the ring couple weeks ago you know so they they they sort of flirt

    With it I think but it sounds like he’s going to ring the curtain down completely on it guess so yeah uh he has also started to realize that when he turn returns to WWE for short periods in between other projects such as filming Argyle he said it takes its toll more

    And more on his body but fans can still expect to see him in the ring occasionally following retirement as he still plans to make appearances here and there so he’ll always be in that yeah is there another Peacemaker supposed to be I loved The Peacemaker Series so one

    Season press about six episodes six episodes Eight Episodes I I feel like there’s eight but not enough you’d love it I know you’ll never get around to it so much no I watched the first one and and I thought was cool I just kind of hit superhero burnout got for a little

    Bit so I got it uh speaking of superheroes uh Tom Hollander revealed on Tuesday’s episode of Late Night with Seth Meers he once mistakenly received one of Tom Holland’s paychecks okay but who’s Tom Hollander so he was in um oh man what was he in uh he’s in the White

    Lotus yes uh he was in that first season isn’t he the um the hotel manager no uh hold on oh he’s in the second season he’s the quote unquote Uncle okay I I didn’t get I I think I’ve only did the first episode of second season the

    Guy that uh that has like the Villa back on the private island yeah yeah oh yeah that’s him right yeah so uh he’s certainly not at the Tom Holland level no no no so listen to this he said people in the accounts Department of my agency got confused uh we were with the

    Same agency briefly and it was a terrible moment and he said I went to see my friend who was doing theater in England and I sat smugly in the audience just having done a BBC show for $30,000 the interval came and I checked my email and I got one from the agency

    Saying payment slip for first box office bonus for the Avengers and he said it was an astonishing amount of money he said it was not his salary it was his first box office bonus not the whole box office bonus just the first one he said

    It was more money than I’d ever seen it was a seven figure sum so he was just and that was the first bonus oh my God so it wasn’t Avengers money but one time uh Nick Murphy who used to work here got um some appearance fees that were owed

    To me and at one point here uh at the radio station there were three different Nick M’s working there was a guy named Nick mck who worked across the hall and then Nick Murphy and then me Nick mne and um there were Mix-Ups with emails quite frequently but Nick Murphy got

    Money and and Nick Murphy noticed it right away and we sorted it out but it was just spent it yeah yeah it was seven figures bought himself a brand new camera yeah Steve it was Avengers money it was Avengers money yeah it was what

    Was it for it was one of the the uh the football appearances that’s right yeah yeah all right so uh this guy couldn’t believe it when he saw it uh priyan chapra shared and then quickly deleted a photo that appeared to be from a double date with her husband Nick Jonas and

    Brother Joe Jonas and model stormy Brie was it a beaver shot they didn’t say no somebody didn’t like the way they looked yeah Bieber you think so yeah oh yeah totally so the photo shared our Instagram stories on Monday showed Four Hands clinking glasses one of the hands

    Had a tattoo on it that closely resembles the models just wait it was just the glasses it wasn’t even faces yeah so maybe they didn’t want the world to know that they’re dating a Jonas just yet or their hands didn’t look good hand didn’t look

    Good you got to have old lady hat yeah man hands is a thing that could have been three hands and a claw Steve the other day I saw uh it was a it was a story about vintage ads yeah uh that were you know way out of date in

    Aligning with today’s treatment of women and like there was like 15 of them that were all about dish pan hands yes and like and the guy’s like how can my wife how can I come home to a wife with dishpan hands oh you’re not giving me a

    Hand job with that oh and you’re going to judge me with your ring around the collar yeah totally if you think you’re putting that on my PEB you’re sadly mistaken I got this new um lipstick it’s like a Tik Tok Trend if you think you’re if you think those that b

    No I got this new lipstick it’s a Tik Tok Trend and everybody’s you know posting their video of them trying it and the color that comes whatever so I was like oh I’m going to do it I bought it I was like I want to try this

    Lipstick it’s cool and I made the video and I was like should I post it and I watched it like a hundred times and I was like my hand looks like my dad’s like electrician hand I’m not posting this can I can I when you if if we could

    Take a look at it can I see cuz I’m sure you’re way over sensitive to something no one else would notice I don’t think I I mean now I really can’t post it because I’ve said it like I don’t think anybody probably my best friend would

    Have been like oh God you have man do me a favor let’s recut it and then cut me in standing lipstick so you can explain your hand uh how look legitimate old man’s next to me they deleted it so we’ll see all right uh a couple other quick things

    It appears Bradley Cooper and Gigi haded are still going strong what we listen when are they both going to come in they coming in together for a 4-Hour appearance well somebody’s birthday is today Steve that’s right hey Bert Cher did it XI mhm uh they were seen Wheeling their suitcases through an airport

    Together in New York City on they have wheels on their suitcases too yeah my God they’re celebrities man I do have a connection to them I mean listen I’m not saying that it’ll end in them coming into the studio but um I do have a connection that who is directly you know

    In contact with them hangs out with them so we I’ll try okay I bet I bet it will it’ll happen and you know it’s going to drive him one of the Kelsey Brothers will drive him here oh yeah yeah yeah probably well probably Jason All right according to the Hollywood Reporter the bear actor IO AR uh has been chosen to host Saturday Night Live on February 3rd nice uh yeah she’s going to be joined listening this by musical guest Jennifer Lopez as well JLo yeah Dakota Johnson is hosting the week prior

    To on January 27th with Justin Timber think Ben Affleck will show up um we would hope so I’d like to apologize to Jennifer Gardner and our pool boy Ben Affleck for incorporating them into my fantasy life we haven’t heard from that guy in a while so thank apologize to

    Anyone who’s been offended by my fictional Creations chrison the philosopher of evil and the skull sealer do you know that I have on a few more than a few occasions tried to search for that guy that guy and find the video I think there’s video that goes on with it

    I can’t find it anywhere um yeah I think I think there’s a high probability that Ben Affleck will make an appearance at at some point during that show and I also think uh that uh when Justin Timberlake is there I’m I’m predicting a him and Andy

    Samberg yeah de box we’ll see so this this this is from the bit that Ben Affleck was hi that’s when he’s uh he’s at a facility for um people who are mentally unstable and and the mentally unstable guy is saying don’t do the movie Sheely that’s right he’s saying no

    It’s trust me I know what I’m doing so on Wednesday Tiana Taylor announced on Instagram she uh the planned biopic about Dion Warwick will begin filming this year and uh the A1 actor is set to play uh the walk- on by singer she is going to play Dion Warwick she just

    Received a Kennedy Center Honor and they did a review of her life man what a what an incredible Talent yeah uh Taylor wrote uh to Dion she said your music and social involvement has enhanced the culture uh your soul and art Artistry serves as an example of not only

    Resilience and strength but faith and purpose but she screwed up royally she asked at the bottom of the note who will be playing the Pips no she wrot thank you for trusting me uh with telling your iconic story we’re so excited to make you proud this is great news Ryan

    Reynolds shared on Instagram yesterday the Deadpool 3 is finished filming excellent he wrote the suit hides Blood also sweat but today with Deadpool rapping it’s mostly tears a giant and forever thanks to the cast and crew of our film who battle win rain uh win uh rain strikes and Hugh

    Jackman uh and he had it alongside a photo of his Deadpool costume he wrote all under the stal stalwart leadership of and then he it’s it must be the director’s um Instagram handle soane Le yes s Levy direct or Sean Levy I mean uh I got to make the movie with my closest

    Pals and that doesn’t happen very often he said see it July 26th I just watched uh the second one again and it’s on all the time and it’s hilarious the the the density of those scripts you know the the there’s jokes flying fast and furiously constantly so to put these

    Things together is a uh is a huge task uh and then the final thing I have for you variety reports that all six seasons of Sex in the City will soon be available on Netflix well there’s a birthday present for you thank you the uh show which originally aired on HBO

    From 98 to 2004 scheduled to hit uh the streaming platform in early April how far are you through Northern Exposure um um on the fourth or fifth episode so I’m using it as my exercise show right so but I’m loving that and Sex in the City

    Will be your purging show there you go all right we’ll do the clips now here we go cold copy follows an ambitious journalism student who manipulates a tragic story of an innocent but cocky teen to make her story pop and in this clip uh Jacob tremblade

    Uh who is naturally shy talks about how playing a l talks about it says talk about how playing a loudmouth character what is Great Is Awesome here we go I always like naturally put my hands in my pockets but I mean for him I guess he just like

    Doesn’t really care he kind of has like a careless attitude and the thing about eigor is that he really steps out of his his comfort zone naturally never really done that myself but like it’s cool because that’s like something that I had to do for this role y fat ass [ __ ] cold

    Copy opens tomorrow here’s our next C Miller’s girl is about a talented young writer who embarks on a creative Odyssey when her teacher assigns a project that entangles them both in an increasingly complex web here star jenet Ortega talks about what she loves about the movies one when you get adrenaline

    Afterwards like you’re excited to participate in life and two when you get in the car and everyone is speaking over each other because they’re arguing you know their opinions and what they think it’s it’s why we go to the movies in the first place it’s what makes us feel you

    Know excited about art and it’s something that’s attainable to everyone I want to see you naked Miller’s girl opens tomorrow by the way and that’s it that’s the entertainment report for you this morning all right we will take a break when we return Eric lindross is

    Going to be on the show can’t believe it we’re we’re going to talk to him via zoom and we will be calling someone maybe you if you have entered for our contest and the first thing out of your mouth better be this I never thought Eric lindr would be calling my phone

    Phone or you don’t get anything all right so we will call a number randomly at some point during the interview so we’ll take a break we’ll come back in a moment and we got some other things happening as well we’ll tell you about it when we return stay with

    Us go do lethal that’s traffic on 933 wmr thank you very much Kathy we’ll get Eric lindross on in just a couple of moments he’s going to be joining us our phone uh quickly before Eric Gets on um I would like to congratulate uh Westchester University’s cheerleading

    Squad yeah uh they won the all girl game day competition at the universal cheerleaders Association championships is that down in Universal Studios in Florida uh they did it they they had the event uh in Florida I believe Casey they used to always do that in Disney Wide World of Sports yeah

    Richard Curtis used to used to be the uh our buddy used to I’m not sure if he still does or not I don’t watch it every year but I think they had year after year is to be the the guy who covered it and bring it on don’t they do it down

    Don’t they have the competition down in Florida I think so I don’t know that movie but anyway uh also and I saw this yesterday when we were going live on Fox good day they were at um University of Delaware and they won for like the six straight year championship W I think wi

    Wilmington University might have a have a squad that that competes on a national level and then like they ended up having that TV show I I guess it was on Netflix because there is a school I guess in New Mexico or whatever maybe the Southwest somewhere that that’s all

    They are is they are a cheerleading school it’s a it’s a dynasty we have audio of that performance president I knew it yeah you know we all keep Al the pep rally got us pumped the B me US jump uhoh yeah uh so we traveled to uh uh Dallas

    Texas for a competition our senior year we I forget what exactly it was but uh that was the only time I was in Dallas and we went with the cheerleading team and we competed there and it was cool it like one of those big competitions like that and we weren’t obviously a school

    That you know focused on cheerleading so when we were invited it was like a pretty big deal us look at that did you uh were you a flyer uh I was early on I was were you a base so early on I was a

    Base I was a flyer no and then yes I was a base yeah only the tiniest of people are the ones they Chuck up in the air they call those fers yeah and during any performance they they they get about nine or 10 gynecological exams as being

    Hoisted up into the air well yeah as we got older I mean you know those who who grew at a normal rate ended up being bases and then it was like I mean I remember the girl that I used to throw up she was teeny I mean she was so tiny

    But cath I mean don’t you agree that they have come a long way in the world of cheerleading like every single person you know back in the day you PIAA sport yeah yeah but like back in the day like you know there a few girls could do a

    Couple of back hand Springs a couple of back like now every single the Baseline is like if you can’t do a double back tuck not on the time you also know Preston you reported on on the amount of injuries if you’re talking about sports across schools the the cheerleading

    Teams have tremendous amount of uh injuries absolutely yeah you got to be a gymnast essentially but I I think it depends on what level though Casey it’s not that way at at all high schools or anything but the high school levels are Way Beyond what what you and I went

    To way way way Beyond uh yeah I mean but I like uh my local school saan they’ve got a great Squad and I’ve went to several games but they weren’t doing any crazy stuff so it’s a big school because they allow you know people who want to

    Be on the team be on the team and I think sometimes they do like a you know like your traditional what we used to you know know as cheerleading is cheering on the sideline and then there’s a competition team okay that’s probably it that’s probably yeah that’s the difference yeah so well

    Congratulations to them that was uh that’s huge so I don’t know if West Chester had had won before or not but um they are apparently Champions now so does Donna have anything to say about that oh hang on Marissa what what we go ahead yes well I don’t know about Donna

    But Eric Lindros is gonna be ready in one minute talk to Donna all right let me do that real quick yeah I’ll go to Donna hi Donna good morning good morning so St huberts high school has two national champion cheerleading teams they’re reigning Champions this year the varsity

    Team and they’re JV non-tumbling and we have a third team that is four time national champions every year in Disney and they are getting ready to go um it’s actually our Super Bowl weekend they will be going again to defend their titles um St Hubert is actually going

    This weekend to the Pennsylvania state championship which is this weekend and we have so much talent in the Northeast beside St huberts that go to these competitions every year in Disney it’s unbelievable Donna you wouldn’t happen to be a former cheerleader would you um and Coach a coach you sound just a little

    Bit py and fired up just when they come out at the begin they come out they so excited yeah I I am their number one fan and they are just a wonderful bunch of athletes and you you would not believe the talent in the Northeast I mean St

    Matthews is going Direction grade school is going Nazareth High School is going Archbishop Ryan is going there’s just so much cheerleading talent I I didn’t realize there were girls I didn’t realize separate categories like non-tumbling and then so I guess that’s the delineation we were talking about

    Between the very athletic and and and Gymnastic level and then the ones are just like like Kathy’s some are more like cheer leaders okay we have we have a bunch of our St Hubert’s girls um I believe there’s three on Westchester I know we have one on Delaware um we have

    A bunch of girls on temple temple I believe got fourth this year um in their division and it’s just it’s insane and I am just so excited because when they go to Nationals I stream the video for all the parents and grandparents and I literally lose my mind my neighbors

    Think that I’m being murdered when it’s Nationals weekend screaming your head off all right I love it thank you Donna we appreciate the heads up we got to run cuz we do have a guest we’re going to go to but and you guys know that the hey

    [ __ ] hey what has its roots and cheerleading you know that that’s that is a do the football game cheerleaders William pen was the first to do that no no no no no it was a little league cheerleading hey cheerleaders hey what hey cheerleaders hey what yeah and we changed it to hey

    [ __ ] and it’s a the rest is history the rest is history part of our nation’s Foundation uh all right well listen our next guest is ready speaking of Cheers hang on let go there you go that’s good one our next guest is online ready to go

    Via zoom and uh he’s helping us out with a contest we’ve been talking about the last few days we’re going to get to it and we are very happy to welcome our friend Eric lindross [ __ ] hey what yeah how you doing Eric I am good I was giggling about that

    One thanks for coming on man we appreciate it how’s everyone down there dude we’re solid uh we’re getting getting ready for the weekend obviously and you are you not in town yet or I’m in I’m coming in uh this afternoon okay okay uh for the alumni game which is uh

    Tomorrow obviously we were talking to who we were talking to we were talking to Fedor the other day and he said um some people are there’s like practices and guys are getting ready to play a serious game of hockey here there is rust to be taken off

    Always always I love it but you and we’ve talked you many times over the years but you keep playing man you you play in men’s leagues and stuff like that pretty regularly right still doing that not so much leagues we just have a really good group of guys that get

    Together and uh and have some fun and uh try and slow down the uh inevitable decline of ability and uh and uh and desire uh but you know what when you when you guys get together with the with the old crew it’s got to be it’s got to

    Be a bunch of laughs and a good time I mean I know you guys are playing hockey and it but it’s got to be a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun it really is there’s some really good stories in there there’s ones you forget there’s uh it’s

    Great to catch up this this crop has got some newer guys in there so I look forward to uh to hearing some of the fresher uh the younger the younger ideas and the young thoughts and and uh yeah I think it’s gonna be a great time it’s

    It’s wonderful you got uh I think Joe is 80 years old unbelievable full mix of full mix of people so I’m looking forward to it yeah I mean Joe Watson who 80 and then Mike Richards is gonna be there and Mike was in the league not

    That long ago so it really runs the gamut and I love the alumni games I’ll be there tomorrow night as well Eric and and there’s just a lot of fun there is competition but you know it’s it’s fun on top of all of it but my brother sent

    Me a video of some of your your highlights in the early ’90s and the league was very different then right you you were running around the ice skating around uh like you were a shot out of a cannon and and um leaving your skates and checking a lot of different people

    And so I I want to know when you came into the league who was your favorite person to hit like if you got somebody in your sight I don’t think there is I don’t think we looked at it that way or I looked at looked at it that way it’s uh

    Listen it was about if they’re going to be hooking and holding it was about getting to the puck and then making sure when you got there that there was a there was a transaction it’s a transaction well you know Eric now you’re gonna have the chance to hit an 80-year-old if you want

    To so well no he on our side we’re gonna um no it’s just you know the game the rules change the rules changed uh mid two uh early in the 2000s and uh I don’t know I some might say it went a little bit the other way but Hey listen

    It uh it is what it is um that the way it was played back then and uh this is the way it’s played now and I think uh in their own right both are U both are great uh listen Eric you were you were young when you made your debut and you

    Had a chance to to get in and I’m sure play with people that you had admired uh for a long time or maybe had even you know fashioned yourself after as as a hockey player were you ever star struck meeting your favorite NHL guys that

    First season or two I was I went to the Canada Cup so it was kind of like the Olympics before where Pros were allowed to go to the Olympics and they used to hold these Canada cups and and other world uh world events and I went in uh

    To the the training camp uh to try and make the Canadian team when I was 18 and you know on the wallers you know Messier Gretzky uh well I mean Paul coffee the the list was forever Steve ler the every we didn’t have video games back

    Then but every every guy that you used to follow in the newspaper or watch the highlights of they were all in there vying for a spot to uh to make uh to make Team Canada and uh it it was a thrill us to be part of that uh uh that

    Training camp and then uh and then to to to play there for the for the real tournament was uh was really special as well so that was that was my big one yeah did you ever ask anybody for an autograph I did not I did not I was uh

    I wasn’t I wasn’t very cool but I was cooler than that all right that makes any sense yeah uh obviously the Flyers have had a lot of ups and downs over the last decade or so and um but you know a guy that you played with is now the the team

    President and Keith Jones and then Danny Brier is the GM and this season um as a fan and as somebody who who you know watches them a lot it’s a very different vibe in South Philly and I don’t I know you sort of watch from afar and you we

    Probably don’t watch every night but um can you have you talked to Keith Jones about it and and do you know anything about like how things are kind of different in South Philly uh I don’t I no I don’t I mean I I I can just uh I

    Talked to Keith when he was fired and and that was the last time I spoke I talked to Danny uh and the gez a little bit after I talked to Keith um but no I haven’t uh spoken much with I haven’t spoken at all with those guys um so I

    Don’t I don’t know that end of things uh but what I do see from AF far is I think there’s addition by subtraction that’s gone on here and you know proov was a real talented player um but I’m not so sure that was the right mix of people uh

    And and by sometimes when you when you move somebody out you don’t have to do anything else it just just makes things better right and I don’t mean to point the finger just at uh BR I mean it’s it’s um you know I think Danny’s done a

    Really good job of of putting together the best people available to to you know what he’s got right now um and then even with the kid that didn’t want to come to Philly uh doing something and and bringing in you know a real super talented uh defenseman I mean that’s

    That’s that’s what the team needs it’s uh it was good Danny did a nice job with that and the team seems to be uh coming along it’s just just day after day they’re getting it seems like they’re getting better and believing in themselves and um I think they start the

    Caring for each other is is starting to show through and and they’re doing well uh Fedor when we had him by here the other day he made an interesting observation about uh Danny Brier and Jonesy uh you know being in the head office and he’s like he had said at the

    Games he’s like these guys are around they’re like they’re accessible to the fans so you talk about what’s great for the team um having this kind of leadership um being accessible to the fans don’t you see that as a as a as as a plus the the team seeing that

    Happening too you know what I mean I think everyone’s accessible when when something’s going well when things aren’t going well people tend to hide in their that’s a good point you know that’s not let not F ourselves with how it works everywhere else so um no but

    But that’s I think that’s important I think you know getting away there there’s always this uh chitchat on about how corporate uh certain things are uh and maybe that you know that is that has helped to get uh to turn that that thought process uh for some of the the

    Fans that were have always supported the the team around and and made it uh made it more of a a personal scenario where they’re they’re truly uh they’re truly pulling for for people um not just not just FR not just a big company well you know what happens over the the the the

    Lifespan of any sports franchise or you know any sport uh you’ll you’ll hear that refrain are we’re going to return to Basics Getting Back to Basics and seldom do they get back to basics I think we’re looking here at an object lesson of them actually getting back to

    Basics and embracing the things that they you know kind of taking it to the fans and saying what do you want what do you want to see and again as has been alluded to here the the team is exceeding expectation so um it’s funny because it’s um the vibe perpetuates

    Itself the more the more the as as president’s always said the more the players appear to be having fun the more everyone has fun well I’m sure your ratings go up when you guys are uh looking forward to coming in the uh in the morning right right right oh

    Say Eric lindra on the show whatever about that but just in general anybody that goes into work and they’re having fun and they’re enjoying themselves and they’re enjoying the people that they’re around they’re going to do a better job right they that’s just the way that’s

    The way life works so um yeah you can see it hey are you uh after the the alumni game you’re sticking around for the Hall of Fame game and uh wck yeah the next day the next day yeah yeah uh and uh what’s what’s that event like uh

    When when you see somebody being you know uh you’re happy for them you know you’re happy for them uh I played with Mark for about a year we had that lock out so it was kind of like a about a year if you put added it all

    Together I was hurt for last 20 games I was hurt again in uh this my second year I don’t know I probably played uhh 80 90 games with Mark at the start there and then he got traded back uh to Philly I’m trying to remember the date but it it

    Seemed around 99 or 2000 and around there so I played a little bit with them with them that he’s you know Mark’s Mark’s a good player real good player and uh you know year in year out reliable um he uh it’s it’s it’s he’s he’s one of those guys that you’re

    Just you’re looking at you’re he’s just one of those guys that you can always uh you can always play no matter how what his age was he always kept his hands he was uh again super super reliable he was just a real steady real steady player

    And and a lifer too I mean he’s been you know Co in and he’s been you know with the he’s done alumni stuff and he’s played for a really long time and you think about guys like Cam and Rick toet and and Joe Watson who have stuck around

    With the organization forever um are are and I consider them hockey lifers I want to know is Eric lindos a hockey lifer are you like is this what’s going on with you for the next decade I don’t know uh we see we’ll see what comes uh we’ll see what comes this

    Way am I interested in uh hockey Ops I I certainly was last year are you are you interested in the world of competitive cheering uh what was the term hey [ __ ] who what uh hasn’t you know it didn’t really pop up this morning but you never know I

    Would I would love to see some co-ed yes for those who aren’t watching our YouTube stream Eric’s doing some cheer mov see some college girl trying to hoist Eric lindra I got action all right here the GR you’re the grind you’re the grind I um yeah I wonder like you know like you

    Were you were blessed with um you know size and ability and and I’m sure that you’ve met people along the way that were blessed with those those um god-given gifts but just hated the sport and they’re like man I hate hockey and it sucks that I’m so damn good at it I’m

    Sure that you’ve run into and played with people like that there are there are a lot you’d be surprised yeah there’s a there’s a bunch that you know they’re so good uh but I don’t know if they truly love it and uh you know it ends up showing but I think

    It’s the best game in the world I mean it’s just fantastic I can’t wait to get out there we we’re on the ice in uh in 50 minutes and and I can’t you know it’s just a group of guys right yeah yeah like w and have some fun you got some

    Guys that are in uh you know they work in finance you got some other guys that are uh you know teachers developers uh whatever there’s a there’s a mix group of and you know former pros and and whatnot but just in the dress I’m hearing different perspectives um

    My favorite topic right now is the bike Lanes in Toronto where our mayor former mayor like we get a lot of snow and and they decided that we’re going to have bike lanes and all a lot of our major arteries up and down uh up and down the

    City so traffic is at a standstill while we look at these bike lanes that no one’s like we’re not Holland okay Holland anyway there’s it’s a lot of fun to be in that room and uh and hockey is just incredible so it’s uh yeah it’s

    Just a great game so now we’re having a good time well listen Eric we’re going to play kind of a game right now and just to just to reiterate this for people who may not remember the origin of uh Casey’s moment with Eric this was several years ago Eric came on for the

    First time actually Casey had a chance to speak to you and he was you know he was just a massive massive fan of yours and uh we had kind of a an awkward embarrassing moment where Casey was professing his love for Eric Lind Ross Fanboy and a listener took the audio and

    Then edited it together and put it to this nice lovely music and it was just it’s this goofy thing we’ve been playing for years so we’re going to use this this morning uh you know what’s going on Eric so we’ve we’ve uh we’ve gotten phone numbers of people by the way we

    Had thousands of people enter this so they really want to go to the game both tomorrow and on Saturday and a chance to say hi to meet you in person Eric and we’ve got some other things that are going to come along with this little VIP

    Package so what we are going to do is we are gonna we’re going to call a number that was randomly picked from the thousands that were sent in the person who answers the phone has to say this I never thought Eric lindr would be calling my phone phone all right that’s

    The first thing that has to be out of their mouth I never thought Eric lenos will be calling my phone and then they win if not we move on to another number yes so should we try this yes absolutely Casey’s going to dial up the number I

    Will have this on that has to be hang on a second we got a tech wise what doing I have no clue all right hang on so that Channel’s on right um the channel is on yep there you go okay all right so case is gonna call this number Eric and we’ll

    See if they answer the phone are you nervous Eric oh I’m just sitting there going when you fling [ __ ] at the wall you just never know what’s this right fling stuff all right here we go what just happened okay all right Casey’s dialing it you can’t hear the uh the

    Little tones as he’s dialing it but he is punching in the number all right this should dial we hope this will work this is us remember oh you son of a [ __ ] I might I might have to dial one to get out all right God damn you think you

    Could do it directly to the board oh my goodness so you should be able to do it right hang on you might have to dial one first okay Marissa’s nodding Marissa would know these things all right so numbers being punched in let’s see he’s done we should hear a ring and everybody

    Be quiet once you hear that first ring I want to die any day now wait okay you kidding me come on I never thought Eric Lindros would be calling my [Applause] phone all right who is this what’s your name uh my name is Brian Brian where you

    From Bri I’m from Marlton New Jersey Brian say say hi to Eric lindross Eric lindross hey how you been how you doing Brian all right that means you are our winner Brian you get the full VIP package we’re going to set you up with tickets to the alumni game to the Hall

    Of Fame game and a chance to say hi to Eric as well and I I assume you’re going to be bringing either your girlfriend or wife her name is U I think I have to bring my wife yeah she signed me up for this her name is Brooke okay all right

    Well then when that just do something nice for your girlfriend so she doesn’t feel that yeah you don’t leave her whole thing Ryan how how many have you been getting to a lot of games these days uh yeah I always get to a few games

    A season I was there I always make it to the home opener and then a couple other games nice what do you uh what do you think is the big difference this year with the way the guys are playing uh it’s just been really exciting for sure um I like what torz

    Has been pulling out of the young guys very good very good look forward to seeing you uh it’ll be a lot more exciting on Saturday than it will be Frid night so when when you see Eric say hey [ __ ] it’s a big warning sign before you to the r on Friday all right

    Bri Saturday is better than Friday congratulations man hang on we’ll get your information we’ll set you up that was awesome love it first guy yeah that’s fantastic nice man all right well listen Eric you said you got to get on the ice so we’re going to let you get yourself

    Ready I know it takes like a half hour to get all that crap on that you guys wear so uh we’ll let you get to business but uh man it’s always great to catch up with you thanks for staying connected to this city the way that you have because

    You mean a lot to a lot of people and uh we’re looking forward to you know this this weekend and the game and all that stuff so we appreciate it my man all right thanks guys thanks for having me on it’s always fun anytime Eric Lindros everyone right there more movies Che

    Mov hey [ __ ] hey what Steve you’re right Brian has to say that when he meets Eric on S [ __ ] well it was a little bit I was nervous because A man answered a phone but the name I had was a woman’s name oh wow so these people

    Were it was him and his wife I was like okay I hope I dialed the right did it right he did it right I was thinking Prest about going on the history of the show and when you know when the big buzz was on Eric lindross and and you know we

    Were just we couldn’t get anybody on the show we were just this you know piss an little setup Y and uh he came on yeah uh Matt cor was friends with him and Matt helped set that up of course but I’ll never forget one night uh Steve you me

    Marilyn Casey I don’t know if you were there or not but we were at Finnegan’s wake no wasn’t there and we were doing an appearance there and Eric showed up yeah and you would have thought it was insane Moses part of the waters because I mean the excitement that went through

    That club I mean it was he was just the biggest thing there was in in Philadelphia and I just remember how exciting it was and we even I came over and I’m like oh man how you doing nice to meet you blah blah blah this and that

    And and he was just a mega mega star you remember he turned his hockey stick into a serpent remember you remember that a cheap magician trick there was a stretch there was a stretch in the mid90s where he was the biggest celebrity in Philadelphia and and you know you you

    Would look to our local sports stars and also TV anchors and they were our celebrs and I remember when Eric left Philly and and the end of his career here as a player was was weird and dramatic and all this melodrama and then he ended up going and playing for the

    Rangers and one of the things that he really liked about playing in New York was that he was no longer the biggest celebrity in town he could walk around Central Park with his dog and and just sort of blend in with the rest he could

    Walk around with a shirt that says I am Eric Lindros and nobody would even fewer people fewer people cared there by the way there’s a text came that says I can’t believe Eric Lindros didn’t call my phone sorry we could only pick one winner out of all this hang on Marissa’s

    Got a comment there’s some cool stuff on the back end of this contest thank you to everybody who entered um I was seeing social media posts where like girls were saying like I’ve literally been dreaming about this moment for 25 years right they’ve been writing that on their

    Notebook we even got pictures from a girl who said she went to the Flyers wives Carnival wrote a birthday card to Eric and slipped him her number 25 years ago wow so for like the moment that everybody thought that Eric might actually be calling their phone hope you

    Guys enjoy no we and we always appreciate your participation you’re you’re you’re right prestent about um you know again that thing that you keep going to which is this city loves the reciprocal feeling that you care about having a connection here and so for you thanking him for staying invested in

    This area it does mean a lot yeah absolutely all right well that was cool that was fun listen we got more to go uh we’re going to take a quick break we’re going to come back in a second bizarre file stories on the way and our buddy

    Celebrity chef Nick elme is going to be stopping by because we’re going to have ice cream with olive oil and sea salt we’re going to try it that’s an honor of my birthday right did that for my birthday yeah all right we’ll come back in a moment stay with

    Us so when 1933 WMMR all right let’s do some bizarre file stories bizar wmr presents Christ and star F all right just going to dive right into this I have a few things to pass along to you we’ll start with this one an American Airlines flight was reportedly delayed after a disgruntled

    Passenger loudly passed gas and was removed from the plane because of it wow in a viral Reddit post a user detailed the recent American Airlines flight from Phoenix to Austin they said this past Sunday I was on a direct American flight from uh Phoenix to Austin and I was

    Seated near the row where this situation had occurred I’m simply sharing this because it’s somewhat entertaining and I and know I did not film anything uh they said they explained that they were boarding their flight when they noticed a man who was audibly disgruntled or maybe hung over oh man and was grumbling

    About something under his breath after several minutes passed and the majority of passengers that boarded the plane the original poster over heard the man loudly say you thought that was rude well how about this smell and then he ripped one well points for being able to

    Do it on command uh he said uh the poster said I don’t know what provoked that comment and while kind of funny to overhear it was uncalled for especially coming from a grown man on an airplane nonetheless uh who cut the cheese however the man’s bizarre behavior didn’t end there as fellow passengers

    Began unpacking snacks and eating food the same man who had just farted decided to loudly announce to the rest of the plane yeah everybody let’s just eat the smelliest food possible all at the same time at that moment one person in a separate aisle replied to the man if you

    Don’t like it you can fly pirate and you can fly private when the man called uh the retort so effing rude another passenger chimed in and said I think we’d all agree that you’re the rude one here was this booger the spat caused the flight which was moving toward the

    Runway to for takeoff to stop and return to the gate flight crew ultimately stepped in making the announcement over the loudspeaker apologies for the interruption but we are returning to the gate and we will give you more information when we have it a female flight attendant then approached the

    Flatulent man and informed him that he would not be staying on the flight he told the attendant that he didn’t understand why he was being removed from the plane but she told him that they will discuss that once they disembark the plane uh the poster said he gets up

    Grabs the bag and quietly exits the plane he said we all breathe the sigh of relief when he was removed yes I think most people were on the edge about what may uh what he may say or do next and the trip was only delayed by about 30

    Minutes or so common decorum dictates you shouldn’t be blowing out major farts in an airplane cabin agreed all right so a Mahaya Washington noticed a flash outside of her home this week in Portland where a dangerous storm had coated the city with ice and this is a

    Follow-up story I believe uh to one that we had last week so opening her blind she saw a red SUV with a down to power line on it and a couple who had been putting their new baby in the car uh the woman screamed to her boyfriend to get

    The baby to safety and he grabbed the child and began to scramble up the driveway on concrete so slick it was almost impossible to walk but before he made it halfway he slid backwards and his foot touched the Live Wire uh according to uh Maha Washington she said

    There was a little fire and then smoke uh the mother six months pregnant tried to reach the baby but she too slipped she was electrocuted and so was her 15-year-old brother when he came out to help Washington who was only 18 was on the phone with a dispatcher when she saw

    The baby lying on top of the father move his head the 9-month-old was alive having just seen three people shocked to death she decided she was going to jump in and save the baby incredibly cous she kept a low Crouch to avoid sliding into the wire as she approached as she

    Grabbed the baby she actually touched the father’s body but she wasn’t shocked she said she said I was concerned about the baby um and she recognized the woman as her neighbor’s daughter she said nobody was with the baby fire and rescue spokesman praised Washington for her heroism but they didn’t understand how

    She and the baby weren’t also electrocuted she she put herself In Harm’s Way absolutely did as you reported on the story initially Preston one of those people was actually in Flames yeah uh the baby was examined at a hospital and apparently doing uh fine so uh that’s just a a tale of heroism

    For sure all right in uh Utah a teenager is in hot water I love this I don’t know why I love this after allegedly taping fish to at m in Provo and documenting the Antics on social media taping actual fish actual carcasses of fish to ATM to

    ATMs I mean like big ones too and he tapes them on there it looks hilarious and there’s no like oh of course yeah fish ATM yeah so among and and I love what his website says so among the displays posted online was a video that appeared to show uh three trout taped to

    A police car the Provo Police Department said Thursday there were roughly 13 incident incidence instances where the 17-year-old taped fish to ATMs and other objects uh the displays were shared on an Instagram account titled fish Bandit 84 the account has more than 52,000 followers and it posts back to August 2023 it’s

    Unclear uh if the account Creator did all of the fish taping or they also curated content post elsewhere online but the bio of the account reads live laugh tape fish on ATM okay yes there is a certain simpleness to that that I really admire you have to love it in

    College just like Aron Sayang and I uh made baloney sandwiches and we put them we lived in Ramsgate in Westchester it was an apartment complex and you know when you had the doorbell and there was like a little thing in the doorbell you could put like your name or whatever

    Just like a little label people had like pretty like flowers in there or whatever so we took all of our hours and then uh our friends that lived in gate and we took that off and we put the baloney sandwich in little baloney sandwiches so you could see the layers the bread the

    Baln the cheese and the mustard and that was that that was everyone’s doorbell little cut up uh so the video is showing the trout taped to a Provo police car garnered nearly 30,000 likes among the comments was one reading diabolical new anti-hero roaming the streets I I love

    This so live laugh tape fish on ATMs that is hilarious by the way I want to find out what kind of tape they’re using to tape something that’s that slimy and have like duct tape yeah all right uh that’s all we have time for in the bizarre file but definitely some good

    Stories to pass along there I got more coming up a little bit later on uh we’ll take a break we’ll come back in a moment a little later on our buddy Nick elme is stopping by yes we are going to sample ice cream that has olive oil and uh and

    Sea salt on it it’s good enough for Dua it’s good enough for us we got to try it we’ll be back in a moment stay with us wmr real quick I want to read a an email and a shout out this is from Bob skuba I think he said c

    IBA ska I like yours skba SK anyhow he says uh good morning to you all and says happy birthday Preston my daughter Michaela wanted to make sure that I wrote to you to say have a great day she knows it’s your birthday because she shares the date with you she’s 13 this

    Year and is very excited to be a teenager I took her to a flyers game a few weekends ago and she is hooked so I made arrangements to take her this Saturday to watch him take on the Bruins and she told me that hockey is her new

    Favorite sport to watch she is awes an awesome kid and always pushes herself to get straight A in school please uh wish Michaela and Preston a very happy birthday so a shout out uh to Michaela happy birthday to you kiddo you have a special uh you have special plans for

    This evening uh yeah going to see Brett Goldstein that is very cool yeah Roy Kent himself is is performing at the Met so uh us shell and I and some friends are are going to go tonight should be cool I was trying hard to have Brett Goldstein come in here wearing your

    Robe unfortunately it was not no not happening highly in demand I’m talking about Preston of course uh no but uh the show should be cool tonight I’m I’m gonna be tired tomorrow for sure guys so just heads up on that that’s all right uh so Nick shared this story with me and

    I thought um this might be cool to share with the audience this morning yes so um I graduated from high school I went to Koga High School in Berwin in 1993 Casey and I graduated high school the same year and um in many ways you move on

    From high school in some ways you never ever leave high school and it works its way into your DNA High School drama does work yeah and so it it sort of becomes a part of your life for your entire life and uh I am still great friends with a

    Lot of friends um that I was you know close with in high school I’m lucky to have all of them still be in my life and sometimes people leave your life and you never see them again sometimes they work the way back into their your life and uh

    There’s a guy named Alex who has worked his way back into my life and um I uh I want to preface this by saying that uh there’s no ill will so um I got a text from Alex on Tuesday and it says this my sister told me this story I heard some

    Philly radio DJ say that Alex used to bully me every day Etc did I bully you I’m sorry I have matured a lot I swear and so I replied to him and told him that yes he actually had and he was kind of a a jerk to me in high school about

    15 or 20 years ago um we were talking about bullies on our show and um one of the thing cool things for me and I think for Casey and Kathy growing up here in Marissa as well is that sometimes people from your past work their way back into

    Your lives because of the show they listen you know and so you reconnect with them and I had reconnected with Alex over the last 10 10 years or so but um prior to that I said his full name on air and I I threw him under the bus and

    I regret doing that I shouldn’t have said his full name but I called him out for being kind of a jerk in high school being being a bit of a bully so I told that story a long time ago mhm last year my high school had its uh 30th reunion

    And as a joke I said I hope Alex doesn’t show up because he was he was a dick in high school and I meant that in Jess because I know that Alex now listens to the show so we went back and forth a little bit and essentially uh Alex

    Reached out to make amends which I I found really big of him and really kind and this was something that for the most part I had completely forgotten about I put it in my past and and he and I have had a a very nice relationship over the

    Last 10 years or so and text occasionally and it’s cool that he listens to the show and and you know he’ll say you know Steve said something hilarious today or whatever uh and it’s always been nice but this lived with him in one way and lived with me in another

    Way and I inter I thought that um if somebody who may have bullied you in high school uh does reach out to make amends or does regret their actions that might be something that has a little bit of universal appeal appeal so I told Preston about it I remember when we we

    Talked about that Nick and we had the guy who i’ had considered my bully this guy Lynn Hart we actually had him reach out to him had him on the show doesn’t remember doing it he didn’t remember it at all which kind of bothers me a little

    Bit you know what I mean it’s so impactful for you and zero impact for them which means that they were going about doing it to other people too and just being brutal unaware and you were very candid about how you paid to have him killed I you know I figured I’d may

    As well be open with everything I just thought it was hly took that no yeah it’s I’m I’m like that person terrified me you know and and I just I hate bullies I hate the idea of bullying with every fiber of my being and I still see

    It today I see adults that are bullies and it just makes me sick so um to that point Preston because I feel the same way about you and I get emotional reactions about it and I think about people who were jerks in high school or

    College or or at any point in your life right and sometimes that lives with you for a long time um how do you feel about people like Alex reaching out and apologizing and that was unsolicited by the way I didn’t expect that at all I think it’s wonderful I do too I think

    It’s fantastic I I think it’s uh I think it’s not too late it’s never too late to say you’re sorry you know what I mean I will tell you this it we are all at least I think we are at our core fans of redemption fans of of of people changing

    Their ways and we also always in our lives have to consider have we bullied and been unaware of it have we done that we all have the capacity there’s a commonality to our lives and our experiences and that’s something that you always have to say well and then you

    Think back could I have been better about that could I have been you know was was I tur was I whatever yeah uh and so yes it’s part of nature you’re going to evolve and you’re going to see things differently and you’re going to have some remorse and high school man that

    That seed is planted and it will live with you forever look at how Carrie took care of it it was it was horrible oh I dreamed of having those Powers destroy this whole goddamn Town yeah but you’re you know you’re forming who you are really as an adult when

    You’re when in high school when you’re 14 15 16 years old and if somebody impacts you in such a negative way it can live with you for a really long time and and Steve the worst part is when hurt people hurt people right you know like when when somebody becomes a bully

    Because somebody else bullied them yeah yeah no that’s that happens quite a bit yeah um so I wouldn’t mind opening up the phones to see if there’s anybody listening who who could tell their story that was that bully that did that and at some point in their life had a

    Transition and said I was wrong I was and and then reached out and apologized too I I wouldn’t mind hearing that 25263 w Mr because ladies and gentlemen on our exfinity mobile guest line we have Nick’s former Tormentor Alex who is joining us this morning hi Alex how you doing man good I

    Just want to preface this I’m sitting here with my lawyer and we’re just making sure we have all our records straight making sure that you have enough audio to present in court during the procceedings we all right so Alec where are you now Alex do you still live

    In the area I do yeah I live in Malin yeah okay so tell us about when your sister uh had reached out with you about reach out to you about this yeah it was just kind of random she was like do you know this guy he’s on the St Preston the

    Preston and Steve show and just kind of ran down with it I think she had heard it from someone and you know so she just kind of passed it along to me and I was like Nick would never do this I would so kind to him every

    Day um all right so in hindsight now now once you found this out do you remember being that way being uh Rude mean intimidating to him so I how many people are listening is am I gonna self-incriminate right here you know I I L I laid sort of the

    Ground workk Alex and the truth of the matter is again we we have all whether we’ve been aware it at some point in our lives we we can bully people and it’s part of the deal and and so uh you know you’re getting massive kudos for for

    This so yeah give give us a picture of what you think you were and how you were with Nick and what caused him to perceive you as a bully well if memory serves me correct and Nick please uh chime in for sure but if memory Serv me correct I think I sat

    Right behind Nick in home room and there in lies the you know typical jerk in high school that just wants to pick on someone and tap his shoulder or you know whatever um so yeah that’s probably where uh where where it stemmed from I would think I I think that’s pretty

    Accurate now I mean was was a popular kid in high school he was an athlete he was a really a really good athlete uh and in fact had a bit of a a professional career post High School in professional Athletics and um maybe Alex in retrospect you know some of it was a

    Jealousy of me being the kind of the nerdy dorky kid that I still am uh and you being the cool popular handsome kid with a pretty girlfriend but you know I think it’s one of those things where like you remember when somebody’s a jerk and sometimes it’s uh specific occasions

    And and just kind of like um pushing somebody around a little bit or you know um looking down on somebody else the condescension kind of thing and I think you know when you reached out to me earlier this week to apologized um you said which and and by the way kudos for

    Coming on for for you know being brave enough to be public about this um you said that you felt like you were a different person back then yeah 100% I think you know obviously we all know this right you you mature a little bit as you grow up um

    But I think the other part is you’re just uh you just gain a little bit more awareness you kind of are sensitive to people around you that hey that dude doesn’t look like he’s doing all that well today maybe I should you know say hi maybe I should hold the door for this

    Person like I don’t you know there’s a lot of examples but um I think you just gain a lot more awareness um I think in the business world it’s called emotional in intelligence you know from a leadership perspective um and so yeah I think in high school right you’re just

    Trying to fit in you’re trying to be like you know on every minute of the day or or or in every class um you know so you you kind of yeah you’re just simply less aware of of your surroundings and and what you say and what you do and

    Certainly how it impacts people um you know not only that day but you know for the longer term you know the funny thing is again it’s not as if you know you gave Nick the Sha shank you know treatment but little things little seeds planted little things that are quality

    Of life issues and and to hear people talk about this and maybe someone you know is perhaps engaged in this kind of activity or with somebody that they know think about it uh you know ultimately though I will I’m going to give give you a little bit of Defense here if you were

    Sitting behind Nick in that room oh no was his head blocking the board that why was that was was so frustrating is huge I knew you were my my memory is a little foggy in in that regard I I I can’t remember on that one all right I just

    Thought so when you when you decided to go ahead and and reach out and and kind of you know find you know test the waters and see what was going on um what what did that feel like were you um were you a little embarrassed or were you uh

    Concerned or what were your what was that like going into I think a little bit of everything but I think Nick said it well uh earlier you know we we’ve reconnected um a while back you know when I learned that Nick was on the show I think I reached out

    Through email and was like Hey not sure if you remember me which what a way to open up a an email after you know 10 15 years of not seeing each other and you know being a t of a jerk to a guy but I was like Hey congratulations you know

    Listen to the show a lot uh congratulations to the show like all that cool stuff and we just simply connected so I think reaching out to Nick you know now so to speak was a little bit easier um and Nick was you know super nice about it he was like

    Yeah you know you’re kind of jerk but I get it like thanks so much for the you know for reaching out no I mean it was it was it was fine it was uh it was very cordial I think it it uh W and Nick made

    It pretty easy as well well it’s it’s funny you say that Alex because I I today this week this year I I felt like it was easy to make this call to have this conversation um but when I got that email from you 10 or 15 years ago I was

    Like oh this effing guy and and I I had a visal reaction when I saw your name I was like I I can’t believe this guy was reaching out to me and he was such a jerk in high school and like so you know time does heal all wounds and since then

    You and I have had a nice relationship and been friendly to one another and it’s cool that you listen so we’ve we’ve I think both matured in that respect um and I’m happy to have this conversation with you today but had had you tried to apologize 10 or 15 years ago I would

    Have it would have been a different story and so I think it’s uh it’s nice to be able to come full circle and um you know hopefully have some emotional uh intelligence when it comes to this type of thing let me ask you a quick question Alex because we talk about the

    Dynamic and repeating itself or were you in high were you in school did you ever had any experience in school where you were in fact the recipient of some bullying I was uh that the the karma is a be is uh is is absolutely in play um

    More so when I went to um when I went to college yeah um and yeah just I mean I had a wonderful experience in college uh Athletics all that good stuff whatever but you know very similar situation you just have an older guy that you know

    Doesn’t like how you dress or how you talk or or whatever yeah um and yeah definitely had that um you know had that and not a not a fun uh not a fun experience to say the least well you you have a very clear um perception of this

    So glad that it’s it’s moved into something that’s much more uh congenial and pleasant for both you and Nick and and uh I think for people listening always you want to be gracious in life and you want to give people the opportunity to change and realize that

    We’re not always at our best and sometimes we get go down paths that we wish we had not have gone down and so always give the uh the potential for things to reverse how many stories in my life have I heard where people who are combatants on some issue or whatever end

    Up being the best of friends it happens constantly so Hope Springs Eternal in this case all right Alex thank you for uh for sharing that with us we appreciate it man all right yeah you got it thanks guys love you take care see you bud all right

    Later on that was definitely can we give him Hershey Park tickets we probably I don’t think we have any but he can have it uh there was another guy uh in Middle School in junior high uh that used to come after me but he wasn’t um he wasn’t

    A bully like that was threatening to kick my ass or anything like that but he was I think I was a sophomore he was a junior and he would he did it more than once but uh we used to call it getting booked oh yes uh somebody would knock

    Your books out from my God in the middle of a crowded you know in between classes and everybody walks all over your stuff man he did that to me a couple of times and I was just like you’re just mortified cuz everybody’s walking all over your stuff you’re kneeling down in

    The middle of a crowded hallway nobody’s going to help you humiliating it’s humiliating and he did that to me a couple of times and I remember seeing one time and it might have been in a gym class or something like that like I said he was a junior and there were and and

    The difference between like sophomores and and seniors uh age-wise well I I was in Middle School at the time so actually I would have been in eighth grade and he would have been in uh or seventh grade and he would have been in eighth and then a ninth graders the ninth graders I

    Remember seeing him one time two bigger guys like giving him a hard time really so he was getting picked on and this guy’s release was picking on a younger kid that’s the that’s the chain of events that happens like you look at I mean you know not to draw parallels

    Between your childhood experiences and Charles Manson but there was a point in Manson’s history where things were going okay right and then of course things a steady chain of things occur that that uh that basically your mans while I was happy to see this guy getting a hard

    Time I also felt sorry for him at the same time which was really weird cuz I hated this guy well you had empathy because you had been on the receiving end of that as well and it’s not to say that you’re you’re um you know uh making

    Excuses for these people but there is a a scene in sing Street where uh this a movie that I love it’s set in the 80s and the bully is he’s he’s a total a-hole and he’s um but there is a scene where you see him being abused by his

    Father and you’re like oh okay again it’s not we are not saying it’s okay you know be like oh but to maybe understand the how’s and wise this ends up happening you know and in situations it wouldn’t hurt to break into song now and then right exactly no but you’re right

    Yeah hang on I want to go to some calls people who uh maybe were the bully and they had a chance to uh uh to you know try and patch things up I’m gonna go to Matt who is on the phone hi Matt morning hey good morning guys hey what’s up bud

    Uh I have you on speaker phone because I got my kids in the car so it’s a you know kind of a perfect thing to be talking about okay learn but uh yeah I was uh new to this school and uh I was just trying to fit in and I was just I

    Got I was hanging around the wrong people and they were rude and then I just started making fun of people and I feel like I think about it now and I feel disgusted about it but um you know I reach out and apologize to the people

    That I was rude to and uh let me ask you a question before you continue on Matt how long ago was this when did you graduated high school I graduated in 2007 but this was in seventh and eth grade so okay see two three it holds on

    And and at what point how many years later did you reach out uh probably like 10 years ago when I saw the person on Facebook wow they moved to a different part of the country so uh you know I didn’t have any contact but um well when

    You reached out what what did you what did you say in so many words I just said I’m sorry it was a I was a terrible person back then and I regret it all uh because it I it’s so stupid I it was pointless it how how how was it received Matt it

    Was good she she thanked me and it was it was okay you know it’s not like we’re friends really or anything now but um you know so Matt let me ask you because I ran into a a similar situation and when you were reaching out you had to be

    Prepared for a response of uh okay that’s fine I don’t forgive you though um that’s great that you’re getting this off your chest but what you did uh you know um it affected me in a negative way and actually affected me you know for for years to come afterwards and I just

    Want to let you know that uh I I don’t for you know what I mean like were you prepared for that yeah yeah I was okay because I did this I something similar Matt and I had reached out to somebody via Facebook uh you know I was going

    Through uh you know therapy and I was talking to my therapist and and unfortunately you know I try impart this knowledge to my children like you know these things stay with you for for a long time whether whether you like it or not and so there was something that had

    Happened that I had done that I just man I was I think maybe 11 years old Max and here I am as a 45y old man going I I can’t shake this and so I talked to therapist about it and I said I wanted to reach out to this person and my

    Therapists were like well and that’s great and you I encourage you to do it just be prepared that they’re not going to forgive you if that’s what you’re looking for right if you’re looking for some sort of absolvent or or forgi forgiving well because then it becomes

    Then it becomes a a sort of a selfish thing you’re looking to clear your your mental plate and the truth of the matter is that that’s all you can do at least the effort matters I statistically I would say more often than not yeah things go right may maybe a way to word

    It is uh listen I’m not doing this for me uh you owe me nothing I owe you an apology you don’t owe me any for so this is for you that I want to apologize so here’s $5,000 $5,000 that’s a start it’s a good first payment Matt

    Matt are you um you’re sharing this with your kids this is a message you want them to be aware of right yeah okay no that’s you’re good dad good for you man can I just say hi real quick yeah I say hi hi hi hey listen to your dad he’s doing a

    Good thing all right guys and you know I had red hair so it was like I I’m shouldn’t be the one making you were literally you should have been the object of the yes on all the time still but know it makes me think about that

    All the time I hear you for thanks Matt appreciate it bud it’s hard um to avoid it sometimes being a bully or thinking bullying thoughts or or being a jerk and and and you know it obviously it happens to this day but I I think about it and

    Casey and I have talked about this a million times but like kidss on on Instagram adults on Instagram you know where where comments are written that are just mean awful things and the vene of anonymity with exactly see but but you may think it’s just a silly uh funny

    Comment that you’re writing out when you’re being a jerk but keep in mind that there’s a person on the other end of that who are who’s now reading those words and the the word a word that’s read a sentence that’s read is different than uh somebody saying something to you

    I hope my only fan subscribers are listening to what you’re saying uh those people are just mean but like honestly I like legit uh if you’re going to text something that’s and you’re going to be a dick about it think twice if you’re going to write a comment where you’re

    Going to be an a-hole think twice about it because somebody on the other end of that might be reading it and you might be making that person’s day worse by you just being quote unquote funny I was just counseling Casey on this the other day right we were talking about listen

    There’s a guy who listens to the show who doesn’t like no it’s fine it’s it’s fine this is what he wants if you just ignore him he will go away I tried to get that message through so many times yeah but he hasn’t gone away and that’s

    The you keep replying to him okay whatever this is it’s fine the thing about this guy is he’s not wrong and I’ve told him that I’m like you are right I am a hypocrite but when you’re on the air for you know x amount of

    Hours a day for you know 26 years you’re bound to say something that that uh completely uh hypoc what’s the word I’m what you’ve said and and listen I I am on a journey and I you know uh have explored my War over and over and over

    Again I know I am not a perfect person I’m letting anybody know especially that person who’s probably listening right now he’s as he’s delivering male um but uh well no because I know what he does for a living of course well let me let me let me mention something because I

    Think that that confronting a a a text bully is different than confronting a bully in life yes U because you know you can you you are told sometimes that uh if somebody’s bullying you in person uh just ignore them it’ll go away there are times where you can’t do that and you

    Need to either confront them verbally or physically unfortunately um but with I I think it’s a I think it’s a a winless situation if you’re going after someone via text as far as back and forth there’s no there’s no Nuance there’s no inflection there’s no passion it’s words

    On a page it’s different and you have all the time in the world to come up with a retort and they do too and you do too and they do too and it goes back and back and back and back and back that’s why school and the bully dynamic in

    School is so powerful because you have no alter alternative no option you’ve got to be with these people so when I was a freshman in high school I was 411 I was a tiny little thing and and uh one of the starting defense alinan sat behind me in in history class and he

    Used to like hit me in the back of the head flick my ears pull my hair you know all sorts of stuff and and I you know and I One this was a great moment because I had asked to go to the bathroom the history teacher was like go

    Ahead right and so I’m getting up and I’m leaving and the guy behind me he’s like can I go to the bathroom too and I turned around and I said Mr fuler please don’t let him go to the bathroom I said he’s going to he’s going to beat me up

    In the bathroom right I literally said that he was like I’m not g I’m like yes you are I’m like all you do is you hit me in the back of the head and you flick my ears and I’m like this is what you do

    Every single day and he never gave me a problem after that and we were actually like really good friends after that and and I I think he was like oh I didn’t realize that I was having a psychological but I really had to poop hang on I want to go to some other

    Calls I’ve met Megan uh who was the bully Hi Megan you’re on the line good morning hey guys how’s it going good what’s happening Megan so oh wait a minute you’re not the bully the bully reached out to you okay yes exactly it must be something about um Nick’s School

    District because I went to the same school with Nick and it wasn’t the high school it was the middle school for me and there was a awful awful bully who was like this popular dude and he was so mean to me so I was like I had these big

    Thick glasses and I had like crap vision and I was you know out for surgeries all the time and he would make so much fun of me in front of everybody like he hey four eyes can you see this and he would like come to my locker and do it he was

    Total jerk and I graduated in 96 and so I’m like 44 now and he Facebook messaged me like 10 years ago and reached out was like I just want to tell you how sorry I am I have a daughter now I can’t imagine you know if anybody did what I did to

    You to her and stuff he like sent this long long message apologizing for being the biggest jerk on the planet and how did you how did you receive it did you accept it was it good did you communicate was that enough how did it play out yeah I kind of accepted it but

    I didn’t just like say great I forgive you that’s it I kind of like talked back and forth with him about it a little bit and like well why do you think you did that and why were you so mean what was going on with you and do you realize how

    That hurt this way this way this way and then how come you were nicer to me in high school once I was a little bit cooler and you know like no I think it’s absolutely why why because now if you’re opening up that pathway and people have

    To be prepared if they’re going to reach out that they’re going to might be ask some questions and that’s part of the deal uh at what point did he reveal to you that he was an optometrist and wanted to if you would interested in discount frames well this is like the issue now

    Um because um all right I’m trying to figure out how to phrase this like um maybe don’t wait until um you see how it could affect you in your life you know as you’re reacting and acting do do you know what I mean yeah the the the the

    Sad truth is prent is that you’re I mean Casey yeah you’re Casey right I’m Casey that’s right there so the sad truth is that yeah you need you need that sometimes you need that step off point you don’t realize persective yeah yeah first of all and he was a bully to

    Everybody like he was just mean to everybody but somehow he was also really cool which was really frustrating that he got that attention for being such a jerk yeah sometimes two go hand in hand uh I iath I don’t want to say anything further without saying happy birthday

    Preston thank you uh Megan did we know this person did I know him uh I graduated 96 when did you graduate 93 I mean you know his older sister all right well email me later because I’m I’m just I’m curious to what you know if other people that I know or myself had

    Similar experiences if you nailed his sister Megan he got she he got her back for you that’s cool yeah all right you thank you Megan appreciate the call uh let me find someone who was actually a bully uh let me go yeah let me go to

    Sarah here real quick hi uh Sarah good morning morning guys hi Sarah what’s up love you guys listen to you every morning thank you very much all right it says here that you you were a bully at one point yes I was the I was the bully

    And then I was also bullied there you go um and this was more in Middle School than High School um I was the kind of loser Outcast nerdy four-eyed kid that that everybody loved to make a punching bag out of like you name it they put

    Stuff in my hair they booked me like names all the whole the whole nine yards there was this other girl who was I’d say even lower on the social social totem pole than me I mean she W she was yeah she was heavy set her family didn’t

    Have much money they they they harassed her even more than me and I am ashamed to admit that sometimes I would join in a little bit with them not like not like some of the stuff they would do not like anything physical but I would just like

    When they called her names and stuff I would laugh along like haha yeah you’re such a fat loser so Sarah what that’s completely understandable you’re looking to take the heat off you and it’s sort of a defensive mechanism and and you feel terrible about it I don’t don’t

    Know why I did it because it never worked yeah yeah wow SAR have you ever considered find locating that person reaching out to them oh did I did like even that like if few wasn’t even like a year later I was like all of a sudden

    One day I’m like what am I doing I’m an I’m a jerk W so I I literally just went right up to her and I’m like hey I’m an a-hole I am really sorry and I kind of explained like what was going through my head like why I would do that and she

    Was just like you know I kind of get it we and we we we hit it off we didn’t become like besties but we were but we were what we were were friends and then after that when one of when one of us was getting harassed the other would be

    Like yo shut it right very cool very cool W love that all right thank you Sarah and the fact that she realized it at an earlier time instead of dragging on for years and then slowly going coming to the conclusion oh my God I was a jerk there are people it occurs me

    There are a lot of people who who who may not have had this experience if you can today bully someone and we’re not recomending that no we’re not recommending that apologize that release I didn’t really have an experience like that like I I mean I don’t think I ever

    Bullied anyone and there was a girl that picked on me a little bit but um I ignored her you know and I had a lot of good friends so it was like you know she tried to get people to Rally against me and everyone was kind of like was the

    Wife of the teacher you were dating no but but it went away pretty quickly so you know when you when I hear stories like this um and I recently saw something on Facebook happening in you know the school district in my area with this poor girl and I mean it’s it’s

    Destroying this little girl’s life did you see any of your friends bully other people cuz that can be a weird situation to be in no you know no not you impress me as someone who would stand up for somebody being well you know bull my my brother Christopher was that was kind of

    What he was known for in uh middle school and high school if somebody was being picked on he jumped right in he he stood up for whoever it was no matter what the you know whether it was a nerd it was you know a jock or this or

    Whatever and and people people knew he would be there to you know kind of lend a hand and and I think as a result he had so many different groups of friends because it didn’t matter who it was he wasn’t going to let that happen great

    There was a guy and this was in Middle School too a lot of stuff happens in middle school and I found it with my kids too that that middle school was horrible horrible because uh social groups are being formed you’re you’re you’re you’re planting your who you are

    You know with with these other groups of people and it ends up happening there so a guy that I went to school with uh Brian Jamon Brian ended up being bmoc he was was Big Man on Campus he was a jock he was goodlook everybody loved him um

    And I remember at one of our reunions IID asked him I’m like dude I never figured out that why when we were uh you know we were in ninth grade which at that time our Middle School went up to nth grade freshmen were still there so

    We were the Kings yeah uh and he befriended this one kid his name we called him Sparky and he was you just looked at him and you go victim right you go Target Target he’s one Brian would have him sit at his lunch table with the cool people every day and would

    Hang out with him and include him in the conversation all this and I was like I I never understood it and I asked him at one of our reunions I’m like what was that all about I’m like I never got that I never understood that he’s like man

    He’s like I saw these older guys picking on him one day and I’m like I’m not going to stand for that it’s a special person so he knew his position in in the social ladder and he invited him over and I’m still I get a little teared up

    Thinking about it like impct he made and uh he kept him under his wing and and probably saved him from some horrible memory yes so now I’m going to be talking about Wham from Charles Manson to Wham but the the Wham documentary yeah Andrew ridgley right that’s his

    Name and George Michael were George Michael was being picked on they knew the each other since elementary school George Michael was being picked on constantly pudgy kid yeah the whole thing Andrew ridgley steps in and goes to the teacher and says I I’ll I’ll look

    Out for him wow and that B I mean for a kid to do that and then follow through all the way through school and all of that is pretty amazing well that’s why I think I like Josh Hami that much more in uh there’s a documentary in uh about the

    The band Eagles of Death medal and the lead singer from that band is his name is Boots electric and he and Josh hommy went to high school together and uh and Boots electric was being picked on quite a bit and at one point I think he was at

    A party and they like threw him in the pool and Jos he was the only one in the pool yep and and Josh hmy just jumped in and I mean but he also he was a big dude he was a big dude he was a big dude so

    He stuck up for the guy but then he also pulls boots electric aside and says you have to stick up for yourself too you know there’s a little bit of that as well I mean you can’t jump into the pool with electric boots no no everybody

    Knows that’s dangerous uh um hang on I’m gonna we have a lot of calls and I’m not going to get to go to everybody but Gregory is a school psychologist oh and wanted to comment on this hi Gregory good morning good morning Preston and happy birthday to you by the way thank

    You sir appreciate what’s up man I work in I work in two large public high schools in the city and I see bullying all day every day so I’m like on the edge of my seat here I mean my heart is racing like you guys are really going in deep today

    And I I Nick I applaud you for opening this up because I’m sure this this this isn’t easy my my biggest comment is that I’m glad that social media Nick in your case and the other callers with the other callers social media can help to remedy this but in my world social media

    Fuels this like kids aren’t even home kids aren’t even safe when they get home because these The Bullying goes on and on and on and on and it’s because of social media and then sometimes you have adults getting involved when they think their kids is being bullied now you have

    Adults involved in this so this is a serious problem and and you’re you know your show your show usually isn’t this deep I mean let’s face it so I I really am glad that you guys are doing this this this is wonderful do you have any practical words of advice especially

    When dealing with social media because it is different and as Steve alluded to earlier like when when you’re seeing that person in school and you can confront them or stand up or punch them in the nose uh you can’t quite do that uh if somebody writes something mean

    About you on Instagram so what is your advice to kids right no you can’t you can’t and the problem is you can’t you can’t Shield kids from social media everybody has it everybody’s in it in in high schools we have staffs that hold regular meetings and address this kind of thing

    I mean it it’s it’s all day every day my my advice is you you have to keep you have to keep the dialogue open kids should be talking to their parents and then the parents if they get involved in a in a positive way that’s the best

    That’s the best advice I can get because look when I graduated from high school was 1988 when I went home after being bullied at least I knew I was safe at home and kids today don’t don’t have that Refuge Refuge because it’s it’s 247

    I I I I I completely agree I I mean I’m older so I would hear something someone from a neighboring tribe would come into our cave and they would say you know that I was very that I ate too much of the Brontosaurus or what so but but

    Anyway but but but to the point what do you think Gregory of the notion of of um really being um a lot of people are being lauded Kelly Clarkson came out and said she’s keeping her kids off social media I know there’s a couple relatives of mine who are saying there’s going to

    Be you know maybe 18 and on but but that there’s what is to be gleaned doesn’t outweigh the amount of vitory all that is uh out there for kids do you think there’s a um a benefit to that that perhaps actively keeping them off or really overseeing social media

    Interaction uh these days does that make sense to you I mean he heck kind makes sense to me if if a parent is successful in pulling that off that’s great I mean I’m almost 54 years old I don’t have any social media accounts anywhere at all I

    Don’t use it I think it’s bad for CH childhood development that’s my personal opinion I mean no harm to any anybody else who’s every everybody else in the world who uses social media that’s cool and like I said in in this case it’s been very valuable for Nick and Alex and

    Matt and the other callers to kind of go back in time and fix these situations but yes yes Steve it it my belief is that is detrimental to Childhood Social Development you’re if you’re an adult and you can handle all the pressures that come with social media you know go

    Ahead and do it but I to be honest I don’t think I would be very sassle with so so I I don’t I just don’t use it and plus the nature of my work is it’s it’s confidential so I don’t want somebody going on and saying oh you know I met

    With Mr mday talked about like no no it is hard it is hard to keep the kids off because if you think about it all of their friends are doing it everyone they know has it and then tell your kid you’re the only one that can if all your

    Friends jumped off a bridge well listen No but you might be an out an outcast for that alone there you go there’s a label on you you know so all right Gregory thanks for your call man we appreciate it thank you all right take care we’ll see you uh there’s a call I

    Want to go to she’s been a ho for like a half hour I’m gonna go to eileene hi there eileene hi there how are you good eileene what’s your story um I was a mean little girl uh I was about I say about 12 years old and I hung around

    With my nephew and his buddies and uh we had this one kid and he was fat and I would say to my nephew can we ditch the fat kid he’s holding us down right here’s go by I’m at my engagement party and my nephew and my

    Fiance are talking over the side and my nephew yells across the crowd hey want to ditch the fat kid my face went like saw him and I went over and like why are you bringing this up now and he goes well you’re marrying the kid you had no idea the guy you were

    Marrying is the guy you were bullying no totally well I was a bully I was I was a tom girl and you know anybody got my way I bullied him away and then he was the fat kid that used to and he he never he

    Never he never did he know that you were did he ever betray that to you that he knew he knew who I was no not until that moment wow and you know he he changed I mean when we were kids gosh he had to be at least 150 pounds if not more right

    And when I married him he was still that 150 ruin yeah that’s wild Steve is the lesson here if you bully the fat kid you can fall in love yeah absolutely I think so listen Merit to being a chubby chaser wow no no but yours is a very is a very

    Um amazing lesson in you know please you know think about all of this and the future and the people that are Behind These insults that you’re hurling out and this this acrimony and and again hear the pain of people who had to go with their you know hat in hand and and

    Ask for apologies because this stuff has haunted them all these years I’m gonna go to Robert here he’s got a different side of things hi Robert good morning good morning hey what’s up buddy hey happy birthday bud how are you thank you my man I’m doing well all right so

    What’s your your story with bullies well uh growing up uh I was I was always a big kid and uh I saw bullies around and I was kind of a fighter a scrapper and I hated bullies like you so when I saw someone picking on somebody I like look

    I know you could beat him but I tell you what you hit him I’m gonna hit you yeah and that would usually work yeah that would deter them to say hey wait a minute let me think about this because I know Bob Bob and you know what the funny

    Thing is Preston people never saw me fight they just feared me for what reason I don’t know to this day but I hated boys and I remember one in the night I I can remember like it was yesterday this guy was like 63 I was

    About 5’11 at the time and it was ninth grade and we’re in a gym and uh everybody used to pick on this guy push him around and he wouldn’t do anything he like a robot just standing there I’m like they throw balls out of you when you know you play uh what Dodge

    They now and this kid when he’s not looking they’re tying his shoes together I walked up and I said D you got to step up man I mean look at you you’re a giant all you got to do is shove this guy back

    Yeah and I do the same thing I go up you think you hit him I’m gonna hit you well this thing turned around and this guy I guess finally got his his nerve off and after that nobody picked on him yeah there you go yeah yeah sad that you you

    Know it has to come to that point but yeah that this that’s Sage advice and good for you for being the person kath’s brother stood up um you know and and defended these people you know what if that was something that really GED a lot of respect in school and if that was

    Something that because all the focus seems to be a lot about school obviously where that became the thing to do to to to come to some kids attention or or defense that’s Noble that’s chivalrous that’s some that’s that’s an old school way of approaching it is I I want to

    Encourage that I want people listening right now if you’re if you’re one of the larger physically larger people in in school in high school in Middle School whatever why not flip your thinking as opposed to being the person that gets attention by going in and victimizing

    People why not be the defender and use what you’ve got uh to help somebody else out that doesn’t mean going getting in fist fights or anything like that but your presence alone backing somebody up who is clearly being victimized could make the it could be a lifechanging

    Event for somebody absolutely and if you want to charge them for your services maybees my mom texted me which I didn’t even know she listened to our show anymore um she corrected Meer she corrected me she said it was actually Jimmy she said um there was there was a

    Specific incident at least that that Jimmy uh took care of that uh there was somebody on his bus it was a handicap girl I don’t know if she was in a wheelchair or what but um there was a somebody that would picked on her a guy

    That was a kid that was picking on her and my mom said he took care of he she said he bashed him right into the locker and was like don’t ever pick on her again okay well tell Christopher he’s still my favorite anyway even though let

    Me ask you was it in fact Christopher who’s making fun of the handicap girl um I I I wanted you to read this if you don’t mind presid yeah it says a text came it says Middle School are the worst offenders when it comes to bullying happen with both of my do my

    Daughter and currently my son it’s so much worse now the kids can’t get away from the bullies it happens in school on the bus over Tech so media it was so bad for my son he had to go to intensive Alpa therapy twice within a year and was

    Suicidal in Middle School yep yeah he said it’s awful so that might be the impact of bullying somebody and just keep that in mind y absolutely all right well listen oh and we should play a little bit of this for your friend Alex this is Bully from

    Shine faded memory of a bully I apologize to those who have been on hold uh for a long time way to bully the listeners we couldn’t get to everybody but um thanks for sharing that story Nick and thank you to Alex for calling in thanks Alex and it’s it’s not too

    Late you can uh you know you can reach out to somebody who you may have affected negatively and at least apologize and like I said you know you don’t you don’t have to do it for you do it for them and make sure that they’re aware that you’re doing it for them cuz

    You may uh you may heal somebody in a way you never considered we’re going to take a break we’ll come back in a second and uh what are we doing next ice cream ice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Nick elme is going to we’re going to have ice

    Cream with uh with olive oil and Cecil right it’s not to cast a pope on the D away we’ll be back in a moment stay with Us 933 wmr good morning Preston you can kiss my ass thank you Stuart Copeland there it is uh quick thing real uh moment here my uh my phone I keep glancing at it throughout the course of the morning and I like I have zero messages like on your birthday of none

    Of them and I’m like oh okay well maybe people just wait until later on gu no one loves me uh I had it on do not disturb oh I know because I sent you a text last night I’m like wow I had it on do not disturb what an idiot so thank

    You for all the messages all right uh so we’re doing something oh it’s a cake birthday to you happy birthday did she Dr the cake dude she dropped the cake cuz she was holding because she’s taking a video for social media oh my see where that gets you the

    Best 5 Second Ru 5 Second Ru the best part is oh my God it’s upside down it’s it landed upside down kid as if you couldn’t make it any worse she somehow made it worse but better yeah yeah um there’s a story behind this Preston um

    Upside down cake thank God we made a video because I I was the one who decorated your cake last night and I realized as I was decorating it that I’m I’m not good at decorating cakes can I see it and she ruined it and it made it

    Better you you covered over the ACT oh my God and it was face down face down it landed face down on the on the carpeted floor well there is another cake there is another cake AG was supposed to bring one right they did and Casey when you said that

    I thought that’s what you were talking about I was like that c looks great drop that one too yeah we didn’t um I didn’t know that this cake was being delivered by Acme so I was at Acme and I bought a cake last night and it was later on in

    The night so they they weren’t able to decorate it for me so I went and bought icing and and you tried it yourself and I tried it myself and this happen stance covered over your what you feel was inferior decorating I thought it looked rather nice case the poetic part of this

    Is Marissa knows when she comes in here filming stuff for social media I kind of roll my eyes a little bit and she she’s got one hand with her phone hold the video the other one with a cake and it just slides right off here so I’d like to officially uh

    Thank you for my birthday cake there we go just threw it in the trash look at that Acme cake though that is a mofo that’s fantastic oh it’s beautiful it’s got like F type colors and I know because I was actually asked if I wanted a cake it’s carrot

    Cake damn it love carrot cake so and I so I I took a picture of what it looked like when I decorated your cake this is what uh Casey’s cake decoration looked like it’s not bad it’s not bad not yes it is thank you guys for being nice it’s

    This it’s not your profession you did fine I’ve tried to do the same thing case you did pretty well so what you have to do and I’ll tell you there’s some secrets to decorating cakes when are you using the the the piping well first of all I used I bought the wrong

    In so then I had to make my own piping with a uh with a plastic bag uh so what you need to do is when you come to the end of a letter you push down slightly and if you lift up then that’s why all your that’s why your letters look like

    They were written by kindergarden well that’s why the why and happy looks like a number four okay um four yeah you have to I we took a a cake or I mean a cookie decorating class over the holidays and I learned that there so yeah you can kind

    Of like push down a little bit for birday birday where did you do cookie decorating and why did you not tell me um it was near over near Quaker Town I think is where it was I’ll get the name of the placees they do all kind because

    You know why cuz it had cooking involved with it so I didn’t think you’d be interest your work wife is upset our our boss is here Chuck demo triph we have we have music for him this is Chuck’s theme Bill Weston had his theme this is Chuck’s them

    What’s up man I just want to listen to the song um I was right behind Marissa I watched that whole thing go down and uh I had like a traumatic PD moment I’m like I can’t let cake become my soup like I saw it all over the floor

    I’m like it’s all over the carpet Chucky should see the number a number of texts that are coming in saying thank God Bill retired he’s having a coronary at home yeah I mean I think Bill does hate soup I love cake way too much so it can’t happen but I’m like man it’s

    All over the carpet yeah no that’s a you you begin to understand Bill’s pain it really wasn’t on the carpet as much as it was on this little stand on your stand I saw that case all right and we I’m sure we’ll get a great video out of

    That from cuz she’s got a firstand view with that camera it was on the cake when she dropped it a and I wanted to do the I showed Casey this video this morning I wanted to do uh you use a cup to cut the cake instead of uh a knife and can you

    Do it on this can you do it on the acne cake oh is the acne cake in here it’s right there oh oh sorry I can’t see it such a oh we yeah we can totally do with that it probably even better I want to

    Do it now um do you mind Preston no no so you just stick the you basically just stick the cup in the cake like along the edge and it’ll give you a nice rounded piece Steve look at look at the the video and it gives you just and it fills

    Your cup and you eat it out of the cup yes that’s a great idea soart by the way I uh relle laughs at me and Caroline because we are dieh hard uh spoon users when it comes to eating cake always you too Steve yes absolutely I will tell you

    This though may I ask you yeah you have to cut you have to do the first cup because it’s uh your wish the first cup I’ll come around there Preston cups the cake the Preston cups the cake Preston CS the cake all right I’ll start in the corner here okay Preston

    Starts in the cor Corner PR starts in the corner PR starts in the corner it’s the cake is getting screwed up it’s not working at all this didn’t work who came up with this dumb idea wow hold on I want to try I want to try

    I need a spoon get the Mana man spoon spon got a spon bag here is a spoon I’m going to try it slightly different way there’s cake on the floor now go Kathy’s trying Kathy is trying Kathy is trying to take well I think what the issue is if I

    May they appeared to be using glass I know these are plastic and these are collapsible plastic I think you’re right yeah yeah I think we need a I think like a wine glass work we need a wine glass we need a wine glass there’s probably

    One on Kathy’s desk go get us a wine glass it’s right above her flask it’s right all right here we go oh love carrot cake thank you acame uh for this wonderful cake this morning you know I’m standing there with my daughter last night and we ended up going to

    Buttercream she’s like what about the carrot cake I go yeah I like carrot cake I’m not going to get that for pressing because it’s what I like you end up butter cream what do you mean how I do oh the cake you brought in yeah I

    Thought I knew you better than that yeah it was good I mean it’s it’s kind of a a mush it’s kind of uh thing right now I need a napkin of some type oh I got you boo there you go thank you Boo wasn’t clean he got you boo thank you Nick

    Sorry acne has top level C yeah they do those are WWA napkins what wah napkins for your Acme cake you’re right we need any other and we run on dunan yeah um yum thank you very much guys by the way mulch Works in summary sunrocket sunrocket

    Everybody can you guys look at Casey can we look at Casey oh my God he didn’t have a cup so he used his hand iuse my hands oh look who’s here the ice cream the ice cream man just got here funny story Nick elme celebrity chef who was

    Here this morning didn’t know he was supposed to bring ice cream oh my God I messed up twice now today had no idea that he he would be supplying the ingredients uh this morning Nick we’ll put you on that mic right there Nick elme celebrity chef great friend of the

    President Steve show how you doing ma’ good morning you know need to stop losing weight dude you’re looking skinnier every time we see I I here by the way is to get those compliments get the compliments I appreciate that by the way you know I cannot I think of you I

    Think of the show The Bear I think of you is that that’s you I tell my wife all the time that’s Nick El me he’s the you watch the bear I can’t oh you can’t I cannot I’m not going to go through six days a week and doing service and then

    Go home and watch service my wife watches it she’s like you got to watch it it’s you man it is why would I do that a nice you’re a nicer version of that guy but that you know I I could I understand though and I think well

    Anybody that worked at one point in the service industry uh because I did I was a server at a few different restaurants and watching it it does bring back some memories good and bad uh but if you’re currently in the surface industry or doing your job it might be like

    Triggering in the immediacy and then you got to go back to work the next day yeah you’re not going home and watching people produce radio shows you know people ask me uh a lot if I listen to podcasts and I idea I don’t listen to a lot of podcasts because it’s

    Kind of what we do for a living during the show you know so like when I get home I’d rather just listen to music by the way everybody’s eating cake so you’re going to have to get a little bit heard floor cake yeah floor cake that’s

    Nice car cake really yeah is that your is that a is that a a real decision or is that yeah it was a real decision I mean you know standard um angel food or or devil’s food is a little on the boring side want to do something kind of

    Unique you know like stuff in it like nuts and fruit yeah absolutely are you not a carrot cake fan I’m not I don’t like stuff in my like in my stuffing or my cake like I’m not like a okay even on like Thanksgiving if you put like nuts

    And fruit in my stuffing it’s like you don’t dig it I’m good so so like a cake like a standard devil’s food would be your I am an Acme sheet cake for my birthday like chocolate frosting with M&M’S on it I’ve been getting that my entire life my mom started doing it when

    I was a kid my wife does it now it’s amazing uh she also makes a really decent like chocolate cake with coffee frosting sounds pretty good do you know who a hell of a cake that I’ve had and and people have done um the the Nutella

    Cakes I a Nutella fan very very moist has a very devil’s food kind of feel to it delicious hey at the The Landing Kitchen yes sir um who makes your ba your pastries down there the beignet and stuff like that because those are fantastic uh we are using a company

    Called offer Neal we were doing it by ourselves in the beginning and then I didn’t want to show up at 4:30 in the morning anymore but we got so like we weren’t expecting it to be that busy no no the thing is crazy crazy busy The Landing is Sensational and LK yours the

    The restaurant right up on the roof of the hotel place I just went and got ice cream from I have another question because I made um on Saturday for some reason I I just woke up and I was like you know what I want to make my own bread today

    Okay and so I did MH it didn’t taste bad but holy crap it was dense and I don’t know why it was so dense I mean it was like really really like denser than pound cake what kind of bread are you making I don’t know okay well that’s

    Your start start there it was it was like white bread you need to identify the desired result flour and water that’s it flour and water and that’s kind of it but I I was making eggs but it turned out to be bread I initially thought oh I’ll make a Sourdough and

    Then when I started looking at the recipes I’m like oh I’m not prepared for this so I think it was just a white I’ll send you like a Sourdough recipe that is like you do it at night you wake up in the morning and you can make really

    Really that quick really it’s really good you let it ferment overnight the next day you let it you mix it let it prove for a little bit it and you bake it inside of like Dutch oven oh it’s crazy that was part of the uh one of the

    Uh I was like oh I can’t do a Dutch oven so I mean yeah you just um I think maybe part of my issue was that when I was letting everything the everything rise I didn’t do it in the refrigerator I just did it on the

    Counter I’m like maybe on you need it to be at like room temperature to like to actually but it needs to like actually come up okay I’ll throw it in the oven cuz you have the pilot lit in the oven so it’s a little always a little bit

    Warmer in the oven it’s like 90 to 100° in that oven it’ll rise quicker and you’ll get better air bubbles and it’ll be lighter bread nice thank you all right well we called you in uh because we wanted to try out this this ice cream thing this I just was going to pick

    Stuff up at the store and bring it in but Marissa I guess had the idea to call you and you’ve got an event coming up anyway which we’re more than happy to help out with so we’ll make the mentions in just a second here or two but there

    Was a the pop singer du Lia was doing an interview and said that uh she was talking about ice cream she doesn’t like a lot of stuff in her ice cream which is I’m that way with ice cream too as far as you know you mention M&M’s and stuff

    Like that I don’t like that in my ice cream the only thing I like in ice cream are things like nuts or more I’m I’m more natural like nuts or coconut or things like that uh I don’t like all the you know gummy worms and when you get

    Crazy with stuff I don’t like that so I was actually intrigued by hearing that she likes a little bit of olive oil drizzle on the top and some sea salt I thought that was kind of an interesting sound of combination and you had never heard of that before right no I’ve heard

    Of that before Oh you Italian thing Marissa said that uh you didn’t quite understand the concept I didn’t understand the concept because I guess our communication through text isn’t great I guess so I mean I showed up without ice cream look at leave that I brought my own yeah listen wow so we

    Dropped the cake we get the the ingredients are incorrect and you are you’re well aware of this yeah I think it’s delicious and I’m the same way like when it comes to ice cream for me I like vanilla soft serve with chocolate sprinkles and that’s it all right as

    Long as it’s good agreed Mera wants to defend herself no I just want to say I think what we were saying you were like why is this a thing like like it’s already a thing why is this a thing now I think so then I like looked it up

    And I was like oh okay I think it’s a little more it’s not as common as going down to your your ice cream shop and getting so most people aren’t familiar with it corre but there’s a company called Big Gay Ice Cream they had they

    Had a shop here for a while but that was one of the things that they did like one of the original things that there that kind of made them no KD yeah that kind of let them take off a little bit the blueberry cobblers amazing from Big yeah

    They would take like Savory flavors and turn it they had a also cerero I don’t remember remember those guys they they were from Philly that they did really great ice cream they did like goat cheese Rosemary and honey ice cream that was probably my favorite thing wow that

    Sounds interesting but they would do really but Big Gay Ice Cream did spectacular flavors was really really simple thing we actually have in our freezer I’m sorry to interrupt Nick in the kitchen some pickle ice cream who made that Meredith brought that by friend of hers Mak ice cream and it’s

    Actually pretty unique if you want to try some Nick we’ll we’ll grab for you yeah um which Nick that Nick we don’t have to ask you’ll I’m confused um although I don’t like pickles so I don’t think I’ll like that ice cream but I do like olive oil I

    Was in an Italian restaurant about a month ago Nick elme and I uh I tried this as a deser all tried pretty much anything as they were saying um it’s something to me that tasted good I enjoyed it but I don’t think that I would order it on a routine basis right

    Like it’s just kind of seems like a bit of a novelty and and do you see that happening like novelty dessert and then they kind of you know they’re popular for a month and then people come back to the M&M’s van L Ice Cream came out with

    A mac and cheese ice cream last year and it’s like okay let’s everybody get one bite of that and then we’ll put that away forever like it was like okay this is kind of tasty but I’m not eating cheese ice cream ever again it’s it’s a

    Promotional thing and it puts you on the map for a little bit and then they people come and Sample other stuff I yeah we we all do stuff like that I like but when it comes to putting oil on top of ice cream I do like it because it

    Does like the oil thickens really quickly so like pistachio ice cream with pistachio oil on on top of it is absolutely it was a caramel ice cream that I was trying and but for me the the P the resistance was the the ice the salt that that made the dessert a little

    More delectable and I would imag it’s got to be just a teeny bit of the oil right it’s a court I mean it’s a decent amount yeah you’re going to show us dealer’s Choice all right let’s see let’s see so Nick you can go ahead and and start to

    Create that and I I’ll mention uh some of the things that are coming up uh that you are involved in um uh February 28th and 29th at Lark uh there’s an event that is going on and it is called uh Chef radio presents oh man I’m going to mess this up

    Vage voage voage voage vo there’s a dot in between there okay I didn’t understand that either Voyage vo it’s a dinner series with Nick and La Bas Chef uh Jeremy Fox and uh this is going to be at Lark which is in Bala and tickets are available through uh Ry

    And uh is this a um like a chef’s table type of thing or a prefix dinner or Jeremy’s going to do like an eight course dinner he’s like I’ve admired him for a really long time he’s really spectacular like I I don’t want to say he’s a vegetarian Chef he’s a vegetable

    Forward Chef okay he kind of grew up in the area during the Summers his grandparents are around here he actually worked at Sesame Place um my wife worked there so I want to figure out my wife was Grover there for a really long time

    So like I want to find out if they ever cross paths but um you’re boning Grover that’s a band name bone and Grover gr B and Grover wow that I’m so glad my kids are in school one of my good friends was uh was Big Bird I want when did she work

    There do you remember uh they’re way younger she was she was in her teens so she would it would have been in the mid90s it would my friend was like 96 98 is that’s the Wheelhouse seriously that’s like that’s the Wheelhouse that she was she was there and she and she

    Stayed in entertainment like she she was in uh she was a backup singer and a dancer for a really long time and was in AC we met in AC when she was doing like backup dancing for and singing for like acts that went to town that’s cool yeah it

    Was cool so I’m looking at Nick put this together it looks like he put like about a tablespoon of uh of olive oil on top and now this very you know thick sea salt is just doing a little little sprinkle you want me to do the the oh the salt

    B off the elbow nice I don’t think he is a thing anymore is he yeah he is who is he the Salt Bay the guy that does the salt U we’ll have to show you Instagram video it was very popular for a few years two years ago get canel yet I

    Don’t think it got canceled he’s just not as vanilla or butter pean uh vanilla please I’m a vanilla guy wow w w would you just say pean butter pean pecan pean I expected more I say pass this is for Steve thank you is that uh what you want

    To say for Kathy okay sorry Nick oh that’s really good is it yeah yeah I definitely want to try some hey I didn’t get any cake you know what a little Rosemary would be good on that yeah but like what I like about it is like the

    The fattiness of the olive oil kind of Coach your palette that’s all well and good could you make me one please thank you so much no I’m out on this you’re I knew I was going to be you don’t really like olive oil I like olive oil I just

    It’s on ice cream it’s not no it’s not blending I as they say am not mad at this I uh I see this I’m not happy at it um I don’t I I would I’m not like craving it after having this but I think it’s really good okay would you order it

    Preston hang on a second I got music to play Sorry there you go just so we’re not you’re not hearing us going so I agree with you though Nick elme as we differentiate about the um for example ice cream the core flavors if they’re not if they’re missing the

    Boat on chocolate if they’re missing the boat on vanilla that’s that’s thumbs down so you build from those but I don’t like what I agree with Preston jamming too much stuff into it because then you’re undering yeah I’m a purist I think I like simple very very simp I got ice

    Cream on your mic there you go by the way so this event uh that is this Voyage dinner and uh it okay so uh you going to be able to spend time what when if someone purchases tickets what are they going to experience so it’s a eight8 Course St

    Menu we’re doing it th th Wednesday and Thursday at the end of February 28th and 29th eight8 course menu Jeremy and I will be there cooking in the kitchen and then come out and the room and kind of explaining dishes and stuff like that but it’s not like a communal thing we

    We’re doing like you know if you want to sit with two people like it’s two people okay come excuse me you sit you get the menu you enjoy it’s just it’s it’s nice getting different people to come and come to Philadelphia and show different parts of the country like they did it at

    Um nucks restaurant Caya kayaa how do I say that again Kalaya I forget um and they brought a gentleman from LA and he came and he did a whole dinner there it’s in it’s in conjunction with visit Philly yes um and they’re trying to get like you know just more eyes on

    Philadelphia especially in the culinary world I was reading an article in the inquir today about um you know obviously there’s a lot of James Beard nominees and and this is all going on uh but also you know they’re trying to figure out Philly has in the area has such a great

    Reputation for food but sometimes it still gets short shrift yeah behind other cities where and they were kind of breaking down everything on paper says we should be well ahead of these other cities and yet there seems to be some sort of bizarre Show game going the big

    Conversation lately has been like the Michelin guide which is huge in Europe and then in Phil in uh in America it’s in New York and Chicago La uh now they’re in like Houston Miami and DC and everyone’s like why are they not in Philly right so Michelin guide

    Michin guide they won’t come and and check the restaurants here there’s rumors that they’re starting to but they just have never come here cuz that’s that’s the ultimate right that is like like they talk about the James beards Awards being like the Emmys of the food

    World but if you had a Michelin a Michelin star like that’s that’s the ultimate right goal by the way I’m in the clean play Club oh and it’s your birthday um can you want try this pickle ice cream real quick yeah Nick you want

    To try bu this no okay no I will I will it’s from it’s called just homemade ice cream uh yeah try a little sample of it’s actually it’s it’s interesting this isn’t one of these things where I taste it and it’s like one of those Harry Potter jelly be

    No it’s not those EXA you know you wake up with the quiddit bowl up your ass what’s the little the little thing the snitch got a snitch in my butt golden snitch right up the ass yeah uh I don’t hate that yeah right it’s Unique you can taste the the

    Creaminess through the uh uh through the the brine no I don’t hate that at all I like that it’s funny it’s funny how it used to be such an alien concept Nick for the um you know like the sea salt and and caramel or or these these these

    Pairings but it it it’s something that’s been done forever which is using the um the uh the the sweet yeah I like a Savory aspect to mys absolutely like when uh chocolate covered uh pretzels came out you’re like that sounds weird and you’re like oh my God these now

    They’re like P they’re they’re common so how are things at at L lar is a fantastic restaurant again I sing his Praises we it’s one of our go-tos uh yeah but it’s just and it’s the vibe there is so how handson are you by the way just a quick question

    Um you know there’s an aesthetic and and obviously I you know it represents you as as a as a chef and your you know your your plans um are you fully invested or or you how do you work that because I know you want to Vibe but you know what

    What are your what’s your skill set involving that my partner Fe and I like the original idea was to come in set up the restaurants get them staffed get them trained and kind of like consult and kind of peace out right we are fully immersed okay I’m I’m there almost every

    Day of the week at least for for like an hour or two checking in most time I’m there for like a full work day um we’re building another place on campus right now we’re building like a event wedding facility on site so we have the cafe wow

    We have the restaurant and now we’re building an event space as well we want to host like we to have like a music venue there and do like all kinds of shows and stuff like that wow yeah that whole area is it’s yeah a lot of potential very cool it’s really cool I

    Mean it was an old uh it was the old Iron Works they used to build all the steel that built all of the bridges in Philly uh they made the steel that built the raised subway system in Chicago that’s why I love the look because the

    You know the the distressed sort of yeah yeah I mean it it represents what it was and but it’s all brand new and we still have the frame of the original Factory there and we just kind of stuck a hotel in the middle of it it’s great when’s your next uh Jiu-Jitsu uh

    Match I trained this morning yeah uh I lost the fight two weeks ago because I dislocated my shoulder like a minute into the match oh man and then I just kind of had a like curl up and lay there and get the [ __ ] kicked out of me for

    Minutes the poopy can’t say that say yeah exactly um so it’s been I think I’m at that point where I recognize that I’m 43 year olds and and probably shouldn’t be fighting dudes on the weekend like I have other chicks F chicks I got three restaurants and two

    Kids and a wife I should probably be focusing on in yeah it’s good though it’s a great Outlet it is a great Outlet I train up in a precision in King of Prussia um B bunch of really great people there cool man nice well we’re happy that the restaurant world is still

    Uh everything’s going wonderful with you uh and this event is February 28th and 29th and it’s called Voyage sounds great Nick will be there with Jeremy Fox and I think it’s a it says $90 wine pairing suggested cocktail pairings will be available as well so there’s all

    Different kinds of things that you can do uh you know full course meals and all that stuff I and I had I had a cool thing uh not long ago I was having dinner with another couple and uh the the guy I was talking to there had

    Mentioned Lark he we were just talking about restaurants he’s like man this place fantastic I go I know that guy I know that guy I get special treatment when I so you got you got big uh you got big fans uh in US and many people around

    The area which is cool so I thoughts on the ice cream I all right thumbs up I think it’s good it’s not something I’m going to go to all the time agreed but it is an interesting flavor i’ have it man I’ll tell you what I had something a

    While ago and it say it’s a standard I guess at at some Italian restaurants and Nick maybe you’ll know the name of it but it’s a vanilla ice or a um um uh oh my God not ice cream even better than ice cream it’s a gelato

    Gelato thanks Dr Mike uh that that you pour espresso on alagado oh my God one of my favorites the greatest what is this called alagado alagado oh my goodness one of the yummiest desserts I’ve ever had literally just vanilla gelato with espresso p it’s not because

    I tried to make it at home dude and it did not turn out as good as a restaurant where I had gelato and good espresso that helps yeah if you have good gelato and a really good espresso oh my God it’s a a lot of stuff is in grent where

    Where do you have this that it was okay no it’s a friend some friends took us out to dinner I don’t remember the name of the restaurant it’s in uh it’s off like Gulf Mills that area saona Savona okay yeah no they’re great man yeah that

    Oh it was so good ostaria makes it really good one on North Broad Street yeah they have my favorite pasta the name again is afag afag all right I’m going to have to look for that because I recently got turned on to Quality gelato and uh there’s a vast difference between

    That and the stuff you get out of a vending machine yeah yeah and it’s only U $40 difference probably yeah yeah the tiniest cup in the world a delightful dessert for under a 100 bucks yeah this is awesome guys thank you well thank you thank you for coming by we

    Appreciate it and uh and for you know sorry for the confusion but uh we’ll post the information about uh Nick’s event uh coming up February 28 29th it could be like a uh uh you could give someone uh tickets for Valentine’s Day and say we’re going to go do this I

    Think that’s a great that’s a great idea right there so is where you can get those tickets we’ll be the idea people for you EV all right thank cook Nick everybody we’re going to take a break and we will be why is this not working

    There we go we’ll be back in a second stay with Us 933 wmr bizar wmr presents CH and St bizar all right uh let’s begin with a follow-up story I’ve got there’s been some heavy stories lately that that kind of fall into the bizarre file realm but I’ll start with this one this is a followup uh man was convicted of second

    Degree murder on Tuesday for fatally shooting a young woman when the SUV she was riding in mistakenly drove a new driveway in Upstate New York you guys remember I remember this story yeah after deliberating for less than an hour a jury found Kevin Monahan guilty of 20 of shooting 20-year-old uh kaln Gillis

    On a Saturday night last April after she and her friends pulled into his long curving driveway near the Vermont border when they were trying to find another house uh monam was also convicted of rest Reckless enagement and tampering with physical evidence the murder conviction carries a maximum sentence of

    25 years to life which prosecutors would be seeking at his sentencing Gillis was killed days after the shooting of a 16-year-old named Ralph Carl I’m sorry Ralph yl in Kansas City yl uh who uh was wounded by an 84ye old man after he went to the wrong door while trying to pick

    Up his younger brothers uh on the night of gillis’s death the group of friends was traveling in a caravan of two cars and a motor motorcycle looking for another person’s house party when they mistakenly turned into Mon hand’s driveway they began leaving once they realized their mistake but he came out

    Onto his porch fired twice from a shotgun with the second shot hitting Gillis in the neck as she sat in the front passenger seat of an SUV driven by her boyfriend yeah exactly uh so he is he’s going to go to jail they’re going to sentence him video is circulating on

    Social media and shows a terrifying moment a large wave crashed through the door of a dining hall on a US military base on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean on Saturday this is wild footage the wave was powerful enough to knock doors off their hinges toss furniture

    Around and sweep several people off their feet on the island of Roy namur which is situated in the Marshall Island yeah you know oddly enough there was somebody presenting a birthday cake to someone and they’re able to keep it on the plate it’s home to the US space and

    Missile defense command’s Ronald Reagan ballistic missile defense test site by the way I have one of those according to yes you do sir according to a any of that there’s plenty of it left if you’re uh if you’re into that so uh would you like some jelly beans on I would like some

    Jelly beans y according to a diver station near the base who recorded the incident The Surge of water uh was caused by a combination of wind tides and swell Direction uh it was also right after low tide at a 1.2t tide so it could have been way worse

    Noting the caption that the wave was not a tsunami the waves were so big that they damaged the base and to airports nearby yeah it’s wild 80 of the approximate 120 Personnel living on the island were evacuated so that’s just nuts man a Missouri man thrust into the

    Spotlight after his three friends were found dead in his backyard yeah two days after they were last seen by family members is speaking out through his attorney this is a really weird story he keeps going on too the lawyer for Jordan Willis says that his client had

    Absolutely nothing to do with the deaths of Ricky Johnson and David Harrington and Clayton mcin uh mcin whose bodies were discovered on January 9th at the home of that Willis rents in uh Kansas City a spokesperson for the police said that uh there were no obvious signs of

    Foul Play observed at or near the crime scene and stress this is 100% not being investigated as a homicide uh there have been no arrests or charges no one has been taken into custody the three men arrived at Willis’s house on Saturday January 7th sometime after that night’s

    Football game the game ended at around 9 what happened next remains a mystery everyone including Willis according to his lawyer uh he does not know the timing or manner of their deaths nor does he know how or when they exited the house uh he had no knowledge that they

    Remained in his backyard or that they needed medical attention according to his lawyer the three men were still at the home that night when Willis went to bed Willis didn’t know about the efforts of family or friends to locate the men in the days before their bodies were

    Discovered in his yard uh however two people came to his house however he did not hear them as he sleeps with earbuds and a loud fan his lawyer said one of those people uh the wife of one of the deceased tried to reach him via Facebook Messenger unfortunately he didn’t see the message

    Until after the police contacted him and while the cars of the two men were parked outside of the home they were not parked in the driveway Willis didn’t notice the vehicles his attorney said it would not be unusual for his friends to have left the cars there overnight

    According to him uh so Willis was home when the police arrived and said that his client uh he said his a client allowed him allowed him into the house told him that all all he knew and voluntarily consented for a search of the home police were called to the scene

    After the fiance of Clayton broke into the home on the night of January 9th uh she made the decision to break in after seeing the men’s cars parked outside those friends also said that Willis and most of the men had been friends since high school uh and she called the police

    Because she found a body on the porch and then they discovered two bodies in the backyard and as of now there’s like there’s no there’s nothing nothing so this morning I saw it was an article on The Daily Mail they’re still at this point they can’t figure out what the

    Hell happened yeah they’re waiting uh a waiting results of the autopsy and toxicology reports so we will follow along on this one and see what ends up happening with that they seen having um ice cream with olive oil on it earlier in the evening okay so I don’t know all

    Right and we’ll do one more Story how about this a girl’s 10th birthday party dur turned into a nightmare when a hired Entertainer poured liquid nitrogen on the host leaving her with horrific burns the birthday girl screamed in agony as her arms and legs were covered in second

    Degree burns and what appeared to be a stunt gone wrong oh my bad uh this took place in Moscow after the child was rushed uh to the hospital and uh the female Entertainer faces police action now the school girl school girl’s distraught mother told how she paid

    Almost $400 for the Entertainer at a shopping mall to entertain her daughter and her friend she said that she was offered a discount equivalent of $60 by way of compensation for the mistake uh the unnamed 10-year-old and her guests were treated with uh black ice cream and special drinks prepared by the performer

    She appeared to have penned a grand planned a grand finale pouring liquid nitrogen over the birthday girl but the stunt went badly wrong nothing was said about the use of liquid nitrogen according to the Mom after SEC SEC a few seconds after the nitrogen hit her uh

    She started screaming and was in pain paramedics were called and they treated the girl uh but the police are investigating could bring charges against the party uh person liquid nitrogen uh has a low boiling point of 196 degrees C it’s used for party tricks but needs handling with extreme care

    Contact may cause Burns and Frostbite while accidental inhalation uh could actually kill you uh but it’s possible for liquid nitrogen to pass on the top of human flesh without freezing due to what’s called uh the leaden frost effect it causes the liquid to produce a layer of insulating Vapor that stops it from

    Coming into direct contact with the surface signant significantly hotter than the liquid’s boiling point so you know it’s you can have it run off of your skin real quick but if it stays on there for too long then it’s going to start burning so maybe that’s what she

    Was trying to do I don’t know did the leaden frost effect tour with CNC Music Company uh no I don’t think they did so I think they were a solo act all right and there you go that’s what I have in the bizarre file for you let’s take a

    Break come back in a second and lesson question trashy music news are on the way so get ready to win something might have it for you be right back not really a beautiful day but a more mild day today on this uh Thursday morning we are after all right on the

    Edge of a no sad bro Friday it’s unbelievable which will be here before you know him we’ll give away our word of the week prize got a $500 St singer gift card to award someone tomorrow uh but for now we have something else to give

    Away we are going to give away via the Le in question pair of tickets as MMR rocks the doie brothers with Steve Winwood Saturday August 3rd at Freedom mortgage Pavilion so the question we pose to you now dear listeners I get my little info sheet here in front of me um let’s

    Go with this Eric Lindros was once as powerful as Moses so much so that he once turned his hockey stick into a what 25263 WMMR all right let see if you know Eric lindross was once as powerful as Moses so much so that he once turned his hockey stick into a what

    25263 wmr call now the trash business is a gold mine 933 wmr with Preston and Steve’s Hollywood trash before we get your answer we’ll get some stories let’s do that Steve what’s going on this morning okay sopia vagara is now being taken to court by additional family

    Members of Grisel de Blanco who was a vicious and brutal Colombian cartel leader the family is claiming that vag’s portrayal of Blanco in a new Netflix series paints her as a vicious and brutal Colombia oh never mind sorry oh my God Hugh Hefner’s Hugh Hefner’s Widow Crystal Hefner revealing in her new

    Autobiography get this that she never really loved the Playboy Creator Crystal admits that the only reason she married Hefner is because she adored his foul smelling old knotted penis Y and finally Lucy Lou suggesting she would love to be part of a third Charlie’s Angels movie with Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore in

    Fact a script for the third movie does exist in which Charlie communicates with the Aging angels using a grand pad and that’s your Hollywood track all righty uh we’ll go to the phone see if someone knows the answer to this uh Eric lendos was once as powerful as Moses so much so

    He turned his hockey stick into what and it is Paul that will take a shot at this hey Paul good morning buddy morning what’s up guys yo just looking for that answer Eric lindos to turn his stick into a what serpent serpent yes just like Moses did hang on Paul you got

    Yourself a pair of tickets to see this man right here the dubie brothers who will be playing with Steve Winwood Saturday August 3rd Freedom mortgage Pavilion and tickets are on sale tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. via Ticket Master so congrats now Preston and Steve’s music news on 933

    Wmr blah blah are all right let’s see here I got some stories uh we’re going to start with one out of the Van Halen camp and we have some audio to play along with this so David Le Roth and I’m wearing my full Van Halen Eddie Van Halen Frankenstein shirt and shoes today

    So this is appropriate uh David Lee Roth has called out Wolf Gang Van Halen for allegedly throwing out some of the singers guests during Van Halen’s final tour he posted this video on YouTube and it’s titled this crazy kid it was originally named this effing kid yeah

    And he talks about the incident uh in this clip so let’s play this see what he has to say the brothers are playing I walk out on stage at the Hollywood bolt I’m about to launch into ice cream man and this kid he commanders two musle

    Monkeys locates the one Dame that is my guest they find her make her do the Walk of Shame past all the other guests not in the parking lot and throw her out of the building Wolfie Van Halen’s going to teach me a lesson by throwing out what

    He thinks is my girlfriend all right and he explains a little bit more of the story here we go guess what what he doesn’t know is that these two Dames work for the accounting firm that represent him not me but as usual he just like his uncle and his uncle’s

    Brother stiffed him for tickets I know they’re going to do that so I got ahead of things and I give them tickets and not only is she carrying the paychecks for $82 of us on the road crew but she’s carrying cash bonuses for everybody there this

    Kid wow uh but there’s a little bit more to that this was the the first part of the the video uh he talks about uh you know Wolfie complaining about David not helping him out he’s complaining the entire tour like I’m not paying enough attention to him on stage and he’s

    Complaining to everybody around me the business manager the security guy the clothing lady Dave’s not paying enough attention to me so so I don’t know you know Wolf Gang Van Halen is kind of everyone says he’s just about the nicest guy yeah and sweet I don’t know I don’t know what went down

    Or whatever but it is David Lee Roth who is prone to being hyperbolic oh yeah and also Dave when Dave’s on stage it’s about Dave yeah so I could see wolf being like okay I’m a member of the band too maybe give a little bit of love this

    Way more inclined to see rooth being dismissive of him yeah and that being a reaction to it but I don’t know yeah he’s he’s certainly a talented musician uh Wolf Gang is so but uh that’s what Dave has to say whether or not Wolfie will say anything who remains to be seen

    Um he also said this Preston let’s not forget that okay uh by the way with Van Halen their first live album live right here right now will be available on uh LP black vinyl on February 23rd uh the Double platinum album which was released in 1993 was

    Recorded in ’92 as the band was ending their world tour and supported their triple platinum record for unlawful carnal knowledge did he have anything else to say like [Applause] [Applause] a I forgot that he added that to it as well so all right and then uh another

    Piece of audio to to play actually we have a couple of songs because Melanie the singer who performed at Woodstock in 1969 and had a major pop hits with Brand New Key Lay Down Candles in the rain in the early 1970s died on Tuesday she was uh 76 years

    Old window this is brand new K this is a great song it’s cute and the Rumor always was with this song that it was sexual right no information on the cause of death was immediately given but Melanie full name Melanie Safa had been in the studio earlier this month working

    On a new record of uh cover songs uh but her three children uh posted a message on Facebook writing we are heartbroken but want to thank each and every one of you for the affection that you have for our mother and tell you that she loved all of you so much her

    First pop hit which I believe we have Casey Lay Down Candles in the rain uh was this it was a gospel flavored collaboration with Edwin Hawkins great job uh and it reached number six on the Hot 100 in 1970 uh it was followed by in 1971 by

    Brand new key an inescapable hit that was taken as a sort of children’s tune by some and full of sexual innuendo by others that reached number one and was her only other top 10 hit in the US in the UK she also reached the top 10

    With a cover of the Rolling Stones Ruby Tuesday uh and she talked about uh brand new key in an interview years earlier in which she said that was the bane of my existence for a few years uh she said um brand new key was um perceived by many

    As a novelty song due to its childlike tone but the singer said it was composed as a Blues tune but she sped It Up In Search of Greater Commercial Appeal I could see it as a Blues tune if you slowed it down maybe so slow it down

    Case really slow it down um okay all right give me one second I didn’t know about this song I I think until Boogie kns is when I sure feel like I heard that for the first time all right so do you want me to really really slow you

    Can get a real Jazzy feel really slow it down okay uh where was Melanie by the way didn’t always get her due in the male dominated folk rock scene of the time and was too rarely mentioned even in the company of female artists like Joanie Mitchell she speculated with the

    Guardian about uh why that might have been she said it it wasn’t the age of smiling women she said it had it it had to be much more Broody and I was too cherubic uh men can be cute Randy Newman can sing short people and that’s okay

    Cuz he’s a guy he’s got something to say but a girl how could she possibly have any social significance well man can be cute I’m adorable well that’s what she said yeah yeah uh so here we go are we playing a little bit of that super here we go I so my

    Bicycle past your window last Night I roll SK it’s maybe here I’m going to undo this and let’s try this one more time iic pass last night I roll ESC to your at daylight preach sister okay in their Facebook statement the singers uh three children said we are planning a celebration of life uh for

    Mom it’ll be open for all of who want to come and celebrate her and the details will be announced soon as they are in place we look forward to seeing you there so one of the Woodstock women yeah 76 years old all right and that is the

    Last story I have in music news for you uh we’ll break and return to wrap up the program we’ll get our letter the day word of the week and other things when we get back so stay with Us Preston and Steve first partner who we turn the monitors up really loud in this video Stone In Love one of my alltime favorite songs from Journey and uh thank you for uh case setting up some tunes that I really love this morning not that I don’t love everything we play

    On MMR but you have your favorite songs of I have my favorite songs and uh it’s my birthday today so you love the p colat i I actually do love the P colat that’s a fun one Bears missing out he needs to let go he needs to relax

    Loosen up let it happen be there oh anyway I would like to thank Our Guest for being on the show Eric Lindros was here this morning well in he was on uh uh Zoom because he’s not in town yet but he’s coming in uh tomorrow I believe and then U they have the

    Alumni game so cool we had a chance for a listener to win a really cool prize ended up with a meet and greet with Eric and uh he was a lot of fun so it was great having him on the air this morning uh and then we had uh celebrity chef

    Nick elme hey sto by and we tried vanilla ice cream with uh olive oil and sea salt the do a leap away it was good it was good it wasn’t it was wasn’t like oh my God I can’t wait to order that again but it was it was good Kathy hated

    It I hated it yep just not your thing nope the uh the cream and the sweet with the oily does not mix I I liked the the salt on it that was that’s home for that was good I I knew it I knew what I was not going to like about it because

    Anything that is too much olive oil for me that too much of that taste I don’t like and do you dip bread into olive oil I’m fine with that completely fine with it I I cook with olive oil like I I I don’t cook with olive oil it’s not you

    Know people I know people I eat their food um and I would also like to thank Marissa for trying to give me a birthday cake this morning but we got a great video out of it as she dropped it while trying to present it to me here live on

    The air uh but successfully Acme our great friends at Acme uh set us up with a wonderful um carrot cake that’s a hell of a carrot cake for my birthday and it’s uh quite yummy but you got to see the video of Marissa dropping this cake

    It’s the best I don’t want to overshadow it thank you for the beautiful cake Casey really really good what was the cake by the way what was it uh it was just a regular yellow uh I guess sheet cake but uh buttercream what I went

    For Dr it you can see Casey’s artwork on our Instagram page right now yeah because there’s video of him decorating it did you decorate it here no I did it last night actually prepared last night so you you drove you got the cake you you brought it home you the icing

    Decorated it you brought it into work early so hard on that and then and then somebody tossed it on the this what it’s missing is fibers from our carpet which which honestly to to be honest that actually made everything worth it yeah yeah H phenomenal all right so anyhow

    It’s been fun uh so thank you everyone uh we need to do the letter today you going to do that I got you all right here we go pres Steve on 933 wmr now the daily letter all right in the President Steve show is brought to you today by

    The letter n as in nerd all right and we have a $500 Steven Singer gift card you and say I love you with the world’s best gift from Steven Singer Jewelers yes a Malibu pink 24 karat gold dipped rose the brand new color is available now and only available at I will take thank yous from Revenge of the nurds I will uh take it a moment to thank our sponsors today the Preston and Steve show is brought to you today by Duncan and the Preston St show runs on Duncan uh it’s also brought to you by miniki Car Care

    You won’t pay a lot but you will get a lot tomorrow happens to be no sad bro Friday and we will have in studio uh comedian Dustin Nickerson nice and we’ll give away our world of the week prize and we’ll do a bunch of other stuff too for Friday morning connoisseur we’ll

    Have some new uh Mini Melts too all right so that’s it we’re done rage on have a great day and we’ll see you tomorrow friend Byebye is


    1. I Love how all of the commercial breaks were edited out of this episode. Please continue to do that. Replays and podcasts don't need commercial breaks. Good job! 👍🏽

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